Abuse Tracker 2011
Part 3: May to June 2011
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse Tracker.
May 2011
May 1
- Rush to Elevate John Paul Ignores Victims, by Kevin Cullen, Boston Globe (May 1, 2011)
- Papal Encounter Was a Hot Potato for One Local Priest, by Richard C. Dujardin, Providence Journal (May 1, 2011)
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Priests Visit West Virginia, in The Gazette-Mail (April 30, 2011)
- Johannespaulusii Was Geen Heilige, in De Standaard (April 30, 2011)
- After Negotiations, a Bishop Admits Inappropriate Behaviour in His Past, in Broken Rites (May 1, 2011)
- As John Paul II Moves Closer to Sainthood, Some Question His Role in Sex Scandals, by Andria Borba, Fox 40 (April 30, 2011)
- 'Grieving of the People', by Mark Medley, Ottawa Citizen (May 1, 2011)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Priestly Vows of 'No', by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 1, 2011)
- Priest Serving in Tuam Suspended over Child Safety Issues, in The Journal (May 1, 2011)
- Priest Suspended Following Allegations, in The Newstalk (May 1, 2011)
- Statement of Archbishop Neary, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuam (April 30, 2011)
- Priest Suspended over 'Child Safeguard Issues', on RTE News (May 1, 2011)
- Priest Steps Aside from Tuam Archdiocese, in Galway News (May 1, 2011)
- Tuam 'Safeguarding' Issue Probed, in Irish Times (May 1, 2011)
- Crowds of Faithful Jam Vatican to Honor Pope John Paul II, in Thebostonchannel (May 1, 2011)
- Bishop Bill Calls It Quits, by Peter Hardwick, The Chronicle (May 2, 2011)
- Tuam: GardaаЃТ Investigate 'Child Safeguarding' Issue against Priest, in Irish Examiner (May 1, 2011)
- Bishop of Toowoomba, William Morris, Claims Unfair Dismissal by Pope, in The Australian (May 2, 2011)
- Onkelinx Dreigt Met Sancties Als Kerk Verantwoordelijkheid Seksueel Misbruik on, in De Morgen (May 1, 2011)
- Onkelinx Dreigt Met Sancties Als Kerk Verantwoordelijkheid Ontloopt, in De Standaard (May 1, 2011)
- Fr Peter Kennedy Slams Vatican after Toowoomba Bishop William Morris Quits Catholic Church after Row over Ordination of Women, by Brooke Baskin and Lizzie Stafford, Courier Mail (May 2, 2011)
- Parishioners Asked to Sign Abuse Pledge, in WKBN (May 1, 2011)
- NYC Celebrates Beatification of Pope John Paul II, in The Examiner (May 1, 2011)
- Beatification Draws Local Praise, Criticism, by Katherine Creag, NBC New York (May 1, 2011)
- Flock Hails John Paul Blessing, in The Australian (May 2, 2011)
- Pope John Paul II Beatified in Front of Audience of 1.5 Million, in The Telegraph (May 1, 2011)
- John Paul II Beatified in Rome, by Eric Reguly, Globe and Mail (May 2, 2011)
- Crowds Cheer As Pope Beatifies John Paul, in NPR (May 1, 2011)
- Onkelinx Dreigt Met Sancties Als Kerk Verantwoordelijkheid Seksueel Misbruik Ontloopt, in HLN (May 2, 2011)
- Dear Cabinet: Magdalene Survivors Need Justice Now, in Irish Times (May 2, 2011)
- Protestors Urge Victims of Clergy Abuse to Come Forward, by Kristin Keeling, WCHS (May 1, 2011)
- American Group Criticises Late Pope's 'Dismal' Record on Abuse, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (May 2, 2011)
- ErrаЃаzuriz: " PensаЃа‰ Que No Eran Ciertos" Los Abusos De Karadima, in The Terra (May 1, 2011)
- Victims of Sex Abuse Protest Beatification of John Paul II in Us, Youngstown, in Youngstown Vindicator (May 1, 2011)
- The Sacking of Toowoomba Bishop William Morris, by Halina Baczkowski, ABC News (May 2, 2011)
- Diocese in Shock As Bishop Quits, by Peter Hardwick, Ipswich Advertiser (May 2, 2011)
- Abuse Claim Priest Withdrawn from Duties, by Lorna Siggins, Irish Times (May 2, 2011)
- Father Peter Kennedy Slams Vatican after Toowoomba Bishop William Morris Quits, by Brooke Baskin, Herald Sun (May 2, 2011)
- Monsignor's Action on Abuse Praised, in My Fox Philly (May 2, 2011)
- Vatican Forces Outspoken Qld Bishop to Retire, in ABC News (May 2, 2011)
- Toowoomba Bishop Claims Unfair Sacking, by Marissa Calligeros and Peter Hardwick, Brisbane Times (May 2, 2011)
- Heil Satanas Jp2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II Is the Same Yesterday and Today, He Cannot Protect Children, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (May 1, 2011)
- Cathblog, Officials Defend John Paul II on Abuse Crisis, by Michael Mullins, The Cathnews (May 1, 2011)
May 2
- Creep of the Week: William Donohue, in South Florida Gay News (May 2, 2011)
- Priest Sex-Abuse Scandal Pits Catholics Vs. Catholics, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 2, 2011)
- 'He Didn't Do Enough to Help Victims of Clerical Sex Abuse', by John Cooney, Irish Independent (May 2, 2011)
- Hope for the Healing, in Journal News (April 19, 2011)
- Addressing Problems of the Church Head-On, by Mike Carson, Journal Pioneer (May 1, 2011)
- Thoughts on the Beatification of Pope John Paul II, by Ralph E. Stone, The Salem-News (May 1, 2011)
- Ezzati Said He Had Not Asked the Vatican Output Pastor of El Bosque, by Patricio Carrera, LA Tercera (May 2, 2011)
- Massgoers in Shock As Parish Priest at Centre of Investigation, by Brian McDonald, Irish Independent (May 2, 2011)
- Citing Vatican Investigation, Australian Bishop Announces Early Retirement, in Catholic News Agency (May 2, 2011)
- Vigil to Be Held for Ousted Qld Bishop, by Kym Agius and Petrina Berry, Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, 2011)
- Parishioners Asked to Pledge to Report Child-Sex Suspicions, in Youngstown Vindicator (May 2, 2011)
- Local Groups Protest Beatification in Center City, by David Chang, NBC Philadelphia (May 1, 2011)
- Amid Celebration, Abuse Victims March on SF Mass, by Trey Bundy, Bay Citizen (May 1, 2011)
- Boston's Cathedral of the Holy Cross Observes Pope Beatification, in The Necn (May 2, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed over Haiti Sex Abuse, in Final Call (May 2, 2011)
- Pope Removes Bishop Who Expressed Openness to Ordaining Women, by Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter (May 2, 2011)
- Bishop's Removal "Heavy-handed", by Tess Livingstone, The Australian (May 3, 2011)
- Another Day of Infamy at the Vatican, by Vinnie Nauheimer, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 2, 2011)
- Snap: Beatification of Pope John Paul Sends Wrong Message, in CBS St. Louis (May 2, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (May 2, 2011)
- Ministro De Justicia: Jueza Del Caso Karadima Deberia Explicar Incautacion De Expediente Eclesiastico, in La Tercera (May 2, 2011)
- Pope Ousts Bishop for Suggesting Women & Married Men Be Ordained, by Julie Kent, Cleveland Leader (May 2, 2011)
- The Fall of Eddie Long, by Anthea D. Butler, Religion in the News (May 2, 2011)
- St. Louis Catholics Celebrate Beatification of John Paul II, by Talia Kaplan, KSDK (May 2, 2011)
- Priests Voice Support for Axed Qld Bishop, by Petrina Berry, The Age (May 3, 2011)
- Iona College Operators File for Bankruptcy, in Bankruptcy Home (May 2, 2011)
- Human Faces of Toowoomba Conflict, in Eureka Street (May 2, 2011)
- Ex-custodian Accused in Chatham Priest Slaying Was Not Fingerprinted for Background Check, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (May 2, 2011)
- Boston Globe Coverup?, in Catholic League (May 2, 2011)
- American Catholic Council to Convene in Detroit in June, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (May 2, 2011)
- Corte Suprema Pide Informe a Jueza Del Caso Karadima Por Allanamiento a Abogado, in La Tercera (May 2, 2011)
- Caretaker Bishop Appointed for Diocese of Toowoomba, in The CathNews (May 2, 2011)
- "Temple Police" Blamed for Toowoomba Bishop William Morris" Downfall, by Kristin Shorten and Brooke Baskin, The Courier-Mail (May 3, 2011)
- Slain Priest's Notebook Shows Accused Murderer Faced Termination, by Laura Silvius, The Patch (May 2, 2011)
- Buscan Victimas Por Abuso Sexual En Humacao, by Cynthia Lopez Caban, El Nuevodia (May 2, 2011)
- Pr Man Claims He Was Abused by Priest, in Taiwan News (May 3, 2011)
- Stories of Sexual Abuse, Healing Follow Screening of "the Silence", in The Artic Sounder (May 2, 2011)
- Suspect in Priest's Murder Never Got Background Check, Diocese Attorney Says, by Peggy Wright, Daily Record (May 2, 2011)
May 3
- Fired Australian Bishop Calls Church Authoritarian, Associated Press (May 3, 2011)
- Puerto Rico Suit Accuses St. John's Abbey Monk of Sexual Abuse, in St. Cloud Times (May 3, 2011)
- Priests Voice Support for Axed Qld Bishop, by Petrina Berry and Steve Gray, Sydney Morning Herald (May 3, 2011)
- Pope Accepts Bishop's 'Forced' Resignation, in News.com.au (May 3, 2011)
- Vatican 'Doesn't like Questions', by Petrina Berry, The Star (May 3, 2011)
- Mainstream Media Try to Pour Cold Water on John Paul II Beatification, by Matthew Balan, The Newsbusters (May 2, 2011)
- KаЃаœng: " Johannes Paul Ii. Hat Menschenrechte UnterdrаЃаœckt", in The Heute (April 29, 2011)
- Magdalene Group Steps up Campaign, by Claire O'Sullivan, God Squad (May 2, 2011)
- Demandan a Ex CapellаЃаn Y Principal De Colegio CatаЃа“lico, in The Telemundo (May 3, 2011)
- Silence of Church Irks Italian Judge, in Windsor Star (May 3, 2011)
- Sacked Toowoomba Bishop Decries 'Inquisition', by Michael McKenna, The Australian (May 3, 2011)
- Secrecy and Silence Continues in the Catholic Church, by Madonna King, The Drum (May 3, 2011)
- " Vent'anni Di Violenze Di Don Cantini in Parrocchia", in LA Nazione (May 3, 2011)
- IL Prete Pedofilo Coperto Dalla Chiesa. In Italia, in The Giornalettismo (May 2, 2011)
- IL Prete Che Ha Violentato Bambini Per Vent'anni RimarrаЃТ Impunito, in The Giornalettismo (May 2, 2011)
- Fired Bishop Calls Rome Authoritarian, in The Time (May 3, 2011)
- Clueless or Complicit?, in The Cathnews (May 3, 2011)
- Australian Priests Offer Support for Deposed Bishop, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 3, 2011)
- More Accusations against Modernist Collegeville, in Eponymous Flower (May 3, 2011)
- Wekelijks 12 Meldingen Van Kindermisbruik, in De Redactie (May 3, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Suspended after Misconduct, by Alexis Fernandez, KTVA (May 3, 2011)
- Ex-bishop William Morris Is Right, by Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture (May 3, 2011)
- Suprema Pide Informe Por Allanamiento a Oficina Del Abogado De Karadima, in La Nacion (May 3, 2011)
- Chatham Priest Searched for Criminal Record of Man Accused in His Killing, Investigator Says, by Ben Horowitz, The Star-Ledger (May 3, 2011)
- Winsted, Burlington Men Among Those Charged in Child Exploitation Prevention Initiative (web Exclusive), in Litchfield County Times (May 3, 2011)
- Do Lawsuit Allegations Touch Diocese's Noncompliance Issues?, by Dan Morris-Young, National Catholic Reporter (May 3, 2011)
- Oregon Diocese Named in Sex Assault Lawsuit, by Dan Morris-Young, National Catholic Reporter (May 3, 2011)
- Author Jennifer Haigh's New Novel Is a Story about Clergy Sexual Abuse, by Amy Mackinnon, Patriot Ledger (May 3, 2011)
- Ipswich Priest Supports Bishop, in Queensland Times (May 4, 2011)
- "John Paul" Name Carries on Pope's Legacy, by Mary Garrigan, Rapid City Journal (April 30, 2011)
- Community Rallies behind Bishop, by Kerri Burns-Taylor, Warwick Daily News (May 4, 2011)
May 4
- Bishop Lahey Child Pornography Trial to Open, on CBC News (May 4, 2011)
- Xenia Church Bus Driver Indicted for Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse, in WJBD (May 3, 2011)
- Tim Rutten: Is Pope John Paul II Fit for Sainthood?, by Tim Rutten, Los Angeles Times (May 4, 2011)
- Illinois Church Bus Driver Cited in Sex Abuse Case, in Evansville Courier & Press (May 3, 2011)
- Lahey Child Porn Trial Begins Today in Ottawa, in The Chronicle-Herald (May 4, 2011)
- Dismissed Catholic Bishop Says Vatican Denied Him Natural Justice, in Digital Journal (May 4, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop to Face Child Pornography Trial, by Charmaine Noronha, Huffington Post (May 4, 2011)
- Trial of Former Catholic Bishop Lahey Set to Begin Wednesday, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (May 4, 2011)
- Letter to Tucson Bishop Kicanas: Why Does the Pope Fire a Bishop Who Advocates Discussion of Women Ordination and Allow Bishops Who Cover up Child Sex Crimes by Priests to Remain?, in Voice from the Desert (May 4, 2011)
- Support for Ousted Australian Bishop Widens, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 4, 2011)
- Former Catholic Bishop Requests Jail in Child Porn Case, by Andrew Seymour, Montreal Gazette (May 4, 2011)
- Three Possible Popes, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (May 4, 2011)
- Canciller Del Arzobispado Hans Kast Declara Por Caso Karadima, in Noticias 123 (May 4, 2011)
- Bishop Raymond Lahey Pleads Guilty to Importing Child Porn, by Jessica Smith, Metro Canada (May 4, 2011)
- Former Canadian Bishop Pleads Guilty to Abuse, in AFP (May 4, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Pornography, in The Journal (May 4, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Lahey Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge, by KJ Mullins, Digital Journal (May 4, 2011)
- Former Bishop Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge, in London Free Press (May 4, 2011)
- Former Bishop Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge, on CTV (May 4, 2011)
- Roman Catholic Bishop Raymond Lahey Pleads Guilty to Child-porn Charge, in Canadian Press (May 4, 2011)
- "i Challenge the Church like Luther", in Matthew Fox (May 4, 2011)
- SNAP Questions Vatican Priorities W/ Bishops, in SNAP (May 3, 2011)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Importing Child Pornography, by Anna Drahovzal with Kristi Soble, CFRA (May 4, 2011)
- Caso Sor Paula: Iglesia Catolica Nego Antecedentes a Fiscalia, in La Nacion (May 4, 2011)
- Canciller Del Arzobispado Ratifico Testimonio Contra Karadima, in La Nacion (May 4, 2011)
- Bishop's Firing Makes Pope's Priorities Clear, in National Catholic Reporter (May 4, 2011)
- Bishop Knew of His Departure, by Anthea Gleeson, The Chronicle (May 5, 2011)
- 9 11 Victims 5,000. Jp2 Army 100,000s. May Day: Both Hitler and Bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-day, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (May 4, 2011)
- Video: Ex-bishop Lahey Arrives at Court, in Ottawa Citizen (May 4, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Pleads Guilty in Child Porn Case, in NPR (May 4, 2011)
- Catholic Bishop Enters Custody at Ottawa Courthouse after Pleading Guilty to Importing Child Pornography, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (May 4, 2011)
- Vatican Pledges Action against Canadian Ex-bishop, in Ottawa Citizen (May 4, 2011)
- Ex-salinas Priest Sentenced for Sex Abuse, in KSBW (May 4, 2011)
- Complicity in Baptistland, by Christa Brown, Stop Baptist Predators (April 30, 2011)
- Vatican Condemns Canada Ex-bishop over Child Porn, in Jerusalem Post (May 4, 2011)
- Anchorage Archdiocese Suspends Priest for Repeated Violations of 'code of Conduct', by Joel Davidson, Catholic Anchor (May 4, 2011)
- Experts Moeten Compensatie Voor Misbruikslachtoffers Kerk Uitwerken, in The Vandaag (May 4, 2011)
- Salinas Priest Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail, Probation in Molestation of Boy, by Sunita Vijayan, Salinas Californian (May 4, 2011)
- Pedophile Priest Left a Legacy of Horror, by Linda Kor, AZ Journal (May 4, 2011)
- Shock As Catholic Bishop Who Brokered Multi-million Dollar Sex Abuse Settlement Is Found Guilty of Importing Child Porn, in Daily Mail (May 4, 2011)
- Australian Archbishop Weighs in on Bishop's Removal, in Catholic Culture (May 04, 2011)
May 5
- Penitent Porn Priest Offers to Go to Prison, by Andrew Seymour, The Province (May 5, 2011)
- Muted Reaction to Guilty Plea, by Aaron Beswick and Michael Gorman, The Chronicle-Herald (May 5, 2011)
- Settlement Cheques Coming, by Davene Jeffrey, The Chronicle-Herald (May 5, 2011)
- Former Bishop Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography, in The Care2 (May 5, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge, by Dan Karpenchuk, ABC (May 5, 2011)
- Toowoomba Has Change of Bishop, in Catholic Leader (May 8, 2011)
- Vatican Vows to Deal with Kiddie-Porn Bishop, in Hamilton Spectator (May 5, 2011)
- Fr Lombardi on Bishop Raymond Lahey Case, on Vatican Radio (May 5, 2011)
- 'Unheard Of' Jail Decision Surprises Lawyer, by Eva Hoare, The Chronicle-Herald (May 5, 2011)
- Rick's Rants, in Halifax News Net (May 5, 2011)
- Ezzati Autoriza Nuevamente a PаЃаrroco De El Bosque a Visitar a Fernando Karadima, by J. Poblete, A. LаЃа“pez Y P. Carrera, LA Tercera (May 5, 2011)
- Kast ReiterаЃа“ Sus Dichos a Jueza Del Caso Karadima, in LA Cuarta (May 5, 2011)
- Will Legacy of John Paul II Be a Blessing or a Curse?, by John Cooney, Belfast Telegraph (May 5, 2011)
- Vaticaan Neemt Sancties Tegen Canadese Ex-Bisschop, in HLN (May 5, 2011)
- Lawyer Overbills Clients by $400k, by Alexandra Paul, Winnipeg Free Press (May 5, 2011)
- Today in Courtroom 3b, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (May 4, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Los Besos " Cuneteados" Que Vio El Padre Kast, by Claudio Leiva Cortés, LA Nacion (May 5, 2011)
- Papal Power in Toowoomba, by Andrew Hamilton, Eureka Street (May 4, 2011)
- Salinas Priest's Victim Describes Suicide Attempts, in Salinas Californian (May 5, 2011)
- Statement on Ex-Bishop of Antigonish, Canada, in Vatican Information Service (May 5, 2011)
- Salinas Priest Gets Year in Jail for Molesting Boy, by Julia Reynolds, Monterey County Herald (May 5, 2011)
- Bp Morris: 'You've Got to Stand in Your Truth.', by Tom Roberts and Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (May 5, 2011)
- Lahey Plea Came Too Late: Lawyer, on CBC News (May 5, 2011)
- What's New, in Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (May 4, 2011)
- Martha Hill's Blog: Beatification of Pope John Paul II a Disgrace, by Martha Hill, The News-Press (April 26, 2011)
- Why Let Bishops Drive US from Church We Love?, by Brian Cahill, National Catholic Reporter (May 2, 2011)
- Teacher/coach/pastor Arrested on Child Molestation, in CBS 12 (May 5, 2011)
- Deputies: Okeechobee Middle School Teacher, Coach Molested Child, in WPBF (May 5, 2011)
- Teacher Arrested, Accused of Child Molestation, by Dan Corcoran, WPTV (May 6, 2011)
- Priest Ask Court to Seal Personnel Records, by Travis Sanford, Courthouse News Service (May 5, 2011)
- Former N.b. Priest Found Guilty of Sex Assault, on CBC News (May 5, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Settlement Negotiated by Disgraced Bishop Still Good, Says Successor, by Melanie Patten, Canadian Press (May 6, 2011)
- Press Release from Most Rev. Brian Dunn, Bishop of Antigonsh, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Antigonish (May 6, 2011)
- N.s. Bishop Apologizes for Lahey Affair Anguish, on CBC News (May 5, 2011)
- N.s. Bishop Says Church, Victims Must Seek Healing, in CTV (May 5, 2011)
- Antigonish Bishop Apologizes to Roman Catholics for Raymond Lahey Child Porn Scandal, by Nick Logan, Global Winnipeg (May 5, 2011)
- A Tale of Two Kinds of Bishops., by Grant Gallicho, The Dotcommonweal (May 5, 2011)
- Bishop Calls for Healing, in Cape Breton Post (May 5, 2011)
- When Rome Moves Silently against Bishops, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (May 5, 2011)
- Bishop Serving Time for Importing Child Porn, in VOCM (May 5, 2011)
- Vatican Investigating Bishop Guilty of Having Child Pornography, in Catholic News Service (May 5, 2011)
- Roanoke Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse, by Penny L. Pool, Randolph Leader (May 4, 2011)
- Priest-Psychologist Sees 'Signs of Grace' in Abuse Scandal, in Catholic News Service (May 5, 2011)
- The Scandal of Catholic Abuse of the Catholic Abuse Scandal, by Gordon J Macrae, Spero News (May 5, 2011)
- Ottawa Priest Served Jail Time for Abusing Young Girls, in CTV (May 5, 2011)
- Magdalene Group Getting 'Run-Around', by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (May 6, 2011)
- Hospital Sex Abuse Case Goes to Jury, by Debra Bogstie, NBC Connecticut (May 5, 2011)
- Department Handed Report on Numbers Sent to Laundries, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (May 5, 2011)
- Ex-Patients Alleging Doc Abuse Seek up to $8m, in Albany Times Union (May 5, 2011)
- Opus Dei, in Hollywood and Rome, by David Gibson, Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2011)
May 6
- Bishop Urges Followers to Stand Strong in Wake of Sexual Abuse Scandal, in Cape Breton Post (May 5, 2011)
- Bishop's Candor Refreshing! and Blue Ribbon Panel to Conduct Mla Pension Review!!, by Rick Howe, Halifax News Net - Rick's Rants (May 6, 2011)
- Bishop: Lahey Belongs in Prison, by Aaron Beswick, The Chronicle-Herald (May 6, 2011)
- Churches Are at a Crossroads, in The News (May 5, 2011)
- Child Porn Bishop May Face Serious Canonical Sanctions, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (May 6, 2011)
- 'Pastor Soulja' Is Charged with Another Sex Crime, by Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune (May 6, 2011)
- Churches Emphasize Employee Conduct Policies, by Gregg Macdonald, Fairfax Times (May 6, 2011)
- Pa. Diocese Nixes Appeal over 6 Church Closures, by Joann Loviglio, York Dispatch (May 5, 2011)
- What to Do about Sodano?, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (May 6, 2011)
- Powerful New Legal Tool for Clergy Sex Abuse Victims, by Mira Oberman, ABS-CBN (May 6, 2011)
- Priest Expected to Plead Guilty, by Rachel Punch, Sudbury Star (May 6, 2011)
- 588 Pornographic Images of Boys, in California Catholic Daily (May 6, 2011)
- Residential School Lawyer Scammed Victims: Law Society, on CBC News (May 5, 2011)
- Lawyers Finish Closing Arguments in St. Francis Case, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (May 5, 2011)
- Priesters En Misdienaars Stappen Weer Mee in Heilige Bloedprocessie, in The Zita (May 6, 2011)
- Federal System Credited with Catching Lawyer Over-Billing, by Alexandra Paul, Canada.com (May 6, 2011)
- Mission Statement, in The Victims4justice (May 6, 2011)
- Rabbi Who Is Married and the Father of 11 Kids on Trial for Allegedly Molesting Israeli Army Officer, by John Marzulli, New York Daily News (May 4, 2011)
- Orthodox Rabbi Gavriel Bidany Found Guilty of Molesting Female Israeli Army Officer on Flight, by John Marzulli, New York Daily News (May 5, 2011)
- Rabbi Convicted in NYC of Groping Aboard Plane, in Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2011)
- Rabbi Guilty of Flight Grope, by Mitchel Maddux, New York Post (May 6, 2011)
- Rabbi Found Guilty of Groping Sleeping Woman on Plane, by Tim Herrera, Amnew York (May 5, 2011)
- Orthodox Rabbi Guilty of Molesting Woman on Flight, by John Del Signore, The Gothamist (May 5, 2011)
- Rabbi Convicted of In-Flight Molesting, in Smoking Gun (May 5, 2011)
- Rabbi and Father of 11 on Trial for Molesting Idf Officer, by Renee Ghert-Zand, The Forward (May 5, 2011)
- Church Accused of Ignoring Magdalene Laundry Survivors, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (May 6, 2011)
- Karadima: Denunciantes " Decepcionados" Tras Reanudación De Visitas, by J. Poblete, LA Tercera (May 6, 2011)
- Pastoor Pleegt Zelfmoord in Klooster Asse Na Beschuldigingen Misbruik, in HLN (May 6, 2011)
- Luikse Priester Veroordeeld Tot Jaar Cel Met Uitstel Voor Misbruik, in De Morgen (May 5, 2011)
- Predator Priest Sentenced; Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 4, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Pleads Guilty; SNAP Responds, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 4, 2011)
- Philadelphia Abuse Cases to Undergo Review, in Catholic Sentinel (May 5, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Paedophile Fantasies Leaves for 2-Month Vacation, in Croatian Times (May 6, 2011)
- Temple Police Get Their Man, in The Australian (May 7, 2011)
- Catholics Get Tough on Doctrinal Dissent, by Christopher Pearson, The Australian (May 7, 2011)
- Joan Chittester on Expulsion from Family and Minority Wisdom: Critical Questions for the John Paul II Era of Catholic Apologetics, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (May 6, 2011)
- Archdiocese Wants Sept. 15 Deadline for Claims by Abuse Victims, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (May 6, 2011)
- Ottawa Archdiocese Removes Priest Convicted of Sex Crimes in 1990s from East-Side Catholic Church, by Kristy Nease, Ottawa Citizen (May 7, 2011)
- The Better Path to Sainthood, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (May 6, 2011)
- Antigonish Diocese Sex Abuse Claims Double, on CBC News (May 6, 2011)
- Charles Lewis: Stereotyping of Church Leaders Is the Lazy Way out, by Charles Lewis, National Post (May 6, 2011)
- Australian 'Holy Man' Sentenced to 15 Years for Rape during 'Prayer Sessions', by Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph (May 6, 2011)
- Greek-Australian Sentenced to 15 Years for Raping Women during Prayer Sessions, by Anastasia Miskedaki, Greek Reporter (May 6, 2011)
- Jail for Sydney Black Magic Sex Trio, by Margaret Scheikowski, Sydney Morning Herald (May 6, 2011)
- Black Magic 'Holy Man' Jailed for Rape, in ABC Sydney (May 6, 2011)
- Black Magic Man Jailed for Minimum 15 Years, in Herald Sun (May 6, 2011)
- Riot Squad at Black Magic Sex Sentencing, in News.com.au (May 6, 2011)
- Priest Convicted of Abuse Withdraws from Ottawa Church, in CTV (May 6, 2011)
May 7
- Priest Molester Worked in City for Decade, by Kristy Nease, Ottawa Citizen (May 7, 2011)
- Canadian Bishop Pledges Healing in Diocese Rocked by Child Porn Charges, by Brian Lazzuri, Catholic Review (May 7, 2011)
- Series Finds Sex Abuse Hiding in Many Faiths, by Bill Brownstein, Montreal Gazette (May 7, 2011)
- Adelphi to Host Conference " Working with Life's Traumas: Psychodynamic Perspectives on the Treatment of Child and Adult Survivors of Trauma", in Pr.com (May 7, 2011)
- Pater Pleegt Zelfmoord Na Misbruikklacht, in The Kerknieuws (May 7, 2011)
- Residential Schools: Survivors Share the Pain, by Andrew Stobo Sniderman, Montreal Gazette (May 7, 2011)
- Changes Made to Suspended Monk's Bail, by Staci Wilson, The Times-Tribune (May 7, 2011)
- Diocese Wants Sex Abuse Case Dismissed, by Chris Hubbuch, Lacrosse Tribune (May 7, 2011)
- Derde Zelfdoding in Bisdom in Jaar Tijd, in Het Nieuwsblad (May 7, 2011)
- Obispo Pellegrin Afirma Inocencia Ante Denuncia De Abusos Sexuales, in LA Nacion (May 7, 2011)
- Obispo Pellegrin Aseguró Que Acusación De Abuso Es " Totalmente Falsa", in The Cooperativa (May 7, 2011)
- Investigan Denuncia Contra Obispo De Chillán Por Abusos, in LA Cuarta (May 7, 2011)
- Paidofilia: Obispo Chileno Desmiente Abusos Contra Niños, in Ansa Latina (May 7, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillán Negó Oscuros Hechos Que Se Le Imputan En Forma Anónima, by Edgar Brizuela, LA Discusion (May 7, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillán Desmiente Acusaciones Anónimas Que Lo Vinculan a Casos De Abuso Sexual, by Alejandra Jara, The Bio-Bio (May 6, 2011)
- Instruyen " Investigación Canónica" Por Acusaciones De Abusos, in The Terra (May 6, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillán Mencionado En Denuncias De Abusos: " Soy Atacado Con Injurias", by Alvaro Guerrero and Angélica Baeza, LA Tercera (May 6, 2011)
- Ministerio Público Investiga Denuncia De Supuestos Abusos Sexuales En El Colegio Del Verbo Div, in El Mostrador (May 7, 2011)
- Fiscalía Investiga Denuncia Anónima Por Abusos Contra Ex Rector De Verbo Divino, in LA Tercera (May 6, 2011)
- Declaraciones De Mons. Carlos Pellegrin, in Conferencia Episcopal De Chile (May 7, 2011)
- As Controversy Continues, 'Grave Reasons' Seen in Deposing Australian Bishop, in Catholic News Agency (May 7, 2011)
- Obispo Rechaza Acusaciones Contenidas En E-Mail Anónimo, by C. González and J. Poblete, LA Tercera (May 7, 2011)
- Ex Rector Del Colegio Verbo Divino: " Las Acusaciones Son Falsas", in The Terra (May 7, 2011)
- Investigan Correo Electrónico Anónimo Que Describe Presuntos Abusos En El Verbo Divino, in LA Segunda (May 7, 2011)
- Vijf Jaar Cel Geëist Voor Pedopriester, in The Clint (May 7, 2011)
- Slachtoffer Bocholtse Pedopriester:" Spelenderwijs Ging Hij Almaar Verder", in The Clint (May 7, 2011)
- A Shameful Chapter Aired, by Andrew Stobo Sniderman, Montreal Gazette (May 7, 2011)
- The Surprising Outcome of Bishop Lahey's Trial, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (May 6, 2011)
- Investigan En Chile Acusaciones Anónimas Contra Obispo Por Abusos Sexuales, in ABC (May 7, 2011)
- Congregación Del Verbo Divino Confirmó Investigación Canónica Por Denuncia Contra Obispo Pellegrin, in LA Discusion (May 7, 2011)
- Marthasville Woman, Judy Block Jones, in Her Own Voice, in Columbus Truth (May 6, 2011)
- Jp2 Army Bishop Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charge. Attention Young Children! Bishops Pedophiles & Pederasts Abound!, by Paris Arrow, Jp2 Army John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army (May 7, 2011)
- Ottawa Priest Was Convicted of Sex Assaults, on CBC News (May 7, 2011)
- From Dan Cere, in Leon J. Podles: Dialogue (May 3, 2011)
- The Church and Male Honor, in Leon J. Podles: Dialogue (May 2, 2011)
- Verbo Divino Ratifica Querella Por Acusación De Abuso Contra Ex Rector, in The Terra (May 7, 2011)
- Chile Investiga Acusaciones Contra Obispo Por Abuso Sexual, in The Televisa (May 7, 2011)
- Declaración Pública Cvd, in Colegio Del Verbo Divino (May 6, 2011)
- No More Services for Priest Convicted of Abuse, in CTV (May 7, 2011)
- Letter from Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee (May 7, 2011)
- Will It Ever End?РўВ…third Priest Removed from Ministry in the Milwaukee Archdiocese in the Last Two Months, in Voice from the Desert (May 7, 2011)
- Priest Placed on Leave for Alleged Sexual Comments, by John Fauber, Milwaukee Journal Sentiel (May 7, 2011)
May 8
- Ex-Pastor Sentenced for Sexual Abuse of Girls, by Paul Stone, Palestine Herald-Press (May 7, 2011)
- Golatt Also Faced Sex Crime Charges in Idaho, by Billy Gunn, Town Talk (May 7, 2011)
- Background Checks, Policies Help Some Cenla Churches Prevent Sexual Improprieties, by David Dinsmore, Town Talk (May 8, 2011)
- Theologian Kung Says Only Radical Reforms Can Save the Catholic Church, by Anli Serfontein, Christian Century (May 7, 2011)
- Feligreses Impactados Con Las Acusaciones Contra El Obispo, by Carla Sánchez, LA Discusion (May 7, 2011)
- Nuevo Protocolo De LA Iglesia Busca Que Las Denuncias Sean Más Accesibles, by Carla Sánchez, LA Discusion (May 7, 2011)
- Visiting Priest on Rape Charge, by Santham Pillay, Times Live (May 7, 2011)
- Kenosha Priest Placed on Leave for Sexual Misconduct, by Dan O'Donnell, WTMJ (May 8, 2011)
- Yes to Divorce, No to Child Abuse, by Stephen Calleja, Malta Independent (May 8, 2011)
- Kenosha Priest Placed on Administrative Leave, in WISN (May 7, 2011)
- Ursulinas En El Caso De Chile Y Los Alegatos De Mala Conducta De Su Eternitzada Superior, in Pueblo Y Sociedad Noticias (May 8, 2011)
- Church Acts to Defrock All Paedophile Priests, by Barney Zwartz, Wa Today (May 8, 2011)
- The Catholic Church's Worst Enemy Resides in the Vatican, by Barney Zwartz, Sydney Morning Herald (May 9, 2011)
- Archbishop: Kenosha Priest on Leave after Alleged Phone Conversation with Girl, in Greenfield Reporter (May 9, 2011)
- The Final Cover-Up, in Sunday World (May 8, 2011)
May 9
- Melbourne Church Acts to Defrock Every Abuse Offender Priest, in CathNews (May 9, 2011)
- Maria Olivia Monckeberg: "muchos Comparan LA Parroquia De Karadima Con Colonia Dignidad", in La Nacion (May 9, 2011)
- Meer Communicanten Ondanks Crisis in Kerk, in Gazet van Antwerpen (May 9, 2011)
- Oraron Por Pellegrin: "que El Senor Le De Fuerzas Para Enfrentar Este Momento", in La Discusion (May 9, 2011)
- Distributing the Pledge to Protect Kids on Mother's Day in Tucson, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (May 9, 2011)
- Jueza Gonzalez Interrogara a Fernando Chomali Por Caso Karadima, in The Cooperativa (May 9, 2011)
- Top Priests Praises Move to Defrock Sex Priests, by Carl Dickens, Geelong Advertiser (May 9, 2011)
- Catholic Priest in Kenosha under Investigation for Sexual Misconduct, by Ben Handelman, FOX6 (May 9, 2011)
- Priest Removed from Ministry; Accused of Misconduct, by Dan O'Donnell, Today's TMJ (May 9, 2011)
- Speaking of Bankruptcy, in Pocono Record (May 5, 2011)
- Actions of Cardinal Bevilacqua Figure Large in Allowing Abuse at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Philadelphia, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (May 9, 2011)
- Conn. Hospital Settles Doctor-sex Abuse Lawsuits, by Dave Collins, Houston Chronicle (May 9, 2011)
- Goodbye for Now, by Christa Brown, Stop Baptist Predators (May 6, 2011)
- Significant Voice about SBC Matters to Retire..., in SBC Plodder (May 9, 2011)
- Jueza Del Caso Karadima Citara a Nuevo Arzobispo De Concepcion, by A.Lopez y J.Poblete, La Tercera (May 9, 2011)
- Another Lawsuit to Be Filed against Philadelphia Archdiocese Involving Wayne Priest, in Main Line (May 9, 2011)
- 32 St. Francis Cases Settled, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (May 9, 2011)
- Reardon Victims Reach Settlement with St. Francis, on WFSB (May 9, 2011)
- St. Francis Announces Settlement in Reardon Suits, on WTNH (May 9, 2011)
- Priest Placed on Leave for Alleged Inappropriate Conversation with a Child, by Ann-Elise Henzl, WUWM (May 9, 2011)
- New Lawsuit Names Bevilacqua, Rigali and Others, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (May 9, 2011)
- Times Writers Group: Unfair Reporting Hurts St. John's, by Eric Loehr, St. Cloud Times (May 9, 2011)
- Man Sues Ex-Priest in Latest Abuse Suit, in My Fox Philly (May 9, 2011)
- Man Sues Ex-Philly Priest in Latest Abuse Lawsuit, by Maryclaire Dale, Beaumont Enterprise (May 9, 2011)
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission Lands in Alberta, by Chris Miller, B.C. Catholic (May 9, 2011)
- Headmaster Found Not Guilty of Sex Charges, in Central Western Daily (May 10, 2011)
