MPP Demands Inquiry into Pedophile Ring

CBC News
March 18, 1999

CORNWALL, ONT. - A Conservative government member is demanding a judicial inquiry be called into allegations that a pedophile ring is operating in Cornwall, Ont.

MPP Gary Guzzo, a former judge, has expressed concerns about police investigations into the situation. Allegations of child sexual abuse by prominent citizens first surfaced more than five years ago.

Guzzo (Ottawa-Rideau) says since he looked into the situation at the request of area residents, he's concerned that the police haven't gotten to the root of the problem.

"Something is definitely wrong, something is amiss," Guzzo said.

Last fall, he raised his concerns in a letter to the premier. There was no response. Last month, he sent the premier another letter.

Guzzo says he's concerned that despite several investigations by police, key people in the scandal have not been apprehended. Police have failed to interview several witnesses even though they have known about them for more than two years, he says.

"I hope to have all my friends with a legal background in caucus understand the sensitivity of this and join me in having it resolved and resolved properly."

Allegations of abuse first surfaced after a man alleged he had been abused as an altar boy by a local priest. Cornwall police began investigating. Then the man received a $32,000 settlement from the Roman Catholic Church. One of the conditions was that the Cornwall police drop their investigation. They did.

There were several more investigations. In late 1997, the Ontario Provincial Police finally set up a special unit, Project Truth. More than a dozen prominent people in Cornwall, including clergy, lawyers and business leaders, have been arrested and are awaiting trial.

But Guzzo says he believes a lot more people are involved -- and he wants assurances that police are doing everything to protect children and root out the problem once and for all.


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