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This Story Makes Me So Angry It Will Take at Least Three Posts to Even Begin to Tell It. Here Is Part One of Peter Dunne, Flagrant Pedophile Priest By Kay Ebeling City of Angels January 15, 2009 Peter J. Dunne could be yet another "worst pedophile priest ever," as his series of crimes stretches one's already over expanded capacity to absorb. Here yet another predator maneuvers himself into the role of priest so he can use the sacraments and other resources of the Catholic Church to gain access to children. In Philadelphia, Rev. Peter Dunne ran the Boy Scouts, St. Francis vocational school for troubled boys, he taught in several parish schools, he counseled at summer camps, he had his own cabin in the woods where he took his victims - I mean... Reading about this perp, it begs logic and reason to think none of the priests who lived and worked with Dunne, no lay teachers, housekeepers, nuns, parent volunteers, NO ONE realized there was something wrong with Rev. Peter J. Dunne, with his bravo flagrante manner of manipulating the Roman Catholic Church heirarchy to give him ready access to little boys. At the end of this post is a work history for Peter J. Dunne, listing his seventeen assignments in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, seventeen (17) transfers and new assignments in a 40-year career. Typical. Blatant.
Last year survivor Joseph Hart, pictured at left at the age Fr. Dunne started raping him, filed a civil lawsuit, where his attorney writes, “The actions and inactions of the Archdiocese were outrageous and beyond the bounds of decency in any civilized society.” I read those words and it sparked real anger in me. I called the author, attorney Patrick Hopkins of Des Moines, and asked him if by any chance he was raging when he wrote Paragraph 55 of the complaint. “The whole thing makes you angry," Hopkins said. "Not just focusing on my plaintiff, but in the grander scheme of things.” Truth is anyone with a lick of sense would have seen what Father Dunne was up to. From Hart's Complaint: "The Archdiocese appointed Father Peter Dunne as the head of St. Francis’s and granted to him full authority to manage St. Francis’s. . . . "Father Dunne made numerous trips to Iowa so that he could visit Boys Town and collect ideas for the operation of St. Francis. . . . "On one or more of the work related trips from Philadelphia to Iowa, Fr. Dunne brought with him one or more of his wards from St. Francis, including Joseph Hart. It was during one of these trips to Iowa that Fr. Dunne brought the Plaintiff to Iowa to the home of a former protege of Fr. Dunne’s. (Emphasis mine) "During their stay at the home of Fr. Dunne’s former protege, Fr. Dunne continued his systematic sexual abuse of the Plaintiff which had begun and continued the entire time that Joseph Hart was a resident of St. Francis." Okay, you can't tell me no one else knew what was happening. You can't tell me there aren't hundreds more former children who are walking around damaged because of the finagling of Peter J. Dunne. And Wait a minute. He took them across state lines. Is there anyone out there in the world of law enforcement paying attention? I asked attorney Hopkins about federal laws coming into play when a pedophile takes a child across state lines. "That is way above my pay grade," said Hopkins. So I babbled, "I don't know what I'm doing half the time when it comes to this issue. You just have to trust God for what he is putting in front of you, take a deep breath, and plunge forward." ************** For those considering documents to print out for Document Dump Day, we suggest these two: Here is the Philadelphia Grand Jury Report on Peter J. Dunne: And as soon as we finish taking it apart, we will post the PETITION AND JURY DEMAND filed in the Iowa District Court for Polk County on behalf of Joseph Hart by attorney Patrick Hopkins of Des Moines, Iowa. Stay tuned for more on Document Dump Day. Across the country, we will print out a pile of documents, then on the same day, at the same time, deliver the docs to the new US Attorneys in our local Federal judicial districts. (First let them get started prosecuting the Bush Administration for war crimes.) Stay tuned for more... *************************** MEANWHILE, Here is our copy and pasted together version of Peter J. Dunne's work history, notice the number of assignments, and Man this guy was good at getting himself into positions that gave him access to kids. Blatantly DUNNE'S CAREER IN PRIESTHOOD PEDOPHILIA is outlined below:
5/54-5/58 St. Ursula Church Fountain Hill, PA Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 5/58-9/58 St. Malachy Church (Parish school) (St. Malachy is pictured above, thanks to Google Images, click to enlarge the pic, if it won't make you puke) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 9/58-6/67 St. Bartholomew Philadelphia, PA (Parish school) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Resident) 6/66-9/69 Camp Neumann Jamison, PA Rev. Peter J. Dunne, Chaplain 9/67-9/74 Camp Neumann Jamison, PA Rev. Peter J. Dunne, Resident 9/71-9/74 Ascension of Our Lord Church Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Faculty) Philadelphia, PA (Parish school) 9/58-6/71 Cardinal Dougherty High School Philadelphia, PA Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Faculty) *********** AND MY FAVORITE: The Boy Scouts ***************** 11/66-6/71 2/72-9/74 Boy Scouts of America Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Chaplain) 9/71-9/74 Archbishop Wood Girls High School (Consolidated with Archbishop Wood Girls High School into Archbishop Wood Catholic High School in July 1990) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Faculty) 9/74-4/83 St. Francis Vocational School Rev. Peter J. Dunne Administrator 6/73-9/74 Counselor 6/77-10/83 Catholic Committee on Scouting Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Director) 6/81-6/82 Philadelphia State Hospital Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1990) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Chaplain) 6/82-4/83 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Bensalem, PA (St. Charles Borromeo and Our Lady of Fatima Schools in Bensalem, St. Thomas School) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Resident) 9/83-12/86 Neuman Apostolate Lincoln University Lincoln University, PA Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Chaplain) 4/83-12/86 Sacred Heart Church Oxford, PA (Parish school) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Pastor) 9/87-6/90 Nativity of Our Lord Warminster, PA (Parish school) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 6/90-1/94 Visitation B.V.M. Church Norristown, PA (Parish school) Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Parochial Vicar) ************** The Reverend Peter Dunne really got around. And as we have learned over the last decades of uncovering the sex crimes committed in the name of religion within the Catholic Church, when one of these predator priests has a lot of assignments, it usually means he was transferred around due to complaints about his sexual proclivity. And I mean, look at it, just look at his list of assignments. The more I read about “The Reverend” Peter J.Dunne, I marvel at how outright blatant he was in his manipulation of the Catholic system, children, families, and everyone around him. Not that unusual in this population of perverts. Dunne got himself into positions where he not only had unfettered access to children, but then he barefaced, apparently making almost no attempt to conceal what he was doing, raped numerous boys, maybe some girls too, he did spend a period of time at a girls’ school. His astonishing list of assignments, all with more than normal access to children, make this veteran journalist writing about pedophile Catholic priests read with my mouth hanging open. People criticize me for being too raw when I rage at the Catholic Church - I mean... how much does it take? Watch here for more about this case filed on behalf of plaintiff Joseph Hart against the Philadelphia Archdiocese. As of now, the Archdiocese and St. Francis's have removed the case to Federal Court and church attorneys have recently filed a Motion to Dismiss. First hearing in court in Des Moines is not yet on calendar. Wouldn't it be cool if this trial was the same weeks I might take a train to Des Moines this summer for a writer's seminar? Please put clicks on my PayPal Donate button at the top of the left hand column, to fund these articles and investigations at City of Angels Network. |
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