The Gary Hayes Archive

Senator Edward Kennedy, speaking at his brother Robert’s funeral, described him in these words. “My brother need not be idealized in death beyond what he was in life. He was a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, suffering and tried to heal it, war and tried to stop it.” I would consider my life well lived if when I am dead and gone it could be said of me, “He was a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, suffering and tried to heal it, abuse and tried to stop it.”

In my own life I found a way to speak about my abuse at the hands of Fr. Joseph McGarvey and Fr. William O’Connell. In 1990, I became a part of the clergy abuse survivor movement and continued to speak my truth. I have been, at various times, quite active in the movement and at other times less so. At all times though, I have spoken the truth about my abuse and challenged those who were and are in a position of authority within the “Church” to take responsibility for their complicity in this great tragedy and take appropriate action to address it and make the “Church” a safer place for all concerned.

The following articles give some insight into my attempts to travel my path and speak my truth. If you are reading these articles, I hope you will find some encouragement to follow your own path and speak your own truth.

[Note from We are grateful to Fr. Gary Hayes for donating his archive. The decision to post the archive on the Internet is's alone. The Gary Hayes Archive is doubly significant. It provides access to many media reports of the crisis that are otherwise inaccessible on the web, particularly reporting about Fr. Hayes' own abuse and his activism thereafter. The archive is also a precious record of the interests and concerns of a major player in the abuse crisis – a leader of The Linkup and an activist with special insight into the situation ofpriests who are also clergy abuse victims.]


Puppet Varieties, Times Journal (about 1965) [Gary Hayes as a boy]


Detective Demonstrates, Millville Daily (3/1/66) [Gary Hayes as a boy]


Priest Pleads Innocent in Bergen on Two Charges of Exposing Himself, Atlantic City Press (8/25/92) [Fr. Peter Walsh]

When the Church Sins, by James R. Petersen, Playboy (12/92) [Jeffrey Anderson, Richard Sipe; Fr. James Porter, Fr. Gilbert Gauthe]


Ex-Millville Priest Named in Suit Alleging Child Sex Abuse, Cover-Up, by Jean Jones and Gary Miller, Bridgeton Evening News (6/11/93)

Bishop Denies Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up, by Melanie Burney, Associated Press (about 6/15/93)

Diocese Knew of Abuse in ’86, Church Memos Show, by Maureen Graham, Philadelphia Inquirer (6/16/93)

Report: Diocese Knew of Priest Sex Abuse in ’86: Memos Outline Charges, Associated Press, carried in Bridgeton Evening News (6/16 or 17/93)

Church Has a Big Credibility Gap on Problem of Priestly Pedophilia, by Steve Adubato, Atlantic City Press (6/27/93)

Story on Priests Saddens Alumna, Letter to the Editor, by Judi Lucas-Mascara, Atlantic City Press (6/27/93)

In Millville, Reaction to Allegations, by William R. Macklin, Philadelphia Inquirer (about 7/93) [Fr. Joseph McGarvey; incomplete article]

Sex and the Church, Newsweek (8/16/93)

Priests and Abuse, by Aric Press, Newsweek (8/16/93) Mr. Noel Clark; [Fr. David Holley, Fr. James Porter]

A View from the Priesthood: It's Bigotry to Blame Celibacy for Church Problems, by Fr. Andrew Greeley, Newsweek (8/16/93)

Alleged Victims Brave to Speak Up, Letter to the Editor, by Barry Smith, Atlantic City Press (8/25/93) [Fr. Joseph McGarvey]

Clinton Was Wrong to Snub Boy Scouts, Letter to the Editor, by Richard Wigfield, Atlantic City Press (8/25/93)

Lawsuit Alleging Coverup Is Dropped, by Fawn Vrazo, Philadelphia Inquirer (10/11/93) [Fr. Gary Hayes; Fr. Joseph H. McGarvey, Fr. William C. O'Connell]

3 Settle Sex Suit Against 2 Priests, Associated Press, carried in New York Times (10/13/93) [Mr. Gary Hayes, Mr. Steven Stolar, Mr. Terrence Smith; Fr. Joseph McGarvey, Fr. William O'Connell]

Catholic Diocese in Rural Illinois Struggles to Cope with Sex Scandal, by Sharon Cohen, Associated Press (10/31/93)

Sex Abuse Victims Band Together, by Sharon Cohen, Associated Press (10/31/93)