- Dwyer Not Guilty, in Western Advocate (May 10, 2011)
- Headmaster Cleared of Sex Charges, in Sydney Morning Herald (May 10, 2011)
- Former Headmaster of Catholic College Acquitted of Abusing Boys, in The Australian (May 9, 2011)
- Boarding Schoolmaster Found Not Guilty of Sex Crimes, in ABC Newcastle (May 9, 2011)
- Hospital Settles Claims over Paedophile Doctor Who Abused Thousands over 30-Year Period, in Daily Mail (May 9, 2011)
- Irish Christian Brothers' Future Uncertain, Order's Leader Says, by Sarah Macdonald, Catholic News Service (May 9, 2011)
- Vatican Worked for Years to Remove Australian Bishop Exclusive, in Catholic Culture (May 9, 2011)
- Sixth Lawsuit Accuses Philadelphia Church of Sexual Abuse, by Dave Warner, Reuters (May 9, 2011)
- 6th Suit Claims Molestation by Priest in Philadelphia, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (May 9, 2011)
- The California Clergy Sex Abuse Powder Keg, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (May 9, 2011)
May 10
- Pedophilia Scandal Continues to Shake Philly Catholic Archdiocese, in Westmoreland Times (May 10, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed against Former Delco Priest, by Patti Mengers, Daily Times (May 10, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victim Reaches Settlement with Fort Worth Diocese, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (May 9, 2011)
- Church Abuse Case and Lawyers an Uneasy Mix, by Peter Eisler, USA Today (May 9, 2011)
- Park Hill Day Care Worker Pleads Guilty in Sex Assault Case, by Kim Ngan Nguyen, The denverchannel (May 9, 2011)
- New Tribes Mission Sued for Alleged Sexual Abuse Cover-Up, in Stephanie Coueignoux (May 9, 2011)
- The High Ground, by Daniel Baird, The Walrus (May 10, 2011)
- Three Ministers Don't Want to Testify in Child Sex Abuse Case, by Ferdie De LA Torre, Saipan Tribune (May 10, 2011)
- Catholics Rejoice As John Paul II Is Beatified, by Judy Rattner, Long Island Herald (May 10, 2011)
- A Family Tale of Churchly Woe, by Sam Sacks, Wall Street Journal (May 10, 2011)
- Van Den Hende Weg Als Bisschop Van Breda, in Omroep Brabant (May 10, 2011)
- Bishop's Firing Makes Pope's Priorities Clear [australia] [with Urls to Other Articles], in The Startpagina (May 10, 2011)
- Punishment, Healing, and Prevention by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Recommended by Tom Doyle, by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Voice from the Desert (May 10, 2011)
- Tom Doyle Clergy Sexual Abuse Bibliography:5.9.2011, in Voice from the Desert (May 10, 2011)
- Philly Support Meeting, in Victims4Justice (May 10, 2011)
- Suit Says Phila. Archdiocese Protected Abuser, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 10, 2011)
- Good Work at Granada Institute for Clerical Abusers Tarnished by Persistent Criticisms, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 10, 2011)
- Iglesia: Parte Discusion Por Listado De Sacerdotes Acusados De Abusos, in La Nacion (May 10, 2011)
- Iglesia Compra Casa De Unos Us$ 500.000 Para Retiro De Cardenal Errazuriz, in La Segunda (May 10, 2011)
- Victims Blast Hospital for "Disingenuous" Claim, in SNAP (May 10, 2011)
- Canada Bishop Must Do More, Support Group Says, in SNAP (May 9, 2011)
- Victims Challenge Archdiocese's Deadline, in SNAP (May 6, 2011)
- Child Sex Victims Blast Nuns, in SNAP (May 6, 2011)
- Charges Filed against "pastor" - Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Respond, in SNAP (May 6, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (May 10, 2011)
- A Hero of History Is Beatified, in New Oxford Review (May 10, 2011)
- Don't Make It Harder to Report Child Abuse, in Garden of Roses (May 10, 2011)
- Reardon Plaintiffs Get $17 Million in Settlement, by Thomas B. Scheffey, Connecticut Law Tribune (May 10, 2011)
- New Westminster Priest and Sex Offender at Work in Ottawa, by Brent Richter, The Record (May 10, 2011)
- Man Charged with Sex Assault on Minor; Church Members Failed to Report Claims to Police, in Daily Journal (May 10, 2011)
- Toowoomba's Sacked Bishop Is Not Alone in Calling for Debate on Women, by Hugh O'Shaughnessy , The Guardian (May 10, 2011)
- Forced Retirement Is Message to All Bishops, Morris Says, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 10, 2011)
- Ex-stannies Priest Jailed, in Central Western Daily (May 11, 2011)
- Number of Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Children As Reported by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops with Numbers of Persons Alleging Abuse, in BishopAccountability.org (May 3, 2011)
- North Conway Man Charged with Molestation in Church Case, by Pat Grossmith, New Hampshire Union Leader (May 10, 2011)
- Vatican to Issue Guidelines on Combating Child Abuse, in Vancouver Sun (May 10, 2011)
May 11
- Sex Offender Gets 99 Years under Mandatory Sentencing Law, by Michelle Theriault Boots, KTUU (May 10, 2011)
- Pelosi, Boehner Clash over Chaplain, by Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call (May 11, 2011)
- Fort Worth Diocese Settles in Abuse Case, in ABC 13 (May 11, 2011)
- Book Buzz: "Faith" by Jennifer Haigh, by Deidre Wengen, PhillyBurbs (May 11, 2011)
- New Document Reveals Years of Vatican Efforts before Ousting Toowoomba Bishop, in Catholic News Agency (May 11, 2011)
- Retribution or Protection: Churches Deal with Legal and Ethical Responsibility, by Joey Ferguson, Deseret News (May 10, 2011)
- Rise in Abuse Complaints to Church Watchdog, in RTE News (May 11, 2011)
- Fury As Insurance Company Tells Church: "Don't Admit Abuse - You'll Have to Pay Compensation", in Daily Mail (May 11, 2011)
- Confronting Religion and Child Abuse, in Huffington Post (May 11, 2011)
- Get Serious!, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican to Issue Letter on Abuse Guidelines Monday, Associated Press (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi Reconsiders Support for Jesuit House Chaplain Nominee, in Catholic Culture (May 11, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Blast Catholic Group & "Papal Preacher", in GLAA Forum (May 10, 2011)
- Fr Terry Rafferty Suspended over Sexual Abuse Claims, on BBC News (May 11, 2011)
- 272 New Abuse Claims Reported, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 11, 2011)
- Irish Christian Brothers Convinced Abuse Crisis Will Destroy Them, by Antoinette Kelly, Irish Central (May 11, 2011)
- Church Abuse Focuses on Higher Authorities- Church, State or the Insurance Company, Who Is the Lord of the Church?, in Personal Finance Bulletin (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican to Issue New Abuse Guidelines, in John McKiggen's Sexual Abuse Claims Blog (May 11, 2011)
- N.Y. 's Highest Court to Hear Appeal on Rabbi's Extradition, in JTA (May 11, 2011)
- Revealed: 272 Child Abuse Claims against Priests in 2010, by Ed Carty, Irish Independent (May 11, 2011)
- Joint Statement by the Irish Bishops' Conference, the Conference of Religious of Ireland and the Irish Missionary Union in Response to the Publication of the Nbsccci Annual Report 2010, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (May 11, 2011)
- Priest Suspended in Co down, in Irish Times (May 11, 2011)
- Bathurst Priest Jailed for Abuse, by Leesha Mckenny, Guardian News (May 12, 2011)
- The Column I Wish I'd Written, by Henry Briggs, Main Line (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican: New Sex Abuse Guidelines to Be Sent to Bishops, in The Adnkronos (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican to Publish Advice on Guidelines to Prevent, Respond to Abuse, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi Ready to Stiff Jesuit?, in Catholic League (May 11, 2011)
- New Vatican Sex Abuse Guidelines Expected, SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 10, 2011)
- Vatican to Release Letter Advising Bishops on Creating Guidelines to Deal with Sex Abuse, in Washington Post (May 11, 2011)
- New Abuse and Cover-up Suit Names Vatican, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (May 11, 2011)
- Lawsuit Claims Vatican Covered up Child Sex Abuse, in Boston Globe (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican to Publish "Guidelines" against Abuse, in Montreal Gazette (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican Named in Lawsuit Claiming Holy See Covered up Sex Abuse of Children by Chicago Priest, in Washington Post (May 11, 2011)
- Diocese in Compliance with Child Protection Charter, in Daily Press (May 11, 2011)
- Pastor on Leave during Investigation, by Tracy Rusch, Catholic Herald (May 10, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Krijgen Richtlijnen over Aanpak Pedofilie, in HLN (May 11, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillan Declaro Como Imputado En Investigacion De Fiscalia Metropolitana Oriente, in La Discusion (May 11, 2011)
- Vaticaan Publiceert Richtlijnen over Misbruik, in De Telegraaf (May 11, 2011)
- Gevangenispsychiater: "Pedopriesters Zijn Slechts Topje Van Ijsberg, in HLN (May 11, 2011)
- Head of Irish Watchdog Says Lack of Church Cooperation Irritated Him, by Michael Kelly, Catholic News Service (May 11, 2011)
- Lawsuit against Vatican for Covering up for Pedophile Priest, by Judith Ruiz-Branch, WGN News (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican Sued over Mccormack Abuse, by Jessica D'Onofrio, WLS (May 11, 2011)
- Suit: 2 Popes Enabled Chicago Pedophile Priest, by Manya Brachear, Chicago Tribune (May 11, 2011)
- The Plague on Both Your Houses, Boehner and Pelosi, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (May 11, 2011)
- Using Children As a Weapon in the Divorce Debate, by Martin Scicluna, Malta Independent (May 10, 2011)
- Vatican Lawyer Says No Merit to Lawsuit Claiming Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse by Chicago Priest, in The Republic (May 11, 2011)
- Nancy Pelosi Turns on Jesuit Chaplain Nominee?, by Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review (May 11, 2011)
- Chaplain Nomination on the Line As Pelosi Reviews Child Abuse Settlement, in Fox News (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi: "No Obstacle" to Priest Becoming House Chaplain, by Catalina Camia, Usa Today (May 11, 2011)
- SNAP Opposes Priest for Congressional Chaplain, in SNAP (May 11, 2011)
- Eastbourne Abused Brothers Waive Anonymity, on BBC News (May 11, 2011)
- Obispo De San Bernardo Defiende a Ex Rector Del Verbo Divino Por Denuncia De Abusos, in The Emol (May 11, 2011)
- Ed Martin & Cardinal Justin Rigali, in Berger's Beat (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi Says Boehner's Vetting of House Chaplain Nominee Was Deficient, by Mike Lillis, The Hill (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican Letter Advises Bishops on Combating Abuse, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (May 12, 2011)
- Legal Issues Block Review by Watchdog, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 12, 2011)
- Latest Actions Show Church Is Unreformable, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 12, 2011)
- Church Inaction Will Not Be Tolerated - Minister, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 12, 2011)
- Reparations for Magdalene Women Being Considered, by Michael O'regan, Irish Times (May 12, 2011)
- Pelosi Rethinks Nomination of Oregon Jesuit As House Chaplain, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, U.S. Catholic (May 11, 2011)
- Oregon Jesuit Priest Patrick Conroy Gets Support of Both Pelosi and Boehner to Become House Chaplain, by Nancy Haught, The Oregonian (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi Oks House Chaplain Nominee after Getting Answers on Jesuit Order, by Mike Lillis, The Hill (May 11, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Oppose Pick for House Chaplain, by Kevin Eckstrom, The Beliefnet (May 11, 2011)
- Pelosi's Questions about Chaplain's Past Satisfied, by Daniel Newhauser, Roll Call (May 12, 2011)
- Second Girl Accuses Priest of Inappropriate Comments, by Lacey Crisp, WTMJ (May 11, 2011)
- Charges against Priest Declared "Nullity", by Andrew Seymour, Montreal Gazette (May 11, 2011)
- Vatican Named in Lawsuit Claiming Holy See Covered up U.S. Sex Abuse Case, by Tammy Webber, Toronto Star (May 11, 2011)
- Child-pornography Charge Won't Proceed against Priest Visiting Ottawa from Kenya, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (May 11, 2011)
May 12
- Former Vancouver Catholic Priest and Sex Criminal Discovered Working in Ottawa Church, by Brent Richter, The Province (May 12, 2011)
- Vatican to Issue New Sex Abuse Guidelines for Bishops, in News One (May 12, 2011)
- Fury As Church Withholds Abuse Complaints from Own Watchdog, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (May 12, 2011)
- Bishops Silent on Identity of Abuse Probe Dioceses, by Ailish O'Hora, Irish Independent (May 12, 2011)
- A New Day of Shame for Troubled Church, in Irish Independent (May 12, 2011)
- Judge: No Punitive Damages in Priest Abuse Case, by Greg Hardesty, Orange County Register (May 12, 2011)
- Vatican Named in New Lawsuit, by Charlie Wojciechowski, NBC Chicago (May 11, 2011)
- Obispo Pellegrin DeclarРЈР“ Ante Fiscal Y Niega Estar Imputado Por Abusos, by Luis Valenzuela Castro, LA Discusion (May 11, 2011)
- Christian Bros. Bankrupt after Sex Abuse Settlement, by Colleen Fontana, The Spectator (May 11, 2011)
- Conclave De LA Iglesia Analiza Publicar Lista De Sacerdotes Involucrados En Abusos Sexuales, on Radio Universidad de Chile (May 12, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillan: "'espero Que Estas Acusaciones Falsas Se Puedan Desmentir Por LA Justicia'", in ADN (May 12, 2011)
- Pelosi Now Backs Jesuit-but Defazio Doesn't, in Catholic League (May 12, 2011)
- An Oregon Province Jesuit As US House Chaplain?, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 12, 2011)
- Kenosha Police Receive Second Report of Sexual Misconduct by Priest, by John Pilmaier, SNAP - Wisconsin (May 12, 2011)
- Chicago Archdiocese "Surprised" at Lawyer's Claims, in The Pantagraph (May 12, 2011)
- Vatican Asked Australian Bishop to Resign Six Times before His Removal, by Anthony Barich, Catholic News Service (May 12, 2011)
- The Fog of Scandal, by Ana Maria Catanzaro, The Commonweal (May 12, 2011)
- Australian Bishops to Discuss Morris Ouster during Ad Limina Visits, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 12, 2011)
- Former Teacher Gets Probation for Abusing Student, in Chicago Tribune (May 12, 2011)
May 13
- Top Academic Warns of Irish Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal Aftermath at Liverpool Lecture, in Click Liverpool (May 13, 2011)
- Pelosi Again Supports Chaplain Nominee, in Catholic Sentinel (May 12, 2011)
- Eliminate Statutes of Limitation in Childhood Sexual Abuse Cases: a Litmus Test for the Vatican, by Marci A. Hamilton, The Patheos (May 12, 2011)
- Convicted Church Elder Receives 6-month Prison Sentence, in My Fox Phoenix (May 12, 2011)
- David Quinn: Staggering That Church Still Not Fully Helping in Child Protection, by David Quinn, Irish Independent (May 13, 2011)
- Ni Abuse Victims Renew Calls for Inquiry, in RTE News (May 13, 2011)
- Sen. Scott Brown to Sign Tell-all Memoir in Hingham Saturday, by Neal Simpson, Patriot Ledger (May 13, 2011)
- Monastery Offers 'regret" about Sex Charge, by Rick Carroll, Aspen Times (May 13, 2011)
- Pellegrin Argumenta Que Email Que Lo Acusa No Es De Un Ex Alumno, in La Discusion (May 12, 2011)
- The Mikvah - Suggested Protocols to Protect Minors, by Vicki Polin, The Examiner (May 13, 2011)
- Offspring of Rabbi Convicted of Molesting Soldier on Plane Begs Judge: He Has to Help US Get Married, by John Marzulli, New York Daily News (May 13, 2011)
- "Grab'bi Gets 60 Days for Flight Inter-lewd, by Mitchel Maddux, New York Post (May 13, 2011)
- Rabbi Gets 60 Days in Slammer for Groping Sleeping Woman, in amNew York (May 12, 2011)
- Rabbi Sentenced in NY to 2 Months for Midair Grope, in Wall Street Journal (May 13, 2011)
- Pater Uit Misbruikzaak Is Overleden, in Omroep Zeeland (May 13, 2011)
- Pater Jan N. (89) Overleden, in The West (May 13, 2011)
- Misbruikpater Jan N. (89) Overleden, in The Nieuws (May 13, 2011)
- Misbruikzaak Om Overleden Pater Jan Gaat Door, in De Telegraaf (May 12, 2011)
- John Paul Ii: Is History Revising Its Opinion? Does He Deserve to Be Called a Saint?, in The Readsamovar (May 13, 2011)
- Group Urges Missouri Prosecutors to Investigate Clergy Sex Abuse, in Hammer Law Firm (May 12, 2011)
- Investigan Duros Rayados En LA Catedral De Linares, in La Cuarta (May 13, 2011)
- Padre Silva Desmiente Abusos Y Califica Rumores Como "infamia", in La Nacion (May 13, 2011)
- Sacerdote Chileno Intento Suicidarse Tras Denuncia De Abuso Sexual, in The Univision (May 13, 2011)
- Todas Las Cruces De Juan Carlos Cruz (parte 1), in The Caras (May 13, 2011)
- Chile: Reconocido Sacerdote Intenta Suicidarse Tras Rumores De Abuso Sexual, in The Terra (May 13, 2011)
- Rayan Catedral De Linares Con Leyendas Alusivas a Pedofilia, in The Terra (May 13, 2011)
- Victims Oppose Abuse Probe Immunity, in Belfast Telegraph (May 13, 2011)
- Human Rights" Report Lists Vatican for Failure to Protect Children, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (May 13, 2011)
- US Marshals: Swami Moving South?, by Eric Dexheimer, The Statesman (May 13, 2011)
- Ex-pastor Ruled Competent for Molestation Trial, on WAND (May 13, 2011)
- Philadelphia Review-board Chair Rips Church Policies on Abuse Inquiries, in Catholic Culture (May 13, 2011)
- Church's Priest-abuse Panel Chair Blasts Cardinal, in ABC 27 (May 13, 2011)
- Report: Settlement Talks with Bishop Eddie Long Rocky, by Ty Tagami, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 13, 2011)
- Is Eddie Long Heading to Court Soon?, by R. Asmerom, Atlanta Post (May 13, 2011)
- Priest-abuse Panelist Says Philadelphia Diocese Pre-screened Claims, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (May 13, 2011)
- Man to Mount Campaign to Keep Nova Scotia Community Newspaper in Local Hands, in Canadian Press (May 13, 2011)
- Vaticaan Krijgt Kritiek Van Amnesty International, in HLN (May 13, 2011)
- The Holy See Did Not Sufficiently Comply with Its International Obligations Relating to the Protection of Children., in International Scrutiny (May 13, 2011)
- Philly Lay Catholic Official Speaks Out; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 13, 2011)
- Would-be Catholic Monk Charged with Abuse; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 13, 2011)
- Amnesty Names Vatican over Human Rights Abuses, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 13, 2011)
- Amnesty International Names Vatican in 2011 Report of Human Rights Violations, by Peter Isely, SNAP - Wisconsin (May 12, 2011)
- Amnesty International Indicts Holy See, in Catholic League (May 13, 2011)
- Amnesty International Names Vatican in 2011 Report on Human Rights Violations, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (May 13, 2011)
- Chile: Detienen a Sacerdote Acusado De Abuso Sexual De Menores, in The Terra (May 13, 2011)
- Let's Have a Chat about Perpetrator Treatment Centers and Medical Records, in Patrick J. Wall (May 13, 2011)
- Dictan Prision Preventiva Contra Sacerdote Ex Rector De Liceo De Concepcion, in Radio Universidad de Chile (May 13, 2011)
- Indagaran Complicidad De Congregacion Salesiana En Denuncia De Abuso Sexual Contra Ex Rector, in The Publimetro (May 13, 2011)
- Sacerdote Salesiano De Concepcion Acusado De Abusos Quedo En Prision Preventiva, in The Cooperativa (May 13, 2011)
- Abusos: a Prision Preventiva Cura Ex Rector De Liceo De Concepcion, in La Nacion (May 13, 2011)
- Ex Rector De Colegio Salesiano De Concepcion Queda En Prision Preventiva Por Supuesto Abuso Sexual, in La Tercera (May 13, 2011)
- Amnesty International Names Vatican in 2011 Report on Human Rights Violations - It's Time the Un End the Vatican Status As a "Secular" State, by Paris Arrow, Benedict XVI Ratzinger: God's Rottweiler (May 13, 2011)
- Priest in Chile Accused of Sexually Abusing Minors, in AFP (May 13, 2011)
- Condenan En Chile a Un Sacerdote Y Detienen a Otro Por Abuso Sexual, in El Nuevo Diario (May 13, 2011)
- Partial Resolution, but Big Questions Remain, by Thomas B. Scheffey, Connecticut Law Tribune (May 13, 2011)
- Outrage at Bishop's Removal, in America Magazine (May 13, 2011)
May 14
- Head of Philly Priest Sex-abuse Review Panel Criticizes Her Church Leaders, by David O'Reilly , Philadelphia Inquirer (May 14, 2011)
- "Pedophile" Priest Arrested in Chile, on Press TV (May 14, 2011)
- Priest Sentenced; Another Arrested for Sex Abuse in Chile, in Hindustan Times (May 14, 2011)
- Church Deacon Accused of Sexual Abuse of a Minor, by Rosemary Shinohara, Alaska Daily News (May 14, 2011)
- Should Sex Offenders in the Community Be Public?, on CTV (May 14, 2011)
- Italy Shuts out Sex and the Vatican, by John Hooper, The Guardian (May 13, 2011)
- St Dunstan's Church Gravedigger Convicted of Sex Charges against Young Girls in Cheam, by Jamie Henderson and Matt Watts, Your Local Guardian (May 14, 2011)
- Orange County's War on Sex Offenders, in The Orange County Register (May 13, 2011)
- Eddie Long Case Not Settled, Expected to Head to Court, by Jennifer Riley, Christian Post (May 14, 2011)
- Pornography As a Teacher, by Ohn Grondelski, National Catholic Register (May 14, 2011)
- Tien Jaar Cel Voor Chileense Priester Wegens Misbruik, in The Trouw (May 14, 2011)
- Secret Sex Lives of Priests, by Courtny Gerrish , Today's TMJ4 (May 14, 2011)
- Diez Anos De Carcel Para El Ex Parroco De Melipilla, in La Cuarta (May 14, 2011)
- Ezzati Dice Que Rumores No Justifican Investigar a Luis Eugenio Silva, by J. Peña, P. Carrera and C. Argandoña, LA Tercera (May 14, 2011)
- Condenan a Sacerdote Y Detienen a Otro Por Pederastia En Chile, in The Milenio (May 15, 2011)
- Australian Religious Orders Express Distress at Bishop's Ouster, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 13, 2011)
- Rivera V. Crosby, by Jose Rivera, The Leagle (May 12, 2011)
- Does the Diocese of Orange Want to Buy out the Crystal Cathedral?, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (May 14, 2011)
- Amnesty Names Vatican over Human Rights Abuses: a News Selection, in The Report (May 15, 2011)
- Tien Jaar Cel Voor Chileense Pedopriester, in De Morgan (May 14, 2011)
- Tien Jaar Cel Voor Chileense Priester Wegens Misbruik, in The Trouw (May 14, 2011)
- Chileense Priester 10 Jaar Vast, in Pow Ned (May 15, 2011)
- The Rev. Patrick Conroy Reflects on 'Firestorm' Surrounding His New Job As U.S. House Chaplain, by Nancy Haught, The Oregonian (May 14, 2011)
- Uk: Secularists Welcome Amnesty Naming Vatican over Child Abuse, in For a Secular Europe (May 14, 2011)
- Amnesty International Cites Vatican for Human Rights Concerns, by Greg Kandra, Deacon's Bench (May 14, 2011)
- Kompass Zeigt Die Richtung, by Heike Allmendinger, Esslinger Zeitung (May 15, 2011)
- Vatican Falls Premiere Cancelled Amidst Controversy and Threats, in Broadway World (May 14, 2011)
- Amnesty International's Dig at Vatican Called 'Preposterous', in Catholic News Agency (May 15, 2011)
- Obispo Revela Sospechas Hacia Ex Colaboradores Del Verbo Divino, by J. Poblete and P. Carrera, LA Tercera (May 12, 2011)
- Pédophilie : Une Juge Italienne Montre L'Eglise Du Doigt, in Le Nouvel Observateur (May 3, 2011)
- Le Vatican épinglé Par Le Rapport D'Amnesty Pour Les Affaires De Pédophilie, in The Romandie (May 13, 2011)
- Genoa Curia Suspends Priest Arrested for Pedophilia, in AGI (May 14, 2011)
- Prete Arrestato Per Pedofilia E Droga. Bagnasco: " Sconcerto E Dolore", in Tg1 (May 15, 2011)
- Droga E Pedofilia, Arrestato Sacerdote, by Sestri Ponente, LA Stampa (May 14, 2011)
- Don Seppia Arrestato: Shock Tra I Fedeli, Comunità Divisa, in The Genova24 (May 14, 2011)
- Parroco Arrestato Per Presunte Molestie: Parrocchiani Sotto Choc, in Citta Di Genova (May 15, 2011)
- Fedeli Divisi Su Don Riccardo, in LA Repubblica (May 15, 2011)
- Saint-Siège, in Rapport 2011 (May 15, 2011)
- Omelia Del Cardinale Angelo Bagnasco Presso LA Parrocchia Dello Spirito Santo, by Carissimi Fratelli, Arcidiocesi Di Genova (May 14, 2011)
- Comunicato Stampa Della Curia Arcivescovile, in Arcidiocesi Di Genova (May 15, 2011)
- Decade Later, Snowmass Ex-Monastery Worker Faces New Sex Charge, by Rick Carroll, Post Independent (May 12, 2011)
- I Don't Believe You!, by Vicki Polin, Examiner (May 14, 2011)
- Monastery Offers 'Regret' about Sex Charge, by Rick Carroll, Aspen Times (May 13, 2011)
- Former Monk in Training Accused of Sexual Assault, in Thedenverchannel (May 12, 2011)
- Sacerdote De Curicó Emite Comunicado En Que Responde a Acusaciones De Abuso Sexual, in The Bio-Bio (May 14, 2011)
May 15
- Delaware Religion: Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Returns to US Court, by Beth Miller, News Journal (May 15, 2011)
- Amnesty International Tikt Vaticaan Op De Vingers!!, in The Klokk (May 15, 2011)
- Amnesty International Names Vatican for Failing to Protect Children, in John McKiggen's Sexual Abuse Claims Blog (May 13, 2011)
- Statement from Amnesty International in Response to Vatican Secretary of State, in Association for Women's Rights in Development (May 15, 2011)
- Amnesty International Names Vatican in 2011 Report of Human Rights Violations, in Malta Independent (May 15, 2011)
- Chileense Kerk Opnieuw Geconfronteerd Met Misbruikschandalen, in The Rknieuws (May 15, 2011)
- Catholic Lay Leader Calls for Change, by Carol Hopkins, Western Star (May 15, 2011)
- Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests Protest Archdiocese Saturday, in WHAS (May 15, 2011)
- Archdiocese Denies Cousins Center Ownership, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (May 15, 2011)
- 'Faith': a Molestation Charge Tears a Family Apart, by Valerie Ryan and Jennifer Haigh, Seattle Times (May 15, 2011)
- Genova, Prete Arrestato Per Pedofilia E Cessione Di Stupefacenti, in The Universy (May 15, 2011)
- Arresto Don Seppia: Sul Web Corrono Rabbia E Sgomento, in The Genova24 (May 15, 2011)
- vieni DA Me, Ho LA Neve, in Corriere Della Sera (May 15, 2011)
- Pedofilia, L'Associazione " Abuso" : " Chiediamo Incontro Al Cardinale Bagnasco", in The Genova 24 (May 15, 2011)
- Parroco Arrestato, in LA Repubblica (May 15, 2011)
- E LA Gente Si Divide Sul Sacerdote Nella Bufera Gli Anziani Lo Difendono, I Giovani S'Indignano, by Nadia Campini and Marco Preve, LA Repubblica (May 15, 2011)
- Bagnasco in Parrocchia " Sgomento E Vergogna", by Alessandra Pieracci, LA Stampa (May 15, 2011)
- Genova: Pedofilia E Coca, Arrestato Parroco Di Sestri, in Vita Di Donna Community (May 15, 2011)
- Parroco Arrestato in Isolamento: Si Temono Rappresaglie, in Mondo News (May 15, 2011)
- Cnn - World's Untold Stories - Secrets and Sins: Church Sex Abuse, in National Coalition of Survivor Advocates (May 15, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse: Disclosure Vs. Nondisclosure, by Mike Bryant, Injury Board (May 15, 2011)
- Italy: Cardinal Tells Faithful of Pastor's Jailing, by Frances D'Emilio, Sacramento Bee (May 15, 2011)
- Arresto Don Seppia: Prestazioni Sessuali in Cambio Di Cocaina, in The Genova24 (May 15, 2011)
- Parroco Arrestato Grazie Alle Intercettazioni, in IL Sole (May 15, 2011)
- Sacerdote Arrestato Per Pedofilia, in LA Stampa (May 15, 2011)
- Prete Arrestato Per Pedofilia, Domani L'Interrogatorio, in Tg1 (May 16, 2011)
- Debby Bodkin Writes to the U.S. Department of Justice about an Urgent Public Safety Crisis: Children at Risk from Clerical Sexual Predators, by Thom Mrozek, Voice from the Desert (May 16, 2011)
- Bishops Sad Not Mad over Morris Sacking, by Michael Mullins, Eureka Street (May 15, 2011)
- Trust at Stake in Toowoomba, by Andrew Hamilton, Eureka Street (May 15, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Giro Di Vite in Vaticano, Vincoli Per I Vescovi, in The Blitz (May 15, 2011)
- Sacerdote Chileno IntentРЈР“ Suicidarse Tras Denuncia De Abuso Sexual, in The Providence (May 15, 2011)
- Church and Child Safeguards, in Irish Times (May 16, 2011)
- Priest Held in Genoa on Abuse and Drug Charges, in Irish Times (May 16, 2011)
May 16
- Vatican Suggests Bishops Report Abuse to Police, Associated Press (May 16, 2011)
- Bishops Should Cooperate with Authorities over Child Abuse, in AGI (May 16, 2011)
- Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei, in Press.catholica.va (May 16, 2011)
- Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics, in Press.catholica.va (May 16, 2011)
- Nota Di Sintesi a Cura Della Sala Stampa Sulla Lettera Circolare Della Congregazione Per LA Dottrina Della Fede, in Press.catholica.va (May 16, 2011)
- The Vatican's Call for Action on Abuse Leaves Bishops with Much to Balance, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Publishes Letter to Episcopal Conferences on How to Address Sex Abuse Cases, by, Rome Reports (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican 'Means Business' on Rooting out Sex Abuse, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Suggests Bishops Report Abuse to Police, by Nicole Winfield, Albany Times Union (May 16, 2011)
- New Vatican Document on Sexual Abuse of Minors, in Catholic Culture (May 16, 2011)
- Sexual Assault Case Heads to Trial, in KRDO (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Guides Bishops on Combating Sexual Abuse by Clergy, in Monsters and Critics (May 16, 2011)
- Cdf Letter Gives Bishops May 2012 Deadline for Universal Guidelines on Sex Abuse, on Vatican Radio (May 16, 2011)
- Ten Reasons the Vatican's New Abuse Guidelines Will Change Little, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 15, 2011)
- Ideology at Work, in California Catholic Daily (May 16, 2011)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women Is a Violent Abuse of Power, in IPS (May 15, 2011)
- Vaticaan Wil Dat Kerken Misbruik Aangeven, in Nu (May 16, 2011)
- Vaticaan: Pedofiele Geestelijken Moeten Naar Niet Kerkelijke Rechtbank, by, Metro Time (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican's New Sex Abuse Guidelines Don't Require Reporting, by Richard Allen Greene and Hada Messia, CNN (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican to Bishops: You Should Report Abusive Priests, by Evann Gastaldo, The Newser (May 16, 2011)
- Cdf Letter to Bishops on Abuse Guidelines: Full Text, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Calls on Bishops to Report Abuse, in Herald Sun (May 16, 2011)
- Registration Begins for Tickets for Pope Visit, in Local (May 16, 2011)
- Years of Abuse, Decades of Neglect. Now Child Abuse Survivors Want Justice, in Slugger O'Toole (May 16, 2011)
- Bankruptcy Judge Considers Documents Outlining Diocese Settlement with Priest Abuse Survivors, in The Republic (May 16, 2011)
- Abusers Must Face Justice, Says Vatican, in The Australian (May 16, 2011)
- Staten Island-Connected Daughters of St. Paul 'Sing Out' against Pension Plan, by Frank Donnelly, Staten Island Advance (May 16, 2011)
- Vaticaan Stuurt Brief over Kindermisbruik, in The Parool (May 16, 2011)
- Ruling in Child Sex Abuse Case Is Likely to Be Significant, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (May 16, 2011)
- Vaticaan Wil Pedofiele Geestelijken Voor De Rechtbank, in Het Nieuwsblad (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Issues Guidance for Sex Abuse Cases, in NPR (May 16, 2011)
- Resign Nowт€Іabuse Survivor Advocate Paul Kellen Advises Ms. Catanzaro, Chair of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Review Board, in Voice from the Desert (May 16, 2011)
- 7 Reasons Why Clergy Abuse Survivors Will Eventually Win Its War with the Vatican, in Voice from the Desert (May 16, 2011)
- You Won't Believe These Legal Shenanigans by the Morally Bankrupt Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Which Claims It Is Financially Bankrupt, in Voice from the Desert (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Urges New Rules on Abuse by Clergy, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (May 16, 2011)
- Why Exceptions Make Bad Rules: SNAP Midwest Statement on " New" Vatican Guidelines, by Peter Isely, SNAP - Wisconsin (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Bishops to Draft Guidelines to Handle Sex Abuse Cases, by Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Releases New Sex Abuse Directive, in Fox 25 (May 16, 2011)
- Circular Letter: Guidelines in Cases of Sexual Abuse, in Vatican Information Service (May 16, 2011)
- Note on the Circular Letter from the Cdf, in Vatican Information Service (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Tell Bishops to Root out Sexual Abuse, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (May 16, 2011)
- Abusos: LA Lista De Los Curas Condenados E Investigados, by Claudio Leiva CortРЈР‰s, LA Nacion (May 16, 2011)
- Justicia Civil JuzgarРЈРЃ a Curas PedРЈР“filos a Pedido Del Vaticano, in The Terra (May 16, 2011)
- Vaticano Insta a Obispos Reporten a Policia Casos De Abuso Sexual, in El Nacional (May 16, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Parroco Non Risponde Al Gip, in IGN (May 16, 2011)
- "Li Voglio Giovanissimi" Gli Sms Shock Di Don Seppia, in la Repubblica (May 16, 2011)
- Prete Arrestato a Genova, Sesso E Droga Nel Milanese?, in Milano Today (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Letter Urges Clergy to Create Guidelines to Stop Sexual Abuse, by Korva Coleman, NPR (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Letter on Dealing with Clerical Sex Abuse - Full Text, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Guidelines Seek Consistency on Sex Abuse, by ohn L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (May 16, 2011)
- Cork Priest Denies Indecent Assault Charge, in RTE News (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Sex Abuse Guidelines "Leave Bishops behind Cover-ups in Control", by Tom Kington, The Guardian (May 16, 2011)
- Critics Dismiss Vatican Guidlines on Sex Abuse by Clergy, in Monsters and Critics (May 16, 2011)
- Cdf Asks Bishops to Prepare Guidelines for Responding to Abuse Allegations., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (May 16, 2011)
