Abuse Tracker 2011
Part 5: September to October 2011
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
September 2011
September 1
- Sacrificing Secrecy May Be the Only Moral Choice, in Belfast Telegraph (September 1, 2011)
- Priest Gets 1 Year for Molesting Boy, 12, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (September 1, 2011)
- Priest's Alleged Victims Ready Civil Lawsuits, by Will Bigham, Contra Costa Times (September 1, 2011)
- Pastor Accused of Sex Assault Arraigned, by Will Bigham, WWMT (August 31, 2011)
- Pastor Accused of Sex Assault Arraigned, by Claire O'Sullivan and Sean O'Riordan, Irish Examiner (September 1, 2011)
- Judge to Decide If Cardinal Bevilacqua Is Too Sick to Testify about Priest Sexual Abuse, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (August 31, 2011)
- Philadelphia Cardinal Seeks Special Arrangements for Testifying, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 1, 2011)
- Snap, Archdiocese Trade Barbs in Alleged Abuse Case, by Jennifer Bisceglie, NBC Chicago (August 31, 2011)
- Hundreds of Former Pupils to Help Abuse Inquiry, by Ralph Riegel, Irish Independent (September 1, 2011)
- Deutliche Zustimmung Für Pfarrer-Initiative, in ORF (September 1, 2011)
- Linzer Bischof: " Glaube Und Gehorsam Untrennbar Verbunden", in The Kathweb (September 1, 2011)
- " Ungehorsamsdebatte" : Katholische Aktion Für Katholikentag, in The Kathweb (August 31, 2011)
- " Ungehorsam" : Kritik Von Theologen an Pfarrer-Initiative Wird Lauter, in The Kathweb (August 31, 2011)
- Kapellari Mahnt Ungehorsame Priester, in The Nachrichten (September 1, 2011)
- Second Seattle Priest Accused of Child Abuse Dies, by John Shuster, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 31, 2011)
- Catholic Official Wants Secret Hearing; SNAP Responds, by John P. Martin, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 31, 2011)
- Priest Begins Jail Sentence for Child Sex Crimes, by Joelle Casteix, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 31, 2011)
- Dutch Probe Uncovers Hidden Child Porn Sites in US, Associated Press (September 1, 2011)
- Springfield Diocese Releases Accused Clerics List, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2011)
- Ireland Proposing Tough New Mandatory Reporting Requirements; Irish Children's Minister States " There Are No Exceptions, No Exemptions", in SNAP Wisconsin (September 1, 2011)
- Investigator Warns: Keep Eye on Pringle Flds, by Mary Garrigan, Rapid City Journal (September 1, 2011)
- Churches Full of Sinners, of Course, by Philip Gruenwald, Nw Missourian (September 1, 2011)
- Two Clergy with Danvers Ties on List of Accused Priests, by John Castelluccio and Molly Buccini, The Patch (September 1, 2011)
- Column: O'Malley's First Step, by Bill Donovan, The Advocate (August 31, 2011)
- Group Wants Cardinal to Release More Names of Priests Involved in Scandal, on Fox 25 (August 31, 2011)
- Polygamist Leader Warren Jeffs Was Never in a Coma, Says Official, by Edecio Martinez, CBS News (August 31, 2011)
- Report: Kc Diocese 'Jeopardized Safety of Children', by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (September 1, 2011)
- The Report of the Independent Investigation of the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (September 1, 2011)
- Group Says List of Sex Offender Priests Isn't Accurate, by Natalie Tolomeo, WSHM (September 2, 2011)
- Solitary SNAP Member Holds News Conference outside Springfield Chancery Offices, by Rebecca Drake, The Iobserver (September 1, 2011)
- Probe: Diocese Failed to Follow Own Policies, by Bill Draper, Houston Chronicle (September 1, 2011)
- Kc Priest Abuse Probe Report Reveals Problems, by Kim Norvell, KMBC (September 1, 2011)
- Investigation Finds Diocese Failed to Follow Policies, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (September 1, 2011)
- Report: Diocese Failed to Follow Its Own Policies on Child Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Judy L. Thomas and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (September 1, 2011)
- " Het Seksueel Misbruik Wordt Misbruikt", in The Rknieuws (September 1, 2011)
- Metro Man Files Lawsuit against Priests Claiming Sexual Abuse, by Tess Koppelman, Fox 4 (September 1, 2011)
- SNAP Denounces Placement of Priest Abuser List by Springfield Catholic Diocese, by Stephanie Barry, The Republican (September 1, 2011)
- Lawsuit Claims Sex Abuse by Priest, Monk, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 1, 2011)
- Three Clergy with Chelmsford Ties on List of Accused Priests, by Krista Perry and John Castelluccio, The Patch (September 1, 2011)
September 2
- Lawsuit Alleges Sexual Abuse at Independence Catholic Church, by Jeff Martin, The Examiner (September 2, 2011)
- What Lynn Told Grand Jury on Abuse, by Nancy Phillips, and John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 2, 2011)
- Probe Finds Problems in Handling of Priest Abuse Cases, in St. Joe Channel (September 2, 2011)
- Graves: Diocese's Failures Had 'Real and Direct Consequences' for Families, by Stacey Cameron, KCTV (September 2, 2011)
- Priest Sentenced for Sexually Abusing Boy in Ontario, in Los Angeles Times (September 1, 2011)
- History & Procedures for Handling of Misconduct Allegations; Listing of Priests and Deacons with Credible Allegations, by Elysia Rodriguez, Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield (September 2, 2011)
- More Charges for Westerville Pastor Accused of Sex Abuse, by Elysia Rodriguez, WSYX (September 1, 2011)
- Pastor, 74, Accused of Sexually Abusing Girl, by Brian Englar, The News-Post (September 2, 2011)
- Former Youth Pastor Arrested on Molestation Charge, in My Fox Atlanta (September 2, 2011)
- American Canyon Youth Pastor Arrested in Benicia on Suspicion of Sexual Abuse, in Napa Valley Register (September 1, 2011)
- Prosecutors Want Information from Church about Former Minister Suspected of Child Abuse, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (September 1, 2011)
- 2 Men Accused of Sex Abuse during Bible Study, in My Fox New York (September 2, 2011)
- Patrick G. O'Neill, 82, in Kitsap Sun (August 26, 2011)
- SNAP Responds to the Graves Report, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2011)
- SNAP Statement on Rev. George Klein, by Barbara Blaine, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2011)
- Internal Church Memo Shows Delays in Priest Announcements, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 1, 2011)
- Report: Philly Monsignor Admitted Lying to Victim, in WFMJ (September 2, 2011)
- Five Priests with North Andover Ties on Archdiocese Sexual Abuse List, by Bryan McGonigle, The Patch (September 2, 2011)
- Clergy with Braintree Ties on List of Accused Priests, by Joseph Markman, The Patch (September 2, 2011)
- Viewing Cable 10vatican33, Sex Abuse Scandal Strains Irish-Vatican Relations, in Wikileaks (September 2, 2011)
- Religious Superior Sees Austria Nearing Schism, in Catholic Culture (September 1, 2011)
- Diocese Accuses SNAP of Hypocrisy, by Elysia Rodriguez, WWLP (September 1, 2011)
- Monsignor's Grand Jury Testimony Reveals His Handling of Abuse Claims, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (September 2, 2011)
- Church Abuse Victims Call for Government to Step in, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (September 3, 2011)
- Man Sues St. Louis Archdiocese and Priest for Sexual Abuse in 1970s, by Valerie Schremp Hahn, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 2, 2011)
- Listecki Removing Milwaukee Carmelite from Ministry for Sex Abuse Refutes Archdiocese Bankruptc, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (September 2, 2011)
- Report Criticizes Missouri Diocese on Priest Porn Case, by Kevin Murphy, The Reuters (September 2, 2011)
- St. Louis' Most Prolific Predator Priest Is Sued Again, by Barbara Dorris, The Reuters (September 2, 2011)
- Vatican Ready to Deliver Reply to Irish Government Criticisms, in Catholic Culture (September 2, 2011)
- Philly Monsignor Admits Lying to Abuse Victim: Report, by Teresa Masterson, NBC Philadelphia (September 2, 2011)
September 3
- Clerical Sex Abuse Involves 'Tiny' Minority, by Louise Roseingrave, Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Report Finds 'Shortcomings, Inaction' in Missouri Abuse Cases, in U.S. Catholic (September 3, 2011)
- Pastor Resigns Amid Sex Charge, by Brian Englar, The News-Post (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican's Response to Cloyne 'Will Be Published Imminently' - Report, in The Journal (September 3, 2011)
- Pastor Charged with Sexually Abusing Child, by Margarita Raycheva, The Gazette (September 2, 2011)
- Reforming the Church in Malta?, by Klaus Vella Bardon, Times of Malta (September 3, 2011)
- Church Operator and Summer Camp Owner Arrested on Sex Abuse Charges, by Cheryl Conner, ABC 2 (September 2, 2011)
- Archdiocese Creates Healing Garden for Victims of Clergy Abuse, by Gabija Steponenaite, The Gazette (September 2, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Criticism over Sex Abuse, in Sacramento Bee (September 3, 2011)
- Govt Receives Official Vatican Response to Cloyne Report, in Breaking News (September 3, 2011)
- Response to Mr Eamon Gilmore, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, Concerning the Cloyne Report , 03.09.2011, in Vatican Information Service - Bolletino (September 3, 2011)
- 'Intellectuelen En Media Misbruiken Kerkelijk Misbruik', in The Trouw (September 2, 2011)
- Van Klokken En Klepels, in The Lannoo (September 3, 2011)
- Army Chaplain Guilty of Molesting Daughter, in UPI (September 2, 2011)
- The Star's Editorial | Bishop Finn Should Resign, in Kansas City Star (September 2, 2011)
- Vatican Responds to Criticism after Cloyne, on RTE News (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Parliament Child Abuse Rebuke, by James Mackenzie, Reuters (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Admits 'Grave Failures' over Ireland Abuse Scandal, in Times of Malta (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Taoiseach's Criticism over Cloyne Sex Abuse Report, in The Journal (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican: We Didn't Interfere in Cloyne Sex Abuse Cases, in Irish Independent (September 3, 2011)
- The Holy See Responds to the Cloyne Report, in Vatican Information Service (September 3, 2011)
- Comment of Fr. Lombardi on Response to Cloyne Report, in Vatican Information Service (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican: No Evidence the Holy See Meddled in State Affairs, in Irish Examiner (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Cover-Up Claims over Cloyne Report, on BBC News (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Admits 'Grave Failures' over Abuse, in Brisbane Times (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Abuse Probe Claim, in Belfast Telegraph (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Hits Back at Irish Prime Minister over Cover-Up Allegation, by James O'Shea, Irish Central (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Claim That It Blocked Reporting of Abuse, in Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Cloyne: Comments of Fr Federico Lombardi, Sj, on Vatican Radio (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Criticism over Child Sex Abuse by Priests, on CNN (September 3, 2011)
- Criticisms of Cloyne Report Rejected by Catholic Church, on TV3 (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Child Abuse Cover-Up Claims, in The Telegraph (September 3, 2011)
- Kenny Does Not Regret Vatican Speech, by Mary Minihan, Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Clearing the Record, in Philadelphia Inquirer (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Criticism over Sex Abuse, by David Levitz, Deutsche Welle (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Denies Hindering Probe into Irish Child Abuse Cases, by Alessandra Migliaccio, The Bloomberg (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Criticism over Sex Abuse, by Tom Kington, Guardian UNITED KINGDOM (September 3, 2011)
- Survivor Dismisses Vatican Response, in Belfast Telegraph (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Lashes Back at Ireland over Abuse, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Insists It Didn't Torpedo Irish Response to Abuse Crisis, by John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter (September 3, 2011)
- Irish Pm Studies Vatican Response to Abuse Report, by Mohideen Mifthah, Sunday Times SRI LANKA (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Admits 'Failures' over Ireland Abuse Scandal, by Jean-Louis De LA Vaissiere, Star Africa (September 3, 2011)
- Cloyne: a Comment on Holy See's Response, on Vatican Radio (September 3, 2011)
- Chaplain Pleads Guilty to Molesting Daughter, in Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 2, 2011)
- The Vatican Issued the 20-Page Response Addressed to the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore., in Kansas City Star (September 3, 2011)
- Holy See, Horror for Clerical Child Sex Abuse in Ireland, in AGI ITALY (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Irish Criticism over Sex Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Chicago Sun-Times (September 3, 2011)
- Response 'Legalistic and Technical', by Arthur Beesley, Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Claims It Tried to Cover up Child Abuse by Priests in Ireland, by Damien Gayle, Daily Mail UNITED KINGDOM (September 3, 2011)
- Comments of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the Response of the Holy See to the Government of Ireland, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (September 3, 2011)
- Cardinal Brady Welcomes Response of the Holy See to the Government Regarding the Cloyne Report, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (September 3, 2011)
- Cloyne: Arch. Martin on Church and State Moving Forward Together, on Vatican Radio (September 3, 2011)
- Martin Welcomes 'Sober' Response, by Steven Carroll, Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Keen to Avoid Controversy, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 3, 2011)
- Initial Thoughts on the Response of the Holy See to the Cloyne Report, in Colm O'Gorman (September 3, 2011)
- Initial Thoughts on the Response of the Holy See to the Cloyne Report, in by Terence McKiernan (September 3, 2011)
- The Vatican Blasts Back against Report on Sex Abuse, by Ted Mann, Atlantic Wire (September 3, 2011)
- Charges That It Meddled in Irish Abuse Cases Are 'Unfounded,' Vatican Says, in Catholic News Agency (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Responds to Irish Government Report on Clerical Sexual Abuse, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (September 3, 2011)
- Vaticaan: Geen Belemmering Onderzoek Misbruik, in Reformatorisch Dagblad NEDERLAND (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Admits 'Grave Failures' over Ireland Abuse Scandal, on Radio Netherlands (September 3, 2011)
- Ireland: Vatican Issues Response to Cloyne Report, in Independent Catholic News (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican: No Abuse Cover-Up, in Express UNITED KINGDOM (September 4, 2011)
- Vatican Responds to Cloyne Report, by Paul Moses, The Dotcommonweal (September 3, 2011)
- State Supreme Court to Hear Appeal of Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuit, by Judy Harrison, Bangor Daily News (September 3, 2011)
- Vatican Fends off Irish Criticism of Sex Abuse Scandal, by Stacy Meichtry, Wall Street Journal (September 3, 2011)
September 4
- Vatican Rejects Cover-Up Claims over Cloyne Report, on BBC News (September 4, 2011)
- Lourdes Home Abuse Victim to Petition for Change in Law, by Annaliza Borg, Malta Independent (September 4, 2011)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Young Man Describes Sexual Abuse by 2 Priests, Teacher to Grand Jury, by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 4, 2011)
- Austrian Priests Tempt Showdown with Pope, by Tom Heneghan, Ottawa Citizen (September 4, 2011)
- Kenny Defends Attack on Vatican, in Irish Examiner (September 4, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput to Take Post Thursday, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 4, 2011)
- Garda Probe of Child Abuse Set to Shock, by Maeve Sheehan, Irish Independent (September 4, 2011)
- Clerical Abusers Shielded by 'Cabal' of Protection in Church, by Ronald Quinlan and Maeve Sheehan, Irish Independent (September 4, 2011)
- Vatican Rejects Kenny's Cloyne Report Outburst, by Don Lavery, Irish Independent (September 4, 2011)
- Colum Kenny: Vatican Lays Blame at Door of Local Church, in Irish Independent (September 4, 2011)
- Psychiatrist : " No Evil Intent at Boys' Home", on Radio Netherlands (September 2, 2011)
- Gozo Abuse Case Nears End, by Herman Grech, Times of Malta (September 4, 2011)
- Archbishop Urges Kenny to Explain Remarks, on RTE News (September 4, 2011)
- Clerical Child Abuse Victims Call for New Confession Laws, in 98 Fm (September 4, 2011)
- Police Ditch Priest Probe Because of Age, in The Ninemsn (September 5, 2011)
- Incoming Philly Archbishop Hopes to Resolve Cases of Suspended Priests As Quickly As Possible, in The Republic (September 4, 2011)
- Priests' Homes 'Not Thought Safe', in Belfast Telegraph (September 4, 2011)
- Salesian Priests Accused of 40-Year Cover-Up, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (September 4, 2011)
- Accused Salesian Priest Father Jack Ayers Too Old for Justice, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (September 5, 2011)
- Oakland, Austria, in Get Religion (September 4, 2011)
- Irish Leader Hits Back at Pope in Wake of Criticism from Rome, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Cental (September 4, 2011)
- Wending Zaak Sterftecijfer Inrichting Heel – 'Broeder Doodde 20 Kinderen', in Nrc Handelsblad (September 4, 2011)
- Church Vicar Booked for Molesting 11-Yr-Old Girl, in Times of India (September 4, 2011)
- Broeder Zwakzinnigeninrichting Heel Doodde Twintig Kinderen, in Kro Brandpunt (September 4, 2011)
- 'In Heel 20 Kinderen Omgebracht', in NOS (September 4, 2011)
- A Detailed and Uncompromising Defence of the Holy See, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Holy See Response to Report Aimed at 'Future Co-Operation', by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- It Takes 25 Pages and 11,000 Words to Say - 'Nothing to Do with Us', in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Victims Disappointed with Response, by Barry Roche and Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Response a 'Stage' Towards Repairing Relations, by Arthur Beesley, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Timeline, by Pamela Duncan, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Kenny Has No Regrets over Critical Dáil Speech, by Mary Minihan, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican Response: Extracts from Holy See Statement, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Cardinal Brady on Vatican Response to Cloyne, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- 'No Evidence' Letter Eroded Child Protection, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- What Mass-Goers Said: Views from the Pro-Cathedral and St Colman's Cathedral, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- The Vatican's Response, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Time Now for Calm and Rational Debate on Child Abuse, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Government Stands over Criticism of Vatican on Child Abuse, by Mary Minihan and Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Shatter Says Bills 'Very Much on Target', by Mary Minihan, Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
September 5
- Vatican Rejects Taoiseach's Criticisms, by Siobhán Brett, Sunday Business Post (September 5, 2011)
- Holy See States Church's Case and Says Taoiseach Got It Wrong, in Irish Independent (September 5, 2011)
- Church Versus State: Who Is Right and Who Is Wrong?, by Andrew Madden, Irish Independent (September 5, 2011)
- Clusters of Child Sexual Abuse Reports Are Not Uncommon, Says Child Advocate, by Barton Deiters, Grand Rapids Press (September 5, 2011)
- Anglican Churches Co-Host Church Leaders Conference against Sexual Violence, in Anglican Communion Official Website UNITED KINGDOM (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican 'Fails to Confront Abuse Culture', by Shaun Connolly, Irish Examiner (September 5, 2011)
- Blogwatcher - Vatican Provides No Comfort for Irish Bishops, by Michael Mullins, The Cathnews (September 4, 2011)
- Bishop Calls on Irish Pm to Explain 'Global' Statement, on BBC News (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican's Response to the Cloyne Report, in Scottish Catholic Observer (September 3, 2011)
- Senior Priest Told to 'Stand Aside', in Sligo Champion (September 5, 2011)
- It's Church V State As Kenny Refuses to Back down, by Shane Hickey, Tom Brady, Irish Independent (September 5, 2011)
- Om Wil Contact Na Getuigenis Moorden Heel, in Friesch Dagblad (September 5, 2011)
- Peru, Allegations of Sexual Abuse by the Founder of the " Sodality", by Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, Vatican Insider (September 5, 2011)
- The Vatican's Measured Response to Ireland, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (September 5, 2011)
- Ireland Accepts Vatican's Offer, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (September 5, 2011)
- " Just Call Me Excellency!", by Stephen Boehrer, " Call Me Excellency" (September 5, 2011)
- I Want Parents to Share Schools Not Take over from Church – Minister, in Irish Independent (September 5, 2011)
- Sterfgevallen in Rooms-Katholieke Zwakzinnigeninstellingen Sint J, in The Startpagina (September 5, 2011)
- " Broeder Zei Dat 20 Kinderen Gedood Werden in 'Sterfkamertje' Van Instelling Heel", in Gazet Van Antwerpen (September 5, 2011)
- 'Broeder Doodde 20 Jongens in Sint Joseph, by Van Onze Verslaggevers, Limburgs Dagblad (September 5, 2011)
- „twintig Kinderen in Sint Joseph Omgebracht", in Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 5, 2011)
- 'Broeder Zou 20 Kinderen in Instelling Vermoord Hebben', in De Standaard BELGIE (September 5, 2011)
- 'Twintig Kinderen in Sint Joseph Doodgemaakt', in De Pers (September 5, 2011)
- Maine Court to Hear Appeal in Suit against Priest, in WMTW (September 5, 2011)
- Disgraceful Cover-Up by Vatican Continues on Irish Chi, by Niall O'Dowd, Irish Central (September 5, 2011)
- Senior Priest Told to 'Stand Aside', in Press Association (September 5, 2011)
- Denuncian a Fundador De Sodalicio De Vida Cristiana Por Abuso Sexual, in La Republica (September 5, 2011)
- Fundador Del Sodalicio Es Denunciado Por Abuso Sexual, in Cronica Viva (September 5, 2011)
- Denuncia De Abuso Sexual Remece Estructuras De LA Iglesia Catolica En El Peru, in Los Andes (September 5, 2011)
- Why Archbishop Is Sticking His Neck out for the Sake of the Truth, in The Herald (September 5, 2011)
- New Laws Could See Priests Jailed for Not Reporting Abuse, on BBC News (September 5, 2011)
- Church Priest Booked for Molesting a Minor, by Pradip Kumar Maitra, Hindustan Times (September 5, 2011)
- Philadelphia Archdiocese Readies for New Leader, by Joann Loviglio, Houston Chronicle (September 5, 2011)
- Curia, Lawyer, to Resume Abuse Compensation Talks, in Times of Malta (September 5, 2011)
- Justitie Praat Met Nieuwe Bron over Sterfte Heel, in The Nieuws (September 5, 2011)
- Former Head Nurse Says 20 Boys Were Killed at Dutch Boarding School, in Daijiworld (September 5, 2011)
- Cloyne Report "Anger" Widely Felt, in RTE News (September 5, 2011)
- "The Vatican Did Not Hinder Any Investigation of Sexual Abuse in Ireland", in Rome Reports (September 5, 2011)
- Gilmore Hits Back in Vatican Row, in Belfast Telegraph (September 5, 2011)
- Tanaiste: Government Stands by Taoiseach Comments on Cloyne, in The Newstalk (September 5, 2011)
- Government Criticism of Vatican Continues, in The Build (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican Clashes Hurting People's Faith, Says Priests Association, in The Newstalk (September 5, 2011)
- Holy See Must Talk to the People, in Irish Independent (September 5, 2011)
- I'm No Molester, Declares Priest, in Press Association (September 5, 2011)
- Analyzing Irish Politicians" Statements, Vatican Response, in Catholic Culture (September 5, 2011)
- In 11,000 Word Response, Vatican Claims That It Did Not Hinder Ireland's Sexual Abuse Investigations, in God Discussion (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican Responds to Enda Kenny's Speech on Cloyne Sex-abuse Inquiry., in Bock the Robber (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican Issues Strong Response to Irish Criticism (news/analysis), in Catholic Culture (September 5, 2011)
- Rape Case against Priest Continues, by Barbara Mae Dacanay, Gulf News (September 5, 2011)
- Vatican "Missing the Point" over Cloyne Report Response, on BBC News (September 5, 2011)
- Gilmore Dismisses Vatican Comments on Abuse Inquiry, in Irish Times (September 5, 2011)
- Priest in Belfast Steps Aside from Duties to Facilitate Inquiry, in Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Tanaiste Defends Kenny's Dail Speech, in Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Rapprochement with Vatican Still Possible, by Paul Cullen, Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Children Must Be Focus, Not Retribution, by Carol Coulter, Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Deputy Backs Enda Kenny in Vatican Row, by Fionnan Sheahan and Lise Hand, Belfast Telegraph (September 6, 2011)
- Vatican Missed the Point on Abuse Anger, Says Gilmore, by Shaun Connolly, Irish Examiner (September 6, 2011)
- The Taoiseach Got It Right but the Vatican Gets It Wrong Once Again, by Fergus Finlay, Irish Examiner (September 6, 2011)
September 6
- Attorney: Crookston Diocese Settles Lawsuit, in Grand Forks Herald (September 5, 2011)
- Reports to Vatican Ignored....secrecy over Safety of Children....survivor to Speak Publicly for First Time, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (September 6, 2011)
- Eichmann in Philly?, by Eric Bugyis, dotCommonweal (September 5, 2011)
- Attorney Says He'll Announce Settlement in Crookston Diocese Sex Abuse Case Today, in The In-Forum (September 6, 2011)
- Archbishop Hart Responds to Victims" Call, in CathNews (September 6, 2011)
- Ireland: Diplomatic Tensions with Vatican Grow, by Douglas Dalby, New York Times (September 5, 2011)
- Settlement Expected between Sex Abuse Victim and Minn. Diocese, on KSTP (September 6, 2011)
- Taoiseach's First Duty Is to the Memory of the Abused, in Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Catholic Lay Movement Must Work to Form Different Type of Church, by Desmond Fisher, Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Suspended Priest Fr Kennedy "in Personal Crisis", on BBC News (September 6, 2011)
- Republic's Politicians Will Separate Church and State, by Ed Curran, Belfast Telegraph (September 6, 2011)
- Kenny to Face Questions on Vatican Row at Fg Think-in, in Irish Independent (September 6, 2011)
- "Broeder Vermoordde Jongens", in The Trouw (September 5, 2011)
- Statistics for the Catholic Church in Germany, in Vatican Information Service (September 6, 2011)
- Kenny Stands by Vatican Criticism, in Breaking News (September 6, 2011)
- The Vatican Has Come All Guns Blazing for Enda but for Me He Spoke the Truth, in The Herald (September 6, 2011)
- Jewish Group "Protected Sex Offender", in The Australia (September 6, 2011)
- Child Abuse Charges Laid, in Australian Jewish News (September 6, 2011)
- Defending the Accused, and Herself, with Vigor, by Liz Robbins, New York Times (September 6, 2011)
- NH Convicted Rapist Facing 54 Years at Sentencing, by Lynne Tuohy, Houston Chronicle (September 6, 2011)
- The California Clergy Sex Abuse Powder Keg, Part 2, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (September 6, 2011)
- Irish PM Defends Rebuke of Vatican over Child Abuse, Reuters (September 6, 2011)
- Kenny Stands Firm over Vatican Row, in Belfast Telegraph (September 6, 2011)
- Enda Kenny Comments on Vatican Response, in RTE News (September 6, 2011)
- Taoiseach Stands by Vatican Criticism, by Lorna Siggins, Irish Times (September 6, 2011)
- Kenny Defends Vatican Criticism, on TV3 (September 6, 2011)
- Crookston Diocese Settles with Alleged Victim, in Duluth News Tribune (September 6, 2011)
- Filing of Rape Charges Vs Compostela Valley Priest Ordered, by Ben O. Tesiorna, Sun.Star (September 6, 2011)
- Crookston Diocese Settles Sex Abuse Suit, by Rose French, Star Tribune (September 6, 2011)
- Austrian Cardinal Continues Dialogue with Priests Calling for Reforms, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (September 6, 2011)
- Irish Government Officials to Discuss Vatican Response to Cloyne Report, by Sarah MacDonald, Catholic News Service (September 6, 2011)
- Doj Indicts Parish Priest for Rape, in The Philippine Star (September 6, 2011)
- Second Meeting over Church Compensation for Abuse Victims, in Times of Malta (September 6, 2011)
- Parents File Wrongful Death Suit against Diocese, Priest, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 6, 2011)
- What's the Difference between O'brien and Ratigan?, by Mike Hunter, SNAP (September 6, 2011)
- NH Convict in Shamed Girl's Rape Gets 15-30 Years, by Lynne Tuohy, Mercury News (September 6, 2011)
- Victims Hope for Jail Term in Church Child Sex Case, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 6, 2011)
- Willis Gets 15 to 30 for Rape of 15-year-old Church Member, in New Hampshire Union Leader (September 6, 2011)
- The Catholic Church's Secret Sex-crime Files, by Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Rolling Stone (September 6, 2011)
- Church Assets, Abuse, Parish Closures All Figure in New Book on Money, by David Gibson, Catholic San Francisco (September 6, 2011)
- Priest Abuse May Have Caused Suicide, by Tess Koppelman, FOX 4 (September 6, 2011)
- Refusal of Insurers to Pay $15m Threatens Diocese Bankruptcy Settlement, by Randall Chase, The Republic (September 6, 2011)
- Insurance Dispute Could Derail Diocese Bankruptcy Plan, by Frank Gerace, WDEL (September 6, 2011)
- Lawsuit: Priest Abuse Caused Boy's Suicide, on KMBC (September 6, 2011)
September 7
- Another Lawsuit Alleges Abuse, by Jeff Martin, The Examiner (September 7, 2011)
- When Is It Time to Tear down All Religious Structures?, by Merv Ritchie, OpEd News (September 7, 2011)
- Crookston Diocese Settles Lawsuit with Woman Who Says Priest Sexually Abused Her As a Teen, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (September 7, 2011)
- Alleged Sex Abuse Victim Speaks out after Settlement, by Tim Nelson, Minnesota Public Radio (September 6, 2011)
- Monastery Pays ?700,000 to Abuse Victims, in The Local (September 7, 2011)
- 700000 Euro Fur Missbrauchsopfer, in The Sueddeutsche (September 7, 2011)
- Kloster Ettal Entschadigt Opfer Mit 700.000 Euro, in The Spiegel (September 7, 2011)
- Kloster Ettal Entschadigt 70 Missbrauchsopfer, in The Welt (September 7, 2011)
- German Catholic College in 1-million-dollar Abuse Payout, in Monsters and Critics (September 7, 2011)
- Group to Hear from Residential School Survivors, by Stephen Llewellyn, Daily Gleaner (September 7, 2011)
- Tell the Truth, in Daily Gleaner (September 7, 2011)
- Ireland Stands by Criticism of Vatican on Paedophile Priests, in Yorkshire Post (September 7, 2011)
- Jury Selection to Start Today in Murder of Priest in Chatham, by Peggy Wright, My Central Jersey (September 7, 2011)
- Sex Suspect "Protected", in The Age (September 6, 2011)
- Study Finds Child Sex Abuse Education Is Key, by Rachel Carbonell, ABC Sydney (September 6, 2011)
- Minnesota: Catholic Diocese Settles Abuse Case, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (September 7, 2011)
- 'i Didn't Go Too Far': Taoiseach Defends Cloyne Report Comments, in The Journal (September 7, 2011)
- My Claim Still Stands, by Lorraine O'Hanlon, Galway Independent (September 7, 2011)
- Enda Kenny Should Be Embarrassed That His Attack on the Vatican Had So Little Basis in Fact, by Rory Fitzgerald, Catholic Herald (September 7, 2011)
- Ireland and Vatican at Loggerheads over Abuse Claims, by Edward Pentin, NewsMax (September 7, 2011)
- Crookston Diocese Settles with Fugitive Priest's Sex Abuse Victim, by Mike Mullen, Minneapolis City Pages (September 7, 2011)
- US Diocese Settles Indian Priest Child Sex Abuse Case, in AFP (September 7, 2011)
- Sister Accuses Order of Cover-up, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (September 8, 2011)
- Lawsuit Says Priest Caused Teen's Suicide, by Michael Mahoney, 20 Pounds of Headlines (September 7, 2011)
- Yeshiva "Turned Blind Eye to Sex Abuse Claims", by Kate Legge, The Australian (September 7, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Suprema Rechaza Recurso De Queja Por Incautacion De Expediente Del Vaticano, in Bio Bio (September 7, 2011)
- Jewish Community "Protected Sex Suspect", by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun (September 7, 2011)
- Corte Suprema Respalda Incautacion De Documentos En Caso Karadima, in Terra (September 7, 2011)
- Compensation for Clerical Sex Abuse Victims Discussed, in di-ve (September 7, 2011)
- Second Meeting on Compensation to Clerical Abuse Victims Held, in Times of Malta (September 7, 2011)
- Irlande-pedophilie : Reponse Du Vatican, in Europe1 (September 7, 2011)
- Lawyers Want Judge to Dismiss Charges in Clergy-sex Abuse Case, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 7, 2011)
- Judge Postpones Bevilacqua Hearing, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 7, 2011)
- Vatican Cover-up Case of World Wide Predato Allowed to Go Forward, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (September 7, 2011)
- Former Clinton Minister Faces Sex Crime Charges, in WAPT (September 7, 2011)
