After ex-MO boarding school owner accused of abuse dies, will wife still go to trial?

In the hours after Boyd Householder died Tuesday, former students who attended his Circle of Hope boarding school in southwest Missouri had one lingering question.

Would a judge and jury ever hear what they say went on inside the unlicensed school he and his wife, Stephanie, operated for 14 years in rural Cedar County? The brutal restraints, excessive workouts in extreme temperatures, psychological and sexual abuse and food and water used as punishment.

His death at age 75 comes four months before the Householders were scheduled for trial on 99 felony counts of child abuse and neglect, including statutory rape, sodomy and physical abuse. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office charged the couple in March 2021 and then-AG Eric Schmitt described the abuse that students suffered as “extensive and horrific.”

The charges against Boyd Householder allege that he slammed girls’ heads or bodies against walls, slapped or struck…