| Allegations of the Sexual Abuse of a Minor Were Substantiated against South Philadelphia Priest
By Marilyn S. D'Angelo
The Newsworks
May 20, 2012
An announcement updating the situation regarding Monsignor Mazzotta was made this weekend at Stella Maris Parish in Philadelphia and Saint Madeline Parish in Ridley Park, his two most recent assignments.
The announcement regarding Monsignor Mazzotta is not connected to the cases of the eight priests put on administrative leave announced on May 4.
According to the diocese, Monsignor George J. Mazzotta has been found unsuitable for ministry following a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor.
Since May 2010 when the Archdiocese received the allegation and reported it to law enforcement, Monsignor Mazzotta has not been permitted to exercise his public ministry, wear clerical garb, or present himself publicly as a priest.
Following Archbishop Chaput's determination of unsuitability for ministry, Monsignor Mazzotta has agreed to accept a supervised life of prayer and penance.
He served at the following parishes and schools: Saint Joseph, Downingtown (1966-1971); Epiphany of Our Lord, Philadelphia and Saint Maria Goretti High School (1971-1976); Saint Gabriel, Philadelphia (1976-1978); Saint Clement, Philadelphia (1978-1980); Saint Eugene, Primos (1980-1985); Saint Paul, Norristown (1985-1988); Saints Cosmas and Damian, Conshohocken (June 1988 - November 1988); Saint Robert Bellarmine, Warrington (1988-1990); Mother of Divine Grace, Philadelphia (1990-1997); Saint Madeline, Ridley Park (1997-2008); Stella Maris, Philadelphia (2008-2010).