- Jeffs Delivers Request for New Trial, by Jennifer Dobner, Houston Chronicle (September 7, 2011)
- Missouri Parents Sue Retired Priest, Diocese in Boy's Suicide, by Kevin Murphy, Reuters (September 7, 2011)
- New Pa. Archbishop: Don't Make Msgr. "a Scapegoat", by Maryclaire Dale, Lebanon Daily News (September 7, 2011)
- Suit against Legion of Christ to Proceed in Conn., in Hartford Courant (September 7, 2011)
- In Kansas City, It's Deja Vu All over Again, by Barbara Blaine, National Catholic Reporter (September 7, 2011)
- Church Official Gripes Re: "distortion;" SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 7, 2011)
- Baptist Official Is Arrested on Child Sex Charges - SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 7, 2011)
- SNAP to Bishop: "Get Up, Go to Parishes, Do Outreach!", in SNAP (September 7, 2011)
- Statement by Most Rev. Robert J. Mcmanus, S.t.d., Bishop of Worcester on the Online List of Accused Priests by the Archdiocese of Boston, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester (September 7, 2011)
- Local Pastor Charged with Child Molestation (video), by Jennifer Carboni, Daily Local News (September 7, 2011)
- Village of Hope Founder Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse, in Deseret News (September 7, 2011)
- Philadelphia's New Archbishop Seeks Forgiveness from Abuse Victims, in The Newsworks (September 7, 2011)
- Judge Upholds Key Elements in Maciel Sex Abuse Case, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (September 7, 2011)
- New Pa. Archbishop: Don't Make Msgr. "a Scapegoat", by Maryclaire Dale, Times Leader (September 7, 2011)
- The Crimes of Monsignor William J. Lynn, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 7, 2011)
- Is "Sister Wives" Hiding the Disturbing Truth about Polygamy?, by Sam Brower, Huffington Post (September 7, 2011)
- Suit against Legion of Christ to Proceed in Conn., by Michael Melia, San Francisco Chronicle (September 7, 2011)
September 8
- Teen's Suicide Blamed on Priest's Abuse, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (September 8, 2011)
- Bishop Riles Abuse Groups, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (September 8, 2011)
- US Diocese Settles Assault Case against Indian Priest, in The IBN (September 8, 2011)
- US Diocese Settles Sex Abuse Case against Priest, in Zee News (September 8, 2011)
- Church Compensation for Sexual Abuse Victims:, by Chiara Bonello, Malta Independent (September 8, 2011)
- Advice for New Archbishop: Real Catholic Agenda Is Way Broader Than Abortion, by Nicholas P. Cafardi, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 8, 2011)
- Pretrial Hearing Arrives for Steed, by Jennifer Rios, San Angelo Standard-Times (September 8, 2011)
- Seminar on Church Safety Planned for Sept. 17 in Coppell, in Dallas Morning News (September 8, 2011)
- Corte Suprema Respaldo Incautacion De Fallo Canonico Contra Karadima, in The Cooperativa (September 8, 2011)
- Judge Cancels Competency Hearing for Bevilacqua, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 8, 2011)
- Man Arrested over Abuse of 12 Boys, in Australian Jewish News (September 8, 2011)
- Indian Priest Pays $7,50,000 to Settle Case of Assaulting Girl in US, by Himani Kumar, DNA (September 8, 2011)
- Ex-minister Facing Sex Charge, by Ruth Ingram, The Clarion-Ledger (September 8, 2011)
- Church Support Falls Short for Sufferers, by Liz Hobday, ABC - 7.30 (September 8, 2011)
- Judge Delays Bevilacqua Competency Hearing, in Philadelphia Daily News (September 8, 2011)
- Irish Government "As Much to Blame" for Abuse As Church, on BBC News (September 8, 2011)
- Irish Government Backs down on Confessional Bill, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (September 8, 2011)
- Child Abuse Legislation Will Not Cite Confession, by Stephen Collins, Irish Times (September 8, 2011)
- No Exceptions for Priests in Child Abuse Legislation, in The Journal (September 8, 2011)
- Tough New Abuse Laws Will Not Mention Confession, by Fiach Kelly, Irish Independent (September 8, 2011)
- €600k Not Enough? Why Not Send Fat Cat to Rome for Plum Job ..., by Niall O'Connor, The Herald (September 8, 2011)
- Retired Mccarthy Linked to Plum Job in the Vatican, by Fionnan Sheahan, Irish Independent (September 8, 2011)
- Victims, Justice and the New Archbishop, by Maureen Paul Turlish, National Catholic Reporter (September 8, 2011)
- Truth Commissioners Come to Fredericton, on CBC News (September 8, 2011)
- Bishop Smith Regrets Taoiseach's "Discourtesy" to Pope Benedict, in Westmeath Examiner (September 8, 2011)
- Police: Swissvale Priest Stole $143k over 10 Years, on WPXI (September 8, 2011)
- SNAP Calls for Archdiocese of Louisville to Fire the Chancellor, on WHAS (September 8, 2011)
- Western Pa. Pastor Arrested for Theft of Funds, in Beaver County Times (September 8, 2011)
- Word of God Priest Charged with Stealing More Than $143k from Parish, in The Patch (September 8, 2011)
- Priest Charged with Stealing $143,000 from Swissvale Parish, by Sadie Gurman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (September 8, 2011)
- Chaput Takes Over; SNAP Begs for Continued Vigilance, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 8, 2011)
- Government Stands over Vatican Criticism, in RTE News (September 8, 2011)
- SNAP Brings Attention to Alleged Abuse by Priests, on WDRB (September 8, 2011)
- Philly District Attorney Makes History with Priest Indictment, by Edward J. Kelly, Establish Mag (September 8, 2011)
- Church Will Get through "Difficult Moment," Archbishop Chaput Says, by Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service (September 8, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput Takes Helm in Philadelphia, in Daily Local News (September 8, 2011)
- New Archbishop Urges Patience in Scarred Philadelphia Diocese, in Reuters (September 8, 2011)
- You Darent Get out of That Bed As You Would Feel a Hand on You, in The Corkman (September 8, 2011)
- State to Pay ?35m for Religious Orders" Legal Fees, by Carl O'brien And Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 9, 2011)
- Government's Statement Is an Example of How It Should Be Done, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 9, 2011)
- Government Statement: Response to Vatican, in Irish Times (September 8, 2011)
- Cabinet Stands over Criticism of Vatican, by Stephen Collins, Irish Times (September 9, 2011)
- Criticism of Abuse Response Process, in The CathNews (September 8, 2011)
September 9
- Teczar Laicized by Pope, in Catholic Free Press (September 9, 2011)
- New Vicar General Discusses Views, Priorities, by Antonio M. Enrique, The Pilot (September 9, 2011)
- Pope Ousts Rev. Teczar, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (September 9, 2011)
- 14 JP Priests on Sex Abuser List, by John Ruch, Jamaica Plain Gazette (September 9, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Molestation in Arlington Is Defrocked, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 9, 2011)
- Philadelphia Welcomes Archbishop Chaput, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (September 9, 2011)
- Former Sunday School Teacher Jailed for Molesting Children, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (September 9, 2011)
- Cabinet Stands behind Kenny in Vatican Row, by Fiach Kelly, Irish Independent (September 9, 2011)
- New Archbishop Urges Patience in Scarred Philadelphia Diocese, by Tom Hals, Morning Call (September 9, 2011)
- Pair Accuse Lakewood Ex-scout Leader, Librarian of Sexual Abuse, by Adam Lynn, News Tribune (September 9, 2011)
- Solicitor Horrified by Deluge of Abuse Tales, by Maria Herlihy, The Corkman (September 8, 2011)
- Wexford Senator Is Happy with Reply from the Vatican, in New Ross Echo (September 9, 2011)
- Irish State to Pay Religious Orders ?30m Legal Fees, on BBC News (September 9, 2011)
- David Quinn: an Uneasy Peace Follows State's War with Vatican, by David Quinn, Irish Independent (September 9, 2011)
- Vatican "Frustrated" Inquiry - Shatter, by Steven Carroll, Irish Times (September 9, 2011)
- Irish Government Warns Vatican, in Lancashire Evening Post (September 9, 2011)
- Chaput Installed As Archbishop of Philadelphia, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 9, 2011)
- Love by Arrangement Philadelphia Style, in National Survivors Advocates Coalition (September 9, 2011)
- Alan Shatter Defends Govt Criticism of Vatican, in RTE News (September 9, 2011)
- Vatican Must Co-operate: Enda Kenny, in Belfast Telegraph (September 9, 2011)
- Transcription of Warren Jeffs" Motion for a New Trial, in CNN (September 7, 2011)
- FLDS Leader Jeffs Files Notice of Appeal in Sexual Assault Conviction, by Lindsay Whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (September 9, 2011)
- Accused Priest Maintains Innocence, in The CathNews (September 9, 2011)
- The Irish Government's Positive Reponse to the Vatican, by Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Insider (September 9, 2011)
- Pope Ousts Texas Priest Convicted of Child Abuse, in News Times (September 9, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput Promises Sacrifice to "Renew This Great Church", by Benjamin Mann, Catholic News Agency (September 9, 2011)
- Victim Talks about Crime, by April Scheinoha, TRF Times & Northern Watch (September 9, 2011)
- The Policy Myth Versus "Accountability with Teeth", by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 9, 2011)
- Notice of Priest Placed on Administrative Leave, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland (September 9, 2011)
- De Troy Dreigt Met Ontslag, in De Standaard (September 9, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili, LA Vittima Che Vuole Parlare Al Papa, in Giornalettisimo (September 9, 2011)
- L'attivista Anti Pedofili "LA Chiesa Mi Ha Sfrattato", in La Repubblica (September 9, 2011)
- Irish Govt Stands by Comments on Vatican Interference in Abuse Cases, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (September 9, 2011)
- Holy Watergate, in 3sat (September 9, 2011)
- Vatican Calls Claims of Irish Interference "Unfounded", in America Magazine (September 9, 2011)
- Crookston, Minnesota, Diocese Pays $750,000 Abuse Settlement: Critical Reflections, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (September 9, 2011)
- On the Uses and Abuses of History, by Eric Bugyis, dotCommonweal (September 9, 2011)
- Clergyman's Long Road to Resolution, by Christopher Pearson, The Australian (September 10, 2011)
- Faith Transcends Desperation, in The Australian (September 10, 2011)
- Abused Archbishop John Hepworth Ready to Forgive, by Tess Livingstone, The Australian (September 10, 2011)
- Leading Priest Aidan Troy Is 'ashamed to Wear Collar', by Sarah Stack, Irish Independent (September 9, 2011)
- Lying about Priests, in Catholic League (September 9, 2011)
- Medals of Dishonour, in Times of Malta (September 9, 2011)
- Lawsuit Alleges Priest Abused San Jose Altar Boy in 2001, by Lisa Fernandez, Mercury News (September 9, 2011)
- Judge Orders Insurers to Pay in Diocese Bankruptcy, in NECN (September 9, 2011)
- Former Pella Pastor Wants Trial Moved, in KCCI (September 9, 2011)
- Karadima Acuso a Errazuriz De Pagar Para No Ser Acusado De Pedofilia, in Terra (September 9, 2011)
- Teczar Laicized by Pope Benedict XVI, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth (September 9, 2011)
- Thomas H. Teczar No Longer a Priest, by Ray Delisle, Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester (September 9, 2011)
- Ex-mormon Bishop Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse, by Lynn Debruin, Associated Press (September 9, 2011)
- Karadima: Ex Cardenal Errazuriz Pago Para Ocultar Acusacion De Pedofilia, in The Cooperativa (September 9, 2011)
- Los Descargos De Karadima Y LA Bomba Que Lanzo Contra El Cardenal Errazuriz, in Ciper Chile (September 9, 2011)
- Akron: Cleveland Diocese Places Accused Priest on Leave, in WKYC (September 9, 2011)
- Akron Priest on Leave for Alleged Molestation in 1970s, by Jen Steer, WEWS (September 9, 2011)
- Akron Priest Removed from Duty on 1970s Allegation of Sex Abuse, by Colette M. Jenkins, Beacon Journal (September 9, 2011)
- Australian Archbishop Says "i Was Abused" - SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 9, 2011)
- SNAP Responds: Cleveland Priest Removed, by Judy Jones, SNAP (September 9, 2011)
- Jailed TX Predator Priest Is Defrocked, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 8, 2011)
- Pope Ousts Texas Priest Convicted of Child Abuse, in News Channel 10 (September 9, 2011)
- No Fairness for Innocent Priests at Bishopaccountability.org, in TheMediaReport.com (September 9, 2011)
- Mcdowell Queries Mandatory Abuse Reporting, by Carol Coulter and Steven Carroll, Irish Times (September 11, 2011)
September 10
- Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Priest Placed on Leave after Being Accused of Molesting Minor, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (September 10, 2011)
- Taoiseach Went Further Than Voicing Anger, by Breda O'brien, Irish Times (September 9, 2011)
- Plymouth Shooting Victim Was Suing Church, Alleging Abuse, by Paula Tracy, New Hampshire Union Leader (September 9, 2011)
- Authorities Say NH Man Died of Gunshot Wounds, in Boston Globe (September 10, 2011)
- Plymouth Death Ruled a Homicide, in New Hampshire Union Leader (September 10, 2011)
- Clinton Teacher out on Bond for Alleged Sex Crimes, by Marsha Thompson, WLBT (September 10, 2011)
- Court Agrees to Allow Appeal to Be Dropped in Presbyterian Church Lawsuit, in The Courier-Journal (September 10, 2011)
- Ex-lakewood Scout Leader Accused of Sex Abuse, by Adam Lynn, The Olympian (September 9, 2011)
- Community Groups Can Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, Advocates Say, by Alison Knezevich, Charleston Gazette (September 10, 2011)
- Anglican Traditionalist Leader Reveals: Abuse Drove Him from Catholic Priesthood, in Catholic Culture (September 9, 2011)
- Church "Willingness" to Co-operate on Cloyne Is News to Many, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 10, 2011)
- Cardenal Califica De "Desorbitadas" Las Declaraciones De Karadima, by Jorge Poblete, La Tercera (September 10, 2011)
- Cardenal Errazuriz Senalo Que No Se Le Puede Dar Credibilidad a Las Afirmaciones De Karadima, by Carolina Mardones, Bio Bio (September 10, 2011)
- Cardenal Errazuriz Desestimo Acusacion De Karadima: Me Es Tan Ajena Como Falsa, in The Cooperativa (September 10, 2011)
- Leader of the Traditional Anglican Communion Speaks of His Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Priests, As Well As His Desire to Forgive and Re-enter Full Communion with the See of Rome, in A Reluctant Sinner (September 10, 2011)
- Ierland Wil Raken Aan Biechtgeheim, in RKnieuws (September 10, 2011)
- Police Arrests Priest for Attempt to Rape, Arms Recovered, in IBN (September 10, 2011)
- Arms Recovered from Hindu Priest Arrested for Attempt to Rape, in Kashmir Dispatch (September 10, 2011)
- Priest Ashamed to Wear Collar, in The Herald (September 10, 2011)
- Victims Force the Church to Admit That a Prominent Priest Was an Abuser, in Broken Rites (September 10, 2011)
- This "Traditionalist" Priest Was Found Dead in a Sex Cubicle in a Men-only Club, in Broken Rites (September 10, 2011)
September 11
- Cullen: Church Oversight Lax on Sex Abuse, by Matt Assad, Morning Call (September 11, 2011)
- Excerpts from Bishop Cullen's Grand Jury Testimony, in Morning Call (September 11, 2011)
- Excerpts from Bishop Cullen's Grand Jury Testimony, in Morning Call (September 11, 2011)
- Agnus Dei:lamb of God Denounces Clerical Pederasty, by Pamela Grcic, Vancouver Observer (September 11, 2011)
- Activist Launches Protests against Abuse at St. Paul's Cathedral on Sunday, by Zandy Dudiak, The Patch (September 11, 2011)
- Facts Aren't the Same As the Truth, in Irish Independent (September 11, 2011)
- Un Italien Victime D'abus Sexuels Veut Marcher Jusqu'au Vatican, in AFP (September 11, 2011)
- Le Vatican Nie Les Accusations Irlandaises Sur Les Abus Sexuels, in L'Express (September 11, 2011)
- Des Pretres Rebelles Font Trembler L'eglise Catholique Autrichienne, in Tribune de Geneve (September 11, 2011)
- State: Dismiss "Sister Wives" Lawsuit, in Salt Lake Tribune (September 11, 2011)
- Savona, Zanardi Scrive Al Papa: Nella Lettera Le Denunce Degli Abusi Dei Preti E L'annuncio Della "marcia" Verso Roma, in IVG (September 11, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili. Zanardi: "ho Denunciato Abusi, Ora LA Diocesi Mi Sfratta", in Agora Vox (September 11, 2011)
- LA Curia Sfratta Zanardi L'accusatore Dei Preti, by Alberto Parodi, Il Secolo XIX (September 11, 2011)
- A Good Cause, in New York Daily News (September 11, 2011)
- "No Delay" on Church Abuse Probe, by Tess Livingstone, The Australian (September 11, 2011)
- Child Sex Abuse Convictions Rise 60% in 6 Years, in AFP (September 2, 2011)
- Voice of the Faithful Opened Its New Year Thursday, in The Hour (September 11, 2011)
- Navarro: "Revelacion De Karadima Contra Cardenal Debe Ser Investigada", in Terra (September 11, 2011)
- Controversial Evidence Permitted in High-profile Sex Abuse Case, by Adeline Bash, Santiago Times (September 11, 2011)
- Church, Leader at Odds over Rape Claim, by Sarah Martin, The Advertiser (September 12, 2011)
- Convicted Dfw Child Molester Is No Longer a Priest, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 11, 2011)
- Judge Orders Insurers to Pay Del. Sexual Abuse Victims, in Daily Record (September 11, 2011)
- Protect Our "Little Ones", by Father Brian D'Arcy, Sunday World (September 11, 2011)
- Catholic Priest in Court over Infidelity, by Vision reporter, New Vision (September 11, 2011)
September 12
- In My World, Priests Were to Be Revered, Not Feared, by Roger Chesley, The Virginian-Pilot (September 12, 2011)
- Camden Diocese to Merge Churches, in Philly Burbs (September 12, 2011)
- Man Arrested for Kidnapping/ Attempted Sexual Assault of Boy at Church, in KOLO (September 12, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Taking Heat after Admitting He Failed to Follow through on Concerns about Priest, in The Republic (September 12, 2011)
- Loving Their Neighbour in Silence, by Lino Spiteri, Times of Malta (September 12, 2011)
- A Challenge Ahead, in Philly Burbs (September 12, 2011)
- United States: the Legion of Christ Is Called to the Bench, by Andres Beltramo Alvarez, Vatican Insider (September 12, 2011)
- I'll Name Sex-accused Priest: Xenophon, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 13, 2011)
- Govt Should Sack Priest: Xenophon, by Lisa Martin, Sydney Morning Herald (September 12, 2011)
- Catholic Church Refuses to Stand down Sex Abuse Scandal Priest, by Sarah Martin, Adelaide Now (September 13, 2011)
- Archbishops Splinter over Letter to the Vatican, by Tess Livingstone, The Australian (September 13, 2011)
- Irish V. Vatican, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (September 12, 2011)
- Supreme Court Reverses Dismissal in John Doe V. Diocese of Gallup, in Indian Country (September 12, 2011)
- Navajo Supreme Court Reverses Decision in Clergy Sex Abuse Case [9:30 A.m.], in Daily Times (September 12, 2011)
- Press Releases / Announcements, in Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation (September 12, 2011)
- Supreme Court Reverses Dismissal in John Doe V. Diocese of Gallup, in Judicial Branch of the Navajo Naton (September 12, 2011)
- Pastor's Nephew Accused of "Sexting" Underage Girl, in KTRK (September 12, 2011)
- Meredith Slated for Appearance in Circuit Court This Morning, by Tom Berry, Murray Ledger & Times (September 12, 2011)
- Medger Chauncey Duckens: Church Worker's Sexts to Underage Girl Feature Sophisticated "Hard Nips" Line, by Richard Connelly, Houston Press (September 12, 2011)
- SNAP Critic Accuses Group of "Dishonesty", by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 12, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Flap Riles Irish, by Arthur Jones and John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 12, 2011)
- "I Do Not Seek Retribution" - Archbishop John Hepworth, by Robert Hart, Virtue Online (September 11, 2011)
- Philadelphia Urgently Needs Truth, Compassion and Healing, in National Catholic Reporter (September 12, 2011)
- Background Checks Are on the Rise, Lifeway Reports, by Erin Freshwater, Baptist Press (September 12, 2011)
- Morris Prosecutor Says He Has Evidence Man Charged with Killing Chatham Priest Had Gotten 11-year-old Girl Pregnant, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (September 12, 2011)
- Prosecutor: Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Chatham Priest Impregnated 11-year-old Girl, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (September 12, 2011)
- Xenophon Threatens to Name Abuse Priest, by Samantha Donovan, ABC News (September 12, 2011)
- Push for Reform Grows in Austria, by Christa Pongratz-Lippitt, National Catholic Reporter (September 12, 2011)
- Act on Claims or I'll Go Public: Xenophon, by Sarah Martin, The Telegraph (September 13, 2011)
- Reporter Jason Berry to Speak on Catholic Church Sept. 15, by Carole Goldberg, Hartford Courant (September 12, 2011)
- Efcc Arrests Catholic Priest over $44,000 Scam, by Tunde Oyesina, Nigerian Tribune (September 13, 2011)
- Efcc Detains Catholic Priest over Alleged $44,000 Scam, in The Nation (September 12, 2011)
- Church Begs Independent Senator Nick Xenophon Not to Name "Rapist" Priest, in Perth Now (September 12, 2011)
- Priest Arraigned on Child Porn, Theft Charges, by Paula J. Owen, Telegram & Gazette (September 12, 2011)
- Rev. Lowe Dongor Placed on Leave, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester (September 12, 2011)
- Xenophon Still Intends to Name Priest, by Liza Kappelle, Sydney Morning Herald (September 13, 2011)
- Nick Xenophon Rejects Church Plea on Naming Priest, by James Massola, The Australian (September 13, 2011)
September 13
- Thank You for Using Telegram.com., by Paula J. Owen, Telegram & Gazette (September 13, 2011)
- Int'l Criminal Court Urged to Investigate Vatican Officials, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Seek Int'l Court Case against Pope, by Mike Corder and Rachel Zoll , Miami Herald (September 13, 2011)
- Pope Accused of Crimes against Humanity by Victims of Sex Abuse, by Karen McVeigh, The Guardian (September 13, 2011)
- Senator Xenophon Says He Will Name Alleged Abuser in Parliament, in ABC (September 13, 2011)
- Catholic Church Refuses to Stand down Sex Abuse Scandal Priest, by Sarah Martin, Herald Sun (September 13, 2011)
- Church Pleads with Senator over Rape Claim, by Mex Cooper, Sydney Morning Herald (September 13, 2011)
- Hepworth Urges against Naming Abuse Priest, in ABC News (September 13, 2011)
- International Court Gets Request to Probe Church Abuse Cover-up, by Martijn van der Starre, The Bloomberg (September 13, 2011)
- Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican over Abuse, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (September 13, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Seek Court Case against Vatican, by Sylvia Poggioli, NPR (September 13, 2011)
- Shining a Light on Child Sexual Abuse, by Amy Demelia, Sun Chronicle (September 13, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Urge Hague Court to Investigate Pope, in AlterNet (September 13, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Victims File International Criminal Court Complaint Case Charges Vatican Officials with 'crimes against Humanity', in Center for Constitutional Rights (September 13, 2011)
- The Clergy Lists: a Distinction without a Difference?, in Western Massachusetts Catholics (September 13, 2011)
- Statements from SNAP Leaders on Icc Filing, in SNAP (September 13, 2011)
- Allow Priests to Marry, Says Former Northern Ireland Bishop, by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (September 13, 2011)
- On the Catholic Priest Who Allegedly Raped an Anglican Archbishop, by Bruce Gorton, Times LIVE (September 13, 2011)
- Priests Should Be Allowed to Marry If They Want to - Bishop, by Donall Hoey, Irish Independent (September 13, 2011)
- Bishop Daly Calls for an End to Clerical Celibacy, on BBC News (September 13, 2011)
- Chaput Navigating Rocky First Weeks in Embattled Philly Archdiocese, by John Tomasic, Colorado Independent (September 13, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Ask International Criminal Court to Prosecute Pope, by Richard Allen Greene, CNN (September 13, 2011)
- Pope Sued for Crimes against Humanity, in Herald Sun (September 13, 2011)
- Child Abuse Victims Accuse Pope of Crimes against Humanity, in AFP (September 13, 2011)
- Vatican: Groups Ask Hague Court to Prosecute Pope over Sex Abuse, in ADNkronos (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Urge Icc to Prosecute the Pope, in Radio Netherlands (September 13, 2011)
- Papers Filed, Alleging Crimes against Humanity by Pope Benedict, in The Newstalk (September 13, 2011)
- Victims' Communication Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute Requesting Investigation and Prosecution of High-level Vatican Officials, in Center for Constitution Rights via BishopAccountability.org (September 13, 2011)
- Pope Accused of Crimes against Humanity, in The Telegraph (September 13, 2011)
- Pope Sued for Alleged Crimes against Humanity, in Voice of America (September 13, 2011)
- Anti-paedophilia Assocs Bring Charges against Ratzinger, in AGI (September 13, 2011)
- Fitchburg Priest Faces Child Porn Charges, in Houston Chronicle (September 13, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse Victims File International Complaint against Vatican, by Nathan Koppel, Wall Street Journal (September 13, 2011)
- Nick Xenophon Names Alleged Abuse Priest, by Rebecca Puddy and Tess Livingstone , The Australian (September 13, 2011)
- The Right Use of Privilege, in The Australian (September 13, 2011)
- Australian Senator Names Sex-claim Priest, in AsiaOne (September 13, 2011)
- Senator Nick Xenophon Names Priest Who Is Claimed to Be at the Centre of Rape Allegations, on news.com.au (September 13, 2011)
- Xenophon Names and Shames Priest, in Sky News (September 13, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Denies Rape Claims Made by Senator Nick Xenophon, in Herald Sun (September 13, 2011)
- International Criminal Court Hears Formal Complaint on Priest Sexual Abuse, by Stephen C. Webster, Raw Story (September 13, 2011)
- Anglican Chaplain Admits Indecent Assaults on Boys Dating Back to 1957, by Helen Carter, The Guardian (September 13, 2011)
- Catholic Bashers Target the Pope, in Catholic League (September 13, 2011)
- Former Priest Faces Jail over Sex Assaults, in Bath Chronicle (September 13, 2011)
- Ex-chaplain Leslie Carter Faces Jail over Child Sex Abuse, in BBC News (September 13, 2011)
- Former Navy Chaplain Named in Parliament over Rape Claims, by Mark Metherell, Sydney Morning Herald (September 14, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Sue Pope for Crimes against Humanity, in Jakarta Globe (September 13, 2011)
- Bishop Edward Daly Questions Catholic Church's Celibacy Policy for Priests, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (September 13, 2011)
- Australian Senator Names Sex-claim Priest, in Hibernia Times (September 13, 2011)
- Church Urged to Release Abuse Files, in Belfast Telegraph (September 13, 2011)
- Minnesota Woman Helps File Criminal Complaint against Pope, in Star Tribune (September 13, 2011)
- Milwaukee-area Man Joins Request for Investigation into Pope, by Marie Rohde, The Patch (September 13, 2011)
- Father Pavone Suspended from Ministry outside Amarillo Diocese, by Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Survivors Accuse Pope of Crimes against Humanity, in Irish Examiner (September 13, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Ask International Criminal Court to Investigate Pope, by Debra Cassens Weiss, ABA Journal (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Seek Investigation of Pope, Top Vatican Officials, in Catholic News Service (September 13, 2011)
- Official Statement from Fr. Frank Pavone in Response to Bishop's Suspension Order, in Catholic News Service (September 13, 2011)
- Polish Catholic Journal Criticizes Church over Abuse, by Jonathan Luxmoore, National Catholic Reporter (September 13, 2011)
- Child Abuse Victims Sue Pope for "Crimes against Humanity", in Times of Malta (September 13, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse Victims Seek Justice at World Court, by Sylvia Poggioli, NPR (September 13, 2011)
- Interview: Priests for Life President Fr. Pavone Reacts to Bishop's Recall to Diocese, by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News (September 13, 2011)
- Australian Health Chiefs under Fire over Abuse Case, by Greg Ansley, New Zealand Herald (September 14, 2011)
- Father D'arcy's Delight at Bishop Daly's Call on Celibacy, on BBC News (September 13, 2011)
- Father Frank Pavone Prevented from Running Priests for Life, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 13, 2011)
- Former Georgetown Prep Teacher Pleads Guilty to Sex Offenses, by Steven Ertelt, The Gazette (September 13, 2011)
- Child Sex Abuse: Moves to Put the Pope in Court, in euronews (September 13, 2011)
- Vatican: Sex Abuse Case at Hague "Ludicrous" Stunt, by Mike Corder and Rachel Zoll, Taiwan News (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Survivors" Group Wants Pope Tried at International Court, in Deutsche Welle (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Ask Court to Prosecute the Vatican, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (September 13, 2011)
- Celibacy Debate Rages, but Change Unlikely, by William Crawley, BBC (September 13, 2011)
- Minister Admits Child Sex Abuse, by Riley Yates, Morning Call (September 13, 2011)
- Former Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assaults, in The Patch (September 13, 2011)
- Former Pella Pastor Accused of Sex Abuse to Face Trial Next Year in Dallas County, by Jeff Eckhoff, Des Moines Register (September 13, 2011)
- Meredith Enters Plea in Sexual Abuse Case, in Murray Ledger & Times (September 13, 2011)
- Abuse Survivors Will Try to Take Pope to Court, by Carol King, Ms. Magazine (September 13, 2011)
- The Irish Excessive Gift for Gab about the Catholic Church, by William Donohue, Spero News (September 13, 2011)
- Chaput's Fruits, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (September 13, 2011)
- Hearing on Thursday in Chatham Priest Slaying Case to Decide What Jury Can Hear about Past Allegations, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (September 13, 2011)
- Holy See No Evil? International Court Asked to Investigate Pope, by Lee Ferran, ABC News (September 13, 2011)
- Full Statement from Bishop Zurek Regarding Decision to Suspend Fr. Pavone's Public Ministry, by The Editors, LifeSite News (September 13, 2011)
- Victims Say Criminal Charges against Pope Not a Stunt, by Francis X. Rocca, USA Today (September 13, 2011)
- Pope Should Be Tried for Crimes against Humanity, by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican Insider (September 13, 2011)
- Xenophon Names Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, in ABC News (September 13, 2011)
- Colabora Vaticano En Investigacion Civil Contra Cura Por Pederastia, in SDP (September 13, 2011)
- Advice for a New Bishop, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (September 13, 2011)
- Frank Pavone Suspended for Financial Mismanagement, Fights Suspension Order, by David Gibson, Huffington Post (September 13, 2011)
- Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing Details., by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (September 13, 2011)
- Rev. Frank Pavone, Pro-life Advocate and Leader of Staten Island-based Priests for Life, Suspended, by Stephanie Slepian, Staten Island Advance (September 13, 2011)
- Anti-abortion Priest-activist Suspended by Bishop, by Rachel Zoll, Miami Herald (September 13, 2011)
- Cnn Legal Contributor: Catholic Clergy Sex Abuses Could Qualify As War Crimes, by Matt Hadro, NewsBusters (September 13, 2011)
- Daily Links: Tuesday, Sept. 13: Married Priests, Divorce and Charges against the Pope, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (September 13, 2011)
- Was Xenophon's Use of Parliamentary Privilege Appropriate?, by Ursula Skjonnemand, ABC - Mornings (September 13, 2011)
- Xenophon Names Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, in ABC Melbourne (September 14, 2011)
- Accused SA Priest Denies Sex Allegations, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 13, 2011)
- Bishop Edward Daly's Celibacy Silence Slammed, by Donna Deeney, Belfast Telegraph (September 14, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Misbruik Rk-kerk Willen Vervolging Paus, by Joep Dohmen, NRC Handelsblad (September 14, 2011)
- "Paus Moet Ook Worden Vervolgd Voor Misbruik", in Noordhollands Dagblad (September 13, 2011)
- Anti-abortion Priest-activist Suspended by Bishop, by Rachel Zoll, The Associated Press (September 13, 2011)
- Amarillo Bishop Recalls Father Frank Pavone, Restricts His Faculties, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (September 13, 2011)
September 14
- Australia: Accused Priest Denies Anglican Prelate's Allegation, in Catholic Culture (September 14, 2011)
- Church Responds to Senator Xenophon's Sexual Abuse Allegations, in ABC (September 14, 2011)
- Australia Priest Denies Sexual Abuse Claims, by Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph (September 14, 2011)
- Hinch Case "Shows Need for Law Reform', Says Nick Xenophon, in news.com.au (September 14, 2011)
- Accused SA Priest Denies Sex Allegations, by Sarah Malik, West Australian (September 14, 2011)
- Senator Xenophon Uses or Abuses Parliamentary Privilege to Name Alleged Abuse Priest?, by Maryjane Fenech, ABC Melbourne (September 14, 2011)
- Monsignor Dempsey Denies Xenophon's Allegations of Abuse against Hepworth, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 14, 2011)
- Victims Criticise Catholic Church over Allegations, in ABC (September 14, 2011)
