Current Bishops Accused of Mishandling Abuse Cases
On May 18, 2018, at the end of their week-long summit with Pope Francis, all 31 active bishops in Chile submitted their resignations, a collective acknowledgement of the Chilean church’s “deplorable” handling of child sex abuse by clergy.
In a ten-page document the Pope gave to each bishop, he said their treatment of the "open wound” of abuse had caused it to "deepen more in its thickness and pain." In the document’s footnotes, he detailed some of the “grave defects” that his investigators had found in the bishops’ management of abuse: minimizing serious crimes as mere moral faults; "recklessly" entrusting abusers with renewed access to minors; ignoring red flags and "superficially" classifying complaints as "improbable"; delaying investigating or doing no investigation at all; and destroying documents. Such practices are “reprehensible,” the pope wrote.
Two weeks later, Pope Francis issued another extraordinary pronouncement, this one a letter to the Catholic people of Chile in which he declared "'never again’ to the culture of abuse and the system of cover-up that allows it to perpetuate …”
It was the first recognition by any pope of the systemic cover-up of child sex abuse in the church.
Now a pressing question emerges: will the pope extend this scrutiny to countries beyond Chile? As dangerous as its practices have been, the Chilean church is not atypical. We see the same cover-up of abusive priests today, the same disregard for victims, in the Catholic churches of Argentina, the Philippines, Poland, and the United States, as seen most recently in the Diocese of Buffalo NY. Change is occurring in Chile only because that situation caused a public relations debacle for the Pope himself.
The most meaningful measure of the Pope's commitment to "never again" will be whether he systematically investigates mishandling of abuse cases by bishops and religious superiors throughout the universal Church.
To deepen understanding of the challenge facing Pope Francis, presents this sample list of current bishops whose responses to allegations and to victims raise questions about their fitness for office. None has yet been disciplined by the pope.
Our list includes five cardinals, two of whom belong to the Pope’s inner circle of advisors. Their inclusion in this list of alleged child-protection violators underscores both the difficulty and urgent necessity of the task facing the Pope. Disciplining such influential friends will be difficult, but for Pope Francis to make good on his promise, accountability must begin at the top. Diocesan bishops cannot be expected to comply with standards that cardinals close to the pope are ignoring with impunity.
Name and Career History |
Description |
Sources |
Cardinal Philippe Barbarin
Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France

Career History |
Dec 1977 |
Ordained Priest of Créteil, France |
Oct 1988 |
Appointed Bishop of Moulins, France |
Jul 2002 |
Appointed Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France |
Oct 2003 |
Elevated to Cardinal |
In July 2014, Lyon archbishop Cardinal Philippe Barbarin was contacted by a victim of Rev. Bernard Preynat, a priest whose crimes had been known to the Lyon archdiocese since at least 1991. The cardinal sent Preynat's case to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, receiving a reply in February 2015 from Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.J., secretary to the CDF Prefect. Ladaria Ferrer’s reply read in part: “The Congregation, having carefully studied the cases of the priest of your diocese, Bernard Preynat” recommends “prescribing the... disciplinary measures, while avoiding the public scandal.”
In July 2015, seeing that Preynat was still in active ministry with access to children, the same victim contacted prosecutors, who started an investigation. Barbarin finally removed Preynat from parish ministry at the end of August 2015.
In January 2016, Preynat was charged with “sexual aggression and rape of minors” between 1986 and 1991. More than 60 victims have come forward. Rev. Preynat has admitted repeatedly to rape and other sexual abuses of young boys who belonged to his large boy scout troop, which he headed from 1970 to 1991, at Saint Luc parish in Lyon. [See letters of admission from Preynat to victims’ parents.]
In February 2016, four Preynat survivors submitted a complaint citing Barbarin for "non-denunciation of sexual assault on minors fifteen years ...." Among the complainants was François Devaux, president of La parole libérée, the association of Preynat survivors that formed in late 2015. In addition to Barbarin, La parole libérée's complaint named Pope Francis and three other defendants, including Barbarin's former chief of staff and Preynat's former direct superior.
In early March 2016, French prosecutors launched a criminal investigation of Barbarin related to his failure to report to civil authorities the abuse of young boys by Rev. Bernard Preynat. Barbarin denied any wrongdoing, and the French bishops’ conference released a statement saying that the cardinal ‘had never covered up any fact of pedophilia.’
Yet the church knew of Preynat’s crimes at least as early as 1990 or 1991, when the Lyon archdiocese was contacted by a victim’s parents about the priest's recent molestation of their ten-year-old son (François Devaux). Preynat admitted the abuse to his then-archbishop, Cardinal Albert Decourtray, who removed him briefly from ministry but reinstated him when he “repented,” transferring him to a parish in Neulise. Preynat would stay in active ministry with access to children for another 24 years before Barbarin removed him in 2015. [See a list of Preynat’s parish assignments here.]
Although Preynat’s secret file with the Lyon archdiocese presumably contained at least a summary of his 1991 allegations, as canon law requires (see canon 489.2), Barbarin initially said that his first warning about the priest was in 2014. Shortly after the Preynat survivors submitted their complaint against him, Barbarin conceded in an interview with the Catholic publication Le Croix to having been warned about the priest in 2007. The archdiocese received another notice in 2011, when a victim reported his abuse by Preynat to Barbarin’s auxiliary bishop Thierry Brac de La Perrière (now bishop of Nevers).
On March 30, 2016, police raided Barbarin’s offices to search for information related to Preynat, and in June 2016, police questioned the prelate, who again denied wrongdoing.
On August 1, 2016, the prosecutor's case of non-reporting against Barbarin and the other defendants was dropped, with the court ruling that the case ‘was not sufficiently characterized,’ according to an article in Le Monde. [See the court ruling.]
In response to the prosecutor's dismissal of the case, ten Preynat survivors lodged a complaint with the criminal court, using a French legal tool referred to as a ‘direct citation.' Their complaint named Barbarin, Ladaria Ferrer, and two church officials who formerly had served in Lyon: Maurice Marcel Gardès, the current archbishop of the southwestern diocese of Auch, and La Perrière, the current bishop from the central city of Nevers.
Their efforts succeeded in September 2017, when a criminal court in Lyon ruled that Barbarin and the other senior church officials would have to face trial for non-reporting. In April 2018, the trial was postponed due to a procedural difficulty until January 2019.
As of June 2018, Bernard Preynat remained free.
Letters of Admission by Preynat to Parents of Victims, published on website of La Parole libérée
Tendre la main aux victimes potentielles des 25 dernières années..., published on website of La Parole libérée [Translated headline: 'Reaching out to potential victims in the last 25 years ...']
Factual Chronology of Preynat Case 1978-2017, by La Parole libérée
Le cardinal Barbarin : « Ma seule préoccupation a été qu’aucun mal ne soit plus commis », Recueilli par Céline Hoyeau , La Croix, February 10, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Cardinal Barbarin: "My only concern was that no harm is more committed"']
Barbarin, cardinal Müller et Mgr Ferrer devant les tribunaux?, La Croix, February 15, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Barbarin, Cardinal Müller and Bishop Ferrer in court?']
Le père Preynat a officié dans le Roannais jusqu’au 1er septembre 2015, Le Progres, February 17, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Father Preynat officiated in the Roannais until September 1, 2015']
Paedophilia Cold Case Burns French Clergy, by Valerie Gauriat, euronews, February 18, 2016
C'est l'information que redoutait tout le monde, et notamment le diocèse de Lyon,, February 18, 2016 [Translated headline: 'This is the information that everyone feared, especially the Diocese of Lyon']
Prêtre soupçonné de pédophilie: "Ma fille m'a dit que la confession s'était passée de façon bizarre…", BFM TV avec RMC, February 18, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Priest suspected of pedophilia: "My daughter told me that the confession happened so weird ..."']
