Tracker 2007
Part 4: July–August
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles
about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse
July 2007
July 1
- Bishop Hits Retirement Age, by Renee K. Gadoua, Post-Standard, Syracuse NY (July 1, 2007)
- Falsely Accused Priest Highlights Abuse Dilemma, by Jerome Reilly, Irish Independent, Ireland (July 1, 2007)
- This Isn't Justice for Those Children: Sex Assault | Ex-Principal Rips Priest's Plea Deal, Cardinal's Role, by Susan Hogan/Albach and Eric Herman, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago IL (July 1, 2007)
- Records Show Vt. Church Knew of Child Sex Abuse, by Kevin O'Connor, Rutland Herald, Vermont (July 1, 2007)
- Religious Sex Slavery Endures in West African Nations, Associated Press (July 1, 2007)
- Just to Be Sure, Diocese Is Checking All Volunteers Everyone, by Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pennsylvania (July 1, 2007)
- Light Shed on Abuse in Protestant Churches: Crime: New Study Suggests 260 Claims of Child Sex Abuse Registered Each Year, by Rose French, Press-Telegram (June 14, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse in Society and American Churches — Your Reactions, by Father Jonathan Morris, Fox News, United States (July 1, 2007)
- Man Arrested for Allegedly Having Sex with Choir Student at Catholic Church, Associated Press (June 30, 2007)
- Judge Rejects Requests to Dismiss of Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Associated Press (July 1, 2007)
- Nebraska Archdiocese Sues Nun Accused of Stealing Church Funds, Associated Press (July 1, 2007)
- St. Agatha Parish Reacts to McCormack Guilty Plea, by Steve Miller, WBBM (July 1, 2007)
July 2
- McCormack Expected to Plead Guilty: Priest Accused in Church Sex Abuse, by Dan Ponce, ABC 7, Chicago, IL (July 2, 2007)
- Pittsburgh Diocese Background Checks Anger Some Volunteers, Associated Press, Pennsylvania (July 1, 2007)
- Priest Survives Scandal's Whispers, Returns to Thunderous Applause, by Douglass Crouse, NorthJersey, Ho-Ho-Kus (July 2, 2007)
- Diocese Continues Training in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, in Daily Press, MI (July 2, 2007)
- Operation Pedopriest: Banned, in The Ecopolis, Italy (July 2, 2007)
- Bond for Priest Set at $10,000, in The Courier-Journal, KY (July 2, 2007)
- Priest Admits to Abuse: Defendant Gets 5 Years in Plea Agreement, by Azam Ahmed, Margaret Ramirez and Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (July 2, 2007)
- Priest Gets 5 Years for Sex Abuse, Associated Press (July 2, 2007)
- Full-Court Mess: Admitted Mater Dei Molester Raising Money for High Schoolers, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly, Santa Ana, Ca (June 28, 2007)
- 'When the Abuser Is a Priest, the Whole Church Is Affected': Statement from the Archdiocese of Chicago on the Guilty Plea Today of Rev. Daniel McCormack, in Chicago Tribune (July 2, 2007)
- Priest Pleads Guilty, Gets 5 Years, on Chicago Public Radio (July 2, 2007)
- Accused Priest Awaiting Verdict, by Gene Racz, Home News Tribune, New Jersey (July 2, 2007)
- Chicago Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse Pleads Guilty, by Megan Reichgott, nwitimes, Chicago, IL (July 2, 2007)
July 3
- New Sex-Abuse Trial Set for Ex-Priest: Judge Sets Bond at $10,000 Cash, by Jason Riley, The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY (July 3, 2007)
- Is 5 Years Enough for Priest Who Abused Boys? Rev. Daniel McCormack | Parents Believe Cleric, Who May Serve 2¾ Years, Received Special Treatment, While Archdiocese Says Perception of His Crimes Is Worse Than the Reality, by Eric Herman and Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (July 3, 2007)
- Church Scandal, in Rutland Herald, Vermont (July 3, 2007)
- Priest Admits to Abuse: Defendant Gets 5 Years in Plea Agreement, by Azam Ahmed, Margaret Ramirez and Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (July 3, 2007)
- Priest Gets 5 Years for Molesting Boys, Associated Press, IL (July 3, 2007)
- Priest Removed over Previous Sex Admission, by Robin Farmer, Richmond Times-Dispatch, South Richmond, VA (July 3, 2007)
- Summary Box: Chicago Priest Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse, Associated Press, IL (July 2, 2007)
- Man Arrested in Probe of Child Sex Abuse, on BlueRidgeNow, North Carolina (July 3, 2007)
- Ex-Priest to Face New Trial in October, on WAVE 3 (July 3, 2007)
July 4
- Jailed Paedophile Still Paid by Church, in Daily Mail, United Kingdom (July 4, 2007)
- Detectives Say Deacon Confesses, on WRCB, Marion County TN (July 4, 2007)
- Paedo Vicar Still Picks up Pay, by Sebastian Lander, Sun, United Kingdom (July 4, 2007)
- Families Sue Dubuque Church over Chaperone's Sexual Abuse, on KCRG (July 3, 2007)
- Ignoring Whispers about That Seminary, in Getreligion, Baltimore MD (July 3, 2007)
- Censorship of Anti-Clerical Game Shuts down Noblogs.org, in Know Future Inc., Italy (July 4, 2007)
- Internet Game on Paedophile Priests, in Dear Kitty. Some Blog, United States (July 3, 2007)
- Crisis, Reform and the Future of the Church, by Anthony Man-Son-Hing, Lexio Divina, Canada (July 3, 2007)
- Hagenbach Jury Trial Postponed to July 16, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels, Los Angeles, CA (July 4, 2007)
- Angelika Contempt Case to Proceed, on BBC News, Scotland (July 4, 2007)
July 5
- Tough Questions Await Victim of Alleged Sex Abuse: Diocese of Norwich Attorneys' Queries to Be Reviewed by Judge, by Joe Wojtas, The Day, Norwich, CT (July 5, 2007)
- Paedophile Vicar Still Being Paid, in Worcester News, United Kingdom (July 5, 2007)
- How Do People Say This Stuff with a Straight Face? in Chicagoist, IL (July 5, 2007)
- Judge Reserves Decision, in Anglican Journal, Canada (July 3, 2007)
- Mom of Abused Boy Sues Ex-Pastor, Churches: The Lawsuit Says Area Baptist Groups Should Have Protected the Lake Boy. His Former Pastor Is in Prison, by Stephen Hudak, Orlando Sentinel, Tavares, FL (July 5, 2007)
- McCormack's Victims Got Lifelong Sentences, in Chicago Sun-Times (July 5, 2007)
- Girl's Abduction Has Rare Happy Ending, Sad Moral, in Chicago Sun-Times (July 5, 2007)
- Families Sue Dubuque Church over Chaperone's Sexual Abuse, Associated Press, IA (July 4, 2007)
- Child Molester Will Always Be Priest — in Theological Sense: McCormack | but He Couldn't Lead Parish, Church Experts Say, by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (July 5, 2007)
- Angelika Priest Faces Court Again: Priest to Return to Witness Box in Contempt Case, in Glasgow Daily Record, Scotland (July 5, 2007)
- 'Distress' at C of I Cleric's Conviction, in One in Four, Ireland (July 5, 2007)
- MEP in Abuse Archive Call, by Philip Bradfield, Belfast Today, Ireland (July 5, 2007)
- 'Betrayed Again by Church': Three Takes on Father Daniel McCormack's Punishment, in Chicago Sun-Times (July 4, 2007)
- Church Knew about Canada's Worst Pedophile Priest, by John McGiggen, Abuse Claims Blog, Canada (July 5, 2007)
- A Punishment Tale in Black and White: Mother Whose Son Is Serving Time Sees Inequality in Priest's Sentencing, by Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times (July 5, 2007)
- Paedophile Priest Sentenced for Child Sex, in IOL, Italy (July 5, 2007)
July 6
- Steier Literally Blocks Door to Deposition, Then Claims No Evidence from Depositions: Hearing for Sanctions against Steier July 10, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels, Los Angeles CA (July 5, 2007)
- SNAP: Sign Dishonors Pahl, by Claudia Yvonne Vercellotti, Toledo Free Press, Toledo OH (July 6, 2007)
- Church Worker Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, in Tampa Bay's 10 (July 6, 2007)
- Church Worker Arrested on Sexual Abuse Charges, Associated Press, Pompano Beach FL (July 6, 2007)
- Prisons Officials Investigate Release of Geoghan Video, Associated Press (July 6, 2007)
- Prisons Officials Investigate Release of Geoghan Video, on WHDH (July 6, 2007)
- Security Video from Geoghan Slay Hits Web, by Michele McPhee, Boston Herald, Boston MA (July 6, 2007)
- Priest's Murder Posted on Youtube: Investigators Trying to Determine Who Put Video Online, on Thepittsburghchannel, Boston MA (July 6, 2007)
- Minister Charged with Sex Abuse, by Adam Behsudi, Citizen-Times (July 6, 2007)
- Despite Scandals, US Remains Vatican's Largest Financer, in South Asian Women's Forum (July 6, 2007)
- Denial and the BGCT (part 2), in Stop Baptist Predators, Texas (July 5, 2007)
- Celibacy Redux, Part I, in Whispered in the Sacristy (July 5, 2007)
- Celibacy Redux, Part II, in Whispered in the Sacristy (July 6, 2007)
- Utah Supreme Court Denies Jeffs' Request to Move Trial, in Azfamily, Utah (July 6, 2007)
July 7
- Mishandling of McCormack Case Shakes Faith, by Sue Ontiveros, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago IL (July 7, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Case Settled: Archdiocese to Pay $875,000 in Allegation, by Shamus Toomey, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago IL (July 7, 2007)
- Survivor Recounts His Abuse: Robert Berube's Play, Recounting His Abuse by a Priest, Opens This Year's Fringe Festival, by Joe Belanger, London Free Press, Canada (July 7, 2007)
- Does Celibacy Still Serve Catholicism?, by Phyllis Zagano, Salt Lake Tribune, United States (July 6, 2007)
- Prison Video of Response to Attack Is Seen Online, by Pam Belluck, New York Times (July 7, 2007)
- A Split over Celibacy, by Jeff Strickler, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota (July 6, 2007)
- Donations to Local Diocese Rise, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star, Tucson AZ (July 7, 2007)
- Camp Counselor Gets 20 Years for Sexual Assault, by Casey Knaupp, Tyler Morning Telegraph, Texas (July 7, 2007)
- Prison Slay Video Remains Online: Union Says Exposure Poses Risk for Guards, by Michele McPhee, Boston Herald, Boston MA (July 7, 2007)
- Celibacy Redux, Part III, in Whispered in the Sacristy (July 7, 2007)
- Deliver US from Evil, by Beni Bevly, Overseas Think Tank for Indonesia (July 6, 2007)
- Archdiocese of Bogota Awaits Definitive Verdict against Priest Accused of Abuse, in Catholic News Agency, Colombia (July 6, 2007)
July 8
- Accused Priest Deserves His Day in Court, in Home News Tribune, New Jersey (July 8, 2007)
- Well, Let's Not Kill All the Lawyers: Despite Problems, the U.S. Tort System Is an Important Element of Checks and Balances, by Steven Greenhut, Orange County Register, California (July 8, 2007)
- Diocese Continues Training in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, in Ironwood Daily Globe, Michigan (July 7, 2007)
- Former Minister Gets 3 Years for Abusing First Nations Boys, by Shelley Bujold, Winnipeg Free Press, Canada (July 7, 2007)
- Nan Responds to Rowe Sentencing, by Jenna Young, CNW Telbec, Canada (July 8, 2007)
- Lawyer Says Man Will Receive 875 Thousand Dollars in Priest Abuse Case, Associated Press, Joliet IL (July 8, 2007)
July 9
- Molester Who Fled U.S. Being Returned: Ex-Psychiatrist Lived Overseas While on Parole in Capital Region Case, by Kenneth C. Crowe II, Albany Times Union (July 8, 2007)
- Wanted Rabbi Returns to the United States, on WNYT, New Jersey (July 8, 2007)
- TU: Alan Horowitz to Be Extradited from India, on Capital News 9, NY (July 8, 2007)
- Archdiocese Seeks a Settlement As 500 Sex Abuse Cases Head for Trial: The Payout Could Go As High As Half a Billion Dollars, the Largest in the Country. 'The Day of Reckoning Is Near,' Says a Lawyer for Plaintiffs, by Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times (July 9, 2007)
- Perv-Rabbi Bust, by Dan Mangan, New York Post (July 9, 2007)
- Child Molesting Rabbi Alan Horowitz Finally Back in : The U.S. To Answer to Justice, in United States Mashals Service (July 8, 2007)
- American Paedophile Deported, in News Post, India (July 8, 2007)
- Child Molester Back in U.S. Custody, by Dan Higgins, Albany Times Union (July 9, 2007)
- If He Served in San Diego in 1967 He Can't Testify about Any Job He Ever Held Anywhere in the US Because of 2007 Bankruptcy, Catholic Church Claims: American Catholic Church Uses Secular Law to Evade Secular Law, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels, Los Angeles, CA (July 9, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Child Abuse, by Andrew Greaves, Preston Citizen, United Kingdom (July 9, 2007)
- Ex-Jail Chaplain, 70, Facing Sex Assault Charges: Man Fired after Officials Learned of Investigation, Associated Press (July 9, 2007)
- Jail Chaplain Indicted for Raping Inmate, by Clynton Namuo, Union Leader (June 30, 2007)
- Former Chaplain Charged for Sexual Assault at Strafford County Jail, by Thomas R. Kressler, Foster's Daily Democrat (June 29, 2007)
July 10
- Abuse Victims' Claims Still Outstanding, by Natalie Musseau, Gulf News, Canada (July 9, 2007)
- Metro Briefs: Ex-Priest Free on Bond to Await New Abuse Trial, in The Courier-Journal, KY (July 10, 2007)
- Court Upholds Abuse Case Ruling, by Erin L. Nissley, The Times-Tribune, Pennsylvania (July 10, 2007)
- Church Volunteer Sentenced to 45 Years to Life for Child Sex Abuse, on ABC 30, California (July 9, 2007)
- Preacher Pleads Guilty to Sodomizing Boys; Serving No Time, by David Holden, Huntsville Times, Alabama (July 9, 2007)
- Former Priest Lured 3 Boys to Fun-Filled Home, Jury Told, by Sue Lindsay, Rocky Mountain News, Denver ,CO (July 10, 2007)
- To Care or Not to Care..., in Father Lasch, United States (July 9, 2007)
- Rozo Rincon Cases Jury Trial Slips to Oct. 29 Due to 11th Hour Defense Motion; Church Tries to Slip up Sol Did Mahony Slip Past Interrogatories 1-8? Church Attorney Potts: Reinstate Old Sol " for the General Mankind, to Promote Repose and Give Humans a Sense of Security.", by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels, Los Angeles, CA (July 10, 2007)
- OC Diocese Lawyer Trashes Oc Weekly but Still Loses, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly, California (July 9, 2007)
- Ex-Youth Pastor Gets 63 Years: Jamie Soria Is Sentenced for Sex Abuse of 4 Boys, by Chris Collins, Fresno Bee (July 10, 2007)
- Fugitive U.S. Doctor Convicted of Child Molestation in Custody, by Shaveta Bansal, All Headline News (July 9, 2007)
- 'Voice of the Faithful' Stops Claiming Doctrinal Fidelity, by Tom McFeely, National Catholic Register (July 10, 2007)
- Helping Accused Priests Is His Calling, by Sue Ellin Browder, National Catholic Register, United States (July 10, 2007)
- Catholic Church Abuse Cases in the News, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star, United States (July 10, 2007)
- Senator's Link to 'D.C. Madam' Exposed, Associated Press (July 10, 2007)
July 11
- Abuse Claims Aimed at Retired Priest: Episcopal Diocese of Texas Reveals Charges Dating to the '60s, by Tara Dooley, Houston Chronicle (July 11, 2007)
- Child Sex-Abuse Victims Cheer Law: Minner Inks Measure Allowing Two-Year 'Window' for Past Victims to File Belated Claims, by Beth Miller, News Journal (July 11, 2007)
- Ex-Tucson Priest Wants Abuse Accusations Tossed, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Arizona (July 11, 2007)
- Delaware Gives Pedophilia Victims More Time to File Lawsuits, Associated Press (July 11, 2007)
- Civil Action in Rowe Case Possible, by Shelley Bujold, Kenora Daily Miner, Canada (July 10, 2007)
- Wisconsin Court Reinstates Suit against Milwaukee Archdiocese over Sex Abuse, on Fox News (July 11, 2007)
- Gonzales Answers Interrogatories 1-8 Instead of Mahony, Judge Denies Plaintiffs' Motion for Sanctions, and the Archdiocese Adds on Another Law Firm, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 11, 2007)
- Church Accused of Abuse Silence: Suit Claims Catholic Diocese Knew of Former Choir Director's Abuse of Teen, but Concealed It, by Alicia Robinson, Daily Pilot, Costa Mesa CA (July 11, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Claim to Be First under Del.'s New Victims' Rights Law, by Randall Chase, Newsday, Dover DE (July 11, 2007)
July 12
- Court: Abuse Victims Can Sue Wis. Church Officials for Fraud, by Ryan J. Foley, Pioneer Press, Madison WI (July 11, 2007)
- 8 Men Allege Abuse in Suit against Su, Jesuit Order, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times, Seattle WA (July 12, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Claim to Be First under New Victims' Rights Law, Associated Press (July 12, 2007)
- Abuse Victims Can Sue for Fraud: State Justices Allow Cases in Priest Coverups, by Marie Rohde and Tom Heinen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin (July 11, 2007)
- Milwaukee Archdiocese Abuse Cases Can Be Heard in Court, on My Fox Milwaukee (July 11, 2007)
- Justice May Be at Hand: The State Supreme Court's Ruling on Sexual Abuse Cases Involving the Milwaukee Archdiocese Finally Gives Victims a Chance to Sue in the State Courts, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 11, 2007)
- Court: Abuse Victims Can Sue Wis. Church Officials, on WCCO (July 11, 2007)
- Catholic Abuse Crisis Starts to Fade, by Eric Gorski, Kansas City Star, United States (July 11, 2007)
- State Supreme Court Reinstates Fraud Claims against Milwaukee Archdiocese, by John Bisnar, Injury Board (July 11, 2007)
- Pedophile Jailed for Sex Crimes, by Dan Ferguson, Surrey Leader (July 11, 2007)
- Diocese of Orange Sued in Abuse Case: Woman Alleges Sexual Abuse by Former Choir Director and Conspiracy Within the Church to Protect Pedophiles, by Kimberly Edds, Orange County Register, California (July 12, 2007)
- Pastors Face Charges over Not Reporting Assaults, by Sara Reed, Coloradoan, Loveland CO (July 12, 2007)
- Pope Names Archbishop O'Brien to Head Baltimore Archdiocese, Associated Press (July 12, 2007)
- Pope Names New Archbishop for Baltimore, by Debbi Wilgoren, Washington Post (July 12, 2007)
- Exclusive Brethren Member Summonsed to Court on Sex Charges, on TV 3, New Zealand (Jule 12, 2007)
- Pastors May Have Sheltered Accused Child Molester: Authorities Charge Church Member in Sex Assault of Kids, by Betsy Lehndorff And Hector Gutierrez, Rocky Mountain News, Loveland CO (July 12, 2007)
- Elderly Exclusive Brethren Member to Face Sex Charges, in New Zealand Herald, New Zealand (July 12, 2007)
- Man Held in 5 Cases of Child Sex Assault, by Manny Gonzales, Denver Post, Loveland CO (July 12, 2007)
