July 26, 2005

Ex-priest’s new address in Waterford contradicts church order

The Marietta Times

By Justin McIntosh, jmcintosh@mariettatimes.com

The return last week of a former Marietta and St. John’s priest convicted of sexually abusing a minor is drawing reactions from local church officials and an advocate for those sexually abused by priests.

Anthony T. Jablonowski, 68, of 800 Strahler Road, Waterford, registered as a sexually oriented offender Thursday at the Washington County Sheriff’s Office after being released from prison in Wyoming where he was convicted of sexual abuse against a minor. The address he listed as his new residence is the same one listed for the religious order called Carmelite Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, which he founded 14 years ago.

A statement released Monday by the bishop of the Diocese of Steubenville, which oversees the Catholic church in Washington County, said Jablonowski was to have no association with CMMI or reside on its property. The statement also said CMMI has no official status in the church because it is a lay association.

Judy Jones, the Steubenville Diocese/eastern Ohio region leader of the Survivors' Network of those Abused, said Monday she was surprised Jablonowski was released from prison already and shocked even further that he was back at CMMI.

Posted by kshaw at July 26, 2005 08:01 AM