- Italy: Prosecutors Quiz Genoa Priest Arrested on Sex Abuse and Drugs Charges, in IGN (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Abuse Norms Released, in Catholic League (May 16, 2011)
- Victims Rap Vatican Child Sex Abuse Guidelines, in SNAP (May 16, 2011)
- New Vatican Child Sex Abuse Guidelines; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican's Abuse Guidelines: Action or Window Dressing?, in John McKiggen's Sexual Abuse Claims Blog (May 16, 2011)
- New Document from the Vatican on Sexual Abuse Scandal- Small Commentary, in Catholic Church Conservation (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican: Bishops Worldwide Ordered to Draft Sex Abuse Guidelines, in IGN (May 16, 2011)
- Guidelines in Cases of Sexual Abuse, in Scottish Catholic Observer (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Tells Bishops to Report Sex Abuse to Cops, in MSNBC (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Immediate Reporting of Suspected Abuse, on Radio Netherlands (May 16, 2011)
- Pope Benedict Orders Action on Sex Abuse, on BBC News (May 16, 2011)
- Top Vatican Expert on Sexual Abuse Explains New Catholic Guidelines, Reuters (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Stops Short of Handing over Paedophile Priests, in The Telegraph (May 16, 2011)
- Priest Move "Disrespectful", on NEWS.com.au (May 15, 2011)
- Vaticaan: Kerken Moeten Misbruik Aangeven, in The Telegraaf (May 16, 2011)
- Vaticaan: Meld Kindermisbruik Bij De Politie, in The Trouw (May 16, 2011)
- "rk-instelling Moet Altijd Aangifte Doen Van Misbruik", in The RKnieuws (May 16, 2011)
- Sexual Abuse of Minors: Vatican Requires Episcopal Conferences to Take New Action, in Rome Reports (May 16, 2011)
- The Catholic Church Is Doing Its Best to Stamp out Child Abuse, by Luke de Pulford, The Guardian (May 16, 2011)
- Amnesty International Demands Action As Ireland Child Protection Standards Found Lacking, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (May 16, 2011)
- Genoa's Prosecutor Claims Pedophile Priest Can Relapse, in AGI (May 16, 2011)
- Iglesia Difunde En Chile Carta Por Abusos Que Emitio El Vaticano, in La Nacion (May 16, 2011)
- Carta Circular Sobre Lineas Guia Para Casos De Abusos, in Conferencia Episcopal de Chile (May 16, 2011)
- Delaware Priest Abuse Settlement Back in Bankruptcy Court, by Mark Fowser, The Newsworks (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Sets May 2012 Deadline for Global Abuse Guidelines, by David Kerr, Catholic News Agency (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Suggests Bishops Report Abuse to Police, by Nicole Winfield, Houston Chronicle (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Gives Bishops One Year to Set Abuse Policies, by Francis X. Rocca, The Beliefnet (May 16, 2011)
- Readings: the Other Legacy of John Paul II, by Raymond A. Schroth, America Magazine (May 16, 2011)
- Plagued by Abuse Scandals, Vatican Pledges to Work with Police, by Adam Martin, Atlantic Wire (May 16, 2011)
- Bishop of Dromore Welcomes Pope's Abuse Report Plan, on BBC News (May 16, 2011)
- Critics Dismiss Vatican Guidelines on Sexual Abuse by Clergy, by Peter Mayer, Bellingham Herald (May 16, 2011)
- Suprema Descarta Sancionar a Ministra En Visita Por Allanamiento a Abogado De Karadima, by Andres Lopez, La Tercera (May 16, 2011)
- Judge Throws out Suit against Archdiocese, in WLKY (May 16, 2011)
- Cork Priest Denies Indecent Assault of Cork Teenager in 1980s, in The Journal (May 16, 2011)
- Judge Dismisses Whistleblower's Lawsuit against Archdiocese of Louisville, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (May 16, 2011)
- Suprema Descarta Medidas Disciplinarias Contra Ministra De Caso Karadima Por Allanamiento a Defensor, by Erasmo Tauran, The Bio-Bio (May 16, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Suprema Descarta Sanciones Contra Jueza Gonzalez, in The Terra (May 16, 2011)
- Pope Issues New Guidelines on Child Abuse, in ABC News (May 16, 2011)
- Vatican Instructs All Bishops to Draft Abuse Guidelines, by Carl O'brien And Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (May 17, 2011)
- Woman's Claims Not True, Priest Tells Court, by Barry Roche, Irish Times (May 17, 2011)
- Vatican Guidelines Flawed, Say Advocates, by Catherine Shanahan and Nicole Winfield, Irish Examiner (May 17, 2011)
May 17
- Diocese of Wilmington Ordered to Reveal More, by Beth Miller, News Journal (May 17, 2011)
- Vatican Orders Bishops to Set up Guidelines against Child Sexual Abuse, by Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times (May 17, 2011)
- Pope Issues New Guidelines to Tackle Child Sexual Abuse Cases, in Rtt News (May 17, 2011)
- Archdiocese Abuse Lawsuit Dismissed, in WDRB (May 17, 2011)
- SNAP Outraged after Judge Dismisses Lawsuit against Archdiocese of Louisville, by Brooke Katz, WHAS (May 17, 2011)
- Unforgiven; Catholic Church Once Again Fails to Address Sins, in Independent Florida Alligator (May 17, 2011)
- Church Still Drags Its Heels on Child Abuse, by Cathy Kezelman, Sydney Morning Herald (May 17, 2011)
- Vatican's Paedophile Guidelines Spark Fury Among Sex Abuse Victims, in Belfast Telegraph (May 17, 2011)
- Guidelines, Really?, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 17, 2011)
- New Vatican Edict on Issue of Abuse Draws Skepticism, by Nicole Winfield, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 17, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Geloven Niet Dat Brief Iets Zal Veranderen, in Het Nieuwsblad (May 16, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Accuser to Forgo Suit against Sandwich Camp, by George Brennan, Cape Cod Times (May 17, 2011)
- Pedophilia. Rome Passes the Hot Potato Back to the Bishops, by Sandro Magister, The Chiesa (May 17, 2011)
- Retired Priest Denies Kissing and Fondling Teen Girl, in Belfast Telegraph (May 17, 2011)
- On Pretext of Curing Her, Priest Drugs, Rapes Du Student; Arrested, by Shalini Narayan, Indian Express (May 17, 2011)
- No Justice for Toowoomba's Shepherd, by Frank Brennan, Eureka Street (May 17, 2011)
- Retired Priest Cleared of Indecent Assault, on RTE News (May 17, 2011)
- PРЈРЃrroco De El Bosque EntregРЈР“ RevРЈР“lver Que Fue Encontrado En BРЈР“veda De LA Iglesia, in The Cooperativa (May 17, 2011)
- Scritte Contro Don Seppia: РўР‹giРЈР™ Le Mani Dai BambiniРўР›, in IL Secolo Xix (May 17, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Don Riccardo Resta in Carcere, Ascoltato Quindicenne, in The L'Unico (May 17, 2011)
- Gli Sms Choc Del Prete, by Alessandra Pieracci, LA Stampa (May 17, 2011)
- 'Li Voglio Di 14 Anni E Con Problemi' IL Gip Lascia in Cell, in IL Giornale (May 17, 2011)
- Who Watches the Watchmen?, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (May 17, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (May 17, 2011)
- New Bishop Named for Joliet Diocese, in Chicago Tribune (May 17, 2011)
- Steubenville Bishop Announces Transfer; No Successor Named, in WTOV (May 17, 2011)
- Diocese of Joliet Getting New Bishop, in Chicago Sun-Times (May 17, 2011)
- Former Priest Found Not Guilty of Assault, in The Newstalk (May 17, 2011)
- Niegan Acusaciones Contra Obispo De Chillan Por Abusos Sexuales, in The Terra (May 17, 2011)
- Irish Victims Critical of New Vatican Guidelines on Child Abuse, by Cathal Dervan, IrishCentral.com (May 17, 2011)
- Retired Priest Cleared of Indecent Assault Charge, in The Journal (May 17, 2011)
- Philly Archdiocese Protection Policy Seriously Flawed, by Kathy Kane, Catholics4Change (May 17, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Guidelines Dismissed, by Leesha McKenny, Sydney Morning Herald (May 18, 2011)
- Vatican Child Abuse Move "Not Enough", by Paul Millar, The Age (May 18, 2011)
- Advocates and Victims Skeptical over Vaticans Latest Sexaul Abuse Guidelines, by Paula Brooks, Lez Get Real (May 17, 2011)
- A New Vision for the Catholic Church - Book Review, by Gladys Ganiel, Slugger O'Toole (May 17, 2011)
- Ten Reasons the Vatican's New Abuse Guidelines Will Change Little, by David Clohessy, National Catholic Reporter (May 16, 2011)
- Amnesty Names Vatican over Human Rights Abuses: a News Selection, in Startpagina Weblog (May 17, 2011)
- Steubenville Bishop Moves On; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 17, 2011)
- What the Vatican Could Have Done Today; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 16, 2011)
- Pope Names Ohio Bishop to Head Joliet Diocese, in Chicago Tribune (May 17, 2011)
- With Moral Certainty, by Andrew Sullivan, Daily Beast (May 17, 2011)
- Landmark Study: Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Caused in Part by Permissive Culture of the '60s, '70s, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (May 17, 2011)
- Vatican's New Sex Abuse Rules Called Inadequate, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (May 17, 2011)
- Rns Exclusive: Report Spreads Blame for Catholic Sex Abuse, by David Gibson, Religion News Service (May 17, 2011)
- Diocese of Joliet Getting New Bishop, in The Beacon-News (May 17, 2011)
- Vatican's New Guidelines on Sex Abuse, in CBS News (May 17, 2011)
- Church Report Cites Social Tumult in Priest Scandals, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (May 17, 2011)
- Review Board Chair Says Philadelphia Church Leaders Lacked Openness, by Dennis Sadowski, U.S. Catholic (May 17, 2011)
- An Oklahoma Pastor Is Arrested on Sex Complaints, by Jamie Oberg, Fox 23 (May 17, 2011)
- Priest Not Guilty of Indecent Assault, by Barry Roche, The Irish Times (May 18, 2011)
- John Jay-usccb Causes and Context Study: Interim Reportjohn Jay-usccb Causes and Context Study: Interim Report, in BishopAccountability.org (May 17, 2011)
May 18
- Study: Homosexuality, Celibacy Not to Blame for Clergy Abuse, by Rachel Zoll, The Chronicle-Herald (May 18, 2011)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Touching a Minor, by Shawn Berry, Daily Gleaner (May 18, 2011)
- 'Blame Woodstock': Bishops Cite 60s Turmoil for Roman Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal, in Daily Mail (May 18, 2011)
- Church-Backed Study Blames '60s for Sex Abuse, by Rob Quinn, The Newser (May 18, 2011)
- Only Time Will Tell If Bishops' Guidelines Would Be Beneficial т€“ Lawrence Grech, by Elaine Attard, Malta Independent (May 18, 2011)
- 2 Priest Sexual Abuse Suits Settled, by Jeff Tucker, Pueblo Chieftain (May 18, 2011)
- John Jay Report: on Not Blaming Homosexual Priests, by James Martin, America Magazine (May 17, 2011)
- Study Blames Culture of Era for Church's Abuse Crisis, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (May 18, 2011)
- John Jay Says Stress, Isolation '60s? Led to Abuse Crisis, by Kevin Clarke, America Magazine (May 18, 2011)
- Bishops Cite '60s Turmoil in Sex Abuse Scandal Nyt, in Reuters (May 18, 2011)
- Gay Priests the Solution, Not the Problem, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (May 18, 2011)
- The John Jay Report Release: Our Concern Rests with the Survivors Today, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 18, 2011)
- Vangheluwe in Internationale Top 10 'Misbruikers Van De Macht' Van Time, in Focus - Wtv (May 18, 2011)
- Top 10 Abuses of Power, by Alexandra Silver, The Time (May 17, 2011)
- 'Rode Draad in Mijn Werk Is Angst', in Nrc Boeken (May 18, 2011)
- Woman Arrested for Interrupting Judge in Court, in Irish Independent (May 18, 2011)
- Retired Priest Is Found Not Guilty of Indecent Assault, by Ralph Riegel, Irish Independent (May 18, 2011)
- Vatican Gets Tough on Child Abuse, but Not Tough Enough, in The Time (May 18, 2011)
- Bishops' Study: Blame Woodstock for Priest Abuse, in Advocate.com (May 18, 2011)
- Secretario De Iglesia El Bosque: Fue Un "Error" No Entregar Revolver, by J. Poblete y A. Lopez, La Tercera (May 18, 2011)
- Karadima Decidia Quien Era Obispo O Embajador Ante LA Santa Sede, by Claudio Leiva Cortes, La Nacion (May 18, 2011)
- Riccardo Seppia, IL Prete Pedofilo Di Sestri Ponente. Ecco Le Sue Richieste Perverse, in Ciao People (May 18, 2011)
- Gli Incontri Di Don Riccardo in Canonica: "era IL Sacerdote, Ci Fidavamo", in Fatti di Cronaca (May 18, 2011)
- Latest Priest Sex Abuse Case Hits Archdiocese of Powerful Cardinal, Close Advisor to Pope Benedict XVI, by Alessandra Pieracci and Giacomo Galeazzi, The Worldcrunch (May 18, 2011)
- National Child Abuse Expert Available to Discuss Landmark Study on Youth Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy, in Newswise - University of New Hampshire (May 18, 2011)
- Media Jump on Abuse Report, in Catholic League (May 18, 2011)
- Report Reveals "Causes" of Catholic Sex Abuse, by Emma Mustich, The Salon (May 18, 2011)
- Catholic Church Blames Hippies, Not Celibacy, for All That Kid-molesting, in The Gawker (May 18, 2011)
- Priesters Met Kinderen Niet Welkom in Bos, in Spits Nieuws (May 18, 2011)
- Waldbesitzer Sperrt Pilgerweg Fur Geistliche, in The Heute (May 18, 2011)
- Pilgerverbot: Hochwurden Darf Nur Allein Durch Den Wald, in Der Standard (May 16, 2011)
- Sex Abusing Priests? Blame It on Woodstock, by Rick Moran, American Thinker (May 18, 2011)
- John Jay Sex Abuse Report Cites Wrong Culture As Culprit, in National Catholic Reporter (May 18, 2011)
- Catholic Church Sex Abuse Report: Blame Woodstock, in The Gothamist (May 18, 2011)
- Forgiveness for Sex Abuse Doesn't Come Cheap, by Bill Tammeus, National Catholic Reporter (May 18, 2011)
- Ohio Dignity Group Removes Presider, by Zoe Ryan, National Catholic Reporter (May 18, 2011)
- Bishops' Meeting to Be Broadcast by Telecare, USCCB Social Media, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (May 18, 2011)
- What the Catholic Church Still Doesn't Get about the Sex Abuse Scandal, by Anthony Stevens Arroyo, Washington Post (May 18, 2011)
- Roman Catholic Church Abuse Report Blames Woodstock for Pedophile Problem, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (May 18, 2011)
- 3 Victims Respond to New Church Abuse Report, in SNAP (May 18, 2011)
- 4 Fallacies in New Bishop's Abuse Report - SNAP, in SNAP (May 18, 2011)
- New Bishops Document on Abuse Released; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 17, 2011)
- Snap: Bishops to Issue "blame-shifting" Report, in SNAP (May 17, 2011)
- Mother, Boy Testify against Erie Priest, by LISA THOMPSON, Erie Times-News (May 18, 2011)
- SNAP Talks John Jay, in Patrick J. Wall (May 18, 2011)
- Catholic Academy Staffer Charged with Sexual Assault of 14-year-old Boy, by Ed Treleven, Wisconsin State Journal (May 18, 2011)
- Archdiocese Reaffirms Commitment to Safeguards, by Joseph Kenny, St. Louis Review (May 18, 2011)
- Causes and Context Report Released on Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors, by David Gibson, St. Louis Review (May 18, 2011)
- Archbishop Carlson | Reflections on the Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States 1950-2002, by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, St. Louis Review (May 18, 2011)
- Statement of Archbishop Dolan on John Jay Study, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York (May 18, 2011)
- Perlitz Victim Sues Fr. Carrier and Fairfield University, by Meg Learson Grosso, Minuteman News Center (May 18, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010, in John Jay College of Criminal Justice via BishopAccountability.org (May 18, 2011)
- Usccb: John Jay College Reports No Single Cause, Predictor of Clergy Abuse, in The PRNewswire (May 18, 2011)
- Study Finds Peak of U.S. Clergy Abuse Crisis Has Passed, Attributes Problem to No Single Cause, by David Gibson, Catholic San Francisco (May 18, 2011)
- Fingerprinting Grandma, Checking the Old Priest's Background, by Mary Ann Walsh, Huffington Post (May 18, 2011)
- Time.com Zet Vangheluwe in Top 10 "Machtsmisbruik", in De Standaard (May 18, 2011)
- Snap: Child Molesting Crisis Not over, by Charlie Butts, One News Now (May 18, 2011)
- Archdiocese Issues Statement on John Jay Study, in The Catholic Spirit (May 18, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (May 18, 2011)
- Abuse Apology Changed Life of Cape Breton Man, in CBC News (May 18, 2011)
- Misperceptions of Abuse Problem Common, John Jay Report Says, by David Gibson, Catholic Review (May 18, 2011)
- John Jay Report: Key Findings from Study of Catholic Child Sex Abuse, by Elizabeth Tenety, Washington Post (May 18, 2011)
- Report on Catholic Priests" Sex Abuse of Minors Finds No Single Cause, by Eric Marrapodi, CNN (May 18, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse: Love the One You're With?, in GetReligion (May 18, 2011)
- New Report Outrages Sex Abuse Victims, in Action 3 News (May 18, 2011)
- Celibacy, Homosexuality Not to Blame for Priest Abuse, by Jane Cowan, ABC News (May 18, 2011)
- Study: "No Single Cause" of Sexual Assaults by Priests, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 18, 2011)
- Report Finds Many Factors in Church Abuse, in UPI (May 18, 2011)
- No Room for Complacency in Protecting Children from Abuse, Bishop Says, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic Review (May 18, 2011)
- US Bishops Say New John Jay Report on Abuse Key to Understanding Issue, by Carol Zimmermann, U.S. Catholic (May 18, 2011)
- Detroit's Archbishop Vigneron on Latest Abuse Study, by Joe Kohn, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit (May 18, 2011)
- Bishops at Center of Abuse Scandal, and Potential Reform, by Daniel Burke, The Beliefnet (May 18, 2011)
- Critics Slam Study That US Priest Abuse in the Past, by Andrew Stern, Reuters (May 18, 2011)
- Study: Homosexuality, Celibacy Not to Blame for Clergy Abuse; Social Upheaval of "60s Cited, by Rachel Zoll, The Newser (May 18, 2011)
- Bishops at Center of Abuse Scandal, and Potential Reform, by Daniel Burke, National Catholic Reporter (May 18, 2011)
- Priest Abuse Victims" Advocates Agree.., by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (May 18, 2011)
- Catholic Sex Abuse Linked to "Deviant" Behavior of 1960s, "70s, by Steven Portnoy, ABC News (May 18, 2011)
- Child Abuse Catholic Priests Not Pedophiles, US Study Says, in AFP (May 18, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Talks about Sex Abuse Report, in NPR (May 18, 2011)
- Study: Changes of 1960s behind Church's Abuse Crisis, in NPR (May 18, 2011)
- US Report Says Clerical Abuse Not Linked to Celibacy, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (May 19, 2011)
- Critics Say New Study Misses Real Reasons for Priest Abuse Crisis, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (May 18, 2011)
- Denunciante De Karadima: Entorno De El Tiene Caracteristicas De "Secta", in The Terra (May 18, 2011)
- US Catholic Church Study Blames 1960s Permissiveness for Rise in Sexual Abuse, by David Batty, The Guardian (May 19, 2011)
- Greenfield Lawyer Calls Report on Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests "Hogwash", by John Appleton, The Republican (May 18, 2011)
- Church Abuse Report Authors Defend Findings As Critics Weigh in, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (May 18, 2011)
- Report Blames Society for Sexually Abusive Priests, by Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times (May 18, 2011)
- A Study of the Catholic Church Sex Scandal in the US Has Blamed the Abuse on a Moral Decline in Society, in The Australian (May 19, 2011)
- Church Sponsored Abuse Study under Fire, by Yvonne Beltzer and Vikki Vargas, NBC LA (May 18, 2011)
- Study: Church Sex-abuse Scandal Occurred Amid Permissive Culture, by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post (May 18, 2011)
May 19
- Few Takers for Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Study's '1960s Permissiveness' Conclusion, in Sify News (May 19, 2011)
- The Latest Pedophile Priest Scandal Excuse: Hippies Made Them Do It, by Shaun Mullen, Moderate Voice (May 19, 2011)
- Women Link up on the Web to Bring Convicted Pedophile Priest Back to Canada, by Bob Weber, Canadian Press (May 19, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Seen As Guidance Problem, in The Chronicle-Herald (May 19, 2011)
- Critics Slam Study That U.S. Priest Abuse in the Past, by Andrew Stern, Reuters (May 19, 2011)
- Priests, Abuse, and the Meltdown of a Culture, by George Weigel, National Review (May 19, 2011)
- Training to Blame for Abuse, Study Says, by Brian Wellner, Quad-City Times (May 19, 2011)
- Ex-Priest Faces Court on Child Sex Abuse Charges, in London Evening Standard (May 19, 2011)
- Study Ties Catholic Clergy's Sex Abuse of Children to Sexual, Social Freedom That Started in 1960s, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 19, 2011)
- Authors Defend Report on Clergy Abuse, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (May 19, 2011)
- LA Crosse Bishop Hails Sex Abuse Study As Evidence of Concern for Victims, by Chris Hubbuch, Lacrosse Tribune (May 19, 2011)
- No Single Cause for Priest Abuse Crisis, Study Says, in Toledo Blade (May 18, 2011)
- New Report Cites 60's Sexual Revolution in Catholic Church Scandal., by Jamie Ward, WOWK (May 19, 2011)
- Sexual Revolution of 1960s-70s Drove Priest Sex Abuse, Says Study, by Tom Beyerlein, Dayton Daily News (May 19, 2011)
- The Church's Poor Excuse, by Yvonne Abraham, Boston Globe (May 19, 2011)
- Report on Sex Abuse Shifts Blame Away from Catholic Church, by Karina Rusk, KGO (May 19, 2011)
- Study Blames '60s Sexual Revolution for Catholic Church Abuse, by Tom Negovan, WGN (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Denies Abuse of Seven Boys, in The Independent (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Denies Abuse of Seven Boys, in Shropshire Star (May 19, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Abuse Study Angers D.C. Area Abuse Victims, by Armando Trull, WAMU (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Sex Abuse Cases Not Result of Celibacy Say US Researchers, on BBC News (May 19, 2011)
- The Vatican Comes up Short, in New York Times (May 18, 2011)
- Doctrinal Issues behind Bishop's Removal, by Anthony Barich, The Record (May 19, 2011)
- New York Times Blasts New Vatican Document on Abuse, in Catholic Culture (May 19, 2011)
- Initial Thoughts on the New Sex Abuse Report, by Suzanne Morse, National Catholic Reporter (May 18, 2011)
- Leonard: 'Wil Niet Weten Waar Vangheluwe Zit', in Gazet Van Antwerpen (May 19, 2011)
- Report on Catholic Church Sex Abuses Sparks Outrage, in WJZ (May 19, 2011)
- Study: Changes of 1960s behind Church's Abuse Crisis, by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, Vermont Public Radio (May 18, 2011)
- Jueza Indaga Contactos Del Arzobispado Para Que Hamilton Retirara Denuncia, by AndrРЈР‰s LРЈР“pez and Jorge Poblete, LA Tercera (May 19, 2011)
- Autora De " Karadima, El SeРЈР‘or De Los Infiernos" Reitera CrРЈВticas Hacia El Arzobispado De Santiago, by Erasmo Tauran, Bio Bio (May 18, 2011)
- Commentary: True Reform Would Start with 'I'm Sorry', by Kim Michele Richardson, Beliefnet (May 19, 2011)
- British Priest Discusses False Abuse Accusation, in Catholic Culture (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Tells of Nightmare over False Child Abuse Allegations, in This Is Lancashire (May 19, 2011)
- Three Separate Clergy Abuse Cases Travel Unique Paths, by Mike Bryantmay, Injury Board (May 19, 2011)
- How Should Catholic Church Respond to Sex Abuse Report?, by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, USA Today (May 19, 2011)
- Causes of Clerical Child Abuse in US Revealed by New Report, in The Journal (May 19, 2011)
- Dear Catholic Church: Are You Kiddin' Me?, by Tim Whitaker, Philadelphia Weekly (May 19, 2011)
- Defrocked O'Grady Accused of Possessing Child Pornography, in Breaking News (May 19, 2011)
- Ex-Coventry and Cheadle Priest Denies 25 Abuse Charges, on BBC News (May 19, 2011)
- Celibacy and Sexual Abuse, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (May 19, 2011)
- Thursday, May 19, 2011, by Skip Shea, Outpatient Clinic (May 19, 2011)
- About the Usccb's Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis Report..., by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (May 19, 2011)
- Sixties Blamed for Sex Abuse, in Ten News Via Youtube (May 19, 2011)
- John Jay Causes and Contexts Study: Second Thoughts, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (May 19, 2011)
- Taking It All In: John Jay Report Offers US More Than a Simple Explanation for Sex Abuse, by Meghan Murphy-Gill, U.S. Catholic (May 19, 2011)
- John Jay Report or Rock and Roll Made Me Do It, in Leon J. Podles: Dialogue (May 19, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Startpagina/Weblog (May 19, 2011)
- Denunciante De Karadima: "Aca Han Habido Presiones Desde El Papa Hacia Abajo", in La Tercera (May 19, 2011)
- Denunciante De Karadima Declaro Ante LA Pdi, in La Cuarta (May 19, 2011)
- Controversial Study Links Catholic Abuse to "60s Culture and Church Hierarchy but Offers Few Solutions, by Amy Sullivan, TIME (May 19, 2011)
- Credibility of Victims" Groups Shot, in Standard Newswire (May 19, 2011)
- Edouard Submits Written Not Guilty Plea, by Steve Woodhouse, The Journal-Express (May 19, 2011)
- Costs for John Jay Report Exceed $1.8 Million; Half Came from USCCB, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service (May 19, 2011)
- What Caused the Catholic Church Child Sexual Abuse Crisis? Blame the Sixties., by Joanna Brooks, Religion Dispatches (May 19, 2011)
- Denunciante Acusa Intervencion Para Evitar Judicializacion Del Caso Karadima, in Noticias 123 (May 19, 2011)
- Abuse Report Met with Critical Reactions, in Catholic Culture (May 19, 2011)
- "America" Exclusive: Kathleen Mcchesney on the John Jay Report, by Tim Reidy, America Magazine (May 19, 2011)
- What Caused the Crisis?, by Kathleen McChesney, America Magazine (May 19, 2011)
- Skeptical Reaction to Study on Sexual Abuse in Catholic Church, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (May 19, 2011)
- New Independent Study: What Caused Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Church?, in Rome Reports (May 19, 2011)
- James Q. Wilson: Vatican Right about "60s Sexual Revolution, in The Newsmax (May 19, 2011)
- Mock Trial for Pedophile Priest Held in Mu Building, on WISN (May 19, 2011)
- Perlitz, Fairfield U., Others Sued Again by Haitian Sex Victims, by Michael P. Mayko, CT Post (May 19, 2011)
- SNAP Blasts Report Blaming Priest Sex Abuse on 1960s Culture, by Chad Garrison, Riverfront Times (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Charged with Possessing Child Pornography, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (May 19, 2011)
- Mo. Priest Charged with Possessing Child Porn, in Beaumont Enterprise (May 19, 2011)
- Independence Priest Charged with Possession of Child Porn, in The Examiner (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Faces Child Porn Charges, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (May 19, 2011)
- Vatican's New Villain in Wake of Priest Abuse Scandal: the "70s, by Daniel Ruth, St. Petersburg Times (May 20, 2011)
- Strong Reaction in Philadelphia to Study on Clergy Sexual Abuse, by Elizabeth Fiedler, The Newsworks (May 19, 2011)
- U.S. Bishops and Clergy Sex Abuse: Another Round, by Joan Frawley , National Catholic Register (May 19, 2011)
- Weigel on Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church, by Joseph Lawler, American Spectator (May 19, 2011)
- Anderson Cooper Hammers Catholic Bishops" Clergy Abuse Report - but Gives Them No Chance to Defend It, by Matt Hadro, NewsBusters (May 19, 2011)
- Susan Brock Molestation Case: LDS Bishops Won't Be Charged, by Laurie Merrill and Yvonne Sanchez Wingett, Arizona Republic (May 19, 2011)
- Police: Local Priest Found with Child Porn He Photographed, on KCTV (May 19, 2011)
- The "60s Made Them Do It, by Jon Carroll, San Francisco Chronicle (May 19, 2011)
- Abuse Alleged against Retired Priest by Former Parishioner, by Don Markus, Baltimore Sun (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Sues over Renewed Molestation Charges 0, by Kevin Martin, Calgary Sun (May 19, 2011)
- Priest Acquitted in Rape Case, in Times of India (May 19, 2011)
May 20
- Italy: Ex-trainee Priest Arrested in Clerical Abuse Probe, in IGN (May 20, 2011)
- Victims Groups Dispute Study of Priest Sex Abuse, in Daily World (May 20, 2011)
- Catholics: Bishops to Blame in Scandal, by Thor Jourgensen, Daily Item (May 20, 2011)
- Carney Labelled "One of the Most Serious Serial Abusers", in This is Gloucestershire (May 20, 2011)
- Predator Ex-priest Bill Carney in Gloucestershire Play Area Shock, in This is Gloucestershire (May 20, 2011)
- Unsettled Church Scandal, in Toledo Blade (May 20, 2011)
- Priest Charged with Possessing Child Pornography, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (May 20, 2011)
- Victims" Voices Crucial in Bringing Church to Understanding of Harm of Abuse, in Catholic San Francisco (May 19, 2011)
- Fresh Guidelines to Combat Clerical Sexual Abuse Issue, in Scottish Catholic Observer (May 20, 2011)
- Abuse by Priests, in The Courier-Journal (May 20, 2011)
- Bill Donohue Refuses to Give up on Gays Molesting Children in Catholic Church, by Bridgette P. LaVictoire, Lez Get Real (May 20, 2011)
- Susan Brock's Teenage Sex Scandal: LDS Bishops Won't Be Charged with Crimes, Pinal County Attorney Says, in Phoenix New Times (May 20, 2011)
- Settlement Made in Labelle Church of God Sex Abuse Lawsuits, in Southwest Florida Online (May 19, 2011)
- Why Can't St. Francis Hospital Behave?, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (May 19, 2011)
- Baltimore Policies Aimed at Protecting Children, by George P. Matysek Jr., Catholic Review (May 20, 2011)
- Church Report Tells One Story, Victims Tell Another, by Robert Huber, Philadelphia Magazine (May 20, 2011)
- Belgische Bisschop in Misbruik Top-10, in The Kerknieuws (May 20, 2011)
- Voordelen Uit Nadelen, by Andy Penne:, RKnieuws (May 20, 2011)
- Funders of the John Jay Report, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 20, 2011)
- Priest in Jail for Pedophilia Feels Threatened by Inmates, in AGI (May 20, 2011)
- Leading Sexuality and Religion Organization Decries New Report on Catholic Pr, in Religious Institute (May 20, 2011)
- Report on Catholic Priests" Sex Abuse of Minors Finds No Single Cause, by Eric Marrapodi, CNN (May 20, 2011)
- Baltimore Archdiocese Investigating Sex Abuse at Local Church, on WJZ (May 19, 2011)
- Fox45 Top Stories Video, on Fox 45 (May 20, 2011)
- Marquette University President at Center of Ethical Controversy, on WISN (May 20, 2011)
- Shawn Ratigan, Independence Priest, Accused of Possessing Up-skirt Photos of Children in Church, by Justin Kendal, The Pitch (May 20, 2011)
- Ohio Priest Convicted in Nun's Death Making Appeal, by John Seewer, CT Post (May 20, 2011)
- Gerald Robinson in Court for New Trial Attempt, by Lisa Strawbridge, WTOL (May 20, 2011)
- Bypass the Bishops, in Calgary Herald (May 20, 2011)
- Defrocked Priest Faces Child Pornography Trial, by Tom Tuite, Irish Independent (May 20, 2011)
- Priest Held for Minor's Rape, in Hindustan Times (May 20, 2011)
- George Weigel on the Priest Abuse Study, by Joe Carter, First Things (May 20, 2011)
- Church Abuse Scandal Not Cause by Celibacy Says Study, by Molly Muldoon, Irish Central (May 20, 2011)
- Karadima: Revelan Contenido De E-mails Enviados Desde El Arzobispado a Hamilton, by Andres Lopez y Jorge Poblete, La Tercera (May 20, 2011)
- Juan Carlos Cruz Dice Que Karadima "Ya Esta Viviendo Su Castigo", in La Tercera (May 20, 2011)
- Obispo Auxiliar De Santiago Sera Interrogado Por LA Ministra En Visita Del Caso Karadima, in The Cooperativa (May 20, 2011)
- "Ha Habido Presiones Desde El Papa Para Abajo", in La Cuarta (May 20, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Denunciante Cruz Tambien Vio Besos Con Lengua Del Ex Parroco, in La Nacion (May 20, 2011)
- Genova - Don Seppia Trasferito, Teme Per LA Sua Vita, in Genova Oggi Notizie (May 20, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia Subisce Minacce E Chiede IL Trasferimento Dal Carcere Di Genova, in Ciao People (May 20, 2011)
- Archdiocese Receives Allegation of Abuse from 1960s against Retired Priest, 79, in Catholic Review (May 19, 2011)
- Baltimore Archdiocese Probing Sex Abuse Claim, in Greenwich Times (May 20, 2011)
- Trasferito Don Seppia "in Carcere E Minacciato", in la Repubblica (May 20, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Un 17enne Milanese: "Facevo Sesso Per LA Coca", in The Leggo (May 20, 2011)
- Bagnasco, Ora Dimettiti, by Giuseppe Morello, The Affaritaliani (May 20, 2011)
- Vatican Guidelines a Smokescreen, by Terry Sanderson, National Secular Society (May 20, 2011)
- Paedophile Priest Expelled from Catholic Church Found Living Yards from Children's Play Area, in Daily Mail (May 20, 2011)
- Latest Auth Cartoon, in Philadelphia Inquirer (May 20, 2011)
- Abuse of Children Pervasive, Not Just a Catholic Problem, in Des Moines Register (May 20, 2011)
- Victima Del Sacerdote Karadima: "el Se Encargaba De Destrozarte", in The Terra (May 20, 2011)
- Sacked Toowoomba Bishop Discovers Rome's Word Still Law, by Christopher Pearson, The Australian (May 21, 2011)
- School Employee Arrested for Alleged Sex Assault, on WTMJ (May 20, 2011)
- School Staff Member Accused of Sexual Assault, on WISN (May 20, 2011)
- St. Charles School Employee Arrested on Alleged Sexual Assault Charges, in Office of the Sheriff (May 20, 2011)
- Two New Documents on the Scandal, One Glaring Omission, by Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (May 20, 2011)
- Disgusting Behavior by Local Catholic Diocese, by Yael T. Abouhalkah, KansasCity.com (May 20, 2011)
- Priest Prohibited Signs Enflame Austrian Passions, by George Jahn, Canton Repository (May 20, 2011)
- Pilgerverbot "aus Verzweiflung", by Klaus Hofler, Die Presse (May 20, 2011)
- Die Rechte Faust Gottes, by Christoph Baumgarten, h/pd (May 20, 2011)
- Priester Durfen Nicht Mit Kindern in Den Wald, in The Blick (May 20, 2011)
- Former St. Joseph Priest Charged with Child Porn Possession, in St. Joe Channel (May 20, 2011)
- Ohio Priest Appeals Initial Conviction, on WLWT (May 20, 2011)
- Genoa Pedophile Priest Investigation Takes New Turn, in AGI (May 20, 2011)
- Six People Testify in Hearing for Toledo Priest Who Killed Nun, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (May 20, 2011)