French cardinal criticised over handling of abuse allegations, Catholic Herald (UK), February 23, 2016
Une plainte contre le cardinal Barbarin et le Vatican, by Bernadette Sauvaget, Liberation, March 4, 2016 [Translated headline: 'A complaint against Cardinal Barbarin and the Vatican']
Le cardinal Barbarin "n'a jamais couvert aucun fait de pédophilie", L'Express, March 6, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Cardinal Barbarin "has never covered any fact of pedophilia"']
Top French Cardinal Hid Scouts Pedophile Scandal, by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Daily Beast, March 13, 2016
French Court Launches Criminal Probe against Archdiocese over Child Sex Abuse Cover up, by Mary Papenfuss, International Business Times, March 14, 2016
L'article à lire pour comprendre le scandale de pédophilie dans le diocèse de Lyon, by Anne Brigaudeau, France Télévisions, March 15, 2016 [Translated headline: 'The article to read to understand the scandal of pedophilia in the diocese of Lyon']
Cardinal who said gay marriage would cause incest accused of covering up pedophilia, by Stefanie Gerdes, Gay Star News, March 16, 2016
Cardinal Barbarin: A hardliner at centre of sex abuse scandal, by Gregory Danel, AFP, March 16, 2016
French Cardinal Apologies to Sex Abuse Victims, RFI, March 24, 2016
French cardinal reiterates promise to cooperate with police on abuse, by Jonathan Luxmoore, Catholic Herald, April 5, 2016
Church laws may justify calls for French cardinal's resignation, by Kieran Tapsell, National Catholic Reporter, May 4, 2016
French Cardinal Barbarin questioned in Lyon priest abuse case, BBC News, June 8, 2016
French cardinal abuse investigation dropped, BBC News, August 1, 2016
Cour d'appel de Lyon, 1er août 2016, décision de classement sans suite, n° 16-57-283, Court of Appeal of Lyon, August 1, 2016 ['Translated headline: 'Court of Appeal of Lyon, 1st of August 2016, decision of dismissal, n ° 16-57-283']
Pédophilie: pourquuoi le parquet a classé l'affaire Barbarin sans suite, Par Emeline Cazi, Le Monde, August 1, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Pedophilia: why the prosecutor has dismissed the Barbarin case']
Investigation accuses 25 French bishops of hiding abuse, by Tom Heneghan, The Tablet, March 29, 2017
Nouveau classement sans suite d’une plainte contre le cardinal Barbarin, by Gauthier Vaillant, La Croix, July 11, 2017 [Translated headline: 'New classification without follow-up of a complaint against Cardinal Barbarin']
French cardinal, Vatican official to stand trial for paedophilia cover-up, Business Standard, September 19, 2017
Le cardinal Philippe Barbarin sera jugé pour non-dénonciation d'agressions sexuelles sur mineurs, La Rédaction, avec AFP, September 19, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Cardinal Philippe Barbarin will be tried for non-denunciation of sexual assault on minors']
Le renvoi du procès Barbarin suscite des tensions, by Marie Malzac (avec AFP), LaCroix, March 8, 2018 [Translated headline: 'The dismissal of the Barbarin trial raises tensions']
Le procès du cardinal Barbarin reporté à janvier 2019, La Croix (avec AFP), April 4, 2018 [Translated headline: 'The trial of Cardinal Barbarin postponed to January 2019']
French Cardinal to Stand Trial in Sex Abuse Cover-Up Case, by Philippe Sotto, The Associated Press, April 4, 2018
Lyon: Le procès du cardinal Philippe Barbarin reporté à janvier 2019, by Elisa Frisullo, 20 Minutes, April 4, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Lyon: The trial of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin postponed to January 2019'] |
Archbishop Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M.
Archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Career History |
Sep 1983 |
Ordained Priest of Order of Friars Minor |
Apr 2009 |
Appointed Archbishop of Cuenca, Ecuador |
Sep 2015 |
Appointed Archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador |
Archbishop Cabrera is implicated in two abuse cases that became public in spring 2018. As Cuenca archbishop (2009-2015), he took no action against César Cordero Moscoso, a prominent priest reported for child sexual abuse to civil authorities in 2010 and to the church in 2010 and 2011. In his current position, as archbishop of Guayaquil (2015-present), he chose not to notify the public about another powerful priest’s alleged torture and sexual abuse of at least ten teenagers, although the archdiocese had received warnings about the priest in 2003 and definitive allegations in 2013.
The case of Padre César Cordero Moscoso
In April 2018, Jorge Palacios, now in his 60s, held a news conference to publicly accuse renowned priest César Cordero Moscoso of having sexually abused him as a child for nearly ten years, beginning at age 5 or 6. Palacios decided to go public after learning that Cordero was scheduled to receive an honorary award from the municipality of Cuenca. Cordero, age 91, founded a television channel, radio station, hospital, and several schools, including the Catholic University of Cuenca, which he served as rector until 2013.
Palacios said his abuse occurred throughout the 1960s, at elementary and secondary Catholic schools directed by Cordero.
In 2010, years before he went public, Palacios had filed a criminal complaint with the civil board in Cuenca responsible for protecting children and adolescents. At the time, the board reportedly considered issuing a restraining order and other precautionary measures against Cordero but did not follow through.
Also in 2010, according to Palacios, he went in person to the episcopal conference of Ecuador, where he met with a Monsigor Larregui, secretary to the conference president. In an April 2018 radio interview, Palacios says that the official acknowledged that Cordero had a “defect” and that the church knew about it. The official thanked him for not going to the media, Palacios says, and said they all would have to “wait for the divine punishment.”
In February 2011, Palacios wrote a letter reporting his abuse to the Episcopal Conference of Ecuador. The letter, which was shown to, has a stamp indicating that it was received by the episcopal conference in early March 2011.
In the wake of Palacios’ April 2018 news conference, current Cuenca archbishop Marcos Pérez Caicedo said he would open a preliminary investigation of Cordero. He made no mention of the victim’s reports to the church years earlier.
On May 17, 2018, the chair of the Cuenca child protection board resigned following criticism of the board’s failure to investigate or take precautionary measures in response to Palacios’ 2010 complaint.
Pérez summoned an external investigator, the judicial vicar of the Santiago archdiocese in Chile, to come to Cuenca and interview the victims, the accused priest and other witnesses. As of late May 2018, at least four other victims had come forward with similar accusations against Cordero.
On May 30, 2018, victims, supporters and students staged a massive demonstration in the historic center of Cuenca protesting Cordero. Archbishop Pérez announced that the priest had been suspended from public ministry and that the case had been sent to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The case of Luis Fernando Intriago
In the week of May 6, 2018, an investigative journalism initiative called GK published a 10,000-word article exposing the alleged torture and sexual abuse of at least ten boys by Father Luis Fernando Intriago, a priest of the Guayaquil archdiocese and a longtime spiritual advisor to the disgraced Peru-based Catholic cult, Sodalitium Vitae, or Sodality of Christian Life.
The article included testimonies from ten men now in their twenties who described being abused by Intriago when they were 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old. Most had distant or absent fathers and sought counseling from Intriago after joining his youth group at his parish, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Each was subjected to a bizarre and terrifying ritual that the priest called “the dynamics of sin,” which he said was necessary to equip them to “fight for Jesus.”
The dynamic was initially gentle, but eventually each victim was blindfolded, bound and beaten. After several encounters, they would be persuaded to take off their clothes and lie in the priest’s bed. Several reported being electrocuted. One victim said that the priest forced him to bathe in boiling water and then dragged him naked across the carpet and left him hanging from a stick by his wrists, his feet not touching the ground.
On May 11, 2018, Archbishop Cabrero and three of his auxiliary bishops held a news conference to respond to GK’s shocking story. Cabrero acknowledged that the archdiocese had known for years of alleged abuse by Intriago: his predecessor, Archbishop Antonio Arregui Yarza (2003-2015), had received warnings of ‘inappropriate behavior’ about Intriago as early as 2003 and definitive reports from victims in November 2013.
Cabrero said he and Arregui had not made the case public because these “are confidential issues, that’s how one works. There is a principle of presumption of innocence.”
Cabrereo said that Arregui had suspended the priest from parish ministry and initiated a canonical process, and by 2015, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had sentenced Intriago to “expulsion from the priesthood” for illicit acts against the sixth commandment with a minor under age 16. The sentence has not yet taken effect, however. Although the priest’s first appeal of his sentence was rejected by the CDF in 2016, his second and final appeal is still pending, meaning that as of May 2018, Intriago is still a priest.