- Priest-abuse Survivors Take Their Fight to the Hague, by Adam Klasfeld, Courthouse News Service (September 14, 2011)
- Maine Sex-abuse Case Hinges on Priest's Locale, by Ann S. Kim, Portland Press Herald (September 14, 2011)
- Xenophon "Swamped with Calls", in 9 News (September 14, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Sue Pope at International Criminal Court, by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (September 14, 2011)
- Church Sex-abuse Victims Urge Icc Prosecution, in The Aljazeera (September 14, 2011)
- Accused SA Priest Denies Sex Allegations, in SBS (September 14, 2011)
- Child Abuse Victims Accuse Pope of Crimes against Humanity, in Inquirer (September 14, 2011)
- Public Support for Priest Naming, in The Age (September 14, 2011)
- Church Abuse Victims Complaint: Should the Pope Be Tried at the Hague?, by Anissa Haddadi, International Business Times (September 14, 2011)
- 931 Abuse Survivors Seek Support from One in Four, in Irish Examiner (September 14, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Misbruik Priesters Naar Strafhof, in The Nieuws (September 14, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Denies Rape Claim, in Sky News (September 14, 2011)
- Rann Slams Xenophon for Naming Priest, in 9 News (September 14, 2011)
- SNAP Ups the Ante, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 14, 2011)
- Ierse Bisschop Edward Daly Uit Kritiek Op Celibaatsverplichting, in RKnieuws (September 14, 2011)
- Aanklacht Tegen Paus Bij Strafhof, in Pow! (September 14, 2011)
- Paus Aangeklaagd Bij Strafhof, in Nu JiJ (September 14, 2011)
- Paus Aangeklaagd Bij Strafhof, in Nieuws (September 14, 2011)
- Paus En Drie Andere Geestelijken Aangeklaagd in Den Haag, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 14, 2011)
- Klacht Tegen Leden Vaticaan in Den Haag, in The Deredactie (September 14, 2011)
- Boze Misbruikslachtoffers Kerk Dienen Klacht in Tegen Paus, in The Trouw (September 14, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Misbruik Priesters Naar Strafhof, in The Nieuws (September 14, 2011)
- Shame on Snap's Lawyers, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (September 14, 2011)
- "confused by His Actions", in California Catholic Daily (September 14, 2011)
- The Row over the Naming of an Alleged Rapist Priest in Federal Parliament, in ABC News (September 14, 2011)
- Australian Senator under Fire over Rape Allegation, on KRIS (September 14, 2011)
- Molestation Trial of Seal Beach Priest Is Delayed, by Paige Austin, The Patch (September 14, 2011)
- Reaction to Xenophon Naming Priest, in ABC (September 14, 2011)
- Bishop Suspends Priest, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Gobe-News (September 14, 2011)
- "i Did It Because He Could Have Stopped Them but Instead He Remained Silent", by Alessandro Alviani, Vatican Insider (September 14, 2011)
- Appeal Filed with the Court of the Hague against the Pope, in Vatican Insider (September 14, 2011)
- Suing the Vatican for "Crimes against Humanity", by Bil Browning, Bilerico Project (September 14, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Costalli (mcl), Accuse Al Papa Frutto Di Odio E Intolleranza, in ASCA (September 14, 2011)
- "Folle Denunciare Papa", in La Stampa (September 14, 2011)
- "Copri I Preti Pedofili": IL Papa Denunciato All'aja, in Agenzia Radicale (September 14, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Ask International Criminal Court to Investigate High-level Vatican Officials : a News Selection, in Startpagina (September 14, 2011)
- Named Priest Ian Dempsey Denies Rape Allegations, by Verity Edwards and Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 15, 2011)
- Breach of Faith, by Tess Livingstone, The Australian (September 15, 2011)
- Priest Publicly Denies Rape Allegations, by John Stewart, ABC (September 14, 2011)
- Church Tried to Help: Archbishop, by Mark Metherell, The Age (September 15, 2011)
- Pedophilie : Le Pape Accuse De Crime Contre L'humanite, by Jean-Marie Guenois, Le Figaro (September 14, 2011)
- Pedophilie. Le Pape Accuse De "Crimes Contre L'humanite", in Ladepeche.Fr (September 14, 2011)
- Pedophilie : Le Pape Vise Par Une Plainte, on YouTube (September 14, 2011)
- Des Victimes De Pretres Pedophiles Portent Plainte Contre Le Pape, in TFI (September 14, 2011)
- Pedophilie: Des Victimes Portent Plainte Contre Le Pape a LA Cpi, in Le Parisien (September 14, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput Already Drawing Flak, in Catholic League (September 14, 2011)
- Will Pope Benedict End up in the Dock?, by Binoy Kampmark, Counter Punch (September 14, 2011)
- Was Nick Xenophon Being Brave or Waging One Stunt Too Many?, by Catherine Hockley In Canberra, Adelaide Now (September 15, 2011)
- Priest Takes a Holiday after Rape Claim Story Breaks, by Tony Wright, The Age (September 15, 2011)
- Flock Shocked by Rape Accusations Levelled against Monsignor Ian Dempsey, by Ken McGregor, Adelaide Now (September 15, 2011)
- Former School Chaplain Admits Indecent Assaults on Boys, in Harrow Observer (September 14, 2011)
- Cloistered Priest Enters No Contest Plea in Sex Assault, by Staci Wilson, The Times-Tribune (September 14, 2011)
- Peru: LA Embestida Contra El Sodalicio, in Sacro y Profano (September 14, 2011)
- Church Fights Back on Xenophon Priest Sex Abuse Claims, by David Jean and Catherine Hockley, Adelaide Now (September 14, 2011)
- Diocese: Priests for Life's Fr. Pavone Needed in Texas, by Dennis Sadowski, National Catholic Reporter (September 14, 2011)
- Father Frank Pavone Arrives in Texas, Gets Pro-life Support, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 14, 2011)
- Canon Lawyer Questions Maryknoll's Move against Bourgeois, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (September 14, 2011)
- Creditors" Attorneys in Archdiocese Bankruptcy Attack Cemetery Trust, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 15, 2011)
- A Predator Priest (kindle Single) [kindle Edition], on Amazon.com (September 14, 2011)
- Monsey Rabbi Resentenced to 30 Years for Molesting Daughter, by Steve Lieberman, Journal News (September 14, 2011)
- Western Pa. Priest Waives Hearing, Headed to Court on Charges He Stole $143,000 from Parish, in The Republic (September 14, 2011)
- East German Agency Spied on Cardinal Ratzinger, in Catholic Culture (September 14, 2011)
- Most Recent Updates on Fr. Pavone Situation, in LifeSite News (September 14, 2011)
- Controversy Swirls around Australian Anglican Archbishop's Abuse Claims, by Kerry Myers, Catholic Register (September 14, 2011)
- Joe Scheidler Statement on Fr. Pavone, in LifeSite News (September 14, 2011)
- Frank Pavone, Head of Priests for Life, Suspended after Accusations of Financial Mismanagement, by Adrianne Burke, Catholics for Choice (September 13, 2011)
- Naming Rape Accused Priest "Unjust, Unfair", in Herald Sun (September 15, 2011)
- Pinoy Priest Charged with Larceny and Child Porn, by Joseph Pimente, Asian Journal (September 14, 2011)
- Priest Headed to Trial on Theft Charges, by Sadie Gurman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (September 14, 2011)
- Amarillo Priest Disciplined, in New Channel 10 (September 14, 2011)
- Priest Abuse Victims Rally to Raise Awareness, in YNN (September 14, 2011)
- Group Seeks to Prosecute Pope for Roman Catholic Sex Abuse Cases, by Corey Moore, KPCC (September 14, 2011)
- Judge Clears Way for Sale of Crystal Cathedral Property, in Los Angeles Wave (September 14, 2011)
- In the Name of the Father, by Kimberley Ramplin, ABC (September 14, 2011)
- Abuse Victims" Advocates Ask International Court to Investigate Vatican, by Susan Gilmore, Seattle Times (September 14, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Place Hope in Court Filing, by Jenna Hiller, KSAT (September 14, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Accuse Pope of Crimes against Humanity, by Shelley Walcott, WTMJ (September 15, 2011)
- SNAP Gathers to Show Support for Charges Filed against the Vatican, in WHAS (September 14, 2011)
- Local Victims" Group Supports Charges against Vatican, by Ashley Brauer, WAVE (September 14, 2011)
September 15
- Cappo Steps down Amid Rape Furore, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 15, 2011)
- Monsignor David Cappo Quits, As Mr X's Decision Is Questioned, in West Australian (September 15, 2011)
- Senator Sets Sights on Victorian Case, in ABC News (September 15, 2011)
- Archbishop's Judgment Lapsed Xenophon, in Sky News (September 15, 2011)
- Vatican Must Engage More Meaningfully, by Editor Saturday, Southern Star (September 15, 2011)
- Group Files Request to Investigate the Pope, by Beth Miller, News Journal (September 15, 2011)
- Child Sexual Abuse Support Group Reports Continuing High Demand for Services, in The Journal (September 15, 2011)
- Hague Court Urged to Investigate Pope over Sex Abuse, in Times of India (September 15, 2011)
- Blogger Uncovers Vatican Secrets All from His Basement in Philly, by Mary Carole Mccauley, Kentucky.com (September 15, 2011)
- David Cappo Resigns over John Hepworth Case, on news.com.au (September 15, 2011)
- Monsignor David Cappo Has Resigned from His Government Posts, by Ben Packham, The Australian (September 15, 2011)
- Rau Urges Crime Victims to Go to Police, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 15, 2011)
- Xenophon Overstepped the Mark on Parliamentary Privilege, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 15, 2011)
- Xenophon "Judge,jury, Executioner", in Sky News (September 15, 2011)
- Nick Xenophon Denies Naming Rape Accused Catholic Priest Was Stunt, in Herald Sun (September 15, 2011)
- Charles R. Bauerlein Sr., 84; Civil Engineer and Peace Activist, by Sally A. Downey, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 15, 2011)
- Decision "Unlikely" to Be Reversed, by Russell Anglin, Amarillo Globe-News (September 15, 2011)
- Bishop Extends Order, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (September 15, 2011)
- Operation Rescue Stands Shoulder to Shoulder with Fr. Frank Pavone and Priests for Life, in Christian News Wire (September 15, 2011)
- Father Pavone to Seek New Diocese, Bishop Extends Inquiry; Group Will Picket Parishes, in Catholic Culture (September 15, 2011)
- Cbr Will Soon Lead Informational Pickets outside Catholic Facilities & Activities in the Diocese of Amarillo, TX, by Gregg Cunningham, Christian News Wire (September 15, 2011)
- Church Dust-up Needs Public Resolution, in Amarillo Globe-News (September 15, 2011)
- Operation Rescue Calls Priests for Life 'financial Improprieties' Allegations 'unfounded Attack', by Ashley Lopez, Florida Independent (September 15, 2011)
- "Alle Bewijzen Van Misbruik Door Geestelijken Openbaar Maken", in The Vandaag (September 15, 2011)
- Pedophilie : Le Pape Accuse De Crime Contre L'humanite, in Le Figaro (September 15, 2011)
- SNAP Snaps Back at the Catholic Church, in News Review (September 15, 2011)
- Clergyman, Now 84, Facing Jail for Assaults on Youngsters, by Will Frampton, Wiltshire Times (September 15, 2011)
- Cappo Steps down Amid Rape Furore, by Andrea Hayward and Tim Dornin, Sydney Morning Herald (September 15, 2011)
- Australia: Greek Senator Versus Catholic Church, by Fani Toli, Greek Reporter (September 15, 2011)
- Vigilante Xenophon's Name Shame, by Andrew McGowan, Eureka Street (September 15, 2011)
- Case against the Pope, in Voice of Russia (September 15, 2011)
- Chairman of the Priest's Council Resigns, in Irish Examiner (September 15, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 15, 2011)
- Association of Catholic Priests Backs Bishop Daly's Call to End Celibacy, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (September 15, 2011)
- Teczar Laicized by Pope Benedict XVI, by George Vogt, DFW Catholic (September 15, 2011)
- Nuncio to Ireland Transfered to Czech Republic, in National Catholic Reporter (September 15, 2011)
- Anti-abortion Group Will Picket Catholic Facilities in Response to Priests for Life Suspension, by Ashley Lopez, Florida Independent (September 15, 2011)
- SNAP Demands Info on Accused Priests, in WLW (September 15, 2011)
- The Pope Accused of Crimes against Humanity, in PRI (September 15, 2011)
- Nick Xenophon Denies Naming Rape Accused Catholic Priest Was Stunt, in Herald Sun (September 15, 2011)
- Senator Accuses Catholic Archbishop of Having Double Standards on Abuse, by Verity Edwards and Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 15, 2011)
- Senate Urged to Probe Xenophon's Use of Privilege, in ABC Sydney (September 15, 2011)
- A Fair Fight, by Carmen Durso, National Survivors Advocates Coalition (September 15, 2011)
- Why the Icc Likely Won't Charge Pope over Catholic Church Sex Abuses, by Jason Walsh, Christian Science Monitor (September 15, 2011)
- Group Files Complaint with International Criminal Court against Pope and Vatican Leaders for Crimes against Humanity, in God Discussion (September 15, 2011)
- Detective: Alleged Assailant's Criminal Record Was Mailed to Priest 2 Weeks before Stabbing, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (September 15, 2011)
- Continued False Meme about False Allegations of Abuse against Catholic Clergy: Dave Pierre Attacks SNAP, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (September 15, 2011)
- Crimes against Humanity, in It's About Me (September 15, 2011)
- Fr. Pavone Appeals Suspension by His Bishop to Rome, by Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency (September 15, 2011)
- US Priests Form New National Association, by Robert McClory, National Catholic Reporter (September 15, 2011)
- Detective: Crime Report Went to Chatham Priest Days before He Was Killed, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (September 15, 2011)
- With Abuse Scandal, Priest Shortage, a Sour 10 Days in Ireland, in National Catholic Reporter (September 15, 2011)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims Ask for Pope to Be Prosecuted, in Fresh Outlook (September 15, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Suit Clears Hurdle, in Gallup Independent (September 15, 2011)
- Dine High Court Hears Clergy Sex Abuse Case, in Gallup Independent (September 15, 2011)
- Catholic Church Reveals Scale of Sex Abuse, by Jessica Dacey, The Swissinfo (September 15, 2011)
- Xenophon Stands by His Naming Decision, in Sky News (September 15, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Seek International Criminal Court Charges against Former SF Archbishop, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (September 15, 2011)
- Denial Vs Truthfulness: Mccormack's NH Record, by Carolyn Disco, Voice of the Faithful (September 15, 2011)
- Navajo Justices Revive Case Alleging Priest Abuse, in NECN (September 15, 2011)
- Warrior Man Convicted of Sexual Abuse over 7-year Span, by Melynda Sides, Fox 6 (September 15, 2011)
- Fr. Pavone Considering Founding New Religious Order, by Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency (September 15, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese: Father Pavone Not Accused of Wrongdoing, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 15, 2011)
- Groups Seek Priest's Return to Pro-life Emphasis, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (September 15, 2011)
- Pope, Cardinals Sued at the Hague for Priestly Sex Abuse, by Mark Kernes, AVN (September 15, 2011)
- Crime History: Priest, Lover Found Dead, by Scott McCabe, Washington Examiner (September 15, 2011)
- Calls for Coroner to Re-open Abuse Suicide Cases, in ABC (September 15, 2011)
- Monsignor Cites Scandal for Passing on Govt Post, by Martin Daly, Canberra Times (September 16, 2011)
September 16
- Abuse Suit Witness Flynn Dies, by Kevin Graman, The Spokesman-Review (September 16, 2011)
- San Bernardino: Priest at Aquinas Accused of Abuse, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (September 15, 2011)
- Empty Pews Worry Bishop Fabbro, by Don Lajoie, Windsor Star (September 16, 2011)
- Accuser Denies Rorting Church Funds, by Martin Daly, Canberra Times (September 16, 2011)
- Pastor, Parents Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault of Daughter, in KYTX (September 16, 2011)
- Pastor's Abuse of Power Condemned, by Jeffarah Gibson, The Tribune (September 16, 2011)
- Former San Francisco Archbishop Named in Sex Abuse Complaint, by Ari Burack, The Examiner (September 16, 2011)
- David Quinn: Lack of Vocations down to Crisis of Faith, Not Celibacy, in Irish Independent (September 16, 2011)
- Priest's Resignation a Blow to Archdiocese in Crisis, by Conall O Fatharta, Irish Examiner (September 16, 2011)
- Loved-up Priest Dropped by Church, in The Local (September 16, 2011)
- Le Cure Demissionne Pour Cause De Concubine, in La Depeche (September 16, 2011)
- Un Pretre En Couple Interdit D'exercer, in L'Express (September 16, 2011)
- Rechtszaak Tegen H. Stoel Naar Kamer Met Drie Rechters, in RKnieuws (September 16, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Vragen Nietigheid Groepsklacht Kindermisbruik, in De Morgen (September 16, 2011)
- Rechtszaak Tegen De Paus Moet Naar Drie Rechters, in The Zita (September 16, 2011)
- SNAP Filed 20k Page Document in Lawsuit against Catholic Priests, by Jessica Mayes, WAVE (September 16, 2011)
- Stockton Child Abuse Victim's Outburst in Church, by Gareth Lightfoot, Evening Gazette (September 16, 2011)
- Taking the Vatican to the Cleaners: the Icc Lawsuit, by Binoy Kampmark, The Scoop (September 16, 2011)
- Victims Group Calls for More to Come Forward after Clergy Abuse, by Sally Phillips, WFMJ (September 16, 2011)
- Putting the Celibacy Debate into Context, in CathNews (September 16, 2011)
- Pastor on Mystery Leave Will Return to Work, Priest Says, by Mike LaBella, The Eagle-Tribune (September 16, 2011)
- Cappo's Resignation Disappoints SA Church, in 9 News (September 16, 2011)
- Priest: Wives and Mothers "Implicated" in Abuse Cover-up, in Irish Examiner (September 16, 2011)
- Dublin Priests" Morale Is at an "All Time Low", by Garry O'Sullivan, Irish Catholic (September 15, 2011)
- Wives and Mothers of Ireland Covered up Abuse Says Wexford Priest, in Irish Catholic (September 15, 2011)
- Anything Goes When Attacking the Church - Andrew O'connell, in Irish Catholic (September 16, 2011)
- Church Can't Be beyond Justice, by Terry Sweetman, The Courier-Mail (September 16, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Victims Seeking Criminal Charges against Catholic Officials, in WTAE (September 16, 2011)
- Diocese of Amarillo Issues Clarification Affirming Fr. Frank Pavone's Good Standing and Character, in DFW Catholic (September 16, 2011)
- Notice: Father Dale Guidry, by Msgr. Harold Waldow, Roman Catholic Diocese of Amarillo (September 15, 2011)
- Archbishop Hepworth: Ballarat Court Links Revealed, by Tom Mcilroy, The Courier (September 16, 2011)
- One Man's Life, and How the Church He Loved Let Him down, by Martin Daly, The Age (September 17, 2011)
- NCR on Chaput's Installation in Philadelphia: Pleas for Healing Met with "Fog of Pieties", by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (September 16, 2011)
- Police Not the Answer in Archbishop's Abuse Claims, by Christopher Pearson, The Australian (September 17, 2011)
- Cappo "Refused" to Put Claim to Rome, in The Australian (September 17, 2011)
- L'affaire Pavone, in Catholic Culture (September 16, 2011)
- Protestant Pro-life Religious Leaders Back Father Pavone, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 16, 2011)
- Father Pavone Ponders Founding New Pro-life Religious Order, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 16, 2011)
- Retired Priest Accused of Molesting Boys, in Mercury News (September 16, 2011)
- Nick Xenophon's Defends His Actions to Name and Shame a Catholic Priest, in Mercury News (September 15, 2011)
- Bethlehem Pastor Sentenced for Sex Abuse, by Riley Yates, Morning Call (September 16, 2011)
- Group Files Request to Investigate the Pope, by Beth Miller, News Journal (September 17, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Vragen Nietigheid Groepsklacht Kindermisbruik, in HLN (September 16, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Belgie Wijzen Klacht Misbruik Af, in The Nu (September 16, 2011)
- Rechtszaak Tegen De Paus Moet Naar Drie Rechters, in The Vandaag (September 16, 2011)
- Aanklacht Tegen Paus Bij Strafhof, in The Movisie (September 15, 2011)
- Bijna 150 Misbruikaangiften in Zwitserse Kerk, in De Telegraaf (September 16, 2011)
- September 19th Deadline to Apply for Common Experience Payments, in Market Watch (September 16, 2011)
- Bishop Testifies for Jackson County Grand Jury, by Mark Morris, Glenn E. Rice And Judy Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 16, 2011)
- San Bernardino Priest and Former High School Teacher Accused of Abuse, by Joelle Casteix, SNAP (September 16, 2011)
- Teen Mental Health Counselor Loses in Child Sex Case, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 16, 2011)
- The Troubled History of Priests, Sex and the Church May Be at a Turning Point, on UTV (September 16, 2011)
- Serial Rape Church Row Claims Top Australian Health Role, by Greg Ansley, New Zealand Herald (September 17, 2011)
- I Accuse!, by Vinnie Nauheimer, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 16, 2011)
- Take Abuse Cases out of Clerical Hands, in National Catholic Reporter (September 16, 2011)
- Adelaide Archbishop: Senator's Interference in Abuse Case Was "Unjust", by Kerry Myers, U.S. Catholic (September 15, 2011)
- Retired San Bernardino Priest Accused of Molesting Five Boys in 1970s, in Los Angeles Times (September 16, 2011)
- Father Pavone: No One Needs Permission to Do Pro-life Work, by Father Frank Pavone, LifeNews (September 16, 2011)
- Mothers, Wives Also Guilty of Cover-up, Says Cleric, by Gartland Jason Walsh, Irish Times (September 17, 2011)
September 17
- Irish Mothers and Wives Carry Blame Too - Catholic Priest, in The Journal (September 17, 2011)
- Bishop Testifies before Grand Jury on How Diocese Handled Child Sexual Abuse, by Mark Morris, Glenn E. Rice And Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 17, 2011)
- Women Failed to Protect Children Too, Says Priest, by Fergus Black, Irish Independent (September 17, 2011)
- Clergy "Must Show More Enthusiasm" to Restore Faith, by Fiona Ellis, Irish Independent (September 17, 2011)
- Church Should Be a Safe Place for Kids, in The Clarion-Ledger (September 17, 2011)
- Crimes against Humanity, in Zamboanga Today (September 17, 2011)
- Seksaffaire in De Doofpot Gestopt, in Limburgs Dagblad (September 17, 2011)
- 'misbruik Zwakzinnigeninstelling Heel Verdween in Doofpot', by Pim van den Dool, NRC Handelsblad (September 17, 2011)
- Kerk Begint Procedureslag Tegen Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in De Standaard (September 17, 2011)
- Bishop Testifies; SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 17, 2011)
- Bail Plea of Rape Accused Rejected, in MSN News (September 17, 2011)
- San Bernardino: Attorney Says Priest Had Student Sleepovers, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (September 17, 2011)
- Children of the Heartland, in National Survivor Advocates Coaliton (September 17, 2011)
- Why the Pope Must Face Justice at the Hague, by Barbara Blaine, The Guardian (September 17, 2011)
- A Flurry of Abuses, by Charles Waterstreet, Sydney Morning Herald (September 18, 2011)
- New Reports of Sexual Abuse Surface, on Fox 34 (September 17, 2011)
- Staten Island Pro-Life Advocate Rev. Frank Pavone Not Accused of Wrongdoing, Diocese Says, by Maura Grunlund, Staten Island Advance (September 17, 2011)
- Vienna Cardinal Takes Tough Line on Priest Revolt, by Michael Shields, The Reuters (September 17, 2011)
- A Rupture of Reverence for the Vatican Sets off a Transformation in Ireland, by Sarah Lyall, New York Times (September 17, 2011)
- Ireland: Priests Who Want to Be Husbands, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (September 16, 2011)
- Has the Wolf Become a Lamb?, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (September 17, 2011)
- Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse Make History, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 17, 2011)
- Stick to the Point; Avoid Evasion, by Lee Wolverton, Amarillo.com (September 17, 2011)
- Catholic Archdiocese Reportedly Calls for Police Probe at a Local Church, by Steve Winogron with Gord McDougall, CFRA (September 17, 2011)
- Police to Investigate Church Finances, on CTV (September 17, 2011)
- Police to Probe Financial Irregularities at Blessed Sacrament, by Andrew Duffy and Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (September 17, 2011)
- Frank Pavone Suspended but Does Not Face Any Charges, According to Bishop, by David Gibson, Huffington Post (September 17, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse in Christianity : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, The Startpagina (September 18, 2011)
September 18
- Let Priests Marry: the Church's Survival May Well Depend on It, in Irish Independent (September 18, 2011)
- Church May Be at Turning Point on Celibacy Issue, by Sophia Deboick, Sydney Morning Herald (September 18, 2011)
- Pope on First Official Trip to Germany, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 18, 2011)
- Canadians Losing Faith in Religion, by Teresa Smith, The Times-Colonist (September 18, 2011)
- Switzerland: Bishops Present a Report on Sexual Abuse, in Vatican Insider (September 18, 2011)
- A Brave, Early, Caring Whistleblower Has Passed Away, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 17, 2011)
- 'Disobedient' Austrian Catholics Preach Message of Reform, by Kerry Skyring, Deutsche Welle (September 18, 2011)
- Former Priest Pleads Guilty, Begins Sex Offender Counseling, by Kerry Skyring, Catholic Favors (August 31, 2011)
- Sterfgevallen in Rooms-Katholieke Zwakzinnigeninstellingen Sint Joseph En Sint Anna in Heel En Panheel : Een Nieuwsselectie, by Pieter Schultz, The Startpagina (September 18, 2011)
- Priest Sex Abuse Victims Rally in Catholic Poland, in Calgary Herald (September 18, 2011)
- Snap: Ofiary Molestowania Księży Powinny Informować Organy ścigania, in The Gazeta (September 18, 2011)
- Papież Oskarżony O Zbrodnie Przeciw Ludzkości, in The Wprost (September 18, 2011)
- Samson Tegen Nrc: Meer Meldingen Seksueel Misbruik St. Joseph, by Joep Dohmen, Nrc Handelsblad (September 18, 2011)
- Npr Boosts Icc Court Case against Pope, Catholic Church, by Matthew Balan, The Newsbusters (September 18, 2011)
- Benedict XVI Known Worldwide for His Crimes against Humanity at the Hague., by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (September 18, 2011)
- Merkel Calls for Unity Ahead of Pope's Germany Visit, by Gabriel Borrud, Deutsche Welle (September 18, 2011)
- St. John's Abbey Seeks to Keep Priest Info Private, in Houston Chronicle (September 18, 2011)
- Abbey Requests Schulte's Files Remain Private, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (September 18, 2011)
- Adelaide Archdiocese Hepworth Account Disputed, in The Cathnews (September 18, 2011)
- Irish Reports 'Core' to Abuse Claim against Vatican, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (September 18, 2011)
September 19
- Putting the Pope on Trial, by Mac McClelland, Mother Jones (September 19, 2011)
- Abuse Watchdog Director Quit before Investigation into Order, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (September 19, 2011)
- 125 Priests, Lay Clergy Involved in Sex Abuse Case, by Sabir Shah, International News (September 19, 2011)
- Pervert Must Tell Police before Going to Churches, in Daily Gazette (September 19, 2011)
- Oakleigh Parents' Plea for Inquiry on Abuse, by Tim Michell, Waverley Leader (September 19, 2011)
- Abuse Scandal, Rows Blight Pope's Image, by Richard Carter, IOL (September 19, 2011)
- NH Gets New Roman Catholic Bishop, in Wall Street Journal (September 19, 2011)
- Rinuncia Del Vescovo Di Manchester U.s.a. E Nomina Del Successore, in The Bolletino (September 19, 2011)
- The Catholic Church in New Hampshire Welcomes Bishop Peter A. Libasci, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester (September 19, 2011)
- Vatican Diary / the Pope's Alms and Other Curiosities, in The Chiesa (September 19, 2011)
- Awash in Speculation, NH Waits to Hear from Its Bishop, by Kathryn Marchocki, New Hampshire Union Leader (September 19, 2011)
- Granite Gets Rock: Long Island's Libasci Headed to New Hampshire, in Whispers in the Loggia (September 19, 2011)
- Media Realities the Church in Malta Must Face, in Times of Malta (September 19, 2011)
- Labor Senator Attacks Xenophon over Priest, in Herald Sun (September 19, 2011)
- Accused Priest Tells of His Own Distress, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 20, 2011)
- Monsignor Ian Dempsey Denies Sexual Relationship with Accuser Archbishop John Hepworth, by Catherine Hockley, The Advertiser (September 20, 2011)
- Former Deacon Arrested in Death of Wife, Shooting of Two Pastors, by Benedict Alibasa, Gant Daily (September 19, 2011)
- Antigonish Diocese Prays Property Sales Pick up, in CBC News (September 19, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 19, 2011)
- The Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre (September 19, 2011)
- New Catholic Bishop Will Start in December, by Tricia L. Nadolny, Concord Monitor (September 19, 2011)
- New NH Bishop Wants to Help Heal Old Wounds, by Carol Robidoux, Patch (September 19, 2011)
- SNAP Holds Child Sex Abuse Protest Rally in Predominantly Catholic Poland, by JohnThomas Didymus, God Discussion (September 19, 2011)
- SNAP Slams New NH Catholic Bishop, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 19, 2011)
- N.H. Gets New Roman Catholic Bishop, on Seacoast Online (September 19, 2011)
- New Hampshire's New Bishop: 'first Challenge Is to Listen Very Carefully', in Nashua Telegraph (September 19, 2011)
- NH Gets New Roman Catholic Bishop, by Holly Ramer, Boston Globe (September 19, 2011)
- N.H. Bishop to Step Down; Once Criticized for Handling of Boston Clergy Abuse Cases, by Amanda Cedrone, Boston Globe (September 19, 2011)
- Bishop-elect Libasci Looks Foward to Leading Granite State Catholics, by Kathryn Marchocki, New Hampshire Union Leader (September 19, 2011)
- Potential Jurors in Trial of Man Accused of Killing Chatham Priest to Be Questioned about Catholic Church Sex-abuse "Crisis," Judge Rules, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (September 19, 2011)
- Bishop Recalls Father Pavone, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (September 19, 2011)
- Priest Charged, in Joan Frawley Desmond (September 19, 2011)
- Kansas City Report Released, by Joan Frawley, National Catholic Register (September 19, 2011)
- Shanxi: Allegedly Corrupt Priest Defended by Religious Affairs Bureau, in Asia News (September 19, 2011)
- Former Walker Pastor to Stand Trial on Decades-old Sex-abuse Charge, by John Agar, Grand Rapids Press (September 19, 2011)
- Pastor Bound for Trial on Sex Charge, in WOOD (September 19, 2011)
- Leonard: "Priesterkandidaten Worden Psychologisch Gescreend", in Het Nieuwsblad (September 19, 2011)
- Pope Gives New Hampshire Catholics New Bishop, by Michelle Bauman, Catholic News Agency (September 19, 2011)
- Petition Urges Bishop to Allow Fr. Pavone to Resume Full Duties at Priests for Life, in ProLife Blogs (September 18, 2011)
- Bishop Robert Finn Testifies before a Jackson County Grand Jury, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (September 19, 2011)
- Statement from Bishop Peter A. Libasci, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester (September 19, 2011)
- Bishop-designate Peter A. Libasci Public Schedule for September 19, 2011, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester (September 19, 2011)
- Pope Names Bishop Peter A. Libasci As New Bishop of Manchester, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre (September 19, 2011)
- New Hampshire's New Bishop: 'first Challenge Is to Listen Very Carefully', by Cameron Kittle, Nashua Telegraph (September 19, 2011)
- Missing, Gone or Disappeared by the Church: Where Are These Priests?, by Father Alberto Cutie, Huffington Post (September 19, 2011)
- Screening Moet Voorkomen Dat Pedofielen Priester Worden, in De Morgen (September 19, 2011)
- Belgische Bisschoppen Hebben Code Tegen Kindermisbruik, in RKnieuws (September 19, 2011)
- Priest Places Blame for the Sexual Abuse Crisis on the Mothers of Ireland, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 19, 2011)
- Austrian Cardinal Fears "Serious Conflict" If Priests Continue Defiance, in Catholic Culture (September 18, 2011)
- Onderzoeksrechter 'operatie Kelk' Neemt Ontslag, in RKnieuws (September 19, 2011)
- Las Victimas De Abusos Que Denunciaron Al Papa Protestan Frente a LA Almudena, by Natxo Marcet, El Mundo (September 19, 2011)
September 20
- Abuse Survivor Seeks Closure during Pope's German Visit, in The Ahram (September 20, 2011)
- Vatican Appoints N.Y. Bishop to Head N.H. Diocese, by Brian Macquarrie, Boston Globe (September 20, 2011)
- Bishop Promises to Listen, Heal, Rebuild Community, by Kathryn Marchocki, New Hampshire Union Leader (September 20, 2011)
- Vatican Names Next Bishop, by Tricia L. Nadolny, Concord Monitor (September 20, 2011)
- Eugene Man Sues Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, Accuses Retired Priest of Molestation, by Bryan Denson, The Oregonian (September 19, 2011)
- Church Must Face Need for Institutional and Theological Renewal, by Gina Menzies, Irish Times (September 20, 2011)
- Married Priests Are the Answer, by Sophia Deboick, Canberra Times (September 20, 2011)
- Priest Writes to Xenophon over Naming, in ABC News (September 20, 2011)
- Libasci Controversial Choice for Manchester Diocese, by Dan Gorenstein, New Hampshire Public Radio (September 19, 2011)
- Abuse Prevention Workshop to Be Held in Iqaluit, in Nunavut News/north (September 20, 2011)
- Could the Vatican Go to Court for Human-Rights Abuses?, by Stephan Faris, The Time (September 20, 2011)