Archbishop of Chicago Is Accused of Sex Abuse, by Maureen Graham, Philadelphia Inquirer (11/13/93) [Mr. Steven Cook; Cardinal Joseph Bernardin]

Memories Lost and Found, by Miriam Horn, U.S. News & World Report (11/29/93) [Mr. Ross Cheit, Mr. Frank Fitzpatrick; Mr. William Farmer, San Francisco Boys Chorus Summer Camp, Fr. James Porter]

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Asking Parishes for Cash, Associated Press (12/22/93) [Archbishop Michael Sheehan, Archbishop Robert Sanchez]


Sex-Abuse Suits Jolt N.M. Archdiocese, by Rich Henson, Philadelphia Inquirer (1/17/94) [Attorney Bruce Pasternak; Fr. Jason Sigler, Fr. James Porter, Fr. Arthur Perrault, Servants of the Paraclete, Archbishop Robert Sanchez]

Restoring Faith: Priest Who Was Sexually Abused As a Teen Wants to Aid Others in Recovery, by Karen Owen, Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer (3/6/94)

N.Y. Priest Who Used Boys Club for Sex Gets Maximum Prison Term for Abuse, Atlantic City Press (4/15/94) [Fr. Edward Pipala]

After the Fall, by Howard Chua-Eoan, Time Magazine (5/9/94) [Fr. John Hanlon, Fr. Robert Van Handel OFM, Fr. James Porter]

Pa. Priest Indicted on Sex Charges, Atlantic City Press (6/29/94) [Fr. Thomas Kohler, Fr. William C. O'Connell]

Mom: Church Didn't Warn Cape Residents of Ex-Priest, by George Strawley, Atlantic City Press (about 7/94)

Press Used Overkill on Sex-Abuse Story, Letter to the Editor, by Stanley Snyder, Atlantic City Press (about 7/94)

A Mother Regrets Her Silence After Son Was Molested: To William O'Connell's Alleged Victims in Lower Township ... An Apology, by Kathleen Guilfoyle, Guest Columnist, Atlantic City Press (9/9/94) [Kathleen Guilfoyle; Fr. William O'Connell, Bishop Louis Gelineau]

Suit Names 3 Former Area Priests, by Paul Fowler (about 11/94)

Don't Prejudge Accused Priests, Letter to the Editor, by Veronica Campbell, Atlantic City Press (11/21/94)

Priest's Arrest Shocks Haitian Community, Associated Press, carried in Atlantic City Press (11/28/94) [Fr. Jean Eliscard]

Diocese Lawsuit Casts Too Wide a Net, by Deborah Ruge, Letter to the Editor, Atlantic City Press (12/5/94)

Sympathize with Youths, Not Priests, Letters to the Editor, by Maureen Steelman and Michele Matthews, Atlantic City Press (12/8/94)


Washington, D.C. Archdiocese Announces Priests’ Firings on Sex Charges from Pulpit, Atlantic City Press (2/7/95) [named but not in this article: Frs. Thomas Schaeffer, Alphonsus Smith, Edward Pritchard, Edward Hartell]

Swedes Prosecute 'Sex Tourist,' 69, Denver Post (about 6/95)

Sex Case Shouldn’t Be in Cape, Atlantic City Press (7/25/95) [Mr. Kevin Mackenzie; Fr. Thomas Kohler]


Bridgeton Minister Charged with Aggravated Sex Assault, by Joe Brod, Atlantic City Press (3/6/96) [Rev. Terry Dixon]


Catholic Newspaper Questions Priest Celibacy, Associated Press (3/15/02)

Lawyer Targets Church Sex Abuse, by Pete McAleer, Atlantic City Press (about 3/02)

Victims Then, Priests Later, by Bonnie Miller Rubin, Chicago Tribune (June 3, 2002)

Diocese Reaction to Abusers Changing, by Pete McAleer, Atlantic City Press (about 6/3/02) [Frs. John Bernard, Gerald Clements, Norman Connelly, John Connor, Thomas Harkins, James McIntyre, Joseph McGarvey, Philip Rigney, Augustine Seidenberg, Joseph Shannon, William Titmas]

Dozens Pray to Heal Church's Wounds, by Brandy Warren, Courier-Journal (6/11/02) [Fr. Gary Hayes, Sr. Joan Scanlan OP]

Once a Victim, A Priest Wants Zero Tolerance, by Sara Rimer, New York Times (6/12/02) [Fr. Gary Hayes; Fr. Joseph H. McGarvey, Fr. William C. O'Connell]
















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