Denuncia de abuso sexual ocurrido hace 50 años, El Tiempo, April 24, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Report of sexual abuse occurred 50 years ago']
Curia de Cuenca investigará denuncia de presunta violación contra sacerdote, CSM, El Mercurio, April 25, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Curia of Cuenca will investigate alleged violation against priest']
Otra presunta víctima de abuso señala a clérigo en Cuenca, by Johnny Guambaña, El Universo, May 17, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Another alleged victim of abuse points to a cleric in Cuenca']
Sacerdote español indaga presuntos casos de abusos, El Universo, May 23, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Spanish priest investigates alleged cases of abuse']
15 días para informe de Curia, El Tiempo, May 25, 2018 [Translated headline: '15 days for the Curia report']
Abusos sexuales: Arquidiócesis de Cuenca inicia indagación al cura César Cordero, La Hora, May 26, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Sexual abuse: Archdiocese of Cuenca initiates inquiry to César Cordero']
Iglesia Católica apoya investigación de casos de abuso sexual en Ecuador,, May 28, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Catholic Church supports investigation of sexual abuse cases in Ecuador']
Una decena de acusaciones de abuso sexual en una iglesia católica de Guayaquil sigue sin resolverse, GK, May 2018 [Translated headline: 'A dozen accusations of sexual abuse in a Catholic church in Guayaquil remains unresolved']
Arquidiócesis ecuatoriana se pronuncia tras reportaje sobre abusos de sacerdote, ACI Prensa, May 11, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Ecuadorian archdiocese pronounces after report on abuse of priest']
Desde 2003 existía una advertencia sobre la conducta del sacerdote Luis Fernando Intriago, Tele Amazonas, May 11, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Since 2003 there was a warning about the conduct of the priest Luis Fernando Intriago']
La Iglesia dice que suspendió a sacerdote en Guayaquil por ‘conducta inapropiada con menores’, El Comercio, May 11, 2018 [Translated headline: 'The Church says that it suspended priest in Guayaquil for 'inappropriate behavior with minors']
Vaticano sanciona a exasesor del Sodalicio por casos de tortura a menores en Ecuador, Diario Correo, May 13, 2018 [Translated headline: "Vatican sanctions ex-adviser of Sodalicio for cases of torture of minors in Ecuador']
La Iglesia investiga desde 2013 la conducta de un cura, La Brujula, May 14, 2018 [Translated headline: 'The Church has been investigating the behavior of a curator since 2013']
Concejales han solicitado al alcalde, una sesión para tratar denuncias sobre abuso sexual, AGN, May 17, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Councilors have requested of the mayor, a session to deal with complaints about sexual abuse']
‘¡No más abusos!’ gritaron en marcha las presuntas víctimas de sacerdote en Cuenca, by Johnny Guambaña, El Universo, May 30, 2018 [Translated headline: 'No more abuses!' The presumed victims of a priest in Cuenca shouted']
Arquidiócesis de Cuenca suspende a cura acusado de violación, El Telegrafo, May 30, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Archdiocese of Cuenca suspends priest accused of rape']
Testimonio Jorge Palacio, víctima Pederastia en Cuenca, Sin Etiquetas Cuenca, Sound Cloud, May 2018 [Translated headline: 'Testimony Jorge Palacio, victim of Pederasty in Cuenca']
Archbishop Antonio Arregui Yarza,
Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti
Archbishop Emeritus of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain

Career History |
Oct 1958 |
Ordained Priest of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain |
Feb 1977 |
Appointed Bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain |
Jan 2002 |
Appointed Archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain |
Oct 2004 |
Appointed Apostolic Administrator of Paisley, Scotland, Great Britain |
Nov 2005 |
Ceased Apostolic Administrator of Paisley, Scotland, Great Britain |
Jul 2012 |
Retired Archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain |
Several victims have testified to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that Archbishop Mario Conti, bishop of Aberdeen from 1977 to 2002, knew of serious child abuse in an Aberdeen orphanage years before the shocking situation was made public.
In 1998, a BBC documentary revealed that the Sisters of Nazareth -- a Catholic congregation that ran children's homes known as "Nazareth Houses" in Aberdeen and elsewhere in Scotland-- faced hundreds of child sexual abuse claims from former residents of the homes. In response, Mario Conti, then-bishop of Aberdeen, said it was "possible" the nuns had mistreated the children:
"We are human beings," Bishop Conti said. "We are all flawed and fallible and members of religious orders are no different. So it's possible. That it is probable I am not so sure ...
"There are some people before whom lawyers have been dangling a pot of gold. There are a whole range of possible motives, some of which are perhaps more understandable and more acceptable and others more reprehensible. ...I am simply saying that some people have been making fantastical accusations against the sisters."
In 2000, after one of the Nazareth nuns was convicted of four charges of child sexual abuse, Conti said, “... Some practices which today seem excessive and even cruel, would not have been viewed in this light years ago.” Two year later, Conti suggested that the nun's conviction had been a miscarriage of justice, according to news reports. "I think she was treated harshly," he said.
Nearly 20 years later, in May 2017, the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, set up to look into the abuse of children in care, began its investigation of the Sisters of Nazareth.
In a preliminary hearing, Sister Anna Maria Doolan, currently UK Sisters of Nazareth Regional Superior, gave her witness testimony to the Inquiry. The 85-page transcript is available here. When asked to address the abuse allegations, she says "they first came to light to the congregation" in the 1998 BBC documentary in 1998 but prior to then "we had no allegations and we had no records of any abuse."
As stated in a later hearing, "Police Scotland has recovered records of complaints received from 308 former residents against 194 persons associated with the children's residences within the Nazareth House institutions concerning suspected abuse reported to have occurred between 1934 and 1984."
As of May 2018, in contradiction to Conti's 1998 statement that it was "possible" that sexual abuse had occurred at the houses, about a half dozen victims have testified to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that Conti did have prior knowledge of the abuse.
One survivor testified that as a 13-year-old boy in 1967, he told then-Father Conti in confession that he was being sexually abused at Nazareth House.
The inquiry website published his written submission and the transcript of his oral testimony:
"Q. You went to confession and it was Father Conti who heard your confession? A. It was Father Conti, yes. Q. And certainly it was 1967 when you were still at Nazareth House? A. I was still at Nazareth House, that is right, yes. Q. What did you tell Father Conti at confession? A. I told him about the abuse and he asked me who it was, how long it had been going on for and he told me to pray for my abuser and to say three Hail Marys or something like that, two Our Fathers. Q. And did you then mention the name of [redacted]? A. Oh yeah, I mentioned -- he asked me who it was. Q. And did you tell him what the nature of the abuse was? A. Yes, I told him it was sexual, yes. I told him, yes."
Following that confession to Conti, the boy had written private "letters to God" about the abuse. "Bishop Conti of Glasgow learned about these letters and 'rubbished' them in the press, accusing me and the other survivors of being gold diggers and trying to get money out of the Catholic Church."
Another survivor, when asked about his meeting with Conti, said he went to the bishop's house in Aberdeen and told Conti what happened in Nazareth House. "He turned around and said to me, 'Don't you think that was just normal discipline in those days?'"
And, from another survivor, who recounted his meeting with archbishop Conti: "Q. So far as Archbishop Conti is concerned, you started to tell him, did you, about your life in Nazareth House? A. Well, I told him that I had been, aye, in Nazareth House and that I'd been abused and he just tried to brush it off. In fact, he couldn't leave fast enough. He didn't even have a cup of tea or anything, he just left. Q. Can you remember exactly what he said? A. The main thing I can recall him saying is that, "Times were different then, people should move on". To pray. He advised me to pray. I was hysterical, practically.
A lawyer for the victims has testified to the Inquiry that forthcoming evidence will feature letter from Conti in which he refers to the sex abuse survivors as "the opposition."
As the inquiry continues, it is expected that Conti will be called to give testimony. |
Nuns facing abuse claims, BBC News Frontline Scotland, February 10, 1998
Blaze man was victim of abuse at Catholic homes, say family, The Scotsman, February 22, 2002
Other Nazareth Houses (or: I Was Only Following My Order’s Orders), by Lewis Blayse,, May 30, 2013
Day 9, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, June 14, 2017
Witness Statement of Joseph Currie, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, October 27, 2017
Church-commissioned study of historical abuse reports released, Scottish Catholic Observer, March 2, 2018
Sisters of Nazareth: Nuns held to account for decades of CHILD ABUSE, by Ben Borland, Express, April 22, 2018
Hundreds of Sisters of Nazareth Catholic order complaints received, BBC News, April 24, 2018
CHILD ABUSE INQUIRY: Nun told young girl the ‘devil was inside” her as she was beaten at children’s home, inquiry hears, by Matt Coyle, The Scottish Sun, April 24, 2018
Day 47, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, April 24, 2018
Day 48, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, April 25, 2018
Archbishop Conti accused of calling child abuse victims ‘the opposition’, by Chris Marshall, The Scotsman, April 25, 2018
Day 49, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, April 26, 2018
Witness Statement of Joseph Currie, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, April 26, 2018
HOME HORROR: Staff at Aberdeen’s Nazareth House forced girl to ‘kiss a dead nun’ before beating her for refusing, by Conor Riordan, The Scottish Sun, May 3, 2018
Day 56, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, May 9, 2018
Archbishop expected to be called to give evidence as inquiry probes child abuse at nuns’ home, by Gordon Blackstock, The Sunday Post, May 13, 2018
List of Current Investigations, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Links to Witness Statements, Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Archbishop Mario Delpini
Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy

Career History |
Jun 1975 |
Ordained Priest of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
Jul 2007 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
Jul 2017 |
Appointed Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
Shortly before Christmas 2011, Milan's then-auxiliary bishop Marco Delpini was alerted by one of his priests that a young priest in Rozzano, Don Mauro Galli, had shared his bed a couple of nights earlier with a 15-year-old boy. The child was upset the days following sleepover, according to the priest reporting the incident, who had been contacted by the boy's parents.
(Delpini later would say that this initial phone call contained no allegation that Galli had sexually abused the child, but this assertion is contradicted by reports on a prosecutor's notes about his 2014 interview of Delpini.)
Delpini spoke with Galli, who admitted he had slept with the boy but said he had not sexually abused him. A few months later, in March 2012, Delpini authorized Galli's transfer from Rozzano to Legnano, where he was allowed to work at several parishes, including one where he headed the youth ministry.
Delpini later admitted that Galli had been transferred from Rozzano because the episode with the boy had become "well-known."
