DTS Conclave Talk #2

Given by Father Ray Bourque, O.M.I.

DTS National Conclave 2002

June 12, 2002             Talk #2            Fr. Ray

First Fr. Ray did a review of Talk 1


John 16:13 - The HS speaking what comes from Christ which comes from the Father

Pray while reading Scripture, don't just read!

Baptism can be seen as when you are on a railroad and then the tracks are switched. You are no longer on a road to "death". Through (the) grace (received at Baptism), the track moved to head towards God.

Suffer the Beatitudes!

The book (of our life) is closed when we die. Don't stay in sin for weeks, months, etc. Seek Confession!!!! BE READY! (if we lived this daily then we wouldn't we prone to staying in sin for long periods of time)


Talk 2 (Official start of Talk #2)

 Remember the story of the boy who was about to be martyred for his faith. His father came, untied him, and told the boy to "smarten up". The boy responded, "No Dad, I believe in Jesus!" The father then placed the boy back on the pile to burn.

 The Holy Father has told the young people of this world to be ready to die for the faith - the day is coming; the day has come.

It is essential that we study Baptism. Seek out the Catechism, Church documents, and the Bible. (see Mark 16:15)

We are made to live either in heaven or hell. Each day is a gift. Do penance and offer each day to God. This daily offering is like "punching your time card to work for God." You have the choice of complaining and being selfish, or giving your all (every thought, word, action, event, encounter) to God.

 Remember "If you see it (heaven) you can run for it!" Heaven is the goal! Therefore, SEE IT! RUN FOR IT! Love God Above All Else! 

 The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Father Ray did a breakdown of the 7 gifts.

Group Reflective Questions/Statements:

  1. What are you the most scared of?
  2. What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
  3. What are you the most afraid of losing
  4. Would you deface the image of God in you? In someone else?
  5. "I'd rather lie than tell the truth."
  6. "It doesn't really bother me to disobey my parents of talk back."
  7. "I don't really care if I say bad words or tell dirty jokes."
  8. "I think it is ok to look at pornography as long as I'm alone."

Notes transcribed during talks by Sarah A. Korte. (Thanks Sarah!)     --    Clarified and explained by Mike Aberer and Sarah