- Ex-Brethren Man Charged with Abuse, on TVNZ, New Zealand (July 12, 2007)
- New DNA Test for Pastor, Teen Mother, Baby: Judge Allows an Independent Assessment in Second Bid to Determine Boy's Likely Father, by Tina A. Brown, Hartford Courant, Hartford CT (July 12, 2007)
- Abuse Claim against Priest Is First under Del.'s Victims' Law, by Randall Chase, Staten Island Advance (July 12, 2007)
- Child Sex Abuse Suit Filed against Wilm. Diocese, Ex-Priest Deluca, by Beth Miller, News Journal, Delaware (July 12, 2007)
- Child Abuse Case Accused Priest Bailed, in Lancashire Evening Post, United Kingdom (July 12, 2007)
- Teen 'Sex Devil' Tears Community Apart, by Gavin Lower, Adelaide Now, Australia (July 13, 2007)
- New Baltimore Archbishop to Focus on Seminary Recruitment, by Ben Greene, Examiner (July 12, 2007)
- Army Silent on Abuse Payout, by Rhonda Markby, Timaru Herald, New Zealand (July 13, 2007)
- Psychologist Arrested in Voyeurism Case: Suspected of Filming Patients, by Claudia Rowe and Hector Castro, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle WA (July 11, 2007)
- Statement Concerning Civil Lawsuit, in Seattle University, Seattle WA (July 12, 2007)
- Man Sues 2 Dioceses, Order over Alleged Abuse 42 Years Ago, Associated Press, Indiana (July 12, 2007)
- Former Priest Faces More Charges, by Web Staff, News 10 Now (July 12, 2007)
July 13
- 1st Suit Filed under Del. Sex-Abuse Law, by David O'Reilly, Philadelphia Inquirer, Delaware (July 13, 2007)
- Alleged Sexual Abuse Victims Sue Dallas Diocese, by Brett Shipp, WFAA (July 13, 2007)
- Man Who Says He Was Abused Seeking $2.5 Million in Damages, Associated Press (July 13, 2007)
- Sunstar: Priest in Sexual Harassment Case Breaks Silence, on GMA News, Philippines (July 13, 2007)
- " He Didn't Know Any of These Guys" Clergy Abuse Trials Moving Ahead; Will Cardinal Mahony Have to Testify? in California Catholic Daily, California (July 13, 2007)
- Order to Release Financial Data Has Lds Church, Courts on Collision Course, by Peggy Fletcher Stack, Salt Lake Tribune, Oregon (July 13, 2007)
- Loveland Pastor Denies Coverup, by Electa Draper, Denver Post, Loveland CO (July 13, 2007)
- Former Youth Minister Convicted of Sex Crimes with Teens, Associated Press (July 12, 2007)
- Trial Delayed for Minister Accused of Sex Abuse, in Pantagraph (July 12, 2007)
- Land Deal Is Voided, Builder Says, by Mark Sauer and Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune, San Diego CA (July 13, 2007)
- Priest Seeks Truth Hearing, by Karlon N. Rama, Sun.Star, Philippines (July 13, 2007)
- Closing Arguments Start in Shissler Sex Abuse Case: Denver Trial against Former Foster Parent, Priest, by Michelle Griego, CBS 4, Denver CO (July 13, 2007)
- Denver Jury Convicts Former Priest of Sex Assault, on CBS 4, Denver CO (July 13, 2007)
- Texas: Former Chaplain Accused of Sexual Misconduct, in Episcopal Life, Texas (July 13, 2007)
- Former Minister Arrested on Sexual Battery Charges, by Jason Miles, WMCT, Tennessee (July 14, 2007)
- Former Minister Arrested for Sexual Battery, by Adrienne Phillips, Eyewitness News, Memphis TN (July 13, 2007)
- Former Pastor of Cordova Church Arrested for Sexual Battery, by Pamela Perkins, Commercial Appeal, Memphis TN (July 13, 2007)
- Indy Man Sues, Claims Abuse by Former Priest: Suit, Alleging Assault at Summer Camp in 1965, Points Finger at Diocese, Cyo., by Jeff Wiehe, News-Sentinel, Indiana (July 11, 2007)
- Priest on Leave in Wake of Investigation, on My Fox Detroit, Michigan (July 12, 2007)
- Don't Stop Believing: Renegade Bloggers Besiege the Southern Baptist Convention, by Michael Erard, Texas Observer, San Antonio TX (July 13, 2007)
July 14
- Ex-Foster Parent Convicted in Sex Assaults on 3 Boys, in Denver Post, Denver CO (July 14, 2007)
- Voyeur Psychologist Case Raises Questions: Many Relied on U.w. Faculty Member's Expert Opinion, by Claudia Rowe, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle WA (July 13, 2007)
- Priest Faces Out-Of-State Lawsuit, by Renee K. Gadoua, Post-Standard, Syracuse NY (July 14, 2007)
- Woman to Sue Church, in Timaru Herald, New Zealand (July 14, 2007)
- More Money Problems for San Diego Diocese, by Alan Ray, KPBS, San Diego CA (July 13, 2007)
- It's Not the Same with Baptists and Other Religions; Catholic Secrecy Created a Haven for Sex Criminals and Attracted Pedophiles to Priesthood, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels, United States (July 14, 2007)
- Some Major Settlements in Catholic Clergy Abuse Cases, Associated Press, United States (July 14, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese to Pay Clergy Victims $600m: Amount Largest Payout to Date for Church, in WMTW (July 14, 2007)
- LA Church to Pay $600m for Clergy Abuse, by Gillian Flaccus, Guardian (July 14, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese to Pay out $600m, by Gillian Flaccus, Oberlin Times (July 14, 2007)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Gain in Court Ruling, in Journal Times, Milwaukee WI (July 13, 2007)
- Los Angeles to Settle Sexual Abuse Claims: Reports Indicate That the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Will Pay Some $600 Million to, in over 500 Claimants, the Largest Such Pay-Out in the History of the Scandal. (July 14, 2007)
- $660-Million Settlement in Priest Abuses: L.A. Archdiocese's Payout to 508 Claimants Is the Largest in the Sex Scandal That Has Rocked the Catholic Church., by Joe Mozingo and John Spano, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Clergy Settlement Story Premature, Innacurate, on CBS 2 (July 14, 2007)
- LA Church May Settle Abuse Suits, in Earthtimes (July 14, 2007)
- Deal Reported in Sexual Abuse Cases in Los Angeles, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Settlement Close in Clergy Abuse Cases, by Tom Kisken, Tamara Koehler, Ventura County Star, California (July 14, 2007)
- Ap Newsbreak: LA Archdiocese to Pay $600 Million to Settle Clergy Abuse Claims, Dwarfing Other Deals, Associated Press (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church's Anti-Abuse Chief Quits on Eve of Scathing Report, by Jamie Doward, Guardian Unlimited, United Kingdom (July 15, 2007)
- L.A. Archdiocese to Pay $660m for Abuse, by Gillian Flaccus, Contra Costa Times, Los Angeles CA (July 14, 2007)
July 15
- L.A. Church Abuse Case Tab Put at $660 Million, by Gillian Flaccus, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- $660 Million Will Be Paid to 500 Victims of Clergy, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- LA Church in Record Abuse Deal, by James Rono, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Record €440m to Settle LA Clergy Abuse Claims, in Evening Echo, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Los Angeles Archdiocese to Settle Abuse Cases for $660 Million, Associated Press (July 15, 2007)
- Roman Catholic Church Agrees Sexual Abuse Payout, by Duncan Hooper, Telegraph, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Los Angeles Catholic Church in Record Abuse Deal, in Reuters South Africa (July 15, 2007)
- LA Church Reaches Record Abuse Settlement, in Adfero, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- LA Clergy-Abuse Payout Dwarfs Other Deals, by Gillian Flaccus, Arizona Republic (July 15, 2007)
- Victim Says He Hopes Settlement Will Bring Him Peace: The L.A. Firefighter Says His Abuse at the Hands of a Silver Lake Priest Might Have Contributed to His Poor Relations with His Family Later, by Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- $660-Million Settlement in Priest Abuses: L.A. Archdiocese's Payout to 508 Claimants Is the Largest in the Sex Scandal That Has Rocked the Catholic Church, by Joe Mozingo and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 15, 2007)
- US Catholic Church in Record Abuse Deal, in Radio New Zealand, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese to Pay $600m to Settle Clergy Abuse Claims, Dwarfing Other Deals, by Gillian Flaccus, National News (July 14, 2007)
- Money Not the Answer for Catholic Church, in Musings of the Independent Mind, United States (July 15, 2007)
- Los Angeles Catholic Church in Record Abuse Deal, in Reuters (July 15, 2007)
- Summary Box: LA Church to Pay $660m over Clergy Abuse, in Fresno Bee, Los Angeles CA (July 14, 2007)
- 'La Clergy Abuse Case Settlement Premature', in Khaleej Times (July 15, 2007)
- Timeline: US Church Sex Scandal, on BBC News, United States (July 15, 2007)
- A Rocky Road to Healing: Diocese Enacts New Policies, Programs, but Victims Demand More Accountability, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade, Toledo OH (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church to Pay $660 Million Settlement in Abuse Cases, in Voice of America, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church Reaches Settlement Deal, in Malaysia Sun, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- LA Church 'Agrees Abuse Pay Deal', on BBC News, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Plaintiff's Attorney Confirms Settlement, Associated Press (July 14, 2007)
- Church Bins Shamed Priest's Worldy Goods: Priest to Have Name Removed from Boards outside Church., by David Taylor, Sunday Mail, Scotland (July 15, 2007)
- The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles Will Settle Sexual Abuse Cases for $600 Million, by Kathy Henry, AHN, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Sins of the Fathers to Cost Church $660 Million, by Tony Castro, LA Daily News, Los Angeles CA (July 14, 2007)
- Hondo's Tex. Message, in New York Post, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church to Pay $660 Million for Abuse, by Philippe Naughton, Times, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- L.A. Abuse Settlement: $660 Million, by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Sexually Abused to Get $760m from Church, Lawyers Say, by Laurie Goodstein, Sydney Morning Herald, Los Angeles CA (July 16, 2007)
- Pope Hopes to Visit U.s., France in 2008: Pope Benedict Hopes to Visit the United States and France Next Year, His Spokesman Said on Sunday, in Javno, Rome (July 15, 2007)
- Can Money Heal Sex-Abuse Wounds? U.S. Catholics Ask, by Jason Szep, Reuters, Boston MA (July 15, 2007)
- Boston Catholic Archdiocese Facing Priest Shortage, Associated Press, Boston MA (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church Avoids Abuse Trial with LA Deal, by Adam Tanner, Reuters, California (July 15, 2007)
- Record 660 Mln Dlr Deal in LA Clergy Abuse Cases: Lawyers, in Raw Story, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- LA Cardinal Apologizes to Plaintiffs, by Gillian Flaccus, Yahoo! News, Los Angeles CA (July 15, 2007)
- Settlement Apparently Finalized, Sex Abuse Victim Reacts, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, California (July 14, 2007)
- The Priest Abuse Scandal: Full Coverage, in Los Angeles Times (July 15, 2007)
- Catholic Church in LA to Pay £325m Compensation to Child Abuse Victims, by Richard Luscombe, Scotsman (July 16, 2007)
- Cardinal Gives Apology for Abuse Cases in Los Angeles, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (July 16, 2007)
July 16
- Los Angeles Cardinal Admits Mistakes, Looks for Brom to Resolve Claims Soon, by Sandi Dolbee, Mark Sauer and Matt Krasnowski, Union-Tribune (July 16, 2007)
- Cardinal Apologises to Clergy Sex Abuse Victims, in Evening Echo (July 16, 2007)
- Parishioners Support Payout, but Some Take Mahony to Task: Many Express Concern for Victims and Express Anger with Officials for Allowing the Abuse Crisis to Go on for So Long, by Teresa Watanabe, Rebecca Trounson and Jeffrey L. Rabin, Los Angeles Times (July 16, 2007)
- Disagreements Persist Despite Abuse Settlement: Mahony Says He Sought the Deal to Ease Victims' Pain. But Their Lawyers Fear the Full Truth May Never Be Revealed, by Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times (July 16, 2007)
- LA Cardinal Offers Abuse Apology, in Kazinform (July 16, 2007)
- Church Set to Pay Millions to Abuse Victims: Accusations Relate to 500 Claimants and 221 Priests over 60 Years, by Chris Ayres, Irish Independent (July 16, 2007)
- Church Pays £330m to Abused Kids: Deal for Victims of Priests, in Glasgow Daily Record (July 16, 2007)
- Church to Pay $660m to Abuse Victims, in Pretoria News (July 16, 2007)
- Payout Has Huge Implications for the O'Grady Case, in Irish Independent (July 16, 2007)
- LA Cardinal Apologies, Offers Record Abuse Deal: The Leader of the Largest US Roman Catholic Archdiocese Apologized Sunday for What He Called a " Terrible Sin and Crime" As the Church Confirmed It Will Pay a Record $660 Mln to the Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse, in Thanh Nien News (July 16, 2007)
- US Cardinal Apologizes to Sex Victims, in Press TV (July 16, 2007)
- Lawyers Release Papers Detailing Alleged Abuse, by Susan Abram, LA Daily News (July 15, 2007)
- Mahony's Mea Culpa: Cardinal Offers Apologies to Sexual-Abuse Victims; Claimants Doubt Sincerity, by Susan Abram, LA Daily News (July 15, 2007)
- Mahony 'Sorry': Religion: Cardinal Apologizes to Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse at News Conference, by Susan Abram, Press-Telegram (July 15, 2007)
- Transcript of a Bland Apology: Mahony Stood There in His Robes with His Big Cross Round His Neck and Said in a Dry Voice, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 15, 2007)
- Roger the Dodger Rides Again, by Rod Dreher, Beliefnet (July 15, 2007)
- Cardinal Mahony — What's in Your Wallet? by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (July 15, 2007)
- LA Church Settlement Goes to Courtroom, on Central Florida News 13 (July 16, 2007)
- Money Can't Buy Absolution for Clerics' Sins, by Barney Zwartz, Age (July 17, 2007)
- The Babylonian Captivity of the Catholic Church, by Tracy Dove, U.S. Politics Today (July 16, 2007)
- Los Angeles Court to Rule on Church Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- More to Do to Tackle Child Abuse, Church Told, by Sally Williams, ic Wales (July 16, 2007)
- Catholic Abuse Review Calls for Central Commission, in inthenews (July 16, 2007)
- Church 'Better at Tackling Abuse', on BBC News (July 15, 2007)
- Conference of Religious Welcomes Cumberlege Report, in Independent Catholic News (July 16, 2007)
- Catholics 'Must Do More to Stop Sex Abuse', by Fiona Hamilton, Times (July 16, 2007)
- Disagreements Persist Despite Abuse Settlement: Mahony Says He Sought the Deal to Ease Victims' Pain. But Their Lawyers Fear the Full Truth May Never Be Revealed, by Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times (July 16, 2007)
- Archdiocese to Begin Abuse Trial, in Insurance News Net (July 16, 2007)
- Shut Up, Cardinal Mahony!, by John Lillpop, Conservative Voice (July 16, 2007)
- Mahony Apologizes at News Conference, in LA Observed (July 16, 2007)
- Times Reporting on LA Archdiocese's Sex Scandal Settlement, in ProfessorBainbridge.com (July 16, 2007)
- SD Diocese Now Largest in Nation in Outstanding Claims, on 10 News (July 16, 2007)
- Settlement Will Not Cure Sufferings for Clergy Abuse Victims, on KTHV (July 16, 2007)
- Record Catholic Sex-Abuse Settlement Unleashes Anguish by Victims, in Earthtimes (July 16, 2007)
- Court Approves $660 Million L.A. Priest-Abuse Accord (update1), by Bob Van Voris and Danny King, Bloomberg (July 16, 2007)
- Judge Approves $660m Church Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- Breaking News: LA Archdiocese Settles More Than 500 Abuse Cases before Trial, in California Catholic Daily (July 16, 2007)
- Catholic Church Settles Sex-Abuse Allegations for $660m, in USA Today (July 16, 2007)
- San Diego Victims Weigh in: They Hope the L.A. Settlement Will Spur Their Own Troubled Diocese to Make Amends, by Tami Abdollah and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 16, 2007)
- Judge Approves LA Archdiocese Clergy Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- 74-Year-Old Sentenced to 210 Years for Child Sexual Assault, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- Price for Priestly Sins of the Flesh, by Rob Woollard, Standard (July 17, 2007)
- Some Plaintiffs Still Not Accepting Apology from Mahony, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- American Catholic Dioceses Survive Despite More Than $2 Billion in Abuse-Related Costs, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- Judge Finalizes $660 Million Church Abuse Settlement, by Tony Castro and Susan Abram, LA Daily News (July 16, 2007)
- Local Victim Finds Hope in L.A. Archdiocese Case, by Pat Ciarrocchi, KYW (July 16, 2007)
- To Settle over Church Sex Abuse or Not, by Steve Trainor, Central Illinois Proud (July 16, 2007)
- Statement of Cardinal Roger Mahony Following Superior Court Settlement Meeting, in Archdiocese of Los Angeles (July 16, 2007)
- Joint Statement of Ray Boucher and Michael Hennigan, Lead Attorneys for the Settlement of Outstanding Civil Lawsuits, in Archdiocese of Los Angeles (July 16, 2007)
- Record 660 Mln Dlr US Clergy Sex Abuse Payout Approved, by Rob Woollard, France 24 (July 16, 2007)
- L.A. Catholic Church Apologizes for 'Terrible Sin and Crime'; Pays Record Amount to Victims, by Daniel Blake, Church Executive Magazine (July 16, 2007)
- Local Abuse Victims React to Church Settlement, by Jeff Saperstone, Fox 23 (July 16, 2007)
- Insurance for Sex Abuse: A Policy Tailor-Made for the Catholic Church, by Michelle Tsai, Slate (July 16, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese Sex Abuse Settlement: the Oc Connection, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (July 16, 2007)
- Q&A: LA Archdiocese Reaches $660m Settlement on Clergy Sex Abuse Allegations, Associated Press (July 16, 2007)
- LA Clergy Abuse Settlement Finalized in Court, in Reuters (July 16, 2007)
- The Cardinal Speaks, in Friendly Fire (July 16, 2007)
- 'I'm Blessed. I'M Happy It's Over': Jim Dunlap Says Record Settlement Will Help Him Heal, by Gwendolyn Driscoll, Orange County Register (July 16, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Plaintiffs Thanked for Resolve, Courage: Lawyer Calls Cardinal Instrumental in Reaching Settlement, in Orange County Register (July 16, 2007)
- Priest Molestation Victims Vindicated by Payouts, by Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA Today (July 16, 2007)