When the boy's parents discovered that Galli was again working with children, they contacted then-Archbishop Angelo Scola, who arranged for the parents to meet with his aides, Father Pierantonio Tremolada, a supervisor of new priests, and Bishop Delpini. The parents recorded both conversations. In their August 2012 meeting with Tremolada, they asked what the priests in Legnano had been told about Galli. Tremolada said he had told the dean about 'the thing of the bed' but instructed him not to tell anyone else, including the other priests. "It would be incorrect!" Tremolada said, according to court testimony. (Tremolada is now bishop of Brescia.) The parents met the following month with Delpini, who thanked them repeatedly for not going to the police, according to trial testimony.
In October 2012, the priest was reassigned again, this time to a hospital in Niguarda, where he was instructed to work with adults only, according to the archdiocese.
In July 2014, the boy attempted suicide, and the carabinieri were called to his home. The boy told them that he had been sexually abused by Galli during that December 2011 night, and a criminal complaint was filed.
In January 2015, months after the criminal filing and interviews by the archdiocese of the boy's parents and therapist, the archdiocese finally opened its own preliminary investigation and notified the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In May 2015, Galli was suspended from ministry as a 'precautionary' measure.
In a December 2017 statement, Archbishop Delpini said that when he learned of that evening six years previously, he recognized that Galli's behavior was "gravemente imprudente" but had no reason to believe that any crime had been committed. The July 2014 criminal complaint was the first notice that abuse had occurred, his statement said.
This assertion was challenged immediately in news coverage: a Fanpage article, for instance, reported that in a 2014 interrogation by the public prosecutor, Delpini said that he had been alerted to possible sexual abuse in the initial phone call notifying him of the incident.
The parents brought a civil case against Galli, who settled with them for 100,000 euros. The payment was from the priest, not the archdiocese, according to news reports.
In the meantime, the criminal case against Galli for aggravated sexual assault ("violenza sessuale aggravata") continues. The trial began in June 2017 and resumed in the spring of 2018, with a verdict expected in September 2018. Galli has admitted publicly that he shared his bed with the boy but maintains that he did not sexually abuse him.
In an interview, the victim's mother was asked what had disappointed her most. "The inhumanity of the archdiocese," she said. "When the crime happened, we had the most complete trust in the ecclesiastical organisms and we entrusted ourselves to them; we did not need to report to others." |
Angelo Cardinal Scola, [Undated]
Bishop Pierantonio Tremolada, [Undated]
Nuovi incarichi pastorali ('New pastoral assignments'), publication of the Archdiocese of Milan, December 23, 2012
Milano, prete a processo per pedofilia: la Diocesi accusata di “omessa vigilanza”, Redazione, June 21, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Milan, a trial priest for pedophilia: the Diocese accused of "omitted vigilance"']
Nelle intercettazioni sul prete pedofilo spunta il nome di Delpini, by Luca Fazzo, il, December 15, 2017 [Translated headline: 'In the interceptions on the pedophile priest check the name of Delpini']
Un comunicato per aiutare a comprendere la verità dei fatti, Arcidiocesi di Milano, December 21, 2017 [Translated headline: 'A press release to help understand the truth of the facts']
Press Release by the Archdiocese of Milan, published December 21, 2017
Pedofilia, l’arcivescovo di Milano coinvolto nello scandalo Don Galli: “Sapeva degli abusi”, di Redazione Milano,, December 23, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Pedophilia, the archbishop of Milan involved in the Don Galli scandal: "He knew about abuse"']
Pedofilia, L’arcivescovo Di Milano Coinvolto Nello Scandalo Don Galli: “sapeva Degli Abusi”, by Sacha Biazzo and Simone Giancristofaro,, December 23, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Pedophilia, The Archbishop Of Milan Involved In Scandal Don Galli: "knew Of Abuse"']
Milano, sacerdote accusato di violenza sessuale. Teste conferma gli abusi, Corriere Della Sera, March 8, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Milan priest accused of sexual violence. Witness confirms the abuses']
Abusi, il processo a don Galli: ecco ciò che dicono le carte, By Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa, March 25, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Abuse, the trial of don Galli: this is what the cards say']
'Il prete mi toccava e io mi paralizzai': il dolore di un ragazzo abusato, Globalist, April 5, 2018 [Translated headline: ''The priest touched me and I was paralyzed': the pain of an abused boy']
Prete pedofilo e vescovo Delpini. Quel processo segreto in Curia, by Luca Fazzo, il, April 6, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Priest pedophile and bishop Delpini. That secret process in the Curia']
Il Vaticano sapeva dei suoi errori quando nomino Delpini vescovo, by Giorgio Gandola, La Verita, May 4, 2018 [Translated headline: 'The Vatican knew of its mistakes when I appoint Delpini as a bishop']
Perdono don Mauro, ma non il vescovo, by Giorgio Gandola, La Verita, May 18, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Forgive Don Mauro, but not the bishop']
Molestie su un minore, ultima udienza del processo a don Mauro Galli: a settembre la sentenza, di Simone Giancristofaro,, May 23, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Harassment on a minor, last hearing of the trial to Fr Mauro Galli: in September the sentence']
Cardinal Francisco Errázuriz Ossa,
P. Schönstatt
Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago, Chile
Current Member of the Council of Cardinals

Career History |
Jul 1961 |
Ordained Priest |
1974 |
Appointed Superior General of Institute of Schönstatt Fathers |
Dec 1990 |
Appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life |
Sep 1996 |
Appointed Archbishop of of Valparaíso, Chile |
Apr 1998 |
Appointed Archbishop of Santiago, Chile |
Feb 2001 |
Elevated to Cardinal |
Dec 2010 |
Retired as Appointed Archbishop of Santiago, Chile |
Apr 2013 |
Appointed Member of the Council of Cardinals |
Cardinal Errázuriz refused for years to act on allegations of sexual abuse by a powerful priest, Rev. Fernando Karadima. In 2003, Errázuriz received a letter from one Karadima victim but did nothing. When told in 2004 of another victim, the cardinal opened an investigation but then suspended it for three years. [See an interview of the priest Eliseo Escudero, who conducted the archdiocese's first investigation of Karadima, from 2004 to 2006.] Karadima himself claimed the archbishop had protected him, by paying 500 million pesos to halt publication of a book alleging that Karadima was a pedophile.
The cardinal finally sent Karadima's case to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in June 2010, shortly after four victims went public with their story, having received no response to formal complaints they had filed with the church a year earlier. It was revealed later that Errázuriz and the four active bishops who had been Karadima protégés had agreed to press for a canonical investigation in order to prevent Karadima from being criminally prosecuted. In late 2010 (announced early 2011), the Vatican found Karadima guilty of sexual abuse of minors and assigned him to a life of prayer and penance [see the Vatican's ruling]. In November 2011, a Chilean judge dismissed the criminal case against Karadima because of the statute of limitations but detailed his abuses in a searing 84-page ruling, calling the allegations "truthful and reliable."
In April 2013, Pope Francis appointed Errázuriz to the Council of Cardinals, despite considerable evidence and testimony in the canonical and Chilean criminal courts about the cardinal's protection of Karadima. In September 2013, three of Karadima’s victims, Dr. James Hamilton, the journalist Juan Carlos Cruz and the president of the Foundation for Trust, José Andrés Murillo, filed a civil suit for 450 million pesos against Errázuriz and the archdiocese, citing the Church's “systematic negligence” and “willful ignorance.
A 2013-2014 email correspondence between Errázuriz and his successor as archbishop, Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, was leaked to the press in September 2015. The email exchange revealed the archbishops’ joint efforts to prevent Juan Carlos Cruz from addressing the Anglophone Episcopal Conference and, later, from becoming a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. Ezzati emailed that Cruz’s appointment to the Commission would be “too threatening to the church of Chile.” The subject line of one of Errázuriz' replies was "The Serpent does not prevail!" He later admitted that he had in fact intervened so that Cruz was not named to the Commission.
That same month, a news organization also published two letters written by Errázuriz (one to Karadima and one to another accused priest) that, according to the plaintiffs, revealed the cardinal's practice of covering up allegations of sexual abuse.
In October 2015, a month after the email leak, Errázuriz delivered a 22-page testimony in the civil suit, saying that when he first learned of the accusations against Karadima, he “devalued” them because they “came without evidence.” Also, “there was Karadima’s prestige,” and “it was difficult to assimilate that people who were now adults for years had been abused without reporting it.”