- Abuse Group to Outline International Court Action against Pope, in Monsters and Critics (September 20, 2011)
- Catholic Church Has Major Struggle Ahead, by Kathy Rumleski, London Free Press (September 19, 2011)
- Can New NH Bishop Fix Church's Image?, by Robert Michaelson, The Patch (September 20, 2011)
- Pedophile Christian Brother Robert Best's Appeal an Insult - Victims, by Joel Cresswell, Herald Sun (September 20, 2011)
- " Ontslag De Troy Is Pijnlijk Voor Slachtoffers 'Operatie Kelk'", in HLN (September 19, 2011)
- Monsignor Ian Dempsey Denies Sexual Relationship with Accuser Archbishop John Hepworth, by David Jean and Catherine Hockley, Adelaide Now (September 20, 2011)
- Mitt Romney's Latest Endorser Called Catholic Bishop " Pedophile Pimp", by Andy Kroll, Mother Jones (September 2, 2011)
- Minister Stands Firm on Abuse Plans, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (September 20, 2011)
- Priest's Lawyer Frustrated at Inability to View Church Audit, by Andrew Duffy and Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (September 20, 2011)
- N.H. Bishop Described As Humble, Hard-Working, by John Toole, The Eagle-Tribune (September 20, 2011)
- A Misguided Move by Pro-Lifers, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (September 19, 2011)
- Austria: the Church Is Dangerously Close to Schism, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (September 19, 2011)
- Germany: Pope to Meet Victims of Abuse, in Vatican Insider (September 19, 2011)
- Umfrage Unter Bistümern Zum Sexuellen Missbrauch / " Report Mainz" , Heute, Dienstag, 20. September 2011, 21.45 Uhr Im Ersten, in Finanz Nachrichten (September 20, 2011)
- Verbrecher in Soutane, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (September 20, 2011)
- Germany: " Der Spiegel" Attacks Pope, in Vatican Insider (September 20, 2011)
- Testimony and Opinion by High-Ranking Former Member Regarding Miles Jesu Intervention by Church Authorities, by Andrew Sullivan, The Regain (September 20, 2011)
- Fetish Priest in Court for Defilement, in GNA (September 20, 2011)
- Group Asks Church Employees to Submit Evidence of Abuse to Court, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (September 20, 2011)
- Abuse Group Wants Vatican Employees to Help Prosecute Pope, in Monsters and Critics (September 20, 2011)
- Catholic Bishop Offers Pro-life Support for Father Pavone, by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews (September 20, 2011)
- The Pope's Difficult Visit to His Homeland, in The Spiegel (September 20, 2011)
- Rolling Stone Magazine Gathers Anti-catholic Moss, by William Donohue, Spero News (September 20, 2011)
- Protest Benedict Xvi's German Trip: Banners to Use. 86 Percent of Germans Think Benedict's Four-day Trip "totally Unimportant", by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (September 20, 2011)
- Diocese Condemns Priest's Comments, by Elaine Furlong, Enniscorthy Guardian (September 20, 2011)
- Misjudgment in Boston, by Thomas G. Guarino, First Things (September 20, 2011)
- Irish Abuse Reports at Center of Case to Have Pope Benedict Charged with Crimes against Humanity, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (September 20, 2011)
- Belgian Catholic Church to "Screen' for Paedophile Priests, in The Telegraph (September 20, 2011)
- Warning over Sex Abuse Inquiry Delay, on UTV (September 20, 2011)
- Archbishop "Ignored" Church Offer, by Catherine Hockley, Adelaide Now (September 21, 2011)
- Civil Trial of Pedo-priests Gus Krumm and Alexander Manville Starts--krumm Admits to Multiple Molestations, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 20, 2011)
- Coach Accused of Giving Boy Beer, Taking Him to a Hotel, by Regina Medina, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 20, 2011)
- "Handcuff the Pope!", in Catholic League (September 20, 2011)
- High School Coach Lured Boy to Hotel, Gave Him Drugs, Beer: Police, by Teresa Masterson, NBC Philadelphia (September 20, 2011)
- High School Baseball Coach Charged with Endangering Child, by Sarah Bloomquist, 6 ABC (September 20, 2011)
- High School Baseball Coach Charged with Corrupting Minors, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (September 20, 2011)
- Charges Reduced for Priest Accused of Sexual Assault, by Anne Jungen, LaCrosse Tribune (September 20, 2011)
- Charges Reduced against Priest in Assault Case, by Kevin Millard, WXOW (September 20, 2011)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims Ask Vatican Employees to Speak out, in Voice of America (September 20, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Vittime Abusi, Chi Lavora in Vaticano Venga Avanti E Denunci, in ASCA (September 20, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili, Le Vittime a Roma Per Rompere IL Silenzio, by Chiara Ribichini, SKY (September 20, 2011)
- Jury: Former Boynton Beach Pastor Molested 15-year-old Church Member, by Daphne Duret, Palm Beach Post (September 20, 2011)
- Church Pastor Found Guilty of Molesting Teen Girl, by Wayne K. Roustan, Sun Sentinel (September 20, 2011)
- "Priesterkandidaten Screenen Is Doekje Voor Het Bloeden", in De Morgen (September 20, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Call for Vatican Insiders to Speak out, in The Interaksyon (September 20, 2011)
- Abuse Lobby Urges Pope Not to Meet Victims in Germany, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (September 21, 2011)
- SNAP Blasts Upcoming Papal Meeting with German Victims, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 20, 2011)
September 21
- A New Bishop: Healing Old Wounds, in New Hampshire Union Leader (September 21, 2011)
- Despite Investigating Catholic Scandals, Author Jason Berry Keeps the Faith, by Manuel Roig-Franzia, Washington Post (September 20, 2011)
- Greens Push for Sexual Abuse Victims' Right to Sue Parishes, in The Australian (September 21, 2011)
- Scott Day Care Center Worker 'Surrounded Himself with Kids', by Margaret Harding, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (September 21, 2011)
- Pastors Speak Highly of Vandeventer's Character As a Chaplain, Minister to the Sick, by Nick Schneider, Greene County Saily World (September 20, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Concord Church, by Ben Thompson, WCNC (September 20, 2011)
- Were Catholics and Renegade Priests to Blame?, by Martin Scicluna, Malta Independent (September 21, 2011)
- Vatican Insiders Must Speak Out: Sex Abuse Victims, in Daily News (September 21, 2011)
- Fellow German Christians Among Pope Benedict's Staunchest Critics, in The Reuters (September 21, 2011)
- Pope Oks Early Retirement for Indiana Archbishop, in Sun Herald (September 21, 2011)
- Rinuncia Dell'arcivescovo Di Indianapolis U.s.a., in The Bolletino (September 21, 2011)
- Archdiocese Postpones Priests for Life Mass, in Catholic San Francisco (September 21, 2011)
- Ni Abuse Inquiry 'Could Take Two Years to Establish', on BBC News (September 21, 2011)
- Two Years to Establish Northern Ireland Clerical Abuse Probe, in Belfast Telegraph (September 21, 2011)
- German-Speaking Catholics Want Reform from Rome, by Jean Louis, AFP (September 21, 2011)
- Pentecostal Bishop Charles Brown Booked with Sexual Battery, by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune (September 20, 2011)
- Pope's Speech to German Mps Faces Boycott, by Helen Pidd, The Guardian (September 21, 2011)
- Supporters of Pope's German Visit Blast Boycott, by Tom Heneghan, Fox 43 (September 21, 2011)
- Famed Law Firm Targets Vatican for Abuse, by Kevin Osborne, City Beat (September 21, 2011)
- Abuse Scandal, Rows Blight Pope's Image in Germany, in Times of Malta (September 21, 2011)
- Ridding Catholicism of the Stench of This Legionary of Christ, by Hugh O'Shaughnessy, The Guardian (September 21, 2011)
- Father Pavone's Last Stand, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (September 21, 2011)
- Judge in Slain Chatham Priest Trial Probes Jurors' Views on Sex and Religion, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (September 21, 2011)
- Brother Best Victims Ready for Class Action, by Tom McIlroy, The Courier (September 21, 2011)
- Senator Nick Xenophon Faces Scrutiny over Naming Priest in Parliament, by Catherine Hockley, Adelaide Now (September 22, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (September 21, 2011)
- Indianapolis Archbishop Resigns for Health Reasons, in National Catholic Reporter (September 21, 2011)
- Paedophilia: "anyone in the Vatican Who Knows Something Please Speak Up", by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican Insider (September 21, 2011)
- German Priest Compares Church's Paedophilia Crisis to 9/11, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (September 21, 2011)
- Complaint Urges International Criminal Court to Investigate Vatican for Sex Crimes, by Kevin Gosztola, The Firedoglake (September 21, 2011)
- RTE Given Week to Defend Defamation Claim, in RTE News (September 21, 2011)
- Priest Featured on RTE Programme "Did Not Father Kenyan Woman', High Court Told, in Irish Examiner (September 21, 2011)
- Italian Bishop and Spanish Priest to Oversee Vatican's Finances, in Rome Reports (September 21, 2011)
- Piedmontese Bishop to Be Appointed As Head of Holy See's Economic Affairs, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (September 21, 2011)
- Paternity Test "Clears" Priest Who Is Suing RTE over Rape Allegation, in Belfast Telegraph (September 21, 2011)
- Vatican Decision Condemns Chilean Priest - Chilean Government Quick to Follow, Opens Investigation, by Emilee Gaebler, Syracuse University College of Law (September 21, 2011)
- The Men of the Vatican: "operating with Impunity and without Accountability" As the Sexual Abuse of Innocent Children Rages on, by Kevin Gosztola, Alexandra Halsey-Storch (September 21, 2011)
- New Scandal Rattles Chile's Catholic Church, in Santiago Times (September 21, 2011)
- Pentecostal Bishop Arrested, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 21, 2011)
- Indianapolis Archbishop Steps Down, SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (September 21, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena, in KXLH (September 21, 2011)
- Pope Should Endorse Independent Investigation, by Gerald T. Slevin, Washington Post (September 21, 2011)
- Prosecutors Reduce Charge against LA Crosse Priest, in Channel 3000 (September 21, 2011)
- New Clergy Sex & Cover up Cases Filed in Mt, SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 21, 2011)
- Catholics Looking for Answers during Pope's Visit to Germany, in Deutsche Welle (September 21, 2011)
- Civil Lawsuit Filed against Helena Catholic Diocese, in Independent Record (September 21, 2011)
- "a Putinization of the Catholic Church", in The Spiegel (September 21, 2011)
- Statements to Police in Alleged Abuse Case Conflict with Report by Owensboro Diocese, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (September 21, 2011)
- Police Find No Evidence of Abuse in Suicide Case, in Houston Chronicle (September 21, 2011)
- Opd: No Evidence of Molestation in Church-related Suicide, in Tristate Homepage (September 21, 2011)
- Priest Is Not the Father of Kenyan Woman, Court Told, by Aodhan O'faolain And Ray Managh, Irish Times (September 21, 2011)
- State Drops Defilement Charges against Priest, by Monitor Reporter, Daily Monitor (September 21, 2011)
September 22
- Pope Arrives in Berlin Amid Anti-Vatican Mass Protests, in Islamic Republic News Agency (September 22, 2011)
- Failure of Diplomacy: Pope May Soon Face Justice in Crimes against Humanity, by Zachary Davis, Daily Isureveille (September 21, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed against Catholic Diocese of Helena, by Mike Cronin, KFBB (September 22, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse Suit Filed against Helena Diocese, by Ryan Whalen, Beartooth NBC (September 22, 2011)
- Dublin Archbishop Denies Abuse Fund Claims, on RTE News (September 22, 2011)
- Parishes Asked to Contribute Funds, in Irish Times (September 22, 2011)
- Archbishop Martin: Parishioner Money Not Used to Pay Abuse-Claim Costs, in Irish Examiner (September 22, 2011)
- 34 Claiming Sexual Abuse by Priests File Suit against Helena Diocese, by Kevin Maki, NBC Montana (September 22, 2011)
- Pastor Waives Hearing in Child Molestation Case, by Jennifer Carboni, Daily Local News (September 22, 2011)
- Pope 'Understands' Those Leaving Church, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 22, 2011)
- Dozens Sue Catholic Diocese of Helena over Alleged Sex Abuse, by Matt Volz, Great Falls Tribune (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Urges Germans Not to Quit Church over Sex Abuse, by Philip Pullella, The Reuters (September 22, 2011)
- Pope in Germany on First Official Visit, in The Aljazeera (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Begins State Visit to Germany, by Melissa Eddy, Associated Press (September 22, 2011)
- A Papal Homecoming to a Combative Germany, by Nicholas Kulish, New York Times (September 22, 2011)
- Martin: Funds in Place to Pay Next Year's Compensation Claims, in Irish Examiner (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Calls German Protests " Normal in a Free Society", in Monsters and Critics (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Makes First State Visit to Germany, on RTE News (September 22, 2011)
- Pope's Visit Intended to Sway German Skeptics, by Bernd Riegert, Deutsche Welle (September 22, 2011)
- Church Sued for Alleged Choir Girl Rape, by Peter Surowski, The Patch (September 21, 2011)
- Pastor Pleads Guilty of Raping Choir Girl, by Peter Surowski, The Patch (September 19, 2011)
- Boycotting Bundestagers, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 22, 2011)
- Early Retirement of Daniel Buechlein As Archbishop of Indianapolis, by Mary Heins, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (September 22, 2011)
- Rte Prepares to Defend Libel Action by Ahascragh Priest, in Galway News (September 22, 2011)
- Hans Küng on the " Putinization of the Catholic Church", by Eric Bugyis, The Dotcommonweal (September 21, 2011)
- Ex-Spokesman for Cardinal Law Takes Indianapolis Church Position, by Lane Lambert, Patriot Ledger (September 21, 2011)
- Mix of Ill-Will and Expectation Await Pontiff on German Visit, in Irish Times (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Acknowledges Damage Caused by Clerical Abuse Scandal As He Begins 4-Day Germany, in Washington Post (September 22, 2011)
- Press Conference: Two Clergy Abuse & Cover-Up Lawsuits Filed, by Joelle Casteix, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 22, 2011)
- Judges Order Accused Priest's Name Released, SNAP Responds, by David Clohessy, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 21, 2011)
- +++ Missbrauchsopfer Demonstrieren Am Brandenburger Tor +++, on N.tv (September 22, 2011)
- Höchste Sicherheitsstufe Im Bundestag, in The Spiegel (September 22, 2011)
- Polizei-Einsatz Gegen Papst-Gegner in Berlin-Mitte, in The Welt (September 22, 2011)
- Heimkinder Fordern Ende Von Verjährungsfristen Nach Missbrauch, on Kanal 8 (September 22, 2011)
- Frühere Heimkinder Demonstrieren in Berlin, in The Welt (September 22, 2011)
- Missbrauchsopfer Demonstrieren Gegen Papst-Besuch, in D News (September 22, 2011)
- Missbrauch Energisch Bekämpfen, in The Stern (September 22, 2011)
- Missbrauchsopfer – " Leben Von Hartz Iv", in Berliner Morgenpost (September 22, 2011)
- No Grilling for Xenophon on Abuse Statement, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 23, 2011)
- Bezoek Paus Aan Berlijn Niet Onopgemerkt, in The Deredactie (September 22, 2011)
- Betoging Op Potsdamer Platz Tegen Pauselijk Bezoek, in The Trouw (September 22, 2011)
- Paus Begrijpt Kerkverlaters, in De Telegraaf (September 22, 2011)
- Paus Arriveert in Duitsland Voor Vierdaags Bezoek, in The Nieuws (September 22, 2011)
- Kerk Malta Weigert Compensatie Voor Misbruik, in De Telegraaf (September 22, 2011)
- Ist Dieser Besuch Ein Segen?, in The Zeit (September 22, 2011)
- A Reluctant Farewell for Archbishop Buechlein, by Dan McFeely, Indianapolis Star (September 22, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse Convictions - Church Says It Is Not Legally Responsible, in Times of Malta (September 22, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse Survivors Often Begin the Healing Process during College Years, by Naresh Vissa, USA Today (September 22, 2011)
- Officials to Announce Two New Civil Lawsuits against Ontario Church's Former Pastor, by Sandra Emerson, San Bernardino Sun (September 22, 2011)
- Simsbury Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Assault Charges, by Kim Velsey, Hartford Courant (September 22, 2011)
- Ninth Circuit Orders Redaction of Priest-Abuse Claims in Bankruptcy Discovery Documents, by Sherri M. Okamoto, Metropolitan News-Enterprise (September 22, 2011)
- In Powerful Address to German Lawmakers, Pope Warns of 'Cultureless' Europe, in Catholic Culture (September 22, 2011)
- Pope's Visit Met by Protests, in The Euronews (September 22, 2011)
- 'Pope Go Home': Pontiff Met by Protests in Native Germany, in The Expatica (September 22, 2011)
- Family: Finn, Diocese Pretended to Be 'Sophisticated Incompetents', by Deann Smith, KCTV (September 22, 2011)
- New Lawsuit Claims Priest Photographed Girl, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 22, 2011)
- Parents of Child Porn Victim File Lawsuit against Priest, Kansas City Diocese and Bishop, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (September 22, 2011)
- Family of Alleged Child Porn Victim Sues Priest, Diocese, by Jason Vaughn, Fox 4 (September 22, 2011)
- Child Porn Victim's Parents File Suit against Ratigan, Finn and Kc Diocese, in KMBC (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Remains Philosophical in Historic Speech to German Parliament, in Deutsche Welle (September 22, 2011)
- New Lawsuit Claims Cathedral Student As Victim, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Benedict Greeted by Protests during German Tour, by Ivana Kvesic, Christian Post (September 22, 2011)
- Diocese: Spaulding Harbored Suspended Priest at Mesa Parish, by Mike Sakal, East Valley Tribune (September 22, 2011)
- Suits Filed over Abusive Calif. Priest, in Monterey Herald (September 22, 2011)
- The Esd Sex Scandal, by Claire St. Amant, D Magazine (September 21, 2011)
- Two New Lawsuits Filed against Ontario Pastor Imprisoned for Child Molestation, by Sandra Emerson, Daily Bulletin (September 22, 2011)
- Suits Filed over Sexually Abusive San Bernardino Priest, by Steven Cuevas, KPCC (September 22, 2011)
- Adelaide Priest Accused of Raping Archbishop John Hepworth Given Right to Reply in Senate, in News.com Au (September 22, 2011)
- Lack of Documents Leads to Denied Claims for Residential School Survivors, in Global Regina (September 22, 2011)
September 23
- Diocese Criticises Priest's Insensitive Abuse Comments, in Total Catholic (September 22, 2011)
- No Financial Compensation from Church, in Times of Malta (September 23, 2011)
- San Bernardino: Diocese, Parish, Priest Sued in Sex Abuse Case, by David Olson, The Press-Enterprise (September 23, 2011)
- Church " Not Legally Responsible" for Clerical Sex Abuse, in The Di-Ve (September 23, 2011)
- Pastor Waives Hearing in Child Molestation Case, by Jennifer Carboni, Daily Local News (September 23, 2011)
- Slow Justice: Backlogged Courts Hamper Efforts for Speedy Trial in Child Sexual Abuse Case, by Mori Kessler, The St.georgeutah.com (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Heads to German Monastery, Meets Lutherans, by Melissa Eddy, Associated Press (September 23, 2011)
- The Church Offers " All Necessary Help to Victims of Abuse", in Gozo News (September 23, 2011)
- Church Abuse Study Overdue - Criminologist, in News.com.au (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Warns Germans about Evils of Power, by Victor L. Simpson, Boston Globe (September 23, 2011)
- Church Abuse to Be Gauged in Nation-First Survey, in Health Canal (September 23, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Blast Pope's Inertia, in Press TV (September 23, 2011)
- Video Shows Break-In That Sparked Eddie Long Sex Scandal, in WSB (September 23, 2011)
- The Church Offers Help to the Victims of Abuse, by Sarah Grech, Maltese Episcopal Conference (September 22, 2011)
- Church Has 'No Legal Responsibility' for Abuse Cases, in Malta Independent (September 23, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse Victim: 'Our Battle Is Just Beginning', in Times of Malta (September 23, 2011)
- Maltese Catholic Church Denies Legal Responsibility for Sex Abuse, in Monsters and Critics (September 22, 2011)
- Opus Dei Members Facing Abuse Charges, in News 24 (September 22, 2011)
- Opus Dei Members on Trial in France, in Catholic Culture (September 23, 2011)
- Opus Dei Members Face Paris Court over Slavery Charges, by Clea Caulcutt, RFI (September 23, 2011)
- Opus Dei Members on Trial over Accusations of Abuse, by Ian Sparks, The Scotsman (September 23, 2011)
- 2 Opus Dei Followers on Trial in France, in NPR (September 22, 2011)
- " Je Suis LA Seule à Avoir Osé Porter Plainte" Contre L'Opus Dei, in Le Nouvel Observateur (September 22, 2011)
- France : Ouverture D'Un Procès Pour Travail Dissimulé, Sur Fond D'Opus Dei, in The Romandie (September 22, 2011)
- David Quinn: I Don't Mind If Church Uses My Money to Pay Victims, in Irish Independent (September 23, 2011)
- The Legionaries of Christ - Who Is Really in Charge?, in Catholic Online (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Weathers Protests and Boycotts in First Official Visit to Germany, by Nicholas Kulish and Judy Dempsey, New York Times (September 22, 2011)
- Vatican Extends Deadline for Review of Cleveland Diocese Church Closings, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (September 22, 2011)
- Pope Needs to Do More on Sex Abuse: Victims, in Asia One (September 23, 2011)
- Missbrauchsopfer Halten Mahnwache Beim Papstbesuch, in The Focus (September 23, 2011)
- Missbrauchsopfer Halten Mahnwache Beim Papstbesuch in Erfurt, in Leipziger Volkszeitung (September 23, 2011)
- Belleville, Il: Aca Bishops & Clergy Urge Tac Archbishop to Resign, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (September 23, 2011)
- French Woman Sues Opus Dei for Enslavement, by Henry Samuel, The Telegraph (September 23, 2011)
- DA Vinci Code Hell As 'Slave', by Peter Allen, The Express (September 23, 2011)
- Media Quick to Judge Hepworth Allegations, by Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun (September 24, 2011)
- Accusations of Sexual Abuse Bound to Have Wide Ramifications, by Christopher Pearson, The Australian (September 24, 2011)
- Santa Sede Prepara Respuesta a Exhorto Por Caso Karadima, in The Terra (September 24, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Vaticano Responderá En Los Próximos Días Sobre Petición De Expediente Eclesiástico, in LA Tercera (September 23, 2011)
- Pederastia En Chile: El Vaticano Colabora, in Sacro Y Profano (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Benedict's Blunt New World, by Fiona Ehlers, The Spiegel (September 23, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed against Ratigan, Finn and Catholic Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph, by Beth Vaughn, NBC Action News (September 23, 2011)
- 'The Pope Can't Neglect What's Happening in His Own Church', by Kristen Allen, The Spiegel (September 23, 2011)
- Neumann-Goretti High Reeling after Sex-Abuse Charges Filed against Former Coach, by Allison Steele and Mike Newall, Philadelphia Inquirer (September 22, 2011)
- Diocese of Helena Responds to Lawsuit, by Melissa Anderson, KRTV (September 22, 2011)
- Betogers Tegen Bezoek Paus Bijeen, in De Telegraaf (September 22, 2011)
- Paus Waarschuwt Duitsers Religie Niet Uit Het Oog Te Verliezen, in NRC Handelsblad (September 22, 2011)
- Paus: Blijf Ondanks Misbruikschandaal Bij De Kerk, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 23, 2011)
- Suit Says Priest Raped Child, by Bill Lodge, The Advocate (September 23, 2011)
- Hamilton Priest Arrested for Sexual Assault, in Hamilton Spectator (September 23, 2011)
- Girl Seeks Bishops' Help in Punishing Priest She Has Accused of Rape, by Jocelyn R. Uy, The Inquirer (September 23, 2011)
- Archbishop Hopeful of Papal Nod, by Verity Edwards, The Australian (September 23, 2011)
- A Blessing for the Vatican in (really) Deep Disguise, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 23, 2011)
- Readers Split over "Disobedient" Catholic Priests" Reform Proposals, in Deutsche Welle (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Meets with German Sex Abuse Victims, by Melissa Eddy and Victor L. Simpson, The Forbes (September 23, 2011)
- Prime Time Wrong to Say I Fathered Kenya Baby - Priest, by Aodhan O'Faolain and Ray Managh, The Herald (September 23, 2011)
- Another Lawsuit against Bishop Robert Finn and the Catholic Diocese Alleges Cover-up in Shawn Ratigan Child-porn Case, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (September 23, 2011)
- Hamilton Police Charge the Local Catholic Parish Priest with Sexual Assault, by Len Humes, Oye! Times (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Meets with Clergy Sex-abuse Victims in Germany, in Tucson Citizen (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Meets Abuse Victims, in Irish Times (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Meets with Clerical Sex Abuse Victims in Germany, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (September 23, 2011)
- Benedikt Xvi. Trifft Missbrauchsopfer, in Frankfurter Allgemeine (September 23, 2011)
- Papst Traf Opfer Sexuellen Missbrauchs in Erfurt, in Hamburger Abendblatt (September 23, 2011)
- For Immediate Release, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton (September 23, 2011)
- Prosecutors in French Opus Dei Trial Ask for Fines, in The Forbes (September 23, 2011)
- Droit Du Travail: Amende Requise Contre Une Association Proche De L'opus Dei, in AFP (September 23, 2011)
- France: Une Amende Requise Contre Une Association Proche De L'opus Dei, in The Romandie (September 23, 2011)
- Amalgame Judiciaire : LA Porte-parole De L'opus Dei S'exprime, in Opus Dei (September 23, 2011)
- L'opus Dei Au C?ur D'un Proces Pour Travail Dissimule, in Le Monde (September 23, 2011)
- Maltese Kerk Weigert Compensaties Voor Seksueel Misbruik, in De Morgen (September 23, 2011)
- Catholic Anti-abortion Group in Financial Trouble, in Washington Post (September 24, 2011)
- Senior Priest Faces Fraud Probe, by Kurt Bayer, New Zealand Herald (September 24, 2011)
September 24
- Cbcp Seals Its Lips on Butuan Priest's Pending Rape Charges, in GMA News (September 24, 2011)
- Victims 'led to Believe' Church Would Settle, in Times of Malta (September 24, 2011)
- Pope "Deeply Shaken" in Meeting with Sex Abuse Victims in Germany, on CNN (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Rejects Lutheran Appeals, Meets Sex-abuse Victims, by Jean-Baptiste Piggin and Helen Livingstone, Monsters and Critics (September 23, 2011)
- Archdiocese Moved Money from Parishes to Fund Paying Abuse Victims, by Michael Kelly, U.S. Catholic (September 24, 2011)
- Donations "Not Funding Legal Bills", in Belfast Telegraph (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Meets Abuse Victims during German Trip, by Philip Pullella and Sarah Marsh, swissinfo (September 24, 2011)
- Shots Fired near Papal Mass in Germany, in Monsters and Critics (September 24, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Call off Protest, by Chiara Bonello, Malta Independent (September 24, 2011)
- Pope "Shaken" by Talks with Sex Abuse Victims, in Bangkok Post (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Expresses "Deep Regret" to German Abuse Victims, in Deutsche Welle (September 24, 2011)
- Abortion Fight Highlights Push for Transparency in Catholicism, by Russell Anglin, Amarillo Globe-News (September 24, 2011)
- Communique Issued by the Holy See Press Office, in Vatican Information Service (September 24, 2011)
- Canon Lawyer Analyzes Issues in Fr. Pavone Case, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (September 23, 2011)
- German Homecoming No Love-in for the Pope, by Araminta Wordsworth, National Post (September 23, 2011)
- Opus Dei : Le Parquet Requiert LA Condamnation Pour Travail Dissimule, in Le Monde (September 24, 2011)
- Droit Du Travail: Amende Requise Contre Une Association Proche De L'opus Dei, in 20 Minutes (September 24, 2011)
- L'opus Dei Sur Le Banc Des Accuses En France, on YouTube (September 24, 2011)
- "Shaken" Pope Holds Mass after Meeting Abuse Victims, on Radio Netherlands (September 24, 2011)
- Shots Fired before Papal Mass in Germany, in Deutsche Welle (September 24, 2011)
- Schusse Am Rand Der Papstmesse in Erfurt, in der Standard (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Meets German Victims of Sexual Abuse by Priests, on BBC News (September 24, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Meeting Leaves Pope "Shamed", in The Local (September 24, 2011)
- The Prophet, by Marie Rohde, Inside Milwaukee (September 19, 2011)
- Sidebar: Sexual Abuse Victims Criticize Pope's Outreach, in Monsters and Critics (September 24, 2011)
- City Priest Faces Sex Assault Charge, in Hamilton Spectator (September 24, 2011)
- Suspended Bishop Is Still Working, SNAP Responds, by Cappy Larson, SNAP (September 23, 2011)
- Pope Defends Traditional Values, by Melissa Eddy and Victor L. Simpson, Star News (September 24, 2011)
- Abusi in Seminario, LA Verita in Un Video, in Il Secolo XIX (September 24, 2011)
- Papst Verspricht Missbrauchs-opfern Aufarbeitung, Reuters (September 24, 2011)
- SNAP a Varsovie Pour Sensibiliser Aux Crimes De Pedophilie Des Pretres, in The Romandie (September 24, 2011)
- Pornichet: Un Pretre "Defroque" S'insurge, in Le Figaro (September 24, 2011)
- Benoit XVI Celebre LA Messe Devant 70.000 Personnes, in Conference des Evecques de France (September 24, 2011)
- Un Senateur Australien Revele Le Nom D'un Pretre Accuse De Viol, in AFP (September 14, 2011)
- Les Catholiques Germanophones En Desaccord Avec LA Rigidite Du Vatican, in Tribune de Geneve (September 24, 2011)
- Pedophilie Eglise: Appel a Denonciation, in Le Figaro (September 24, 2011)
- Un Frere Condamne Pour Pedophilie Remis En Liberte Conditionnelle, in 7 Sur & (September 23, 2011)
- Pedophilie : Le Pape Accuse De Crime Contre L'humanite, in Le Figaro (September 24, 2011)
- Scandales Pedophiles: Les Victimes Jugent L'action Du Pape Insuffisante, in 20 Minutes (September 24, 2011)
- Pedophilie: L'eglise Belge VA Passer Au Crible Ses Seminaristes, in Liberation (September 24, 2011)
- Update 2 - Abuse Victims Protest outside the Curia, in Times of Malta (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Hits German Heartland "Shaken" by Abuse Victims Meeting, in The Expatica (September 24, 2011)
- Ontslag Onderzoeksrechter 'operatie Kelk' Geweigerd, in The RKnieuws (September 24, 2011)
- Pope Reaches Last Stop on German Tour, in The Euronews (September 24, 2011)
- Pope's Visit to Germany Greeted by Protest Photos & Video?s. Sex Abuse Victims Blast Pope's Inertia, by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (September 23, 2011)
- Parish Priest Gets Leave of Absence While Gardai Investigate Claim against Him, in Kilkenny People (September 24, 2011)
- Statement by Bishop Freeman, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Ossory (September 24, 2011)
- An Open Secret, in The Inquirer (September 24, 2011)
- New: Mergers, Links between Catholic Parishes Could Come Soon, by Mark Ranzenberger, Morning Sun (September 24, 2011)
- Bishop James Wall Appoints Six Members to Diocesan Review Board for Juvenile Sexual Abuse, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Gallup (September 24, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Review Board Members a Mystery, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (September 24, 2011)
- Pausbezoek Met Een Wrang Randje, by Anne-Martijn van der Kaaden, De Pers (September 24, 2011)
- Paus Spreekt Slachtoffers Misbruik, in De Pers (September 24, 2011)
September 25
- SNAP Gives Abuse Victims a Voice, but Its Tactics Are Questioned, by Rick Montgomery, Kansas City Star (September 25, 2011)
- Report Highlights Fury at Society's Silence over Clerical Child-abuse, in Irish Independent (September 25, 2011)
- Open-air Mass Wraps up Pope's First State "Home" Visit, in France 24 (September 25, 2011)
- Archdiocese Moved Money from Parishes to Pay Abuse Victims, by Michael Kelly, National Catholic Reporter (September 25, 2011)
- Ex-pastor Pedophile a Volunteer at Airdrie Church 2, by Nadia Moharib, Calgary Sun (September 25, 2011)
- Time for Bill Donohue and Catholic Church to Stop Smearing Victims --also Attacking Journalists Maureen Dowd and Chris Matthews, in Irish Central (September 25, 2011)
- Compensation for Clerical Sexual Abuse Victims - Victims to Initiate Civil Proceedings, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (September 25, 2011)
- Xenophon Defends Naming SA Priest, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 25, 2011)
- Tweede Pedofiele Broeder Naar Rechtbank, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 25, 2011)
- 'Disgusted' Clerical Abuse Victims Demand Compensation, in Times of Malta (September 25, 2011)
- Pavone's Group "Unclear" on Revocation, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (September 25, 2011)
- Sinead O'connor Wants to Shoot Pope Benedict If He Comes to Ireland, by James O'Shea, Irish Central (September 25, 2011)
- Paus Spreekt Met Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in The Nieuws (September 24, 2011)
- Papst-Vesper Auf Der Kuhwiese, in The Zeit (September 25, 2011)
- Paus Praat in Duitsland Met Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik, in Het Nieuwsblad (September 24, 2011)
- Sestri Ponente, LA Parrocchia Di Don Seppia Ha Un Nuovo Parroco, in Genova 24 (September 24, 2011)
- Nuovo Parroco Dopo Lo Scandalo Don Seppia I Fedeli: " Speriamo Sia Un Prete Buono", in LA Repubblica (September 24, 2011)