- A Settlement in Los Angeles, in New York Times (July 17, 2007)
- Payout Is Bittersweet for Victims of Abuse, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (July 17, 2007)
- DA Says " Book Not Closed" on Church Abuse Investigation, on KGET (July 16, 2007)
- Landmark Settlement Reached with Victims of Clergy Abuse, on KGET (July 16, 2007)
July 17
- Aussie Victims Less Likely to Sue, Church Officials Say, in CathNews (July 17, 2007)
- Settlements Are Just the Beginning of the Story. Mahony Is Already Lying to the Press., by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 16, 2007)
- Judge OKs $660m Clergy Abuse Deal, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Sex Scandal Costs Church $2 Billion: The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Must Pay Hundreds of Millions to Settle the Sexual-Abuse Claims Filed against It. Other Dioceses Also Face Large Payments, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Former Altar Boys to Receive Compensation in Clergy Abuse Case, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Q&A Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles: Judge Approves Settlement of Abuse Claims, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Settlement Hearing Proves Emotional, by Matt Krasnowski, Union-Tribune (July 17, 2007)
- Victim of Former Freedom Priest Among Recipients in California Settlement: Feeney Convicted on 4 Area Abuse Charges in 2004, by Dan Wilson, Appleton Post-Crescent (July 17, 2007)
- Cash Won't Heal Abuse Wounds: Despite $660 Million Settlement, Victims Dismayed Cardinal Won't Have to Testify in Court, Reuters (July 17, 2007)
- Lawyers: Settlement in Vermont Clergy Abuse Cases Unlikely, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (July 17, 2007)
- Allianz, Munich Re Among Insurers to Pay for US Priest Abuse Settlement - Report, in Hemscott (July 17, 2007)
- Church Payout Puts Cloud over L.a.'s Cardinal: With Litigation Over, Roger Mahony's Controversial Decisions Will Be Widely Debated, by Tony Castro, Daily Breeze (July 17, 2007)
- Clergy Abuse Victims Here to Get $7.5m: Five Will Evenly Split Sum As Part of Big L.A. Archdiocese Settlement, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (July 17, 2007)
- Inland Diocese Has 19 Abuse Cases Awaiting Action, by David Olson, Press-Enterprise (July 16, 2007)
- Among Victims, Tears, Relief, Bitterness: Among the Victims, Tears, Relief And, for Many, Lingering Anger, by Tami Abdollah, Francisco Vara-Orta and Rebecca Trounson, Los Angeles Times (July 17, 2007)
- San Diego Victims Weigh in: They Hope the L.A. Settlement Will Spur Their Own Troubled Diocese to Make Amends, by Tony Perry and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 17, 2007)
- Cardinal Ignores Role in Scandal, Says Attorney in Sex-Abuse Case, by Rick Brewer, Stockton Record (July 17, 2007)
- Money, Apology Cannot Replace Victims' Innocence: More Than 500 Victims of Roman Catholic Church, by Geoff Whiting, LSU La Reveille (July 17, 2007)
- Clergy Cleanup: Catholic Church Mishandled Its Sex Scandal, Says Rick Rojas, by Rick Rojas, The Batt (July 17, 2007)
- Celibacy and the Story of Eve, by Connie Veneracion, Manila Standard Today (July 17, 2007)
- Record Church Payout Caps Series of Child Abuse Scandals, in Philippine Star (July 17, 2007)
- Mspi Catholic Boarding School Sued in Alleged Sex Abuse, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Local Archdiocese Pained with LA Abuse Scandal, by Joan Rampersad, Newsday (July 17, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Not Just Catholics, Says Vatican, by Philip Pullella, Daily Telegraph (July 17, 2007)
- Wichitan Relates with Catholic Settlement, by Cliff Judy, KWCH (July 17, 2007)
- Swami Freed of Rape, in Newsday (July 17, 2007)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Still Scarred, by Tony Castro and Susan Abram, LA Daily News (July 17, 2007)
- Staying Celibate, by Antonio C. Abaya, Manila Standard Today (July 17, 2007)
- Protecting Mahony Was Church's Cardinal Objective, by Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times (July 17, 2007)
- L.A. Diocese Settles Abuse Claims, in Los Angeles Times (July 17, 2007)
- About $67 Per Catholic, More Than $1 Million Per Parish: Cost of Los Angeles Archdiocese's Settlement of Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Perspective, in California Catholic Daily (July 17, 2007)
- In Los Angeles, Still a Scandal, editorial in Boston Globe (July 17, 2007)
- Legal and Moral Cloud Still Shadows Mahony: As the D.a.'s Probe Continues, Cardinal Must Repair Reputation, by Richard Winton and Steve Chawkins, Los Angeles Times (July 17, 2007)
- Alaskan Attorney Reacts to Church Settlement, by Jill Burke, KTUU (July 16, 2007)
- The Forum: to Restore Credibility, Cardinal Mahony Should Resign, by Phil Lawler, Catholic World News (July 17, 2007)
- The Catholic Church’s Ongoing Scandal, by Shaun Mullen, Moderate Voice (July 17, 2007)
- Vatican Pledges to Fight Pedophilia, by Nicole Winfield, Dunton Springs Evening Post (July 17, 2007)
- Is It Either/or for Roman Catholics? by Samuel Heath, Weedpatch Gazette (July 17, 2007)
- Latino Support Aids Cardinal in Abuse Storm, by Mary Milliken, Reuters (July 17, 2007)
- Archdiocese Reaches Agreement with More Than 500 Abuse Claimants, by Cindy Wooden and Ellie Hidalgo, Catholic Explorer (July 17, 2007)
- Sins of the Fathers, by Christopher Beam, Slate (July 17, 2007)
- A Settlement in Los Angeles, in Alalam (July 17, 2007)
- Cathedral City Man Says He Was a Victim of Roman Catholic Archdiocese' Clergy Abuse, by RaNeeka J. Claxton, Desert Sun (July 17, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Airs Photos of Accused Cleric, Associated Press (July 17, 2007)
- Anti - Mugabe Cleric Ensnared in Alleged Sex Scandal, Reuters (July 17, 2007)
- Pius Ncube in Sex Scandal, by Reason Mpofu, Chronicle (July 17, 2007)
- Archbishop Allegedly Pictured in an Adulterous Act, in Southern African (July 17, 2007)
- 'Ncube Bonked 10 Other Women' - TV Report, in New Zimbabwe (July 17, 2007)
- Ncube Says Adultery Claims " Politically Motivated", in CathNews (July 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Pius Ncube - Mugabe's Distraction of the Year, by Violet Gonda, allAfrica (July 17, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Archbishop Disputes Allegations of Adulterous Relationship, by Carole Gombakomba, Voice of America (July 17, 2007)
- Archbishop 'Had Affair with Married Aide', in Austrialian (July 18, 2007)
- Urgent: Zimbabwe Archbishop Charged with Adultery, by Sarah Pollak, Christian Broadcasting Network (July 17, 2007)
- Did Mugabe's Regime Fake Pictures of the Archbishop 'Caught in Flagrante'? by Jan Raath, Times (July 18, 2007)
- An Archdiocese and 508 Victims, in San Francisco Chronicle (July 17, 2007)
- U.S. Lawyers to Grill Mexican Cardinal in Abuse Case, by Noel Randewich, Reuters (July 17, 2007)
- Compensating a Broken Spirit, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (July 17, 2007)
- Keeping Secrets: the Laity, the Latin Mass and the LA Settlement, by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, On Faith (July 17, 2007)
- To Restore Credibility, Cardinal Mahony Should Resign Says Catholic News Editor, by Phil Lawler, LifeSite (July 17, 2007)
- An Arrogant Church Announces There's Pedophiles in Other Religions the Day after the Settlement. Even If There Are, I Mean, the Audacity! by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 17, 2007)
July 18
- No Absolution Yet, in Daily Iowan (July 18, 2007)
- Boys' Moms Rip Priest, Church: Sex Abuse Scandal | Say McCormack's Sentence Too Light, His Protectors Kept Jobs, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (July 18, 2007)
- Paying for Abuse, in Baltimore Sun (July 18, 2007)
- Why Abuse Settlements Vary Among the Victims, by Jessica Garrison, Los Angeles Times (July 18, 2007)
- A Cardinal's Shameless Struggle for Survival, by Jason Berry, Boston Globe (July 18, 2007)
- Church at Crossroads, in North County Times (July 17, 2007)
- A Shameful Day for Justice and Catholics, in Idaho Mountain Express (July 18, 2007)
- Should Mahony Resign? Speak out on What Should Be the Next Step in Priest Scandal, in Long Beach Press-Telegram (July 17, 2007)
- Priest 'Used Dark Personality to Abuse Boys', in This is South Devon (July 17, 2007)
- Central New York: Episcopal Ecclesiastical Court Vindicates Orthodox Priest, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (July 17, 2007)
- Five Tucson Victims Share Los Angeles Diocese Payout, by Bud Foster, KOLD (July 18, 2007)
- L.A. Diocese Settlement Pressures San Diego to Settle Its Sex Abuse Lawsuits, on KPBS (July 17, 2007)
- U.S. Catholic Church Steady Despite Scandals, by Michael Conlon, Reuters (July 18, 2007)
- Judge Seals Records in Open Door Abuse Suit, by Brad Dicken, Chronicle-Telegram (July 18, 2007)
- Regulating Born Again Churches Is the Way to Go, in Daily Monitor (July 18, 2007)
- Diocese Sex Abuse Case Slow Going, by Teresa Auch, Post-Tribune (July 17, 2007)
- Priest's Sentence Called 'Not Enough', by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (July 18, 2007)
- I'Ll Pray for 'Fallen Archbishop' - Mugabe, in IOL (July 18, 2007)
- Mugabe Says He Is Praying for Archbishop, by Torby Chimhashu, New Zimbabwe (July 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: More Sexual Relationships Exposed, by Bulawayo Bureau, allAfrica (July 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ncube Sparks Outrage, in allAfrica (July 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ncube Set for Court Battle, by Bulawayo Bureau, allAFrica (July 18, 2007)
- Clergy Wounds Still Not Healed, by Tom Hennessy, Press-Telegram (July 16, 2007)
- Mahony Needs to Restore His Credibility: The Cardinal Has Made an Apology on Behalf of the Church, but When Is He Going to Take Personal Responsibility for His Misdeeds? in Daily Breeze (July 18, 2007)
- What the Priest Didn't Say at Mass, by Carl Marziali, Salt Lake Tribune (July 17, 2007)
- Settlement in L.a.: It's Not Enough, in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (July 18, 2007)
- Priest Abuses Need Owning up by All, in Pasadena Star-News (July 17, 2007)
- Imperfect Apology, in Daily Bulletin (July 17, 2007)
- Sources: Pastor Asked to Resign over Audit: Controversy Brews over Pastor at Wealthy Parish, on NBC 5 (July 17, 2007)
- Saint Paul the Blind, by Paul Kent, Daily Telegraph (July 19, 2007)
- John Paul II and Cardinal Mahony: Masters of Cunning and Deceit, in John Paul II Millstone (July 17, 2007)
- Priest Convicted of Sex Offences, in Herald Sun, Australia (July 19, 2007)
- No Signs of Let-Up in Priest Shortage, on WHO (July 18, 2007)
- The LA Archdiocese Sex Abuse Case Settlement, in Tom Faranda's Folly (July 18, 2007)
- Jaime Castillo: 'One True Church' Should Start by Cleaning Its Own Dark Closet, in Express-News (July 18, 2007)
- L.A. Roundup, by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (July 17, 2007)
- Response to Vatican Remarks, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (July 17, 2007)
- Suit Involving Foley Priest Is Settled, Associated Press (July 18, 2007)
- Should the Vatican Pay for Abuse? by Jeff Israely, Time (July 18, 2007)
- Victim of Church Abuse Shares His Story, in NPR (July 16, 2007)
- Vatican Officials Comment on Los Angeles Settlement, in Catholic World News (July 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwean Archbishop's Lawyer Calls Adultery Charges 'Orchestrated', by Bronwen Dachs, Catholic News Service (July 18, 2007)
- Achbishop Spy a Former Policeman, in Citizen (July 18, 2007)
- Mugabe Takes a Jibe at Bishop Pius Ncube, in ZimDaily (July 18, 2007)
- Vatican Pledges to Fight Pedophilia - Why Don't I Believe This? in Coming Out in Mid-Life in Red America (July 18, 2007)
- Questions on a Scandal, by Peter Mehlman, Huffington Post (July 18, 2007)
- San Jose Man Sues Santa Rosa Diocese over Priest Abuse Claim, Associated Press (July 18, 2007)
- More Punishment Needed for Abusive Priests, by Carla Beckmann, Daily O'Collegian (July 18, 2007)
- Mutambara MDC Move to Shield Archbishop Ncube, by Never Kadungure, Nehanda Radio (July 18, 2007)
July 19
- 'His Heart Is in Pittsburgh,' Mayor Says of Zubik, by Kelly McBride, Press-Gazette (July 19, 2007)
- Man Sues SSC, Claims He Was Sexually Abused As Youth, by J.R. Welsh, Sun Herald (July 19, 2007)
- Settlement and the 'Areglo' Mentality, by Sassy Lawyer, Manila Standard Today (July 19, 2007)
- Miami Archdiocese Settles Abuse Lawsuit That Named Foley Priest, by Jennifer Kay, TCPalm (July 18, 2007)
- Sin and Expiation, by Raymond J. De Souza, National Post (July 19, 2007)
- Six Priests Face Sex Abuse Suits: New Lawsuits Alleging Sexual Abuse Were Filed against Six Catholic Priests, and a Separate Suit Involving a Priest Linked to Mark Foley Was Settled, by Oscar Corral, Miami Herald (July 19, 2007)
- A 'Window' for Victims of Abuse: Historic Legislation from Sacramento Allowed Abuse Victims to Take Legal Action against the Los Angeles Archdiocese, by Marci A. Hamilton, Los Angeles Times (July 19, 2007)
- Abuse Payout Plan Is Taking Shape: The L.A. Archdiocese Says It Will Liquidate Investments, Seek Loans and Sell up to 50 Properties. a 'Leaner Operation' Is Seen, by Rebecca Trounson and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 19, 2007)
- 9.50am - Brownie Abuse 'Hushed Up' by the Church, in This is Gloucestershire (July 19, 2007)
- Editorial Comment: Professional Help Needed, by Mike Broad, Community Care (July 19, 2007)
- The BBC Doc the Catholic Church Doesn't Want Seen, in LAist (July 18, 2007)
- Child Porn Vicar Avoids Prison, in Hereford Times (July 19, 2007)
- Priest Allowed to Go to Boston for Event, Circuit Judge Decides, by Susan Spencer-Wendel and Lona O'Connor, Palm Beach Post (July 19, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Biting GRO's Lip, by Bingo Cadabona, Tempo (July 19, 2007)
- How a Prosecutor's Crime Destroys Victims' Trust, by Hetty Johnston, Ninemsn (July 19, 2007)
- Voice of Faithful Names Executive Director, in Boston Globe (July 19, 2007)
- House Snubs Egan: Congress' Cardinal Sin, by Geoff Earle, New York Post (July 19, 2007)
- Priests' Privacy Rights Cannot Override Protection of Children, by John Manly, Los Angeles Daily Journal (July 6, 2007)
- Catholic Educator Cleared in Sex Case: Another Man's Confession Brings Release from Prison, by Derrick Nunnally, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 17, 2007)
- Churches Offer Aid to Abuse Victims: Survivors' Support Group Lost Space at St. Joseph's Church, by Phil Garber, Observer-Tribune (July 18, 2007)
- Bishops Meet, No Formal Say on Pius, by Nkululeko Sibanda, Financial Gazette (July 18, 2007)
- Reaction: Zubik's 'Heart Is in Pittsburgh', by Kelly McBride, Appleton Post-Crescent (July 19, 2007)
- The Public Eye Chat with ... Sandra Hughes, by Matthew Felling, CBS News (July 19, 2007)
- Financial Settlement for Priest Abuse Victims Still Leaves Some Unanswered Questions, by Richard L. Cravatts, Conservative Voice (July 19, 2007)
- Chronology: Statements on Settlement, in Tidings (July 20, 2007)
- Doing Penance, in Economist (July 19, 2007)
- Vatican Official: Pope Pained by Clerical Sex Abuse in Los Angeles, in Catholic News Service (July 19, 2007)
- LA Catholic Church to Sell Properties, in ImediNews (July 19, 2007)
- House Committee Okays Resolution: New York Archdiocese Honored, in Catholic League (July 19, 2007)
- What's Next? Same Pattern Repeated in City after City Round the Country for Decades, Why? Attempted Murders? the Investigation Continues, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 19, 2007)
July 20
- Sexual Abuse Claims Involving Gozitan Priest Settled, by Herman Grech, Times of Malta (July 20, 2007)
- Church Gives Millions, but Little Justice, to Victims, by Rochelle Riley, Detroit Free Press (July 20, 2007)
- Settlement Keeps Cardinal from Fray, in St. Petersburg Times (July 20, 2007)
- Archdiocese Sued over Alleged Priest Abuse, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (July 20, 2007)
- After Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling, Woman Sues Church for Fraud, Associated Press (July 20, 2007)
- New Priests Discuss Abuse Scandal's Impact on Church, by Kitty Felde, KPCC (July 20, 2007)
- For Me, It's Not Over': Abuse Victim Not Satisfied with Archdiocese Settlement, by Andrew Gant, Northwest Florida Daily News (July 19, 2007)
- Miami Church Settles Fr Mercieca Sexual Abuse Lawsuit, by Alfred Grixti, David Vella, Malta Star (July 19, 2007)
- Religious Pedophiles Go Free, by Michelle Malsbury, American Chronicle (July 19, 2007)
- Abuse Lawsuit Involving Gozitan Priest Settled, in MaltaMedia News (July 19, 2007)
- SA Catholic Bishops Dismiss Ncube's Sex Scandal, in SABC (July 20, 2007)
- Rodis Attorney Says the Matter Is a Church Issue, by Ellen Biltz, Free Lance-Star (July 20, 2007)
- Priest on $8.6m Theft Charge Takes Trip, by Jason O'Brien, Irish Independent (July 20, 2007)
- Swedish Catholic Church Apologizes Publicly for Sexual Abuse, in Times of India (July 20, 2007)
- Amid Bad News, a Hymn for Priest with New Ways, by Michael Fitzgerald, Stockton Record (July 20, 2007)
- Catholic Church Apologies over Sex Abuse, in Sveriges Radio International (July 20, 2007)
- $660 Million - but Still No Justice (contribution), in Clerical Whispers (July 20, 2007)
- Nuncio in Spain Says Catholic Church's Cases of Clerical Sexual Abuse Rank Among the Lowest, in Catholic News Agency (July 19, 2007)
- Niagara Falls: Pastor Charged with Stealing, by Jill Terreri, Niagara Gazette (July 19, 2007)
- Church Shocked at Youth Pastor's Charges, on WOOD (July 19, 2007)
- Youth Pastor Arrested for Alleged Rape, by Cory Frolik, Daily Times (July 20, 2007)
- Despite Sex Scandals, Catholic Allegiance Remains, by Tommi Avicolli-Mecca, BeyondChron (July 20, 2007)
- Claims of Innocence by Accused Priests Missing in Coverage of LA Abuse Cases?, by Dave Pierre, News Busters (July 20, 2007)
- Church Sex Abuse Claims, by Jeremy Roberts, The Australian (July 21, 2007)
- Archdiocese Reaches Agreement with More Than 500 Abuse Claimants, by Catholic News Service, The Tidings (July 20, 2007)