The cardinal echoed some of this self-defense in a May 10, 2018 letter to his fellow bishops in Chile, as they were gathering in Rome for an historic all-hands meeting with Pope Francis. He merely had been following church law, Errázuriz wrote. According to the Associated Press, he said "that it had been 'difficult' to reach the Vatican-required standard of being convinced that the accusations were 'at least likely,' given Karadima’s popularity." |
Catholic Official Suspended Investigation of Chilean Priest, The Associated Press, April 25, 2010
Tvn Special Report Showcases Sexual Abuse Charges against Catholic Priest, by Loretta Horst, Santiago Times, April 28, 2010
Declaración De Cardenal Errázuriz Sobre Caso Karadima, The Aciprensa, June 20, 2010 [Translated headline: 'Statement by Cardinal Errázuriz on Karadima Case']
Handling of Abuse in Chilean Church Questioned, by Alexei Barrionuevo and Pascale Bonnefoy, New York Times, October 27, 2010
Habla primer investigador eclesiástico de Karadima: “El caso me daba asco”, by Gustavo Villarrubia and Juan Andrés Guzmán, Reportajes de investigación Publicado, December 1, 2010 (01.12.2010) [Translated headline: 'Karadima's first ecclesiastical researcher speaks: "The case disgusted me"']
Chilean Priest Found Guilty of Abusing Minors, by Alex Barrionuevo and Pascale Bonnifoy, New York Times, February 18, 2011
New Scandal Rattles Chile's Catholic Church, Santiago Times, September 21, 2011
Chilean Judge Drops Abuse Case but Condemns Priest, by Simon Romero and Pascale Bonnefoy, New York Times, November 14, 2011
Chile: 3 Sue Over Sexual Abuse Cases, by Pascale Bonnefoy, The New York Times, September 3, 2013
Chilean cardinals close to pope stained by abuse cover-ups, by Jason Berry, National Catholic Reporter, April 29, 2014
Exclusivo: El fallo completo con que el Vaticano condenó a Karadima y lo acusó de crear “súbditos sicológicos”, by Ivonne Toro Agurto and Pablo Basadre, The Clinic September 7, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Exclusive: The complete failure with which the Vatican condemned Karadima and accused him of creating "psychological subjects"']
Exclusivo: Cartas del cardenal Errázuriz revelarían intentos de encubrimiento de la Iglesia en el caso Karadima, by Pablo Basadre and Ivonne Toro, The Clinic, September 7, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Exclusive: Letters of Cardinal Errázuriz would reveal attempts to cover up the Church in the Karadima case']
Los correos secretos entre Ezzati y Errázuriz y el rol clave de Enrique Correa en las operaciones políticas de la Iglesia, by Alejandra Carmona López, Elmostrador, September 9, 2015 [Translated headline: 'The secret emails between Ezzati and Errázuriz and the key role of Enrique Correa in the political operations of the Church']
Dos Cardenales En Ojo Del Huracan Por Nuevas Filtraciones Sobre Conspiracion, The Terra, September 10, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Two Cardinals in Hurricane Eye for New Leaks on Conspiracy']
Operación Karadima: La minuta secreta que revela cómo Errázuriz zanjó el caso con obispos leales al ex párroco, by Pablo Basadre and Ivonne Toro, The Clinic, September 15, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Operation Karadima: The secret minute that reveals how Errázuriz settled the case with bishops loyal to the former parish priest']
Errázuriz confirma que "intervino" para que Juan Carlos Cruz no llegara a comisión del Vaticano, by Leslie Ayala and Pablos Cádiz,, October 1, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Errázuriz confirms that he "intervened" so that Juan Carlos Cruz did not reach the Vatican commission']
Exclusivo: La declaración de Francisco Javier Errázuriz en el marco del caso Karadima, by Leslie Ayala and Pablo Cádiz,, October 1, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Exclusive: The declaration of Francisco Javier Errázuriz in the context of the Karadima case']
Abogado querellante caso Karadima: “El fallo establece impunidad para la Iglesia, Católica”, by Rodrigo Fuentes and Raúl Martínez (Chile), Derechos Humanos, March 18, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Attorney Karadima case: "The ruling establishes impunity for the Church, Catholic"']
Chile archbishop defends himself as pope’s summit opens, by Nicole Winfield , The Associated Press, May. 15, 2018
Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño
Bishop of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, México

Career History |
Oct 1972 |
Ordained Priest of Monterrey, Nuevo León, México |
Jan 2003 |
Appointed Bishop of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, México |
In April 2017, two former students of the minor seminary in Piedras Negras filed a complaint accusing Piedras Negras bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño of obstruction of justice and complicity in the sexual abuses committed by the seminary's former rector, Juan Manuel Riojas Martínez, known as Father Meño, whose criminal trial began in January 2018 and has been ongoing as of June 2018, when bishop Garza Treviño will be called to give witness testimony.
Summary of events: In December 2016, former seminarian Roberto Javier Calzada Tamez wrote to Bishop Garza Treviño, describing repeated sexual assaults by the rector of Piedras Negras Seminary, Juan Manuel Riojas Martínez, known as Father Meño. The abuses, including rape, occurred from March to July 2015 when the victim was age 15 or 16. Calzada asked that the bishop report the abuse to both religious and civil authorities.
Within days of receiving the letter, Bishop Garza Treviño met with the victim and had him swear to God that everything he had said was true. The bishop promised to resolve the situation. He urged the victim to forget the incidents, and warned him to give his parents at most a partial account of his abuse, adding that Father Meño would not go near him or his family, and would receive psychological help to overcome “this situation.”
In January 2017 bishop Garza Treviño told the victim that he (the bishop) met with Father Meño, who admitted to the abuse and sought the boy’s forgiveness. That same month, the victim's parents demanded that the bishop punish Father Meño. The bishop said he would but not until after the seminary’s collection of donations the following month, estimated at a half a million pesos, out of concern that public knowledge of the case would result in fewer donations.
The bishop sent the case to the Vatican at the end of January 2017, and claimed he had taken preventive measures against Father Meño, including suspending him from ministry. This is at odds with reports that in February 2017 the bishop instead re-located Father Meño to the Santuario de Guadalupe, where he became vicar, and officiated mass, weddings, baptisms, and other ceremonies.
In early March 2017, the bishop asked Calzada Tamez to sign a letter that had been prepared for his signature. It said: “I express that it is not my wish that father bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño be accused of not acting lawfully as it pertains to my case. I completely exculpate him of not going to civil authorities, as I know that he would never agree to be complicit in a situation like this.” The victim refused to sign the letter.
Later that month, the victim filed a criminal complaint against Father Meño, shortly after which Bishop Garza Treviño released a statement that read: “I received a complaint against a priest for inappropriate conduct. In compliance with my duty, I have sent the necessary information to the Holy See to carry out a due process, and have also notified civil authorities about these allegations, so that they may be investigated and acted on in accordance with the law.”
After the priest's arrest, a second victim, Ignacio Martínez Pacheco, came forward to say that Father Meño had forced him to perform oral sex on hime on at least two occasions in 2002 at the minor seminary in Piedras Negras Pacheco says he reported the assaults to Bishop Garza Treviño, soon after he became bishop in 2003. In the victim's account, Garza Treviño told the boy they would resolve the matter privately and for him not to tell his parents or the press. Pacheco left the seminary shortly thereafter. Bishop Garza Treviño would go on promote Father Meño to rector of the seminary.
