Church Militant (blog)
January 15, 2020
By Rodney Pelletier
Catholics in the diocese of Buffalo are still reeling from Bp. Richard Malone’s atrocious handling of clerical sex abuse cases. But the men charged with investigating the diocese and overseeing things after Malone stepped down are showing themselves to be cut from the same cloth.
In October, Brooklyn Bp. Nicholas DiMarzio concluded his fact-finding mission, conducted at the behest of the Vatican. As of now, no report has been issued and Buffalo’s clerical sex abuse survivors are waiting for answers.
It’s not known, however, if answers will ever come; The Vatican’s announcement called the investigation “a non-judicial and non-administrative process that requires confidentiality.”
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.