July 05, 2005

Nfld. churches up for sale to pay abuse victims


CTV.ca News Staff

Victims of abusive priests in Newfoundland are a step closer receiving compensation.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador approved a settlement between a Roman Catholic diocese and the 40 victims.

The settlement requires St. George's Diocese to raise $13 million in compensation by selling 134 properties along Newfoundland's west coast, including up to 60 churches and the diocese headquarters.

The victims will receive between $75,000 and $1 million when the sale of properties is completed over the next 30 months.

The court's approval of the settlement, which was worked out with the diocese under bankruptcy protection, concludes a 16-year legal battle.

Posted by kshaw at July 5, 2005 07:36 PM