- Protect Children from Sex Abuse: Free Seminar for Parents, by Susan Matthews, The Justice4pakids (September 21, 2011)
- They're Saving Their Pennies for the Next Referendum, by Daphne Caruana Galizia, Malta Independent (September 25, 2011)
- Pension Rights Center Applauds Irs for Opening " Church Plan" Rulings Process to Comments by Employees and Retirees, by Nancy Hwa, Pension Rights Center (September 22, 2011)
- At Last: Pope Admits to 'Questionable' Reputation of the Catholic Church during Final Day in Germany, in Daily Mail (September 25, 2011)
- Vatican Dismisses Talk of Pope Resigning in 2012, by Philip Pullella, The Reuters (September 25, 2011)
- Pope Wraps up Visit As Quit Report Denied, in Daily Nation (September 25, 2011)
- IL Papa Pensa Alle Dimissioni?, in The Sky (September 25, 2011)
- Catholic League Mouthpiece Maligns Journalists, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (September 25, 2011)
- Breakaway Archbishop Urged to Quit, by Alan Atkinson, ABC Melbourne (September 26, 2011)
- Catholic Church Pays Bills for Suspended Priest, in The Press (September 26, 2011)
- Where Does William Donohue Get His " Facts" ?, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (September 15, 2011)
- Vatican Dismisses Talk of Pope Resignation, in The Cathnews (September 25, 2011)
- The High Holidays and Survivors of Child Abuse, by Vicki Polin, The Examiner (September 25, 2011)
- Media Say Pope May Resign in April, by Andrea Tornielli, Vatican Insider (September 25, 2011)
September 26
- Conservative Catholics on Trial in France, on The Youtube (September 23, 2011)
- Nun Scolds Catholic Church about Sex Abuse, in The Chronicle-Herald (September 26, 2011)
- Hepworth Case Casts Cloud over Adelaide Process, by Tim Wallace, The Record (September 26, 2011)
- Nun Talks about Sexual Abuse by Priests, in Cape Breton Post (September 25, 2011)
- Tell Public Where the Pervs Are: Advocate, by Katie Schneider, Toronto Sun (September 25, 2011)
- Four Corners Reveals Story of Abuse at St Ann's Special School, by Bronwyn Herbert, ABC - PM (September 26, 2011)
- Key Findings of Amnesty Report into Child Abuse, by Sarah Stack, Irish Independent (September 26, 2011)
- Irish Children 'Tortured' in State and Church Institutions – Scathing Report, by Sarah Stack, Irish Independent (September 26, 2011)
- Abuse of Children in Irish Institutions Amounted to Torture, in Amnesty International (September 26, 2011)
- In Plain Sight, in Amnesty International (September 26, 2011)
- Bondi' Ends His Advisory Role with Abuse Victims, Disagrees with Recent Statement, in Times of Malta (September 26, 2011)
- Church Claims on Sex Case Undermined, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 26, 2011)
- Pope Benedict XVI Fails to Satisfy Critics in Homeland, in Herald Sun (September 26, 2011)
- Amnesty to Report on Clerical Abuse, by Juno McEnroe, Irish Examiner (September 26, 2011)
- Church Denies Disabled Kids' Sex Abuse Cover-Up, in ABC News (September 26, 2011)
- Opinion: Pope Fails to Provide New Direction to the Faithful, by Klaus Krämer, Deutsche Welle (September 26, 2011)
- Hepworth Rejects Rebuff from US Clergy, by Rebecca Puddy, The Australian (September 26, 2011)
- Feeling Ignored, Going Elsewhere, by Carol Gorga Williams, Asbury Park Press (September 26, 2011)
- Rally at the State House, in Coalition to Reform Sex Abuse Laws (September 27, 2011)
- Summary of the Protection from Sexual Predators Act of 2011, in Coalition to Reform Sex Abuse Laws (September 27, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Claim Traps Church in Tangled Web, by Gavin Simpson, West Australian (September 26, 2011)
- McClellan: Unexpected Celebrity Stands up for Victims, by Bill McClellan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 26, 2011)
- Church Official Faces Angry Blessed Sacrament Parishioners, by Andrew Duffy and Meghan Hurley, Ottawa Citizen (September 25, 2011)
- 3,000 New Claims for Abuse Payments Submitted, by Marie O'Halloran, Irish Times (September 26, 2011)
- 83% Angry at State's Attitude in Past to Child Abuse, Says Report, by Carl O'Brien, Irish Times (September 26, 2011)
- Archdiocese of Ottawa Won't Withdraw Complaint against Priest over Finances, by Andrew Duffy and Meghan Hurley, Vancouver Sun (September 25, 2011)
- Gabriela Calls on Cbcp to Take Action on Rape of 17-Year Old Girl by Agusan Priest, by Ina Alleco R. Silverio, The Bulatlat (September 26, 2011)
- DA Wants Former Priest and Sex Offender Michael Baker Placed in State Hospital, by Ruby Gonzales, Whittier Daily News (September 25, 2011)
- Priest on Leave While Allegation Examined, by Ruby Gonzales, Irish Times (September 25, 2011)
- Abuse Was 'Human Rights Failure', by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (September 26, 2011)
- Amnesty International Report Finds Clerical Sex Abuse Was 'Torture', on BBC News (September 26, 2011)
- Amnesty Says Irish Child Abuse Amounted to Torture, in The Interaksyon (September 26, 2011)
- Damning Amnesty Report on Irish Child Abuse, on 98 Fm (September 26, 2011)
- Abuse Scandal 'Amounts to Torture', on UTV (September 26, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse in Ireland Tantamount to Torture: Report, in The Journal (September 26, 2011)
- Amnesty: Children 'Tortured' in Institutions, in Irish Examiner (September 26, 2011)
- Victims Criticise Catholic Church over Allegations, in ABC - the World Today (September 26, 2011)
- Responsibility and Accountability: Who Was Responsible?, in In Plain Sight - Amnesty International (September 26, 2011)
- SNAP Judgements: Ground Zero of the Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal, Part II, by Gordon J. Macrae, Spero News (September 26, 2011)
- Operation Rescue Rallies Support for Father Frank Pavone, in Standard Newswire (September 26, 2011)
- Priest's Rape Trial Set, in The Inquirer (September 26, 2011)
- Germany: the Pope's Response to Those Calling for Reform in the Church, by Alessandro Speciale, Vatican Insider (September 26, 2011)
- MO - Paternity Test Shows Priest Impregnated Woman, in SNAP (September 26, 2011)
- Major Human Rights Report Affirms That Sexual Abuse by the Clergy Is "torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment", in Center for Constitutional Rights (September 26, 2011)
- Catholic Church Denies Fresh Claim of Abuse Cover-up, by Michael Owen, The Australian (September 27, 2011)
- Catholic Church in Adelaide, Australia Denies It Covered up Newest Abuse Claim, in God Discussion (September 26, 2011)
- In the Case against Vatican Officials for Rape and Sexual Violence, We've Come to the End of the Beginning, in Center for Constitutional Rights (September 26, 2011)
- Practices Questioned, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (September 26, 2011)
- Sanford Minister Wanted on Georgia Child-sex Charges, in WRAL (September 26, 2011)
- Preacher Accused of Child Molestation, by Alexis Stevens, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 26, 2011)
- Former Minister Sought by Police, in Fayetteville Observer (September 26, 2011)
- Ex-preacher Accused of Molesting Granddaughter, by Lindsay Field, Cherokee Tribune (September 24, 2011)
- Sanford Minister Wanted in Georgia Case, by Billy Ball, Sanford Herald (September 26, 2011)
- Former Marietta Preacher Charged with Child Molestation, in The Patch (September 26, 2011)
- Sandy Springs Police Accuse N.C. Preacher Accused of Molesting Child in the 1990s, in Reporters Newspapers (September 27, 2011)
- Suit Alleges Priest Fathered Child with Man's Wife, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (September 26, 2011)
- Shoot the Pope? Sinead Wants To., in The Spokesman-Review (September 26, 2011)
- Sinead O'connor - "Kill the Pope", in Catholic League (September 26, 2011)
- Amnesty International Slams Irish Catholic Church on Abuse, by Francis X. Rocca, Washington Post (September 26, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Emerges from Bankruptcy, by Beth Miller, News Journal (September 26, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse by Members of the Clergy: the Church's Responsibility, in Malta Independent (September 26, 2011)
- Russian Orthodox Church Embroiled in Corruption Scandal, by Andrew Osborn, The Telegraph (September 26, 2011)
- Husband: Priest Fathered Wife's Baby, Diocese Covered up Affair, by DeAnn Smith, KCTV (September 26, 2011)
- Bishop Tries to Rein in High-profile Pro-life Priest, by David Gibson, National Catholic Reporter (September 26, 2011)
- Funding of Trust for Priest Abuse Victims Brings End to Del. Diocese Bankruptcy Reorganization, in The Republic (September 26, 2011)
- Suit Claims Church Hid Priest's Child, by Dan Verbeck, KCUR (September 26, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Fathering Child with Married Woman, by Rob Low, Fox 4 (September 26, 2011)
- Cori Regrets Not Being Asked for Response, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 27, 2011)
- Abuse in Institutions Amounted to "Torture", by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 27, 2011)
- Lack of Accountability at Heart of Abuse of Children, in Irish Times (September 27, 2011)
- "Horrifying If Done to Prisoners of War", by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (September 27, 2011)
- Horrors of Child Abuse Could Be Repeated, by Caroline O'Doherty, Irish Examiner (September 27, 2011)
September 27
- Ex-Lay Pastor Gets Probation for Relationship with Teen Girl, by Lance Benzel, The Gazette (September 26, 2011)
- Alleged Abuse 'Monstrous', Says Weatherill, by Tim Dornin, Sydney Morning Herald (September 27, 2011)
- Coverup of Abuse at Catholic Institution? SNAP Responds, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 26, 2011)
- The Pope on the Crisis, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (September 27, 2011)
- Research into Church Sex Abuse, in Star Observer (September 27, 2011)
- In Germany, a Lukewarm Reception for Pope Benedict XVI, by Tristana Moore, The Time (September 26, 2011)
- No Need for Inquiry, SA Archbishop Says, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 27, 2011)
- Norwich Diocese Begins Study about Possibly Consolidating Services in Eastern Connecticut, in The Republic (September 27, 2011)
- 'Rearranging' of Local Catholic Churches under Way, by Stephen Chupaska, The Day (September 27, 2011)
- Pope Benedict XVI Thinking of Retiring, Author Claims, in Herald Sun (September 27, 2011)
- Tuesday, September 27, 2011, by Skip Shea, Outpatient Clinic (September 27, 2011)
- Amnesty's Report Finds Ireland's Clerical Sexual Abuse Was 'Torture', by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (September 27, 2011)
- Amnesty International Report Excoriates Catholic Church for Abuse of Children, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (September 27, 2011)
- Former Coach Faces Child Porn Charges Involving Student, by Andrea F. Siegel, Baltimore Sun (September 26, 2011)
- Children's Shelter Tried to Cover up Assault Feds Claim, by Susan Carroll, Houston Chronicle (September 26, 2011)
- Md. Teacher Faces Child Porn Charges, by Manny Fantis, News Journal (September 26, 2011)
- This Is a Moral, Not Legal Issue, in Times of Malta (September 27, 2011)
- New Nuncio Is No Stranger to Politics, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (September 27, 2011)
- In Plain Sight: Turning a Blind Eye to the Rape and Torture of Children, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 27, 2011)
- Abuse in Ireland Amounted to Torture, Human Rights Group Says, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (September 27, 2011)
- Lawsuit Claims Missouri Priest Fathered Parishioner's Child, by Kevin Murphy, Reuters (September 27, 2011)
- Sinead O'connor: Threat to Shoot Pope Benedict XVI a "Joke", by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (September 27, 2011)
- Analysis: Pope Disappoints Hopes of Catholics and Protestants, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (September 27, 2011)
- 45 Victims File Lawsuit against Montana Diocese and Ursuline Sisters Citing Sexual, Physical and Emotional Abuse: Tamaki Law, in Market Watch (September 27, 2011)
- Pope's Call for Church to Forsake Riches Stuns German Clergy, by Ingo Senft-Werner and Marc Herwig, Monsters and Critics (September 27, 2011)
- Can the Pope Recapture Europe?, by Massimo Franco, The Guardian (September 27, 2011)
- New Sexual Abuse Case Filed in Mt against Catholic Church, in KAJ18 (September 27, 2011)
- Abuse in Dutch Catholic Care: More Evidence, in Radio Netherlands (September 27, 2011)
- The Real Scandal for Opus Dei and the Church, by Nicole Sotelo, National Catholic Reporter (September 27, 2011)
- Diocese's Finn and Murphy Appear before Grand Jury, by Mark Morris And Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (September 27, 2011)
- Beware of the Celebrity Priesthood, by Dorothy Cummings McLean, Catholic Register (September 27, 2011)
- New Lawsuit Filed against Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena Alleges Sex Abuse by Nuns, by Matt Volz, The Republic (September 27, 2011)
- Assault at Catholic Children's Shelter Concealed; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (September 27, 2011)
- Church's Poor Handling of Compensation Issue, in Times of Malta (September 27, 2011)
September 28
- Quincy Lawmaker, Weymouth Lawyer Keep Fighting for Child Abuse Bill, by Christian Schiavone and Andrea Aldana, Patriot Ledger (September 28, 2011)
- Lockeford Priest Faces Sex Abuse Accusation, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (September 28, 2011)
- Bay State Considers Stricter Sexual Assault Laws, by Victoria Sommerman, Daily Free Press (September 28, 2011)
- Attorneys File Another Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit against Catholic Diocese, by Kevin Maki, NBC Montana (September 27, 2011)
- The Financial Scandal in the Catholic Church, by Richard McBrien, National Catholic Reporter (September 27, 2011)
- Those Useful " Family Values", by Frank Schaeffer, Huffington Post (September 27, 2011)
- Vienna Presbyterian Abuse Victims Take Stories to Stage, by Lauren Sausser, The Patch (September 27, 2011)
- Accusing Pope Benedict, in National Review (September 27, 2011)
- Time to Be Heard, by Martine Powers, Boston Globe (September 28, 2011)
- Bill Would Extend Statute of Limitations on Child Sex Crimes, in Boston Herald (September 27, 2011)
- Proposed Law Would Eliminate Statute of Limitations on Sex Abuse Cases, by Martine Powers, Boston Globe (September 27, 2011)
- Supporters Urge Vote on Lifting Statute of Limitations on Child Rape, by Matt Murphy, Taunton Gazette (September 27, 2011)
- Bill to End Time Limit on Abuse Cases, by Christine Lee, WWLP (September 27, 2011)
- New Accusations Arise against Lockeford Priest, on News 10 (September 27, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Say Pope 'Very Upset' at Meeting, in The Local (September 28, 2011)
- Pope Benedict Speaks Truth to Power, by George Weigel, National Review (September 28, 2011)
- Victims Respond: Lockeford Priest Accused of Abuse by Second Child, Remains in Ministry, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (September 28, 2011)
- Defrocked Anglican Priest Loses Court Challenge, in ABC Newcastle (September 28, 2011)
- Photo of the Day: Try the Pope at the Icc?, by Hanna Trudo, Diplomatic Courier (September 28, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed Alleging Sexual Abuse by Nuns at St. Ignatius Mission, by Gwen Florio, The Missoulian (September 27, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Did Not Know That Bondi Had Asked Bbc for Money, by Miriam Dalli, Malta Today (September 28, 2011)
- Bondi Told Victims 'It's Either Me or Joseph Muscat', by Miriam Dalli, Malta Today (September 28, 2011)
- Lou Bondi Steps down from Role with Church Abuse Victims, by Miriam Dalli, Malta Today (September 28, 2011)
- Abuse Victims 'Unrestricted', in Times of Malta (September 28, 2011)
- Man Sues Missouri Diocese over Priest's Affair with Wife, in Claims Journal (September 28, 2011)
- Abuse Response Not Deep Enough According to Sr. Kenny, in Catholic Register (September 28, 2011)
- Fr Gerard Is in the Spotlight Again over "House of Prayer", in The Argus (September 28, 2011)
- Priest Sex Abuse Case Delayed Again, in WDRB (September 27, 2011)
- Jason Berry Lies Again, in Catholic League (September 28, 2011)
- Boy Says He Was Molested at Home for Kids, in Click 2 Houston (September 27, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Leaders Testify Again, in KMBC (September 27, 2011)
- Fr. Pavone Asks Supporters to Be Respectful and Prayerful, in Catholic News Agency (September 28, 2011)
- Ireland: Priests Meeting, by Arthur Jones, National Catholic Reporter (September 28, 2011)
- Fox News" Hero Priest, Frank Pavone, in Holy Hot Water?, in News Hounds (September 28, 2011)
- Court Date for Alleged Pedophile Priest, by Shuyee Lee, CJAD (September 28, 2011)
- Houston Catholic Charities Accused of Covering up Abuse of 8-year-old, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (September 27, 2011)
- Widespread and Systematic Sexual Violence from Ireland to Australia, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 28, 2011)
- U.S. Priest to Attend Irish Meeting, by Robert McClory, National Catholic Reporter (September 28, 2011)
- Sinead O'connor's Threats against the Pope Were Just a Joke, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (September 27, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Law Firm Debuts, by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (September 28, 2011)
- Woman Files $14-million Lawsuit against Archdiocese of Portland Alleging Abuse, by Kate Mather, The Oregonian (September 28, 2011)
September 29
- Former Modesto Priest Accused of New Offense, by Sue Nowicki, Modesto Bee (September 29, 2011)
- Good Is Good: the Legacy of Sexual Abuse in the Church, by Tom Matlack, Go Local Prov (September 29, 2011)
- Hearing Held for Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Daniel Schneider, WAVE (September 29, 2011)
- Priest Sodomy Case Delayed, by Ann Bowdan, WLKY (September 29, 2011)
- Advocate Urges Public Disclosure of Convicted Pedophiles, by Katie Schneider, Airdrie Echo (September 29, 2011)
- Jury Picked in Danbury Child Sex-Assault Case, by John Pirro, News Times (September 28, 2011)
- U.S. Has It Right, in Airdrie City View (September 28, 2011)
- The Church and Morality of Money, by Ranier Fsadni, Times of Malta (September 29, 2011)
- Lawyers Slam 'Morally Bankrupt' Church Defence, by Liz Hobday, ABC News (September 29, 2011)
- 2 Sue Catholic Diocese, Claim Abuse by Priest, in Charlotte Observer (September 29, 2011)
- Priest Hit with New Abuse Allegation, by Zachary K. Johnson, The Record (September 29, 2011)
- Stormont Decision on Child Abuse Due, on UTV (September 29, 2011)
- Assembly Decision Due on Child Abuse Inquiry, on BBC News (September 29, 2011)
- Account of Warren Jeffs' Fanaticism a Riveting Read, by Ben McNitt, Tucson Sentinel (September 29, 2011)
- The Catholic Abuse Scandals, inside and out, by Peter Berger, American Interest (September 29, 2011)
- Archbishop Philip Hannan Dies at 98., by Dominic Massa, Daily Comet (September 29, 2011)
- Judge Dismisses Rape Case against Catholic Priest, by Frinston Lim, The Inquirer (September 29, 2011)
- Ex-Minister Indicted on Sex Counts, by Ruth Ingram, Clarion Ledger (September 29, 2011)
- The Catholic Church in Charlotte Facing Two Lawsuits, in Newschannel 36 (September 29, 2011)
- The Cloyne Report Submitted As Evidence to the International Criminal Court, in SNAP Wisconsin (September 29, 2011)
- Founder of Zenit Forced out by Legion, in Catholic News Agency (September 29, 2011)
- Zenit Founder & Editorial Director Resigns., by The dotCommonweal, Grant Gallicho (September 29, 2011)
- Zenit Director Resigns, Citing Differences with Legionaries of Christ, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (September 29, 2011)
- Priest Pleads Innocence, in Kilkenny People (September 29, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Former Hendersonville Priest, by John Harbin, The Times-News (September 29, 2011)
- Catholic Church Risk-management Efforts Reducing Abuse, Claims, by Caroline McDonald, PropertyCasualty360.com (September 29, 2011)
- Let Dispensed Priests Play Active Parish Role, Vatican Urges Bishops, by Madeleine Teahan, Catholic Herald (September 29, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse Inquiry to Be Launched in the North, in Irish Examiner (September 29, 2011)
- Ni Church Abuse Inquiry Announced, in Irish Times (September 29, 2011)
- Abuse Victims to Get Statutory Inquiry, on UTV (September 29, 2011)
- Ni Abuse Probe to Start "As Soon As Possible", in RTE News (September 29, 2011)
- Executive to Establish Inquiry into Abuse, on BBC News (September 29, 2011)
- SNAP Applauds Indictment for Ex-minister Langworthy, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 29, 2011)
- SNAP Calls for Investigation into Dallas Episcopal Church, by David Clohessy, SNAP (September 29, 2011)
- Trio of SNAP Advocates Speak on Esd Campus, in Preston Hollow People (September 29, 2011)
- In Brief, in Winnipeg Free Press (September 29, 2011)
- Beroep Op Verjaring Misbruikzaak Rk-kerk Afgewezen, in NRC Handelsblad (September 29, 2011)
- Driehonderd Meldingen Misbruik Protestantse Kerken, in The Nieuws (September 29, 2011)
- Driehonderd Meldingen Misbruik Protestantse Kerken, in NRC Handelsblad (September 29, 2011)
- Allegations of Child Sex Assault at Catholic Charities Shelter, by Miya Shay, KTRK (September 29, 2011)
- Former Music Minister Indicted, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (September 29, 2011)
- Pa. Legislation Would Protect Child Sex Abuse Victims, by Myles Snyder, WHTM (September 29, 2011)
- Montana Catholic Church, Ursulines Face Sexual-abuse Charges, by Stephanie Woodard, Indian Country Today Media Network (September 28, 2011)
- "We Are Church," Signed Ratzinger, in The Chiesa (September 29, 2011)
September 30
- Parishioners Dismayed by Allegations against Priest, by John Harbin, The Times-News (September 29, 2011)
- From the Law Offices of Kosnoff Pllc: Attorneys See 'flood' of New Plaintiffs, Growing List of Perpetrators, As Sex-abuse Survivors Continue to File:, on news.gnom.es (September 30, 2011)
- Court Sides with Diocese after Man Commits Suicide, by Liz Navratil, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (September 30, 2011)
- More Charges Filed against Music Teacher, by Sean Teehan, Cape Cod Times (September 30, 2011)
- Child Abuse Inquiry in North Gets Go-ahead, by Gerry Moriarty, Irish Times (September 30, 2011)
- Church Abuse Inquiry to Be Launched, in Wales Online (September 30, 2011)
- Statutory Powers for Sex Abuse Inquiry, by Noel McAdam, Belfast Telegraph (September 30, 2011)
- Former Southsea Priest Jailed for Choir Boy Abuse, by Gareth Bethell, The News (September 30, 2011)
- Lockeford Priest Accused of Molesting Boys, in CBS 13 (September 30, 2011)
- Suspended Archbishop Visiting Parish Complains SNAP, by Mark Stokoe, Orthodox Christians for Accountability (September 28, 2011)
- Metropolitan Council Meeting Begins with Resignation, Reports, by Mark Stokoe, Orthodox Christians for Accountability (September 28, 2011)
- Is This What the American Bishops Want?, by A.P. Cromidas, Orthodox Christians for Accountability (September 28, 2011)
- Pope Sued over Abuse Scandals, by Nathan Rubadou, The Raquette (September 30, 2011)
- Instead of Avoiding Lawsuits, Esd Should Work On, You Know, Not Sleeping with Students, in Dallas Observer (September 30, 2011)
- Lawyer Who Represented Polygamist Charged with Cocaine Possession, by Zain Shauk, Houston Chronicle (September 29, 2011)
- Abuse of Children in Irish Institutions Amounted to Torture : a News Selection, in Startpagina Weblog (September 30, 2011)
- Jury Pool Almost Filled in Priest-murder Trial, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (September 30, 2011)
- Mooncoin Priest Embroiled in Child Safeguarding Issue, by Naoise Coogan, Kilkenny Advertiser (September 30, 2011)
- Protestant Church Also Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Naoise Coogan (September 30, 2011)
- Unglo V. Zubik, in The Leagle (September 30, 2011)
- Priest Assignments, in Georgia Bulletin (September 29, 2011)
- Appeals Court Sides with Church in Pa. Abuse Suit, in WFMJ (September 30, 2011)
- Pkn: Hardere Aanpak Dominee Na Seksueel Misbruik, in The Kerknieuws (September 30, 2011)
- "Misbruikdaders Pkn Moeten Openbare Boete Doen", in Reformatorisch Dagblad (September 30, 2011)
- "Daders Misbruik Protestantse Kerk Moeten Boete Doen", in The Parool (September 30, 2011)
- Ljn: Bt6206, Rechtbank Utrecht , 309120 / Ha Rk 11-297, in de Rechtspraak (September 30, 2011)
- Investigation into Clerical Sexual Abuse in Northern Ireland to Be Launched, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (September 30, 2011)
- Utv Live Tonight - Victims Welcome Inquiry, on UTV (September 30, 2011)
- Law and Order, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 30, 2011)
- Ljn Bt6206, Rechtbank Utrecht, 309120 / Ha Rk 11-297, in The Jure (September 30, 2011)
- 300 Meldingen Van Seksueel Misbruik Bij Protestanten, in RKnieuws (September 30, 2011)
- Abuse Suit Names Retired Priest, in Catholic Sentinel (September 30, 2011)
- Court Junks Rape Case Vs Priest, in Sun.Star (September 30, 2011)
- Rash of Old Accusations Surface, in Catholic League (September 30, 2011)
- More Alleged Victims Come Forward in Diocese Sex Abuse Case, in NBC Montana (September 30, 2011)
- State Seeking to Gain Control over Church, in Irish Times (October 1, 2011)
- My Spirit, My Call, by Virginia Jones, The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing (September 30, 2011)
- Long Lawyers Asking for Settlement Money Back, in WSB (September 30, 2011)
- Eddie Long, New Birth Seek to Recoup Settlement Money, by Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 30, 2011)
October 2011
October 2011
October 1
- AP Reporter Found Religion Covering LA Catholic Abuse Scandal, by Matthew Fleischer, Fisbowl LA (September 30, 2011)
- How an AP Reporter Found Religion, by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Get Religion (October 1, 2011)
- Appeals Court Sides with Church in Pittsburgh Abuse Suit, in WTAE (October 1, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Decry Limitations on Justice, by Marjorie Nesin, Cape Cod Times (October 1, 2011)
- Lawyer, Archbishop Offer Conflicting Testimony Regarding +seraphim's Parish Visits, by Mark Stokoe, Orthodox Christians for Accountability (September 30, 2011)
- DA Drops Plans to Place Priest Convicted of Child Molestation in State Hospital, by Ruby Gonzales, San Gabriel Valley Tribune (September 30, 2011)
- Arraignment Delayed for Jeffs" Attorney Again, by Matthew Waller, San Angelo Standard-Times (September 30, 2011)
- Arrest Warrant Issued for Jessop, by Matthew Waller, San Angelo Standard-Times (September 30, 2011)
- Priest's Absence Riles Summerlin Church, by Doug McMurdo, Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 1, 2011)
- Best Argument against Mandatory Celibacy for Priests Came out of Vatican II, by Charles Lewis, National Post (September 30, 2011)
- Ripped from the headlines: 'Law & Order' episode deals with recent sex abuse scandals in NYC hoops, by Michael O'Keeffe, New York Daily News (September 29, 2011)
- Pedoseksuele Priester Opnieuw Vast, in de Gelderlander (October 1, 2011)
- "Ik Moest Soms Met De Pastoor in Bad", in AD.nl (October 1, 2011)
- Priester Vrijgesproken Van Verkrachting, in BN deStem (October 1, 2011)
- Beroep Op Verjaring Seksueel Misbruik Kerk Afgewezen, in Elsevier (September 29, 2011)
- Pedoseksuele Priester Vergrijpt Zich Aan Twentse Jongen, in Trouw (October 1, 2011)
October 2
- Banished Priest Finds a New Ministry, by Justin Murphy, The Citizen (October 2, 2011)
- Bishops 'Humiliated' by Clerical Abuse Cases, in Times of Malta (October 2, 2011)
- Clerical Victims Prepared to Take Case to European Court, by Herman Grech, Times of Malta (October 2, 2011)
- Framingham Church Sold, but Parishioners Aren't Letting Go, by Renee Nadeau Algarin, Boston Herald (October 2, 2011)
- Helena Diocese Responds to Child Abuse Allegations, by George Leo Thomas, Helena Independent Record (October 2, 2011)
- Legionaries of Christ's New Castle Property for Sale after Failed Efforts for Seminary, Women's Cen, by Elizabeth Ganga, Journal News (October 2, 2011)
- An Unholy Mess in the Holy City, by URI Blau and Nir Hasson, The Haaretz (October 2, 2011)
- Power Struggle between Bishops and Victims' Associations over the Paedophilia Scandal, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (October 2, 2011)
- The Moral Revolt of Irish Priests, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (October 2, 2011)
- Cardinal Dias Opens up the Discussion on Married Priests, by Marco Tosatti, Vatican Insider (October 2, 2011)
- Still Going On: Catholic Charities in Houston under Federal Investigation for Failure to Report Sexual Abuse of Minor, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (October 2, 2011)
- This Week in Priest Abuse, by Julie Cain, Ms. Magazine (October 2, 2011)
- Change in Sexual Assault Story Leads to Perjury Charge, by Jessie Balmert, Newark Advocate (October 2, 2011)
- Convict's Appeals Ignite New Charges, by Josh Jarman, Columbus Dispatch (October 1, 2011)
- Church Should Rethink Position, in Times of Malta (October 2, 2011)
- The Mysterious Suicide That Has Rocked the Vatican, in The Independent (October 3, 2011)
October 3
- Archbishop Joseph Kurtz's Star Is Rising, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal (October 3, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Claim They Were Offered Money for Al Jazeera Interview, by David Lindsay, Malta Independent (October 3, 2011)
- Suburban Catholics Drive Effort to Let Victims of Long-Ago Abuse Sue, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 3, 2011)
- Push for Pope's Trial in Clergy Child Abuse Cases, by Murithi Mutiga, Daily National (October 2, 2011)
- Catholic Clergy Appeal for Reformv, by Charles Lewis, Windosr Star (October 3, 2011)
- A Candlelight Vigil Was Held Tonight, by Tim Fischer, It's about Me (October 2, 2011)
- Lo Schiaffo Della Procura Agli Uomini Del Vaticano, by Gerevini Mario, Corriere Della Sera (October 3, 2011)
- San Raffaele, Ipotesi Bancarotta, in IL Secolo Xix (October 3, 2011)
- San Raffaele, Scatta L'Inchiesta Penale Per Bancarotta E False Fatturazioni, in IL Fatto Quotidiano (October 3, 2011)
- San Raffaele: IL Vaticano Ha Fallito Mf, in Borsa Italiana (October 3, 2011)
- Prosecutor Files for Bankruptcy against San Raffaele, in AGI (October 3, 2011)
- San Raffaele, Depositata in Tribunale LA Richiesta Di Fallimento, by Walter Galbiati, LA Repubblica (October 3, 2011)
- The Mysterious Suicide That Has Rocked the Vatican, in Independent (October 3, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Take Protest to the Grave, by Barney Zwartz, Age (October 4, 2011)
- Justice4pakids.com Leads Fight for Laws to Allow Justice and Protect Kids, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4change (October 3, 2011)
- Clergy Revolt in Europe Shines Light on Celibacy, All-Male Priesthood, by Charles Lewis, National Post (September 30, 2011)
- Labor under Attack over 'Forgotten Australians', by Stuart Rintoul, Australian (October 4, 2011)
- Irish Government Denies Rift with Vatican over Cloyne Report, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (October 3, 2011)
- Crisis in Priesthood to Be Theme of First Agm, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (October 3, 2011)
- Tanaiste Plays down Vatican Disagreement, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (October 3, 2011)
- "Pastoor Vermoordde Marietje Kessels", in NOS (October 3, 2011)
- "Marietje Kessels Vermoord Door Pastoor", in NOS (October 3, 2011)
- Eindelijk Duidelijkheid over Tilburgse Moord Uit 1900, in AD.nl (October 3, 2011)
- Nabestaanden: Pastoor Doodde Marietje Kessels, in Tilburg Dichtbij (October 3, 2011)
- Another Suit Filed against Former Belleville Priest Accused in Earlier Case, by George Pawlaczyk, The News-Democrat (October 3, 2011)
- Pavone Pleads with Donors for More Money, by Tom Gallagher, National Catholic Reporter (October 3, 2011)
- My Expert Declaration for Snap's Icc Complaint, in Patrick J. Wall (September 30, 2011)
- Wim De Troy Blijft Onderzoeksrechter, in De Standaard (October 3, 2011)
- Papal Nuncio Pays Farewell Visit to President, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (October 4, 2011)
- Disgraced Illinois Priest Hit Again by Lawsuit, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 3, 2011)
October 4
- 15-To-Life Sentence for Tracy Pastor, by Jennie Rodriguez-Moore, Stockton Record (October 4, 2011)
- Abuse Victim's Comments 'Shockingly Opportunist' – Journalist, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (October 4, 2011)
- Lawsuit: Schullers Flourished As Church Suffered, by Deepa Bharath, Orange County Register (October 4, 2011)
- Crystal Cathedral Creditors Committee Sues Church Insiders, by Nicole Santa Cruz, Los Angeles Times (October 4, 2011)
- Series of Failures Delayed Sex Abuse Case at Kids' Shelter, by Susan Carroll, Houston Chronicle (October 4, 2011)
- Holy Watergate - Die Geschichte Eines Verschleppten Skandals, on The Youtube (October 4, 2011)
- Démission Du Directeur De L'Agence Zenit, by Frédéric Mounier, LA Croix (October 4, 2011)
- Former Illinois Priest Focus of $6.3 Million Payout in Sex-abuse Lawsuit Sued Again, in The Republic (October 4, 2011)
- Northern Ireland to Begin Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Catholic Institutions, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 4, 2011)
- Why We're Taking the Pope to the Hague, by David Clohessy, The Progressive (October 4, 2011)
