New Allegations of Blackmail, Sex in Cleveland Catholic Diocese By Dave Summers WKYC April 1, 2006
Cleveland -- There are new allegations of black mail and sex in the Cleveland Catholic Diocese. So far, three people have been arrested in connection with this case. The pastor of St. Jude Parish, 69-year-old Fr. Thomas Carolan, went to the Warrensville police Monday to report a theft. "The diocese has been very cooperative ... has provided us with any information and access throughout the investigation," said Warrensville Heights Det. Sgt. Darren Senft. Police are confirming that investigation has lead them to allegations that two women and one man were black mailing Fr. Carolan. Authorities say charges are pending on all three. They allegedly were threatening to go public with proof Fr. Carolan has been having sex with both women for some time. Police say they can't be specific and are looking into every aspect of this matter. The Cleveland Catholic Diocese has already taken action. "We had to ask the pastor to resign which is now common practices ... we have to do this in such situations," explained Bob Tayek, a diocese spokesman. Fr. Carolan is on loan from the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart in St. Louis. He's been in the St. Jude parish since 1990. Diocese spokesman Bob Tayek says the investigation extends to parish finances. "Our finance department now has informed our parishioners that they are going in and doing a careful audit and review of the books to find out what is or isn't there," he says. Fr. Carolan resigned from the parish on Tuesday. His future is still undetermined. Tayak says until the case is completed, the Franciscan friar remains in the priesthood. In the meantime, Father Carolan could be reassigned, but that would be up to the authority in the Franciscan order and not the diocese. |
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