Letter from Margaret Gallant to Law

Boston Globe
September 6, 1984

Margaret Gallant writes to then-Archbishop Bernard Law, claiming that Geoghan sexually molested seven boys in her extended family.

Sept. 6, 1984

Dear Excellency,
It is with deep regret that I impart the following information.

There is a priest at St. Brendan's in Dorchester who has been known in the past to molest boys.

The Cardinal [Medeiros] had sent Father for treatments and after returning to Parish duties, he maintained a low profile for quite a while. Lately, however, he has been seen in the company of many boys, to the extent of dropping them off at their homes as late as 9:30 p.m.

Our family is very deeply rooted in the Church with a firm love for Holy Orders. We do not accuse this priest of sin, since we are all sinners, but rather we speak here of crime.

Since 3 of my nephews and 4 grandnephews had dealings with the priest, I am certain of these facts. My heart is broken over the whole situation and it is a burden to my conscience since I am trying to keep a lid on the anger of family members; a very real fear of the disgrace this would bring to the church, to all good priests and families, and finally, but most importantly, my fellow members in this Body of Christ who are left in the dark as to the danger their children are in, while I have knowledge of the truth.

My heart also breaks, that my first offering to you is this cup of bitter wine with no taste of joy. And so, it is to you my dearly loved Archbishop, that I pass this burden with hope and trust.

Marge Gallant


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