- Thursday Hotsheet at 3 A.M., in Mayor Sam's Sister City (July 19, 2007)
- Clergy Rebuke SBC Head for 'Harsh Rhetoric' over Sex Abuse Cases, by Audrey Barrick, Christian Post (July 20, 2007)
- Settlement Covers Suit against Former Darien Priest, by Lane Kelley, Darien Suburban Life (July 20, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Settlement, on WKRG (July 16, 2007)
- Clergy Sex Scandal a Lesson for All, by Dr. Chris Anthony, Catholic Online (July 20, 2007)
- Far North Side Priest Gets 4 Years for Theft, by Karoun Demirjian, Chicago Tribune (July 20, 2007)
- How Secret Camera in Archbishop's 'Love Nest' Silenced Vocal Mugabe Critic: Video Recording of Alleged Adultery Embarrasses Nation's Catholic Leader, by Chris McGreal, Guardian (July 21, 2007)
- Nipomo Catholic Associate Pastor Charged with Sex Crimes in Pirate's Cove Undercover Operation, on KSBY (July 20, 2007)
- Pastor Arrested for Lewd Acts in Public, on KEYT (July 20, 2007)
July 21
- Nipomo Priest Is Suspected of Sex Crimes: The Charges against Geronimo Cuevas, 52, Are Misdemeanors; the St. Joseph's Assistant Pastor Is Placed on Administrative Leave by the Diocese, by Sarah Arnquist, San Luis Obispo (July 21, 2007)
- Baptist Morality Activist Arrested on Sex-For-Hire Charges in N.c., by Norman Jameson, Associated Baptist Press (July 20, 2007)
- What Is the Cost of a Sexual Abuse Victim's Well-Being?, by Terri McCormick, The Citizen (July 20, 2007)
- Another Cardinal, Same Questions, in Boston Herald (July 21, 2007)
- Special: Pedophilia and the Priesthood: "A Crime against the Most Weak", in Catholic Online (July 21, 2007)
- Abuser Punished Two Decades Later, in Ledbury Reporter (July 20, 2007)
- Religion Beat Became a Test of Faith: A Reporter Looks at How the Stories He Covered Affected Him and His Spiritual Journey, by William Lobdell, Los Angeles Times (July 21, 2007)
- Judge Rules Jeffs' Jailhouse Statements to Remain Sealed, by Nancy Perkins, Deseret Morning News (July 17, 2007)
- Church Sex Abuse Claims, by Jeremy Roberts, The Australian (July 21, 2007)
- Priest's Sex Tape Aired 'In Public Interest', in Weekend Argus (July 21, 2007)
- Reputation of Church Lost in Abuse Scandal, by Jim Ketchum, Port Huron Times-Herald (July 21, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Cases to Settle for $1 Million: 14 Men Allege They Were Abused at a Youth Facility, by Alan Gustafson, Statesman Journal (July 21, 2007)
- Priest Will Return to Parish: He Is Found Not Guilty of Charges That He Harassed Female Co-Worker, by Ernst Lamothe Jr., Democrat & Chronicle (July 21, 2007)
- Central Coast Pastor Arrested for Investigation of Sexual Battery, Associated Press (July 20, 2007)
- Sister Therese Guerin Sullivan Named First Woman Chancellor of Cleveland Diocese, by David Briggs, Plain Dealer (July 21, 2007)
- L.A. Abuse-Case Settlement Must Give Catholics Pause, by Donald P. Russo, Morning Call (July 21, 2007)
- Putting a Price on Innocence, by Monica Davis, Canyon News (July 22, 2007)
- Priest Stripped of Status As Cleric, Associated Press (July 21, 2007)
- Lawyer Says Oregon to Settle Suit over Priest Abuse at Juvenile Prison, Associated Press (July 21, 2007)
- Questions Linger about L.A. Cardinal, by Rachel Zoll, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (July 21, 2007)
- Accused Church Deacon Turns Himself in, Associated Press (July 21, 2007)
- Church Leader Faces Charges in Sex Assault, Associated Press (July 21, 2007)
- The Sin of Solicitation, in Weapon of Mass Destruction (July 21, 2007)
- More on Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church, by Michael Norfolk, Coming Oout in Mid-Life in Red America (July 21, 2007)
July 22
- Legal Bills Top $1 Million in Priest Abuse Case: Taxpayers Likely Won't Have to Cover the Bill, Officials Say, by Alan Gustafson, Statesman Journal (July 22, 2007)
- 'Very Even-Keeled' Zubik Prepares for New Role: Leading Wisconsin Parishioners Taught Him a Few Lessons, by Ann Rodgers, Appleton Post Crescent (July 22, 2007)
- Some Answers in Sex-Abuse Scandal, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (July 22, 2007)
- Oklahoma: Priest Stripped of Status As Cleric, Associated Press (July 21, 2007)
- Huge Abuse Settlement Another Blow to Church, in News Tribune (July 22, 2007)
- Church Counselor Charged with Abusing Boys, by Kathy Thompson, Times Recorder (July 22, 2007)
- Mahony and the Catholic Church Must Institute Some Serious Reforms, in The Record (July 22, 2007)
- Abuse Cost Harrisburg Diocese $2.4 Million, by Mary Warner, The Patriot-News (July 22, 2007)
- A Former Seventh Day Adventist Church Official Has Avoided Jail after Pleading Guilty to the Sexual Abuse of a Seven-Year-Old Girl, in Adelaide Now (July 22, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ncube Coverage " an Affront to Ethical Journalism" - Misa, by Dennis Rekayi, African Path (July 21, 2007)
- Broadcaster: No Malice in Airing Archbishop's Alleged Sex Pictures, in Monsters and Critics (July 20, 2007)
- 3 Newsy Topics: Where the New Bishop Stands, by Michael Pound, Beaver County Times (July 21, 2007)
- The Teflon Cardinal: Mahony's History, Going Back to His Days As a Seminarian, Could Help Him Weather the Abuse Scandal, by David Rieff, Los Angeles Times (July 22, 2007)
- Phil Saviano - Fr. David Holley, Catholic Clergy Abuse Case, on YouTube (September 22, 2006)
- Cardinal Roger Mahony's Apology, on YouTube (July 18, 2007)
- Catholic Church Sex Scandal Settlement Verdict! Victim Talks, on YouTube(July 16, 2007)
- Giuliani Has Connection with Accused Priest: Placa Was Legal Adviser for Whitinsville Center, by Shaun Sutner, Worcester Telegram & Gazette (July 22, 2007)
- Man Petitions Vatican about Adultery Claim, in IOL (July 22, 2007)
- St. Bernard Lapse Part of Larger Problem: Momentum Starting to Build for Transparent Accounting, Explanation of Embezzlement, by Ted Mann, The Day (July 22, 2007)
- Diocese of Buffalo Hardly Touched by Clergy Sexual Abuse Settlements, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (July 22, 2007)
- Priest in Chicago Financed Male Stripper Using Stolen Funds from Church, by Kathy Henry, All Headline News (July 22, 2007)
- Just Tell the Truth, editorial in Daily News Tribune (July 22, 2007)
July 23
- LA Abuse Settlement Includes Area Man: First of a Two-Part Series, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Independent (July 21, 2007)
- Retired Bishop Backed Priests' Shelter, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Gazette-Journal (July 22, 2007)
- Abuse Allegations Surface at Second Canberra College, in CathNews (July 23, 2007)
- Police: Ex-Employee Stole from Church: Officials of St. Mary Magdalen Say More Than $600,000 Is Missing, Former Worker Admitted to Stealing $18,000, Orlando Sentinel (July 23, 2007)
- Central Florida Church Thefts, in Orlando Sentinel (July 23, 2007)
- Born-Again in Christ and Proud to Be So, by Martin Etwop, Monitor (July 23, 2007)
- Diocese: Local Priest Had 'Inappropriate' Contact with Woman, by Robin Erb, Toledo Blade (July 23, 2007)
- Bishop Reacts to Local Priest's Arrest, by Stacy Daniel, KSBY (July 22, 2007)
- Cardinal Mahony's Actions Deserve to Be Investigated, in Vindy (July 23, 2007)
- Will Abuser Be Abused? Experts: Priest at Risk in Prison, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (July 23, 2007)
- SA Jewry Gives 'Philandering' Rabbi the Boot, by Julian Rademeyer, The Times (July 15, 2007)
- Children Should Learn That It's OK to Tell Any Adult, 'Don't Touch Me', in Democrat & Chronicle (July 23, 2007)
- Ore. Paid One 1 Million to Firm in Priest-Abuse Case, Associated Press (July 23, 2007)
- Former Pastor Arrested: He's Accused of Groping Deputy, in The Californian (July 23, 2007)
- Better a Discredited Archbishop Than a Murderous Despot, by Cosmas Desmond, Nehanda Radio (July 23, 2007)
- Plaintiff Wants Church to Pay Court Costs in Sex Abuse Trial, on WPTZ (July 23, 2007)
- Pay Sought after Mistrial, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (July 23, 2007)
- Priest Admits Stealing $200k, by Eric Herman, Herald News (July 23, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ncube Case a State Security Job - Analysts, by Loughty Dube, allAfrica (July 20, 2007)
- Penance: $660 Million, in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (July 21, 2007)
- Local Abuse Network Accuses Catholic Church of Sheltering Molester, on KCBS (July 22, 2007)
- The Priest, the Gay Stripper and the Missing Money, by Mike Carney, USA Today (July 23, 2007)
- Ex-Catholic Priest from Utah to Stay in Prison for Molesting Boy, by Pamela Manson, Salt Lake Tribune (July 23, 2007)
- State Settles Maclaren Sex Abuse Cases, by Colin Fogarty, Public NewsRoom (July 23, 2007)
- Priest 'Asked Me into His Bedroom', by Ryan Pedler, West Australian (July 24, 2007)
- Father Nuss Scandal, on 13 ABC (July 23, 2007)
- Boy-Molesting Priest Also Giuliani Consultant, in Wonkette (July 23, 2007)
- Local Bishop Vows to Prevent Repeat of Sex-Crime Arrest, by Sona Patel, SanLuisObispo (July 23, 2007)
July 24
- Pastor Gets 9 Months in Abuse of Girl, by Rob Young, Appeal Democrat (July 24, 2007)
- State, Men Settle Priest Abuse Suit, by Ashbel S. Green, Oregonian (July 24, 2007)
- Don't Let Adultery Charge Divert Attention from Zimbabwe Crisis, Region's Catholic Bishops Urge, in Catholic Online (July 23, 2007)
- Area Man Tells of Abuse: Has Been Dogged in Pursuit of Priest, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Independent (July 23, 2007)
- Tearful Apology from Woman Who Stole from Church, by Lynne Dixon, WGRZ (July 23, 2007)
- Abuse Victim Speaks Publicly, by Yvette Cabrera, Orange County Register (July 24, 2007)
- Former Neerkol Abuse Victim to Write to Pope, on ABC (July 24, 2007)
- Man Faces Naming by Court, in Nelson Mail (July 24, 2007)
- Elderly Man Appears on Sex Abuse Charges, in Radio New Zealand (July 24, 2007)
- Priest Arrested in Sex Sting, in California Catholic Daily (July 24, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Manhanga Blasts Pius Ncube, by Caesar Zvayi, allAfrica (July 24, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: People Have Stake in Pius' Saga, by Caesar Zvayi, allAfrica (July 24, 2007)
- Prison Bad Priest Is Headed to 'Like a College Campus': Sex Abuse Scandal | Molesters Often Targeted, but Officials Say He'll Be Safe, by Abdon M. Pallasch, Chicago Sun-Times (July 24, 2007)
- Police: Ex-Church Employee Has Admitted to Taking Money, on First Coast News (July 24, 2007)
- Unsettled: Following the International Spin, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 24, 2007)
- Sequitur, Et Non, by David Gibson, dotCommonweal (July 24, 2007)
- Church Expresses Sadness at Abuse Claims, on ABC (July 24, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Support Prayers Planned As Rights Groups Defend Ncube, by Catholic Information Service for Africa, allAfrica (July 24, 2007)
- Catholic Church Abuse Settlement, Appropriate or Unjustified?, Editorial in Insurance News Net (July 23, 2007)
- Attempted Murder, Sex Assault Trial Delayed for Las Vegas Priest, in Las Vegas Sun (July 24, 2007)
- Diocese Spent $10 Million on Fees, in Bellingham Herald (July 24, 2007)
- Former Catholic Priest in L.A. Held on Child Molestation Charges: Arrested at His Home, George Miller Is Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Boy from Guardian Angel Parish in Pacoima, by John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 24, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Arrested on Molestation Charges, on CBS 2 (July 24, 2007)
- Ex-L.A. Priest Charged with Sexually Abusing Boy, Reuters (July 24, 2007)
- D.A. Statement on Archdiocese Settlement, in Los Angeles District Attorney's Office (July 16, 2007)
- Former Priest Arrested, Charged with Sexual Molestation, in Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office (July 24, 2007)
- Statement of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Regarding the Arrest of George Miller, in Archdiocese of Los Angeles (July 24, 2007)
- Pastoral Letter to Catholic Faithful in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in The Tidings (July 18, 2007)
- Priest Charged with Sexually Abusing Boy in Wake of $800m Settlement, by Dan Whitcomb, New Zealand Herald (July 25, 2007)
- Fontanans Sound off on Roman Catholic Church Sex-Abuse Scandal and Settlement, in Fontana Herald News (July 25, 2007)
July 25
- Bishop Blair Knew of Priest's Sexual Sin: He Would Not Violate Confessional Seal, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (July 25, 2007)
- Former Priest Accused Again of Molestation, by Eric Leach, LA Daily News (July 24, 2007)
- Former Catholic Priest in L.A. Held on Child Molestation Charges: Arrested at His Home, George Miller Is Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Boy from Guardian Angel Parish in Pacoima, by John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 25, 2007)
- New Molest Charges against Former L.A. Roman Catholic Priest, Associated Press (July 24, 2007)
- Marist Scandal: More Accused, by Kate Hannon, Canberra Times (July 25, 2007)
- Group Objects to Hiring of Firm by Diocese, in Des Moines Register (July 25, 2007)
- Glendale Priest Facing Public Indecency, Drunk Driving Charges, on WCPO (July 25, 2007)
- Former Priest to Be Arraigned on Molestation Charges, on KTLA (July 25, 2007)
- 153 File Claims against Ia Diocese, Associated Press (July 25, 2007)
- Priest Facing Charges Suspended, by Janice Morse, Cincinnati Enquirer (July 25, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Archbishop Ncube Requests Further Particulars of Claim, in allAfrica (July 25, 2007)
- Churches Need to Do More to Prevent Financial Fraud, by Peter Panepento, Chronicle of Philanthropy (July 25, 2007)
- Former St. Stan's Priest Accused of Misconduct, by Deborah Sederberg, News-Dispatch (July 25, 2007)
- Victims of the Church, by Toni Guinyard, KCET (July 26, 2007)
- Does the Catholic Church Attract Sexual Abusers…or Create Them?, by John McKiggan’s, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (July 25, 2007)
July 26
- Claims of Sexual Abuse Flood Davenport Diocese, Associated Press (July 26, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Catholics Must Rethink Celibacy, by Martin Kadzere, allAfrica (July 26, 2007)
- Priest Sex Abuse Trial, on ABC (July 26, 2007)
- Priest's Arraignment in Sex Case Is Delayed, in LA Daily News (July 25, 2007)
- Patrick Picks SJC Judge, by Glen Johnson, Berkshire Eagle (July 26, 2007)
- Settlement Does Not Erase the Scars, by Thomas Monnay, Sun-Sentinel (July 26, 2007)
- Prosecutor to Query Church Officials in Molestation Trial, by John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 26, 2007)
- Marc Carlisle: Will $660 Million Pay for a Trip to Heaven? by Marc Carlisle, Summit Daily News (July 25, 2007)
- Caged Priest, by Robert C. Koehler, Free Press (July 26, 2007)
- The Fear of God: Victims of Sex Abuse by Catholic Clerics Say Prosecutors Lack the Guts to Prosecute Mahony, by Andre Coleman, Pasadena Weekly (July 26, 2007)
- Former Catholic Priest in Court, Accused of Molesting Boy: Former Pacoima Priest George Miller Charged with Three Felony Counts of Lewd Acts on a Child from 1988-1991, on ABC 7 (July 25, 2007)
- Hundreds Pray for Scandal-Hit Ncube, in IOL (July 25, 2007)
- The L.A. Catholic Archdiocese Settlement of Sexual Abuse Cases, on CNN (July 16, 2007)
- St. James Vigilers Mark Their 1,000th Day, by Brad Reed, Wellesley Townsman (July 26, 2007)
- Lawyer-Priest Named 'Promoter of Justice', by Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Daily Eagle (July 26, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: State Media Should Not Turn Masses into 'Peeping Toms', by Mavis Makuni, allAfrica (July 26, 2007)
- Seattle Psychologist Suspected of Voyeurism Takes His Own Life, by Claudia Rowe, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (July 26, 2007)
July 27
- The Teflon Cardinal: Mahony's History, Going Back to His Days As a Seminarian, Could Help Him Weather the Abuse Scandal., by David Rieff, Los Angeles Times (July 22, 2007)
- L.A. — the City of Sectarian Angels, by Raphael J. Sonenshein, Los Angeles Times (July 22, 2007)
- Priests' Files to Shed Light on Abuse Scandal in L.A., by Rob Schmitz, NPR (July 27, 2007)
- Therapist's Suicide Could Trigger Challenges in Legal Cases, by Jennifer Sullivan and Maureen O'Hagan, Seattle Times (July 27, 2007)
- Pima Opens Criminal Probe of Priest, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (July 27, 2007)
- Canberra College Ex-Principal under Fire over Failure to Act, in CathNews (July 27, 2007)
- Pastor Gets 15 Years in Child Sex Abuse Case: Griffith Was Convicted in May of Molesting Teenage Boy He Counseled in 2004 and 2005, by Rona Marech, Baltimore Sun (July 26, 2007)
- Pastor Gets 15 Years for Sexually Abusing Child, by Peggy Lee, WJZ (July 26, 2007)
- Camp Counselor Describes Alleged Sex Abuse: Lancaster Man Bound over for Grand Jury on One Count of Gross Sexual Imposition, by Kathy Thompson, Times Recorder (July 27, 2007)
- Keeping Kids Safe: Screening Adults with Access to Children, by Erika Tyner Allen, Tidings (July 27, 2007)
- Parishioners Want Their Voices Heard: New Group Asks Court for Role in Dispute but Is Put on Hold, by Mark Sauer and Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (July 27, 2007)
- S.D. Catholics Ask Judge to Intervene, by Allison Hoffman, Guardian Unlimited (July 27, 2007)
- Question of the Week: " in the Wake of the $660 Million Legal Settlement in the Priest Sexual-Abuse Cases, Do You Think Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles Archdiocese Should Resign?" in Daily Breeze (July 27, 2007)
- Ncube's Lawyers Seek Claim Dismissal, by Torby Chimhashu, New Zimbabwe (July 26, 2007)
- Church Blocks Production of Documents, Hearing August 14th. Crime Victims on Sidewalk outside Cathedral. Haven't We Done This Before? by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 26, 2007)
- Surgery Delays Priest's Sentencing in Abuse Case, in Chicago Tribune (July 27, 2007)
- Former Local Priest Won't Face Charges, by Samantha Yale, Lompoc Record (July 27, 2007)
- Ursuline Teacher Accused of Sexual Contact with Student: Dallas: Report Filed on Ursuline Instructor, 17-Year-Old Student, by Holly Yan, Dallas Morning News (July 26, 2007)
