February 26, 2005

Clergy abuse program questioned

Capital News 9

Updated: 2/26/2005 5:05 PM
By: Capital News 9 web staff

Clergy sex abuse has certainly been in the news lately, and often times victims don't have a place to turn for help.

In Albany, the Independent Mediation Assistance Program or IMAP was designed in September by Judge Howard Levine.

Last year, Bishop Howard Hubbard suggested there be a program independent of the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese.
But the spokesperson of the Survivors Network of those abused by Priests is questioning how IMAP is funded. He said the program got $5 million from the Albany diocese.

Bishop Howard Hubbard suggested there be a program independent of the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese, IMAP was then created in September by Judge Howard Levine.

"First of all I think this is a public relations ploy by the diocese in Albany to actually make it look like they are doing something to help survivors," said Mark Furnish, SNAP.

Posted by kshaw at February 26, 2005 04:29 PM