- Bishop Says Fr. Pavone to Remain in Amarillo for 'indefinite' Period - Pavone Responds, by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News (October 4, 2011)
- Sd Man Seeks to Continue School Abuse Lawsuit, in NECN (October 4, 2011)
- An Evening to Honor Key Advocates and Recognize New Developments in the Movement of Ending Child Abuse., in Embracing Hope Gala (October 4, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Former Priest, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (October 4, 2011)
- Jaime Rodriguez, New Secretary General of the Legionaries of Christ, in Rome Reports (October 4, 2011)
- New General Secretary for the Legionaries of Christ, in Legion of Christ (October 4, 2011)
- Suspended Monsignor Draws Support from Chaput, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 4, 2011)
- Lourdes Home Abuse Victim to Petition for Change in Law, by Annaliza Borg, Malta Independent (October 4, 2011)
- Kenny Expects Church Assistance on Abuse, by Marie O'halloran, Irish Times (October 5, 2011)
- Shame and Hurt from Residential Schools Wide Reaching, Commission Told, in The Guardian (October 4, 2011)
- Hierarchy Criticised at Priests" First Agm, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (October 5, 2011)
October 5
- Two Priests Fight to Keep Holy Orders, by Isabel Hayes, 9 News (October 5, 2011)
- Updated: Former Area Priest Sued Again, in Carmi Times (October 5, 2011)
- Former Preacher Sentenced for Incest, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (October 4, 2011)
- Abuse Tracker a Digest of Links to Media Coverage of Clergy Abuse. Click on the Headline to Read the Full Story. October 5, 2011 Africa: Bishops Urged to Let Laicized Priests Participate in Parish Life Vatican City Allafrica Catholic Information Service for Africa Nairobi Vatican — the Vatican Has Appealed to Diocesan Bishops to Encourage Priests Who Have Left Ministry in Order to Get Marri, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 5, 2011)
- Is Anyone Telling the Truth?, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (October 5, 2011)
- Abused by Nun, Native Woman Tells Commission, on CBC News (October 5, 2011)
- Legionaries of Christ Appoint New General Secretary, by David Kerr, Catholic News Agency (October 5, 2011)
- Msgr. Lynn Got Standing Ovation at Chaput Dinner, Say Those at Event, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 5, 2011)
- SNAP Statement on Fr. Stephen Wise, by Kay Goodnow, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 4, 2011)
- Vt. Town Rejects Purchase of Summer Camp on Shores of Lake Champlain, in The Republic (October 5, 2011)
- Will the Legion of Christ's New Secretary Succeed in Reforming the Congregation?, by Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, Vatican Insider (October 5, 2011)
- Africa: Bishops Urged to Let Laicized Priests Participate in Parish Life, in The Allafrica (October 5, 2011)
- Kenny Issues Fresh Warning to Vatican over Co-Operation on Abuse Allegations, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (October 5, 2011)
- Vatican Acquits Priest of Sexual Abuse Claims, for Lack of Evidence, in Times of Malta (October 5, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik Denies Charge Leveled by Former Quigley Student, in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (October 5, 2011)
- Pittsburgh Bishop Denies Accusation of Improper Conduct, in The Republic (October 5, 2011)
- Zubik Denies Accusation of Former Quigley Student, by Michael Pound, Beaver County Times (October 5, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik Denies Sex Abuse Allegations, in WTAE (October 5, 2011)
- Statement by Bishop A. Zubik, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh (October 5, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik Denies Inappropriate Contact with Ex-Student, on WPXI (October 5, 2011)
- Investigación Por Abusos De Cura Belga Complica a Iglesia En Chile, in El Pais (October 5, 2011)
- Zubik Denies Allegation He Molested Student Decades Ago, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 5, 2011)
- SNAP Responds to Zubik's Public Declaration, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 5, 2011)
- Vatican Absolves Fourth Priest in St Joseph Home Child Sex Abuse, in Malta Today (October 5, 2011)
- Update 1: Vatican Acquits Fr Sciberras, but Restricts His Ministry, in The Di-Ve (October 5, 2011)
- Monsignor Lynn, Charged with Child Endangerment, Receieves a Standing Ovation, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 6, 2011)
- The Legion of Christ's Influence Is Increasingly Felt by Zeni, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican City (October 5, 2011)
- Pittsburgh Bishop Says Abuse Accusation Is Untrue, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 5, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput Acknowledges Lynn but Not Victims, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (October 5, 2011)
- DA Drops Efforts to Keep Ex-La Priest Locked up, by Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press (October 5, 2011)
- From the Frontlines in the Battle against Sex Abuse: an Open Letter to the Bishop of Helena, Montana, from the Law Offices of Kosnoff Pllc, in Market Watch (October 5, 2011)
- Pdi Indaga Caso De Sacerdote Belga Acusado De Abusar De Niños En Hogar Indígena De Santa Bárbara, in Bio Bio (October 5, 2011)
- One in Eight Priests Joins Association, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (October 5, 2011)
- Da: Zubik Allegations Have 'No Basis in Law or Fact', by Michael Pound, Beaver County Times (October 5, 2011)
- Man Targets Pittsburgh Bishop with Abuse Allegation, by Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency (October 5, 2011)
- Former Green Bay Bishop Denies Sexual Assault Allegation, in WBAY (October 6, 2011)
- Zubik: Accusations Are Retaliation for Denial to Serve As Lay Minister, by Michael Pound, Beaver County Times (October 5, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik 'Emphatically' Denies Accusation, by Robert P. Lockwood, Pittsburgh Catholic (October 5, 2011)
- Judge Denies Former Pastor's Motion to Dismiss, by Kevin Hoffman, The Gazette (October 5, 2011)
- Chili Gaat Kindermisbruik Door Limburgse Priester Na 19 Jaar Onderzoeken, in De Standaard (October 5, 2011)
- Please Attend First Friday Vigil for Survivor/victims and to Protect All Pa Children, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (October 5, 2011)
- SNAP Responds to Disturbing Legal Maneuver in Missouri, by Judy Jones, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 5, 2011)
- Pittsburgh Bishop Calls Accusation Made against Him 'False, Offensive', by Robert Lockwood, Catholic News Service (October 5, 2011)
October 6
- Acquitted Priest Told Not to Work with Children, by Christian Peregin, Times of Malta (October 6, 2011)
- Priest Ordered to Stay Away from Children, in Malta Star (October 6, 2011)
- Vatican Clears Priest of Sex Abuse Allegations, by Francesca Vella, Malta Independent (October 6, 2011)
- Pittsburgh Bishop Falsely Accused: "This Collar Is Not a Bull's-eye", in Media Report (October 6, 2011)
- Bishop: Pavone's Mission Not in Question, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 6, 2011)
- Victims of Sexual Abuse Stand up to the Vatican, by Tanya Bingham, University of Idaho Women's Center (October 6, 2011)
- Toch Chileens Onderzoek Naar Pedofiele Priester, in The Internetgazet (October 6, 2011)
- Details Emerge about Bishop Zubik's Accuser, in Catholic Culture (October 6, 2011)
- Beaver County D.A. Can't Substantiate Abuse Claim against Bishop of Pittsburgh, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 6, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik Refutes Man's Assault Allegation, by Jeremy Boren, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (October 6, 2011)
- Church Puts Vt. Lakefront Property on the Market, in Washington Examiner (October 6, 2011)
- Catholic Priests' Convention Told That the Irish People Would Axe Church Leaders, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (October 6, 2011)
- Catholic Sex Abuse Inquiry on Hold, by Barney Zwartz, The Age (October 6, 2011)
- Former Green Bay Bishop David Zubik Denies Ex-student's Allegation That He Kissed Him in 1980s in Pittsburgh, by Kevin Begos, Green Bay Press-Gazette (October 6, 2011)
- Catholic Congregation Agrees to Pay up to $18m to Sex-abuse Victims, in City News Toronto (October 6, 2011)
- Montreal Private School to Pay $18m to Sexual Abuse Victims, by Sue Montgomery, Montreal Gazette (October 6, 2011)
- Settlement Agreement Reached between Congregation of Holy Cross and Sexual Abuse Victims from Three Educational Institutions, in Province Canadienne de la Congregation de Sainte-Croix (October 6, 2011)
- Maximaal 10.000 Euro Voor Duitse Misbruikslachtoffers Kerk, in hbvl (October 6, 2011)
- Meeting Set for Father Frank Pavone and the Amarillo Diocese, in News Channel 10 (October 6, 2011)
- Bishop Says He Will Meet with Fr. Pavone October 13, Requests Prayers, by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News (October 6, 2011)
- Michael Baker, Child-molesting Former Priest, Released from Custody, in Huffington Post (October 6, 2011)
- Bishop Zurek Announces Private Meeting with Fr. Pavone, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (October 6, 2011)
- Plaintiffs Say Diocese Violated 2008 Priest Abuse Settlement, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (October 6, 2011)
- High Court Struggles with Church-state Case, by David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times (October 6, 2011)
- Constant Reminder, by Joseph Baca, Wordclay (October 6, 2011)
- Kansas City-st. Joseph Diocese Violated 2008 Settlement Agreement While Dealing with Fr. Ratigan Porn Case, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (October 6, 2011)
- 42 Priest Sex Abuse Victims Seek to Force Kc Catholic Officials to Follow "08 Settlement Terms, in The Republic (October 6, 2011)
- Lawyers Ask Court for "Continuing Supervision" of Diocese, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (October 6, 2011)
- Lawsuit Alleges Diocese Violated 2008 Settlement, in St. Joseph News-Press (October 6, 2011)
- Bishop Zubik: "the Roman Collar Is Not a Bull's Eye", by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (October 6, 2011)
- RTE Apologises over False Allegations Made against Fr Kevin Reynolds, in The Journal (October 6, 2011)
- Apology - Fr Kevin Reynolds, in RTE News (October 6, 2011)
- US Catholic Priests Happy with Life and Ministry, Says Study, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (October 6, 2011)
- Clerical Abuse Blamed for Low Priest Numbers, by Natalie Whiting, ABC (October 6, 2011)
- Canada Catholics Pay Millions to Child Sex Victims, in AFP (October 6, 2011)
- Settlement Not Enough for Abuse Victim's Father, by Sue Montgomery, Montreal Gazette (October 6, 2011)
- Order of Quebec's Brother Andre Admits to Sex Abuse, Agrees to $18-million Payout, by Ingrid Peritz, Globe and Mail (October 6, 2011)
- Holy Cross Congregation Apologizes for Sexual Abuse, on CTV (October 6, 2011)
- Judge Halts Trial of Retired Parish Priest on Abuse Charges, in Irish Times (October 7, 2011)
- Sex Abuse, Cont., by Jerry Berger, Berger's Beat (October 6, 2011)
- Investigacion Contra Sacerdote Precht Entra En Fase Final, in La Segunda (October 6, 2011)
- Juzgado Posterga Audiencia Donde Discutiran El Sobreseimiento De Causa Contra Sor Paula, by Jonathan Flores, Bio Bio (October 6, 2011)
- RTE Apologises to Fr Kevin Reynolds, in Irish Times (October 7, 2011)
- Ex-chch Priest Jailed for $660k Aut Fraud, in The Press (October 6, 2011)
- Oral Argument in Hosanna-tabor Evangelical Lutheran V. Eeoc, in U.S. Supreme Court (October 5, 2011)
October 7
- Influential Chilean Priest Denies Claims of Sexual Abuse, by Steve Shea, Santiago Times (October 6, 2011)
- Cristian Precht: "Tengo LA Conciencia Tranquila", in La Cuarta (October 7, 2011)
- Arzobispado De Santiago Inicia Investigacion Previa a Conocido Sacerdote Chileno, in The Aciprensa (October 6, 2011)
- Inician Investigacion Canonica Contra Sacerdote Cristian Precht, by Ramiro Garcia, La Cuarta (October 7, 2011)
- Cristian Precht Dice Que Tiene "LA Conciencia Muy Tranquila" Ante Investigacion Canonica, in La Tercera (October 7, 2011)
- Cristian Precht: "tengo LA Conciencia Muy Tranquila, Gracias a Dios", in El Mostrador (October 7, 2011)
- Investigacion Canonica a Cristian Precht Por Denuncia De Supuesto Abuso Sexual, in The Emol (October 7, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Reporting More Aggressive by Roman Catholic Diocese, by Craig Smith, Pittsburgh Tribune-review (October 7, 2011)
- 40-plus Priest Abuse Victims Suing Bishop, Diocese, in KCTV (October 7, 2011)
- Inquiry to Look at How Catholic Church Handled Child Abuse Claims, by Shannon Deery, Herald Sun77 (October 7, 2011)
- U.S. Top Court Tackles Church-state Conflict Involving Schools, by David G. Savage, Vancouver Sun (October 6, 2011)
- John Mckiggan Nominated for National Journalism Award, by John McKiggan, Injury Board Blog Network (October 6, 2011)
- Supreme Court Hears Religious-workplace Firing Dispute, by Joan Biskupic, USA Today (October 7, 2011)
- Supreme Court: What's More Important Than Church Doctrine?, by Ted Olsen, Christianity Today (October 5, 2011)
- Polish Catholic Journal Criticizes Church, in Catholic Sentinel (October 7, 2011)
- "It Has Been an Honor': Lloyd Cueto Will Retire As St. Clair County Judge, by Beth Hundsdorfer, News-Democrat (October 7, 2011)
- Duitse Kerk Telt over Dertig Jaar Eenderde 65-plussers, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 7, 2011)
- De Troy Stapt Dan Toch Op Op 1 April, in De Standaard (October 7, 2011)
- Justice Department Cops Grant Goes to Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office, by Carol Rose, Mercury News (October 7, 2011)
- Personalidades Ligadas a Defensa De Ddhh No Dan Credito a Denuncia Contra Ex Vicario Cristian Precht, by Denisse Charpentier, Bio Bio (October 7, 2011)
- Pastor Who Fled Dwi Case Tied to Polish Monastery, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (October 7, 2011)
- Fort Worth's Catholic Diocese Settles Suit with 6 Victims in Alleged Priest Abuse Case, in The Republic (October 7, 2011)
- Ahascragh Priest's Libel Case to Go to Trial, in Galway News (October 7, 2011)
- Judge Allows State's Medical Expert to Evaluate Retired Archbishop in Philly Priest-abuse Case, in The Republic (October 7, 2011)
- Fortbildungsveranstaltung Fur Kirchliche Mitarbeiter Im Kampf Gegen Sexuellen Missbrauch, in Deutsche Bischofskonferenz (October 7, 2011)
- Priests Applaud Msgr. Who Admits to Endangering Children - Vigil Today, by Susan Matthews, Catholics 4 Change (October 7, 2011)
- LA Revelacion De El Mercurio Frente a LA Situacion Del Ex Vicario De LA Solidaridad, in The Surlink (October 7, 2011)
- Application to Extend Cloyne Chapter Redaction, in RTE News (October 7, 2011)
- Cardinal Can Be Examined for Competency, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 7, 2011)
- Senator Peterson's Plea to Pa Law Makers, in Catholics4Change (October 5, 2011)
- Judge Lowers Bond on Eastern Ky Pastor Charged with Sex Acts Involving Girl, in The Republic (October 7, 2011)
- Judge Keeps Gag Order in Philly Priest-abuse Case, in 6 ABC (October 7, 2011)
- Retired Cardinal in Abuse Case to Get Medical Exam, in Associated Press (October 7, 2011)
- "Whistle-blower" Sues Kc Catholic Diocese, Claims She Was Forced out of Her Job after Offering Help in the Rev. Shawn Ratigan Child-porn Case, in The Pitch (October 7, 2011)
- Diocese Faces Whistle Blower Suit, in The News-Press (October 7, 2011)
- Catholic Priests' Association Calls for Radical Change at Agm, in The Journal (October 7, 2011)
- Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Passes Landmark Sexual-abuse Statute, by Stephanie Woodard, Indian Country Today Media Network (October 7, 2011)
- Church Documents Reveal Plan to Shunt Hunter Paedophile Priest, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 7, 2011)
- Bishop to Welcome Back Defamed Ahascragh Priest, in Galway News (October 7, 2011)
- Experts Can Evaluate Bevilacqua: Judge, in NBC Philadelphia (October 7, 2011)
- Supreme Court Asks: Could Discrimination Claim Force Female Priests?, by Benjamin Mann, CNA (October 7, 2011)
- In Defense of Margaret Mata, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (October 7, 2011)
- Vaticano Responde Exhorto a Ministra En Visita Del Caso Karadima, in La Tercera (October 7, 2011)
- Ginecologo Patricio Vela Avalo Denuncia Contra Sacerdote Cristian Precht: Hay Lazos De Familia, in La Segunda (October 7, 2011)
- Former Archbishop to Undergo Competency Exam in Advance of Church Sex Abuse Trial, by Reuben Kramer, Courthouse News Service (October 7, 2011)
- Cristian Precht Descarta Que Denuncia En Su Contra Involucre a Un Menor De Edad, in La Tercera (October 7, 2011)
- Look to Catholic Lay Leaders' Experiences with Bishops, by Martin J. Leahy, Catholics4Change (October 7, 2011)
- Former Diocese Worker Claims Retaliation in Lawsuit, in Kansas City Star (October 7, 2011)
- Retired Catholic Cardinal May Have to Testify in Abuse Trial, by Dave Warner, Reuters (October 7, 2011)
- Ex-contractor Files Whistleblower Lawsuit against Kc-st. Joseph Diocese, by Jason Vaughn, Fox 4 (October 7, 2011)
- Las Vegas Priest Pleads Guilty to Stealing $650,000 from Church, by Gregan Wingert, Las Vegas Sun (October 7, 2011)
- Pastor Pleads Guilty to Theft from Catholic Church in Summerlin, by Doug McMurdo, Las Vegas Review-journal (October 7, 2011)
- Words Are Not Enough: What the Catholic Church Needs to Do, by Bay Citizen, Tim Lennon (October 7, 2011)
October 8
- Former Kingsport Priest's Sentencing Date Postponed, by Kacie Breeding, The Times-News (October 8, 2011)
- Payouts for Clergy Sex-abuse Victims Range Wildly, in Winona Daily News (October 8, 2011)
- Cloyne Priests Say They Were "Let down" by Abusive Minority, by Patsy Mcgarry and Mary Carolan, Irish Times (October 7, 2011)
- Former Ls Priest Sued Again for Abuse, by Rob Roberts, Lee's Summit Journal (October 6, 2011)
- $1.4 Million for Woman Abused by Former Pastor, by Amy Pearson, Winona Daily News (October 8, 2011)
- Brazil's Roman Catholics Shrink As Secular Rise, by Bradley Brooks, Miami Herald (October 8, 2011)
- Priest Gets Apology from RTE and Will Return to His Parish, by Mark Hilliard, Irish Independent (October 8, 2011)
- Complaint for Damages, in Montana First Judicial District Court, Lewis and Clark County (October 8, 2011)
- Medico Interpuso Denuncia Por Supuesto Abuso De Sacerdote Precht a Su Hijo, by Maria E. Perez, La Tercera (October 8, 2011)
- Victims of Sexual Abuse by Priests Barred from Meeting Pope, in The Interaksyon (October 8, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili,elenco in Curia, in La Stampa (October 8, 2011)
- Former Eau Claire Minister Ordered to Pay $1 Million in Punitive Damages, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (October 8, 2011)
- Myths and Facts about the Catholic Sexual Abuse Crisis, by John McKiggan, Injury Board Blog Network (October 8, 2011)
- 10 Myths about Priestly Pedophilia, in Catholic Education Resource Center (October 7, 2011)
October 9
- Catoosa Area Youth Pastor Charged with Sex Crimes, by Danica Lawrence, Fox 23 (October 9, 2011)
- Our View: Church Must Learn from Sex Scandal, in Winona Daily News (October 9, 2011)
- Minn. Jury Awards $1.4m in Pastor Sex-abuse Case, in San Antonio Express-News (October 9, 2011)
- Roamer's Column, in Times of Malta (October 9, 2011)
- Youth Minister Charged with Rape, Molestation, by Amanda Bland, Tulsa World (October 9, 2011)
- Catoosa-area Youth Pastor Charged with Sex Crimes, in KRMG (October 9, 2011)
- Rogers County Youth Minister Charged with Sex Crimes, in NewsOn6.com (October 9, 2011)
- Irish Television Forced to Apologize to Wrongly Accused Priest, by Cathy Hayes, Irish Central (October 9, 2011)
- Defamed Ahascragh Priest Welcomed Back to Parish, in Galway Bay Fm (October 9, 2011)
- Fr Kevin Reynolds 'Freed' after Rté's Apology, on RTE News (October 9, 2011)
- Falsely Accused Priest Returns to Galway Parish, in Irish Examiner (October 9, 2011)
- Priest Welcomed Back to Parish, in Irish Times (October 9, 2011)
- Welcome for Wrongly Accused Priest, in Belfast Telegraph (October 9, 2011)
- Priester Ontkent Misbruik Van 12-Jarig Kind Uit Oldenzaal, in The Tubantia (October 8, 2011)
- Cristián Precht: " Respeto a Las Personas Que Denunciaron", in LA Tercera (October 9, 2011)
- Priest Removed from Ministry Amid Sexual Allegations, in WKBN (October 9, 2011)
- Priest Welcomed Home after Apology over False Rape Allegations, in The Journal (October 9, 2011)
- Benedict Refuses to Meet Italian Victims of Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (October 8, 2011)
October 10
- Priest Harbours No 'Bitterness' after Rté Apology Following Defamation, in Irish Times (October 10, 2011)
- Summerlin Church Weeps over Loss of Pastor, Theft Case, by Jessica Fryman, Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 9, 2011)
- Misbruikproces Tegen Lissese Evangelist Kan Nog Jaren Duren, in Noordhollands Dagblad (October 10, 2011)
- Supporters Speak out against Pavone's Suspension at Convent, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 10, 2011)
- Priest Resigns after Accused Leads Trip, in Boston Herald (October 10, 2011)
- Billerica Priest Forced to Resign, by Matt Byrne, Boston Globe (October 10, 2011)
- Priest Placed on Leave, in Tribune Chronicle (October 10, 2011)
- Priest Removed from Ministry Amid Sexual Allegations, in WYTV (October 10, 2011)
- Ezzati Y Caso Karadima: No Me Corresponde Dar a Conocer Lo Que El Vaticano Ha Dicho, in The Cooperativa (October 10, 2011)
- Ezzati Confirma Respuesta Del Vaticano a Exhorto De Justicia, in The Terra (October 10, 2011)
- Controversy over Lockeford Priest Continues, by Andria Borba, Fox 40 (October 10, 2011)
- Canal Fulton Priest Removed Amid Allegation of Abuse, by Colette M. Jenkins, Beacon Journal (October 10, 2011)
- The Broadcaster Rté Has Apologised for Falsely Accusing, by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic Herald (October 10, 2011)
- Applause and Bunting Greet Priest Cleared of Rape Claims, by John Fallon, Irish Independent (October 10, 2011)
- Good People Address Catholic Bishop, in Goodpeople 2 Goodpriests (October 10, 2011)
- Bishops' Obligation to Show Pastoral Concern Is Spotty, in The Catholics4change (October 10, 2011)
- Bishop Addresses Sex Allegations against Priest, on WKBN (October 10, 2011)
- Bishop Addresses Sex Allegations against Priest, on WYTV (October 10, 2011)
- Canal Fulton Priest Resigns, Accused of Sexual Misconduct, on IndeOnline (October 10, 2011)
- Les Associations De Victimes De Pretres Pedophiles Demandent a Rencontrer Benoit XVI, in La Croix (October 10, 2011)
- SNAP Applauds Brave Victim in Youngstown, by Zach Hiner, SNAP (October 10, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Zanardi: "domani Bussero in Vaticano Chiedendo Di Essere Ricevuto Dal Papa", in IVG (October 10, 2011)
- Former St. Ed's Priest Resigns Amid Sexual Misconduct Charges, in The Vindicator (October 10, 2011)
- Opening Statements in Chatham Priest Murder Trial Likely Next Week, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 10, 2011)
- "Spannende Roman" over Levenswandel Haffmans, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 10, 2011)
- Jesuits Spend $379,363 for Month-long Sex Seminar, by Tom McGregor, Dallas Blog (October 9, 2011)
- $1.4m in Damages in Sexual Abuse Case, by Wendy Wilson, Winona Post (October 10, 2011)
- Pastoor Haffmans: Liederlijk En Kwaadaardig, in The Trouw (October 10, 2011)
- Strafzaak Tegen Oud-pastoor Aangehouden, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 10, 2011)
- "Irish Spring" Reflects Attitudes toward Vatican, by Richard McBrien, National Catholic Reporter (October 10, 2011)
- Bishop Addresses Sex Allegations against Priest, on WKBN (October 10, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Seek Court Case against Pope, in USA Today (October 10, 2011)
- Rights Group Files Icc Complaint against Vatican over Clergy Abuse, in Dirity Celebrities (October 9, 2011)
- Group Applauds Priest's Firing, in Canton Rep (October 10, 2011)
- Zenit Editors Resign En Masse, in Catholic Culture (October 10, 2011)
- Austrian Priests" Group Renews Defiance on Church Teaching, in Catholic Culture (October 10, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of Springfield Sues Parishioners Occupying Mater Dolorosa Church in Holyoke, by Robert Rizzuto, The Republican (October 10, 2011)
- Is the Vatican's Man in Philadelphia a Republican Hack?, in Talk to Action (October 10, 2011)
October 11
- Bishop: Priest in Treatment, by Adam Ferrise, Tribune Chronicle (October 11, 2011)
- Bishop Vows Openness with Sex-Misconduct Case, by Christine Keeling and Ashley Luthern, Tre Vindicator (October 11, 2011)
- Former Deputy Headteacher Spared Jail for Sexual Assaults, in Hull Daily Mail (October 11, 2011)
- Italian Victims of Priest Sex Abuse Demand Inquiry, Associated Press (October 11, 2011)
- Pastor Was Gambling Addict, by Jessica Fryman and Doug McMurdo, Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 11, 2011)
- There's Something Odd about Our Pedophile Priest!, in The Pesticide (October 11, 2011)
- What If " Occupy Wall Street" Could Be Attempted in the Catholic Church?, by Tom Beaudoin, America Magazine (October 11, 2011)
- Importance of Keeping Door Open in Changing Climate, by Fr Kevin Hegarty, Mayo News (October 11, 2011)
- Businessman Graham Spurling Defends Rape-Accused Priest Monsignor Ian Dempsey, by Catherine Hockley, Adelaide Now (October 11, 2011)
- Vaticano Entrega a Ministra En Visita Fallos Que Condenaron Por Abusos a Karadima, by Andrés López, LA Tercera (October 11, 2011)
- Clayhall Priest Accused of Sexual Activity with Child May Face Retrial, in London 24 (October 11, 2011)
- Accountability for Sex Abuse at the Church's Highest Levels, by David Clohessy, Star Tribune (October 10, 2011)
- Walking 350 Miles, Abuse Victim Asks to Meet Pope, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (October 11, 2011)
- LA Marcia Al Vaticano Per Chiedere Giustizia, in Giornalettismo (October 11, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Due Attivisti Anti Abusi Dal Papa, in Lettera 43 (October 11, 2011)
- Irish Catholicism, from the Street and the Pew, by Arthur Jones, National Catholic Reporter (October 11, 2011)
- Ireland's Struggle to Become "a Mature Society", by Arthur Jones, National Catholic Reporter (October 11, 2011)
- Guest View: a Change Long Overdue, in National Catholic Reporter (October 11, 2011)
- Four Myths about Snap's Icc Complaint, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (October 11, 2011)
- Pastor Makes Court Appearance, in Salina Journal (October 11, 2011)
- Salina Pastor Charged with Sex Crimes against a Child, in KSN (October 11, 2011)
- Kansas Pastor Arrested, Accused of Sex Crimes, in WIBW (October 11, 2011)
- Jason Berry, Famed Author on Catholic Church Sex-abuse Scandal, to Speak in Newport Beach Nov. 3, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 11, 2011)
October 12
- Group to Help Victims of Sexual Abuse, by April Cunningham, The Telegraph-Journal (October 12, 2011)
- Vatican Diary / the Bishop Factory No Longer Speaks the Language of Dante, in The Chiesa (October 12, 2011)
- Warren Jeff's Polygomist Wife Seeks Refuge From FLDS Group, by Morgan Skinner, KCSG (October 11, 2011)
- Man Accused of Groping at Lds Party Gets Trial Date, in Daily Herald (October 12, 2011)
- Hearing on Residential Schools Today in Indian Brook, in Truro Daily News (October 12, 2011)
- Survey Results: the Pavone Controversy, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (October 7, 2011)
- Another Lawsuit Brought against Priest, by Sugar Creek, The Examiner (October 12, 2011)
- SNAP Statements on Abusive Priest Sued Again, by Robert Bates, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 12, 2011)
- Zenit's Escape from the Legion of Christ, in Vatican Insider (October 12, 2011)
- Are Priests More Likely to Get Away with Crime Than Regular Citizens?, in CBS Atlanta (October 12, 2011)
- Jueza De Caso Karadima Y Respuesta Del Vaticano: " Dentro De Lo Esperado", by Malú Urzúa, CBS Atlanta (October 12, 2011)
- Vaticano Entrega a Ministra En Visita Fallos Que Condenaron Por Abusos a Karadima, by Andrés López, LA Tercera (October 12, 2011)
- Abogado Eclesiástico De Sacerdote Valora Decisión, in LA Tercera (October 12, 2011)
- Man Claims Repressed Memory in Priest Abuse Suit against Diocese of Belleville, by Kelly Holleran, Madison Record (October 12, 2011)
- Rev. Joseph A. Coonan, in Telegram & Gazette (October 12, 2011)
- Priest to Take Defamation Case against Rté, on RTE News (October 12, 2011)
- Broadcaster Irresponsible in Its Actions, by Fr Brian Whelan, Dogheda Independent (October 12, 2011)
- Vaticano – Protestano Le Vittime Della Pedofilia, in LA Velle Dei Templi (October 12, 2011)
- Bishops to Tackle Budget, Abuse Crisis Closure, in Catholic Register (October 12, 2011)
- Priest Set to Take Libel Action against Rte, on 98 Fm (October 12, 2011)
- Onderwijs En Missie, Maar Ook Misbruik En Moord, by Jan Van Zuilen, Bn De Stem (October 12, 2011)
- Date Set for Defamation Case, in Irish Times (October 12, 2011)
- Mass Genocide of Mohawks Uncovered in Canada; Ground Penetrating Radar Reveals Hundreds of Indian Children Buried around Former Mohawk Institute School, by Dakota O'Leary, God Discussion (October 12, 2011)
- Citing State Law, Archdiocesan Facility Won't Turn over Priest Files, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 12, 2011)
- Survivors' Groups Leave Talks with Church over Abuse, by Simon Caldwell, National Catholic Reporter (October 12, 2011)
- Revitalising a 'Hollowed-Out' Church, by Andrew Hamilton, Eureka Street (October 12, 2011)
- Vatican Denies Appeals for 2 Local Groups of Catholic Churches, in KSTP (October 12, 2011)
- Vatican Denies 2 Twin Cities-Area Parishes' Appeal of Merger, by Rose French, Star Tribune (October 12, 2011)
- Cornwall's Bishop Promoted to Gatineau, by Cheryl Brink, Standard Freeholder (October 12, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Center (October 12, 2011)
- An Italian Abuse Survivor's " Pilgrimage of Truth", in SNAP Wisconsin (October 12, 2011)
- Rté Must Not Hinder Debate on Priest's Case, Seanad Told, by Ronan McGreevy, Irish Times (October 12, 2011)
October 13
- Vatican Named in Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Abuse, in Chicago Tribune (October 13, 2011)
- Illinois Inmate Sues Holy See for Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (October 12, 2011)
- Montreal Conference to Probe Abuse in Catholic Church, by Sue Montgomery, Vancouver Sun (October 12, 2011)
- Psychopath in the Chaplain's Office, by Peggy Curran, Montreal Gazette (October 13, 2011)
- Valley Man Files Sex Abuse Claim against Yakima Diocese, by Shannon Dininny, Yakima Herald (October 13, 2011)
- Silence Makes Evil Possible - Judy Jones, Associate Midwest Director of SNAP (survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests) Featured on the 10-13-2011 Goddiscussion Talk Show, in God Discussion (October 13, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili, Una Vittima in Vaticano: , by Franca Giansoldati, Messaggero (October 13, 2011)
- 'paus, Treed Op Tegen Pedofilie!', in RKnieuws (October 13, 2011)
- Residential School Survivors Share Horrific Experiences, in Truro Daily News (October 13, 2011)
- Standing Ovation for Leixlip Priest, in Leinster Leader (October 13, 2011)
- County Galway Rape Trial Adjourned, in Galway Bay FM (October 13, 2011)
- 'I Have Been Living a Nightmare', Says Priest, in Longford Leader (October 12, 2011)
- Cristian Precht Ya Declaro Ante Investigador Eclesiastico, in The Cooperativa (October 12, 2011)
- Precht Declaro Ante Investigador Eclesiastico, in The Puranoticia (October 13, 2011)
- N.S. First Nations Share Pain, Struggle, by Michael Gorman, The Chronicle-Herald (October 13, 2011)
- Hamilton Priest Charged with Sex Assault Resigns Post, in Hamilton Spectator (October 13, 2011)
- Press Release, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton (October 12, 2011)
- Indagato Prete Pedofilo Ex Segretario Emiliani, by Bruno Persano, La Repubblica (October 12, 2011)
- Abusi Su Un Minore: Indagato Prete Che Ha Lavorato Al Collegio Emiliani Di Genova, in Citta di Genova (October 13, 2011)
- Clergy Victims Need Justice Now, by Judy Courtin, WA Today (October 13, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal: US Victim Says Lawsuit against Vatican, Pope Is Crucial, by Luiza Oleszczuk, Christian Post (October 13, 2011)
- Brothers" Priest-abuse Lawsuit Going to Jury, by Vik Jolly, Orange County Register (October 12, 2011)
- Clergy Removed from Ministry for Reports of Sexual Abuse; Where Are They Now?, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 13, 2011)
- SNAP Is No Fit Advocate for Sexual Abuse Victims, by Russell E. Saltzman, First Things (October 13, 2011)
- Het Beste Is Open Te Zijn over Seksueel Misbruik Door Kerk, by Harmen van der Werf, PZC (October 13, 2011)
- Suit against Vatican Claims Sexual Misconduct at Lisle Orphanage in '50s, by Brian Hudson, My Suburban Life (October 13, 2011)
- Use of Infants in Anatomical Experiments Condemned., in God Squad (October 13, 2011)
- Prime Time - 6th October 2011, in RTE (October 13, 2011)
- 'Aanpak Seksueel Geweld Tegen Kinderen Schiet Tekort', in NRC Handelsblad (October 13, 2011)
- Funeral Set for Popular, Controversial Priest, Mother, by Steven H. Jr. Foskett, Telegram & Gazette (October 13, 2011)
- Allegations of Abuse at Cork School, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (October 13, 2011)
- Corrections & Clarifications, in Irish Times (October 14, 2011)
- Macroom Church Cctv Cameras "Are for Security, Not Child Protection", by Joe Leogue, The Corkman (October 13, 2011)
October 14