- Teacher Fired after Student Alleges Sexual Relationship, on KXAS-TV (July 27, 2007)
- Former Teacher Accused of Sexual Relationship with Student, on My Fox Dallas (July 27, 2007)
- Dallas Private School under Investigation for Teacher-Student Sexual Misconduct, in Pegasus News (July 26, 2007)
- Dallas Prep School Investigates Sexual Misconduct: Ursuline Academy Fires Male Teacher after Allegations He Had Sex with Female Student, by Jack Fink, CBS 11 (July 26, 2007)
- Teacher Fired after Student Alleges Sexual Relationship, on NBC5i (July 27, 2007)
- Almost Infamous, by Will Swaim, District Weekly (July 27, 2007)
- Disgraced B.C. Bishop Dead of Heart Attack, by Tom Hawthorn, Globe and Mail (July 27, 2007)
- Pima Opens Criminal Probe of Priest: Former Tucson Cleric Was Never Charged, but Dioceses Paid 5 Victims Millions, by Stephanie Innes, Fox 11 (July 27, 2007)
July 28
- Disgraced Priest Left Legacy of Pain: Bishop Convicted in 1996 of Sex Crimes against Aboriginal Women in the 1960s, by Tom Hawthorn, Globe and Mail (July 28, 2007)
- Disgraced B.C. Bishop: Sentenced to 2 1/2 Years for Rape. at Time of Conviction, Was Highest-Ranking Catholic Ever Found Guilty of Sex Charges, by Kim Covert, Montreal Gazette (July 28, 2007)
- Ex-Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sex Charges: He Admits Trying to Entice a Teenage Boy to Make a Video of Sexual Acts and Bondage, by Dan Galindo, Winston-Salem Journal (July 28, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced for Sexual Abuse of Teen, on WMDT (July 28, 2007)
- Deacon Faces Sexual Abuse Allegations, by Mike Hellgren, WJZ (July 27, 2007)
- Attorney-Client Relations Examined, by Michael P. Mayko, Connecticut Post (July 27, 2007)
- Witness Describes Abuse by Counselor: Sexual-Imposition Charge Advances in Perry County, in Columbus Dispatch (July 27, 2007)
- Victims' Advocate to Make Plea to New Archbishop, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal (July 28, 2007)
- Solicitors Win Overcharging Case on Abuse Victim Fees, by Ann O'Loughlin, Irish Independent (July 28, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced to 15 Years, by Rona Marech, Baltimore Sun (July 27, 2007)
- Battle Fatigue: Five Years into the Sex Abuse Crisis, Some Catholics Are Growing Weary, While Others Are Cautiously Optimistic, by Robert J. McClory, U.S. Catholic (July 28, 2007)
- Diocese Editorial Decries Lawsuits Alleging Sex Abuse, by Gregg Hennigan, Gazette (July 27, 2007)
- Editorial: Light at the End of the Tunnel?, by Frank Wessling, Catholic Messenger (July 28, 2007)
- Reviewing Parish Financial Practices, in Catholic Messenger (July 28, 2007)
- Parishioners File Legal Claims in San Diego Diocese Bankruptcy, by Allison Hoffman, Mercury News (July 26, 2007)
- Abuse Not Limited to Clergy, by Gillian Flaccus, Washington Post (July 28, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Divides, Unites Best Friends, by Gillian Flaccus, Jordan Falls News (July 28, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Archbishop's Case - Court Furnished with Further Particulars of Claim, in allAfrica (July 28, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Coalition Set up to Back Ncube, in allAfrica (July 27, 2007)
- Ncube Pictures 'Concocted' ' Lawyer, in Zimbabwean (July 28, 2007)
July 29
- Case against Diocese, Bishop Marshall Unproven, by Dennis O'Brien, Times Argus (July 29, 2007)
- Deacon Charged with Child Sex Abuse, by Yianis Fournelis, ABC 2 (July 27, 2007)
- St. Agatha Making Itself over, by Shurley Sterling, Chicago Defender (July 27, 2007)
- Bishop Discusses Abuse Cases, by Ken O'Brien, Herald News (July 29, 2007)
- 'Difficulties' with Church's Abuse Guidelines Noted, by Patsy McGarry, One in Four (July 20, 2007)
- Re Christ: Don't Trust Anything Written after 100 Ad; Plus New Group to Meet in September to Produce Something Creative about Pedophile Priest Crime, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 29, 2007)
- For the Record, in Los Angeles Times (July 29, 2007)
July 30
- Suspect Priests Not Monitored, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (July 30, 2007)
- Commonweal's Take on 'Catholic Polemicist Matt Abbott', by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (July 29, 2007)
- Bishop Guilty of Sex Offences Dead of a Heart Attack, in Vancouver Sun (July 30, 2007)
- Abuse Victims Turned to Mahony in Anger, Pain: As Lawyers Worked on a Payout, the Archbishop Met Individually with More Than 70 Victims, by Rebecca Trounson, Tami Abdollah and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (July 30, 2007)
- Mercer Island Priest on Leave for Investigation into Conduct with Minor, in Bellingham Herald (July 30, 2007)
- Catholic Pastor Put on Leave, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (July 30, 2007)
- Swami Cleared of Rape Charge, in Hardbeatnews (July 30, 2007)
- Church Would Benefit from Better Bishop Selections, by Andrew Greeley, Daily Southtown (July 27, 2007)
- Why I Hate Writing about Clergy Abuse, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (July 30, 2007)
- Seattle Suit Claims Churrch Abuse, Associated Press (July 29, 2007)
- Ursuline Teacher Accused in Sex Case, in Dallas Morning News (July 30, 2007)
- WWJS? (who) Would Jesus Sue? by Kia Franklin, TortDeform (July 30, 2007)
- Former L.A. Priest Accused of Sex Abuse Eying Plea Deal, by Andrew Glazer, Union-Tribune (July 30, 2007)
- Former LA Priest Accused of Sex Abuse Eying Plea Deal, Associated Press (July 30, 2007)
- Mercer Island Pastor Placed on Leave, by Molly Shen, KOMO (July 30, 2007)
July 31
- Massive Pr Machine? Some Say Cardinal Mahony's Willingness to Meet with Sexual Abuse Victims Nothing More Than a Public Relations Stunt, in California Catholic Daily (July 31, 2007)
- Delaware Leads the Way on Sex Abuse, by Maureen Paul Turlish, Philadelphia Inquirer (July 31, 2007)
- Audit Finds Parishes Mishandled Money, by Allison Hoffman, Washington Post (July 31, 2007)
- Report Shows Diocese's Accounting System Lacking, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (July 31, 2007)
- Financial Report, in Union-Tribune (July 31, 2007)
- Former Choir Director Pleads Not Guilty: Man Is Accused of Sexually Assaulting One of His Teenager Singers More Than a Decade Ago. Plaintiff Sues the Diocese of Orange over the Accused Abuse, by Kimberly Edds, Orange County Register (July 30, 2007)
- Kirkland Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse, Associated Press (July 31, 2007)
- Stacy Hanna: Take Care That We Not Excuse the Sin, by Stacy Hanna, Enquirer (July 31, 2007)
- Clinton Pastor Charged with Sex Abuse, by Rocco LaDuca, Utica Observer Dispatch (July 31, 2007)
- Ex-LDS Leader George P. Lee Booked for Allegedly Not Registering As Sex Offender, by Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune (July 31, 2007)
- Convicted Sex Abuser Set for Release: Catholic Brother Completes His Jail Sentence, by Bob Grip, My Fox Gulf Coast (July 27, 2007)
- Priest Kills Self After Bishop’s Letter, by Paul Likoudis, The Wanderer (July 12, 2007)
- Episcopals May Revoke Armstrong's Ordination, by Ed Sealover, Gazette (July 31, 2007)
- Priest under Investigation Served in Bremerton, Associated Press (July 30, 2007)
- The Catholic Diocese of Spokane Retains Keen Realty to Auction 20 +/- Total Acres of Residential Land in Washington State! by Michael Matlat, Business Wire (July 31, 2007)
- Minnesota: Diocese Welcomes Admitted, Convicted and Registered Sex Offender As Retreat Leader, by David W. Virtue, Virtue Online (July 31, 2007)
- Bristol Minister Arrested, Associated Press (July 31, 2007)
- With Perpetrators like Mark Falvey and Paul Shanley, There Have to Be More Victims in LA of Predator Priests. Settlement Not the End of the Story, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (July 31, 2007)
- The Way Forward to Reconciliation, in National Catholic Reporter (July 31, 2007)
- During Dark Hours in L.A., Catholics Move Forward, by Sue Ellin Browder, National Catholic Register (July 31, 2007)
- Bristol Pastor, Christian Radio Station Employee Charged with Indecent Exposure, by Kacie Dingus Breeding, Kingsport Times-News (July 30, 2007)
- Bishop Sex Abuser Changed the Law in Canada, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (August 1, 2007)
August 1
- Episcopal Lawyer Slams Armstrong at Hearing, by Jean Torkelson, Rocky Mountain News (July 31, 2007)
- Spotlight Hotter for Ex-Rector, by Jean Torkelson, Rocky Mountain News (August 1, 2007)
- Largest Church Payout in History Called Another Tragic Chapter, Not Catholic Clergy Sex-Abuse Story End, by Dennis Coday, Catholic Online (July 31, 2007)
- Report: Parishes Withheld Millions: Judge to Determine If Irregularities Were Intentional, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 1, 2007)
- Diocese Says Tough Questions Necessary in Sex-Abuse Cases, by Joe Wojtas, Day (August 1, 2007)
- Critics: Diocese Has Seen Little Change in Past Year, by Ken O'Brien, Daily Southdown (August 1, 2007)
- Toledo Diocese Cuts More Than 40 Jobs, Several Programs, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (August 1, 2007)
- Bankruptcy Audit Finds Some Problems with Parishes' Accounting, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic Online (July 31, 2007)
- Audit: 'Questionable' Activities in San Diego Parish Books, Associated Press (July 31, 2007)
- Audit: Diocese 'Deliberately Concealed' Funds, on NBC Sandiego (July 31, 2007)
- Audit Finds Parishes Mishandled Money, by Allison Hoffman, Meadow Free Press (July 31, 2007)
- Ex-PSL Youth Minister Gets Probation in Alleged Sexual Misconduct with Teen, in TCPalm (July 31, 2007)
- Please Pray for the Skirt-Wearing Pastor Arrested for Dui and Indecent Exposure (who Offered Police Officers Oral Sex), in Short News (August 1, 2007)
- Ex-Chorister Sentenced for Photographs of Boys, in Baltimore Sun (August 1, 2007)
- Justice Officials Study Report on B.C. Polygamist Group, in CBC (July 31, 2007)
- Ex-LDS Official Arrested in Sex-Registry Probe, by Rebecca Palmer, Deseret Morning News (July 31, 2007)
- A Window on Abuse: New State Laws Let Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Find Justice, by Bill Frogameni, Ms. Magazine (August 1, 2007)
- Sides Fail to Agree in Priest's Case, in Democrat & Chronicle (August 1, 2007)
- Rebel Priest Spurns Hearing: Armstrong a No-Show at Episcopal Court; His Lawyer Cites Lack of Jurisdiction, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (August 1, 2007)
- Priest's Charges Back in Court Next Week, in North Bay Nugget (August 1, 2007)
- SNAP Criticizes Archdiocese, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (August 1, 2007)
- Offshoot of Utah's Polygamous Flds Sect under Canadian Scrutiny, Associated Press (August 1, 2007)
- Community Shock over Vicar's Porn Charges, in Lancashire Evening Telegraph (August 1, 2007)
- It's Clear: LA Times Now Provides Pr Service for LA Archdiocese; Plus Things Accidentally Left out of Last Two Posts, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 1, 2007)
August 2
- Louisville Native Suing Vatican, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal (August 2, 2007)
- Former Altar Boy Sues Archdiocese over Alleged Abuse, by Abbe Smith, New Haven Register (August 2, 2007)
- Parishes Will Heed Deposit Request: Extra Funds Will Go to Diocesan System, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 2, 2007)
- Reviewer of Diocese Finances to Tell Findings in Court, in 10 News (August 1, 2007)
- Snap, Archdiocese Differ on Ex-Vianney Chief Serving As a Visiting Priest, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (August 2, 2007)
- SNAP Accuses Archbishop Burke of Breaking Rules, by Kevin Killeen, KMOX (August 1, 2007)
- Lawsuit Claims Sexual Abuse at Guilford Church, in Newsday (August 2, 2007)
- Molest Priest Cuts His Throat, by Stefanie Cohen, New York Post (August 2, 2007)
- Priest Trial Aborted, on ABC (August 2, 2007)
- Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse Leaflet Pacoima Church, by Marianne Love, San Fernando Valley Sun (August 2, 2007)
- Cardinal George Talks about McCormack Case: Cardinal: 'Trust' in Church to Handle Sex Abuse Claims Will Take Time, on CBS 2 (August 2, 2007)
- Naugatuck Priest Arrested on Sex Assault Charges, by Kent Pierce, WTNH (August 2, 2007)
- Cardinal Talks about McCormack Case, in WBBM (August 2, 2007)
- Lawsuit Claims Sexual Abuse at Guilford Church, on NBC 30 (August 2, 2007)
- Archdiocese Faces 6 More Abuse Suits: Portland - Two Previously Named Priests Plus Two Nuns and a Janitor Are Accused of Various Acts, by Steve Woodward, Oregonian (August 2, 2007)
- Priest Facing Sexual Assault Charge, in Connecticut Post (August 2, 2007)
- Naugatuck Pastor Arrested, by Hilda Muñoz, Hartford Courant (August 2, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse by Priest Challenges the Ability to Live a Normal Life for Local Man: Recent Clergy Arrest Triggers Trauma in Victim, by Marianne Love, San Fernando Valley Sun (August 2, 2007)
- Teacher Fired, Arrested after Student Alleges Sexual Relationship, on NBCi (July 31, 2007)
August 3
- Arrest Warrant Issued for Former Priest in LI Abuse Case, in Newsday (August 3, 2007)
- Portland Churches Face 6 New Lawsuits: Archdiocese Only Recently Emerged from Bankruptcy, by William McCall, Statesman Journal (August 3, 2007)
- Priest Faces Abuse Charges, by Elizabeth Hamilton, Hartford Courant (August 3, 2007)
- Priest's Suicide Linked to Abuse Scandal, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (August 2, 2007)
- Attorneys Challenging Bankruptcy Court: Determining Value of Lawsuits Is Issue, by Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 3, 2007)
- Nuns Target of New Sex Abuse Suits Filed against Catholic Church in Portland, Associated Press (August 2, 2007)
- "Investigations Are Ongoing" Ex-Priest Arrested on Charges of Molesting Youngster, in California Catholic Daily (August 3, 2007)
- Lawsuit Says Buffalo Diocese Sent Pedophile Priest to San Diego in 1978, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (August 3, 2007)
- Worst of Sex-Abuse Litigation Is Over, Experts Say, Though Scars Left behind, by Emily Stimpson, Our Sunday Visitor (August 3, 2007)
- Support Group Is Forming, by Brad Bauer, Marietta Times (August 3, 2007)
- Italian Priest Investigated after Addicts Accuse Him of Sexual Abuse; He Denies It, Associated Press (August 3, 2007)
- Italian Priest Investigated for Sexual Abuse, by Phil Stewart, Reuters (August 3, 2007)
- Archmere, Diocese, Norbertines Named in New Sex Abuse Suit, by Esteban Parra, News Journal (August 3, 2007)
- Italy's Famous Drug-Fighter Rev. Pietro Gelmini Is Accused of Sexual Abuse, in Pravda (August 3, 2007)
- Detestable Attack on the Catholic Church, by Oswald Brown, Freeport News (August 3, 2007)
- Serranos Honored for Aiding Victims of Sexual Abuse: National Group Cites Advocates, in Observer-Tribune (August 1, 2007)
- Arrest Warrant Issued for Priest Who Molested Boy, by Tom McGinty, Newsday (August 3, 2007)
- Judge Orders Arrest of Ex-Martin Teacher of Year Dodging Child Molestation Sentencing, by Charlie Reed, TCPalm (August 3, 2007)
- Cmdr. Awarded $41m for Abuse Files 2nd Suit, by Randall Chase, Navy Times (August 3, 2007)
- 'Celebrity Priest' in Paedophilia Probe, in Independent (August 4, 2007)
August 4
- 'Hermit Nun' Takes Abuse Allegations to a New Level, by Shaun Sutner, Worcester Telegram & Gazette (August 4, 2007)
- Italian Priest Investigated after Addicts Accuse Him of Sexual Abuse, in Mainichi Daily News (August 4, 2007)
- Italian Priest Accused of Sexual Assault by Ex-Clients, by Peter Kiefer, New York Times (August 4, 2007)
- Archbishop O'Brien to Begin Stewardship with Listening Tour, by G.M. Corrigan, Examiner (August 4, 2007)
- No More Namesake, by Stacie Boudros, WQAD (August 2, 2007)
- O'Keefe's Name Removed from St. Ambrose Library, by Jonathan Turner, Quad-Cities Online (August 3, 2007)
- University in Iowa Strikes Bishop's Name from Its Library, by Andrew Mytelka, Chronicle of Higher Education (August 3, 2007)
- More Legal Skirmishing in San Diego Bankruptcy Case, in Catholic World News (August 3, 2007)
- Suit Says Pedophile Priest Transferred, in United Press International (August 3, 2007)
- Trusted Youth Minister Held As Youth Molestor, by David Gambacorta, Hiladelphia Daily News (August 04, 2007)
- Baptist Church Leader Faces Sex Abuse Suit, by Stan Maddux, Post-Tribune (August 4, 2007)
- Hodges: Churches Need to Put Policies in Place to Protect Children, by Corey J. Hodges, Salt Lake Tribune (August 3, 2007)
- Online Course Helps Churches Deal with Sex Offenders, by Adam Gorlick, Boston Globe (August 3, 2007)
- Catholicism at the Crossroads, by Paul Lakeland, Father Lasch (August 3, 2007)
- Former Priest Found Guilty of Schoolboy Sex Offences, in This is South Devon (August 3, 2007)
- Priest's Attorney Asks for More Time: Defense in Robert Ascolese Case Needs to Examine Documents, by Tom Quigley, Express-Times (August 4, 2007)
- Sacred Heart Brother Faces Sex Abuse Suit, by Joseph B. Nadeau, Call (July 20, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Allegation Rocks St. Stanislaus, by Dwayne Bremer, Sea Coast Echo (July 20, 2007)
- Stanislaus Responds to Abuse Allegations, by Dwayne Bremer, Sea Coast Echo (July 25, 2007)
August 5
- Abuse Victims Renew Efforts for Civil Relief: State Court Ruling Puts Focus Back on the Issue, Official Says, by Dan Wilson, Appleton Post-Crescent (August 5, 2007)
- Lawsuit Settlement Fails to Bring Peace to Priest-Molestation Victim, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (August 5, 2007)
- A Spiritual Calling: Undaunted by a Catholic Clergy Scandal, Recruits Pursue Priesthood, by Sherri Day, St. Petersburg Times (August 5, 2007)
- Former Bishop's Name Removed: St. Ambrose University Honors Request from Victim of Clergy Abuse, Associated Press (August 5, 2007)
- Independent Opinion, in Gallup Independent (August 5, 2007)
- Bishop Moved from ICU: Diocese of Gallup Clamps down on Its Official, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (August 5, 2007)
- Diocese Disputes Pelotte Report, in Gallup Independent (August 1, 2007)
- What Caused Pelotte's Injury? Catholic Bishop Insists He Wasn't 'Beat Up', by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (July 30, 2007)
