March 23, 2005

Church accused of hiding allegations of sex abuse

New Zealand Herald

by Chris Barton

The Assemblies of God church hierarchy is under fire for covering up allegations of sexual abuse involving one of its senior pastors.

The allegations relate to Pastor Wayne Hughes, head of the Takapuna church.

A longtime member of the Takapuna Assembly of God told the Herald he brought information about the abuse to the attention of church general superintendent Ken Harrison in October. Nothing was done.

"I've fulfilled my obligation to God by not sweeping it under the carpet. God doesn't want this stuff going on in His church. He wants it exposed. I'm sure He's not pleased with those who found out about it and didn't do anything about it," said the church member.

Asked about a cover-up, Mr Harrison said: "No comment."

Posted by kshaw at March 23, 2005 05:51 PM