November 04, 2005

Ferns and after

Nenagh Guardian

The publication last week of the report on the investigation into the behaviour of some priests over a lengthy period of time in the diocese of Ferns has revealed a shocking litany of corruption that people of all religions and none at all, are endeavouring to get to grips with.

In the aftermath of the harrowing series of sexual abuse of so many young people by these priests, gradually, but with certainty, the net has begun to widen and what might have seemed peculiar to the east coast diocese is also likely to have worked its way into most, if not all of the country’s twenty six diocese and to degrees of varying measure yet to be investigated and disclosed.

Media reports, comments and debates since the publication of the Ferns document have been incisive and extremely critical. Bishops, politicians and health authorities have all come in for severe criticism for the manner in which such an abhorrent system of abuse was allowed to permeate society. There has been widespread condemnation of the depths to which these so-called ministers of religion have plunged themselves in order to satisfy their evil desires.

Posted by kshaw at November 4, 2005 09:16 AM