- SNAP Calls for Removal of Osborne at St. Peter, by Don Corrigan, Webster-Kirkwood Times (August 3, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Charges a 'Conspiracy': Priest, in IOL (August 5, 2007)
- Don Gelmini: «chiedo Scusa Agli Ebrei»: LA Giustificazione Del Sacerdote: «intendevo Dire Lobby Massonica Radical Chic». Poi Aggiunge: «sono Addolorato Ma Sereno E Forte», in Corriere della Serra (August 5, 2007)
- " Don Gelmini, Nessuna Interferenza" Mastella: «le Mie Espressioni Sono State Strumentalizzate», in La Stampa (August 5, 2007)
- Tackle the Problems That Created Church Sex Scandal, by Raymond A. Schroth, Star-Ledger (August 5, 2007)
- Italian Priest Says Sex Charges Part of a 'Conspiracy', in Gulf Times (August 6, 2007)
August 6
- New Victim's Assistance Line Set up, in Chillicothe Gazette (August 6, 2007)
- St. Ambrose Board of Directors' Action Regarding O'Keefe Library, in St. Ambrose University (August 3, 2007)
- St. Ambrose Drops Name of Bishop from Library, in Inside Higher Ed (August 6, 2007)
- Italian Priest Apologises to Jews for Gaffe, by Deepa Babington, Reuters (August 6, 2007)
- Uganda: Pastor Arrested for Defilement, in allAfrica (August 6, 2007)
- Information Sought into Church Sex Abuse, by Philip Bradfield, Belfast Today (August 6, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Strange Twist in Pius Ncube Adultery Case, by Kholwani Nyathi, allAfrica (August 5, 2007)
- Youth Volunteer Admits to Police He Exposed Himself to Child, on My Fox (August 5, 2007)
- U. City Man Nabbed in Child-Sex Case, by Harry Levins, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (August 6, 2007)
- Black Churches Protect Predators While Neglecting Victims, by Marian Hubbard Jefferson, Louisiana Weekly (August 6, 2007)
August 7
- A Lost Generation of Souls? The Catholic Church's Cover-Up of Child Abuse Will Prove Far More Costly Than the Original Crimes, by Tom Murphy, The Times (August 7, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ncube Saga - Lawyers File Notice of Amendment, by Bulawayo Bureau, allAfrica (August 7, 2007)
- Man Sentenced for Sex with Young Teens from Church Dance Ministry, by Shar Porier, The Herald (August 7, 2007)
- After New Trial, Ex-Teacher Faces up to 34 Years in Molestations: Tucson Native Determined to Prove Innocence, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (August 7, 2007)
- Applicant in Archbishop " Adultery" Case Refusing to Supply Defence with Evidence, by Violet Gonda, SW Radio Africa (August 6, 2007)
- Abuse Victim Sues 2 Churches, by Tamara Sharman, Daily Journal (August 7, 2007)
- Pastor on Trial for Rape, in Joy Online (August 7, 2007)
- Ex-Pastor Pleads Not Guilty to Abuse, by Rocco LaDuca, Utica Observer Dispatch (August 7, 2007)
- Resist Temptations, Minister Tells Priest, by Michael J Ssali, The Monitor (August 8, 2007)
- Priest Sentenced in Stalking Case, by Dana Willhoit, The Ledger (August 7, 2007)
- I Have to Say This: We Lost in La, the Church Used Its Endless Wealth to Bulldoze Plaintiffs, Attorneys, Even Judges, Fight Still Being Fought Today, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 7, 2007)
August 8
- Supreme Court Quashes Verdict of Serbian Priest Sentenced for Sexual Abuse, Associated Press (August 8, 2007)
- Suit Forces Victims to Relive Sexual Assaults, Woman Says: Catholic Priest Pleaded Guilty to Abusing 47 Girls, by Trevor Wilhelm, Ottawa Citizen (August 8, 2007)
- Priest's Rights Not Violated, Prosecutors Say, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (August 8, 2007)
- Report Faults the Church's 'Misleading' Abuse Guide, by John Cooney, Independent (August 8, 2007)
- Police: Former Pastor Describes Touching Girl: Attorney Questions Validity of Statement, by Rocco LaDuca, Utice Observer Dispatch (August 8, 2007)
- Extreme Vengeance, in Catholic Online (August 8, 2007)
- Torino, Preti Accusati Di Pedofilia: Uno E Economo Di Un Istituto Salesiano, by Arah Martinenghi and Paolo Griseri, la Repubblica (August 8, 2007)
- Don Gelmini: «Non Lascio LA Mia Comunita»: «Se Ne Vada Piuttosto IL Cardinale Marchisano Che L'Ha Proposto. LA Mia Organizzazione Non E Religiosa, Ma Laica», in Corriere della Serra (August 8, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Pleads Guilty to Stalking: Walter Fisher Was Sentenced to Treatment and Four Years of Probation, by Dana Willhoit, The Ledger (August 8, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Granted High Court Appeal on Assault Conviction, on ABC (August 8, 2007)
- ''NZ Dumps Sex Priests in Pacific'', in Fiji Times (August 8, 2007)
- Catholic Church Denies Claims It's Dumping Sex Offender Priests in Pacific, in Pacific Radio News (August 8, 2007)
- Ncube's Lawyers Square off with Adultery Accuser, by Torby Chimhashu, New Zimbabwe (August 8, 2007)
- Row Erupts over Abuse Compensation Payments, in Irish Post (August 8, 2007)
- National Sex-Abuse Survivors Group Blasts Vt. Catholic Church, in Times Argus (August 8, 2007)
- Mexican Cardinal Deposed in Case Involving Alleged Sexual Abuse by Mexican Priest, by Gillian Flaccus, International Herald Tribune (August 8, 2007)
- Colorado Priest Faces Charges after Nude Jog at High School Track, Associated Press (August 8, 2007)
- US Lawyers Grill Top Mexico Cardinal in Abuse Case: Cardinal Norberto Rivera, Was Questioned by U.S. Lawyers Who Accuse Him of Protecting a Priest Wanted for Child Sex Abuse, in Javno (August 8, 2007)
- Back in the Habit, in Feministing (August 8, 2007)
- Father's Rage over Innocence Lost, by Kath Gannaway, Star (August 7, 2007)
- Victims: Church Should ID Abusive Priests on the Web, by Lisa Rathke, Boston.com (August 8, 2007)
- Mexico Cleric Quizzed over Abuse, by David Willis, BBC News (August 8, 2007)
- Naugatuck Priest Told Not to Contact Accuser, by Paul Singley, Republican-American (August 8, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, IL Vaticano Frena Bertone: "Voglio Vederci Chiaro", in la Repubblica (August 8, 2007)
- Church Court: Armstrong Guilty: Panel Says He Took Nearly $400,000, by Ed Sealover, Gazette (August 8, 2007)
- Episcopal Split Getting Nasty, on My Fox Colorado (August 8, 2007)
August 9
- Advocate for Priest Abuse Victims Says Diocese Should Make Public Names of Workers Who Harmed Children, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (August 9, 2007)
- Mexico Cardinal Quizzed in Abuse Suit: Norberto Rivera Is Deposed in a Lawsuit Alleging He and Cardinal Mahony Covered up Abuse by a Priest in L.A. And Mexico, in Los Angeles Times (August 9, 2007)
- Uncovering Child Sex Abuse: a Stand-Off with the Catholic Church, by Bill Frogameni, AlterNet (August 9, 2007)
- Deposition for Mexican Cardinal in Abuse Case, by Julie Watson, Boston Globe (August 9, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Sex Offending Has Improved: Investigator, in Pacific Radio News (August 9, 2007)
- US Grills Cardinal in Abuse Case, on TVNZ (August 9, 2007)
- Victims Want Church to Name Names, on WCAX (August 8, 2007)
- Trinity Baptist Wants 5 Sex Suits Dismissed, in Florida Times-Union (August 9, 2007)
- Catholic University Removes Bishop's Name from Library, by Barb Arland-Fye, Catholic Online (August 8, 2007)
- Judge to Hear Motion to Dismiss Charges against Priest, Associated Press (August 9, 2007)
- Nude Jogging Priest May Be Declothed, in Sydney Morning Herald (August 9, 2007)
- Hearing Is Set on Case against Priest, by Calvin R. Trice, Richmond Times-Dispatch (August 9, 2007)
- Case of the Unnamed Rabbi - Principal Who Inpregnated Agirl with Learning Disabilities, in Awareness Center (August 9, 2007)
- Priest Appeals Murder Conviction in 1980 Death of Nun, in Toledo Blade (August 9, 2007)
- What You Should Know about Rudy: Let New Yorkers Tell You: Giuliani's Not the 9/11 Hero You Think He Is, by Josh Johnson, Colorado Springs Independent (August 9, 2007)
- Cardinal Mahony Turns down Request for an Apology from Priest Sex Abuse Victim, by Marianne Love, San Fernando Valley Sun (August 9, 2007)
- Priest Put on Administrative Leave after Naked Run, by Shaun Boyd, CBS 4 (August 9, 2007)
- Henry County Priest Criticizes Diocese Leadership, by Jack Palmer, Crescent-News (August 10, 2007)
- Abuse Suits Name Oregon Nuns, in Catholic Sentinel (August 9, 2007)
- Brother Vic Now in Missouri: Former Mcgill-Toolen Catholic Counselor at Center for Offenders, by Bob Grip, My Fox Gulf Coast (August 9, 2007)
- Pope Steps Back from Meeting Polish Priest, by Ian Fisher, International Herald Tribune (August 9, 2007)
- Victims' Group, Police at Odds over Flyers near Ballpark, by Laren Weber, Toledo Blade (August 9, 2007)
- Priest Jailed for Murdering Son, on BBC News (August 9, 2007)
- Mexican Priest Sentenced to 55 Years for Killing Love Child, by Linda Young, AHN (August 9, 2007)
- Priest Killed Son in Attempt to Save Career, Authorities Say, in Detroit Free Press (August 9, 2007)
- Nude-Jogging Priest Suspended, by Mike McPhee and John Ingold, Denver Post (August 9, 2007)
- Droppings: Barry Bonds, Naked Priests & Woodstock, in Your Hub (August 9, 2007)
- Italy's Continual Conspiracy Theory, in Courier International (August 8, 2007)
- Cardinal Bertone Addresses US Sex Abuse Crisis: Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Praised the US Catholic Hierarchy's Response to Sex Abuse Scandal While Scorning Those Who Turned It into a Business Opportunity, in Spero News (August 9, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Victims Respond to #2 Vatican Official's New Remarks, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (August 9, 2007)
- Archdiocese Responds after Priest Found Jogging Naked, by Jeffrey Wolf, 9 News (August 9, 2007)
- Deceased Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, by Josh Verges, Argus Leader (August 9, 2007)
- Abusi Sessuali, Altri Tre Contro Don Gelmini: L'Avvocato Del Sacerdote: " Si Tratta Di Assolute Sciocchezze", in La Repubblica (August 9, 2007)
August 10
- Brother Vic Hasn't Registered As a Sex Offender, by Susan Daker, Press-Register (August 10, 2007)
- Lawyers File Appeal for Priest Convicted of Murdering Nun, by Erica Blake, Toledo Blade (August 10, 2007)
- Mendham Native Bill Kelly's Music Takes a Darker Turn, by Robert Hicks, Daily Record (August 10, 2007)
- Still on the Hook: Mexico City's Archbishop Deposed in a Los Angeles Case Involving an Alleged Clergy Rape Victim with Whom Cardinal Mahony Reached a Settlement, in California Catholic Daily (August 10, 2007)
- Lawsuit Filed against Rapid City Diocese, in Argus Leader (August 10, 2007)
- Choir Director Charged with Sexual Assault: Police: Teen Victim Belonged to Group, by Karoun Demirjian, Chicago Tribune (August 10, 2007)
- Man Faces 61 Counts Related to Teen Boys: Tbi: Suspect Hiv-Positive; More Victims Suspected, by Brandon Puttbrese, Daily News Journal (August 10, 2007)
- US Presidential Candidate Giuliani Evokes Catholic Upbringing on Campaign Trail, Associated Press (August 10, 2007)
- Court Approves Diocese's Payments for Legal Expenses, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (August 9, 2007)
- Breakaway Priest Convicted of Theft, Rebuts Charges, by Lillian Kwon, Christian Post (August 10, 2007)
- Arrest Wasn't First Run-In for Nude Jogging Priest, by Alan Gathright and Hector Gutierrez, Rocky Mountain News (August 10, 2007)
- Abusi, Coinvolto Un Terzo Sacerdote: L'Inchiesta Di Torino Sull'estorsione Sta Portando Alla Luce Alcuni Casi Di Sospette Violenze Sessuali. Indagato Anche Don Vaudagnotto, in Corriere della Serra (August 8, 2007)
- Trial for a Priest Who Murdered a Nun Was Flawed, Attorneys Say, Associated Press (August 10, 2007)
- " Wicked" Priest Jailed for Child Sex Abuse, in This is Lancashire (August 10, 2007)
- Nude Jogging Priest Gets under Residents' Skin: Priest Would Have to Register As Sex Offender If Convicted, on KETV (August 10, 2007)
- Patterson Pastor Charged with Incest, on KLFY (August 10, 2007)
- Sex Scandal in Italy; Appreciating Cardinal Lustiger; Latin Mass Update; and a Polish Radio Priest, by John L. Allen, NCR Cafe (August 10, 2007)
- Priest Is Jailed for Sexual Abuse: A 60-Year-Old Catholic Priest Who Sexually Abused Children in Lancashire Has Been Jailed for Five Years, on BBC News (August 10, 2007)
- Free Speech or Crime? 'Boy Love' Websites. Montreal Is Host to Network for Pedophiles, by Paul Cherry, The Gazette (August 10, 2007)
- Springs Police Looking into Possible Embezzlement at Grace Chruch, by R. Scott Rappold, The Gazette (August 10, 2007)
- Injured Bishop Photos at Center of Dispute, by Felicia Fonseca, Santa Fe New Mexican (August 9, 2007)
- Don Gelmini in the Catholic News Agency, in Smiling Eggplant (August 9, 2007)
- Priest under Investigation Apologies to Jews after Insulting Remarks, by Daniel Mosseri, European Jewish Press (August 10, 2007)
August 11
- Former City Priest Is Jailed for Child Abuse, in News & Star (August 11, 2007)
- Judge Orders Diocese to Defend Filing, by Mark Sauer and Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (August 11, 2007)
- Order to Show Cause Why Case Should Not Be Dismissed, in Union-Tribune (August 11, 2007)
- Diocese Told to Defend Bankruptcy Filing: Judge Says the San Diego Diocese Has Failed to Disclose All of Its Assets and Has Been Indifferent in Its Oversight of Parishes, by Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times (August 11, 2007)
- Judge Asks Diocese to Defend Bankruptcy Filing, Associated Press (August 10, 2007)
- Hudson-A Former Hudson Clergyman Has Been Charged with Unlawfully Fondling Another Member of the Clergy, by Diane Valden, The Independent (August 10, 2007)
- Jehovah's Witnesses in Crisis: Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion, by Barbara Anderson, Progressive U (August 11, 2007)
- LA Clergy Cases: What Might Have Happened, What Did Happen, What's Still to Come, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 11, 2007)
- SNAP Calls for Diocese to Release Clergy Abuser Names, by Liz Flynn, WTOC (August 11, 2007)
- Stop the Cover-Up, in Independent (August 11, 2007)
August 12
- Survivor: Clergy Abuse Exposure Ensures Children's Safety: The Des Moines Man, Who Has Won a Settlement from the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese, Praises the Elimination of Secrecy, by Shirley Ragsdale, Des Moines Register (August 12, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Avoids Jail over Indecent Acts, in The Age (August 9, 2007)
- Cops Investigate Theft Report: State's Episcopal Diocese Filed a Complaint in Colorado Springs, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (August 11, 2007)
- Alleged Perv Priest Removed from Duties, by William Bender, Philadelphia Daily News (August 10, 2007)
- Accused Priest Banned from Duties, in phillyBurbs (August 10, 2007)
- Church Facing Uphill Fight on Casino: Some Say Sense of Inevitability Curtailing Effort, by Michael Levenson, Boston Globe (August 12, 2007)
- Don Pierino, Lascia Stare LA Croce! in Gente d'Italia (August 12, 2007)
- Mexican Roman Catholics Express Support for Cardinal Facing US Lawsuit, Associated Press (August 13, 2007)
August 13
- Priests' Troubled Pasts LED Here, by Mark I. Pinsky, Orlando Sentinel (August 13, 2007)
- Alleged Fight Involves Bishop Edward Kmiec, on WIVB (August 13, 2007)
- Parishioner Alleges Bishop Harassment, on WBEN (August 13, 2007)
- Preacher behind Bars after Alleged Abuse at Christian Camp, by Abby Dunn and Erin Cargile, KRIS (August 13, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Ernest Tekere Unmasked, in allAfrica (August 13, 2007)
- McKnight Shifts: Who's Telling the Truth in Mater Dei's Latest Sex-Abuse Trial: Its President, the School's Legendary Basketball Coach, or the Oc Weekly? by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (August 9, 2007)
- Penny-Pinching Justice, by Ean Higgins, Australian (August 14, 2007)
- Former City Priest Is Jailed for Child Abuse, by Peter Edwards, News & Star (August 13, 2007)
- Breaking News: City Police Probe Incident with Buffalo Bishop, in The Observer (August 13, 2007)
- No Charges Expected in Confrontation with Bishop, by Gene Warner, Buffalo News (August 13, 2007)
- Diocese, Creditors Want More Time to File Plan, by Gregg Hennigan, Gazette (August 13, 2007)
- Tape Evidence Splits Trials of 2 Charged with Catholic Diocese Kickbacks: Judge Orders Separate Trials, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 9, 2007)
August 14
- Priest Faced Prior Nudity Allegations: Boys Reportedly Saw Him Shaving Naked at Camp, by Bill Scanlon and Jean Torkelson, Rocky Mountain News (August 14, 2007)
- Episcopal Priest Admits to Abuse in Skaneateles, by Renee K. Gadoua, The Post-Standard (August 14, 2007)
- Mo. Church Deacon Charged with Sex Abuse, by Susan Weich, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (August 13, 2007)
- Baptist Minister Charged with Abuse of an Adult, by Jim Pinson, Nashville News (August 13, 2007)
- Churchgoer Jailed for Sex Assaults, in Bucks Free Press (August 14, 2007)
- S.A. Sex Abuse Victim Says Church Has His Missing Medical Records, by Jessica Silva, San Antonio Express-News (August 13, 2007)
- No Charges Expected in Argument between Kmiec and Frequent Critic: Diocese Says There " No Physical Contact Whatsoever", by Gene Warner, Buffalo News (August 14, 2007)
- New Details Emerge about Jogging Priest: Former Sterling Police Chief Confirms Whipkey Appeared Nude at Summer Camp, on TheDenverChannel.com (August 14, 2007)
- Former Episcopal Priest in Central NY Admits to Sexual Abusing Boys, in Newsday (August 14, 2007)
- 'Pervert' Priest Warnings Ignored, in Lancashire Evening Post (August 14, 2007)
- Pastor Rejects Plea Bargain for Second Time, by Tina A. Brown, Hartford Courant (August 14, 2007)
- Central New York: Retired Priest Suspended for Sexual Abuse, in Episcopal Life (August 14, 2007)
- South Carolina's Roman Catholic Bishop to Leave for Birmingham Diocese: No Timetable for Successor's Appointment, by Carolyn Click, State (August 14, 2007)
- Western New York: Diocese Deposes Former Batavia Priest, in Episcopal Life (August 14, 2007)
- Law Enforcement Agencies around LA Ordered to Produce Files on Predator Priests, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 14, 2007)