- Catholic Sex Absue: "Blame It on the 60s?", in Washington Post (May 20, 2011)
- John Jay Report Depicts Progress but Cannot Isolate Causes, in America Magazine (May 20, 2011)
- On Sex Abuse, the Buck Stops with the Bishops, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (May 20, 2011)
- Former Pastor Pleads in Sex Abuse Case, on KCCI (May 20, 2011)
- Repugnance and Tattling, in Patrick J. Wall (May 20, 2011)
- A Parenting Revelation: It's Time to Stop Punishing Tattletales, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (May 20, 2011)
- Bishops' Report Is More Public Relations Than Scholarship, in Zalkin Law Firm (May 20, 2011)
- Jueza Del Caso Karadima Interroga a Ex Rector De Seminario Pontificio Mayor, in Noticias 123 (May 20, 2011)
- Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph Possesses Child Pornography for 5 Months before Giving to Police, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News Blog (May 20, 2011)
- Statement by Bishop Robert W. Finn, in The News-Press (May 20, 2011)
- Dutch Priest Belonged to Pedophile Club, in San Francisco Chronicle (May 20, 2011)
- Priest Sex-abuse Case Hits Church of Pope's Adviser, in The Time (May 20, 2011)
- Italy: Former Seminarian Arrested, Cited As Pimp for Accused Priest, in Catholic Culture (May 20, 2011)
- Bishop Issues Statement on Priest Incident, in The News-Press (May 20, 2011)
- Bishop "Deeply Regrets" Not Contacting Police Earlier in Child Porn Priest Case, in Fox4kc (May 20, 2011)
- New Report on Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis, in Religion & Ethics Newsweekly (May 20, 2011)
- Agudath Israel of America Says You Have to Ask a Rabbi before You Can Call the Police on a Child Molester, in Failed Messiah (May 18, 2011)
- Mesquite Pastor Charged with Raping a Woman in West Virginia, by Mike Drago, Dallas Morning News (May 20, 2011)
- Man Claiming to Be Preacher Arrested for Sexual Assault, in Charleston Daily Mail (May 20, 2011)
- Texas Man Arrested on Rape Charges, in WCHS (May 20, 2011)
- Texas Pastor Held in West Virginia Accused of Sexually Assaulting Woman, in Daily Reporter (May 20, 2011)
- Texas Preacher Charged with Raping Local Woman, by Davin White, Charleston Gazette (May 20, 2011)
- "Pater Salesianen Was Jarenlang Lid Van Pedofielenvereniging", in NRC (May 20, 2011)
- Kentucky Pastor Faces Rape Charges, in WKYT (May 20, 2011)
- Wayne County Pastor Indicted on Underage Sex Charges That Date Back over 20 Years, in Lex 18 (May 20, 2011)
- Child-sex Priest Lives Next to Playground, by John Coles, The Sun (May 20, 2011)
- Accused Priest under Suicide Watch, on KMBC (May 20, 2011)
- Bishop Regrets How Diocese Dealt with Porn Case Involving Priest, by Laura Bauer and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (May 20, 2011)
- Magdalene Group in Appeal to Un Body, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (May 21, 2011)
- Iglesia Descarta Relacion Entre Visita Del Cardenal Bertone Y Caso Karadima, in Noticias 123 (May 20, 2011)
- Juan Carlos Cruz: Es Una Verguenza Que Juan Esteban Morales Sea Parroco De El Bosque, in La Segunda (May 20, 2011)
- New Info Uncovered about Priest Accused in Child Porn Case, on KCTV (May 20, 2011)
- Questions Surround Diocese's Action in Priest's Case, on KMBC (May 20, 2011)
- Gerald Robinson in Court Again, with a Startling New Defense, by Desmond Strooh, WTOL (May 20, 2011)
- Mystical Body in Black Sackcloth, in Canberra Times (May 20, 2011)
May 21
- Catholic Child Abuse Analysed, by Andrew Brown, The Guardian (May 21, 2011)
- Bishop Releases Statement on Priest's Charges, by Karl Zinke, The Examiner (May 21, 2011)
- "Dutch Priest Member of Pedophile Club", in Press TV (May 21, 2011)
- El Paso, Las Cruces Dioceses Settle on Sexual Abuse Suit, by Daily News Report, Alamogordo Daily News (May 21, 2011)
- Vatican Gives Bishops One Year to Set Abuse Policies, by Francis X. Rocca , The Oklahoman (May 21, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Are Central to Abuse and Reform, a New Study Says, by Daniel Burke , The Oklahoman (May 21, 2011)
- Catholic Church Settles Alleged Abuse Lawsuit, in The Sun-News (May 21, 2011)
- New Book Breaks Silence on Sexual Abuse of Women by Clergy, in The Ekklesia (May 21, 2011)
- Report Indicts "60s Counterculture in Catholic Abuse Cases, in Los Angeles Times (May 21, 2011)
- Church Sex Abuse Victims Say Guidelines Will Have No Impact, in ABC (May 21, 2011)
- A Step Backward, Not Forward, in Boston Globe (May 21, 2011)
- Susan Brock Molestation Case: Police Recommended Bishops Be Charged, by Edythe Jensen, Arizona Republic (May 20, 2011)
- With the Stroke of a Pen, Bishops Made Themselves Answerable, by Breda O'brien, Irish Times (May 21, 2011)
- Susan Brock Sex Scandal: Chandler Police Recommended LDS Bishops Be Charged with Crimes for Failing to Report Abuse, by James King, Phoenix New Times (May 20, 2011)
- A 10-year Clergy Abuse Scandal?, in Get Religion (May 21, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Startpagina/Weblog (May 21, 2011)
- "Seks Met 12-jarige Moet Kunnen", in RTL (May 21, 2011)
- "Ik Kijk Graag Naar Blote Jongens", in RTL (May 21, 2011)
- Reconstructie Pedofiele Pater, in RTL (May 21, 2011)
- Paedophile Priest Has New Life in UK, by Luke Byrne, Irish Independent (May 21, 2011)
- Town's Relieved That Paedo Priest Is Gone, in This is Gloucestershire (May 21, 2011)
- The Star's Editorial | a Sorry New Chapter in Church Child Abuse, in Kansas City Star (May 21, 2011)
- Vatican Letter May 16 to World's Bishops Does Not Go Far Enough to Protect Children, in Voice of the Faithful (May 21, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Sacerdotes Declararon Ante Jueza Gonzalez, in La Nacion (May 21, 2011)
- Sacerdote Rodrigo Polanco Declaro Ante Ministra En Visita Por Caso Karadima, by Andres Lopez, La Nacion (May 20, 2011)
- Don Seppia Interrogato Per Cinque Ore Ancora Dubbi Sulla Sua Sieropositivita, in il Fatto Quotidiano (May 21, 2011)
- Arrested Italian Priest Confirms He Is Hiv Positive, in Monsters and Critics (May 21, 2011)
- Shock after Priest Endorses Paedophilia, in News 24 (May 21, 2011)
- New Child Porn Charges against Disgraced Priest Oliver O'grady, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (May 21, 2011)
- New Report on Priestly Abuse: a Priest's View, in The Sun-Sentinel (May 21, 2011)
- Invitation, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 21, 2011)
- Spotprent over Misbruik Gestolen Uit Museum, in The Trouw (May 21, 2011)
- Lawyers Say Trial Ignored Other Suspects, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (May 21, 2011)
- Salesiaan Zat in Bestuur Van Pedoclub, in Katholiek Nederland (May 21, 2011)
- "Pater Was Bestuurslid Van Pedofielenvereniging Martijn", in de Gelderlander (May 21, 2011)
- Arzobispado Niega Presion a Denunciantes De Fernando Karadima, by J. Poblete y A. Lopez, La Tercera (May 21, 2011)
- Suicidas Pedofilos, in The Etcetera (May 20, 2011)
- Visita De Cardenal Bertone a Chile No Tuvo Relacion Alguna Con Caso Karadima, in ACIprensa (May 20, 2011)
- Don Seppia: "io Sieropositivo", in The Italiaglobale (May 21, 2011)
- Pedofilia, LA Difesa Di Don Seppia: Non Ho Mai Avuto Rapporti Con Minori, in Il Messaggero (May 21, 2011)
- IL Prete in Cella: "sono Sieropositivo", in Corriere della Sera (May 21, 2011)
- Victims Dismiss Vatican Bid to End Sex Abuse by Priests As Empty Words, in Washington Post (May 21, 2011)
- US Catholic Bishops Should Get a Refund from the John Jay Report, by Michael Cook, Spero News (May 21, 2011)
- Abusi,silenzio,colpa, in LA Stampa (May 21, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Parlano Le Vittime Dei Preti: Abusi, Silenzio E Colpa, in The Blitz (May 21, 2011)
- Kc Area Bishop Regrets Diocese Actions on Priest, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (May 21, 2011)
- Dutch Catholic Church Launches Investigation after Revelation Priest, 73, Worked for Group That Promotes, in Daily Mail (May 22, 2011)
- Vatican Blame Game: It's Them, Not Us. John Jay Blame '60s & '70s. Benedict XVI Blames the Devil So Priests Can Reincarnate Godjesus but Not Dead Cats, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (May 21, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia: Gli Sms Erano Solo Un Gioco, in In Dies (May 21, 2011)
- Don Seppia Si Difende: Gli Sms Erano Un Gioco, Mai Abusato Di Ragazzini, in The Newnotizie (May 21, 2011)
- Gimme' Some John Jay Money, and I'Ll Guarantee You Get Raptured..., by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (May 21, 2011)
May 22
- Catholic Priest Was Member of Paedophile Promotion Group, in Dutch News (May 22, 2011)
- Joe Soucheray: Judgment Day - for the Catholic Church, by Joe Soucheray, Pioneer Press (May 21, 2011)
- Jennifer Haigh Pens Nuanced Tale of a Priest in "Faith", by Rege Behe, Pittsburgh Tribune-review (May 22, 2011)
- Faith Steels His Resolve, in Philly Burbs (May 22, 2011)
- Authors Question Media Coverage of Church, by Jeffrey Simpson, The Chronicle-Herald (May 22, 2011)
- Parishioners Dispute Church Closing, by Erin Moody, Citizens Voice (May 22, 2011)
- "Arrogant Clericalism" Never Assessed in John Jay Report, by Tom Doyle, Voice from the Desert (May 21, 2011)
- Author Defends Findings on Causes of Priest Abuse, by Lisa Wangsness, Lexington Herald-Leader (May 21, 2011)
- O'Brien on Priest Sexual Abuse: Making Sure It Doesn't Happen Again, by Edwin F. O'Brien, Baltimore Sun (May 22, 2011)
- Prosecutor Authorises Prison Transfer of Child Abuse Priest, in AGI (May 22, 2011)
- Sestri Ponente, Altri Insulti a Don Seppia, in Lettera 43 (May 22, 2011)
- Caso Don Seppia. LA Difesa FarРЈВ Ricorso Al Riesame, in Tg1 (May 22, 2011)
- E Le Famiglie Preparano Una Class Action 'Ora I Danni E Un Nuovo Battesimo Per I Figli', by Stefano Origone, LA Repubblica (May 22, 2011)
- Spotprent Gestolen Uit Museum Venlo, in Rtl (May 22, 2011)
- Genova, Insulti E Minacce Sulla Chiesa Di Don Seppia: " I Bambini Non Si Toccano", in TGCOM (May 22, 2011)
- 'Sms Per Adescare Bimbi? Solo Uno Scherzo', in IL Giornale (May 22, 2011)
- IL Piano Della Cei 'Stroncheremoil Fenomeno', in The Quotidiano (May 22, 2011)
- Pedofilia, LA Difesa Di Don Seppia: Non Ho Mai Avuto Rapporti Con Minori, in IL Messaggero (May 21, 2011)
- Don Seppia/i Parrocchiani Preparano Un'azione Legale, in Citta Di Genova (May 22, 2011)
- Dutch Catholic Priest Believes Pedophilia Is A-Ok, Shocks Church, by Cynthia S. Wright, Lez Get Real (May 22, 2011)
- Fox News' Catholic Priest Fr. Jonathan Morris Says Don't Vote for Obama?, in News Hounds (May 22, 2011)
- Dangers of Clericalism, in The Tablet (May 21, 2011)
May 23
- New Vatican Guidelines: Church Still Doesn't Get It, in The Chronicle-Herald (May 23, 2011)
- Kentucky Man Accusing Former Syracuse Diocese Priest of Sexual Abuse, by Douglass Dowty, The Post-Standard (May 23, 2011)
- Swedish Church to Probe Sex Abuse Allegations, in The Local (May 23, 2011)
- Pastor Charged with Sexual Abuse of Child, in Washington Examiner (May 23, 2011)
- Harlan Pastor Faces Rape, Sexual Abuse, Sodomy, Other Charges, by Jennifer Hewlett, Lexington Herald-Leader (May 22, 2011)
- Catholics Must Change the Statistics on Child Sex Abuse, by Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, Washington Post (May 22, 2011)
- Neighbor Concerned about Polygamy, Child Welfare, by Mary Garrigan, Rapid City Journal (May 22, 2011)
- Clergy, Abuse Victims React to Study, by Bart Jones, The Newsday (May 18, 2011)
- The John Jay Report Ignores History While Focusing on the Wrong Culture!, by Vinnie Nauheimer, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 23, 2011)
- Nyt Issues Another Slanted Attack against Catholic Church, by Dave Pierre, The Newsbusters (May 22, 2011)
- Victims Seek Seattle Archbishop's Help, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 23, 2011)
- Priest Abuse Study Called 'Deeply Flawed', in News@northeastern (May 23, 2011)
- Arrest of Ex Seminarian Alfano Confirmed in Child Sex Case, in AGI (May 23, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili: Emanuele Alfano Interrogato Per Tre Ore, in The Blitz (May 23, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Forse Qualcuno Sapeva E Ha Nascosto LA VeritРЈВ , in News Live 24 (May 23, 2011)
- Preti Pedofili, Non Si PuРЈР’ PiРЈР™ Tacere E IL Cardinale Ora Interviene., in The Cervelliamo (May 23, 2011)
- Salesianen Nemen Maatregelen Tegen Nederlandse Pater, in RKNieuws (May 23, 2011)
- How Bishops Can Restore Faith in Their Ability to Lead, by Mollie Wilson O'Reilly, The Guardian (May 23, 2011)
- LA Benedizione Del Papa Sulla Chiesa Di Don Seppia, in Il Secolo (May 23, 2011)
- IL Papa Benedice LA Chiesa Ferita "Don Seppia? Jekyll E Mr Hyde", by Nadia Campini, la Repubblica (May 23, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Dubbi Per Alcune Telefonate Hard, in TGCOM (May 23, 2011)
- Bishop Admits Failure in Priest's Child Pornography Case, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (May 23, 2011)
- Caso Don Seppia: Inchiesta Allargata Ai Locali Notturni Genovesi, in Genova Oggi Notizie (May 23, 2011)
- Dutch Pedophile Priest Barred, Supervisor on Leave, in Seattle Times (May 23, 2011)
- Nederlandse Overste Salesianen Ontslagen, in Brabants Dagblad (May 23, 2011)
- Overste Herman Spronck Weggestuurd, in RTL Nieuws (May 23, 2011)
- Omstreden Salesiaanse Pater Op Non-actief Gesteld, in NRC Handelsblad (May 23, 2011)
- Trier Abbot Calls for Monk's Abuse Victims to Come Forward, in The Local (May 23, 2011)
- Monch Missbrauchte Jahrelang Jugendliche, in Der Tagesspiegel (May 23, 2011)
- Sexueller Missbrauch in St. Matthias, in 16 VOR (May 22, 2011)
- Arkebiskopen: Vi Maste Tala Oppet Om Overgrepp, in MyNewsDesk (May 23, 2011)
- Kyrkan Kartlagger Sexovergrepp, in The Sydsvenskan (May 23, 2011)
- Dominican Nun Questioned by Police, As Mother General Admits: "It's Top Secret", by Nestor Laiviera, Malta Today (May 23, 2011)
- Police Question Nun about Alleged Abuse, by Kurt Sansone, Times of Malta (May 21, 2011)
- El Paso, Las Cruces Dioceses Settle on Sexual Abuse Suit, in Alamogordo Daily News (May 21, 2011)
- Dutch Catholic Order Hit by Pedophile Group Scandal, by Tom Heneghan, Reuters (May 23, 2011)
- Dutch Catholic Order Hit by Pedophile Group Scandal, in Reuters (May 23, 2011)
- Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (May 23, 2011)
- Paedophile Salesian Priest Suspended, Father Superior Dismissed, on Radio Netherlands (May 23, 2011)
- New Catholic Study of Sex Abuse Blames Everyone but the Priests, in Politicus USA (May 23, 2011)
- For Immediate Release: May 17, 2011, by Ann Farthing, Fredric M. Sinclair (May 17, 2011)
- Attorneys in Archdiocese Bankruptcy Seek to Lift Stay on Pending Civil Cases, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (May 23, 2011)
- Diocesan Review Board Members Say Their Work Proceeds Unimpeded, by Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service (May 23, 2011)
- Moral Priorities, in Faith in the 21st Century (May 23, 2011)
- Church Report on Priestly Abuse Falls Short, by Mary Sanchez, Miami Herald (May 23, 2011)
- Kentucky Man Says Syracuse Diocese Priest Abused Him, by Kat De Maria, YNN (May 24, 2011)
- Flawed Analysis in Priest Report, in Ashbury Park Press (May 24, 2011)
- Mo. Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (May 23, 2011)
- Syracuse Diocese Disputes Kentucky Man's Claims the Church Ignored His Sexual Abuse Claims, by Jim O'Hara, The Post-Standard (May 23, 2011)
- Nederlandse Overste Salesianen Ontslagen, in Reformatorisch Dagblad (May 23, 2011)
- Pastor Denies Rape Charge from behind Bars, in WKYT (May 23, 2011)
- Suspicion Apostolic Visitation Report Will Ignore Deep Problems, by Patrick Claffey, Irish Times (May 24, 2011)
- State Defends Response to Ryan Report, by Jamie Smyth, Irish Times (May 24, 2011)
- Child Abuser Leaves UK for Benidorm, by Patsy McGarry, Irish Times (May 24, 2011)
- Priest Denies Wrongdoing As Ferns Hit by New Sex Abuse Claim, in Belfast Telegraph (May 24, 2011)
- Retired Priest to Stand Trial on Sex Assault Charges, in Newcastle Herald (May 24, 2011)
- Church Faces Africa Abuse Scandal, by Fiachra РЈВ“ Cionnaith, Irish Examiner (May 24, 2011)
May 24
- 'Undoubtedly' More Cases of Child Sex Abuse by Missionaries Following Allegations, in The Journal (May 24, 2011)
- Sex Priests Fight for Holy Orders, by Margaret Scheikowski, 9 News (May 24, 2011)
- Dutch Salesian Leader Sacked for Paedophilia Comments, in Dutch News (May 24, 2011)
- Harlan Pastor Charged with Rape, Sexual Abuse, Sodomy, Other Sex Crimes, by Bill Estep, Lexington Herald-Leader (May 24, 2011)
- Alleged Victim Testifies in Rape Trial of Fellow Church Member, by Kathryn Marchocki, New Hampshire Union Leader (May 24, 2011)
- Curia Shields Alleged Paedophile Clergyman, in Malta Star (May 24, 2011)
- Il-KaРҐРњ Tal-Patri B'Avvanz Sesswali Fuq 'Teenager': Tperrcuhx!, in The L'Orizzont (May 24, 2011)
- Abuse Allegations Remain Shrouded in Secrecy, by Chiara Bonello, Malta Independent (May 24, 2011)
- Dominican Nun from the Lourdes Home Questioned by Police, in Gozo News (May 24, 2011)
- Nun Interrogated about Alleged Abuse in Lourdes Home, in DI-VE (May 24, 2011)
- John Jay Report Depicts Progress but Cannot Isolate Causes, in America Magazine (May 24, 2011)
- LA Iglesia Chilena Y El Poder Del SeРЈР‘or De Los Infiernos, Un DiРЈРЃlogo Con MarРЈВa Olivia MРЈР–nckeberg, on Radio Tierra (May 23, 2011)
- Don Seppia: Accuse Di Orge Con Minori, in Lettera 43 (May 24, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Un Ragazzino: " Basta, Mi Suicido", in The Blitz (May 24, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia Presto Indagato Per Prostituzione Minorile. Bagnasco: Infame Emergenza, in The Newnotizie (May 24, 2011)
- In Seminario Accadevano Cose Terribili, in Corriere Della Sera (May 24, 2011)
- Genova, IL Seminarista Confessa Ai Magistrati: " Pagavamo I Ragazzi Per Fare Orge Insieme a Noi", by Diego Pistacch, IL Giornale (May 24, 2011)
- John Jay 2011 Study on Sexual Abuse: a Critical Analysis, in Catholic League (May 24, 2011)
- Donohue Responds to John Jay Study, in Catholic League (May 24, 2011)
- Priest Says No Truth to Abuse Claim, in New Ross Standard (May 24, 2011)
- Wexford Cleric Denies Historic Child Abuse Allegation, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (May 24, 2011)
- Victims Blast Bishop's Claim, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 24, 2011)
- SNAP Statement on Seattle Archbishop's Role in Christian Bros. Child Sex Abus, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 24, 2011)
- Finn Keeps Child Porn from His Own Panel; SNAP Respond, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 23, 2011)
- Priest Steps down to Allow Investigation, in Enniscorthy Guardian (May 24, 2011)
- Fr Sweetman Has Served throughout Diocese, in Enniscorthy Guardian (May 24, 2011)
- German Abuse Appointee: More Victim Support, in NECN (May 24, 2011)
- A Dangerous Blurring of Distinctions, by Chrystia Freeland, New York Times (May 24, 2011)
- Kenya Listed in Ireland Clerical Abuse Probe, in Capital Fm Kenya (May 24, 2011)
- IL Salesiano Pro Pedofilia E Gli Ultimi Fuochi Della Rivoluzione Olandese, in Palazzo Apostolico (May 24, 2011)
- Fighting Child Sex Slavery in Thailand, on CNN (May 24, 2011)
- Search Warrant Used to Raid FLDS Texas Ranch Challenged, by lindsay whitehurst, Salt Lake Tribune (May 24, 2011)
- Limburgs Museum Krijgt Gestolen Prenten Terug, in De Gooi-en Eemlander (May 24, 2011)
- Power, Sex and Money, by Carl Matthes, UK Progressive (May 24, 2011)
- Vatican: NY Church Should Remain Worship Site, in Wall Street Journal (May 24, 2011)
- Admitting Failure in Child Porn Case, Bishop Finn Hears from Parishioners, by David Martin, The Pitch (May 24, 2011)
- Critics Point to John Jay Study's Limitations, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (May 24, 2011)
- Bucks Non-profit to Train Clergy, by JAMES McGINNIS, Philly Burbs (May 24, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Startpagina/Weblog (May 24, 2011)
- Catholic League Offers Detailed Critique of John Jay Report, in Catholic Culture (May 24, 2011)
- Un Committee Hears "Vast Majority" of Women Entered Magdalene Laundries Voluntarily or with Consent, in The Journal (May 24, 2011)
- Kenosha Priest Charged, on TMJ4 (May 24, 2011)
- Riverchapel Pp Moved from Parish Pending Investigation, in Gorey Guardian (May 24, 2011)
- Court Told of Priest Misconduct Findings, by Michelle Harris, Newcastle Herald (May 25, 2011)
- Salesians Suspend Two Members Following Pro-pedophilia Remarks, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (May 24, 2011)
May 25
- Catholic Peadophilia Case т€“ Still Minimising, by Bruce Gorton, Times Live (May 25, 2011)
- Stepson's Anger at Ex-Priest Named in Murphy Report, in This Is Gloucestershire (May 25, 2011)
- Legislation Targets Predator Priests, by Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union (May 25, 2011)
- N.y.'s Obligation to Sex Abuse Victims, by Thomas K. Duane, Albany Times Union (May 25, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Survivors Say Diocese Violated Court Agreement in Porn Case, by Alan Bavley, Kansas City Star (May 24, 2011)
- Flawed Analysis in Priest Report, in Asbury Park Press (May 24, 2011)
- Pat Conroy S.j., House Chaplain, by John Coleman, America Magazine (May 24, 2011)
- Appeal Provision Could Derail Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Bankruptcy Settlement, by Beth Miller, News Journal (May 25, 2011)
- Dublin Probes African Child Abuse Claims, in News 24 (May 24, 2011)
- Shocking Findings of a Research on Ghanaian Pastors, by Emmanuel Sarpong Owusu-Ansah, Ghana Web (May 25, 2011)
- Are Your Children Safe at Church, in Oped News (May 24, 2011)
- Archdiocese Responds to John Jay Report, in Catholic San Francisco (May 24, 2011)
- Day Care Owner Denies Disgraced Priest Lived There, by Lisa Backus, Bristol Press (May 24, 2011)
- Gelovige Dief Steelt Spotprent Die Kind Met Kruisbeeld in Kont Toont, in The Vandaag (May 24, 2011)
- Gestolen Spotprent Terug, in Limburgs Dagblad (May 25, 2011)
- A Worthless and Dangerous Report, in Miranda Celeste (May 24, 2011)
- Let Him Prey: High-Ranking Jesuits Helped Keep Pedophile Priest Hidden, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (May 25, 2011)
- Liempdse Priester Breekt Met Celibaat, in Brabants Centrum (May 25, 2011)
- Bishop Notifies Gardai over Ahascragh Priest Allegations, in Galway News (May 25, 2011)
- Kenosha Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Charges, in WISN (May 24, 2011)
- Mei '68 Oorzaak Seksueel Misbruik, in The Rknieuws (May 25, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Obispo Auxiliar De Santiago Declara Ante Magistrada, in The Terra (May 25, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Ministra En Visita InterrogРЈР“ a Obispo Arteaga Por Cerca De Tres Horas, by, LA Tercera (May 25, 2011)
- Droga E Pedofilia/ Nuovo Parroco a Sestri Ponente, Don Seppia Sospeso Ufficialmente, in Citta Di Genova (May 25, 2011)
- L'urlo Dei Genitori: "Ora Paghi Per Quello Che Ha Fatto", in Il Giorno (May 25, 2011)
- Church of England Criticised over Sussex Sex Abuse, on BBC News (May 25, 2011)
- A White Paper on the Child Sex Slave Trade, by Harry Leibowitz, Voice from the Desert (May 25, 2011)
- Irish Church's Forgotten Victims Take Case to U.n., by Carol Ryan, New York Times (May 25, 2011)
- "Woodstock Defence" of Abuse Doesn't Hold Water, by Mark Silk, The Guardian (May 25, 2011)
- Abuse Allegations Remain Shrouded in Secrecy, by Chiara Bonello, Malta Independent (May 25, 2011)
- Exposed: Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests in Kenya, by Eric Latiff, Capital FM Kenya (May 25, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Report: Let's Rely on Science, Not Hysteria, by Thomas G. Plante, Huffington Post (May 25, 2011)
- Kenosha Priest Charged with 2 Misdemeanors, on WLS (May 25, 2011)
- Miracle Snob, by Edwin Decker, San Diego City Beat (May 25, 2011)
- German Catholics Call for Reform, Many Leaving, by Melissa Eddy, WCBD (May 25, 2011)
- Nuns, Archdiocese Settle Lawsuit over Pension Plan, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (May 25, 2011)
- May 25, 2011- Joint Statement from the Daughters of St. Paul and the Archdiocese of Boston, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (May 25, 2011)
- Who's to Blame for Priest Pedophilia Scandals? Hippies!, by Doug Daniels, New Haven Advocate (May 25, 2011)
- Nuns Withdraw Suit against Boston Archdiocese, Settlement Reached on Pension Funds Dispute, in Daily Journal (May 25, 2011)
- Ill. Diocese Loses New Appeal in Clergy Abuse Case, by Jim Suhr, Albany Times Union (May 25, 2011)
- Catholic Church Blames Abuse on the Devil in the Sixties, by Susan Jacoby, Washington Post (May 25, 2011)
- Supreme Court Rejects Belleville Diocese's Appeal of $5 Million Award in Priest Sex Abuse Case, by George Pawlaczyk, Belleville News-Democrat (May 25, 2011)
- Htfd Priest Investigated for Sex Abuse, by Jamie Muro, WTNH (May 25, 2011)
- Premian Reportaje De "Informe Especial" Que Destapo El Caso Karadima, in La Segunda (May 25, 2011)
- Ultra-orthodox Group Affirms Abuse Cases Go First to Rabbi, by Paul Berger, The Forward (May 25, 2011)
- Sussex Police and Clergy Blasted in Paedophile Priest Review, by Anna Roberts, The Argus (May 25, 2011)
- The Orphan, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (May 25, 2011)
- Father Patrick Conroy Sworn in As House Chaplain after Weathering "Firestorm", by Charles Pope, The Oregonian (May 25, 2011)
- Illinois Supreme Court Will Not Hear Appeal in $5 Million Award in Priest Sex Abuse Case, by Valerie Schremp Hahn, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (May 25, 2011)
- O'gorman to Address Top Clerics in Rome on Abuse, by Claire O'Sullivan, Irish Examiner (May 20, 2011)
- Retired Bishop in Oz Says Some Priests Do Not View Child Sex As Breach of Virtue, in Church News Ireland (May 23, 2011)
- Follow the Paper Trail: Who Knew the Secrets of Pedophile Priest Donald Mcguire?, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (May 25, 2011)
May 26
- Sexual Abuse Crisis Not Over, Says Italian Cardinal, in Vox Bikol (May 26, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Kizito in Fresh Abuse Probe, by Catherine Karong'o, Capital Fm Kenya (May 26, 2011)
- Court Denies Appeal in Sex Abuse Case, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (May 26, 2011)
- Brooklyn Filmmaker Chris Gavagan, Queens Assemblywoman Margaret Markey Support Child Victims Act, by Michael O'Keeffe, New York Daily News (May 26, 2011)
- Ex-Head of Northamptonshire School to Face Child Porn Charges at Crown Court, in Northamptonshire Chronicle & Echo (May 26, 2011)
- Bill Donohue: Abuse Report's Failure to Note Role of Homosexuality 'Unacceptable', in Catholic News Agency (May 26, 2011)
- Religious Freedom Seen As Top Issue Facing US Church in Years Ahead, by George P. Matysek Jr, The Pilot (May 25, 2011)
- Pope Ousts 'Loose Living' Monks of Rome's Santa Croce Monastery, by Tom Kington, The Guardian (May 25, 2011)
- State High Court Rejects Belleville Diocese Appeal of $5 Million Award in Sex Case, by George Pawlaczyk, Belleville News-Democrat (May 26, 2011)
- Monastery Closed Following Lap Dancing Nun Performance, in The Journal (May 26, 2011)
- Survivors' Network Wants Accused Priests' Names Revealed, by Jackie Majerus, Bristol Press (May 26, 2011)
- Obispo Arteaga Dice Que No TapРЈР“ Actos De Karadima, in LA Cuarta (May 26, 2011)
- Lapdance Monastery Shut after Raunchy Nun Stunt, by Nick Squires, Irish Independent (May 26, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Obispo Arteaga Niega Conocer Denuncias, in The Terra (May 26, 2011)
- Paidofilia: Jueza Interrogo a Obispo Arteaga, in Ansa Latina (May 26, 2011)
- Expert Warns Religious Educators of Denial of Sexual Abuse, by Jonah Mandel, Jerusalem Post (May 26, 2011)
- Lucerne Priest Jailed for Stealing Church Funds, in World Radio Switzerland (May 26, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia/ Prete Pedofilo, Interrogato Emauele Alfano, by Valentina Molinero, The Newspedia (May 26, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (May 26, 2011)
- Bishop Named for Catholic Diocese of Rapid City, in KDLT (May 26, 2011)
- Pope Appoints Hying As New Milwaukee Auxiliary Bishop, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (May 26, 2011)
- Date for Sentencing Arguments Set for Bishop Caught with Child Pornography, in Ottawa Citizen (May 26, 2011)
- West Allis Native Chosen As Auxiliary Bishop, in WISN (May 26, 2011)
- Father Kizito Faces Sodomy Charge Yet Again, by Winnie Kimeu, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (May 26, 2011)
- Fr. Kizito behind Bars, in Ntv Via Youtube (May 26, 2011)
- Father Kizito Arrested Again, by Cyrus Ombati, The Standard (May 26, 2011)
- Catholic Fr Kizito in New Sexual Abuse Probe, by Bernard Momanyi, Capital Fm Kenya (May 26, 2011)
- Abuse by Irish Nuns Examined by the Un, by Carol Ryan, Sydney Morning Herald (May 26, 2011)
- Rabbis СЏРЊВЃnally Break Silence on Sex Abuse, in JC (May 26, 2011)
- Church of England Ordained Known Paedophile Roy Cotton, on BBC News (May 26, 2011)
- Priest Says No Truth to Abuse Claim, in Wexford People (May 25, 2011)
- We'll Have Nun of That! Pope Shuts down Monastery Where Dancing Sisters Were Order of the Day, by Nick Pisa, Daily Mail (May 26, 2011)
- The Other History of Abuse in Catholic Ireland, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (May 26, 2011)
- Victims Urge Belleville Bishop to Cut His Own Salary, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 26, 2011)
- Church Admits Priest Ousted Because of Abuse Allegations, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 26, 2011)
- IL Supreme Court Rules against Belleville Bishop; SNAP Responds, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 26, 2011)
- Hamilton EntregРЈР“ E Mails Que RevelarРЈВan Presiones Del Vaticano Ante Caso Karadima, in The Emol (May 26, 2011)
- Vatican Too Slow to Act on Abuse Claims, in Capaital Fm Kenya (May 26, 2011)
- Allegations Regarding Ahascragh Priest to Be Investigated, in Galway Advertiser (May 26, 2011)
- Report Sexual Violations, Mutula Tells Victims, in Capital FM Kenya (May 26, 2011)
- Crisis Control in Philadelphia, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (May 26, 2011)
- Bishop Eddie Long Reaches Settlement in Sex Abuse Case, on WSB (May 26, 2011)
- Attorney: Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit Involving Georgia Megachurch "Resolved", by Errin Haines, Daily Reporter (May 26, 2011)
- Settlement Reached in Eddie Long Case, by Shelia M. Poole and Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 26, 2011)
- A Bishop Responds to the John Jay Report, by Susan Matthews, Catholics4Change (May 24, 2011)
- The Bishops" Priorities, by Blase J. Cupich, America Magazine (May 26, 2011)
- Vatican Watchdog Reaches out, by Cindy Wooden, The Record (May 26, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations Amendments Challenge Insurers, by Denise Johnson, Claims Journal (May 26, 2011)
- Laywer: Settlement Reached in Bishop Eddie Long Case, in MyFoxAtlanta (May 26, 2011)
- Paedophile Priest Questioned for Second Time Tomorrow, in AGI (May 26, 2011)
- Hiv-positive Italian Priest Arrested over Paedophilia Claims - in Diocese of Key Anti-paedophilia Bishop, in The Journal (May 26, 2011)
- Priest in Archdiocese of Advisor to Pope on Pedophile Priests Arrested in Pedophilia Sex Ring, by David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement (May 26, 2011)
- Lawsuit: Spring Lake Park Church Failed to Protect Children against Sex Abuse, by Rose French, Star Tribune (May 26, 2011)
- St. Paul Law Firm: Victim Files Suit against Church for Pastor's Sex Abuse, in KSTP (May 26, 2011)
- Media Expert, Businesswoman/talk Show Host, Pediatrician Named to National Review Board, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (May 26, 2011)
- Ewtn Host, Clinton Administration Official Named to National Review Board, in Catholic Culture (May 26, 2011)
- Media Expert, Businesswoman/Talk Show Host, Pediatrician Named to National Review Board, in USCCB (May 26, 2011)
- Church Settles Abuse Claim Involving Former Bandon Priest, by Amy Moss, Bandon Western World (May 26, 2011)
- Miami Archdiocese Facing Sex Abuse Suit, by Brian Hamacher, NBC Miami (May 26, 2011)
- Inquiry Finds Abuse Failings, by Ed Thornton, Church Times (May 26, 2011)
- Diocese Warned of Priest's Aberrant Behavior One Year before Arrest, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (May 26, 2011)
- Bishop Eddie Long Settles with Accusers, by John Blake, CNN (May 26, 2011)
- Groups Want Bishop Braxton to Give up Part of His Salary to Help Pay Judgment in Sex Abuse Case, by George Pawlaczyk, Belleville News-Democrat (May 26, 2011)
- Fr Kizito Seized on Fresh Claims of Sexual Abuse, by Zadock Angira, Daily Nation (May 26, 2011)
May 27
- Diocese Addressing Abuse, by Judith Audette, Worcester Telegram & Gazette (May 27, 2011)
- US House Approves Jesuit Priest As Next Chaplain, in Catholic News Agency (May 27, 2011)
- Catholic Sexual Abuse Study Greeted with Incurious Contempt, by Scott Stephens, ABC - The Drum (May 27, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse Case Becomes Spiritual Struggle for Attorney, by Jessica Robinson, KUOW (May 26, 2011)
- Victims Most Often Male, by David Mills, First Things (May 26, 2011)
- Man Sues Catholic Church for Alleged Abuse, on WSVN (May 27, 2011)
- Lawyer: Sex Lawsuit Involving US Pastor Resolved, by Errin Haines, CT Post (May 27, 2011)
- Priest Quits to Clear His Name, in Wexford Echo (May 26, 2011)
- Nobody Will Be Surprised by This, in The Pharyngula (May 27, 2011)
- Daughters of St. Paul Replaces Local Leader, by Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (May 27, 2011)
- Murillo Y Caso Karadima: "Habia Todo Un Mecanismo Gigantesco Intentando Frenar Esta Acusacion", in The Emol (May 27, 2011)
- Obispo Arteaga: Nunca Fui Testigo, Complice, Encubridor Ni Victima Del Sacerdote Fernando Karadima, in Bio Bio (May 27, 2011)