Father Meño, whose trial began in January 2018, faces up to 23 years in prison. He is still listed as a member of the clergy on the Piedras Negras diocesan website. |
Joven seminarista de Piedras Negras, denuncia al padre Meño por abuso sexual, by Dariela Macias y Armando Lopez Capetillo,, March 27, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Young seminarian from Piedras Negras, denounces Father Meño for sexual abuse']
Mensaje a la Diocesis de Peidras Negras,, March 31, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Message to the Diocese of Peidras Negras']
Desde hace 14 años el obispo de Piedras Negras encubrió a sacerdote pederasta, by Sanjuana Martínez, April 16, 2017 [Translated headline: 'For 14 years the bishop of Piedras Negras concealed a pedophile priest']
La historia del depredador padre Meño inicia por lo menos hace 15 años, by Sanjuana Martinez, SinEmbargo, May 5, 2017 [Translated headline: 'The story of the predator Father Meño starts at least 15 years ago']
El cura, el obispo, el Gobernador: victimas de abuso sexual hablan de red de proteccion en Coahuila,, May 5, 2017 [Translated headline: 'The priest, the bishop, the Governor: victims of sexual abuse talk about protection network in Coahuila']
Evidencian a Obispo que encubrió al padre Meño, by Luis Duron,, June 2017 [Translated headline: 'Evidence to Bishop that he covered Father Meño']
Una cura pederasta de Coahuila, protegido por jerarcas catolicos, by Rodrigo Vera,, August 18, 2017 [Translated headline: 'A pedophile cure of Coahuila, protected by Catholic hierarchs']
Inicia juicio por pederastia contra Juan Manuel Riojas, "el padre Meño" ,, January 18, 2018 [Translated headline: 'He starts trial for pedophilia against Juan Manuel Riojas, "Father Meño"']
Dos víctimas del Padre Meño, narran que abusó de ellos siendo unos niños,, January 28, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Two victims of Father Meño, narrate that he abused them while being children']
Víctimas del padre Meño denuncian para superar el trauma,, March 19, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Victims of Father Meño denounce to overcome the trauma']
Pide Fiscalia 23 anos para el padre Meno, by Armando Valdes,, April 2018 [Translated headline: 'Ask Prosecutor's office 23 years for Father Meno']
Gobierno Pastoral,, accessed June 6, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Pastoral Government']
Archbishop Jerome Edward Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Career History |
May 1975 |
Ordained Priest Priest of Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Nov 2000 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Dec 2004 |
Appointed Bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States |
Nov 2009 |
Appointed Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States |
Listecki filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2011, saying the move would ensure fair compensation to victims. The filing froze more than a dozen active lawsuits accusing the archdiocese of committing fraud in its concealment of sexually abusive priests. By the February 2012 bar date, 570 victims had filed claims of child sexual abuse. In addition to clergy already publicly accused, the claimants identified in sealed documents at least 75 priests and 25 other archdiocesan employees who had not previously been named publicly as abusers. In 2013, a court-ordered release of 6,000 pages of archdiocesan abuse documents revealed a 2007 letter from Listecki’s predecessor, Timothy Dolan, seeking Vatican approval to transfer $57M in archdiocesan funds to a special cemetery trust that Dolan had established a month earlier. Dolan explained that the new trust would make the money inaccessible to claimants. "I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability," Dolan wrote. Vatican official Cardinal Claudio Hummes replied a month later, approving the plan. In 2014, victims rejected a reorganization plan by Listecki that proposed a settlement of $4 million to be disbursed to only around 125 of the 570 victims who had filed claims. Citing SOL and other reasons, the archbishop argued that the remaining 445 or so victims were “ineligible” for compensation. In March 2015, in a significant legal setback for the archdiocese, a federal appeals court ruled that the victims could go forward with a lawsuit seeking to make the archdiocese's now-$60M cemetery trust fund available as potential compensation. In July 2015 Listecki asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the March ruling. In August 2015 the archdiocese announced a $21M settlement to be divided among 330 of the 570-plus survivors who filed claims. Another 119 would receive $2K apiece, and 124 would receive nothing. Other victims called the offer inadequate and asserted the need for a review of the 570-plus claims as well as the release of the claims under seal so the 100-plus offenders identified in them would be known. Listecki's $21M to victims is close to the $19.75M total that the archdiocese admits to spending on bankruptcy-related legal fees. |
Selected document: ADOM_112303_112304, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, June 4, 2007
Selected Document: ADOM_112305, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, July 18, 2007
Chapter 11 Reorganization, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, January 4, 2011
Archdiocese Recording Explains Bankruptcy during Area Masses, by Lindsay Fiori, Journal Times, January 9, 2011
8,000 Instances of Abuse Alleged in Archdiocese Bankruptcy Hearing, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, February 9, 2012
Cardinal Timothy Dolan Sought to Protect Money from Claims, Struggled with Vatican T, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 2, 2013
Exhibit A – Plan of Reorganization, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, In the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, February 12, 2014
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust, United States Court of Appeals, March 9, 2015
Milwaukee Archdiocese Asks Supreme Court to Weigh In on Fund, The New York Times, July 7, 2015
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Settles Bankruptcy, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee, August 4, 2015
Questions and answers about the archdiocese abuse settlement, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 5, 2015
Milwaukee Archdiocese Filing Includes More Abuse Victims in Compensation Plan, by Marie Rohde, National Catholic Reporter, August 25, 2015
Some victims say archdiocese's plan doesn't go far enough, by Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 25, 2015
Key Parts of the Proposed Settlement Between the Archdiocese and Abuse Survivors, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee, August 2015 |
Archbishop Francisco Javier
Martínez Fernández
Archbishop of Granada, Spain

Career History |
Apr 1972 |
Ordained Priest of Madrid, Spain |
Mar 1985 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, Spain |
Mar 1996 |
Appointed Bishop of Córdoba, Spain |
Mar 2003 |
Appointed Archbishop of Granada, Spain |
In May 2015, Archbishop Martínez received an ultimatum from a Granada criminal judge: submit documents about archdiocese's past handling of 10 accused priests, as court had already demanded seven times, or face charges. The case concerns an alleged priest sex ring that has operated under the archbishop's watch. The "clan Romanones," a 'conservative spiritualist' group of priests and laypeople named for Granada priest, Rev. Román Martínez, allegedly was involved in orgies and the sexual abuse of minors at a hilltop villa. In Summer 2014, a 24-year-old man, an Opus Dei lay member, wrote to Pope Francis about being raped and sexually assaulted as a minor from 2004 to 2007 by Father Román and two other priests. Seven other Granada priests, also followers of Father Román, had witnessed or known of the abuse. The pope contacted the archdiocese, and Archbishop Martínez removed the three abusers but kept the seven complicit priests in ministry: these priests were victims too, he reportedly told the complainant. In November 2014, Father Román and three others were arrested, and in January 2015, a Spanish judge indicted Father Román, nine other Granada priests, and two laypeople for sexually abusing the boy or being complicit in the abuse. In February 2015, the judge dropped charges against all defendants except Father Román because of statute of limitations. On behalf of the victim, the organization known as Prodeni or Asociación por los Derechos del Niño (Association for the Rights of the Child) appealed the dismissal of the charges against the 11, and the appeals judge ordered the archdiocese to produce canonical and other files about the ten implicated priests. In September 2015 the appeals court, while stating it assumes the veracity of the allegations, upheld the earlier decision to prosecute only Román. It also ruled that the archdiocese can be held civilly liable.
In March 2017, after initially seeking 9 years in prison and 50,000 Euros in compensation to the victims, the prosecutor withdrew the allegations against Román. The reversal, based on contradictions and ambiguities in the victim's testimony, was made even after Archbishop Martínez testified that the victim's complaint was credible.
The following month, in April 2017, Román was formally acquitted and the victim was ordered to pay the costs of the legal proceedings.
In November 2017, Archbishop Martínez made public his decision to lift the suspension of Román and the two other accused priests. All three men returned to active ministry. "On this very day, their [Román's and the other two priests'] new pastoral assignments have been communicated to them," read the statement. Their current assignments are not known.
In April 2018, the 4/17 decision to order the alleged victim to pay the costs of the trial was overturned by the Supreme Court, which ruled that the victim had not acted in bad faith. |
El juzgado quiere evitar "el escándalo de curas esposados" en el caso de los abusos sexuales, por Jesús Bastante, el diario, 20 de Noviembre, 2014 [Translated headline: 'The court wants to avoid "the scandal of handcuffed cures" in the case of sexual abuse']
Three Priests and a Lay Person Arrested in Abuse Scandal in Granada, Spain, after Pope's Intervention, by Gerard O'Connell, America Magazine, November 24, 2014
Un Juez Imputa a 10 Sacerdotes Y Dos Laicos Por Abusos a Menores En Granada, The Investing, January 27, 2015 [Translated headline: 'A Judge Charges 10 Priests and Two Laymen for Abuse of Minors in Granada']
In Spanish Abuse Scandal, a More Open Vatican, by Raphael Minder, New York Times, February 14, 2015
Charges Dropped against 11 in Priest Abuse Case, The Local, February 16, 2015
Prodeni recurre la prescriptión del 'caso Romanones' argumentando que se trata de delitos más graves, por José A. Cano, eldiario, February 23, 2015 [Translated headline: 'Prodeni resorts to the 'Romanones case' prescription arguing that these are more serious crimes']
El Juez conmina al arzobispo de Granada a entregar "toda la documentación íntegra" del caso Romanones, por Jesús Bastante,, 11 de mayo de 2015 [Translated headline: 'The Judge orders the Archbishop of Granada to deliver "all the complete documentation" of the Romanones case']
Spanish Court Rules Archdiocese Liable in Altar Boy Sexual Abuse Case, The Expatica, September 8, 2015
La Audiencia Provincial ordena seguir la causa de abusos en Granada sólocontra Román Martínez, por Jesús Bastante,, September 17, 2015 [Translated headline: 'The Provincial Court orders to follow the cause of abuses in Granada only against Román Martínez']
El arzobispo de Granada admite que es "verosímil" la acusación de pederastia del caso Romanones, by Jesús Bastante,, March 10, 2017 [Translated headline: 'The archbishop of Granada admits that the accusation of pedophilia in the Romanones case is "plausible"']
La Fiscalía ha retirado la acusación contra el padre Román sin que hayan cambiado las pruebas, by Jesús Bastante,, March 21, 2017 [Translated headline: 'The Prosecutor's Office has withdrawn the accusation against Father Román without changing the evidence']
Absuelven al padre Román en el juicio por los abusos de 'Los Romanones', by Jesús Bastante,, April 11, 2017 [Translated headline: 'They absolve Father Roman in the trial for the abuses of 'The Romanones'']
Nota de prensa Arzobispado de Granada, Archidiocesis De Granada, November 29, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Press release Archbishopric of Granada']
El Vaticano reincorpora a tres curas del ‘caso Romanones’, by Javier Arroyo, El Pais, November 30, 2017 [Translated headline: 'The Vatican reincorporates three priests of the 'Romanones case'']
Tribunales.- El Supremo exime al denunciante del 'caso Romanones' del pago de las costas del proceso, Eco Diarios, April 26, 2018 [Translated headline: 'Courts.- The Supreme Court exempts the plaintiff from the 'Romanones case' from the payment of the costs of the process']
Cardinal Reinhard Marx
Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany

Career History |
Jun 1979 |
Ordained Priest of Paderborn, Germany
Jul 1996 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
Dec 2001 |
Appointed Bishop of Trier, Germany |
Nov 2007 |
Appointed Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany |
Nov 2010 |
Elevated to Cardinal |
Nov 2010 |
Appointed Cardinal-Priest of San Corbiniano |
Apr 2013 |
Appointed Member of the Council of Cardinals |
Mar 2014 |
Appointed Coordinator of the Council for the Economy |
As bishop of Trier in 2006, Marx knew a prosecutor was investigating one of his priests, Father Otmar M.. The priest had partially confessed to the prosecutor, who concluded that there was 'sufficient suspicion of sexual abuse of adolescents' but had to drop the investigation due to the statute of limitations. Marx spoke to the priest, who denied the allegation. Marx allowed Father Otmar to stay in ministry as a parish pastor and teacher, and the bishop did not request the prosecutor’s files on the case. Marx also chose not to reach out to the accused priest’s alleged victim, in violation of the German Bishops’ Conference guidelines established in 2002.