- For Priests Struggling with Celibacy, Support in Numbers, by Debra Weiner, Chicago News Cooperative (October 14, 2011)
- Former Beaumont Priest Named in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Shannon Dininny, Beaumont Enterprise (October 14, 2011)
- Authorities: Wife of Warren Jeffs Flees Church Community, by Gary Tuchman, CNN (October 14, 2011)
- Former Bishop Must Have Known about Abuse, in Radio Nethrlands (October 14, 2011)
- Catholic Monk Missing in UK Child Sex Inquiry, by Emanuelle Degli Esposti, International Business Times (October 14, 2011)
- Police Hunting Priest over Sex Abuse Claims, by Ellen Branagh, Daily Record (October 14, 2011)
- Will the Wife Who Fled Warren Jeffs" Fiefdom Become a Pawn in the FLDS Power Struggle?, by Torie Bosch, The Slate (October 14, 2011)
- Senior Catholic Monk on Run after Skipping Bail in Child Sex Probe, in Daily Mail (October 14, 2011)
- Priest Wanted by Police in Relation to Child Sex Inquiry, in Ealing Times (October 14, 2011)
- Police Hunt Priest over Sex Claims, in Press Association (October 14, 2011)
- Former St Benedict's Teacher Wanted for Questioning over Child Abuse, in Ealing Today (October 14, 2011)
- Despite Bishop's Meeting Request, Pavone a No-show, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 14, 2011)
- Father Pavone a No-show for Meeting with His Bishop, in Catholic Culture (October 14, 2011)
- Bestuur Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik in Functie, in RKnieuws (October 14, 2011)
- Nieuw Misbruikmeldpunt Officieel Van Start, in RTL (October 14, 2011)
- Father Laurence Soper of Ealing Wanted over Sex Abuse, on BBC News (October 14, 2011)
- Ex-london Abbot Goes Missing after Allegations of Child Abuse, by Justin Davenport, Crime Editor, London Evening Standard (October 14, 2011)
- Dual Funeral Set for Priest, Mother; Allegations Split Parish, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (October 14, 2011)
- Another Church Scandal: Priest Sued for Affair, in The Inquirer (October 14, 2011)
- Police Hunt to Find Priest Wanted for Child Abuse, by Poppy Bradbury, Ealing Gazette (October 14, 2011)
- Fr Laurence Soper, in Parish of St. Benedict, Ealing Abbey (October 14, 2011)
- Priest Charged in Sex Assault, by Dale Carruthers, London Free Press (October 14, 2011)
- More Trouble for Catholic Diocese, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (October 14, 2011)
- Pavone Doesn't Show for Critical Meeting with Bishop, by Nik Bonopartis, Port Chester Patch (October 14, 2011)
- Querellantes Pediran Procesamiento De Sacerdote Karadima, by J. Poblete, La Tercera (October 14, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Accuse Catholic Church of Using Talks As a Smokescreen, by Shiv Malik, The Guardian (October 14, 2011)
- Chatham Priest Charged in Sexual Assault Case, by Miranda Chant, CJBK (October 14, 2011)
- Priest Tagged As "Home Wrecker'; Dismissal Sought, by Sun.Star, Herbert P. Mapiles (October 14, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged for Not Bringing Porn to Police, in KTAR (October 14, 2011)
- Kansas City Bishop Charged with Failing to Report Suspected Child Abuse., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (October 14, 2011)
- Response from the Diocese of Kansas City-st Joseph, in Kansas City Star (October 14, 2011)
- Kansas City Bishop Indicted on Child Endangerment Charge, on CNN (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop, Diocese Facing Charges in Priest Porn Case, by Meagan Kelleher, Fox 4 (October 14, 2011)
- Prosecutor Files Charges against Kc Bishop, Diocese, in KMBC (October 14, 2011)
- Jackson County Grand Jury Indicts Catholic Diocese, Bishop Finn, by DeAnn Smith, KCTV (October 14, 2011)
- Diocese, Bishop Face Misdemeanor Charges in Priest Abuse Case, in Kansas City Star (October 14, 2011)
- Statements Concerning Action of Jackson County Grand Jury, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (October 14, 2011)
- Kansas City Bishop Indicted in Reporting of Abuse by Priest, by A. G. Sulzberger and Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (October 14, 2011)
- Kansas City Bishop Charged over Alleged Porn Cover-up, in Reuters (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Finn, Diocese Indicted, by Judy L. Thomas, Mark Morris and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (October 14, 2011)
- For First Time Ever, US Bishop Indicted for Endangering Kids, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (October 14, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged for Not Bringing Porn to Police, by Bill Draper, Associated Press (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Charged for Not Reporting Child Images on Priest's Laptop, in The Journal (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Charge a Big Blow for Catholics, by Kansas City Star, Yael T. Abouhalkah (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Robert Finn and the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-st. Joseph Charged with Failing to Report Suspected Child Sexual Abuse, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop, Diocese Harged with Failure to Report Abuse, by Jessica Machetta, The Missourinet (October 14, 2011)
- Mo. Bishop Robert Finn Charged for Not Revealing "Disturbing" Child Pornography, by Nicola Menzie, Christian Post (October 14, 2011)
- K.C. Bishop, Diocese Indicted in Priest-abuse Probe, by Michael Winter, Usa Today (October 14, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged with Failing to Report Child Abuse, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Finn, Diocese Plead Not Guilty to Failure to Report Child Abuse, in Catholic News Service (October 14, 2011)
- Kansas Bishop Indicted on Charges of Failing to Report Sex Abuse, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 14, 2011)
- Historic Abuse Case Filed: Bishop Named, by Dan Verbeck, KCUR (October 14, 2011)
- US Bishop Faces Charges in Priest Child Sex Abuse Case, in Monsters and Critics (October 14, 2011)
- Eviction Order for Massachusetts Church Occupiers Argued in Court, by Father Bill Pomerleau, US Catholic (October 14, 2011)
- Priest Faces Sex Charges, in CBC News (October 14, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged with Failure to Report Child Abuse, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (October 14, 2011)
- Former Essex County Priest Faces Sex Charges, in Windsor Star (October 14, 2011)
- Group Calls for State Apology to Magdalene Laundry Survivors, in The Journal (October 14, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Endanger Church Tax Exempt Status, by Michele Somerville, Huffington Post (October 14, 2011)
- Canon Lawyer Advised Fr. Pavone Not to Attend Private Meeting with Bishop, by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News (October 14, 2011)
- Priests for Life Defends No-show, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 14, 2011)
- Pastor Charged with Sexual Assault after 20 Years, by Noelle Newton, KVUE News (October 14, 2011)
- Police Investigate Pastor Facing Sexual Assault Allegations, by Claudia Grisales, The Statesman (October 14, 2011)
- Missouri Bishop Is Charged, by Douglas Belkin and Kevin Helliker, Wall Street Journal (October 14, 2011)
- 'Underlying Systemic Issues' Need to Be Dealt with in Abuse Scandal, Nun Says, by Charles Lewis, National Post (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Indicted by a Kansas City Grand Jury, by Brian Fraga, National Catholic Register (October 14, 2011)
- Jackson County Grand Jury Indicts Catholic Diocese, Bishop Finn, by DeAnn Smith, KCTV (October 15, 2011)
- Bishop Waited Five Months to Report Suspected Abuse, in New Zealand Herald (October 14, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged for Not Bringing Porn to Police, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 14, 2011)
- US Bishop Indicted on Charge of Failing to Report Suspected Child Abuse, in Irish Times (October 14, 2011)
- US Bishop Accused of Not Reporting Child Abuse Images, in BBC News (October 14, 2011)
- Bishop of Kansas Charged with Turning a Blind Eye to Child Abuse, by Nick Allen, The Telegraph (October 14, 2011)
- Priest Busted for Alleged Sex Misconduct, by Dan Mangan and William J. Gorta, New York Post (October 14, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Arrested for Touching Boys, in WABC (October 14, 2011)
- Brooklyn Priest Charged with Attempted Sex Abuse, by Pei-Sze Cheng, NBC New York (October 14, 2011)
- Teenage Boy Levels Abuse Claim against Longtime Brooklyn Monsignor, in CBS New York (October 14, 2011)
October 15
- The Shocking Indictment of William Finn, Bishop of Kansas City --why Did a Bishop Choose Church over Children?, by Patrick Roberts, Irish Central (October 15, 2011)
- US Bishop Charged for Not Bringing Porn to Police, by Bill Draper, Associated Press (October 15, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Charged with Failing to Report Abuse, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 15, 2011)
- Charge against Catholic Bishop Unprecedented in Sex Abuse Scandal, by Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times (October 15, 2011)
- U.S. Catholic Bishop Charged in Alleged Porn Cover-up, by Kevin Murphy, Reuters (October 15, 2011)
- Bishop Indicted; Charge Is Failing to Report Abuse, by A. G. Sulzberger and Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (October 14, 2011)
- Grand Jury Indicts Bishop Finn, Diocese, by Judy L. Thomas, Mark Morris and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (October 15, 2011)
- Opus Dei-affiliated Bishop Indicted for Failure to Report Suspected Child Abuse, in The Gothamist (October 15, 2011)
- First Catholic Bishop Charged with Sex Abuse Cover-up, by Daniel Burke, Washington Post (October 15, 2011)
- Advocate Says Baptists Ill-equipped to Address Sexual Abuse by Clergy, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (October 15, 2011)
- Catholic Bishop Becomes Most Senior U.S. Clergyman to Be Arrested after Being Charged "in Child Porn Cover up", in Daily Mail (October 15, 2011)
- US Bishop Accused of Not Reporting Child Abuse Images, on BBC News (October 15, 2011)
- The Star's Editorial | Bishop Finn and Kc-st. Joseph Diocese Face Disturbing Charges, in Kansas City Star (October 15, 2011)
- Clay County Grand Jury Still Meeting on Child Sex Abuse Allegations, in Kansas City Star (October 15, 2011)
- A Look at Missouri's Requirements on Reporting Suspected Abuse, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (October 14, 2011)
- Father Pavone Turns down Meeting with Bishop Zurek, in National Catholic Register (October 15, 2011)
- Pavone Story Still Murky, by Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress (October 15, 2011)
- Residential School Survivors Share Stories of Abuse, Recovery, by Greg McNeil, Cape Breton Post (October 15, 2011)
- Kansas Bishop Promises 'vigorous Defense', in Daily Beast (October 15, 2011)
- US Bishop Indicted in Child Abuse Case, in Press TV (October 15, 2011)
- Kansas City Bishop Indicted for Failure to Report Suspected Child Abuse, in KABC (October 15, 2011)
- Bishop Indicted: a First for the Abuse Scandal, in WMUK (October 15, 2011)
- Bishop Indicted: a First for the Abuse Scandal, by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, Minnesota Public Radio (October 15, 2011)
- Charge against Kansas City Bishop the Temper of the Times, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter (October 15, 2011)
- US Bishop Charged in Child-Abuse Priest Case, in Times of India (October 15, 2011)
- Missouri Bishop Indicted for Not Reporting Child Molesting Priest, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (October 15, 2011)
- Eerste Bisschop Aangeklaagd in Pedoaffaire Vs, in The Nu (October 15, 2011)
- Former Brooklyn Pastor, Fdny Chaplain Arraigned on Sexual Abuse Charges, in NY1 (October 15, 2011)
- More Sexual Misconduct Claims against Mesa Priest, in KTAR (October 15, 2011)
- Former Altar Boy Suing Claiming He Was Abused by Priest, in Herald Sun (October 15, 2011)
- Retired Brooklyn Priest Is Accused of Inappropriate Conduct, by Joseph Goldstein, New York Times (October 15, 2011)
October 16
- Bishop Murphy Defends Handling of Abuse Cases, by Bart Jones, The Newsday (October 16, 2011)
- How Will Kc Catholics Heal Amid Charges against Their Bishop, Diocese?, by Judy L. Thomas, Mark Morris and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (October 16, 2011)
- Sin, Ink and the Bishop's Indictment, in Get Religion (October 16, 2011)
- Retired Brooklyn Monsignor Accused of Trying to Molest Two Teen Boys, in The Gothamist (October 16, 2011)
- Records Reveal Growing Tensions, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 15, 2011)
- Finally — a Sex-Abuse Bishop Indicted, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (October 14, 2011)
- Parishioners Defend Retired Brooklyn Monsignor Accused of 'Criminal Sex Act' on Minors, by Matthew Lysiak and Tina Moore, New York Daily News (October 16, 2011)
- Bishop Indicted in Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal: It's about Time, in The Star-Ledger (October 16, 2011)
- N.J. Cleric Sold Videos Showing Young Men in Suggestive Poses; Case Similar to Another Priest's Wrestling Scandal, by Mark Mueller, The Star-Ledger (October 16, 2011)
- UK Priest Molested SA Boy, in News 24 (October 16, 2011)
- In Charging Diocese, Prosecutor Takes Rare Step, by Dan Levine, The Reuters (October 16, 2011)
- A Liberation Theologian in the Holy Office?, by Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Vatican Insider (October 16, 2011)
- The First American Bishop Who Risks Jail for Failure to Report a Case of Pedophilia, by Marco Tosatti, Vatican Insider (October 16, 2011)
- Trial to Start This Week in Chatham Priest's Stabbing Death, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 16, 2011)
- Parishioners Dismayed, Sympathetic over Bishop's Indictment, by Kevin Murphy, The Reuters (October 14, 2011)
- 300,000 Babies Stolen from Their Parents - and Sold for Adoption: Haunting Bbc Documentary Exposes 50-Year Scandal of Baby Trafficking by the Catholic Church in Spain, by Polly Dunbar, Daily Mail (October 16, 2011)
- 50 Years of Faith: Diocese Thriving As a Spiritual Beacon, by Becca Nelson Sankey, The Standard-Times (October 15, 2011)
- Priest from New Jersey " on Leave" Due to Report of Sexually Assaulting a Minor Now Residing in Manitowoc Wiscosnin, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 16, 2011)
- Anglican Leader Stands with Catholics on Sex Abuse Claims, by Jamie Walker, The Australian (October 17, 2011)
- Rosary Could Not Defeat Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... Unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (October 16, 2011)
- Vatican Has 'No Intention' of Intervening in US Bishop Case, in AFP (October 17, 2011)
- Criminous Clerks, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (October 16, 2011)
- Finn Should Be Finn Ished!, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Voice from the Desert (October 16, 2011)
- Spanish Franco Regime, Catholic Church Stole and Sold Infants, by Linda C. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (October 16, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Indicted by Prosecutors in Kansas City Diocese, Vatican Will Not Intervene, in International Business Times (October 16, 2011)
- Bishop and Diocese That Failed to Report Child Abuse Indicted, by Joan Firstenberg, Digitial Journal (October 16, 2011)
- Turning off the Heat, in Boston Catholic Insider (October 16, 2011)
- Archdiocese Shuts off Utilities at Wellesley Parish, by Jenna Russell, Boston Globe (October 15, 2011)
- Wineke: Catholic Church Undercuts Its Efforts to Promote Reverence for Eucharist, by Bill Wineke, Channel 3000 (October 16, 2011)
October 17
- Woman's Lawsuit Alleges Abuse, by Karen McCowan, The Register-Guard (October 17, 2011)
- Beloved Marine Park Priest Accused of Sexual Assault, by Thomas Tracy, Brooklyn Daily (October 17, 2011)
- Kansas City Churchgoers Have Sympathy for Bishop Charged over Child Abuse Scandal, in The Globalpost (October 16, 2011)
- A Catholic Bishop Is Indicted in Child Pornography and Again I Ask: Why Does Congress Kowtow to the Usccb?, by Jodi Jacobson, Rh Reality Check (October 17, 2011)
- It's about Time a Bishop Was Indicted, by Adam Lee, Big Think (October 17, 2011)
- In Kansas City Churches, Tiptoeing around the Latest Scandal, by A. G. Sulzberger, The Times-News (October 17, 2011)
- Why Bishop Finn Deserves Indictment, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (October 16, 2011)
- Irish Papal Nuncio Moves to Prague, on RTE News (October 17, 2011)
- " I Think He Has Taken Action. I Don't Know More of What He Can Do" — Bishop Finn Defender, in The Jimmycsays (October 17, 2011)
- Los Gatos Priest Beating Trial Delayed, by Sheila Sanchez, Los Gatos Patch (October 17, 2011)
- The Indictment of Bishop Finn, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (October 17, 2011)
- Imam Found Guilty of Abusing Young Girls, by Scott D'Arcy, Swindon Advertiser (October 17, 2011)
- US Priest, Others Who Back Women's Ordination Detained after Marching to Vatican, in Washington Post (October 17, 2011)
- Forgiveness As Enabling Behavior, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (October 17, 2011)
- What's at Stake: Protecting and Preserving the Innocence of Children, in Watch Keep (October 17, 2011)
- Scandal and the Vatican: Let's Not Talk about Kansas City, by Stephan Faris, TIME (October 17, 2011)
- New Witness Emerges As Trial for Man Accused of Stabbing Chatham Priest Is about to Begin, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 17, 2011)
- In Kansas City: Nothing to See Here (but an Indicted Bishop), by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (October 17, 2011)
- In Kansas City Churches, Tiptoeing around the Latest Scandal, by A. G. Sulzberger, New York Times (October 16, 2011)
- Bishop Finn-dicted for Protecting Pedophile Priest, by Anthea Butler, Religion Dispatches (October 17, 2011)
- Vatican Weighs in on Cult-like Group in Legion, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (October 17, 2011)
- Priest Who Teaches Students Accused of Abuse, by Jen Maxfield, WABC (October 17, 2011)
- Lawsuit: Priest at Long Lake Scout Camp Had Boys Wrestle in Speedos, by Jamie Munks, The Post-Star (October 17, 2011)
- Was Catholicism Worse Than Communism?, by Tom Deignan, Irish Central (October 17, 2011)
- Scandals on Either Side of the Pond Rock the Holy Mother Church, by Mark Kernes, AVN (October 17, 2011)
October 18
- Bishops Are behind the 'Let Women Die' Act and the Push against Birth Control--Even As They're under Fire for Sex Abuse Scandals, by Sarah Seltzer, The Alternet (October 18, 2011)
- Dad: Msgr. Brady Groped My Son, by Thomas Tracy, Brookly Daily (October 18, 2011)
- Pennsylvania Legislators Push for Better Laws to Expand Rights of Victims of Sexual Abuse, by Sara Ganim, The Patriot-News (October 18, 2011)
- 2 More People Say They Were Abused by Youth Pastor, in KRGV (October 18, 2011)
- Church Struggles to Raise Funds, by Danielle Vandenbrink, The Standard-Freeholder (October 18, 2011)
- Spain's Stolen Babies and the Families Who Lived a Lie, by Katya Adler, BBC News (October 18, 2011)
- Editorial: in Kansas City, an Indicted Bishop Must Explain His Priorities, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 18, 2011)
- Nun Emerges As Surprise Witness at Chatham Murder Trial, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 18, 2011)
- New Witness Emerges in Priest Murder, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 18, 2011)
- 300.000 Bebés Robados a Sus Padres Fueron Vendidos a Familias Adoptivas Durante 50 Años Por LA Iglesia Católica, in The Kaosenlared (October 18, 2011)
- The Religious Sex Abuse Epidemic, by Roy Speckhardt, Huffington Post (October 18, 2011)
- Clergy Sex-Abuse Allegations Aired by Victim Advocates, by Hannan Adely, The Record (October 18, 2011)
- Australian Bishops Meet Vatican Officials to Discuss Removed Colleague, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (October 18, 2011)
- Querellantes Piden Procesamiento De Fernando Karadima, in La Segunda (October 18, 2011)
- Regnum Christi the Lay Movement Linked to "Legionaries of Christ", to Become Autonomous, in Rome Reports (October 18, 2011)
- Vatican Bids for Italian Institute, in The Nature (October 18, 2011)
- Former Baptist Pastor at Walker Church Faces Charges of Child Sexual Abuse in Two Counties, by Barton Deiters, Grand Rapids Press (October 18, 2011)
- Querellantes Pidieron El Procesamiento De Karadima Por Abuso Sexual Reiterado, in The Cooperativa (October 18, 2011)
- Changes Announced in Oversight of Regnum Christi's Consecrated Laity, by David Kerr, Catholic News Agency (October 18, 2011)
- National Survivor Advocates Coalition News, in Voice from the Desert (October 18, 2011)
- Man Charged in Killing of Chatham Priest Must Take Stand for Video Statement to Be Shown, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 18, 2011)
- Vatican Removes Mssp Priest from Clerical State, in Malta Today (October 18, 2011)
- Godwin Scerri Dismissed from Clerical State, in Times of Malta (October 18, 2011)
- Querellante Pide Que Sacerdote Karadima Sea Procesado Por Abusos Sexuales, in The Emol (October 18, 2011)
- Karadima: Jueza Resolvera Procesamiento Del Sacerdote, in The Puranoticia (October 18, 2011)
- Parish Priest Inquiry Ongoing, in The Press (October 18, 2011)
- Chile: Piden Procesar a Sacerdote Por Abusos Sexuales, in El Nuevo Herald (October 18, 2011)
- Foreign Specialist: Bishop May Have to Step Aside, in Iceland Review (October 18, 2011)
- Al 85 Klachten Misbruik Kerk Behandeld, in The Nieuws (October 18, 2011)
- Bijna 100 Klachten Misbruik Afgehandeld, in Limburgs Dagblad (October 18, 2011)
- Trial Date Set for Accused Clergy Predator, by Bob Allen, Associated Baptist Press (October 18, 2011)
- Why the Admiration for John Paul Ii?, by Bruce Gorton, Times LIVE (October 18, 2011)
- Trial Set for Former Clinton Music Minister Accused in Sexual Abuse, in Clarion Ledger (October 18, 2011)
- Chile Could Try Ex-priest Sanctioned by Vatican, in The Sacramento Bee (October 18, 2011)
- Nun's Counseling Testimony Permitted at Trial of Man Accused of Killing Chatham Priest, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 18, 2011)
- Judge: Nun May Testify in Trial of Chatham Priest's Slaying, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 18, 2011)
October 19
- Priest Guilty of Abuse Defrocked, in Malta Independent (October 19, 2011)
- Childhood Sex Abuse Decreasing, Study Says, in The Local (October 19, 2011)
- No End in Sight for Damages Caused by Illinois Priest, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 19, 2011)
- Church Scandal Cuts Deeper, in The Observer (October 19, 2011)
- More Accusations, by Madeline Buckley, Brownsville Herald (October 18, 2011)
- Former Minister Wanted by Police, in WAVY (October 18, 2011)
- Former Wallingford Minister Suspected of Raping 12-Year-Old Girl, in Hartford Courant (October 18, 2011)
- Meriden Police Looking for Former Wallingford Minister Accused of Sexual Assault, by Laurie Rich Salerno, The Patch (October 18, 2011)
- Police Search for Ex-Minister Accused of Sex Assault, in NBC Connecticut (October 18, 2011)
- Meriden Police Still Looking for Minister Wanted in Sexual Abuse Case, by Tiffany Diorio, Record Journal (October 19, 2011)
- Fmr. Minister Wanted on Sexual Assault Charges, in WTNH (October 18, 2011)
- Pope Names US Envoy, by Victor L. Simpson, Middletown Journal (October 19, 2011)
- Fresh Yeshivah Sex Charge, by Jewel Topsfield, The Age (October 19, 2011)
- There Is Still a 'Clerical Elite' in the Church, by Fr Michael Commane, Drogheda Independent (October 19, 2011)
- Jewish Youth Leader Arrested for Child Molestation, in JTA (October 19, 2011)
- New Sex Abuse Charge in Melbourne, in The J-Wire (October 19, 2011)
- Querellantes Piden Procesar a Fernando Karadima Por Abusos, by Jorge Poblete, LA Tercera (October 19, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (October 19, 2011)
- 'Let Me Find My Talk', in Cape Breton Post (October 19, 2011)
- The Charges against Bishop Finn Should Be Dropped, by Frank Kessler, Kansas City Star (October 19, 2011)
- Snellere Afhandeling Melding Seksueel Misbruik Kerk, in Blik Nieuws (October 19, 2011)
- The Movement to Occupy Faith Communities: a Postscript, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (October 19, 2011)
- Former Priest Sought As Yuma County's Most Wanted, by James Gilbert, Yuma Sun (October 19, 2011)
- New Bishop Being Named for Bismarck Diocese, in The Inforum (October 19, 2011)
- Pope Names Archbishop Vigano New Nuncio to the U.S., by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (October 19, 2011)
- Priest Cleared of Sexual Abuse Charges, in Total Catholic (October 19, 2011)
- The Catholic Church and Child Abuse: Deja Vu All over Again, by Michael Ruse, Huffington Post (October 19, 2011)
- Priests for Life Tax Returns Show Heavy Management, Fundraising Costs, in Catholic Culture (October 19, 2011)
- Hermosilla Y Caso Karadima: a Estas Alturas Queda Bastante Claro Como Ocurrieron Los Hechos, in Cooperativa (October 19, 2011)
- Pedophiles Want Same Rights As Homosexuals, by Jack Minor, Greeley Gazette (October 19, 2011)
- SNAP Urges Az Catholic Church Officials to Help Cops Catch Priest Fugitive, by Joelle Casteix, Voice from the Desert (October 19, 2011)
- Jury to Hear Opening Remarks Today in Priest Killing, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 19, 2011)
- Jason Berry Coming to Newport Beach November 3, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (October 19, 2011)
- Ex- Altar Boy Sues Priest, Archdiocese for Alleged Abuse, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 19, 2011)
- Pastor Jose Campos Jailed for Allegedly Sexually Touching 11-year-old, by Kyle Munzenrieder, Miami New Times (October 19, 2011)
- Miami Pastor Arrested for Sexual Battery on Minor, by Brian Hamacher, NBC Miami (October 19, 2011)
- Real-life Inspiration for "Oranges and Sunshine", in Los Angeles Times (October 19, 2011)
- Vatican Quiet on the Indictment of Bishop Robert Finn, Time Reports, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (October 19, 2011)
- New Lawsuit Says Seminarian Abused Altar Boy Beginning in 1996 at Incarnation of Our Lord Parish in Philadelphia, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (October 19, 2011)
- Second Priest Guilty of Child Abuse Defrocked, in Times of Malta (October 19, 2011)
- Pervert Priest Wanted after Failing to Register As a Sex Offender, by James King, Phoenix New Times (October 19, 2011)
- Another Abuse Suit Filed against Archdiocese of Philadelphia, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (October 19, 2011)
- Ex-yuma Priest Is Sought for Probation Violation, in San Antonio Express-News (October 19, 2011)
- Rockford Priest David Kagan Named Bishop in Bismarck, N.d., in Rockford Register Star (October 19, 2011)
- Pro-life Priest Seeks Mediation with Texas Bishop, by Dennis Sadowski, National Catholic Reporter (October 19, 2011)
- Pope Names Rockford, Illinois Vicar General As Bishop of Bismarck, North Dakota, Accepts Resignation of Bishop Zipfel, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (October 19, 2011)
- Archbishop Dolan Welcomes New Nuncio to United States, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (October 19, 2011)
- Indicted Bishop Plans to Continue Leading Diocese, by Heather Hollingsworth, Associated Press (October 19, 2011)
- Pope Benedict Names Msgr. David Kagan Bishop of the Diocese of Bismarck, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Bismarck (October 19, 2011)
- Helft Klachten over Seksueel Misbruik R.-K. Gegrond, by Joep Dohmen, NRC Handelsblad (October 19, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Is the Live Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI - while Cardinal Bernard Law Is the Live Achilles Heel of John Paul II, by Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils, Paris Arrow (October 19, 2011)
- What I Wish Every Bishop Would Get, by Rod Dreher, American Conservative (October 19, 2011)
- Georgia Church Faces Suit, by Kelly Greene, Wall Street Journal (October 19, 2011)
October 20
- Priest, Archdiocese Sued over Alleged Abuse, in Daily Times (October 20, 2011)
- Ex-Altar Boy in N. Phila. Sues, Alleging Priest Molested Him, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 20, 2011)
- Prosecutor Explains Decision to Charge Finn, by Jeff Martin, The Examiner (October 20, 2011)
- Pastor-Professor Guilty of Naperville Sex Abuse, in Naperville Sun (October 20, 2011)
- Bishop Eddie Long Accused in Investment Scam Lawsuit, by Alexis Stevens, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 20, 2011)
- Former Publisher Clarifies Zenit's History, Finances, in Catholic News Agency (October 20, 2011)
- Viganò Nominated As Nuncio to the U.S., in Vatican Insider (October 20, 2011)
- Dossier Kindermisbruik Katholieke Kerk, in ED (October 19, 2011)
- Fraters: Maatregelen Tegen Misbruik, in ED (October 20, 2011)
- Meer Misbruikklachten Populaire Frater, in The Kerknieuws (October 20, 2011)
- Defrocked Priest Oliver O'Grady Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Pornography, in Irish Examiner (October 20, 2011)
- Pope Tells Australian Bishops to 'Repair Errors of Past', in West Australian (October 20, 2011)
- To Australian Prelates: Care for Celebration of Liturgy, in Vatican Information Service (October 20, 2011)
- Audiences, in Vatican Information Service (October 20, 2011)
- Pope Urges Bishops to Put Past Mistakes Right, in AGI (October 20, 2011)
- Former Ealing Priest Jumps Bail - Sought by Police in Italy, by Toby Bakare, Ealing Times (October 20, 2011)
- Ministra En Visita Decidirá Esta Mañana Si Somete a Proceso a Fernando Karadima, in LA Tercera (October 20, 2011)
- Magistrada Rechazó Procesar a Sacerdote Karadima Por Abusos Sexuales, by Por Leslie Ayala, The Emol (October 20, 2011)
- Media Advisory - Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Trc Hosts Technical Media Briefing, in CNW (October 20, 2011)
- Trial Begins for Janitor Accused of Killing Priest, in Sacramento Bee (October 20, 2011)
- Ministra En Visita Rechaza Solicitud De Procesamiento De Karadima, by Jorge Poblete Y Angélica Baeza, LA Tercera (October 20, 2011)
- SNAP Statement on Cesar Alvarez, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (October 20, 2011)
- Ministra Jessica Gonzalez Rechaza Procesar a Karadima Por Abusos Sexuales Y Cierra Investigacion, in Noticias 123 (October 20, 2011)
- Donegal Abuse Victim Vows to Hunger Strike If Report Not Published, by James O'shea, Irish Central (October 20, 2011)
- Child Sex Abuse Victim 'will Go on Hunger Strike' over Raphoe Report Delays, by Sue Doherty, Donegal Democrat (October 19, 2011)
- Priest Sentenced for Indecent Assault, by Matt Markham, Cristina Frank, WBNG (October 20, 2011)
- Trial of Man Charged with Killing Chatham Priest Begins with Prosecutor Saying Phone Is Key Piece of Evidence, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 20, 2011)
- Man Pleads Guilty to Pornography Possession, in RTE News (October 20, 2011)
- Chilean Judge: No Sex Abuse Charges for Ex-priest, in Idaho Statesman (October 20, 2011)
- Priest Gets Jail Time for Indecent Assault, in WNEP (October 20, 2011)
- Statement of Jeff Anderson Re: Guilty Plea of Oliver O'grady for Possession of Child Pornography, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (October 20, 2011)
- Chilean Judge: No Sex Abuse Charges for Ex-priest, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 20, 2011)
- Former Chaplain Charged with Indecent Assault, by Hannah Bewley, Harrow Observer (October 20, 2011)
- SNAP to Begin Monthly Meetings for Victims of Abuse, in CantonRep (October 20, 2011)
- Altar Boy, a Story of Life after Abuse, by Andrew Madden, Andrew Madden's Blog (October 20, 2011)
- New Pressure on Hospital's Insurers to Settle Reardon Cases, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (October 20, 2011)
- Defense in Chatham Priest Killing: Janitor Was Enraged, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 20, 2011)
October 21
- Snap: Release "Secret Archives" of Abusing Priests, by Jane Gargas, Yakima Herald-Republic (October 21, 2011)
- Two Lawsuits Allege Abuse by Priests, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (October 21, 2011)
- In Trial, Attorney for Church Custodian Accused of Murdering Chatham Priest Delivers Opening Statement, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 21, 2011)
- Protestors Want Church to Post Predator Information Online, by Shannon McCann, KAPP (October 21, 2011)
- Oc Sex Abuse Case against 2 Priests Rejected, in Sacramento Bee (October 21, 2011)
- Jury Rejects Brothers" Clergy-abuse Allegations, by Vik Jolly, Orange County Register (October 21, 2011)
- Ky. Missionary Faces Sex Abuse Charges in Belize, in Washington Examiner (October 21, 2011)
- Somerset Missionary Accused of Sexual Abuse in Belize, by Tricia Neal, Commonwealth Journal (October 19, 2011)
- Witness Testifies about Sex with Accused Deacon, by Jane Sims, CNews (October 21, 2011)
- Cloistered Priest Gets Prison on Sex Charge, by Staci Wilson, The Times-Tribune (October 21, 2011)
- Karadima: Cierran Caso Y No Procesan a Ex Parroco Por Abuso De Menores, in The Puranoticia (October 21, 2011)
- N. Mosciatti Por Caso Karadima: "es Imposible No Pensar En El Papa Juan Pablo II Como Un Encubridor", in Bio Bio (October 20, 2011)
- Murillo Ante Posible Prescripcion De Delitos Imputados a Karadima: "LA Justicia Debe Revisar Sus Leyes", in La Tercera (October 21, 2011)
- Denunciante De Karadima Dice Que Obispos "Son Una Verguenza", in Terra (October 21, 2011)
- Juan Carlos Cruz: "Tenemos Fe En Que Se Van a Acreditar Los Delitos De Karadima", by Angelica Baeza Palavecino, La Tercera (October 21, 2011)
- Rick Smith: Author Unveils Private World of Jeffs, FLDS, in San Angelo Standard-Times (October 21, 2011)