- Principal Warned Diocese about Priest More Than a Year Ago, by Alan Bavley And Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (May 27, 2011)
- St. Theresa's Names New Pastor to Replace Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Boys, by Donna Weaver, Asbury Park Press (May 27, 2011)
- Does Agudath Israel of America Set the Brooklyn D.a.'s Policy on Reporting Child Sex Abuse?, in Failed Messiah (May 27, 2011)
- Rabbi Bramly Sues Temple Beth Sholom, in Jewish News of Greater Phoenix (May 27, 2011)
- Obispo De Chillan Senalo Que Investigacion Sobre Correo Falso Que Lo Acusa Avanza Rapido, in La Discusion (May 27, 2011)
- Diocese Meets Annual Appeal Goal after Twice Falling Short, by Laura Legere, The Times-Tribune (May 27, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia/ Prete Pedofilo, Interrogato Di Nuovo, in The Newspedia (May 27, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Trovate Foto Porno Nei PC, in La Voce (May 27, 2011)
- IL Cardinale Bagnasco Incontrera Le Vittime Della Pedofilia, in Citta di Genova (May 27, 2011)
- Diocese Was Warned about Priest's "Inappropriate" Contact with Children, by David Martin, The Pitch (May 27, 2011)
- Father Kizito Freed over Sex Claims, by Bernard Momanyi, Capital FM Kenya (May 27, 2011)
- Italian Kenya-based Priest Held over Sex Assault Claims Freed, in Africa Review (May 27, 2011)
- Police: Disabled Man's Sex Abuse Suspect Had Child Porn, in WBAL (May 27, 2011)
- SNAP Comments on Just-revealed Damning Church Document, in SNAP (May 26, 2011)
- Don Seppia Recidivo? Testimone: Nel 1994, Telefonate Oscene Dalla Canonica, in The Newnotizie (May 27, 2011)
- Former Greensboro Priest Admits Delaware Sexual Abuse, in WXII (May 27, 2011)
- Daughters' Lawsuit against Cardinal Settled, But:, in Boston Catholic Insider (May 27, 2011)
- Klacht Tegen Bisschoppen, Hogere Oversten En H. Stoel, in The RKnieuws (May 27, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia Being Questioned in Prison, in AGI (May 27, 2011)
- Groepsklacht Tegen Seksueel Misbruik in De Kerk, in The Vandaag (May 27, 2011)
- Benedict's "Quiet Revolution', and a Check-up on Catholic Health Care, in National Catholic Reporter (May 27, 2011)
- Child Abuse Tests How the Church Relates to the Secular World, by Catherine Pepinster, The Guardian (May 27, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Victims Urged to Seek Help, in Eastbourne Herald (May 27, 2011)
- Opinion: John Jay Report Holds Lessons for Baptists, by Christa Brown, Associated Baptist Press (May 27, 2011)
- Presentan Ante LA Pdi Nueva Denuncia En Caso Karadima, by Andres Lopez, La Tercera (May 27, 2011)
- Why Won't Major Publishing Companies Publish Joelle Casteix's Book?, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (May 27, 2011)
- Challenging the John Jay Report, by Marci A. Hamilton, The Patheos (May 26, 2011)
- Donohue V. Jay Report, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (May 27, 2011)
- My Take: No Justice in Eddie Long's Settlement, on CNN (May 27, 2011)
- Letter Released by SNAP Shows That Parents Were Concerned about Father Shawn Ratigan, by Mike Markewinski, NBC Action News (May 27, 2011)
- Scandal without End, Part You-name-it, by David Gibson, dotCommonweal (May 27, 2011)
- Bishop Says He Failed in Ratigan Case, by Glenn E. Rice and Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (May 27, 2011)
- Father Kizito Released from Police Custody for Lack of Evidence, by Athman Amran, The Standard (May 27, 2011)
- Former Greensboro Pastor Admits to Sexually Abusing Boy, by Matt McKinney, WFMY (May 27, 2011)
- First Duty Is to Children, in Daily Nation (May 27, 2011)
- Belleville Diocese Must Pay, Illinois Supreme Court Says, by Sarah Fenske, Riverfront Times (May 27, 2011)
- Controversial Italian Priest Renato Kizito Released, by Halligan Agade, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (May 27, 2011)
- Retaliation, in Boston Catholic Insider (May 27, 2011)
- Vatican Crackdown at Rome's Playboy Mansion-style Monastery, by Lewis Page, The Register (May 27, 2011)
- Bishop: I Didn't Read Letter Warning of Priest's Behavior, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (May 27, 2011)
- NH Man Convicted of Raping Teen Church Member, by Lynne Tuohy, Houston Chronicle (May 27, 2011)
- Eddie Long Case Officially Dismissed, by Shelia M. Poole and Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 27, 2011)
- Rome Foundation Offers Course to Help Educators Train Healthy Priests, by Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service (May 27, 2011)
- Bishop "Ashamed" by Priest Porn Case, on KMBC (May 27, 2011)
- Iglesia Y LA Pdi Reciben Nueva Denuncia De Testigo De Supuestos Abusos De Karadima, in The Emol (May 27, 2011)
May 28
- Church Says Sorry for Child Sex Abuse, in Bexhill-on-Sea Observer (May 28, 2011)
- Priest Admitted Sexually Abusing Delaware Boy, Ruling Says, by Randall Chase, News Journal (May 28, 2011)
- Shining a Light on Dark Past, by Mark Guydish, Times Leader (May 28, 2011)
- Bishop Again Says He Regrets Response to Priest in Child Porn Case, by Glenn E. Rice and Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (May 28, 2011)
- No Law on Church Worker Checks, by Sarah Burge, The Press-Enterprise (May 28, 2011)
- No Day in Court Yet for Man Accused of Raping Girl, by Sarah Burge, The Press-Enterprise (May 28, 2011)
- Son Apologises to Child Rapist Father's Victims, in Sutton Guardian (May 28, 2011)
- Same Old Spin on Sex Abuse by Priests, in Star Tribune (May 28, 2011)
- Man Found Guilty of Raping Girl, on WMUR (May 28, 2011)
- Grand Jury Indicts Youth Minister with Sex Crimes, in Stamford Advocate (May 28, 2011)
- New Wave of Conservatism As Migrants Bolster Catholic Church, by Angela Shanahan, The Australian (May 28, 2011)
- Italian Bishops Highlight Anti-paedophilia Actions, in AGI (May 28, 2011)
- Clerical Child Abuse Still Needs to Be Addressed: but It Is Now Much More a Question for Society at Large, by William Oddie, Catholic Herald (May 28, 2011)
- A Nice Thing Happened to Me on the Checkout Line at Costco Yesterday, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (May 28, 2011)
- Eddie Long Sexual Abuse Case Resolved in Secret, by Anthea Butler, Religion Dispatches (May 26, 2011)
- Karadima Declara Ante Jueza González Por Cerca De 3 Horas Por Acusación De Abuso Sexual En Su Contra, by Camila Navarrete, Bio Bio (May 28, 2011)
- Fernando Karadima Declara Por Tres Horas Ante Jueza Jéssica González, in LA Tercera (May 28, 2011)
- Fernando Karadima Declaró Ante Jueza Jessica González, in Noticias 123 (May 28, 2011)
- Bishop Says Policies Must Change, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (May 27, 2011)
- Sex in a Cold Climate, in The Youtube (May 29, 2011)
- Flawed Analysis in Catholic Church's Priest Report, in Asbury Park Press (May 29, 2011)
- Karadima Declara Tres Horas Ante Jueza E Insiste En Su Inocencia Ante Acusaciones, by A. López, P. Carrera Y J. Poblete, LA Tercera (May 28, 2011)
- Shanley Recovered Memory Case, in S.m.a.r.t. Ritual Abuse Pages (May 29, 2011)
- Top Ten Reasons Why People Leave the Roman Catholic Church, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (May 29, 2011)
- Don Seppia: 'mai Spinto Ragazzini a Prostituirsi', in IL Giornale (May 28, 2011)
- L'Abito Non Fa IL Pedofilo, by Agostino Riitano, Lettera 43 (May 28, 2011)
- Bagnasco: 'Abbiamo Sempre Esortato LA Denuncia Della Pedofilia', in Citta Di Genova (May 28, 2011)
- Report on Catholic Priest Pedophile Problem Misses the Mark, by Anson Shupe, Richard Sipe (May 20, 2011)
May 29
- Many of Germany's Catholic Church Members, Dismayed by Sex Abuse Scandal, Vote with Their Feet, by Melissa Eddy, Associated Press (May 29, 2011)
- Deetman Verdient Te Veel Met Bijbanen, in Nrc Handelsblad (May 29, 2011)
- Fr. Roger Lott, by C Michael Coode, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 29, 2011)
- Priest in Custody, 16 Years after Charges Laid, by Bob Weber, Canadian Press (May 29, 2011)
- Top 10 Reasons Why People Stay in the Roman Catholic Church, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (May 29, 2011)
- Pdi Recibió Nuevas Denuncias En Contra De Karadima, in ADN (May 29, 2011)
- Retired Bishop Emeritus John M. Smith Reflects on Life; Wanted to Be a Lawyer, by Erin Duffy, Times of Trenton (May 29, 2011)
- Malta's Bitter Divorce Debate Comes to a Head, by Peter Popham, The Independent (May 29, 2011)
- Oprah Did More Good Than John Paul II for 25 Years., by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (May 29, 2011)
- Karadima Declara Ante Ministra En Visita Que Investiga Denuncia Por Abusos Sexuales, in El Mostrador (May 29, 2011)
- Juan Carlos Cruz: " Poca Gente En LA Historia De Chile Ha Actuado Tan Siniestramente Como Karadima", by Daniel Torres, The Bio-Bio (May 29, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Fermati I Fornitori Di Coca. Sono Un Finanziere E Uno Spacciatore, in Cado in Piedi (May 29, 2011)
- Pedofilia: Un Finanziere Tra I Pusher Di Don Seppia, in Genova 24 (May 29, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Arrestati a Milano I Fornitori Di Droga: Un Finanziere E Uno Spacciatore, in Cronaca Live (May 29, 2011)
- Ezzati Dice Que Caso Karadima No Es " El Funeral De LA Iglesia", by A. Hernández and A. López, LA Tercera (May 29, 2011)
- Denunciante De Karadima Señala Que El Sacerdote " De Inocente No Tiene Un Pelo", in The Emol (May 28, 2011)
- Healing Clergy Abuse, by Mary Rucci, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (May 29, 2011)
- Italian Priest Arrested for Pedophilia in Archdiocese of Pope's Closest Advisor on Pedophilia, by Bridgette P. Lavictoire, Lez Get Real (May 29, 2011)
- Fr Kizito's Employee Hurt in Attack, in Daily Nation (May 29, 2011)
- Eddie Long Speaks to Church after Lawsuit Settlement, by Katherine T. Phan, Christian Post (May 29, 2011)
- Ga. Pastor Looks Ahead after Settling Lawsuits, Associated Press (May 29, 2011)
- Abogado De Karadima: " Estaremos Disponibles Para Careos Si Así LA Jueza Lo Determina", in LA Tercera (May 29, 2011)
May 30
- Bisschoppen Gaan in Op Voorstel Bijzondere Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in The Rknieuws (May 30, 2011)
- Group Urges Catholics to Send a Strong Message to the Pope June 25-26 Using the Peter's Pence Collection, in Voice from the Desert (May 30, 2011)
- No Charges Two Years after Ryan Report into Child Abuse, by Jamie Smyth, Irish Times (May 30, 2011)
- Belgische Kerk Vergoedt Slachtoffers Misbruik, in The Nu (May 30, 2011)
- Littlechild: Commission Will Uncover the Truth, by Jamie Ross, Daily Gleaner (May 30, 2011)
- Ministra EvalРЈРљa Careos Entre Karadima Y Denunciantes, on Radio Universidad De Chile (May 30, 2011)
- Belgium Catholic Church Vows to Compensate Abuse Victims, in The Expatica (May 30, 2011)
- Long's Message at Service Doesn't Mention Settlement, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 30, 2011)
- Pedofiele Priester Tekent Beroep Aan, in The Rknieuws (May 29, 2011)
- Catholic Church Needs a Shift in Attitudes, or Nothing Will Change, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (May 29, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Don Riccardo Seppia Rischia Anche IL Processo Canonico, in Genova 24 (May 30, 2011)
- Belgian Church Says It Will Pay Compensation to Sex Abuse Victims, in Washington Post (May 30, 2011)
- Book Recommendationт€Іcell Out, a Novel about Sexual Abuse and an Abuser, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (May 29, 2011)
- New Request for Father Seppia to Be Remanded in Custody, in AGI (May 30, 2011)
- Fewer Than One in Five Catholics in Dublin Attend Mass Every Sunday, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (May 30, 2011)
- 29/5/2011 Homily at Deaconate Ordinations, in Archdiocese of Dublin (May 29, 2011)
- Catholics Drag Airtel to Court over Billboard, by Andante Okanya, New Vision (May 22, 2011)
- Duitse Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Dienen Schadeclaims in, in L1 (May 30, 2011)
- Abusi Su Minori, UnРўР”associazione a Bagnasco: Certificato Antipedofilia Per I Sacerdoti, in Genova Oggi Notizie (May 30, 2011)
- Quei Festini Dei Preti CosРЈРЊ Segreti E Affollati, by Angela Geraci, The City (May 30, 2011)
- Christian Brother Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse Counts, by Steve Butcher, The Age (May 31, 2011)
- Belgian Church to Pay Abuse Victims, in Irish Times (May 30, 2011)
- Belgische Kerk Vergoedt Slachtoffers Misbruik, in De Telegraaf (May 30, 2011)
- Belgian Church to Pay Victims for Abuse, Associated Press (May 30, 2011)
- Victims Invite Upset Parishioners to Event, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (May 30, 2011)
- Bishop Long Settles; Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Respond, by Elizabeth Tenety, SNAP (May 27, 2011)
- Finn Says "mistakes" - SNAP Responds, in SNAP (May 27, 2011)
- Kenya's Clerical Abuse Cases Should Have Been Handled with More Transparency, by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic Herald (May 30, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Bishop Was Quietly Retired, by Walter Menya and Giuseppe Liguori, Daily Nation (May 27, 2011)
- Prime Time Investigates, in RTE One (May 30, 2011)
- Van Cauter: "Vergoeding Kan Veel Leed Goedmaken", in Het Nieuwsblad (May 30, 2011)
- Political Voice, Social Activist Thomas Roeser Dies at 82, in Chicago Sun-Times (May 30, 2011)
- Belgium Catholic Church Vows Compensation, in Herald Sun (May 30, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Bereid Te Betalen, in De Standaard (May 30, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Bereid Tot Schadevergoeding Voor Seksueel Misbruik, in The Zita (May 30, 2011)
- Bisschoppen Stemmen in Met Schadevergoeding, in HLN (May 30, 2011)
- Belgian Bishops Approve Compensation for Church Sex Abuse Victims, in Monsters and Critics (May 30, 2011)
- Jueza Confirmo Careos Entre Karadima Y Denunciantes, in Noticias 123 (May 30, 2011)
- Victims Invite Upset Parishioners to "Q & a" Session in Kc, in Kansas City Star (May 30, 2011)
- SNAP Smears Innocent Woman's Day Care Business; Will SNAP Apologize?, in Media Report (May 30, 2011)
- Vatican Was Patient before Removing Australian Bishop, Cardinal Pell Says, in Catholic Culture (May 30, 2011)
- Paedophiles Priests Damaged Church, by Linda McGrory, Inishowen News (May 31, 2011)
- The Background of Brother Robert Charles Best: Convicted in 1996, 1998 and 2011, in Broken Rites (May 30, 2011)
- Financial Report Has Lessons for Clerical Abuse, by Jacky Jones, Irish Times (May 31, 2011)
- Church's Superficial Treatment of Sex Abuse Issue Must Change, by Joseph Mcbride, Irish Times (May 31, 2011)
May 31
- Church Report Lends Perspective to Priest Abuse Cases, by Mark Guydish, Times Leader (May 31, 2011)
- Church Sex Case 'Shows Double Standards', by Mike Hedge, Sydney Morning Herald (May 31, 2011)
- Editorial: Bishops' Incomplete Report, in Providence Journal (May 31, 2011)
- Belgian Church Will Pay Victims of Sexual Abuse, by Stephen Castle, New York Times (May 30, 2011)
- Senior Scientologist Jan Eastgate Arrested, Charged in Sydney, in Herald Sun (May 31, 2011)
- Senior Scientologist Jan Eastgate Arrested, Charged in Sydney, in Herald Sun (May 31, 2011)
- Top Scientologist Charged with Perverting Course of Justice, by Steve Cannane, ABC News (May 31, 2011)
- Scientologist Charged for 'Intimidating' Alleged Sex Abuse Victim, by Leo Shanahan, The Australian (May 31, 2011)
- Another Adjournment for Former Priest, by Tina Comeau, The Vanguard (May 31, 2011)
- John Jay Study Equates Hierarchy's Mentality to That of Abusing Priests, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Voice from the Desert (May 31, 2011)
- DevillРЈР‰: 'Vergoeding Slachtoffers Positieve Stap Voorwaarts', in De Standaard (May 30, 2011)
- Van Cauter: "Een Mooie Dag Voor De Slachtoffers", in The Deredactie (May 30, 2011)
- Stap 1, in Het Nieuwsblad (May 31, 2011)
- 'Geld Moet Komen Van Vrijwillige Bijdragen', in De Standaard (May 30, 2011)
- Garda Probe on Clerical Abuse Nears Completion, by Tom Brady, Irish Independent (May 31, 2011)
- The Star's Editorial | Why Didn't Diocese Move More Quickly in Ratigan Case?, in Kansas City Star (May 30, 2011)
- Jueza Del Caso Karadima Confirma Que El Sacerdote SerРЈРЃ Sometido a Careos, in The Emol (May 30, 2011)
- Brisbane Priest on Exploitation Charge, in 9 News (May 31, 2011)
- Nuova Richiesta Di Custodia Per Don Seppia, in TGCOM (May 31, 2011)
- Nuove Accuse a Don Seppia. LA Curia: Rischio Scomunica, in The Quotidianamente (May 31, 2011)
- Comment Australian Media's Contempt for Abuse Report, in The Cathnews (May 30, 2011)
- Scientologist Charged for "Intimidating" Alleged Sex Abuse Victim, by Leo Shanahan, The Australian (May 31, 2011)
- Another Adjournment for Former Priest, by Tina Comeau, The Vanguard (May 31, 2011)
- John Jay Study Equates Hierarchy's Mentality to That of Abusing Priests, by Vinnie Nauheimer, Voice from the Desert (May 30, 2011)
- Deville: "Vergoeding Slachtoffers Positieve Stap Voorwaarts", in De Standaard (May 31, 2011)
- Van Cauter: "Een Mooie Dag Voor De Slachtoffers", in The Deredactie (May 31, 2011)
- Stap 1, in Het Nieuwsblad (May 31, 2011)
- "Geld Moet Komen Van Vrijwillige Bijdragen", in De Standaard (May 31, 2011)
- Garda Probe on Clerical Abuse Nears Completion, by Tom Brady, Irish Independent (May 31, 2011)
- The Star's Editorial | Why Didn't Diocese Move More Quickly in Ratigan Case?, in Kansas City Star (May 31, 2011)
- Top Scientologist Charged with Perverting Course of Justice, by Steve Cannane, ABC News (May 31, 2011)
- Jueza Del Caso Karadima Confirma Que El Sacerdote Sera Sometido a Careos, in The Emol (May 31, 2011)
- Brisbane Priest on Exploitation Charge, in 9 News (May 31, 2011)
- Nuova Richiesta Di Custodia Per Don Seppia, in TGCOM (May 31, 2011)
- Nuove Accuse a Don Seppia. LA Curia: Rischio Scomunica, in The Quotidianamente (May 31, 2011)
- Innocence Stolen, Justice Served in Baptist Rape Case, by Howell Scott, Law to Grace (May 31, 2011)
- Testimonio De Ex Feligres Contradice Fallo Del Vaticano Que Condeno a Fernando Karadima, by J. Poblete y P. Carrera, La Tercera (May 31, 2011)
- Morale Falters in Australian Church, by Chris McGillion, National Catholic Reporter (May 31, 2011)
- "De Kerk Heeft Geen Spaarpot, Wij Rekenen Op Vrijwilligers", in The Vandaag (May 31, 2011)
- Look Deeply at Religion with These New Books, by Cathleen Falsani, Charlotte Observer (May 28, 2011)
- Petition Calls for "Fair Go" for Sexual Abuse Victims, in The Courier (May 31, 2011)
- Solicitation in Confession May Be More Widespread Than Believed, Canonist Says, in Catholic Culture (May 31, 2011)
- Charter Review, Assisted Suicide Among Topics Facing Bishops in June, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service (May 31, 2011)
- Paedophiles Hurt Church More Than Secularism - Priest, by Linda Mcgrory, Irish Times (May 31, 2011)
- Gallup Diocese's List of Known Abusers, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (May 28, 2011)
- Gallup Diocese Still Mum on Payouts, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (May 26, 2011)
- Gallup Diocese: in or out of Compliance?, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (May 31, 2011)
- Diocese Fails to Deliver Answers, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (May 31, 2011)
- At Least 16 Abusers in Gallup Diocese, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (May 27, 2011)
- Warrnambool Christian Brother's Lengthy History As a Sex Offender Revealed, by Andrew Thomson, The Standard (June 1, 2011)
- Joeys Sex Fiend Guilty, by Aleks Devic, Geelong Advertiser (June 1, 2011)
- Ohel Campaign to Bolster Image Questioned, by Hella Winston, Jewish Week (May 31, 2011)
- Kenya: Kizito Accuser Recants, in The allAfrica (May 31, 2011)
- Kenya: Protest over Father Kizito Release, by Wambugu Kanyi, The allAfrica (May 31, 2011)
- Qld Priest Stood down for Exploitation, in Sky News (June 1, 2011)
June 2011
June 1
- Parish Official Ousted over Abuse Conviction, by Abe Levy, San Antonio Express-News (June 1, 2011)
- Yarmouth's Roman Catholic Diocese to Join Halifax, by John McPhee, The Chronicle-Herald (June 1, 2011)
- The John Jay Report on Sex Abuse: the Question of the Time Period, by Maureen Fiedler, National Catholic Reporter (May 31, 2011)
- Vicar Arrested over Child Abuse, by Justin Davenport, London Evening Standard (June 1, 2011)
- Vlaamse Bisdommen Maakten 6,5 Miljoen Euro Winst in 2009, in De Morgen (June 1, 2011)
- Gelovigen Willen Niet Betalen Voor Misdaden Pedopriesters, in Het Nieuwsblad (June 1, 2011)
- Seattle's Archbishop Getting Ready for National Spotlight, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (May 31, 2011)
- Newest Catholic Church Scandal Isn't Really New at All, by Mike Hunter, Kansas City Star (May 31, 2011)
- Church of England Vicar Held over Child Sex Abuse, on BBC News (June 1, 2011)
- Ahascragh Priest Steps down after Prime Time, by Declan Rooney, Galway Independent (June 1, 2011)
- Statement from the Elphin Diocesan Office in Relation to a Complaint against a Priest of a Missionary Society Who Has Been Ministering in the Diocese of Elphin, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Elphin (June 1, 2011)
- 'Group Guilt' Will Punish the Innocent, by Bev Walker, Forest Grove News-Times (June 1, 2011)
- Year of the Survivor т€“ Boston, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 1, 2011)
- Bishop John M Smith т€“ " Courage" or Coward?, in Www.novozinsky.com (May 31, 2011)
- Italy Authorities Lift Block on Vatican Bank Funds, in Interactive Investor (June 1, 2011)
- Reports on Religious Congregations Set for Completion by Year's End, by Dennis Sadowski, The Pilot (June 1, 2011)
- Promotor De Justicia No Descarta Error Con Una VРЈВctima En Fallo Sobre Karadima, by J.poblete and P.carrera, LA Tercera (June 1, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Don Riccardo Seppia Resta in Prigione Per Pericolo Reiterazione Reato, in Italia News (June 1, 2011)
- IL Legale Di Don Seppia: Contro Di Lui Accuse Ridimensionate, in Tm News (June 1, 2011)
- Italian Court Releases Seized Vatican Bank Millions, in Times of Malta (June 1, 2011)
- Catholic Church Tries to Deflect Blame, in Cincinnati City Beat (June 1, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Dagvaarden Kerk, in The Knack (June 1, 2011)
- Italy: Prosecutors Release 23 Million Euros of Vatican Money, in The Adnkronos (June 1, 2011)
- Custom House Vicar Arrested in Child Sex Abuse Probe, by Matt Nicholls, London 24 (June 1, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Dagvaarden Heilige Stoel, in Matt Nicholls (June 1, 2011)
- When Religious Doctrine Undercuts Mandated Reporting on Abuse, by Michael J. Salamon, Jewish Press (June 1, 2011)
- Acusaciones De Abusos Contra Obispo De Chillan Serian Falsas, in The Terra (June 1, 2011)
- Priest's Fury at Church Cash Splash on Sex Creep, by Aleks Devic, Geelong Advertiser (June 1, 2011)
- Katholieke Kerk, Kap Eens Met Die Indianenverhalen, in The Elsevier (June 1, 2011)
- Italy Court Lifts Seizure on Vatican Bank Funds, in NASDAQ (June 1, 2011)
- Belgian Abuse Victims to File Suit against Vatican 0, in Toronto Sun (June 1, 2011)
- Belgium Child Sex Victims Sue Holy See, by Claire Rosemberg, AFP (June 1, 2011)
- Update: St. Raymond Pastor on Leave after "Boundary Violation" with Teen, Archdiocese Says, by Sandy Brundage, The Almanac (June 1, 2011)
- Review Board Meets Today about Charge against Priest, by Judy L. Thomas And Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 1, 2011)
- Priest's Pornography Case Reveals Clericalism of the Laity, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (June 1, 2011)
- Fiscal Asegura Que Email Que Acuso De Abuso a Obispo Pellegrin No Tendria Datos Veridicos, in La Discusion (June 1, 2011)
- Fiscal Asegura Que Email Que Acuso De, by Andrew Hamilton, La Discusion (June 1, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg Releases New Details of Money Spent on Sexual Abuse Cases, by Waveney Ann Moore, St. Petersburg Times (June 1, 2011)
- Safe Environment Program Update May 2011, in Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg (May 28, 2011)
- Called to Accountability, in Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg (June 1, 2011)
- Priest, Kansas City Diocese Face Lawsuit, on KCTV (June 1, 2011)
- Man Sues Priest for Wife Grabbing, in New Vision (June 1, 2011)
- Christian Charity Advises Churches on Child Protection,on BBC (June 1, 2011)
- Belgium Church Sex Abuse Plaintiffs to Sue Vatican, on BBC News (June 1, 2011)
- Donald Mcguire, Pedophile Priest, Was "Evil and Perverted," Jesuits Say, in SF Weekly (June 1, 2011)
- Media Advisory Kansas City News Conference, in Jeff Anderson Associates (June 1, 2011)
- Review Board Meets to Discuss Priest Child Porn Case, on KMBC (June 1, 2011)
June 2
- Man Sues Fort Worth Diocese without Knowing Name of Abuser, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (June 1, 2011)
- 'Blame the Hippies' for Catholic Sexual Abuse?, by Wilson Quinn, Washington Post (June 2, 2011)
- Vicar Arrested Following Allegation of Child Sex Abuse, by Amanda Hall, Maidenhead Advertiser (June 2, 2011)
- Parishioners Demand Answers after Menlo Park Pastor Suspended, by Diana Samuels, Mercury News (June 2, 2011)
- Belgium: Abuse Plaintiffs Plan to Sue Holy See, by Dan Bergin, Independent Catholic News (June 2, 2011)
- Belgian Abuse Victims File Class-Action Suit against Church, in U.S. Catholic (June 2, 2011)
- Media Oversimplified US Abuse Report Findings, in Cathnews (June 2, 2011)
- John Jay Report Not Just about Mistakes in 1960s, Says Sex Abuse Expert, by Carol Zimmermann, Catholic Spirit (June 2, 2011)
- Belgium Child Sex Victims Sue Holy See, in The Expatica (June 1, 2011)
- Bankruptcy Judge in Milwaukee Blasts Former Archbishop Timothy Dolan's Program for Sex Abuse Victims, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (June 1, 2011)
- Turtelboom Wil 60 Verhoorruimtes Voor Minderjarige Slachtoffers Van Seksueel Misbruik, in Vandaag (June 1, 2011)
- Royal Docks Vicar Investigated over Child Abuse, by Louisa Emery, The Wharf (June 2, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Dagen Vaticaan Voor De Rechter, The Deredactie (June 1, 2011)
- Collectieve Vordering Moet Jarenlange Procedure Betaalbaar Houden, in De Morgen (June 1, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Slepen Kerk Voor De Rechter, in The Zita (June 1, 2011)
- Menlo Park Priest on Leave after Incident with Boy, in KTVU (June 1, 2011)
- Mea Culpa Spant Zaak Aan Tegen Franciskaner Orde, in L1 (June 2, 2011)
- Belgian Abuse Victims Go Gunning for Vatican, in The Euronews (June 2, 2011)
- Italy: Money Seized from Vatican Bank Is Released, by Rachel Donadio, New York Times (June 1, 2011)
- FiscalРЈВa Resta Peso a Denuncia Contra Obispo VРЈВa Email, in LA Discusion (June 1, 2011)
- Church Abuse Victims Criticize Mediation Efforts, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (June 1, 2011)
- Review Board to Report to Bishop on Charge against Priest, by Judy L. Thomas and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 1, 2011)
- Diocese Faces a Lawsuit and Other Criticisms over Priest Child Porn Case, by Abby Eden, Fox 4 (June 2, 2011)
- Report Criticises Police and Church over Child Abuse Vicars, by Laura Button, Rye & Battle Observer (June 2, 2011)
- InvestigaciРЈР“n De FiscalРЈВa DesacreditarРЈВa Denuncia Por Abuso Sexual Contra Obispo De ChillРЈРЃn, in The Bio-Bio (June 1, 2011)
- Belgian Child Abuse Victims Sue Vatican, by Karen Peake, Christian Today (June 2, 2011)
- Acusaciones De Abusos En El Verbo Divino Resultaron Ser Falsas, in El Mostrador (June 1, 2011)
- FiscalРЈВa Descarta Denuncias De Abuso Sexual En Colegio Verbo Divino, in The Emol (June 1, 2011)
- The Dallas Charter Is on Life-Support, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (June 2, 2011)
- Pope Benedict XVI on 'Today' Show: Religious Leader Tells Americans to 'Continue the Faith in Christ', by Jaweek Kaleem, Huffington Post (June 2, 2011)
- Bishop Asks People Not to Trust Him?, by Bill Tammeus, National Catholic Reporter (June 2, 2011)
- Lawsuit Alleges Ratigan Took Nude Photos of Girl, by Judy L. Thomas and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 2, 2011)
- Child Pornography Initiative - Masha's Law, in Jeff Anderson and Associates (June 2, 2011)
- The Predator Priest with No Name, in Catholic League (June 2, 2011)
- Paul Lewis Sexual Assault Trial Underway, in Go-Jamaica (June 2, 2011)
- Denunciante Fernando Batlle Declara Por Primera Vez Ante Jueza De Caso Karadima, in La Tercera (June 2, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Startpagina/Weblog (June 2, 2011)
- William Meyers, Peninsula Priest with "Sexual Addiction," Trails Boy into Dressing Room, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (June 2, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Sued over Priest's Photos of Child, in Westport News (June 2, 2011)
- Alleged Inappropriate Conduct Stuns St. Raymond, in Menlo Park Patch (June 2, 2011)
- Former Atherton Priest Accused of Abuse Says He Will Not Return, by Gavin King, Cairns Post (June 2, 2011)
- Family Files Suit against Priest, Bishop, & Diocese in Child Porn Case, by Abby Eden, FOX 4 (June 2, 2011)
- St. Pete Diocese Has Spent Millions to Settle Sex Abuse Cases, by Jose Patino Girona, Tampa Tribune (June 2, 2011)
- Lawsuit Hints at Cover-up in Priest's Case, on KMBC (June 2, 2011)
- Victim Files Lawsuit against Diocese, Priest, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (June 2, 2011)
- Vatican Criticised for "Slowness" on Church Renewal, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (June 3, 2011)
- Address to Eucharistic Congress Delegates, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin (June 2, 2011)
- Lawsuit Suggests Diocese Mishandled Priest Abuse Case, in St. Joe Channel (June 2, 2011)
June 3
- Archbishop Says John Jay Report Unprecedented for Any Institution, in The Pilot (June 3, 2011)
- Ken Bode: Rationalization by Bishops, by Ken Bode, Indianapolis Star (June 3, 2011)
- Girl, Parents File Lawsuit against Priest, Diocese, in The Examiner (June 3, 2011)
- Diocese Was Warned in 2006 about Priest Now Facing Child Porn Charges, Lawsuit Alleges, by Judy L. Thomas and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 3, 2011)
- Diocese Removes Priest from Kc Church over Sex Allegation, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 3, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Removed Amid Abuse Accusations, on KMBC (June 3, 2011)
- Another Metro Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct, on Fox 4 (June 3, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Case Shakes Faith of Idaho Attorney, by Jessica Robinson, OPB (June 2, 2011)
- Bishop: Sex Cases Cost $4.7 Million, in News Chief (June 3, 2011)
- Calls for Church Leaders to Maintain Change, in RTE News (June 3, 2011)
- Explaining Ireland's Blessed Mess, in CathNews Perspectives (June 3, 2011)
- Belgian Abuse Victims Plan to Sue Vatican, in Catholic News Agency (June 3, 2011)
- "Priesters Schamen Zich Voor Misbruik", in The Kerknieuws (June 3, 2011)
- Belgische Slachtoffers Misbruik Naar Rechter, in The Kerknieuws (June 3, 2011)
- "Belgische Bisschoppen Antwoorden in De Rechtbank", in Gazet van Antwerpen (June 3, 2011)
- Diocesan Deception with Daughters, in Boston Catholic Insider (June 3, 2011)
- Kritiek Op Zwijgen Bisschoppen over Misbruik, in Omroep Gelderland (June 3, 2011)
- Priesters: Geld Voor Slachtoffers Misbruik, in Omroep Gelderland (June 3, 2011)
- Archbishop Urges Vatican to Publish Report into Reform of Church, by Cathal Dervan, Irish Central (June 3, 2011)
- Countdown to International Eucharistic Congress Underway, in Vatican Radio (June 3, 2011)
- Deliver US from Evil: the Tragedy of Lost Faith, by Peter T. Chattaway, Canadian Christianity (June 3, 2011)
- Martin Losing Patience with Vatican over Reform Plan Delay, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (June 3, 2011)
- Batch of New Clerical Abuse Files Prepared for DPP, by Tom Brady, Irish Independent (June 3, 2011)
- Suprema Respalda Actuar De Jueza Del Caso Karadima En Incautacion De Fallo Canonico, by Leslie Ayala, The Emol (June 3, 2011)
- Suprema No Adoptara Medidas Contra Ministra En Visita De Caso Karadima Por Allanamiento, in La Tercera (June 3, 2011)
- Corrections and Clarifications, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (June 2, 2011)
- Support Principal Hess, in Kansas City (June 3, 2011)
- Supuesta Victima De Karadima Presento Declaracion Ante LA Ministra En Visita Del Caso, in Pura Noticia (June 2, 2011)
- Una De Las Presuntas Victimas De Fernando Karadima Presto Declaraciones Ante LA Justicia, in The Bio-Bio (June 3, 2011)
- Morales: "Estoy Al Servicio De Lo Que Monsenor Ezzati Disponga", by J. Poblete, La Tercera (June 3, 2011)
- Left Critics of John Jay Study, in Catholic League (June 3, 2011)
- Calming the Waters: New Vatican Official Tries Different Approach, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service (June 3, 2011)
- Kc Priest Removed from Duties over Sex Allegations, on KCTV (June 3, 2011)
- Tightening up Disciplne, by Leon J. Podles, The Dialogue (June 3, 2011)
- North Toronto Pastor Charged with Sexual Assault, by Zoe McKnight, Toronto Star (June 3, 2011)
- Toronto Pastor Charged with Sexual Assault, in Vancouver Sun (June 3, 2011)
- T.O. Pastor Charged in Sex Assault, by Rob Lamberti, Toronto Sun (June 3, 2011)
- Toronto Church Pastor Charged for Sexual Assault, in Oye! Times (June 3, 2011)
- Former Pastor Faces Trial on Abuse Charges, on KCCI (June 3, 2011)
- Meeting of Bishops" Representatives Hear from Sex Abuse Victim, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (June 3, 2011)
- The Long and Sad Clergy Abuse Saga Takes a Local Turn, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (June 3, 2011)
- Victim Assistance Leader to Leave Archdiocese Post, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (June 3, 2011)
- What the Catholic Church and the Imf Share in Common, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (June 3, 2011)