- Altoona Priest Charged with Sex Crime in Prison, in Altoona Mirror (August 15, 2007)
- Former Windber Priest Charged with Having Sex with Inmate, by Sandra K. Reabuck, Tribune Democrat (August 14, 2007)
- Pulpit Nonfiction: Alleged Victim of Sex Abuse by the Local Clergy Is Writing a Book, by Ron Russell, San Francisco Weekly (August 15, 2007)
- Former Episcopal Priest Admits to Sexual Abuse, on WSTM (August 14, 2007)
- Anglican Priest Convicted of Sexual Abuse in Ontario, by John McKiggan’s, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (August 14, 2007)
August 15
- Davenport Diocese Passes Training, Background, by Deirdre Cox Baker, Quad-City Times (August 15, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, Non Lascio Miei Ragazzi: Festa a Zervo' Per Sacerdote Indagato Per Presunti Abusi, in ANSA (August 15, 2007)
- Support for the Pervert Priest, in Evening Mail (August 15, 2007)
- Minnesota: Sex Abuse Victims Call for Boycott of Episcopal Diocese over Convicted Sex Offender, by David Virtue, Virtue Online (August 15, 2007)
- Cardinal Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State: " Vatican Takes Care of Its Victims" ….unless They Are Serbs, Jews, and Roma, in Vatican Bank Claims (August 15, 2007)
- Alleged Naked Priest Investigated Once before, on CBS 4 (August 14, 2007)
- Church Attorneys Deserve All the Disrespect They Get, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 15, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Having Sex with Inmate in Prison Chapel, on WGAL (August 15, 2007)
- Former Church Volunteer Charged with Molesting Teen Girls, by Rod Antone, Yakima Herald-Republic (August 15, 2007)
- Diocese Responds to Allegations: Church Leaders Insist Bishop Never Touched Fredonia Man during Argument, in The Observer (August 14, 2007)
- More Controversy for Ex-Vianney President, by Matt Gamewell, CW11 (August 1, 2007)
- Police Criminal Complaint, in Altoona Mirror (August 14, 2007)
- Charges Detail Priest's Alleged Sexual Contact in Prison, in Altoona Mirror (August 16, 2007)
- Catholic Officials 'Saddened' over Priest Sex Allegations, on WJAC (August 15, 2007)
- Jehovah's Witness Pedophilia Coverup?, by John McKiggan, Abuse Claims Blog (August 16, 2007)
- Church Officials Insist Bishop Wasn't Assaulted, Associated Press (August 15, 2007)
- Charges against Deacon Dropped, in Joplin Globe (August 15, 2007)
August 16
- Police: Priest Gave Convict Hush Money for Silence on Sex, by Andrew Scott, Pocono Record (August 16, 2007)
- Prison Seeking New Chaplain after Priest Sex Scandal, by Sandra K. Reabuck, Tribune-Democrat (August 15, 2007)
- Audit: Davenport Diocese Protecting Youth from Sexual Abuse, Associated Press (August 16, 2007)
- Victims of Priest Cry Foul, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (August 16, 2007)
- Woodlawn Pastor Pleads Guilty in Child Sex Abuse, Associated Press (August 16, 2007)
- Local Pastor Found Guilty of Molesting 6-Year-Old Boy in His Church, by Marlena Hartz, Avalanche-Journal (August 16, 2007)
- In Sexual Abuse Case, Pastor Leaves Trail of Broken Trust: Woodlawn Pastor Pleads Guilty in Sexual Abuse Case, by Josh Mitchell, Baltimore Sun (August 16, 2007)
- Lubbock Pastor Found Guilty on Four Counts of Indecency with a Child, on KCBD (August 15, 2007)
- Clergy Abuse Viewed As Isolated: Albany Episcopal Officials Say There Is No Evidence Ex-Dean Acted Improperly at Cathedral of All Saints, by Marc Parry, Albany Times Union (August 16, 2007)
- Former Priest's Trial on Threat Charge Delayed: Hanley, Ex-Pastor at Mendham Parish, Still in Hudson County Jail, in Daily Record (August 15, 2007)
- Pederson Selected As City Attorney, by Zsombor Peter, Gallup Independent (August 15, 2007)
- Touring through a Troubled Past: Geronimo Henry Now Guides Visitors through His Former Residential School. But the Pain and Memories Linger Still, by Sheila Dabu, The Star (August 6, 2007)
- Ex-Youth Minister from West Deer Faces 3rd Molestation Case, in Tribune-Review (August 15, 2007)
- Ronnie Polaneczky | Banished Priests, Roaming Freely, in Philadelphia Daily News (August 16, 2007)
- SNAP Alleges Right to Free Speech Has Been Violated, on WTOL (August 15, 2007)
- Bill Parks Sticking to Story, in The Observer (August 16, 2007)
- Church Finally Sacks Paedo Vicar, in Sun (August 16, 2007)
- Sins of a Father; Sex Abuse Victims Call for an End to the Suffering, by Jack Poirier, Sarnia Observer (August 16, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Vicar Given Maximum Penalty, by Ed Beavan, Religous Intelligence (August 16, 2007)
- Abuse Vicar Is Sacked by Church, on BBC News (August 16, 2007)
- Joliet Priest Admits He Stole from His Church: Former Pastor Is Given Probation, by Hal Dardick, Chicago Tribune (August 17, 2007)
- Bishop Nikolai Asked to Keep out of Church Probe of Accusations: Board of Trustees Will Discuss Filling Key Seminary Positions at Meeting Today, by Bryan Martin, Kodiak Daily Mirror (August 16, 2007)
- Diocese Abuse Settlement Reached, but Attorneys Still Arguing, by Erik Loney, KXLY (August 16, 2007)
- Priest Caught in the Act Appears in Court to Defend Allegations, on KEYT (August 16, 2007)
August 17
- Support Group Reaches out to Clergy Abuse Victims, by Dana Clark Felty, Savannah Morning News (August 17, 2007)
- Former Bishop Gerard Frey Dead at 93, by Kevin Blanchard, Advocate (August 16, 2007)
- Wounds Reopened: Victims of a Priest's Sexual Abuse Say the Civil Case Is Breaking Them Down, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (August 17, 2007)
- Church Denies Cover-Up, in Bucks Free Press (August 14, 2007)
- Priest Continues Court Battle with Bishops, Alleged Abusers, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (August 17, 2007)
- Prosecutors Drop Last Charges against Deacon, Associated Press (August 16, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Police Disrupt Pius Ncube Meeting, by Loughty Dube, Zimbabwe Independent (August 17, 2007)
- Diocese Defends Questioning of Sex Assault Victims, by Jack Poirier, Sarnia Observer (August 17, 2007)
- The First of the Worst, in Catholic World News (August 17, 2007)
August 18
- Judge to Rule on How to Assess Value of Claims in Abuse Cases, by Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 18, 2007)
- Sex-Abuse Lawsuit Vs. Church to Proceed, by Kathleen Hopkins, Ashbury Park Press (August 18, 2007)
- Bishop: Dead Pastor Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Josh Verges, Argus Leader (August 18, 2007)
- 20 N.J. Men Allege Sexual Abuse by Lutheran Pastor, on CBS 13 (August 17, 2007)
- Dishonesty on Artane Abuse Probe Exposed ... Eventually, in Irish Independent (August 18, 2007)
- Lawsuit Claims Rape by Priest: Woman Sues Diocese for Incident in 2002, by Lawrence Buser, Commercial Appeal (August 18, 2007)
- SNAP Asks Victims to Come Forward, by Ann Brentwood, BishopAccountability.org (August 1, 2007)
- Pastor Charged with Soliciting Minor: Denton: Police Say He Asked Officer Posing As Girl to Meet for Sex Act, by Donna Fielder, WFAA (August 18, 2007)
August 19
- More Healing Thoughts on Abuse, by Daniel J. Bauer, The China Post (August 19, 2007)
- Russian Orthodox Leader Faces Sexual Misconduct Accusations: Russian Orthodox: Former Missionary Makes Claim against Chancellor of Alaska Diocese, Associated Press (August 18, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Sends Ex-Bible Study Leader to Jail, by Sarah Ovaska, News & Observer (August 18, 2007)
- Mataca Unaware of Sex Priests in Fiji, in Fiji Times (August 19, 2007)
- Lawmaker Wants to Give Abuse Victims Time to Sue, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Gazette-Journal (August 19, 2007)
- Diocese Has Paid $328,068 on Abuse Claims, by Martha Bellisle, Reno Gazette-Journal (August 19, 2007)
- City's New Archbishop Sees Few Big Changes in First Year: He Plans to Take Hands-On Approach, by Peter Smith, Courier-Journal (August 19, 2007)
- Catholic Diocese's Financial Documents Key to Ex-Workers' Trial: Defense Says Church Destroyed, Hid Records, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 19, 2007)
- Diocese Hiding Assets to Avoid Paying Sexual Abuse Judgements? by John McKiggan’s, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (August 17, 2007)
- 'Y Líbranos Del Mal...', by Pilar Marrero, La Opinion (August 19, 2007)
- Letters, in Orange County Weekly (August 19, 2004)
- Heavy Petting: County Moves Convicted Molester from Nursing Children to Nursing Animals, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (August 19, 2004)
- Notes from the Banana Republic: Lawsuit Alleges Christian Cabal Eats at Denny's, Controls Santa Ana Schools, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (August 5, 2004)
August 20
- Cleveland Diocese Accused of Impropriety As Embezzlement Trial Nears, by Christopher Maag, New York Times (August 20, 2007)
- Young Faces Applied to Old Wounds, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (August 20, 2007)
- Protecting the Innocent, by John Fortmeyer, Religion and Child Abuse (August 15, 2007)
- Sue the " Sexperts" California's Dr. Judith Reisman Urges Bishops to Take Action against Sex Therapy Experts Who Have Advised the Church. And, If They Don't, the Laity Should, in California Catholic Daily (August 20, 2007)
- UCAN: There Is No 'Cure' for Priest with Child, Archbishop Says, in Catholic Online (August 20, 2007)
- El Apoyo a Victimas De Abuso Del Clero: LA Iglesia Catolica Ahora Reporta Los Hechos a Las Autoridades, by Por Pilar Marrero, La Opinion (August 20, 2007)
- El Proceso De Seleccion De Curas, in La Opinion (August 20, 2007)
- Historic Abuse Claims Settlement Set to Pass Final Hurdle, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (August 20, 2007)
- Historic $2-Billion Native Settlement Set to Go Ahead, by Bill Curry, Globe and Mail (August 20, 2007)
- Church Put Child Sex Offender Back in Pulpit: Pastor: Ex-Con 'Never Repentant, Never Told Truth', in NBC 5 (August 20, 2007)
- Charges of Corruption in Cleveland, by Paul Lauritzen, dotCommonweal (August 20, 2007)
- More Victims May Be a Part of S.C. Church Sex Abuse, Associated Press (August 20, 2007)
- Bishop Says Priest Abused Boys at Jasper Parish, Associated Press (August 20, 2007)
- Catholic Diocese Financial Mismanagement Trial Begins, on WKYC (August 20, 2007)
- Judge Rules against Diocese's Request on Value of Abuse Cases, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 20, 2007)
- Bishop Won't Be Charged in Heated Dispute, by Steve Cichon, WBEN (August 20, 2007)
August 21
- Pedophile Priests in Liberated LA: from Ziemann to Baker, No Wonder Mahony Won't Testify; Plus Doyle and Strutynski Respond Re Church Attorneys: Judge Fromholz on Vacation So Next Clergy Cases Hearing September 18th, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 20, 2007)
- Four Women Ask Court to Amend Lawsuit, Allow Punitive Damages Related to Alleged Abuse by Roney, in West Central Tribune (August 21, 2007)
- U.S. Judge Won't Intervene in Diocese Case: Bankruptcy Court Called Proper Venue, for Now, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 21, 2007)
- Judge: Diocese Case Will Remain in Bankruptcy Court, by Teri Figueroa, North County Times (August 21, 2007)
- State Supreme Court Throws out Vista Sex Abuse Lawsuit, by Scott Marshall, North County Times (August 21, 2007)
- Indepth Report: Males Surviving Abuse; the 'Overlooked' Victims, by Stefania Moretti, LondonTopic (August 20, 2007)
- DA Finds No Criminal Nature in Bishop Incident, in Post-Journal (August 21, 2007)
- Double Trouble: Preacher, Sex Offender Tapped Another Child Molester for a Worship Role at a Romeoville Church Rocked by Upheaval, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (August 21, 2007)
- Challenger Takes out Petition for Trustee Seat: Senator Endorses Miller As Fine Candidate, by Matt Cunningham, Journal News (August 20, 2007)
- ELCA: Allegations Are Not the Public's Business, on Keloland (August 20, 2007)
- Diocese Wants Judge to Take Blame for Mistrial, Associated Press (August 21, 2007)
- Bishop: Priest Abused Boys: Former Jasper Pastor Died in '88, Associated Press (August 21, 2007)
- Lawyers Submit Hefty Bill to Portland Archdiocese, Associated Press (August 21, 2007)
- Diocese Lawyers: Mistrial Was Judge's Mistake, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (August 21, 2007)
- Lawyers Bill Church $19 Million: Abuse by Priests - Fees for the Portland Archdiocese's Bankruptcy Are in Addition to Legal Fees in Abuse Cases, by Ashbel S. Green, Oregonian (August 21, 2007)
- Father Bob Caught in the Buff, by Christine Hollister, Farmer & Miner (August 16, 2007)
- Vatican Attacks Coverage of Italy Sex Abuse Cases, by Phil Stewart, Canada.com (August 21, 2007)
- Lawsuit Accuses Memphis Priest of Rape, on Fox 13 (August 20, 2007)
- Non-Practicing Priest Faces Probation for Molesting Charge, by Margaret McHugh, NJ.com (August 21, 2007)
- Pastor with Barrington Ties Admits to Abusing Boys, by Joan D. Warren, EastBayRI (August 21, 2007)
- Priest Charged in Embezzlement Scheme Indicted on Federal Charges, Associated Press (August 21, 2007)
- Late Priest Linked to Long History of Sexual Abuse, by Rachel Beavin, WFIE (August 21, 2007)
August 22
- New Accusations against Priest Convicted of Sexual Abuse, by Libby Sander, Tuscaloosa News (August 22, 2007)
- Abuse Suit Names Priest, a Convicted Child Molester: Cook County Court | Claims Abuse at Evanston Jesuit Residence, by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (August 22, 2007)
- Church: Don't Blame US for Causing Mistrial, Associated Press (August 22, 2007)
- Jasper Parish Takes Steps to Get Past Pain, by Susan Orr, Courier & Press (August 22, 2007)
- Statement by the Rev. John Boeglin, in Courier & Press (August 18, 2007)
- Statement of Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger, in Courier & Press (August 18, 2007)
- Trust Your Instincts, Protection Officer Advises, in CathNews (August 22, 2007)
- Judge Denies Holy Trinity's Motion to Expose Victims' Names; Sets Trial Date, in Orthodox Reform (August 17, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Now Faces Federal Charges, by Tom Campbell and Calvin R. Trice, Richmond Times-Dispatch (August 22, 2007)
- Priest Facing Federal Charges, by Ellen Biltz, Free Lance-Star (August 22, 2007)
- Priest Faces Suit in Abuse Claims: Man on Probation for Previous Case, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (August 22, 2007)
- No Predators in the Pulpit: Church Should Have Kept Sex Offenders Away from Kids, in Chicago Sun-Times (August 22, 2007)
- Priest Trial Delayed for 33rd Time, by Dave Wedge, Boston Herald (August 22, 2007)
- Naugatuck Priest in Court for Sexual Assault, on WTNH (August 22, 2007)
- No Plea from Naugatuck Priest Facing Sexual Assault Charges, but Details Forthcoming, in Waterbury Republican American (August 22, 2007)
- Priest Appears in Court, by David Owens, Hartford Courant (August 22, 2007)
- Ex-Church Accountant Goes on Trial in Alleged Kickbacks, by Thomas J. Sheeran, Ohio.com (August 22, 2007)
August 23
- Embattled Priest Back after Three Years, by Karen Keller, Herald News (August 23, 2007)
- Allegation of Abuse Slow to Reach Police: Arrest Warrant Details Sexual Assault Case against Priest, by David Owens, Hartford Courant (August 23, 2007)
- Catholic Diocese Settles Lawsuits, by Bill Dries, Daily News (August 23, 2007)
- Story of Abuse by Priest Not True, Man Tells Cornwall Inquiry, by Terri Saunders, Ottawa Sun (August 23, 2007)
- Vatican Blasts Italian Coverage of Scandals, by Eric J. Lyman, Reuters (August 22, 2007)
- Despite New Church Rules, Sex Abuse in Catholic School Went Unreported, by David Staba, New York Times (August 23, 2007)
- Jury Takes Hour to Convict San Jacinto Church Volunteer, by Gail Wesson, Press-Enterprise (August 22, 2007)
- Public Schools Need Fear No Scandal: State Supreme Court Rules That a California Law That Opened the Floodgate for Sexual Abuse Lawsuits against Catholic Dioceses Does Not Apply to Public Entities, in California Catholic Daily (August 23, 2007)
- Settlement Opt-Out Date Passes, by Cynthia Munster, Portage Daily Graphic (August 22, 2007)
- Cleveland Diocesan Official LED Kickback Scheme, Accountant Testifies, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 23, 2007)
- Recent 'Disturbing' Clergy Sex Abuse & Cover up Lawsuit Settled for $1.2 Million, in PRNewswire (August 22, 2007)
- Complaint Alleging Sexual Abuse by the Rev. Donald J. McGuire, (August 21, 2007)
- Affidavit Details Allegations against Naugatuck Priest, Associated Press (August 23, 2007)
- Ex-Church Accountant Goes on Trial in Alleged Kickbacks, in Coshocton Tribune (August 23, 2007)
- Attorneys Discuss New Charges against Louisa Priest, by Lisa Ferrari, WCAV (August 22, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Church Opens Probe into Ncube Affair, by Njabulo Ncube, allAfrica (August 22, 2007)
- Let US Now Praise Illustrious Women, in Catholic World News (August 23, 2007)
- Convicted Priest Faces New Allegations of Abuse, by Mike Heine, Janesville Gazette (August 23, 2007)
- Former Mother Seton Priest Settles Alleged Abuse Case, by Melissa A. Chadwick, Gazette (August 23, 2007)
- Catholic Diocese Found in Compliance with Youth-Protection Program, in News-Leader (August 23, 2007)
- Accused Molester Won't Fight Lawsuits: Ruling Bolsters Fight against Ex-Priest, by Kevin Koelling, Perry County News (August 24, 2007)
- Judge to Rule on Allowing Sex-Abuse Trials in San Diego Diocese, by Allison Hoffman, Mercury News (August 23, 2007)
- Judge Delays Decision in Church Sex Abuse Case, by Mark Sauer and Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (August 23, 2007)
- Ruling by Judge Louise Decarl Adler, in Union-Tribune (August 23, 2007)
- Diocese Was Overbilled, Accountant Says, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 23, 2007)
- Diocese Accused of Covering up Abuse Allegations, on Turn to 10 (August 24, 2007)
August 24
- Unsettling, by Ron Cassie, Frederick News-Post (August 24, 2007)
- Ruling Expected on Abuse Suits' Release, by Mark Sauer and Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (August 24, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Victim Gets Help for Others: As Part of an Iowa Native's Lawsuit Settlement, the D.m. Diocese Donates Money for Children's Counseling., by Shirley Ragsdale, Des Moines Register (August 24, 2007)