Between 2006 and 2017, prosecutors investigated Otmar M. seven more times for a variety of crimes, from illegal weapons ownership to 'severe sexual abuse of a pupil of an elementary class.' Each time, because of the statute of limitations and other reasons, the civil cases did not proceed. The multiple allegations of sexual abuse against Father Otmar M. became public for the first time in 2016, prompting Marx’s successor, Bishop Stephan Ackermann, finally to bar the priest from working with children. |
"Welt" Accuses Cardinal Marx of Covering up Abuse-- Archdiocese Threatens Lawsuit, Eponymous Flower, February 9, 2011
Es war einmal ein großer Aufklärer, Von Matthias Drobinski, Suddeutsche Zeitung, January 10, 2013 [Translated headline: 'Once upon a time there was a great enlightener']
Pope Francis Names Advisory Panel at Vatican, by Gaia Pianigiani and Rachel Donadio, New York Times, April 13, 2013
Guidelines for the handling of sexual abuse of minors, by the German Bishops' Conference, September 16, 2013
KircheKardinal Marx wusste von Ermittlungen gegen Pfarrer, Focus, August 16, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Church Cardinal Marx knew of investigations against pastors']
Vorwürfe gegen Marx wegen Umgang mit Missbrauchsfall,, August 17, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Allegations against Marx for dealing with abuse']
Papal Advisor Under Fire for Negligence on Sexual Abuse, by Maike Hickson, 1P5, August 18, 2016
Verjährt, aber nicht vergessen, Von Hannes Leitlein, ZEIT Online, August 25, 2016 [Translated headline: 'Barred, but not forgotten']
Sein Pfarrer soll ihn missbraucht haben, Von Katja Bernardy und Hannes Leitlein, ZEIT Online, May 3, 2017 [Translated headline: 'His pastor is said to have abused him']
Kardinal Marx räumt Versäumnisse der Kirche bei Missbrauch ein, KNA, Kirche und Leben Netz, May 4, 2017 [Translated headline: 'Cardinal Marx admits failures of the church in case of abuse']
Cardinal Marx Finally Admits His Own Negligences in Abuse Cases, by Maike Hickson, 1P5, May 8, 2017 |
Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz
Archbishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland

Career History |
May 1973 |
Ordained Priest of Kraków {Cracow}, Poland |
May 1988 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków {Cracow}, Poland |
Jun 2004 |
Appointed Bishop of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg, Poland |
Mar 2007 |
Appointed Archbishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland |
Nov 2010 |
Elevated to Cardinal |
In 2004 Koszalin-Kołobrzeg priest, Jerzy Uberman was convicted of the sexual abuse of several children, given a two-year suspended sentence and banned for five years from working with minors. In April 2005 Koszalin-Kołobrzeg bishop Nyzc sent Uberman to live in a parish in another village. The villagers were told only that the priest was sick, not of his history of abusing children or conviction. He was removed after parishioners learned the truth through news accounts.
In 2006, a Polish journalist informed the diocese that Rev. Zbigniew Ryckiewicz had molested children. Nycz did nothing. Ryckiewicz was later charged with the sexual abuse of a 12-year-old boy during 1999-2000. Five more men came forward to allege abuse as boys by the priest. At the priest's trial in 2012, Ryckiewicz’s victim expressed sorrow that bishops knew about the abuse, but did not act. Ryckiewicz was convicted in December 2012 and, in 2014, laicized.
KSIĄDZ KTÓRY MOLESTOWAŁ 12 LETNIEGO CHŁOPCA TERAZ POSIEDZI 2 LATA: Ksiądz mnie molestował. Dostał tylko..., FAKT24 [Undated] [Translated headline: 'THE CONVENTION THAT WAS 12 YEARS OF THE SUMMER BOY NOW SELL 2 YEARS: A priest molested me. He only got ...']
Kołobrzeg: Ksiądz molestował mnie czternaście razy (FOTO!), pcz,, December 7, 2010 [Translated headline: 'Kolobrzeg: The priest molested me fourteen times (PHOTO!)']
Nasz komentarz do mszy przebłagalnej - Nic o nas bez nas, Zarząd Fundacji “Nie lękajcie się” Marek Lisiński, Marek Mielewczyk, Maria Mucha, 2014 [Translated headline: 'Our comment on the involute mass - Nothing about us without us, the Board of the Foundation "Do not Lie"']
200 tysięcy złotych za molestowanie? Były ksiądz oferuje dwa tysiąc, by Tomasz Maciejewski. Koszalin,, June 13, 2014 [Translated headline: '200,000 zlotys for harassment? The former priest offers two thousand']
Civil trial starts in case brought by paedophile priest victim, Human Rights House Network, June 18, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: 19 Priests in Poland Convicted of Paedophilia in Three Years. One is in Jail. Where are the Others?, by Anthony Casey,, June 23, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Priests Convicted of Child Sex Crimes in Poland ‘May Still be Serving Church’, by Anthony Casey,, June 24, 2014
Polscy hierarchowie Kościoła nie chcieli spotkać się z ofiarami klerykalnej pedofilii ('The Polish hierarchs of the Church did not want to meet the victims of clerical pedophilia'), Statement of the Do Not Be Afraid Foundation, July 2, 2014
[Translated headline: 'The Polish hierarchs of the Church did not want to meet with the victims of clerical pedophilia']
Another hearing in case of priest accused of molesting minor, Human Rights House Network, August 28, 2014
"Io, vittima di abusi, ora chiedo giustizia. Il cardinale Nycz sapeva e ha taciuto", di MARCO ANSALDO e AGNIESZKA ZAKRZEWICZ,, September 28, 2014 [Translated headline: '"I, the victim of abuse, now ask for justice." Cardinal Nycz knew and kept silent "']
Kolejni świadkowie w procesie Marcin K. kontra diecezja, by Iwona Marciniak, GK24, November 28, 2014 [Translated headline: 'Another witnesses in the trial of Marcin K. versus the diocese']
Kuria i parafia zapłacą za psychoterapię Marcina K. Proces o molestowanie zakończony ugodą, TVP INFO, March 20, 2015 [Translated headline: 'The curia and the parish pay for the psychotherapy of Marcin K. The trial of molesting the completed settlement'] |
Archbishop Juan Alberto Puiggari
Archdiocese of Paraná, Argentina

Career History |
Nov 1976 |
Ordained Priest of Paraná, Argentina |
Feb 1998 |
Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Paraná, Argentina |
Jun 2003 |
Appointed Bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina |
Nov 2010 |
Appointed Archbishop of Paraná, Argentina |
For 20 years, Archbishop Puiggari concealed sexual assaults of mostly poor boys from rural families who attended the Paraná archdiocese’s minor seminary. Puiggari was told personally in 1993 by several boys ages 12-14 that they were being raped and assaulted by Father Justo José Ilarraz, prefect of the minor seminary. Puiggari brought the children to then-archbishop (now Cardinal) Estanislao Esteban Karlic, who swore them to secrecy. Karlic and Puiggari did not report Ilarraz to civil authorities, didn’t warn the public, and ignored repeated pleas by victims to remove Ilarraz from the priesthood. He was allowed to transfer to another diocese and was a pastor until 2012, when his crimes were exposed by investigative journalist Daniel Enz. In 2013, the criminal case against Ilarraz was dismissed on SOL grounds, but the dismissal was overturned in April 2015, when an Argentine appeals court ruled that SOL did not apply in this case. Ilarraz was ultimately convicted and sentenced in May 2018 to 25 years in prison. |
Archdiocese of Paraná Acknowledges Acts of Corruption of Minors Denounced, by Análisis Digital, But Doesn’t Explain Why Authorities Weren’t Notified Sooner, Análisis Digital, September 13, 2012
Archbishop Puíggari Acknowledges “There May Be 12 or 13” Victims Abused, by Father Ilarraz, Análisis Digital, October 15, 2012
Seguirán investigando a un cura acusado de abusar de al menos siete chicos, Infojus Noticias, April 29, 2015 [Translated headline: 'They will continue investigating a priest accused of abusing at least seven children']
Detailed Summary of Case of Rev. Justo José Ilarraz, Drawn from Media Coverage and Public Reports,, [Last viewed on May 30, 2018]
Argentine priest sentenced to 25 years for child molestation, Associated Press, via The Seattle Times, May 21, 2018
Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe
Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy

Career History |
Mar 1967 |
Ordained Priest of Aversa, Italy |
Apr 1992 |
Appointed Titular Archbishop of Gradum |
Apr 1992 |
Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy |
Feb 2001 |
Elevated to Cardinal |
Apr 2001 |
Appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples |
May 2006 |
Appointed Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
Cardinal Sepe's cover-up of a perpetrator priest named Silverio Mura came to light in 2015, when Italian newspapers and then the Washington Post ran stories about Pope Francis's reply to a letter from "Diego," a victim of Mura. In 2011, both Diego and his psychiatrist had told the archdiocese that Mura had sexually abused him for years, starting in 1989 when Diego was 13. Cardinal Sepe's response was to transfer Mura in 2012 from his parish to a nearby vocational school, certifying him as "suitable" to teach. Mura worked at the school for a year, and had access to children as young as 14. Sepe finally removed Mura from ministry in 2014, after the pope's intervention. To date, there appears to have been no sanctions for Sepe or his auxiliary bishop Lucio Lemmo, with whom the victim met in 2011. |
Abusato 30 anni fa dal parroco mai rimosso, ora interviene il Papa, di Elena Affinito e Giorgio Ragnoli, Cronaca, 05 febbraio 2015
[Translated headline: 'Abused 30 years ago by the parish priest never removed, now the Pope intervenes']
When the pope speaks, priest abuse cases get heard, by Anthony Faiola, Washington Post, March 15, 2015 |
Bishop Lucas Van Looy, S.D.B.
Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium

Career History |
Mar 1968 |
Professed Member of Salesians of Saint John Bosco |
Sep 1970 |
Ordained Priest of Salesians of Saint John Bosco |
Dec 2003 |
Appointed Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium |
Archbishop Emeritus Floribert Songasonga Mwitwa
Archbishop Emeritus of Lubumbashi, Congo (Dem. Rep.)

Career History |
Aug 1963 |
Ordained Priest of Elisabethville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
Apr 1974 |
Appointed Bishop of Kolwezi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
May 1998 |
Appointed Archbishop of Lubumbashi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
Dec 2010 |
Resigned Archbishop of Lubumbashi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
In 1987, Bishop Floribert Songasonga of Kolwezi, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) returned Belgian missionary Father Omer Verbeke to the priest's home diocese of Ghent after he was caught sexually abusing a boy. A scandal ensued in the Zairian town, and the parents of another young victim, Benjamin Kitobo, were told that their son was to blame for leading the priest into sin.
Verbeke had sexually assaulted Kitobo for four years, beginning in 1980 when the boy was 13. The boy had been a student at the minor seminary in Kanzenze, where the priest was a teacher and eventually director. The abuse included oral and anal rape. Verbeke abused several other boys too.
It was later reported that Verbeke originally had been assigned to Zaire because of an incident in Belgium.
After his 1987 return to Belgium, Verbeke resumed active ministry in the diocese of Ghent. In the 1990s, he sexually abused a young girl at his parish in Sint-Amandsberg, a sub-municipality of Ghent. In response, Ghent bishop Arthur Luysterman (1991-2003) suspended Verbeke in 2001 but left his freedom and priestly status intact. Verbeke turned his attention to the non-profit organization for orphans in Kigali, Rwanda that he had established in 1996.
In the meantime, Benjamin Kitobo had moved to the U.S. and become a nurse. In 2002, after discovering that the church had failed to stop Verbeke from working with children, Kitobo hired an American attorney. Kitobo telephoned Verbeke in Belgium and recorded the conversation. The priest admitted to the abuse but defended himself, saying "let's not exaggerate here" and "you must not ruin my life." Soon after, Kitobo's attorney reported Verbeke to Bishop Luysterman, who forwarded the complaint to the Belgian church's own abuse inquiry, the Inter-diocesan Commission for the Treatment of Complaints of Sexual Abuse Committed to Pastoral Relations. In early 2005, the Ghent diocese, now under the leadership of Bishop Lucas Van Looy (2003- present), sent Kitobo $25,000.
Despite the diocese's awareness of Verbeke's crimes, he was able to continue his activities in Rwanda unimpeded. In 2007, he and his NGO were welcomed into the European Parliament in Brussels, and in 2009 Bishop Van Looy celebrated the 50th ordination anniversary of Verbeke and other priests at his home.
In late 2014, the case of Omer Verbeke again drew public attention after an investigation in De Standaard/Nieuwsblad, spurring Bishop Van Looy to contact a Belgian official called the 'Honorary Consulate General to Rwanda' and to vow publicly that the priest's travel visa would be suspended. The diocese also told De Standaard that federal prosecutors were in possession of Verbeke's file and that his case was under consideration by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
As of spring 2018, Verbeke was believed to be still a priest, and the bishops who failed to protect children from him retained their standing in the church. Lucas Van Looy remains bishop of Ghent, and Arthur Luysterman and Floribert Songasonga remain bishops emeritus for their respective dioceses of Ghent and Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. |
Blog interview with Omer Verbeke about his Rwanda activities,, 2006 [scroll down]
RDC : Centenaire de l’archidiocèse de Lubumbashi, by Isabelle Cousturié,, August 19, 2010 [Translated headline: 'DRC: Centenary of the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi']
Bisschop Van Looy Gaf Recente Dossiers Niet Door, De Redactie, December 16, 2010 [Translated headline: 'Bishop Van Looy Did Not Release Recent Files']
‘Ik heb God gezegd dat het me spijt. Wat valt er dan verder nog te doen?’, De Morgen, January 29, 2011 [Translated headline: '"I told God that I'm sorry. What else is there to do? "']
'I told God that I was sorry. What else should I do,' De Morgen, January 29, 2011 [This is an English translation of the article above, linked again here.]
SNAP v. the Pope, et al, filing with the International Criminal Court, September 13, 2011 [See pg. 50/PDF pg. 61 for a summary of Benjamin Kitobo's story]
Dossier ongehoorzame priester doorgegeven aan federaal parket, Belga via De Standaard, November 25, 2014 [Translated headline: 'Dossier disobedient priest passed to federal prosecutor's office']
Pedofiele ex-priester kan niet meer naar Rwanda reizen, by Kirsten Sokol, Gianni Paelinck,, November 25, 2014 [Translated headline: 'Pedophile ex-priest can no longer travel to Rwanda']
Pedofiele priester mag niet meer naar Rwanda reizen, Belga via De Standaard, November 25, 2014 [Translated headline: 'Pedophile priest may no longer travel to Rwanda'] |
Bishop Marcelo Alejandro Cuenca Revuelta
Archbishop Juan Alberto Puiggari
Cardinal George Pell
Archbishop Philip Wilson
Cardinal Josef De Kesel
Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard
Bishop Lucas Van Looy, S.D.B.
João Cardinal Bráz de Aviz
Archbishop Aldo de Cillo Pagotto, S.S.S.
Bishop Otacíio Luziano Da Silva
Bishop Anthony Krotki
Bishop Reynald Rouleau, O.M.I.
Archbishop Alberto Giraldo Jaramillo, P.S.S.
Archbishop Ricardo Antonio Tobón Restrepo
Archbishop (Emeritus) Floribert Songasonga Mwitwa
Archbishop Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M.
Cardinal Philippe Xavier Ignace Barbarin
Bishop (Emeritus) André Louis Fort
Bishop Jean-Michel di Falco Léandri
Archbishop Robert Jean Louis Le Gall, O.S.B.
Bishop Yves Le Saux, Comm. l'Emm
Cardinal Reinhard Marx
Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller
Bishop José Antonio Canales Motiño
Archbishop Mario Enrico Delpini
Bishop Francesco Milito
Bishop Pierantonio Tremolada
Bishop Edward Janiak
Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz
Archbishop (Emeritus) José Luis Chávez Botello
Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño
Bishop Jonás Guerrero Corona
Bishop Marcelino Hernández Rodríguez
Bishop (Emeritus) John Cunningham
Archbishop (Emeritus) Mario Joseph Conti
Sr. Anna Maria Doolan
Bishop Bernardo Álvarez Afonso
Archbishop Francisco Javier Martínez Fernández
Bishop Juan Antonio Menéndez Fernández
Marist provincial(s) in charge of Maristes Sants-Les Corts School, Barcelona/Champagnat Foundation
Archbishop Jean-Claude Périsset
United States
Bishop Joseph Robert Cistone
Bishop Robert Joseph Cunningham
Cardinal Timothy Michael l Dolan
Bishop Michael Joseph Hoeppner
Bishop Lawrence Thomas Persico
Bishop (Emeritus) Donald Walter Trautman
Note: The bishops included in this table and in our Database of Accused Priests meet the conditions described in our posting policy. This
table and the database do not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports
contained in the database are merely allegations. The U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is
innocent until proven guilty.Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims
unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements.
This page was last updated July 18, 2018.