- John Fidler: Mind Finds Multiple Personalities to Protect Abuse Victim, in Reading Eagle (June 3, 2011)
- Tennessee Supreme Court Mulling Case That Could Affect Future Priest Abuse Lawsuits, by Adrian Sainz, The Republic (June 3, 2011)
- Diocese and Bishop Offer "listening Session" in Response to Child Porn Lawsuit, by Patrick Noaker, Child Protection News Blog (June 3, 2011)
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse Describe How They Found Help toward Healing, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service (June 3, 2011)
- Long Road to Justice for Young Boys Betrayed, by Steve Butcher, The Age (June 4, 2011)
- Bishop Finn to Hear Parishioners" Concerns, on KCTV (June 3, 2011)
- Victim Speaks out about Priest Abuse, on Fox 4 (June 3, 2011)
June 4
- The Star's Editorial | Bishop's Delays, Inaction Should Lead to His Resignation, in Kansas City Star (June 4, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Crimes: Ignorance Is Not Bliss, by Andrew Eales, The Courier (June 3, 2011)
- Jan Eastgate, Scientology Official, Arrested in Australia for Covering up Sexual Abuse Claims, by Tony Ortega, Village Voice (June 3, 2011)
- Protestants Gather in Dresden to Press for Social Justice, in Deutsche Welle (June 4, 2011)
- New Custodial Interrogation for Pedophile Father Seppia, in AGI (June 4, 2011)
- Priest Scandals Are Sorely Lacking in Prosecutions, by Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star (June 4, 2011)
- Bishop Meets with Parishioners in South Kc Amid Calls for His Resignation, in Kansas City Star (June 4, 2011)
- Ratigan, Tierney Coverage "Beating up on Catholics?", by Derek Donovan, Kansas City Star (June 4, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Faces Calls for Resignation, on KMBC (June 3, 2011)
- Towards Healing Statement, in The Age (June 4, 2011)
- Australian Paper Claims Gozitan Priest Refusing to Return to Face Accuser, in Malta Independent (June 4, 2011)
- Bishop Grech: Priest in Abuse Claims 'Must' Cooperate with Investigators, in Times of Malta (June 4, 2011)
- Attorney Seeks to Overturn $3.5 Million Restitution Order for Father Sam, by Rick Armon, Beacon Journal (June 3, 2011)
- Fugitive Sonoma Ex-Priest Has Died in Mexico, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (June 3, 2011)
- Locally Renowned Artist and Clergy Abuse Survivor's Artwork on Display Today, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 3, 2011)
- Pedofilia/ Don Seppia Al Gip: Mai Indotto Minori a Prostituirsi, in Tm News (June 4, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Quei 38 Sms Di Fuoco Nuovo Interrogatorio in Carcere, in LA Repubblica (June 4, 2011)
- Never Has So Much Damage Been Done by So Few, by Sister Mary Ann Walsh, Huffington Post (June 2, 2011)
- Broken: the Impact of Scandal on Churches, in CBN (June 4, 2011)
- Monterey Diocese Sued over Alleged Abuse in the 1960s, by Larry Parsons, Monterey Herald (June 4, 2011)
- An Archbishop Burns While Rome Fiddles, by Maureen Dowd, New York Times (June 4, 2011)
- Kansas City Star Calls for Bishop Finn's Resignation, in National Catholic Reporter (June 4, 2011)
- No, Bishop Long, We Cannot Ignore the Past, by Roland S. Martin, CNN (June 4, 2011)
- Church Scandal Sparks Protests, in KMBC (June 4, 2011)
June 5
- Sex Abuse Survivor: My Anger at Senator David Norris for His 'Disturbing' Views on Paedophilia, by Cormac McQuinn, Daily Mail (June 5, 2011)
- Irish Presidential Hopeful David Norris in Row over Paedophilia Remarks, by Henry McDonald, The Guardian (June 5, 2011)
- Church Blames Tie-Dyed '60s for Child Rape, by Jim Hightower, Colorado Springs Independent (June 5, 2011)
- The Church's Renaissance: the Need to Tackle Clerical Abuse, by Martin Scicluna, Malta Independent (June 5, 2011)
- Unforgiven, and Never Forgotten, by Sally Jacobs and Shelley Murphy, Boston Globe (June 5, 2011)
- Anguish Has Never Healed for Natives Physically, Sexually Abused at St. Ignatius Mission, by Gwen Florio, The Missoulian (June 5, 2011)
- Solicitor Ordered to Hand over Settlement Cheques, by Tim Healy, Irish Independent (June 5, 2011)
- Eddie Long Cannot Be Let off That Easy, Says Ex-New Birth Attendee, by Christian Post, Elena Garcia (June 5, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse Attorney Meets with Victims, by Tom Murray and Michele Fiore, WTMJ (June 4, 2011)
- Franciscanen Gedaagd, in Limburgs Dagblad (June 5, 2011)
- Protesters Call for the Resignation of Bishop Robert Finn, 2 Priests Have Been Removed in 2 Weeks, by Beth Vaughn, NBC Action News (June 5, 2011)
- Dublin's Archbishop Martin Reveals He Was Attacked, by Niall O'Dowd, Irish Central (June 5, 2011)
- Ousted Priest Says Bishop's Sacking Result of " Totalitarian Regime", by Ewan Saunders, Green Left (June 5, 2011)
- What Caused the Crisis?, by Kathleen McChesney, America Magazine (June 5, 2011)
- Bishop Long Announces Start of New Birth Birmingham, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 5, 2011)
- Two Important Events in New York City on Mon June 6, in Voice from the Desert (June 5, 2011)
- Choose Priests Wisely, Vatican Advises, in Sun.star (June 6, 2011)
- Media Release, by Robert M. Hoatson, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 6, 2011)
- Bishop Apologizes in Message Read to Catholics, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 5, 2011)
- Bishop's Message to the People of the Diocese, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph (June 3, 2011)
- Auntie's Family Secrets, in RTE (June 5, 2011)
- Complaint: Iowa Principal Hid Camera in Restroom, by Ryan J. Foley, Kansas City Star (June 3, 2011)
- Bishop Addresses Priest Abuse, in Fox 4 (June 5, 2011)
- Kc Area Bishop Apologizes to Parishioners, in San Antonio Express-News (June 5, 2011)
June 6
- New House Chaplain Faces Challenge, by Rob Hotakainen, News Tribune (June 5, 2011)
- Texas Woman Claiming Abuse As Child by Parma Priest Wants Diocese to Remove Plaque, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 5, 2011)
- Philadelphia Scandal Jolts Belief U.S. Bishops Fixed Problem, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 5, 2011)
- Un Torture Committee Calls for Magdalene Abuse Investigation, in The Build (June 6, 2011)
- Fr. Shawn Ratigan: Catching a Creep in the Circle of Grace, by Max Lindenman, The Patheos (June 5, 2011)
- Un Committee against Torture Recommends Inquiry into Magdalene Laundries, in The Journal (June 6, 2011)
- Jfm Welcomes Un Committee Recommendation for Statutory Inquiry and Redress for Magdalenes, Prosecution and Punishment of Perpetrators, in Justice for Magdalenes (June 6, 2011)
- Long Announces Church Audit in Sunday Sermon, in WSB (June 5, 2011)
- Un Committee Backs Call for Magdalene Probe, on RTE News (June 6, 2011)
- Silence Shrouds St. Ignatius Jesuit Abuse Case As Settlement Vote Nears, by Gwen Florio, The Missoulian (June 6, 2011)
- Vatican Postpones Action on Irish Sex Abuse Probe, by Nicole Winfield, Sacramento Bee (June 6, 2011)
- Garda 'Saved Archbishop from Abuse', by John Cooney, Irish Independent (June 6, 2011)
- Calls for Magdalene Investigation, by Jamie Smyth, Irish Times (June 6, 2011)
- CommuniquРЈВ‰ at the Conclusion of the First Phase of the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland, in Vatican Information Service - Bollettino (June 6, 2011)
- Catholic Apostolic Visitation Completes First Phase, on BBC News (June 6, 2011)
- First Phase of Apostolic Visitation to Ireland Ends, on Vatican Radio (June 6, 2011)
- Maureen Dowd's Morality Play, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (June 6, 2011)
- Un Torture Committee Asks for Inquiry into Magdalene Laundries, by Jane Smith, Irish Central (June 6, 2011)
- Eddie Long Defies Critics, Announces Another New Birth Satellite, by Jennifer Riley, Christian Post (June 6, 2011)
- First Phase of Apostolic Visitation in Ireland Concluded, Vatican Says, by Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service (June 6, 2011)
- Victims Hit out at Church Abuse Inquiry, on UTV (June 6, 2011)
- The Puppet Show: the Utter Failure of Diocese Lay Review Boards, by Joelle Casteix, Worthy Adversary (June 6, 2011)
- Priest's Lawyers: Dismiss Endangerment Charge, by Nancy Phillips, Philadelphia Inquirer (June 6, 2011)
- John Jay Study Undermined by Its Own Data, by Bill Donohue, National Catholic Register (June 6, 2011)
- Accused Philadelphia Priests Return to Court for Abuse Charges, by Shannon McDonald, The Newsworks (June 6, 2011)
- Archbishop: Vatican Dragging Their Feet on Irish Priest Abuse Report, by Nicole Winfield, KATU (June 6, 2011)
- Church Accused of Covering up Child Porn, by Joe Harris, Courthouse News Service (June 6, 2011)
- "Apostolic Visitation" in Ireland Is Finished. Vatican to Publish the Results in January, in Rome Reports (June 6, 2011)
- Parish Stunned by Pastor's "Boundary Violation", by Sandy Brundage, The Almanac (June 6, 2011)
- Priests Reject Plea Deal in Philly Archdiocese Child-sex Case, in Daily Times (June 6, 2011)
- Preliminary Hearing Set for Priest in Nunavut, in CBC News (June 6, 2011)
- Former Altar Boy Accuses Abbot Timothy Kelly of Abuse, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (June 6, 2011)
- Irish Abuse Probe Finishes 'first Phase', by Francis X. Rocca, The Beliefnet (June 6, 2011)
- Un Calls for Magdalene Abuse Probe, on 4NI (June 6, 2011)
- Un Panel Urges Ireland to Probe Catholic Torture, Associated Press (June 6, 2011)
- Magdalene Laundries Apology Urged, in Belfast Telegraph (June 6, 2011)
- Un Torture Watchdog Criticises Ireland on Magdalene Laundries, in Irish Examiner (June 6, 2011)
- Asian Bishops Say Abuse Isn't Just "a Problem of the West", by Hisashi Yukimoto, Christian Century (June 6, 2011)
- An International Seminar for Bishops and Formators on "the Impact of Pedophilia-crisis on the Church in Asia", in Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (June 6, 2011)
- Seminar on the Impact of Pedophilia-crisis for the Church in Asia, in Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (June 6, 2011)
- Vatican Report Due in Early 2012, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (June 7, 2011)
- Archbishop Faced "Dirty Old Man" As a Child, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (June 7, 2011)
- Vatican to Publish Visitation Results, in RTE News (June 6, 2011)
- Victims Hit out at Church Abuse Inquiry, on UTV (June 6, 2011)
- No Plea Deal in Philadelphia Archdiocese Sex-abuse Charges, by Reuben Kramer, Courthouse News Service (June 6, 2011)
June 7
- Priest-Abuse Report Far from a Whitewash, by Gregory Erlandson, Journal Gazette (June 7, 2011)
- Church Abuse Report Ultimately Unenlightening, by Anson Shupe, Journal Gazette (June 7, 2011)
- Despite Uproar in Diocese, Kc Bishop Is Unlikely to Resign, by Judy L. Thomas and Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 6, 2011)
- Appeals Court Says Woman Can Sue Archdiocese over Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Scott Sunde, The Seattlepi (June 6, 2011)
- John Paul Ii: Patron Saint of Anti-Modernism, in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (June 7, 2011)
- Sr. Mary Ann Walsh: Woodstock Didn't Cause Sex Abuse, by James Martin, America Magazine (June 6, 2011)
- Priests Reject Plea Deals in Abuse Case, by Mensah M. Dean, Philadelphia Daily News (June 7, 2011)
- Priest Faces Deportation, in Daily Mirror (June 7, 2011)
- Roban En Oficina Del Padre De Uno De Los Denunciantes Del Caso Karadima, in The Terra (June 7, 2011)
- Former Irish Priest Accused of Molesting Boys Extradicted to Ireland, by Guy Kovner, Press Democrat (June 6, 2011)
- Roban Discos Duros Y Pendrives De LA Oficina Del Padre De James Hamilton, by Nathaly РЈВЃlvarez Parra, LA Tercera (June 7, 2011)
- Rockland Priest Admits to Stealing from Parish, in Mid-Hudson News (June 7, 2011)
- Court Allows Abuse Lawsuit against Seattle Archdiocese to Proceed, by Janet Tu, Seattle Times (June 6, 2011)
- The Long Road to Recovery in Ireland, on Vatican Radio (June 7, 2011)
- Media Advisory/news Conference, in Mn - SNAP (June 7, 2011)
- Apnewsbreak: Boston Church Weighs Major Reshuffle, by Jay Lindsay, Boston Globe (June 3, 2011)
- Radical Reshuffle for Boston Archdiocese, in Boston Catholic Insider (June 7, 2011)
- Irish Ex-Priest Appears in Court after Extradition from US, in Irish Examiner (June 7, 2011)
- Alert: Tuesday Morning, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 7, 2011)
- New York Man to Sue St. John's Abbey, Alleging He Was Abused As Altar Boy, in The Republic (June 7, 2011)
- Parroco Arrestato: Don Seppia Chiede I Domiciliari, in ANSA (June 7, 2011)
- Pedofilia, Zanardi: "poco Piu Di Dieci Giorni Fa a Matrix Prevedevo IL Futuro", in IVG (June 7, 2011)
- Former Bay Area Priest Extradited to Ireland to Face Molestation Charges, on KTVU (June 7, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Extradited to Ireland to Face Molestation Charges, in SF Appeal (June 7, 2011)
- NY Man Sues Minn. Monastery, Alleging Clergy Abuse, in Wall Street Journal (June 7, 2011)
- Diocese Needs to Tell the Truth, Do the Right Thing, in Gallup Independent (June 7, 2011)
- Ex-priest Extradited to Ireland in Sex-abuse Case, by Henry K. Lee, San Francisco Chroncile (June 7, 2011)
- Bishop Finn: Epic Fail and Fallout, by Elizabeth Scalia, Patheos - The Anchoress (June 7, 2011)
- Victims Urge Bishop "avoid Bankruptcy", in SNAP (June 7, 2011)
- Asian Bishops to Talk about Abuse; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 6, 2011)
- Top Philly Catholic Staffer Defends Himself; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 6, 2011)
- Vatican Delays Irish Reforms; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 6, 2011)
- Former Campus Minister at Xavier Accused of Improperly Touching Minor, by Trina Edwards, Fox 19 (June 7, 2011)
- Statement from the Society of Jesus Regarding Fr. Louis Bonacci, S.J., in Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton (June 7, 2011)
- St. John's Abbey Failed to Protect Abused Youth, Lawsuit Says, in St. Cloud Times (June 7, 2011)
- Attorney: Priest Expected to Admit Church Funds Theft, by Art Barnum, Chicago Tribune (June 7, 2011)
- Bail Set for Former Christian School Teacher Accused of Sexually Assaulting Students, by Lauren Fitzpatrick, Chicago Sun-Times (June 7, 2011)
- Teacher Charged with Sexual Assault, in NBC Chicago (June 7, 2011)
- 2 Christian School Teachers Accused of Assaulting Students, by Carlos Sadovi, Chicago Tribune (June 7, 2011)
- New York Man Sues St. John's Abbey, Alleging He Was Abused As Altar Boy at Bronx Church, by Steve Karnowski, Star Tribune (June 7, 2011)
- New Book Follows the Money in the Catholic Church, by Charles M. Sennott, Jason Berry (June 6, 2011)
- Former St. John's Abbot Accused of Molesting NY Teen in "60s, by Tim Nelson, Minnesota Public Radio (June 7, 2011)
- Former Roselle Priest Expected to Plead Guilty of Theft of Church Funds, in My Suburban Life (June 7, 2011)
- Vatican Asks for More Time in Oregon Abuse Lawsuit, in The Columbian (June 7, 2011)
- The European Clerical Abuse Crisis, One Year Later, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (June 7, 2011)
- Erzbistum Konnte Opfer-daten an Tater Gegeben Haben, in The Zeit (June 7, 2011)
- Caso Karadima: Obispo Juan Barros Declara Ante Ministra En Visita, in The Terra (June 7, 2011)
- Former Lee's Summit Priest Moved from Current Post, by Judy L. Thomas, Lee's Summit Journal (June 7, 2011)
June 8
- Sexual Abuse Allegations Levied against Priest, by Erin L. Nissley, Citizens Voice (June 8, 2011)
- Former St. Bernard's Priest Extradited to Ireland, in Contra Costa Times (June 8, 2011)
- Lawsuit against Former St. John's Abbot Details Abuse Charges, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (June 8, 2011)
- Charter Pledges Church Will Aid, Protect Youths, by Wilton D. Gregory, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 7, 2011)
- Ex-Priest Extradited to Ireland in Sex-Abuse Case, by Henry K. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle (June 8, 2011)
- Conference Examines Sexual Abuse in Church, by Deborah Gyapong, B.C. Catholic (June 8, 2011)
- Rapist Pastor Sentenced to Life in Jail, by Getrude Makhafola, New Age (June 8, 2011)
- Philippe Madre, Ex-ModРЈР‰rateur GРЈР‰nРЈР‰ral Des BРЈР‰atitudes, RРЈР‰duit РЈВ L'РЈР‰tat LaРЈРЏc, by Claire Lesegretain, LA Croix (May 26, 2011)
- Former Cincinnati and Dayton Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse in Maryland, by Ann Thompson, WVXY (June 7, 2011)
- New York Man Sues St. John's Abbey, Alleges Sex Abuse by Former Abbot, by Rose French, Star Tribune (June 7, 2011)
- Extradited Former Priest Charged with Indecent Assault of Boys, in Irish Times (June 8, 2011)
- Missbrauchsopfer Klagen an, in SWR (June 6, 2011)
- Priest Removed from Ministry, in Times Leader (June 8, 2011)
- Kunstenaar Houben Baart WУЉУЉr Opzien Als Kardinaal, in The Tubantia (June 7, 2011)
- More Canadians Need to Know about Our " Dark Chapter" of Residential Schools, by Charlotte Kingston, Troy Media (June 8, 2011)
- Delays to Cloyne Report Publication Continue, on RTE News (June 8, 2011)
- Grassroots Movement of Catholics Declares 'Catholic Bill of Rights and Responsibilities', by Sheila Peiffer, American Catholic Council (June 8, 2011)
- Catholics Speak out in Nationwide Listening Sessions, by Linda Pinto, American Catholic Council (June 8, 2011)
- Abp. Vigneron Letter on the American Catholic Council, by Joe Kohn, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit (June 3, 2011)
- Questions and Answers Regarding the American Catholic Council, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit (June 8, 2011)
- Rogue Catholics Un-friended by Detroit Bishop, by William Donohue, Catholic League (June 8, 2011)
- Detroit Archbishop Warns Clergy Not to Attend Catholic Gathering, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (June 8, 2011)
- Catholic Bill of Rights & Responsibilities (cbrr), in American Catholic Council (June 8, 2011)
- "American Catholic Council" Rejects Bishop, Will Meet in Detroit on Pentecost, by Deacon Keith Fournier, Catholic Online (June 8, 2011)
- Woodstock and the USCCB, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (June 8, 2011)
- Denver's Chaput Among Likely Replacements for Embattled Philly Cardinal Rigali, by John Tomasic, Colorado Independent (June 8, 2011)
- Philly Sweepstakes, by Michael Sean, National Catholic Reporter (June 7, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Charged with Exposing Himself on Sarasota Beach, in Bradenton Herald (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Exposed Himself at Public Beach, Deputies Say, by William Mansell, Sarasota Patch (June 8, 2011)
- Breakout Sessions in Detroit (rev. 6/5/11), in American Catholic Council (June 8, 2011)
- Who Are These Guys and Where Did They Come From?, by Phyllis Zagano, National Catholic Reporter (June 8, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Exposes Himself on Beach, Detective Says, in The Herald-Tribune (June 8, 2011)
- Retired Ontario Priest Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assaults, in Vancouver Sun (June 8, 2011)
- St. Raymond Parish: Archdiocese Names Interim Administrator, by Rick DelVecchio, Catholic San Francisco (June 8, 2011)
- What If Rep. Weiner Were Rev. Weiner?, in Catholic League (June 8, 2011)
- Port Charlotte Priest Charged with Exposing Himself, by Alex Orlando, Tampa Tribune (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Exposed Himself to Detective and Offers Oral Sex, Deputy Says, by Kristal Roberts, ABC Action News (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Admits Molesting Kids, in SNAP (June 8, 2011)
- Victims Suspect "breach of Contract", in SNAP (June 8, 2011)
- Victims Blast Cleveland Diocese, in SNAP (June 8, 2011)
- Newly Suspended Priest Worked in Scranton, in SNAP (June 7, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Counts; Charges Involved 16 Boys and a Girl, in Winnipeg Free Press (June 8, 2011)
- First Things Columnist Criticizes Kansas City Bishop, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Exposing Himself at Beach, on WFTV (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Admits to Taking Money from Church, Gets Probation, by Paul Tennant, Eagle-Tribune (June 8, 2011)
- No Sympathy for Abusive Clergy, by Tim Kroenert, Eureka Street (June 8, 2011)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse Victims Ask Redemptorists to Drop Defense of Defrocked Priest, by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Exposing Himself to Deputy, in RSW Florida (June 8, 2011)
- Priest Exposed Himself, Deputies Say, on My Fox Tampa Bay (June 8, 2011)
- Former Xu Priest under Investigation, by Kevin Osborne, Cincinnati City Beat (June 8, 2011)
- Eddie Long Gets Apparent Boost from Dollar, by Shelia M. Poole, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 8, 2011)
- Hearing Set on Former Priest's Sexual Abuse, on WDSU (June 8, 2011)
- Toronto Priest Pleads Guilty to Molesting Children, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (June 8, 2011)
- One Victim's Lament, in Toronto Star (June 8, 2011)
June 9
- Ex-City Priest Pleads Guilty, in Sudbury Star (June 9, 2011)
- Ex-Priest Admits to 16 More Abuse Victims, in The Province (June 9, 2011)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Abusing Boys, by Sarah Sacheli, Windsor Star (June 9, 2011)
- Archdiocese, Group Square off, in Detroit News (June 9, 2011)
- Once-Accused Priest Now Leads Diocese Inquiries into Sex Abuse, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 8, 2011)
- Group Wants Proof That Diocese Is Abiding by 2008 Agreement, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 8, 2011)
- Kiddie Sex Perv Works for Church, in Wishaw Press (June 8, 2011)
- Pather Pervert Facing Jail over Schoolgirl Grooming, in Wishaw Press (June 2, 2011)
- Baptist School Teacher Elisa Martinelli Charged with Sexually Abusing Students, in The Gather (June 9, 2011)
- After Grand Jury Report on Philadelphia Clergy Scandal, More Changes, More Accusers, by John P. Martin, Philadelphia Inquirer (June 9, 2011)
- Kerk Biedt Excuses Aan Na Klacht Van Seksueel Misbruik, in Nijmegan Leeft (June 8, 2011)
- I Abhor Child Abuse but Sexual Consent Is Complex т€“ Norris, by Diarmuid Doyle, Irish Independent (June 9, 2011)
- Liberal Catholics Pushing Changes in the Church to Gather in Detroit, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 9, 2011)
- Archbishop Urges Catholics to Avoid Conference, in Westport News (June 9, 2011)
- What's a Review Board to Do?, in National Catholic Reporter (June 9, 2011)
- Kansas City Organization Asks for Response from Bishop Finn, in NBC Action News (June 9, 2011)
- Haverhill Priest Gets Probation for Stealing, in San Antonio Express-News (June 9, 2011)
- Priest Admits to Stealing Money to Fuel Porn Addiction, in My Fox Boston (June 9, 2011)
- Faith Helped N.J. Pastor with Porn Addiction, by Alicia Cruz, New Jersey Newsroom (June 7, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Charged with Exposing Himself on Beach, by Barbara Hijek, The Sun-Sentinel (June 9, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese Should Grant Request to Remove Plaque Honoring Alleged Abuser, in Plain Dealer (June 9, 2011)
- Former Modesto Priest on Leave, by Sue Nowicki, Modesto Bee (June 8, 2011)
- Respect Voor Slachtoffers of Centenkwestie?, in The Rknieuws (June 8, 2011)
- Should an 85-Year-Old Defrocked Priest Face Trial for Molestation?, in WWL (June 9, 2011)
- John Jay Report Just a First Step, in National Catholic Reporter (June 9, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Legale: I Ragazzini Offrivano Sesso, Lui Rifiutava Per Morale, in The Newnotizie (June 9, 2011)
- Updated: Priest Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison, in Montreal Gazette (June 9, 2011)
- Supporters Accused of 'flawed' Campaign to Reinstate Cleric, in Tyrone Times (June 9, 2011)
- Retired Priest Gets 2 Years for Sex Assaults, in CBC News (June 9, 2011)
- U.n. Panel's Bogus Appeal to Ireland, in Catholic League (June 9, 2011)
- Native American Sex-abuse Lawsuits Head for a Higher Court, by Stephanie Woodard, Huffington Post (June 9, 2011)
- Woman Says NH Pastor Ignored Sex-assault Claims, by Lynne Tuohy, San Antonio Express-News (June 9, 2011)
- Rome, Rendered, in Spiritual Politics (June 9, 2011)
- Competing Conferences Show Division Among U.S. Catholics, in USA Today (June 9, 2011)
- Kc Vicar General Accused of Sexual Misconduct, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 9, 2011)
- Philly Archdiocese Tabs New Victim Advocate, in San Antonio Express-News (June 9, 2011)
- Priest Who Taught at St. Michael's College School Sentenced to 2 Years for Sex Abuse, by Mary Ormsby, Toronto Star (June 9, 2011)
- Noted Author James Berry to Speak in St. Louis, in SNAP (June 9, 2011)
- Philly Catholic Staff Claim "reform" - SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 9, 2011)
- SNAP Responds to Disclosure Regarding Top Church Official, in SNAP (June 9, 2011)
- Roselle Priest Pleads Guilty on Theft Charge, by Robert Sanchez, Daily Herald (June 9, 2011)
- Priest with Gambling Addiction Pleads Guilty to Stealing $400k from Church, by Dan Rozek, Chicago Sun-Times (June 9, 2011)
- Sussex Bishops" "Regret" over Sex Abuse Failings, in BBC News (June 9, 2011)
- Hearing Set on Accusations against Former Priest, on WDSU (June 9, 2011)
- Philly Archdiocese Names New Victim Advocate, on WPVI (June 9, 2011)
- Eddie Long's New Churches Raise Questions about Pastors" Behavior after Scandal, by John Blake, CNN (June 9, 2011)
- The Rev. Robert Murphy, Once Accused of Sexual Improprieties, Charged with Handling Sex-abuse Complaints, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (June 9, 2011)
- Attorney to Conduct Review of Diocese, in St. Joseph News-Press (June 9, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Announces Plan to Address Sex Scandal, in Stamford Advocate (June 9, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Initiates Sweeping Changes and Reviews, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (June 9, 2011)
- Archdiocese Names New Abuse Victim Advocate, by Shannon McDonald, News Works (June 9, 2011)
- Pa. Archdiocese Hires Prosecutor's Child Protection Leader, by Dave Warner, Reuters (June 9, 2011)
- Agudah Rabbis: Talk to Rabbi, Not Police about Molesters, by Simone Ellin, Baltimore Jewish Times (June 9, 2011)
- Diocese Announces Plan to Deal with Sexual Misconduct, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 9, 2011)
- Kansas City Diocese Announces Sexual Misconduct Probe, by Kevin Murphy, Reuters (June 9, 2011)
- Priest Accused of Exposure Emigrated from Poland, by Kim Hackett, The Herald-Tribune (June 9, 2011)
- Former Loyola Ministry Director Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Don Markus, Baltimore Sun (June 9, 2011)
- At the Nexus of Abuse and Execution, by Brandi Grissom, New York Times (June 9, 2011)
- Ezzati Nombra a Nuevo Parroco En Iglesia El Bosque Y Desvincula a Madre Paula De Las Ursulinas, in La Segunda (June 9, 2011)
- Cardinal Blesses 'healing Garden' for Sex-abuse Victims, by Chip Mitchell, WBEZ (June 9, 2011)
June 10
- Kc Diocese Announces Plan to Address Sex Scandal, in CBS St. Louis (June 10, 2011)
- Diocese Names Former U.S. Attorney to Investigate, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 10, 2011)
- Kc Bishop Responds to Concerns with Independent Investigation, by Benjamin Mann, Catholic News Agency (June 10, 2011)
- Bishop to Deal with Accusations of Sex Misconduct, on KMBC (June 10, 2011)
- Paul Lewis Denies Carnal Abuse Charges, by Horace Hines, Jamaica Obsrver (June 10, 2011)
- Klassen Releases Statement about Sexual Abuse Claim against Former Abbot, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (June 10, 2011)
- A Statement from Abbot John, in St. John's Abbey (June 10, 2011)
- Women Priests Ordained at Catonsville Protestant Church, by Denise Cabrera, St. John's Abbey (June 10, 2011)
- Minnesota's "holy" Sex Offender Dumping Grounds, by Jamie Clark, Lez Get Real (June 9, 2011)
- Kansas City Pastor Homily on Clarifying Thought, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (June 10, 2011)
- What Do You Mean 'we,' Kemo Sabe?, by David Gibson, dotCommonweal (June 8, 2011)
- The System Can Work, Even If the People Fail, by Barbara Shelly, Kansas City Star (June 10, 2011)
- "Hannity': Mark Foley Breaks His Silence, in Fox News - Hannity (June 10, 2011)
- Sentence Not Enough, by Laura Stricker, Sudbury Star (June 10, 2011)
- "Hurkmans Biedt Excuses Aan Voor Seksueel Misbruik", in Omroep Brabant (June 10, 2011)
- Chesterfield Priest Cleared of Behavior Charge, by Zachary Reid, Richmond Times-Dispatch (June 9, 2011)
- The Solidarity Project, in SafeNet (June 10, 2011)
- Woman Says NH Pastor Ignored Sex-assault Claims, by Lynne Tuohy, San Francisco Chronicle (June 9, 2011)
- Face-palm to Kansas City-st. Joseph Diocese, by Elizabeth Scalia, Patheos - The Anchoress (June 10, 2011)
- Judge to Decide If Priest Will Face Molestation Charges, on WAFB (June 10, 2011)
- "Bisschop Hurkmans Biedt Excuses Aan", in De Telegraaf (June 10, 2011)
- American Catholic Council Opens in Detroit, by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic (June 10, 2011)
- "The Truth" - 1, on YouTube - MN SNAP (June 10, 2011)
- Asian Bishops to Discuss Sex Abuse, on MSN News (June 10, 2011)
- Vatikan Befurchtet Spaltung Der Katholischen Kirche in Deutschland, in Finanz Nachrichten (June 10, 2011)
- LA Confessione Di Don Rebagliati "Gay E Sieropositivo, Ma Resto Un Prete", in la Repubblica (June 10, 2011)
- Bishop's Apology to Abuse Victims, in Eastbourne Herald (June 10, 2011)
- Diocese's "New Action Plan" Is a Tired, Well-used Script, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (June 10, 2011)
- Judge Rules Suit against Bishop Thomas L. Dupre and Bishop Emeritus Joseph F. Maguire Can Go Forward, by Buffy Spencer, The Republican (June 10, 2011)
- Disgraced Congressman Links His Abuse by Gozitan Priest to Own Abuse of a Teenager, in Times of Malta (June 8, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Announces Sweeping Plan to Clean up Kansas City-st. Joseph Situation, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (June 10, 2011)
- Archdiocese Not Liable for Pedophile Priest Robert Johnston, by Sarah Fenske, Riverfront Times (June 10, 2011)
- Ex-attorney Charged with Theft, in Maryville Advocate (June 8, 2011)
- High Court Won't Consider Maday Case, in WLUK (June 10, 2011)
- Who Will Replace Cardinal Rigali?, in My Fox Philly (June 10, 2011)
- Liberal Catholics to Discuss Future of Church, by Chris Boyette, KIRO (June 10, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of Kc-st. Joe Wants One Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit Dropped, by Kathy Quinn, Fox 4 (June 10, 2011)
- Death Row Inmate Gets More Support, by Michelle Mondo, San Antonio Express-News (June 10, 2011)
- Texas Governor Urged to Block Mexican Immigrant Execution, by Jim Forsyth, Reuters (June 10, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, by Pieter Schultz, Start Pagina/Weblog (June 10, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops to Take Second Look at Abuse Reforms, by Daniel Burke, USA Today (June 10, 2011)
- Martha Hill's Blog: Send Pervert Priests to Jail, by Martha Hill, The News-Press (June 10, 2011)
- Despite Warnings from Catholic Leaders, Liberal Conference Draws Large Crowd, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 8, 2011)
- Priest's $300,000 Theft Puts Spotlight on Gambling Addiction, by John Keilman and Art Barnum, Chicago Tribune (June 11, 2011)
June 11
- Judge Refuses to Dismiss Charges against Former Kingsport Priest, by Kacie Breeding, Kingsport Times News (June 11, 2011)
- Congressman Breaks Silence on Abuse, in Malta Independent (June 10, 2011)
- Belleville Diocese Wants High Court to Reconsider Sex Abuse Case; Attorney Calls It "Sad and Pathetic", by George Pawlaczyk, Belleville News-Democrat (June 11, 2011)
- Franciscans Request Execution Halt, by Michelle Mondo, San Antonio Express-News (June 11, 2011)
- Gozitan Priest's Sexual Abuse Claims Reignited on Fox News, in Times of Malta (June 11, 2011)
- In Wake of Weinergate, Mark Foley Opens up about His Own Sex Scandal, by Anthony Man, Sun-Sentinel (June 10, 2011)
- After "Healing Garden" Unveiling, a Commenter, Victim Speaks out, in WBEZ (June 11, 2011)
- Kansas City Diocese Seeks Dismissal of Lawsuit, Day after Announcing Plan to Investigate Abuse, by Maria Sudekum Fisher, Daily Reporter (June 11, 2011)
- Erie's Catholic Bishop to Meet with Others in Seattle, by Dana Massing, Erie Times-News (June 11, 2011)
- Execution Case Important to International Relations, in The Statesman (June 11, 2011)
- No Time to Lose with Apologies for Magdalenes, by James Smith, Irish Times (June 11, 2011)
- Exclusive: Scandal of Boys' Home Paedophile Appointed As Priest, in Yorkshire Post (June 11, 2011)
- Shatter Welcomes Nun's Position on Inquiry, on RTE News (June 11, 2011)
- Magdelene Move Welcomed, by Éanna Ó CaollaÍ, Irish Times (June 11, 2011)
- Orders Agree to Aid Workhouse Probe, in Belfast Telegraph (June 11, 2011)
- Nuns Say They Will Participate in Any Magdalene Inquiry, in The Journal (June 11, 2011)
- Hans Kung Urges Peaceful Revolution against Roman Absolutism, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (June 11, 2011)
- Quel Giro Di Ragazzini Nella Basilica Di Carignano, by Giuseppe Filetto E Marco Preve, LA Repubblica (June 11, 2011)
- Bishop Eddie Long's Fall to Disgrace, by Philip Dayle, The Guardian (June 11, 2011)
- Catholics at Cobo Blast Leaders, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 11, 2011)
- The Land of Lost Children, by Susan Chenery, The Age (June 11, 2011)
- Philly Church Official, Priests Fight Abuse Case, by Maryclaire Dale, The Examiner (June 11, 2011)
- Progressive Catholics Push for Church Changes during Detroit Conference, by Candice Williams, Detroit News (June 11, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Among Topics for Bellevue Meeting of U.S. Bishops, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (June 11, 2011)
