November 30, 2005

New Erickson interviews are revealing


Updated: 11/29/2005 09:33:43 PM

Recently released video of the Hudson Police Department’s interviews with Father Ryan Erickson reveal a disturbed priest who admitted to having prior suicidal thoughts.

Hudson police interviewed Erickson for three hours about the murder of two men at a local funeral home. Erickson denied involvement in their deaths, but was later found guilty in a trial conducted after he committed suicide.

Erickson seemed visibly shaken toward the end of his interview. When a detective asked him if he was upset he was considered a suspect, he replied “Well, I’m nervous that I would be considered a suspect because I really am not. I mean, I know that I didn’t kill them and it bothers me there might be evidence that points to the fact I did.”

Posted by kshaw at November 30, 2005 01:44 PM