Mawage. Mawage Is Wot Bwings US Togeder Tooday. – The Impressive Clergyman By Der Tommissar The Donegal Express August 8, 2006 wings-us-togeder-tooday-the-impressive-clergyman There's a reason I've not been posting. I'll tell you about it later.
What possible purpose did that serve besides smacking conservatives and Traditionalists? San Miguel is where the conservative refugees in Santa Fe attend Mass, and San Ignacio is the parish where the Archdiocese holds the indult (someone mentioned to me once, "Did you know San Ignacio is the smallest parish in the Archdiocese?" Of course it is, why do you think they sent us here?) I guess this is why the Archdiocese has had two priests leave, one to join the FSSP and one to join the "schismatics" (I can only assume that means the SSPX). I guess that's why the SSPX has enough people supporting them in Albuquerque to build an impressive new church for their Masses. Like his predecessor, it seems the current Archbishop needs to realize that while some of us are former altar boys, we're not going to keep bending over without protest.
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