- Ireland's Magdalene Laundries Scandal Must Be Laid to Rest, by Mary Raftery, The Guardian (June 11, 2011)
- Baptism, Not Bishops or Pope, Unites the Church, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (June 11, 2011)
- Former Priest, 77, Faces Trial on Suspicion of Molesting Boy in 1990s, by Lauren Williams, Los Angeles Times (June 11, 2011)
June 12
- More Former Students of Revered Parma Priest Nicholas Monaghan Say He Molested Them, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 12, 2011)
- Authority on Sex Abuse by Priests to Be in Toledo, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (June 12, 2011)
- All-male, Celibate Catholic Priesthood Is an an Embarrassing Relic, by John Veal, Kansas City Star (June 12, 2011)
- In Abuse Scandal, Case a Test of Belief, by David O'Reilly and Nancy Phillips, Philadelphia Inquirer (June 12, 2011)
- Monica Yant Kinney: Young Philadelphia Priest Seeks to Be "an Instrument of Healing", by Monica Yant Kinney, Philadelphia Inquirer (June 12, 2011)
- Catholic Events Split on Doctrine, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 12, 2011)
- Victims Seek Help from Archbishop, in SNAP (June 12, 2011)
- SNAP Blasts Bishop for "last Ditch" Delay, in SNAP (June 11, 2011)
- Prosecution of Pedophile Priest Goes Ahead; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 11, 2011)
- Catholic Officials Get Pedophile Case Ousted; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 10, 2011)
- 'Huidige Paus Noemde in 2004 Celibaat Niet Heilig', in The Nu (June 12, 2011)
- I Fedeli a Bagnasco: 'Vorremmo Un Parroco Buono', in IL Secolo (June 12, 2011)
- Catholic Priests Defy Church Orders to Stay Away from Liberal Mass, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 12, 2011)
- Liberal U.S. Catholics Say Church Not Listening, by Scott Malone, Reuters (June 12, 2011)
- When a Logo Becomesт€І 'Unfortunate.', in Robert L. Peters (June 7, 2011)
- Priest at Catholic Reform Mass Isn't Worried about Backlash by Archdiocese, by Oralandar Brand-Williams, Detroit News (June 12, 2011)
- Archbishop Blasts Ferndale Priest's Leading of Liberal Mass; Orders Review of His Actions, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 12, 2011)
- Catholic Church Shows Support for Bishop under Fire, in Fox 4 (June 12, 2011)
June 13
- Priests to Stress the Celibate Life, in The Cathnews (June 13, 2011)
- U.S. Bishops Gathering in Bellevue for Policy Debates, in Spokesman Review (June 13, 2011)
- Lawyer for Alleged Sexual Assault Victim Wants to Know What School Board Knew about Case, by Beth Hundsdorfer, Belleville News-Democrat (June 13, 2011)
- Church Plagued by Allegations of Child Abuse, in Yorkshire Post (June 12, 2011)
- Numbers Tell a Terrible Story, by Dick Gross, Sydney Morning Herald (June 13, 2011)
- Detroit Archdiocese to Study What It Sees As Serious Liturgical Abuses at American Catholic Council, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (June 13, 2011)
- Detroit Archdiocese Plans Review Following Mass As Part of Catholic Reform Groups' Conference, in The Republic (June 13, 2011)
- Male Domination in Church 'A Question of Power', by Eveline Kobler, The Swissinfo (June 13, 2011)
- Mass for Liberal Believers Angers Archbishop, by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press (June 13, 2011)
- Archdiocese to Review Mass at Progressive Catholic Conference at Cobo, by Oralandar Brand-Williams, Detroit News (June 12, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (June 13, 2011)
- Pope Names 2 New Chicago Bishops, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (June 13, 2011)
- Bagnasco Nella Chiesa Di Don Seppia "Una Ferita Che Rimarra Sempre", in La Repubblica (June 13, 2011)
- Rabbi Charged with Raping 12-year-old Girl, by Naama Cohen-Freidman, YNet News (June 13, 2011)
- Padovano's Bad Theology, by Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter (June 13, 2011)
- SNAP to Address Archdiocese about Possible Abuse by Priest, in CBS Detroit (June 13, 2011)
- Spike in Suspect Allegations, in Catholic League (June 13, 2011)
- Pope Benedict Visit to Ireland Set for June 2012, by John O'Shea, IrishCentral (June 13, 2011)
- Rome University, Vatican to Promote Best Practices in Fighting Abuse, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service (June 13, 2011)
- Jason Berry: Author and Expert on Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal in St. Louis Tuesday, by Chad Garrison, Riverfront Times (June 13, 2011)
- Two with Local Ties Among 4 Defrocked Priests, in MetroWest Daily News (June 13, 2011)
- June 13, 2011 - Archdiocese of Boston Announces Robert F. Daly, John Keane, Robert Knapp and Benjamin Mcmahon Are No Longer in the Clerical State, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (June 13, 2011)
- Support Group for Clergy Abuse Victims Plans Meeting in St. Joseph, in St. Joe Channel (June 13, 2011)
- Comment - Aftershocks of Europe's Abuse Crisis, in The CathNews (June 13, 2011)
- New York Minister Cleared of Jamaica Sex Charges, in Taiwan News (June 13, 2011)
- Paul Lewis Not Guilty, by Sheena Gayle, Gleaner Writer, Go Jamaica (June 13, 2011)
- Paul Lewis Testifies at His Carnal Abuse Trial, in Go Jamaica (June 13, 2011)
- Priest's Trial Delayed until Thursday, in Daily Pilot (June 13, 2011)
- Groups Reach out to Victims, Parishioners, by Jennifer Hall, St. Joseph News-Press (June 13, 2011)
June 14
- Bishop Visits, by Jeanne Gagnon, Northern News Services (June 13, 2011)
- Bishop's Home up for Sale, by Davene Jeffrey, The Chronicle-Herald (June 14, 2011)
- 4 Ex-Priests Removed over Abuse Allegations, in Thebostonchannel (June 14, 2011)
- Vatican Defrocks 4 Priests; 3 Served at South Shore Churches, by Lane Lambert, Brockton Enterprise (June 14, 2011)
- 'We Were Excluded from the Redress System'., in God Squad (June 13, 2011)
- Vatican Ousts 4 from Clerical State, by John M. Guilfoil, Boston Globe (June 14, 2011)
- Gibraltar Priest in Exposure Case Still Working, in Detroit Free Press (June 14, 2011)
- Supporters of Bishop Finn Hold Prayer Gathering, in Catholic News Agency (June 14, 2011)
- Four Ways to Help Protect Your Preschooler from Sexual Abuse, by Joelle Casteix, The Technorati (June 13, 2011)
- 'Rabbi Used Mystical Threats to Force Girl to Have Sex', by Yaakov Lappin, Jerusalem Post (June 14, 2011)
- American Catholic Council in Detroit: They Came, They Dissented, They Disobeyed, by Deacon Keith Fournier, Catholic Online (June 14, 2011)
- Ex Parte Doe, in The Leagle (June 13, 2011)
- Polygamist Leader Jeffs Seeks Judge's Recusal, in Newsvine (June 14, 2011)
- St. Charles Borromeo Parish Council Weighs Whether to Remove Plaque Honoring Accused Priest, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 14, 2011)
- Newly-Disclosed Draft of US Bishops' Abuse Policy, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 14, 2011)
- Victims Release Bishops Sex Policy Changes, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 14, 2011)
- Full Text of Revised Draft Abuse Policy of the U.S. Bishops, in U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 14, 2011)
- June 14, 2011 Bishop Robert Finn, by Wayne Godsey, KMBC (June 14, 2011)
- Newly-disclosed Draft of US Bishops" Abuse Policy, in SNAP (June 14, 2011)
- Victims Release Bishops Sex Policy Changes, in SNAP (June 14, 2011)
- Full Text of Revised Draft Abuse Policy of the U.S. Bishops, in U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 14, 2011)
- The Other Side of the Catholic Tradition, by Matthew Fox, Washington Post (June 14, 2011)
- Bethany Residents Disappointed at Cabinet Failure to Resolve Denial of Redress for Former Bethany and Magdalene Residents, in God Squad (June 14, 2011)
- Collaboration Called Key to Addressing Sex Abuse, by Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service (June 14, 2011)
- New Child Protection Leader Says Church Can Help Society Fight Sex Abuse, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (June 14, 2011)
- Victim Shares Details of Abuse by Reardon, by LeAnne Gendreau and Amy Parmenter, NBC Connecticut (June 14, 2011)
- Vatican to Brief Bishops, Religious Orders on Abuse, by Francis X. Rocca, Huffington Post (June 14, 2011)
- Archbishop Martin: Immigrants Enrich IrelandВ’s Catholic Church, by Dara Kelly, Irish Central (June 14, 2011)
- Asian Bishops Acknowledge Global Sex Abuse Problem, by Jamie L Manson, National Catholic Reporter (June 14, 2011)
- New Birth Disputes Rumors That Wife Has Moved out, by Fran Jeffries, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 14, 2011)
- Catholic Church Releases Documents of Priest Who Abused Boys across Northern Arizona, by Claudine LoMonaco, KNAU (June 14, 2011)
- Victims of Priest Abuse Tell Bishops to Do More, by Andrew Stern, Reuters (June 14, 2011)
- Reflections after the American Catholic Council Meeting, by Maureen Fiedler, National Catholic Reporter (June 14, 2011)
- 2nd Trial under Way in Conn. Doctor-sex Abuse Case, in WTNH (June 14, 2011)
- Govt to Establish Magdalene Committee, in RTE News (June 14, 2011)
- Committee to Probe Magdalene Laundries, in Irish Examiner (June 14, 2011)
- Government to Investigate Any State Magdalene Role, in Irish Times (June 14, 2011)
- Catholic Church in Nova Scotia Selling Prized Victorian Mansion to Pay Legal Bills, by Charles Lewis, National Post (June 14, 2011)
- Philadelphia Catholic Clergy Abuse Trial Update, in Media Report (June 14, 2011)
- The Abuse Crisis and Church Independence, by Howard Kainz, Catholic Thing (June 14, 2011)
- Bishops Won't Focus on Abuse Policies, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (June 14, 2011)
June 15
- Diocese of Phoenix's List of Those Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic (June 15, 2011)
- Diocese of Phoenix to List Abusive Clergymen on Website, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic (June 15, 2011)
- Editorial: Priest Abuse Processes May Need More Than a Tweak., in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 15, 2011)
- Claims of Sexual Abuse by Former Southside Priest Results in Calls to Stay Execution, by Michael Barajas, San Antonio Current (June 15, 2011)
- Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal, by Grant Gallicho, Religion Dispatchesv (June 15, 2011)
- USCCB Spring General Assembly, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 15, 2011)
- Sex-Abuse Appeal Denied, by Adam Parker, Post and Courier (June 15, 2011)
- Vatican to Host Conference on Combating Sexual Abuse, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register (June 15, 2011)
- New Birth Denies Rumors about Eddie Long's Wife, in WSB (June 14, 2011)
- Archdiocese to Get New Vicar General in the Fall, by Mark Arsenault and Lisa Wangsness, Boston Globe (June 15, 2011)
- I Know What You Did Last Sunday, in National Catholic Register (June 14, 2011)
- Revisions to USCCB Charter on the Protection of Children and Young People, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 15, 2011)
- Report: Controversial Metro Detroit Priest Claims No Wrongdoings Occurred at Sunday Mass in Cobo, by Michael Wayland, The Mlive (June 14, 2011)
- Magdalene Group Welcomes Inquiry but Disappointed at Lack of Apology, in Irish Times (June 15, 2011)
- Collateral Damage, by Brian McGrory, Boston Globe (June 15, 2011)
- June 14 2011 Cardinal Appoints Rev. Monsignor Robert P. Deeley As Next Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Boston, in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston (June 15, 2011)
- Seattle Archdiocese Sued over Priest Sex Abuse, Again, by Vanessa Ho, Seattle Pi (June 14, 2011)
- Catholic Leaders Rip 'Ludicrous' Article That Argues Celibacy Causes Abuse, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (June 15, 2011)
- The Priest's Pledge, by Tom Myles, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 15, 2011)
- Irish Government Sets up Magdalene Laundries Committee, on BBC News (June 15, 2011)
- Mixed Reaction to Magdalene Committee Move, on RTE News (June 15, 2011)
- Govt 'Will Ensure All Magadalene Laundries Records Are Available', in Irish Examiner (June 15, 2011)
- Government Agrees to Establish a Magdalene Laundries Committee, by Gavan Reilly, The Journal (June 15, 2011)
- Dublin City Councillors Vote to Support Magdalene Apology, in The Journal (June 15, 2011)
- Council Supports State Apology for Magdalene Abuse, in Irish Independent (June 15, 2011)
- Kenya: Muslim Clerics Want Death Penalty for Sex Offenders, by Brian Otieno, The Allafrica (June 14, 2011)
- Droga E Pedofilia/ Chiesti I Domiciliari Per Don Seppia, in Citta Di Genova (June 15, 2011)
- Only Minor Changes Proposed for Abuse Charter Revision, by Dan Morris-Young, National Catholic Reporter (June 15, 2011)
- Don Seppia, IL Presidente Delle Vittine Dei Preti Pedofili Potrebbe Incontrare IL Cardinale Bagnasco, in Genova 24 (June 15, 2011)
- The Men Who Put the Loop in Loophole, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coaliton (June 15, 2011)
- Episcopal School Accused of Ignoring Bullying of Ex-Student, by Abe Levy, The Express-News (June 15, 2011)
- New York Times Errs in Abuse Story, in Catholic League (June 15, 2011)
- Braxton Wants Illinois Supreme Court to Reconsider in Abuse Case, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 15, 2011)
- Bishops Pressed to Keep Child Safety Plan Intact, in Fox News (June 15, 2011)
- Ham Lake Church Youth Director Accused of Affair with Underage Girl, in Pioneer Press (June 15, 2011)
- National Meeting of Catholic Bishops Opens in Bellevue, Draws Critics, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (June 15, 2011)
- Pope's Theory on Clergy Sex Abuse, in Eureka Street (June 15, 2011)
- Updated: Parma Parish Removes Plaque Honoring Late Priest Accused of Molesting Schoolgirls, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 15, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Defend Policy on Sex Abuse, by Elaine Porterfield, The Reuters (June 15, 2011)
- Statements Following Irish Bishops" Meeting, in Independent Catholic News (June 15, 2011)
- Bishops Pressed to Keep Child Safety Plan Intact, by Rachel Zoll, Kansas City Star (June 15, 2011)
- Community Notification Statements, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix (June 14, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of Phoenix Names Clergy Pervs on Revamped Website, by Adele Hampton, Phoenix New Times (June 15, 2011)
- Today in Courtroom 3b, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (June 15, 2011)
- Diocese Defrocks York Man Accused of Child Sex Abuse, by Susan Morse, Seacoast Online (June 15, 2011)
- U.S. Bishops Debating, Updating Sex Abuse Rules, by Daniel Burke, USA Today (June 15, 2011)
June 16
- Church Removes Honorary Plaque after Sex Abuse Allegations, by Autumn Ziemba, Fox 8 (June 15, 2011)
- Scientologist in Court over Abuse Cover-Up, in ABC News (June 16, 2011)
- Church of Scientology Leader Janice Meyer in Court, in The Telegraph (June 16, 2011)
- Bishop on Abuse Policy: 'Don't We Believe in Forgiveness?', by Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA Today (June 16, 2011)
- From the Floor, Vol. I, in Whispers in the Loggia (June 16, 2011)
- Bishops Deny Attempts to Delay Inquiries, on RTE News (June 16, 2011)
- Data Issues Were Real, Say Bishops, by Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times (June 16, 2011)
- Bishop Morris Writes to the Record, in The Record (June 16, 2011)
- June General Meeting of the Irish Bishops' Conference, in Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference (June 15, 2011)
- Local Diocese Not Represented at Conference of Catholic Bishops, by Mary Garrigan, Rapid City Journal (June 16, 2011)
- Circling the Wagons with a New Obedience Required Wagon Master, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 16, 2011)
- Chemische Castratie Van Seksdelinquenten Kost 82.000 Euro, in The Vandaag (June 15, 2011)
- Boston Globe Shocker: in Moving Tribute to Falsely Accused Priest, Columnist Slams Church-Suing Lawyer, in Media Report (June 16, 2011)
- Corapi Announcement?, by Deacon Greg Kandra, Deacon's Bench (June 15, 2011)
- Is Certainism a Secular Response to Religion?, in The Yahoo! (June 15, 2011)
- Allegation against Priest Sparks Suit, by Jason Van Rassel, Calgary Herald (June 16, 2011)
- USCCB Spring General Assembly, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 16, 2011)
- Two Religions in One Church?, in Leon J. Podles: Dialogue (June 15, 2011)
- Molestation Trial for Leisure World Priest to Be Postponed, by Paige Austin, The Patch (June 16, 2011)
- Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Kicks off $125 Million Capital Campaign, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 15, 2011)
- Don Seppia, Incroci Tragici L'Amico Prete Morì Di Aids, by Marco Preve, LA Repubblica (June 16, 2011)
- Don Seppia, L'Hiv Curato Nell'ospedale Della Curia Dal 2003, in IL Secolo (June 15, 2011)
- Caso Don Seppia: Usava LA Droga Dello Stupro, in Notizi Italian (June 16, 2011)
- St. Francis Hospital Begins Another Weak Defense in Second Reardon Child-Abuse Trial, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (June 15, 2011)
- How to Solve the Bishop Accountability Problem, by Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (June 16, 2011)
- The Dallas Charter Didn't Invent Victims' Services, by Mary Achilles, National Catholic Register (June 16, 2011)
- Obispo De Talca Declara Ante Ministra En Visita De Caso Karadima, in La Tercera (June 16, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Renew Abuse Prevention Plan As Is Despite Pressure to Close Loopholes, in Washington Post (June 16, 2011)
- Ministra Del Caso Karadima Estudia Interrogar Al Cardenal Errazuriz, in The Terra (June 16, 2011)
- Cardinal Bertone Says Holy See Has Faith in "Ior" Directors, in AGI (June 16, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Keep Abuse Prevention Policy, by Rachel Zoll, Seattle Times (June 16, 2011)
- Group Wants Catholic Church in Kansas to Improve Communication about Sexual Abuse, in Shawnee Dispatch (June 16, 2011)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Approve Shifts in Abuse Policy, by Shawnee Dispatch, The Reuters (June 16, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Change Rules on Sexual Abuse, but Victims Say It's Not Enough, by Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post (June 16, 2011)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Back Minor Changes to Child-protection Charter, by Ann Rodgers, Jaweed Kaleem (June 16, 2011)
- Former Gonzaga College Hs Priest Removed, in ABC 7 (June 16, 2011)
- US Bishops Revise Abuse Charter to Reflect New Vatican Norms, by Katherine Veik, Catholic News Agency (June 16, 2011)
- Church Disciplines Adulterous Priest, in Katherine Veik (June 16, 2011)
- Charter Revisions Approved but Work Must Continue, Bishop Says, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service (June 16, 2011)
- Nebraska Bishop Tries to Weaken Weak Policy; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 16, 2011)
- Ak Bishop Tries to Weaken Weak Policy; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 16, 2011)
- Maine Bishop Should Do Outreach; SNAP Says, in SNAP (June 16, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Tighten Charter for the Protection of Children, by Patricia Rice, St. Louis Beacon (June 16, 2011)
- Peninsula Priest Held in "Private" S.F. Location As Abuse Investigation Moves Forward, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (June 16, 2011)
- Bishops Approve Revisions to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 16, 2011)
- Eddie Long Burglary Suspect Breaks Silence, in WSB (June 16, 2011)
- Officials: Pastor Knew of Sex Club, by Darryl Enriquez, Janesville Gazette (June 16, 2011)
June 17
- Catholic Bishops Uphold 2002 Sex Abuse Policy, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (June 16, 2011)
- U.S. Bishops Make Little Change to Sex Abuse Policy, by Daniel Burke, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 17, 2011)
- Catholic Bishops Resist Calls for Major Changes in Policy Addressing Child Sex Abuse, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 17, 2011)
- U.S. Catholic Bishops Revise Guidelines against Sex Abuse, on CNN (June 17, 2011)
- Tucson Diocese: We're Stronger, More Vigilant after Sex Abuse Scandal, by Som Lisaius, KOLD (June 17, 2011)
- Church Youth Pastor Charged with Molesting Teen, on KARE (June 17, 2011)
- Business Schooled: Experts Weigh in on Church Management, by Kristen Hannum, U.S. Catholic (June 17, 2011)
- Long's Story, in World (June 17, 2011)
- Collateral Damage, in Boston Catholic Insider (June 17, 2011)
- Boston Priest-suing Lawyer Goes Bonkers, in Catholic League (June 15, 2011)
- Mcgrory Response, by Paul Kellen, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 17, 2011)
- Corrections, in New York Times (June 17, 2011)
- SNAP Group Gathers to Discuss Abuse, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (June 16, 2011)
- SNAP Urges St. Joseph Victims to Step Forward, by Lourin Sprenger, St. Joe Channel (June 17, 2011)
- Rabbi Slams Blind Obedience to Rabbis, by Kobi Nahshoni, YNet News (May 5, 2011)
- U.S. Catholic Church Amends Child Sex Abuse Charter, by Daniel Blake, Christian Post (June 17, 2011)
- Director Praises Pace of Diocese Reconfiguration, by Linda M. Linonis, Youngstown Vindicator (June 17, 2011)
- Delay Sought for Appeal in Priest's Murder Case, in Toledo Blade (June 17, 2011)
- Sentencing for Former Ontario Priest Delayed, by Lori Consalvo, San Bernardino Sun (June 16, 2011)
- Government Move on Magdalenes Not Enough without an Apology, in Kilkenny Advertiser (June 17, 2011)
- Bishops Squandered Opportunity, Victims" Group Says, by Dan Morris-Young, National Catholic Reporter (June 17, 2011)
- Don Riccardo Seppia Curava Dal 2003 L'hiv Nell'ospedale Della Curia, in The Newnotizie (June 17, 2011)
- Don Seppia, IL Riesame: "potrebbe Rifarlo, Per Lui Gravi Indizi Di Colpevolezza", in Genova 24 (June 17, 2011)
- Priest Sex Victims Call for Kc Investigation, in Albany Times Union (June 17, 2011)
- Apostolic Visitation of Regnum Christi Ends, in Catholic News Agency (June 17, 2011)
- SNAP Calls for Grand Jury Investigation into Ratigan Sex Abuse Case, by Kathy Quinn, FOX 4 (June 17, 2011)
- Where in the World Has Milwaukee's Bishop Sklba Been? Not under Oath in Milwaukee for the Clerical Sex Abuse Cover up, by Peter Isely, SNAP Wisconsin (June 17, 2011)
- Victims" Groups Oppose Rights for Priests, in Catholic League (June 17, 2011)
- US Bishops Ignore Child Safety, in SNAP (June 16, 2011)
- Priest Sex-abuse Victims Call for Grand-jury Investigations of the Kansas City Catholic Church, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (June 17, 2011)
- The Right to Return, by Kristine Ward, National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 17, 2011)
- Group Presses for Grand Jury Investigation of Bishop, Diocese, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 17, 2011)
- Group Calls for Grand Jury Investigations of Diocese, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 17, 2011)
- I-team: Bishop Long Church Break-in, in My Fox Atlanta (June 17, 2011)
- School Psychologist Placed on Leave over Abuse Allegations, by Christian Schiavone, MetroWest Daily News (June 17, 2011)
- Nearly a Year Later, Is Fate of Father Stan Strycharz about to Be Revealed?, by Kelly Farrell, Naples News (June 17, 2011)
- God Love You, God Bless You, and Good-bye., by John Corapi, Black Sheep Dog (June 17, 2011)
June 18
- Before Furor, Ratigan Raised Few Red Flags, by Mark Morris And Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 18, 2011)
- Lifetree Cafe Hosts 'hurt by Church' Sunday, in The Tribune (June 18, 2011)
- Bishop Finn's Conservative Views Aren't the Problem, by Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star (June 18, 2011)
- Fr. Corapi Has Lost It, by Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register (June 17, 2011)
- Priest Wanted for Rape, in Times LIVE (June 18, 2011)
- Priest's Secret Past Revealed, in Pocklington Post (June 18, 2011)
- Fr Corapi: Special Announcement, in Catholic Chapter House Blog (June 16, 2011)
- The Distressing Case of Fr. Corapi Continues, in Stella Maris (June 18, 2011)
- Brief Editorial in Light of the Recent Father Corapi Announcement and All the Other Sad, Weird Things Transpiring in the Catholic Church, These Days., by Doug Lawrence, Doug Lawrence (June 18, 2011)
- Fr. John Corapi - Renounces Priesthood?, in Making Things Visible (June 18, 2011)
- Mike Stechschulte: Changing Catholic Church Not Difficult; It's Just Impossible, in The Times Herald (June 18, 2011)
- Vatican Determined to Look Sin and Crime of Sex Abuse in the Face, on Vatican Radio (June 18, 2011)
- Vatican Turns to Internet to Stem Sexual Abuse, by Philip Pullella, Reuters (June 18, 2011)
- Bishops to Learn Best Practices to Fight Sex Abuse, by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press (June 18, 2011)
- Rabbis, Confidentiality and Other Ethical Issues, by Vicki Polin, The Examiner (June 18, 2011)
- To Fr. Corapi: Bupkes; to John Corapi: Concern and Sympathy., by Max Lindenman, Diary of a Whimpy Catholic (June 18, 2011)
- Vatican to Set up Clergy Sexual Abuse Help Centre, on BBC News (June 18, 2011)
- Church Urged to 'Listen' to Victims, in Bangkok Post (June 18, 2011)
- Catholics March through Downtown Kc in Support of Bishop, in Kansas City Star (June 18, 2011)
- Fr. Corapi Announces He's Leaving the Priesthood, by Marianne Medlin, Catholic News Agency (June 18, 2011)
- Vatican Calls Meeting and Plans Database in Effort to Stop Sexual Abuse, in New York Times (June 18, 2011)
- The Archbishop Vs. The Governor: Gay Sera, Sera, by Maureen Dowd, New York Times (June 18, 2011)
- Popular Catholic Priest John Corapi Call It Quits, Blasts Church Leaders on His Way out, by Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post (June 18, 2011)
- He Was My Priest and My Friend. Then I Found out He Was a Paedophile, by Peter Stanford, The Guardian (June 19, 2011)
- Reactions to John Corapi's Bombshell, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (June 19, 2011)
- The Corapi Investigation: What It Is…, by Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress (June 19, 2011)
June 19
- Diocese Contends $5m Verdict for Former Altar Boy Threatens Religious Liberty, by George Pawlaczyk, Belleville News-Democrat (June 19, 2011)
- Bangalore: Pastor Held for Sexually Exploiting Minor Girls, by Aravind Gowda, India Today (June 19, 2011)
- Onetime Priest Crusades for Abuse Victims Suing Catholic Church, by Richard Allen Greene, CNN (June 19, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Holds Session in St. Joseph, by Kristin Hoppa, St. Joseph News-Press (June 19, 2011)
- There's No Time like the Present to Teach Children about Sexual Abuse, by Jamie Kunchick, The Patch (June 19, 2011)
- Major Conference on Clerical Abuse Announced in Rome, by David Kerr, Catholic News Agency (June 19, 2011)
- Vatican Announces Online Tool to Combat Child Abuse, in Deutsche Welle (June 19, 2011)
- Vatican Plans Confab to Fight Sex Abuse, in Press TV (June 19, 2011)
- Lutte Contre LA Pédophilie: Le Vatican Préconise D'Apprendre Les 'Meilleures Pratiques', in LA Parisien (June 18, 2011)
- Make Vital Changes in Prison System, in Daily World (June 19, 2011)
- Court Remands Fetish Priest for Defilement, in Ghana News Agency (June 19, 2011)
- China Denies Involvement of Temple Priest in Sexual Misconduct, in Msn News (June 19, 2011)
- Priest's Secret Past Revealed, in Pocklington Post (June 19, 2011)
- Shaolin Priest Not Involved in Sex Scandal, Says China, in Mangalorean (June 19, 2011)
- Soul Searching: Sexual Abuse, Cults, and Missionaries, by Vicki Polin and Na'ama Yehuda, The Examiner (June 19, 2011)
- Priest Slams Church over Sexual Abuse, in Press TV (June 19, 2011)
- March Held in Support of Bishop Finn, in Fox 4 (June 19, 2011)
- Vatican Moves to Tackle Child Sex Abuse, on Radio New Zealand (June 19, 2011)
- Jason Berry, Michael Brown and Among Authors Visiting New Orleans, by Suzanne Stouse, The Times-Picayune (June 19, 2011)
- Sex Abuse and Signs of Fraud, by Gordon J. Macrae, Catholic League (June 20, 2011)
- Due Process for Accused Priests, by Gordon J. Macrae, Catholic League (June 20, 2011)
- Vatican Sex Crimes Chief Defends Archbishop, by Paddy Agnew, Irish Times (June 20, 2011)
- State Apology Is Only Way to Express Wrong Done to Magdalenes, by Mary Raftery, Irish Times (June 20, 2011)
- Father Corapi's Bombshell, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (June 20, 2011)
- Pastor Arrested for Sexually Abusing Minor Girls, in The Cathnews (June 20, 2011)
June 20
- Still Missing the Point, in Sun Chronicle (June 20, 2011)
- Rev. John Corapi Quits, Television Personality Leaves Priestly Ministry, in Catholic Online (June 20, 2011)
- Rome: Symposium on Sex Abuse Planned for 2012, by Dan Bergin, Independent Catholic News (June 20, 2011)
- Church Acts to Deal with Abuse by Clergy, in Sydney Morning Herald (June 20, 2011)
- Elvis Has Left the Building, but Fr. Corapi Has Not Left the Priesthood, in A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics (June 20, 2011)
- Priest Asks Judge to Dismiss Sexual Misconduct, in KTTC (June 20, 2011)
- St. Paul Priest Challenges Sex Charges, by Lora Pabst, Star Tribune (June 20, 2011)
- The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse, by John McKiggan, Lawyers Weekly (June 24, 2011)
- Minnesota Priest Challenges Law: New Apologetic Excuses Violations of Pastoral Relationships, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (June 20, 2011)
- Popular Catholic Speaker - Father John Corapi - Leaves Priesthood, in San Antonio Express-News (June 20, 2011)
- Maureen Dowd Wages War on the 'Starchbishop' of New York for Having the 'Gall' to Oppose Gay Lobby, by Tim Graham, The Newsbusters (June 20, 2011)
- Ewtn's Statement on Corapi - Updated, by Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress (June 20, 2011)
- Church Should Pay Dutch Abuse Victims: Commission, in Fox 4 (June 20, 2011)
- Catholic Church Should Compensate Sexual Abuse Victims, in Dutch News (June 20, 2011)
- Dutch Decide Church Sex Abuse Compo Sum, in Sydney Morning Herald (June 20, 2011)
- Defensa De Karadima Coordina Careos Entre Sacerdote Y Denunciantes, in Noticias 123 (June 20, 2011)
- New Information on the Fr. Corapi Situation, by Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register (June 20, 2011)
- Popular Priest with Robstown Connection Steps down Amid Sex Inquiry, in The Caller (June 20, 2011)
- Priest Quits Amid Sex, Drug Charges, by Robert Gavin, Albany Times Union (June 20, 2011)
- Father Corapi: You Can't Make This Stuff up, by Heidi Schlumpf, National Catholic Reporter (June 20, 2011)
- David Quinn: Magdalene Inquiry Must Lift Veil and Uncloak Anti-catholic Myths, by David Quinn, Irish Independent (June 17, 2011)
- Secrecy, Sophistry and Gay Sex in the Catholic Church, in ExpertClick (June 20, 2011)
- Katholieke Kerk Bepaalt Niveaus Van Schadevergoeding Seksueel Misbruik, in NRC Handelsblad (June 20, 2011)
- Human Rights Victory for Rapists and Paedophiles, by James Kirkup, The Telegraph (June 20, 2011)
- Motion for Continuance Filed in Edouard Case, by Steve Woodhouse, Journal-Express (June 20, 2011)
- Corapi's Departure from Priesthood Leaves Questions Unanswered, in Catholic Culture (June 20, 2011)
- Seminarians Want to Be "Part of the Solution" in Addressing Abuse Issue, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service (June 20, 2011)
- Christian Network Sued in Child-sex Case, by Manya Brachear, Chicago Tribune (June 20, 2011)
- David Clohessy Issues SNAP Press Statement on Wenthe Case: Laws Apply to the Church, Too, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (June 20, 2011)
- Solt's Superior Speaks, by Father Gerard Sheehan, National Catholic Register (June 20, 2011)
- Reactie Bisschoppen En Knr Op Rapport Lindenbergh, in The RKnieuws (June 20, 2011)
- Financiele Compensatieregeling Voor Slachtoffers Seksueel Misbruik Rk Kerk, in The Erasmus (June 20, 2011)
- Nederlandse Misbruikslachtoffers Krijgen Tot 25.000 Euro Van De Kerk, in Het Nieuwsblad (June 20, 2011)
- "Goed Rapport, Maar Verhaal Nog Niet Af", in The Kerknieuws (June 20, 2011)
- Follow the Money, in Best of New Orleans (June 20, 2011)
- Fr. Corapi's Order "Saddened" by His Choice to Leave Priesthood, in Catholic News Agency (June 20, 2011)
- Berkeley Parishioners Protest at Church, in Contra Costa Times (June 20, 2011)
June 21
- Cleric Leaves Priesthood Saying He Can't Get 'Fair Hearing' on Charges, in Georgia Bulletin (June 20, 2011)
- Attorney Says Priest Sex Case Should Be Thrown out Based on Legal Conflict, by Emily Gurnon, Pioneer Press (June 20, 2011)
- Years Removed from Dallas, by Father Gerald D. Coleman, Catholic San Francisco (June 20, 2011)
- Vatican Announces Symposium & Online Database to Prevent Sex Abuse by Priests, by Kristina C, The Care2 (June 19, 2011)
- Priest Sues Parishioner, in The Cathnews (June 21, 2011)
- Vatican Concerned about Monks, Not Sex, in The Pravda (June 21, 2011)
- Maureen Dowd's Catholic Problem, by George Weigel, National Review (June 21, 2011)
- Vatican Official: Sexual Abuse of Minors Requires Strong Response, by Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service (June 20, 2011)
- The Fugitive Guru, by Ben Crair, Daily Beast (June 20, 2011)
- Fr Kit Cunningham's Paedophile Past: Heads Should Roll after the Rosminian Order's Disgraceful Cover-Up, by Damian Thompson, The Telegraph (June 21, 2011)
- Female Iowa Priest Says Catholics 'Ready for This', in Des Moines Register (June 21, 2011)
- Villagers Boycott Mass in Support of Suspended Priest, in Cyprus Mail (June 21, 2011)
- School's Sex Abuse Secret Probed, by Jewel Topsfield, The Age (June 22, 2011)
- 7news Exclusive: Nsw Attorney-general Embroiled in Priest Sex Abuse Investigation, in 7News (June 21, 2011)
- Go-to Investigator on the Dallas Charter, by Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register (June 21, 2011)