- Bishop of Iceland Declares Deep Sorrow at Course, in Iceland Review (October 21, 2011)
- Abogado Querellante: Fallo No Significa Inocencia Del Religioso, in Chile.com (October 21, 2011)
- Abogado De Querellantes Resalto Que Fallo No Niega Delitos De Karadima, in Cooperativa (October 21, 2011)
- Accountability in Missouri, in New York Times (October 21, 2011)
- Former Area Priest Defrocked, in Windsor Star (October 21, 2011)
- Defrocked Priest Pleads Guilty in Child Porn Case, by Declan Brennan, Belfast Telegraph (October 21, 2011)
- New Birth Member Speaks out about Lawsuit against Eddie Long, by John Blake, CNN (October 21, 2011)
- Informe Sicologico Sml: Karadima "Afirma No Tener Defectos", in The Terra (October 21, 2011)
- In Eigener Sache: Kirchlicher Maulkorb Aufgehoben!, in The Regensburg-Digital (October 21, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Deserves Better, in Catholic League (October 21, 2011)
- Open Letter to Clay Co. and Jackson Co. Prosecutors, by David Clohessy, SNAP (October 20, 2011)
- Ealing "Child Abuse Priest" Being Hunted in Rome, by Michael Russell, Ealing Gazette (October 20, 2011)
- State Investigates Alleged Fraud of Church Investors, by J. Scott Trubey, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 21, 2011)
- Priest Accused of "Horrific Sexual Acts", by David Breen, Orlando Sentinel (October 21, 2011)
- Bill Donohue and the Catholic League - Exposed, by David Fortwengler, Anti-Catholic League (October 21, 2011)
- Former Boynton Beach Pastor to Be Sentenced Today; Convicted of Molesting 15-year-old Church Member, by Daphne Duret, Palm Beach Post (October 21, 2011)
- Church's Harsh New Reality Not a Surprise, in National Catholic Reporter (October 21, 2011)
- Judge Awards $3m in Boston Priest Abuse Case, in Boston Herald (October 21, 2011)
- Zagreb Priest Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography, in Croatian Times (October 21, 2011)
- Melkite Greek Catholic Priest Charged with Indecent Assault and Corruption, in Greek Reporter (October 21, 2011)
- After Indictment, Kc Catholics Wonder What's Next, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (October 21, 2011)
- 2 Catholic H.s. Workers Accused of Having Sex with Students, in CBS New Jersey (April 6, 2011)
- $3m Paid by Boston Jp2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priest - to 2 Sex Victims, by Paris Arrow, Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils... (October 21, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Awarded $3 Million, by Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe (October 21, 2011)
- New Birth Members Questioned by Feds, by Jodie Fleischer, WSB (October 21, 2011)
- Decades Later, Victim of Pedophile Priest Demands Justice, by Claude Beaulieu, CJAD (October 21, 2011)
October 22
- Sins of Omission Just As Grievous, by Bob Ripley, London Free Press (October 22, 2011)
- Chilean Priest Avoids Prosecution in Child Sexual Abuse Case, in Santiago Times (October 22, 2011)
- Two Sisters Allege They Were Raped As Students at College Bourget, on CTV (October 22, 2011)
- Pastor Made Advances after Her Husband Killed, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (October 22, 2011)
- Faith & Works | Passion for Churches Declines, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal (October 21, 2011)
- Australia Prelates Respond to Case of Bishop Removed from Post, in The Zenit (October 22, 2011)
- Priests for Life Director Awaits Bishop's Decision, by Maura Grunlund, Staten Island Advance (October 22, 2011)
- Diputado Montes Confia En Que Justicia Dara "Fuerte Sancion" a Karadima, in La Tercera (October 22, 2011)
- Priest Detained in Porn Operation, in Windsor Star (October 22, 2011)
- When Priests Steal: German Pastor Skims from Plate for 40 Years, Doesn't Spend a Dime, by Katja Auer, The Worldcrunch (October 22, 2011)
- Secret Vatican Documents – the Stigma of Maciel, in The Regain (October 22, 2011)
- Kansas City, in Leon J. Podles: Dialogue (October 17, 2011)
- Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph, Missouri and Bishop Indicted for Failing to Report Child Porn, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News (October 20, 2011)
- Convicted Pedophile Shuffled between Scout Troops in Canada, U.S., by Judith Lavoie and Derek Spalding, National Post (October 22, 2011)
- Catholics Troubled by Abuse Case in Kc, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 23, 2011)
- Letter to Finn's Prosecutors Serves As Template for Philly Catholics, by Susan Matthews, The Catholics4change (October 22, 2011)
- Priest, Woman No Show at Hearing on Adultery, in The Inquirer (October 22, 2011)
- Elderly Priest Holds Protest Vigil outside Weymouth Cemetery, by Lane Lambert, Patriot Ledger (October 22, 2011)
- Finn and the Facebook Foes, by Bobby, The Getreligion (October 22, 2011)
October 23
- Bishop's 'Truth' Fails Test, by Tracy McGillis, The In-Forum (October 23, 2011)
- Lawyer Warns of Faith School Abuse, in Press Association (October 23, 2011)
- Priest-Turned-Teacher Accused of Sexually Exploiting Boys Must Be Monitored, in The Star-Ledger (October 23, 2011)
- Habemus Papam We Have a Pope?, in The Pinoy (October 23, 2011)
- Tagle Appointed Manila Archbishop, by Raymund F. Antonio, Manila Bulletin (October 13, 2011)
- Archdiocese of Manila Welcomes New Archbishop Chito Tagle, by Josephine Darang, The Inquirer (October 23, 2011)
- Ad Limina Ad Lib, in Boston Catholic Insider (October 23, 2011)
- 'Ad Limina' Change Means Not All Bishops Meet Privately with Pope, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (October 23, 2011)
- Charity Group Hands out Flyers at Church of Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse, in CBS New York (October 23, 2011)
- In the Spirit: Ex-Priest's Take on Matters of Faith, by Doug Erickson, Wisconsin State Journal (October 23, 2011)
- Essex County Priest, Teacher, Accused of Exploiting Boys, by Mark Mueller, The Star-Ledger (October 23, 2011)
- An Epiphany, by Nandini, Innocence Is Precious. Childhood Is Sacred. (October 23, 2011)
- Group Protests against Pastor Charged with Abuse, on News 12 (October 23, 2011)
October 24
- Holy Furor! Good Shepherd Parishioners Don't Turn the Other Cheek at Protestors, by Thomas Tracy, Brooklyn Daily (October 24, 2011)
- Former Minn. Pastor Goes on Trial for Alleged Sex Abuse, in KAAL (October 24, 2011)
- Child Abuse Ruling in the Nsw Supreme Court Ups Pressure for Legal Reform, by Ean Higgins, The Australian (October 24, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Should Have Done More to Protect Little Girls, by Nancy Kelly Waters, Kansas City Star (October 24, 2011)
- Catholic Church in fresh scandal involving money-spinning baby-trafficking in Spain, in The Freethinker (October 24, 2011)
- Study Says 9% of Rape Claims 'False', by John Burke, Sunday Business Post (October 23, 2011)
- Alinco Presentará Proyecto De Ley Que Declare Imprescriptibles Los Delitos Sexuales, in Diario El Divisadero (October 24, 2011)
- Women Still 'Not Worthy', by Charles Lewis, Ottawa Citizen (October 24, 2011)
- Bishops Back Morris Sacking, by Peter Hardwick, The Chronicle (October 24, 2011)
- At Issue: Counseling Confidentiality, by Charlie Butts, One News Now (October 24, 2011)
- British Police Help Catch Zagreb Paedophile Priest Suspect, in Croatian Times (October 24, 2011)
- Pop Porn, in Zagreb News (October 24, 2011)
- Challenging the Old, Old Boys Network, by Bill Quigley, Pacific Free Press (October 24, 2011)
- Jury Rejects Brothers' Clergy-Abuse Allegations: SNAP Responds, by Joelle Casteix, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 21, 2011)
- Ex-Predator Priest Is Sued, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 24, 2011)
- Spring Valley Rabbi Accused of Sodomizing Boys (video), in TLJ (October 23, 2011)
- Fifth Survey of Catholics in America Released, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (October 24, 2011)
- Should Confidentiality Agreements Be Allowed in Sex Abuse Cases?, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- N.s. Man Sues Scouts in Child Sex-abuse Case, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- Scouts Canada Sex Settlements Kept Secret, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- Scouts Lawsuits over Prolific Pedophile Quietly Settled, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- Sex-abuse Victim Breaks Silence on Scouts Settlement, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- Open up Scouts Canada's Pedophile List: B.C. Sex-abuse Victim, in CBC News (October 24, 2011)
- Scouts Canada Denies Covering for Pedophile Leaders, by Judith Lavoie and Derek Spalding, Calgary Herald (October 24, 2011)
- Catholic Reactions to the Sex Abuse Scandal, in National Catholic Reporter (October 24, 2011)
- Survey: Religious Identity Slips Among U.S. Catholics, by Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA Today (October 24, 2011)
- Persistence and Change, by William V. D'Antonio, National Catholic Reporter (October 24, 2011)
- DA Withdraws Request for Priest's Records, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 24, 2011)
- Joseph Ross: Former St. Cronan's Priest Accused of Molesting Parishioner, by Chad GarrisonMon, Riverfront Times (October 24, 2011)
- Different Generations in the Church, by William D'Antonio, National Catholic Reporter (October 24, 2011)
- Two Books Approach Parish Closures from Different Angles, in Catholic News Service (October 24, 2011)
- Woman Sues St. Louis Archdiocese, Claims Abuse by Pastor As Child, by Valerie Schremp Hahn, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 24, 2011)
- Sacramento Catholic Diocese Slow to Tell of Accused Priest, Group Charges, by Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee (October 24, 2011)
- Rockland County, NY - Spring Valley Rabbi Accused of Sodomizing Boys, in Voz Iz Neias (October 24, 2011)
- Cellphone Calls Focus of Testimony in Priest Murder Trial, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 24, 2011)
- Chilling 911 Tapes Played during Trial of Man Accused of Killing Priest, on WFMZ (October 24, 2011)
- A Way for Bishops to Begin Rebuilding Trust, by James E. Connell, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 24, 2011)
- No Date Yet for Bishop Replacement, in ABC Southern Queensland (October 25, 2011)
- Bloody Photos of Slain Priest Shown to Jury at Morris County Trial of Former Church Custodian, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 24, 2011)
October 25
- Pope Orders Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse by Teachers at London School, by Nadia Gilani, Daily Mail (October 25, 2011)
- Victims' Rights Advocates: Sacramento Catholic Diocese Slow to Tell of Accused Priest, by Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee (October 25, 2011)
- Prosecutors Withdraw Request for Accuse Priest's Treatment Records, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (October 24, 2011)
- Vatican Launches Ealing Abbey Inquiry, in Ealing Today (October 25, 2011)
- Justitie: Onderzoek Heel Eind Dit Jaar Klaar, in L1 (October 25, 2011)
- 'Zondige' Predikant Naar Pkn, in The Kerknieuws (October 25, 2011)
- Om Onderzoekt Verbod Stichting Martijn, in The Pow! (October 25, 2011)
- Gilmore Stands by Criticism of Holy See but Greets 'Constructive Dialogue', by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (October 25, 2011)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Pension Funds Fall Short, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 25, 2011)
- Child Abuse in Kansas City, in Voice of Russia (October 25, 2011)
- U.S. Catholics Charting Own Path, Poll Says, by Meredith Heagney, Columbus Dispatch (October 25, 2011)
- Catholic Doesn't Always Mean Universal, by Scott Alessi, U.S. Catholic (October 24, 2011)
- Spain Stolen Babies - up to 300,000 Taken, by John Jackson, Euro Weekly News (October 25, 2011)
- Priest Is the Father, Court Says, in Euro Weekly News (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Investigating Sex Abuse Claims at UK Abbey, in Monterey County Herald (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Launches Inquiry into Abuse at Ealing Abbey, by Michael Russell, Ealing Gazette (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Inquiry into Ealing Abbey Child Sex Abuse, on BBC News (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse Claims at UK Schools, by Amy Willis, The Telegraph (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Abbey Abuse Inquiry, in Press Association (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Investigates Child Abuse at UK Abbey, by David Brown and Sean O'Neill, The Australian (October 26, 2011)
- Boy Scout Abuse Victims Seek Justice, in CBC News (October 25, 2011)
- Sexton for Toledo Diocese Files Suit Claiming Sexual Harassment, by Jennifer Feehan, Toledo Blade (October 25, 2011)
- Trauma and Transformation Conference Addresses Sexual Abuse in the Church, by Alan Hustak, B.C. Catholic (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Sexual Abuse Inquiry into Ealing Abbey Given Short Shrift, by Riazat Butt, The Guardian (October 25, 2011)
- Diocesan Employee Put on Administrative Leave, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo (October 25, 2011)
- Pavone Continues to Raise Money for Priests for Life, by Tom Gallagher, National Catholic Reporter (October 25, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Claims: Vatican Investigates Ealing Abbey in London, by Jill Lawless, Huffington Post (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Child Abuse Probe at an Abbey in London, in AFP (October 25, 2011)
- Church Pays $200k to Settle Molest Claim against Priest Who Produced, Sold Videos of Speedo-clad Young Wrestlers, in Smoking Gun (October 25, 2011)
- Wood Denies All Sex Acts, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (October 25, 2011)
- Horn: Setting Record Straight in Dispute, in Amarillo Globe-News (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Investigates Benedictines over Abuse Cases, by Simon Caldwell, National Catholic Reporter (October 25, 2011)
- In Chatham Priest Killing, Jury Shown Knife Found near Suspect's Home, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 25, 2011)
- Diocese of Kansas City-st. Joseph Facing New Lawsuit, by Monica Evans, FOX 4 (October 25, 2011)
- At Trial of Man Accused of Killing Chatham Priest, Sheriff's Officer Details Physical Evidence Collected, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (October 25, 2011)
- Accused Priest Has Carmichael Ties, in The Patch (October 25, 2011)
- What If This Was Your Son? a Heart Changing Story, in Catholics4Change (October 25, 2011)
October 26
- An Abuse of Trust, by Rhonda Holman, Wichita Eagle (October 26, 2011)
- For the Children's Sake, These Stereotypes about Priests Must Stop, by Jennifer Fulwiler, National Catholic Register (October 26, 2011)
- Sue Cox Speaks out for the Annual Survivors of Catholic Clergy Abuse, by Catherine Vonledebur, Coventry Telegraph (October 26, 2011)
- London Catholic School Sex Abuse Claims Inquiry Ordered by Vatican, in London 24 (October 26, 2011)
- Ap Exclusive: Members Flee Disgraced Legion of Christ As Hopes of Vatican-Promised Reform Fade, by Nicole Winfield, The Newser (October 25, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Inquiry into Ealing Sex Abuse Claims, by Neil Lancefield, The Independent (October 26, 2011)
- Judge Rules to Continue Civil Sex Abuse Case, in St. Joseph News-Press (October 26, 2011)
- Transparency Key to Healing, in Edmonton Journal (October 26, 2011)
- U of M to Apologize for Role in Residential Schools, in Winnipeg Free Press (October 26, 2011)
- Residential School Pain Eased by Teen's Funeral, on CBC News (October 26, 2011)
- St. Louis Archdiocese Sued over Alleged Abuse, in KMOV (October 26, 2011)
- Anhörung Zum Sexuellem Missbrauch, in Deutscher Bundestag (October 25, 2011)
- Belgisch Gerecht Buigt Zich Opnieuw over Huiszoekingen Kerk, in The Kerknieuws (October 25, 2011)
- 'Bisschoppen Kunnen Beroep Doen Op Teveel Instanties', in The Rknieuws (October 26, 2011)
- Exclusives : Judge Rules to Continue Civil Sex Abuse Case against Bede Parry Now a Tec Priest, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (October 26, 2011)
- Statement on the John Doe Case by a VOTF Member, by David Biersmith, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2011)
- Text of the John Doe V. Conception Abbey Case., in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2011)
- Two Legal Moves in MO, by Robert Bates, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2011)
- SNAP Wants Secular Investigation at London School, by Barbara Dorris, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 26, 2011)
- Grass Roots: Catholics Give Church Poor Grades on Response to Sex Scandal, by Pat Schneider, Capital Times (October 26, 2011)
- Former N.b. Priest Pleads Guilty to Defrauding Churches of $116,000, in Winnipeg Free Press (October 26, 2011)
- Federal Trial for Accused Priest Set for June, in KMBC (October 26, 2011)
- Magdalene Survivors Call for Investigation of More Schools, in The Journal (October 26, 2011)
- Religious but Not Spiritual: the High Costs of Ignoring Personal Piety, by David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives (October 26, 2011)
- Legion of Christ Investigation: the Cover-Up Continues, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (October 26, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victim Tells Story, in The Chroncile (October 26, 2011)
- Archbishop Naumann on the Indictment of Bishop Finn, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (October 26, 2011)
- Coverage of Recent Indictment Far from Objective, by Joseph F. Naumann, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas/the Leaven (October 26, 2011)
- Law Expert: U.S. Bishops Should Persuade Finn to Resign, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (October 26, 2011)
- Priest Trainee Accused of Luring Females in Middletown, by Dustin Racioppi, Asbury Park Press (October 26, 2011)
- Simplifying Scandal, in The Commonweal (October 26, 2011)
- Amended Civil Lawsuit Names Three Helena Diocese Catholic Priests As Sex Abusers, from Kosnoff Fasy Trial Lawyers & Advocates, in The Prnewswire (October 26, 2011)
- More Plaintiffs Added to Church Sex Abuse Lawsuit, in NBC Montana (October 26, 2011)
- Church and State: Prosecution and Punishment, by Kathryn Casey, The Forbes (October 26, 2011)
October 27
- Diocese of Scranton Priest Punished for Alleged Sexual Conduct, by Steve McConnell, Times-Tribune (October 27, 2011)
- SNAP Program Helps Survivors of Abuse Cope, by Bill Schammert, WDAY (October 27, 2011)
- More Plaintiffs Added to Catholic Diocese of Helena Sex Abuse Case, in KFBB (October 27, 2011)
- More Plaintiffs Added to Church Sex Abuse Lawsuit, in NECN (October 27, 2011)
- Former Pastor Sentenced in Molestation Case, in The Oklahoman (October 27, 2011)
- Former Back Mountain Priest Removed after Sexual Misconduct Accusations, in Citizens Voice (October 27, 2011)
- Vatican to Investigate St. Benedict's School and Ealing Abbey in London, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 27, 2011)
- Katholische Kirche Macht Mit Pornos Ein Vermogen, in The Welt (October 27, 2011)
- Titel: Kirche in Der Weltbild-falle, in PUR Magazin (October 27, 2011)
- Frustrated, Faithful, Furious: Kansas City Catholics React to Indictments of Bishop and Diocese, in KCUR (October 27, 2011)
- Young Survivor Moves Civil Lawsuit, Adds Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, by Sarah Odegaard, Jeff Anderson & Associates (October 27, 2011)
- Rabbi Moishe Turner: Accused of Sexually Abusing a Teenage Boy, on News 12 via YouTube (October 27, 2011)
- Onderzoek Naar Seksueel Misbruik in School Benedictijnen, in The RKnieuws (October 27, 2011)
- Boston Archdiocese Budgetary Hocus Pocus, in Boston Catholic Insider (October 27, 2011)
- Vatican Removes Priest from Ministry, in WNEP (October 27, 2011)
- The Full Story on Bishop Finn, in SNAP (October 26, 2011)
- The Vatican Opens Inquiry into Abuse in Ealing Abbey, in Vatican Insider (October 27, 2011)
- Perth Amboy Man Studying to Be Priest Is Arrested after Allegedly Offering Teenage Girls Alcohol, Money for Sex, in The Star-Ledger (October 27, 2011)
- Townsend Priest Assigned to Billerica Parish, by Evan Lips, Nashoba Publishing (October 27, 2011)
- Archdiocese Issues Statement on Laicized Priest, in St. Louis Review (October 27, 2011)
- Indian Residential Schools an 'education Policy Gone Wrong,' Not 'genocide,' Says Aboriginal Affairs Minister, in APTN (October 27, 2011)
- Priest Faces More Sex Charges, in CBC News (October 27, 2011)
- Catholic Order Pays for Mexican Priest's Sex Abuse, by Rachel Uranga, Fox 59 (October 27, 2011)
- Bishops Reissue 'faithful Citizenship', in Steubenville Register (October 27, 2011)
- Sachverstandige Teilen Anliegen, Minderjahrigen Opfern Sexueller Gewalt Mehrfachvernehmungen Zu Ersparen, in Deutscher Bundestag (October 26, 2011)
October 28
- Church Inquiry after Official Convicted of Paedophilia, by Sarah Rainey, The Telegraph (October 28, 2011)
- Catholic Church Child Safety Official Convicted of Internet Paedophile Offences, by Ewan Palmer, Business & Law (October 28, 2011)
- History Shows Diocese Can Get It Right, by Mark Morris, Kansas City Star (October 26, 2011)
- 2 More Sex Charges Laid against Former Maidstone Priest, by Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star (October 26, 2011)
- More Charges against Priest, in Chatham Daily News (October 28, 2011)
- Why Is Sd Protecting Child Abusers and Their Enablers?, in Dakota Women (October 28, 2011)
- Did the Legislature Err in a Sexual-abuse Matter?, by Bob Mercer, Pure Pierre Politics (October 27, 2011)
- New Archbishop Opposes Sex-abuse Window, in Philadelphia Inquirer (October 28, 2011)
- Archbishop Chaput Meets with the Inquirer Editorial Board, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (October 28, 2011)
- N.J. Priest Trainee Accused of Luring Females; Cops Say He Offered $10, Alcohol, by Dustin Racioppi, Courier Post (October 28, 2011)
- Bravo! Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas Slams SNAP, by Dave Pierre, Media Report (October 28, 2011)
- Listecki's Hasty Public Dismissal of Vice-chancellor's Modest Child Protection Proposals Worries Victim/survivors, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 27, 2011)
- Chaput: Phila. School Closings Concern Parishioners Most, in Philadelphia Inquirer (October 27, 2011)
- "DAS War Alles Nur Ein Erster Schritt", by Susanne Holl, Sueddeutsche (October 28, 2011)
- Vatican: Priest Must Be Banned, in Standard Speaker (October 26, 2011)
- To See or Not to See in Assisi, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (October 28, 2011)
- Pope Orders Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse at West London School, in National Secular Society (October 28, 2011)
- Survey Shows That US Catholics Have Their Own Ideas on What It Takes to Be a Good Catholic, in National Secular Society (October 28, 2011)
- Roman Catholic Church's Paedophile Investigator Jailed for Possessing Thousands of Child Porn Images, by Anthony Bond, Daily Mail (October 28, 2011)
- Irish Priests Push Reform, Pledge to "Stimulate a Groundswell", by Michael Kelly, National Catholic Reporter (October 28, 2011)
- Rebelling against the Catholic Church - the Nuns Versus the Cardinals, by Tom Deignan, Irish Central (October 28, 2011)
- A Papal Contender Grabs the Spotlight, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (October 28, 2011)
- Pkn Wil Misbruik Strenger Aanpakken, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (October 28, 2011)
- Artsbisschop Lonard Niet Vervolgd Wegens Homofobe Uitspraken., in Think! (October 28, 2011)
- Pedophilie: Les Silences De L'eglise, in Le Post (October 26, 2011)
- L'union Europeenne Renforce SA Lutte Contre Les Pedophiles, in Le Monde (October 28, 2011)
- Pedophilie: Le Vatican Demande Une Enquete Dans Une Abbaye Britannique, in Le Point (October 28, 2011)
- Pedophilie ET L'eglise Chretienne Catholique / Ouattara Salia Previent : ''porter Plainte Contre Le Pape Est Une Mauvaise Intention'', in @BIDJ@n.net (October 28, 2011)
- Former Nelson Bay Priest Loses Sex Case Appeal, by Joanne Mccarthy, Newcastle Herald (October 28, 2011)
- Amidst Criminal Charges, Kc Diocese Appoints Chief of Staff, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (October 28, 2011)
- Parishioners Sue Diocese, Claiming Financial Mismanagement, by Tom Gallagher, National Catholic Reporter (October 28, 2011)
- Mater Dolorosa Church Protesters File Counterclaim Lawsuit against Catholic Diocese of Springfield Charging Civil Rights Violations, Mismanagement of Funds, by Robert Rizzuto, The Republican (October 28, 2011)
- Judge Denies Injunction against Mass. Parishioners, in The Republican (October 28, 2011)
- New Charges of Cover-up against Presiding Bishop, by A. S. Haley, Virtue Online (October 27, 2011)
- Philly Seeks to Prove Pattern of Pedophile Priests, by Maryclaire Dale, San Antonio Express-News (October 26, 2011)
- A Fight for St. Brigid, by Bill Williams, America Magazine (October 28, 2011)
- Catholic Bishop Orders South West Child Protection Review, on BBC News (October 28, 2011)
- Kaput with Chaput, in Boys Don't Tell (October 28, 2011)
- Investigacion Descarta Denuncia De Abusos Contra Precht, in The Terra (October 28, 2011)
- Prosecutors in Priest Abuse Case Want to Use Related Records for Trial Evidence, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (October 28, 2011)
- Arzobispado Descarta Delito Canonico Contra Cristian Precht, in La Tercera (October 28, 2011)
- Iglesia Descarto Delito Canonico En Acusaciones Contra Cristian Precht, in The Cooperativa (October 28, 2011)
- Ex Vicario De LA Solidaridad Enfrentaba Acusacion De Abuso Sexual, in The Surlink (October 28, 2011)
- Iglesia Cierra Investigacion Por Denuncia Contra Cristian Precht, in La Nacion (October 28, 2011)
- What Is the Sin of Bishop Finn?, by Eugene Cullen Kennedy, National Catholic Reporter (October 28 , 2011)
- Did Bishop Finn Deserve Indictment?, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (October 28, 2011)
- SNAP Responds to Revelations That Church Investigator Had Child Porn, by Barbara Dorris, SNAP (October 28, 2011)
- SNAP Applauds Brave Young Victim in Brooklyn, by Mary Caplan, SNAP (October 28, 2011)
- "Ad Limina': US Bishops Set to Begin Round of Consultations in Rome, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (October 28, 2011)
October 29
- Plan by Archdiocese to Protect Priests Alleged in Motion, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (October 29, 2011)
- Religious Order Pays $100k to Andover Man in Abuse Case, by Yadira Betances, Eagle Tribune (October 29, 2011)
- Hundreds of Abusive Priests Who Were Kicked out of the Church Have Blended into Society, in God Discussion (October 28, 2011)
- Church to Review Abuse Handling As Paedophile Investigator Is Jailed for Child Porn, by David Wilcock, Irish Independent (October 28, 2011)
- Boy Scouts Failed to Report Abuser, by Jason Felch and Kim Christensen, Los Angeles Times (October 29, 2011)
- Bill Morris and the "Haemorrhaging" Church, by Pat Power, Eureka Street (October 27 , 2011)
- Church Youth "Protector" Had the Vilest Child Porn, in Plymouth Herald (October 29, 2011)
- Judge Denies Diocese Request to End Holyoke Church Vigil, in Worcester Teelgram & Gazette (October 29 , 2011)
- Judge Allows Holyoke Parishioners to Keep Praying in Church, by Natalie Tolomeo, CBS 3 (October 29, 2011)
- Judge Rules Mater Dolorosa Protesters Can Stay in Holyoke Church for Now, by Jeanette DeForge, The Republican (October 29, 2011)
- Apologies Pretty Much Worthless, by Don Marks, Winnipeg Free Press (October 29, 2011)
- "Geld Verdienen Mit Sex Und Porno", in The Sueddeutsche (October 29, 2011)
- Weltbild-skandal Fuhrt Im Erzbistum Munchen Zu Konsequenzen, in kath.net (October 26, 2011)
- Corrections and Clarifications, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 28, 2011)
- Salesian Addresses Indian Bishops on ``psychosexual Integration and Celibate Maturity``, in Don Bosco India (October 29, 2011)
- Predators in Plain Sight: Priests Accused of Child Abuse Appear beyond the Reach of Law, on CNN (October 29, 2011)
- That "Made in the US" Church, by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican Insider (October 29, 2011)
- Paedophilia: Lay Official Put on Trial in Diocece of Plymouth, in Vatican Insider (October 29, 2011)
- Combating Sexual Abuse in Native American Communities, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News (October 29, 2011)
- Rcmp Mostly Unaware of Abuse at Residential Schools: Report, by Michael Tutton, Globe and Mail (October 29, 2011)
- Fetish Priest Jailed for Defilement., in Ghana Web (October 29, 2011)
October 30
- Pennsylvania Fined Pavone's Charity, by Karen Smith Welch, Amarillo Globe-News (October 30, 2011)
- South Dakota Legislature Gets New Sex-Abuse Bill, by Stephanie Woodard, Indiancountry Today Network (October 30, 2011)
- Former Oakland County Priest Suspended Following Sex Abuse Allegations, by Mitch Hotts, Daily Tribune (October 30, 2011)
- More Alleged Victims Tell of Abuse by Former N.J. Priest, Current Newark Teacher, by Mark Mueller, The Star-Ledger (October 30, 2011)
- Pastor in Warren Placed on Leave after Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (October 30, 2011)
- Warren Priest Put on Leave after Sex Abuse Report, by Oralandar Brand-Williams, Detroit News (October 30, 2011)
- Warren Priest Put on Administrative Leave after Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, in WXYZ (October 30, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct, in Click on Detroit (October 30, 2011)
- Pastor of Millersville Parish Resigns Following Archdiocesan Audit, in Catholic Review (October 30, 2011)
- Regarding Fr. Gary Schulte…, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit (October 30, 2011)
- Rcmp 'Herded' Native Kids to Residential Schools, on CBC News (October 29, 2011)
- Mounties Played a Key Role in Residential Schools, in The Mark (October 30, 2011)
October 31
- Us-Based Pinoy Priest Caught with Child Porn May Be Hiding in Phl, by Carmela Lapeña, Gma News (October 31, 2011)
- Pinoy Priest Accused of Child Porn Back in Ph?, in ABS-CBN (October 31, 2011)
- War on Web Sleaze: Church of England Threatening to Withdraw Millions Invested in Isps over Rise of Internet Porn, by Chris Greenwood, Daily Mail (October 31, 2011)
- Bishops Get Letter of Warning, by Leslie Ann G. Aquino, Manila Bulletin (October 31, 2011)
- US Diocese Warns Vs. Filipino Priest Charged with Theft, Porn Possession, in The Sun.star (October 31, 2011)
- Residential School Survivors Target Catholic Church, by Mike Hager and Evan Duggan, Vancouver Sun (October 31, 2011)
- Crackdown on Child Sex Abuse Unravels, by Paul Berger, The Forward (October 31, 2011)
- Protestan Víctimas De Curas Pederastas Cerca Del Vaticano, in El Economista (October 29, 2011)
- Europese Protestactie Tegen Pedofiele Priesters, in The Rknieuws (October 31, 2011)
- Abuse Victims March on Rome, on BBC News (October 31, 2011)
- Cri Hails Efforts to Counter Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women, in Conference of Religious India Bulletin (September 21, 2011)
- Many Nuns Have Faced Sexual Harassment: Sr Panikulam, in Conference of Religous India Bulletin (October 12, 2011)
- Former Guardian Angels Priest Suspended Following Allegations of Sexual Misconduct, by Nancy Hanus, The Patch (October 31, 2011)
- Labrador Aboriginal People Still Want Ottawa Apology, on CBC News (October 31, 2011)
- Accountability, Transparency and the Bishops, by Maureen Paul Turlish, National Catholic Reporter (October 31, 2011)
- A Lead Is Not a Story: More on the Bede Parry Case, in Episcopal Cafe (October 31, 2011)
- 'Kansas City Star' Vs. Catholic Church, by Mi-Ai Parrish, Standard Newswire (October 31, 2011)
- Us-based Pinoy Priest Charged with Pornography Hiding in Phl?, by Evelyn Macairan, Philippine Star (October 31, 2011)
- Prosecutor, Defense Decide to Agree on Certain Facts to Speed Trial of Man Charged with Killing Chatham Priest, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (October 31, 2011)
- Cbcp Warned of Pinoy Priest in US Porn, Theft Raps, in The Malaya (October 31, 2011)
- Court Endorses Vatican Bank's Rescue of Italian Research Center, by Marta Paterlini, The Science (October 31, 2011)
- Catholic League Says Kansas City Star Rejected Its $25,000 Ad, by Jim Romenesko, Poynter.org (October 31, 2011)
- Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department Arrests 16 Sex Offenders during Operation Trick or Treat, in SNAP Wisconsin (October 31, 2011)
- Filipino Priest Charged in US, in The Tempo (October 31, 2011)
- Kc Star Vs, the Catholic Church League: Score One for the Star and Decency, in Mo Rage (October 31, 2011)
- Father Dongor's Whereabouts Unknown, in Catholic Free Press (October 31, 2011)
- "Sackcloth and Ashes" Attire Urged for Congress, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (November 1, 2011)
- Minister Calls for Better Data Collection on Child Cases, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (November 1, 2011)
- Media Called to Report True Scale of Child Abuse, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (November 1, 2011)
- Church Braced for Wave of Sex Abuse Allegations, in Irish Times (November 1, 2011)
- Public "Overestimates" Priest Abuse, in Belfast Telegraph (November 1, 2011)
- Fitchburg Priest Charged in Child Porn Case Flees Country, by Bronislaus B. Kush, Telegram & Gazette (October 31, 2011)
- Here's How the Catholic Church Is Profiting in the German Erotic Novel Industry, by Nick Jardine, Business Insider (October 28, 2011)
- Catholic Church Makes a Fortune in the German Porn Business, by Die Welt, Worldcrunch (October 29, 2011)
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