- Dominicans to Pay Man $1.2 Million in Lawsuit, by Omar Fekeiki and Darragh Johnson, Washington Post (August 24, 2007)
- Ex-Priest's Actions Wrong on All Levels, in Citizen (August 23, 2007)
- Illinois Church Knowingly Placed Convicted Sex Offender in Pulpit, by Michael Leathers, Associated Baptist Press (August 22, 2007)
- Society Glad Mahony Has Apologized, by George Johnson, Ventura County Star (August 24, 2007)
- Diocese, County Renew Agreement on Investigations, by Deirdre Cox Baker, Quad-City Times (August 24, 2007)
- Divided Panel Rules 'Seduction' Claims against Rabbi Are Barred by N.Y. Law, by Daniel Wise, New York Law Journal (August 24, 2007)
- Brothers Vent Anger at Archbishop over Artane, in Irish Independent (August 24, 2007)
- Parishioners Withholding Judgment on Priest, by Paul Singley, Waterbury Republican-American (August 24, 2007)
- Victim to Sue Paedophile Priest, in Lancashire Evening Post (August 24, 2007)
- Divided Court Rules Seduction Claims against Rabbi Mordechai Tendler Are Barred by N.Y. Law, Woman He Allegedly Seduced to Appeal, in Failed Messiah (August 24, 2007)
- Law Limits Abuse Liability to Catholics, by Mark F. Sullivan, Ventura County Star (August 24, 2007)
- Bishop Calls for Catholic Reform, by Barney Zwartz, Age (August 25, 2007)
- Pastor Guilty in Boy's Assault: Sept. 21 Sentencing Set on Four Counts of Child Molestation, by Crystal Carreon, Sacramento Bee (August 24, 2007)
- Priest's Lawsuit Dismissed, Letter Reaction, by Pedro Ramirez, Post-Standard (August 24, 2007)
- Pain of Abuse Resurfaces, by Terri Saunders, Standard-Freeholder (August 24, 2007)
- Accused Priest Served in R.I., by Edward Fitzpatrick, Providence Journal (August 24, 2007)
- Revisiting the Darkest Hours: A Sydney Bishop Who Became an Advocate for Church Sex Abuse Victims Has Revealed His Own Abuse by a Stranger. Linda Morris Reports., by Linda Morris, Sydney Morning Herald (August 25, 2007)
- Prayer Service Offers Healing to Abuse Survivors, by Andrew Nelson, Georgia Bulletin (August 23, 2007)
- Priest Accuses Colombian Archdiocese of Sexual, Financial Misconduct, by Mike Ceaser, Catholic Online (August 24, 2007)
- Retired Australian Bishop Wants " a Very Different Church", in Catholic World News (August 24, 2007)
- Former Fulton DFCS Chief Tells of Abuse in Book, , Catholic World NewsRetired Australian (August 25, 2007)
- Fiscalía Investigy Al Padre Fred Potes, in El Pais (August 24, 2007)
August 25
- Diocese Accused of Ignoring Complaints of Teacher's Sexual Advances, by Jay Tokasz, Buffalo News (August 25, 2007)
- Judge to Allow 42 Abuse Suits to Go to Trials, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (August 25, 2007)
- Priest Could Be Sent to Prison Next Month, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (August 25, 2007)
- It's Time to Face Facts about Industrial School Failings, in Irish Independet (August 25, 2007)
- Bishop Attacks Popes over Abuse, by Graham Downie, Canberra Times (August 25, 2007)
- 42 San Diego Sex Abuse Cases Ordered to Trial, by Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times (August 25, 2007)
- Church Abuse Trial Ordered in San Diego, by Allison Hoffman, Guardian (August 25, 2007)
- Procanick Rejects Plea Offer, in Utica Observer Dispatch (August 24, 2007)
- Bishop Calls for Reform Within the Catholic Church: The Sydney Catholic Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Has Called for a 'Radical' Reform of Catholicism, Telling a Fairfax Publication That, " Papal Power Had Gone Too Far and There Are Inadequate Limits on That Power.", in Christian Today (August 25, 2007)
- Charges Dropped against Pervert, by Adam Jupp, ic Newcastle (August 24, 2007)
- Priest Admits He's a Father, in news.com.au (August 25, 2007)
- 'La Divina Orden Del Pétalo', by Diego Martínez Lloreda, El Pais (August 25, 2007)
- SNAP Responds to Ruling, on KUSI (August 25, 2007)
- Justice Interruptus, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (August 25, 2007)
- Anger Rises to the Papal Court, by Julia Duin, Washington Times (August 24, 2007)
- Presiding Bishop Unaware of Wikipedia Edit; Allegations Discredited, in Episcopal Life (August 24, 2007)
- Pastor Charged with Sexual Battery: Mother, Daughter Among Accusers, in KTVU (August 24, 2007)
- Pastor Indicted on Sexual Battery Charges, by Tom Smith, Times Daily (August 25, 2007)
- Former Band Member Remembers Those Who 'Revelled in Violence', in Irish Independent (August 24, 2007)
August 26
- Federal Bankruptcy Judge Orders San Diego Clergy Sex Abuse Trials, by Bernard Hibbitts, Jurist (August 25, 2007)
- Brady's Vision of Past Is As Illusory As Crystal-Gazing: The Catholic Hierarchy Has to Get Real about the Past, Writes Colum Kenny, in Irish Independent (August 26, 2007)
- Mass As Angelika Church Reopens, on BBC News (August 26, 2007)
- Lawyers for Zimbabwe Archbishop Demand Proof of Alleged Adultery: Report, in IC Publications (August 26, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Cio, State Media Connive in Ncube Smear Campaign, by Loughty Dube, allAfrica (August 25, 2007)
- El Vía Crucis De LA Arquidiócesis, in El Pais (August 26, 2007)
- Pope Has Too Much Power, Says Bishop, by Linda Morris, Sydney Morning Herald (August 25, 2007)
August 27
- True Story of a Miraculous Climb out of the Depths of Addiction and into the Light of God, in emediawire (August 27, 2007)
- Protestant Clergy Abuse Difficult to Document, by William Moyer, Press & Sun-Bulletin (August 26, 2007)
- Residential School Settlement a Step Closer to Reality, by Sarah Bissonette, Parry Sound (August 26, 2007)
- Bishop Accused of Assaulting Wife Speaks to Congregation, Associated Press (August 27, 2007)
- Theft, Fraud Counts Vs. Valley Priest Stay in Place, by Michael Clancy, Arizona Republic (August 26, 2007)
- "LA Iglesia Necesita Purificarse", in El Pais (August 27, 2007)
- Reform That Is Crucial to the Church, by Barney Zwartz, Age (August 28, 2007)
- Priest Suing Rann, by Colin James, Adelaide Now (August 28, 2007)
- Priest Protested in Phoenix Today, by Claudia Rivero, AZFamily (August 27, 2007)
- Former Bethany Pastor Faces Sexual Assault Charges, by Hilda Muñoz, Hartford Courant (August 27, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, Ritorno Ad Amelia Benedizioni E Gesto Dell'ombrello, by Elsa Vinci, La Repubblica (August 27, 2007)
- Court Decision Puts New Pressure on San Diego Diocese, in Catholic World News (August 27, 2007)
August 28
- Cop to Skip Truth Inquiry? by Terri Saunders, Sun Media (August 28, 2007)
- Priest Charged over 1970s Sex Offences, by Yoni Bashan, Live News (August 28, 2007)
- An End to Diocesan " Gamesmanship" Federal Judge Orders First Round of Clergy Sexual Abuse Cases against San Diego Diocese to Go to Trial, in California Catholic Daily (August 28, 2007)
- Ex-Minister Faces Sex-Assault Counts, by Frank Juliano, Connecticut Post (August 27, 2007)
- Former Bethany Pastor Arrested on Sexual Assault Charges, in Newsday (August 27, 2007)
- Sex Charges against SA Chaplain Dropped, in Sydney Morning Herald (August 28, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Charges against Chaplain Dropped, by Tim Dornin, news.com.au (August 28, 2007)
- Diocesan Ex-Official: Payments a Secret: But He Denies Ok'ing $784,000 for Aide, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 28, 2007)
- IL Prete: "la Amo, Ma Non in Modo Biblico" IL Religioso: "se Sono IL Padre Del Bimbo Decidetelo Voi. Se Lei Vorrà Ci Fidanzeremo in Forma Casta", in Il Corriere della Sera (August 28, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Government Launches New Charges against Archbishop Ncube, in Catholic World News (August 28, 2007)
- Archbishop Ncube Faces New Slurs, by Lebo Nkatazo, New Zimbabwe (August 16, 2007)
- Digging out of " Deep Kimchi" ? by Rocco Palmo, Whispers in the Loggia (August 28, 2007)
- Charges Dropped against Polygamist after Blackmail Scheme Revealed, by Ben Winslow, Deseret Morning News (August 27, 2007)
- Alleged Victims of Sexual Abuse React to Diocese Ruling, on KUSI (August 27, 2007)
- Priest on Child Sex Charges Going Back 30 Years, in Herald Sun (August 28, 2007)
- Ex-Stockton Priest Resigns from S.F. Post: Cites Extramarital Affair in His Letter of Resignation, by Anna Kaplan, Stockton Record (August 28, 2007)
- Two Witnesses Have Nearly Similar Stories of Abuse at the Hands of a Priest, by Terri Saunders, Standard Freeholder (August 28, 2007)
- Survivors of Child Abuse Calls for Legislation Review, in Belfast Telegraph (August 28, 2007)
- No Checks and Balances at Diocese, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 28, 2007)
- Italian Priest Admits Publicly to Being in Love, but Says He Still Wants to Be a Priest, Associated Press (August 28, 2007)
- Sacramento Church Sues Alleged Sex Abuse Victim, by Sam Shane, CBS 13 (August 28, 2007)
- Letter Suggests Socal Church Official Knew Priest Would Flee, by Noaki Schwartz, Fresno Bee (August 28, 2007)
- Court Shields Reinsurance Details in Abuse Case, by Roberto Ceniceros, Business Insurance (August 28, 2007)
- Church Celibacy Back in Spotlight: Priest Confesses to Love for Separated Mother, on ANSA (August 28, 2007)
- EU Homes in on Catholic Tax Breaks: Antitrust Sees Possible Breach of Ban on State Aid, on ANSA (August 28, 2007)
August 29
- Group Attacks Diocese's Lawsuit in Abuse Case: Catholic Church Says the Case Brought by a Texan Belongs in Federal Court, by Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee (August 29, 2007)
- No Duty to Report Priests' Confessions of Child Abuse, Official Says, by Terri Saunders, Ottawa Sun (August 29, 2007)
- Letter Suggests Southern California Church Official Knew Priest Would Flee, Associated Press (August 28, 2007)
- Safe Environmental Awareness Training Offered in U.P., in Daily Press (August 28, 2007)
- Ex-Bethany Pastor Charged in Sex Case, by Phil Helsel, New Haven Register (August 28, 2007)
- Boy Scouts' Secret " Degenerate" Files Revealed, on Gay.com (August 29, 2007)
- «Amo Ma Non in Modo Biblico», on Corriere TV (August 29, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Accept or Deny Adultery Charge, Pius Told, in The Herald (August 29, 2007)
- Church Official Testifies about Off-Books Loan to Secretary, Associated Press (August 28, 2007)
- Jailed Priest Tried to Kiss Girls Aged 10, by Staff Copy, Lancashire Evening Post (August 29, 2007)
- Rabbi, Synagogue Sued over Seduction Scandal: Woman Who Claims Cleric Pressured Her into a Sexual Relationship Wants $1.3m in Compensation, by Sandro Contenta, Toronto Star (August 29, 2007)
- Marist Brothers Sorry for Child Sex Pain: The Catholic Order Which Ran an Eastern Suburbs Sydney Primary School at the Centre of Child Sex Allegations Dating Back to the 1970s Has Expressed " Deep Regret" over Hurt Caused to the Alleged Victims, in The Australian (August 29, 2007)
- Era Cierto: El Padre José De Jesús Tiene Una Hija, in El Pais (August 29, 2007)
- Priest Becomes Target of Sex Abuse Allegation, by Elisabeth Johns, Standard Freeholder (August 29, 2007)
- Sex Offender Linked to Disgraced Pastor, by Mary Adamski, Honolulu Star-Bulletin (August 29, 2007)
- Rwanda: Church to Probe Pastor Sex Claims, by Ignatius Ssuuna And Eugene Mutara, New Times (August 28, 2007)
- Parole Hearing Today for Fugitive Child Molester, by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, Albany Times Union (August 29, 2007)
- Youth Church Worker Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse, in News-Press (August 29, 2007)
- Davenport Diocese Gets Bankruptcy Extension, Associated Press (August 29, 2007)
- «Figlio Dell'amore, Non Del Peccato»: Papà Romeo, Ex Parroco Di Monteortone, Ha Fatto Pure L'Imbianchino. Con Mamma Gigliola, Ex Suora, Un'unione Felice. Andrea Navarin Racconta LA Scelta Dei Genitori Di Lasciare LA Veste, by Renato Malaman, Il Mattino di Padova (August 29, 2007)
- Police Reopen Murder Case That Stunned Melbourne, by Keith Moor, Herald Sun (August 30, 2007)
- Italian Priest Ignites Celibacy Debate with Profession of Love, in Catholic World News (August 29, 2007)
- Financial Irregularities Shocked Former Cleveland Bishop, Associated Press (August 29, 2007)
- Priest Defends Himself from Two Accusers, by Chuck Salvatore, Southwest News-Herald (August 29, 2007)
- Where Is Pelotte? Some Say Bishop Has Been Transferred to Florida Hospital, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (August 29, 2007)
- Long Dead, a Revered Small-Town Priest Is Disgraced, by Michael Rubino, New York Times (August 30, 2007)
- Former Bishop Pilla Says Report of Kickbacks a Shock, by Mike Tobin, Plain Dealer (August 29, 2007)
August 30
- High Court to Hear Plea of Accused Ex-Priest: Michael Nash, Who Faced Sex-Abuse Allegations, Wants to Practice Law in Iowa, by Abby Simons, Des Moines Register (August 30, 2007)
- Hearing Bodes Well for Botsford: Confirmation Seen for High Court Post, by Stephanie Ebbert, Boston Globe (August 30, 2007)
- Former Priest Sued by Brothers, in Chicago Tribune (August 30, 2007)
- [Catholic Church Scandal] Unpriestly Acts Prompt More Calls for Action, by Daniel Harju, Los Angeles City Beat (August 30, 2007)
- Sask. Police Are Examining Abuse Allegations, by Elisabeth Johns, Standard-Freeholder (August 30, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Cover up Theory Valid, Says Lawyer, by Terri Saunders, Standard-Freeholder (August 30, 2007)
- Bankruptcy Judge Extends Davenport Diocese's Deadline, Associated Press (August 29, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced to 8yrs for Incest, on ABC (August 29, 2007)
- Pastor Had Sex with Daughters: Court, in The Age (August 30, 2007)
- Gag Order Issued in Child Sex Trial: Judge Tells Attorneys, Clients Not to Talk about Hosanna Church Cases, by Debra Lemoine, The Advocate (August 30, 2007)
- The Soulvine, by Betty Pleasant, Los Angeles Wave (August 30, 2007)
- Midsouth Minister Charged with Sexual Battery Goes before a Judge, on WREG (August 30, 2007)
- Bethany - the Pastor of First Church of Christ in Bethany Was Arrested Sunday on Sexual Assault Charges., by Terri Miles, Amity Observer (August 29, 2007)
- Sex Charges against Former Pastor Go to Grand Jury, by Lawrence Buser, Commercial Appeal (August 29, 2007)
- 2 Brothers Claiming Abuse Sue Priest Who Sued Them, by Susan Hogan-Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (August 30, 2007)
- Local News, by Jim Anderson, BishopAccountability.org (August 20, 2007)
- Group Attacks Diocese's Lawsuit in Abuse Case: Catholic Church Says the Case Brought by a Texan Belongs in Federal Court, by Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee (August 29, 2007)
- Inquiry to Hear from Controversial Priest, by Terri Saunders, Standard-Freeholder (August 30, 2007)
- A Holy Hold-Up, by Scott Zoback, Worcester Magazine (August 23, 2007)
- Bishop Pilla Testifies in Cleveland, by Paul Lauritzen, dotCommonweal (August 30, 2007)
- Former Bishop Pilla Testifies in Kickback Trial: Questions Restricted for Former Bishop, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (August 30, 2007)
- Group Warns of Ex-Priest Accused of Sex Crimes, on KVBC (August 30, 2007)
- Apology to Abused 'Extremely Important': Priest, by Terri Saunders, Standard-Freeholder (August 30, 2007)
- Joliet Priest Dies before He Is Sentenced for Abuse, in Chicago Tribune (August 30, 2007)
August 31
- Activists Pushing Toledo to Remove Schmit Street Signs, by Scott McKimmy, Toledo Free Press (August 31, 2007)
- New Victims Claim Priest Abuse, by Susan Orr, Courier & Press (August 31, 2007)
- Charges Dropped against Former School Chaplain, by George Conger, Religious Intelligence (August 30, 2007)
- Choir Director Accused of Molestation, Associated Press (August 31, 2007)
- Most Survivors Opt in to Settlement, by Jennifer Feinberg, Hope Standard (August 30, 2007)
- Choir Director Indicted for Molesting Teen, in Chicago Sun-Times (August 30, 2007)
- Perpetrators and Victims: What Do People Really Think?, by Sharon Womack Doty, Tidings (August 31, 2007)
- Bishop Speaks out about Sex Abuse Scandal, by Sarah Cornell, WEHT (August 30, 2007)
- Diocese Land Slated to Sell This Week: 93-Acre Vacant Site West of I-90 Said to Be Prime Spot for Commercial Development, by Emily Proffitt, Spokane Journal of Business (August 30, 2007)
- Church Backs Mugabe Bishop Critic, on BBC News (August 31, 2007)
- Church Faces Molestation Lawsuit, by Stan Maddux, Post-Tribune (August 31, 2007)
- Youth Pastor Sends Sex Case to Trial, by Trace Christenson, The Enquirer (August 31, 2007)
- DOJ Drops Sex Charges, by Alex Pal, Daily Star (August 31, 2007)
- Ner Israel Rabbi Alleged Abuser, by Phil Jacobs, Baltimore Jewish Times (August 31, 2007)
- Shabbat Shalom, in Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out (August 30, 2007)
- Prestige of Clergy Helped Hide Abuse, by Terri Saunders, Standard-Freeholder (August 31, 2007)
- Abused Churchgoers' Forum, in Response Source (August 31, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese Knew Accused Priest's Plan to Leave Country, in Catholic World News (August 31, 2007)
- Jail for Child Sex Abuse Teacher, on BBC News (August 31, 2007)
- Clergy Sex-Crime Review Completed, on BBC News (August 31, 2007)
- Child Abuse Search Clears City Clergy, by David Ottewell, Manchester Evening News (August 31, 2007)
- Houma Priest Accused of Sexual Activity with Child, by John DeSantis, Houma Today (August 27, 2007)
- August Ecclesiastics, in Catholic World News (August 31, 2007)
- Number of Allegations Rises against Southern Indiana Priest, Associated Press (August 31, 2007)
- Italy's Bishops Decry Possible Tax Probe: European Commission Asking around, in Zenit (August 31, 2007)
- Buckfast Monk Given Ten Years Jail for Abusing Boys, in Scotsman (August 31, 2007)
- Church Accountant Arrested in $400,000 Theft, by Sarah Muench, Arizona Republic (August 31, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced to More Than Five Years, by Gary Wright and Tim Funk, Charlotte Observer (August 31, 2007)
- Convicted Priest Could Face Additional Charges, in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (August 31, 2007)
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