- Our Opinion: Time for Church to Honor Transparency Promise, in The Patriot Ledger (June 21, 2011)
- Disgraced Bishop's Sentencing for Child Porn Delayed, by Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen (June 21, 2011)
- Corapi Leaves Priesthood, Says Can't Get "Fair Hearing", by Mark Pattison, National Catholic Reporter (June 21, 2011)
- Jesuits Remove Popular Priest over Alleged Abuse, by Associated Press, Sacramento Bee (June 21, 2011)
- Order "Saddened" by Father Corapi's Decision to Leave Priesthood, by Mark Pattison, US Catholic (June 21, 2011)
- Teacher Says Bishop Verot Firing Came after Wanting Priest Investigated, by Gabriella Souza , News-Press (June 21, 2011)
- Corapi and the Call to Denial, by Max Lindenman, An Israelite Without Guile (June 20, 2011)
- In Wake of Sex Abuse Scandals, Priests to Host Latin Mass, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 21, 2011)
- Teacher Says He Was Fired after Pushing for Priest Inquiry, by Matthew Doig, The Herald-Tribune (June 21, 2011)
- Case Filed over Sex Crimes in Icelandic Catholic Church, in Iceland Review (June 21, 2011)
- A News Story and an Opinion Piece Push Bishop Finn Back on the Defensive, in JimmyCSays (June 21, 2011)
- Rk-kerk: "Verkrachting Kost 25.000 Euro", in GreenStijl (June 21, 2011)
- Couple Appeal Dismissal of Lawsuit against Louisville Archdiocese, in The Courier-Journal (June 21, 2011)
- Following Sex-abuse Cases, Diocese Plans to Comfort People Using 4,000-year-old Dead Language, by Peter Rugg, The Pitch (June 21, 2011)
June 22
- The Men Abused by Rosminians Deserve Compensation, by Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald (June 22, 2011)
- Vatican Ousts York Man; Sex Abuse Alleged, by Susan Morse, Seacoast Online (June 22, 2011)
- Abused: Breaking the Silence, Bbc One, Review, by Chris Harvey, The Telegraph (June 22, 2011)
- Catholic Church Should Pay Dutch Sexual Abuse Victims – Commission, in Reuters (June 22, 2011)
- Youth Minister Accused of Sex Abuse Enters Plea, in WSVN (June 22, 2011)
- Op-Ed: Clerical Pedophilia – the Next Step, in Digital Journal (June 22, 2011)
- Pastoor Langer Uit Functie, by Guido Kobessen, De Stentor (June 22, 2011)
- TV Review: Abused: Breaking the Silence; Submarine School, by John Crace, The Guardian (June 22, 2011)
- The Rosminian Order Must Face up to Its Past: What Happened in Tanzania Was a Moral Catast, by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, Catholic Herald (June 22, 2011)
- Why Didn't the Rosminian Order Tell US the Truth about Fr Kit?, by Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald (June 22, 2011)
- Mary Kenny: Devastation and Disbelief When Abuse Case Hits Close to Home, in Irish Independent (June 20, 2011)
- Protest Held at Diocese of Venice, in WWSB (June 22, 2011)
- Squeaky Clean Priests, by Anthony Chadwick, English Catholic (June 21, 2011)
- Corapi's 10 Percent Solution, by Deacon Greg Kandra, All Things New (June 22, 2011)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Praise Tx Bishop, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 22, 2011)
- Bishops Should Blast Mn Priest; SNAP Says, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 21, 2011)
- Bracknell Campaign against Catholic Church Closure, on BBC News (June 22, 2011)
- Maine Catholic Bishop Selling Portland Mansion, in WMTW (June 22, 2011)
- Have the Rosminians Learned Nothing?, by Austen Ivereigh, America Magazine (June 22, 2011)
- Iceland's Catholic Bishop 'Taking Accusations Very Seriously', in Ice News (June 22, 2011)
- 2,000 Meet to Call for Reform in Detroit, by Jerry Filteau, National Catholic Reporter (June 21, 2011)
- Derryn Hinch Given Home Detention, in The Cathnews (June 22, 2011)
- Failure to Report?, by Robert Ireland & Chris Schultz, Lake Geneva News (June 22, 2011)
- Bishop Giving up Portland Mansion, by Dennis Hoey, Portland Press Herald (June 22, 2011)
- Turmoil in Kansas City, after Bishop Finn Hides Pedophile Priest: Finn's Response? Latin Mass, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (June 22, 2011)
- Cabinet Sets Conditions for Child Abuse Law, in The Swissinfo (June 22, 2011)
- Robert Wild, Jesuit Implicated in Pedophilia Scandal, Raises $43 Million for Marquette, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (June 22, 2011)
- Detroit Weekend of Lectures, Emotions Neglects Sex Abuse Crisis, by Thomas P. Doyle, National Catholic Reporter (June 22, 2011)
- Priest Returned Medal after Admitting Abuse, by Simon Caldwell, National Catholic Reporter (June 22, 2011)
- Clerical Disgrace Symbolic of Democracy in Crisis, by Edmond Grace, Irish Times (June 22, 2011)
- New Victims Say Former Pastor Sexually Abused Them at Bell Garden's San Pedro Y Pablo Lutheran Church, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (June 22, 2011)
- Diocese of Wilmington Lay Workers Say Deal Struck on Pension Fund, by Beth Miller, News Journal (June 22, 2011)
- Garden Offers Healing, Reconciliation to All Hurt by Clergy Sex Abuse, by Michelle Martin, Catholic News Service (June 22, 2011)
- Clergy Abuse Survivors of the Milwaukee Archdiocese Have Only Seven Months to File Restitution Claims, by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin (June 22, 2011)
- New Lawsuits Filed Today, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (June 22, 2011)
- Diocese Removes Top Official from Overseeing Sex Abuse Claims, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 22, 2011)
- Chicago Judge Allows for Punitive Damages in Serial Pedophile Case, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (June 22, 2011)
- Court Sets "bar Date" in Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (June 22, 2011)
- Priest Honored for Standing up for Sex Assault Victims, by Jessica Machetta, The Missourinet (June 22, 2011)
- Jesuits Open to Punitive Damages in Civil Abuse Case, by Manya A. Brachear, WGN (June 22, 2011)
- Jefferson City Priest Honored by VOTF & SNAP, in SNAP (June 21, 2011)
- Whistleblower Catholic Files Lawsuit; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 21, 2011)
- Vatican to File Child Report 14 Years Late; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 22, 2011)
- Vatican Pledges to Submit Un Report, 14 Years Late, Associated Press (June 22, 2011)
- Vatican Pledges to Provide Un with Report on Its Treatment of Children, but 14 Years Late, in Daily Mail (June 22, 2011)
- Catholic "Farmville'-style Facebook Game Unveiled, by Tim Drake, National Catholic Register (June 22, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Faces First Legal Action in Sex Abuse Cases, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 22, 2011)
- Vaticano Rechaza Apelacion De Fernando Karadima Y Mantiene LA Condena En Su Contra, in La Tercera (June 22, 2011)
- Abuse Victims Call Diocese Shake-up Pr Move, by Rob Low, Fox 4 (June 22, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Expands Diocesan Administration, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (June 22, 2011)
- 'The World [redacted]', by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (June 22, 2011)
- Forensic Accountant to Review Milwaukee Archdiocese Finances, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (June 22, 2011)
- Family of Alleged Priest Abuse Victim Rallies against Lawsuit Dismissal, on WTAE (June 22, 2011)
- Victims Hit out at Church Abuse Inquiry, on UTV (June 6, 2011)
June 23
- No, I Didn't Blame Woodstock for the Catholic Priest Sex Abuse, by Karen J. Terry, The Salon (June 23, 2011)
- Sexual Scandals Rocking the Church, by Joseph Kizza, New Vision (June 23, 2011)
- Church Order Apologises to Victims of Child Abuse, in This Is Leicestershire (June 23, 2011)
- Lay Employee Pension Accord Clears Way for Bankruptcy Case, by Beth Miller, News Journal (June 23, 2011)
- Former Arcata Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse of a Minor; Sentencing Hearing Set for July, in The Times-Standard (June 23, 2011)
- Aftermath of Sexual Abuse in the Church, in Public Opinion Online (June 23, 2011)
- Scandal: the Forgotten Sin, by Andrew Haines, Catholic News Agency (June 23, 2011)
- Bridgeport Diocese Removes New Fairfield Pastor for Sexual Harassment Allegations, in The Republic (June 23, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Replaces Vicar in Charge Investigation of Sex-Abuse Allegations against Priests, in The Republic (June 23, 2011)
- Bishop Finn Appoints New Vicar for Clergy, by Laura McCallister, KCTV (June 23, 2011)
- El Vaticano Ratifico Condena Contra Fernando Karadima, in La Discusion (June 23, 2011)
- Police Investigate Abuse Allegations at Jewish School, in Australian Jewish News (June 23, 2011)
- Slachtoffers Eikenburg in Gesprek Met Broeders Van Liefde, in Omroep Brabant (June 21, 2011)
- Protest Held at Diocese of Venice, in KSN (June 23, 2011)
- Monsignor Removed after Harassment Allegations, by Daniel Tepfer, CT Post (June 23, 2011)
- IL Cardinale E I Demoni Di Don Seppia "Io, Tradito Dalla Sua Doppia Personalita", by Giuseppe Filetto, La Repubblica (June 23, 2011)
- Caso Don Seppia, Corsi Di Esercizi Spirituali Per I Sacerdoti, in Il Secolo XIX (June 23, 2011)
- Juan Carlos Cruz Sobre Karadima: "no Me Faltan Ganas De Pegarle", in El Mostrador (June 23, 2011)
- Inside the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's Sex-abuse Scandal, by Robert Huber, Philadelphia Magazine (June 23, 2011)
- Continued Rumblings in Kansas City Diocese: New Allegations Issued V. Diocese in Current Lawsuit, by William D. Lindsey, The Bilgrimage (June 23, 2011)
- Superior Court Hears Case over Alleged Abuse by Priest, in KDKA (June 23, 2011)
- Catholic Bishop in Iceland Takes Accusations Seriously, in Iceland Review (June 23, 2011)
- Cittadella (pd) Non Vuole Dino Cinel, Ex Prete Accusato Di Pedofilia, Ma L'ex Emigrante Riesce a Spuntarla, in Laici Libertari Anticlericali (June 23, 2011)
- Finding Faith When Public Figures Fall, by Chris Martin, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 23, 2011)
- Rev. Powers to Oversee Kc Diocese Sex-abuse Cases, by Jessica Machetta, The Missourinet (June 23, 2011)
- Lawsuit Alleges Abuse of Boys by Monk at Conception Abbey, by Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star (June 23, 2011)
- Conception, Missouri Abbey Faces Lawsuit, in Jeff Anderson & Associates (June 23, 2011)
- Lawsuit against Missouri Monastery Involves Las Vegas Episcopal Priest, by Jeff German, Las Vegas Review-Journal (June 23, 2011)
- When Does a Pastor Tainted by Scandal Deserve Forgiveness?, by John Blake, CNN (June 23, 2011)
- Former Local Priest Cited for His Work, in News Tribune (June 23, 2011)
- Tkc Exclusive & Breaking News!!! Check out This Scathing Letter from SNAP to Bishop Finn Regarding Kansas City Catholic Hierarchy Musical Chairs and More Accusations of Sexual Assault against Local Priests!!!, in Tony's Kansas City (June 23, 2011)
- Missouri Lawsuit Accuses Abbey of Covering up Sexual Abuse by Monk, in Daily Journal (June 23, 2011)
- Adulterous Priest Wants to Settle out of Court, by Milton Olupot, New Vision (June 23, 2011)
- Judge Slams Jesuits for "Sham" Efforts to Control Pedophile Priest Donald Mcguire, by Peter Jamison, SF Weekly (June 23, 2011)
- Former Ss. Peter and Paul Priest Due in Court Monday, by Sananda Sahoo, Boonville Daily News (June 23, 2011)
- Canadian Leads Abuse Lawsuit against Catholic Priests, by Randy Boswell, The Vancouver Sun (June 23, 2011)
- Ex-humboldt Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse, in Sacramento Bee (June 23, 2011)
- Pastor Involved in Sex Assault Case Flees, by Stephen Jackson, 8 News Now (June 23, 2011)
- Police: Pastor Wanted in Sexual Assault of Minors, on Fox 5 (June 23, 2011)
- Police Searching for Pastor Accused in Sexual Assault Cases, by Jackie Valley , Las Vegas Sun (June 23, 2011)
- Las Vegas Pastor Accused of Sex with Minors Sought by Henderson Police, by Antonio Planas, Las Vegas Review-journal (June 23, 2011)
- Catholics in Crisis: Sex and Deception in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, by Robert Huber, Philadelphia Magazine (June 17, 2011)
- Sex Abuse Cases Come to Light in Venice, Fla., Diocese, by Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter (June 23, 2011)
- Former Teacher Suing Diocese over Firing, in NBC 2 (June 23, 2011)
- Jesuit Who Had Served in Cleveland Removed from Ministry over Allegation, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 23, 2011)
- Lawsuit Alleges Abuse at Conception Abbey, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (June 23, 2011)
- Missouri Lawsuit: Former St. Cloud Bishop Knew of Abuse, by Kirsti Marohn, St. Cloud Times (June 23, 2011)
- Priest Who Stole Nearly $90,000 from Kearny Parish Sentenced to Three Years Probation, by Michaelangelo Conte, Jersey Journal (June 23, 2011)
- "Just Be":the Spirit of Being at Peace and Becoming Who You Truly Are., in Michael R. Unglo Just Be Foundation (June 23, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Banned from Ministry in Child Sexual Abuse Case, by Nick Madigan, Baltimore Sun (June 23, 2011)
- Avella Sex Offender Bill Clears Another Hurdle in Legislature, by Connor Adams Sheets, Your Nabe (June 23, 2011)
- HSE Gave ?87m since 2006 to Magdalene Nuns, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (June 21, 2011)
- Magdalene Inquiry Appointment Soon, by Marie O'halloran, Irish Times (June 24, 2011)
June 24
- Missouri Abbey Faces Suit; Former St. Cloud Bishop Accused of Abuse Cover-up, by Kirsti Marohn, St. Cloud Times (June 24, 2011)
- Former Leader of Boys Choir at Missouri Abbey Admits Sexual Misconduct, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 24, 2011)
- Former Pastor Dino Cardelli Takes Plea Deal in Child Abuse Case, by Ryan Burns, The Journal (June 24, 2011)
- John Jay Researcher: It's Not about Woodstock, by Paul Moses, The dotCommonweal (June 24, 2011)
- John Jay Investigator Criticizes Reporting, in National Catholic Reporter (June 23, 2011)
- John Jay on What the Critics Got Wrong, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter (June 23, 2011)
- A Penny for the Pope for Peter's Pence, by Frank Douglas, Voice from the Desert (June 21, 2011)
- Pijnlijk Maar Noodzakelijk - Commentaar, in ED (June 24, 2011)
- People and Priest Working Together, in GoodPeople 2 GoodPriests (June 24, 2011)
- Ezzati Y Fallo Canonico Contra Karadima: "Ha Sido Lo Mas Doloroso En Mi Vida De Obispo", by Leslie Ayala C., Emol, The Emol (June 24, 2011)
- Vaticano Confirma Sentencia Eclesiastica Contra Cura Karadima, in The Terra (June 24, 2011)
- Peter and His Pence, in National Survivor Advocates Coalition (June 24, 2011)
- Fr Kit the 'monster' and the Kindly Priest I Knew Didn't Just Seem like Different People: They Were Different People, by William Oddie, Catholic Herald (June 24, 2011)
- Iceland Catholic Abuse Scandal Deepens, in Ice News (June 24, 2011)
- Einelti Og Andlegt Ofbeldi Kennaranna I Landakoti, in The Fretatiminn (June 24, 2011)
- Priest Resigns in Vegas Amid Sex Abuse Suit, in CT Post (June 24, 2011)
- Lead Researcher on John Jay Report Responds to Critics, by James Martin, America Magazine (June 21, 2011)
- Bishop's Child Porn Sentencing Delayed, in The Telegram (June 24, 2011)
- Catholics Still Waiting for Justice in Sex Abuse Scandal, by Kathleen Reeves, RH Reality Check (June 24, 2011)
- Sacerdote Asegura Que Fernando Karadima Es Inocente, in La Tercera (June 24, 2011)
- Man Sues Catholic Diocese in Texas on Abuse Claims, in The Star-Telegram (June 24, 2011)
- Gerald Howard Case Set for Continuance until July, in Boonville Daily News (June 24, 2011)
- Corapi Corrupted: the Parable of the Lost "Sheepdog", by Tom O'Toole, Renew America (June 23, 2011)
- Laundry Orders Run Sex Workers" Aid Group, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (June 25, 2011)
- Karadima Rechaza Pedir Perdon Por Los Casos De Abusos Sexuales, in The Terra (June 24, 2011)
- Sex-abuse Survivors to Leaflet outside Hb's Sts. Simon and Jude Catholich Church This Sunday, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (June 24, 2011)
- Victim Recounts Abuse at Hands of Former St. Francis Doctor, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (June 24, 2011)
- Mesa Pastor Placed on Administrative Leave over Allegation of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor, by Lawn Griffiths, The Tribune (June 24, 2011)
- Priest Faces Sexual Misconduct Allegation, in My Fox Phoenix (June 24, 2011)
- Well-known Priest Accused of Sexual Misconduct with Minor, by Alicia E. Barron, The Azfamily (June 24, 2011)
- Mesa Pastor Placed on Administrative Leave over Allegation of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor, in Daily Journal (June 24, 2011)
June 25
- Abuse Victim Wants to Help Others, by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (June 25, 2011)
- Former Monk Tells Mo. Newspaper He Had Inappropriate Sexual Contact with Members of Boys Choir, in Daily Journal (June 25, 2011)
- Eddie Long and the 'don't Ask, Don't Tell' Pall over the Black Church, by Rod McCullom, Color Lines (June 25, 2011)
- Vatican Denies Martin Snub for Major Clerical Abuse Summit, by John Cooney, Irish Independent (June 25, 2011)
- Matthew Fox's Critique of the Roman Catholic Church, by Thomas Farrell, OpEd News (June 25, 2011)
- Listen to Those Sinned against, in The Tablet (June 25, 2011)
- Gregorian University to Host Major Sex-abuse Symposium, by Robert Mickens, The Tablet (June 25, 2011)
- Vatican to Submit Child Rights Report This Fall, in SOS Children's Villages (June 24, 2011)
- Vatican Readies Report on Child Protection for Un, by Sarah Delaney, National Catholic Reporter (June 25, 2011)
- Michigan Man Accused of Abusing Haitian Children, in Click on Detroit (June 25, 2011)
- Parma Residents React to St. Charles" Decision to Remove Monaghan's Name from Church Hall, on Cleveland.com (June 25, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, in Startpagina Weblog (June 25, 2011)
- Mesa Pastor Jack Spaulding Suspended over Sexual-misconduct Allegation, by Jim Walsh and Matt Haldane, Arizona Republic (June 25, 2011)
- Vatican to Launch Internet News Portal Next Week, in Sacramento Bee (June 25, 2011)
- Matthew Fox's Critique of the Roman Catholic Church, by Thomas Farrell, Oped News (June 25, 2011)
- Abuse in 1950s Subject of New Suit, by Randy Boswell, Montreal Gazette (June 25, 2011)
- 'Misbruikte Personen Rk Kerk Hadden Niets Aan Bestaande Hulporganisatie', in The Trouw (June 24, 2011)
- Predator Priest Quits, " Not Enough" Victims Say, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 24, 2011)
- Predator Priest, Worked in Cleveland, Is Ousted; SNAP Responds, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 24, 2011)
- Dubuque Archbishop Implicated in Child Sex Case, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 24, 2011)
- A West Long Branch Catholic Church's Decision to Separate from Diocese of Trenton Causes Controversy, by Bob Considine, The Star-Ledger (June 25, 2011)
- Bishop: Schism in Long Branch, by Carol Gorga Williams, Asbury Park Press (June 25, 2011)
- Bishop Seeks to End Parish Schism in the Diocese of Trenton, by Erin Duffy, Times of Trenton (June 25, 2011)
- Diocese Files Appeal in St. Stan's Decision, in Berkshire Eagle (June 25, 2011)
- We Need Clarity on the Magdalene Laundries, in Irish Independent (June 25, 2011)
- County Attorney's Office Not Investigating Spaulding Case, in My Fox Phoenix (June 25, 2011)
June 26
- Archbishop of Dubuque Involved in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Jillian Petrus, KCRG (June 26, 2011)
- B'Klyn Sicko Lured Young Boys into Shul, Then Molested Them, in New York Post (June 26, 2011)
- Scandal at Mesa's St. Timothy Catholic Church Opens Fresh Wounds, in Arizona Republic (June 26, 2011)
- Media Release, in Voice from the Desert (June 26, 2011)
- Bishop Upbeat As Diocese Slowly Rebounds, by Meredith Heagney, Columbus Dispatch (June 26, 2011)
- El Paso Priest Sued for Child Sex Abuse, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (June 26, 2011)
- Lessons from Abuse Documentary, by Elena Curti, The Tablet (June 16, 2011)
- Novel Draws on Church Sex-Abuse Scandals, but Narrows the Focus, by Kathleen Byrne, in Globe and Mail (June 26, 2011)
- Brooklyn Teen Surrenders in Abuse Case, by Daniel Edward Rosen, New York Post (June 26, 2011)
- Father John Corapi/s Kafka-Esque Catch-22 Ordeal, by Gordon J Macrae, Spero News (June 26, 2011)
June 27
- Critic Slams Archbishop over Abuse Suit, by Pat Kinney, The Courier (June 26, 2011)
- Accused Child Porn Priest in Court Again, in ABC News (June 27, 2011)
- Road to Recovery Protests outside Church, by Sonya Kimble-Ellis, Livingston Patch (June 27, 2011)
- Mesa Church Celebrates Mass without Suspended Pastor, by Tim Vetscher, ABC 15 (June 27, 2011)
- Parishioners React to Fr. Spaulding Accusations, in My Fox Phoenix (June 27, 2011)
- This Week on Dan Rather Reports, in Dan Rather Reports (June 27, 2011)
- Legion Leadership May Step down at Next General Chapter, in Catholic News Agency (June 27, 2011)
- Archdiocese Behaves the Way It Does, Because It Can, by Sister Maureen Turlish, The Catholics4change (June 27, 2011)
- Casey to Appear in Court in Scott County Today, in The Tricities (June 27, 2011)
- Suit Alleges Abuse by Priest, by Tony Brown, Maryville Daily Forum (June 27, 2011)
- The Lady of Perpetual Protest and the Krumm, in The Nopopetalkback (June 26, 2011)
- Allegations Made That Tec Presiding Bishop Knew Former Benedictine Monk Was a Pedophile When He Joined Tec, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (June 27, 2011)
- Questions Surrounding the John Jay Report, by Richard McBrien, National Catholic Reporter (June 27, 2011)
- Author Jason Berry Takes Critical Look at How Catholic Church Hierarchy Handles Money and Power, by Bruce Nolan, The Times-Picayune (June 27, 2011)
- Cardinal Sees "No Theological Obstacle" to Women Priests, by John L Allen, National Catholic Reporter (June 27, 2011)
- Patriarca Mais Dois Anos Em Lisboa, in Agencia Ecclesia (June 27, 2011)
- Austrians Do Not Trust Church: Poll, on Press TV (June 27, 2011)
- Hdnet's "Dan Rather Reports" Uncovers New Evidence That a Priest Joined L.A. Archdiocese Despite His Troubling Past, in PR Newswire (June 28, 2011)
- Bond Set for Former Memphis Catholic Diocese Employee Charged with Raping Student, in The Commercial Appeal (June 27, 2011)
- Victim Wins Crucial Decision in Pedophile Priest Case; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 27, 2011)
- NH Catholic Woman Honored by Clergy Sex Abuse Victims, in SNAP (June 27, 2011)
- Walnut Creek Man Wins in Pedophile Priest Case, in SNAP (June 27, 2011)
- Vatican Reporting Preparing Guidelines for Diocesan Downsizing, in Catholic Culture (June 27, 2011)
- SNAP to It: Kansas City & Bishop Finn, in Mighty Ambivalent Catholic (June 22, 2011)
- Lyons: in a Confession Booth, What's Off-limits?, in The Herald-Tribune (June 27, 2011)
- Weirdo Cross-dressing Elf Disses Gay Marriage., in Perry Street Palace (June 27, 2011)
- We Want Answers, in The Friends of Jake (June 27, 2011)
- Vatican Document on Reorganization of U.S. Dioceses, in Boston Catholic Insider (June 27, 2011)
- Vatican Document on the Reorganisation of U.S. Dioceses, by Marco Tosatti, Vatican Insider (June 27, 2011)
June 28
- Vic 'Fails Priest Sex Crimes Victims', by Belinda Merhab, 9 News (June 28, 2011)
- Court Clears Way for Diocese to Be Sued, by Amy Pearson, Winona Daily News (June 28, 2011)
- Trial Date for Ex-Priest William Casey Postponed until September, by Wes Bunch, The Knoxnews (June 27, 2011)
- Ruling Opens Door to Revisit Sex-Abuse Case, in Star Tribune (June 27, 2011)
- Doe 76c V. Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, in The Leagle (June 27, 2011)
- Tracy Pastor Pleads Not Guilty, by Jennie Rodriguez, The Record (June 28, 2011)
- Pastor Lyn to Speak on Sexual Abuse, in Rouse Hill Times (June 28, 2011)
- The Road to Recovery, by Elizabeth Vandenburg, Vienna Patch (June 28, 2011)
- Verdict against Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse out on 2 August, by Scott Grech, Malta Independent (June 28, 2011)
- Vangheluwe Doet Mannen Praten over Seksueel Misbruik, in Het Nieuwsblad (June 28, 2011)
- Bishop Calls on Atlanta Mega-Church Preacher to Repent of Sexual Sins, in The Beliefnet (June 27, 2011)
- Location, Discipline of Bishop Accused of Abuse 'Kept Secret', in Quad-City Times (June 28, 2011)
- Rickman Ordered for Further Arraignment, by Denise Ellen Rizzo, Tracy Press (June 28, 2011)
- Tracy Pastor Roger Rickman Charged with Child Molestation, by Tim Daly, News 10 (June 28, 2011)
- Child Assault Suspect Founded Tracy Church, by Jennie Rodriguez, The Record (June 28, 2011)
- US Suits Re-Filed against Irish Ex-Priest, by Toni Earls, Irish Emigrant (June 28, 2011)
- Activist Priest Robert Reyes Says Bishops Got More Than Pajeros, by Maricar Cinco, Inquirer News (June 28, 2011)
- Ex-Priest at El Paso's Sacred Heart Catholic Church Accused of Molestation, by Diana Washington Valdez, El Paso Times (June 28, 2011)
- Schönborn Failed to Act, Abuse Victim Claims, in Austrian Independent (June 28, 2011)
- Was Wusste Christoph Schönborn?, in Oe24 (June 28, 2011)
- Holt Geschichte Die Kirche Ein?, in Die Presse (June 28, 2011)
- Missbrauch Im Vatikan: Tiroler Pater Suspendiert, in Die Presse (June 27, 2011)
- Frau Begrüßt Weitere Prüfung Durch Klasnic-Kommission, in Der Standard (June 28, 2011)
- Catholic Church Begins Own Internal Investigation, by Paul Fontaine, Reykjavik Grapevine (June 28, 2011)
- What Made Archbishop Dolan Famous in Milwaukee Hasn't Saved Him from Losing Here, by Tom Acitelli, New York Observer (June 28, 2011)
- Een Herinnering Verjaart Niet, by Elke Geraerts, The kennislink (June 28, 2011)
- Links to Specialized Sources, in The Chiesa (June 28, 2011)
- Catholic School Employee Accused of Having Sex with Student, in WREG (June 28, 2011)
- Former New Birth Security Guard Pleads Not Guilty to Burglary, by Rhonda Cook, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 28, 2011)
- Cardinal Scola to Become Archbishop of Milan, Top Papabile, in Catholic Culture (June 28, 2011)
- Pope Benedict's War on the Church, in Religion Dispatches (June 28, 2011)
- FLDS Defendant Told to Stay in Texas, by Matthew Waller, The Standard-Times (June 28, 2011)
- Phila. Archdiocese Clergy, Staff Begin Training to Recognize, Report Abuse, by Tom MacDonald, The Newsworks (June 28, 2011)
- Davenport's Bishop Hides 2 Child Molesting Clerics; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 28, 2011)
- Schonborn Accused of Hiding Abuse; Victims Respond, in SNAP (June 28, 2011)
- New Orleans Jesuits Sued in Abuse Case; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 28, 2011)
- Priests & Nuns Honored by Catholic Reform Group, in SNAP (June 28, 2011)
- Serial Molester's Victim Settles with Fort Worth Diocese, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (June 28, 2011)
June 29
- Despite Priest's Dark Past, He Was Given Ample Time to Find New Victims, by Los Angeles Times, Steve Lopez (June 29, 2011)
- Methodist Pastor Surrenders Clergy Credentials after Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Laura Legere, The Times-Tribune (June 29, 2011)
- Former Boy Scouts Sue Organization, Church, Scoutmaster after Being Sexually Abused, by Chris Harrell, Pioneer Press (June 29, 2011)
- Philadelphia Archdiocese Trains on Sexual Abuse Reporting, by Dave Warner, Reuters (June 28, 2011)
- Bishop Richard Lennon's Cleveland Catholic Diocese Church Closings under Investigation by Vatican, Italian Newspaper Reports, by Michael O'Malley, Plain Dealer (June 29, 2011)
- No Document on US Dioceses Reorganization, Vatican Man Says, by Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter (June 29, 2011)
- Disco Wins Honor, by Joseph G. Cote, Nashua Telegraph (June 29, 2011)
- Former Priest Could Be Deported, by Shawn Berry, Daily Gleaner (June 29, 2011)
- Ex-cisd Bus Driver Claims He Was Fired for Whistle Blowing, by Kassia Micek, Your Conroe News (June 29, 2011)
- Diocese Responds to Angry Churchgoers, by Ryan Walsh, WWLP (June 29, 2011)
- Former Priest Sentenced, by Shawn Berry, Times & Transcript (June 29, 2011)
- Radical Reshuffling of Boston Archdiocese Revisited, in Boston Catholic Insider (June 29, 2011)
- Adlington Priest Quits after Admitting "Sexual Liaisons", in The Citizen (June 29, 2011)
- Politics Corrupting the Church, Says Activist Priest, by Paterno Esmaquel, GMA (June 29, 2011)
- Bishops in Pcso Scam Identified, by Perseus Echeminada, Philippine Star (June 30, 2011)
- Former Athletic Director Francis Murphy Pleads Not Guilty to Charges for Improper Contact, by Carl Hessler, Times Herald (June 29, 2011)
- Priest in Robstown-based Religious Order Is Suing His Accuser, by Mark Collette, The Caller (June 29, 2011)
- Matthew Fox: Speaking the Truth in Love, by Kerry Weber, Publishers Weekly (June 29, 2011)
- Retired Priest, Bar Owner Gets Suspended Sentence in Molestation Case, by Carl Hamilton, Newark Post (June 29, 2011)
- Report: Convicted LA Priest Had Record in Italy, by Gillian Flaccus, Sacramento Bee (June 29, 2011)
- Victims Blast Priest's Lawsuit against Woman, in SNAP (June 29, 2011)
- Archdiocese Does More 'training;'snap Responds, in SNAP (June 28, 2011)
- Church Still Not Aiding Child Sex Abuse Audit, by Patsy Mcgarry, Irish Times (June 30, 2011)
- Archdiocese Cemetery Trust Sues to Protect Funds in Bankruptcy Case, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (June 29, 2011)
- Insurer Says Catholic Church Responsible for Vermont Court Fees, Possible Settlements, by Peter Hirschfeld, Times Argus (June 29, 2011)
June 30
- Group Speaks out against Priest Convicted of Child Molestation, in KTLA (June 29, 2011)
- Pastor Due Church Trial in Wayne Co. Sex Abuse Case Resigns, in Pocono Record (June 29, 2011)
- Senior Clerics Still Not Co-Operating with Child Abuse Checks, in The Journal (June 30, 2011)
- Former Sacramento Priest Files Suit against His Accuser, by Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee (June 30, 2011)
- Today in Courtroom 3b, by Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant (June 30, 2011)
- Father Kit: Neither Monster nor Saint, by Patrick West, The Spiked (June 30, 2011)
- Other Pontifical Acts, in Vatican Information Service (June 30, 2011)
- Wordt Seksueel Misbruik Geestelijken Zwaarder Aangerekend Dan Anderen?, in The Trouw (June 29, 2011)
- Troubling Questions Raised by Bishop's Acceptance of Child Molester to Be Priest, in Anglican Curmudgeon (June 30, 2011)
- Om Liet Misbruikzaken Kerk Opzettelijk Verjaren in Een Kastje, in Nrc Handelsblad (June 30, 2011)
- The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Us, 1950-2010 : a News Selection, in Startpagina/weblog (June 30, 2011)
- Bishops Need to Hold Each Other Accountable, Reform Group Says, by Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter (June 30, 2011)
- Diocese Appoints Ombudsman for Sex Abuse Claims, by Glenn E. Rice, Kansas City Star (June 30, 2011)
- Kc Diocese Names Ombudsman to Investigate Abuse, in Westport News (June 30, 2011)
- Former Trial Attorney and Prosecutor Appointed Ombudsman, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (June 30, 2011)
- Jenifer Valenti Will Receive Sex-abuse Complaints against the Kansas City Catholic Diocese, by Justin Kendall, The Pitch (June 30, 2011)
- Lawsuit Filed Naming Priest, by Judy L. Thomas, Kansas City Star (June 30, 2011)
- Catholic Priest Indicted on Seven Sodomy Charges, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (June 30, 2011)
- Archbishop Outraged over Suv Scandal, by Perseus Echeminada, Philippine Star (July 1, 2011)
- US Bishop Resigns after Alleged Paedophile Flees, in AFP (June 30, 2011)
- Pope Accepts Resignation of Bishop Daniel Walsh of Santa Rosa; Coadjutor Bishop Vasa Succeeds, in Catholic Sentinel (June 30, 2011)
- Vasa Becomes Bishop in Santa Rosa, Calif., in National Catholic Reporter (June 30, 2011)
- Man Who Says a Local Priest Abused Him Speaks out, in Fox 4 (June 30, 2011)
- Reading Scripture with Sex Abuse Survivors, by Rachel Stone, Christianity Today (June 30, 2011)
- Kamer Maakt Haast Van Aanbevelingen Commissie Seksueel Misbruik, in Het Nieuwsblad (June 30, 2011)
- Priest Investigation Walks Line between Fairness, Justice, by Mike Sakal, East Valley Tribune (June 30, 2011)
- Set-decorator Catholicism: Clericalism Thrives in a New Phase of the Sex Abuse Crisis, in National Catholic Reporter (June 30, 2011)
- Louisville Priest Indicted on Sodomy Charges, in WLKY (June 30, 2011)
- Bishop Embroiled in Santa Rosa Abuse Cases Resigns, in Fox Reno (June 30, 2011)
- Vatican Accepts US Bishop's Resignation, in RTE News (June 30, 2011)
- Statement Regarding Resignation of Fr. Bede Parry, in Episcopal Diocese of Nevada (June 30, 2011)
- N. Calif. Bishop Embroiled in Abuse Cases Resigns, in Journal Star (June 30, 2011)
- Bishop Walsh Ends 11-year Tenure, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (June 30, 2011)
- Philadelphia Catholics Said to Be in Crisis over Cardinal Rigali, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 30, 2011)
- "Troubling" New Santa Rosa Bishop Takes Over; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 30, 2011)
- Church & Insurance Battle over Abuse Cases; SNAP Responds, in SNAP (June 30, 2011)
- Sex Scandals Continue in Catholic Church, in God Discussion (June 30, 2011)
- "Ich Will Ja Gar Nicht Prufen", in The Profil (June 30, 2011)
- Missbrauch: Der Staat Weigert Sich, DAS Dunkle Kapitel Aufzuarbeiten, in The Profil (June 30, 2011)
- Survivor Advocacy Group Will Meet Minister for Justice., in God Squad (June 30, 2011)
- Statement on the Magdalene Laundries, in Department of Justice and Equality (June 30, 2011)
- Viewpoints : Pb Ordained Pedophile Priest*new Anglican Mission Society in Uk*more, in Virtue Online (July 1, 2011)
- Suspended Catholic Priest Is Cleared, by Lucero Benitez, KION (June 30, 2011)
- Eddie Long Accuser Arrested on Drug, Gun Charges, by Ty Tagami, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 30, 2011)
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