Report ‘almost farcical’ in places

The Irish Times


THE VATICAN is still not accepting responsibility for its role in creating the culture of cover-ups of the sexual abuse of children, it was claimed yesterday.

One in Four, which supports survivors of abuse, expressed disappointment over what it said was the Vatican’s failure to acknowledge that its interventions in the abuse scandal had allowed church leaders to ignore guidelines and to protect the church at the expense of the safety of children.

“While we welcome the findings of the visitation that the Irish church now has good child protection practices in place, we feel it is a lost opportunity to address the role played by the Vatican in perpetuating the policy of protecting abusive priests at the expense of children,” said executive director of the organisation Maeve Lewis.

One in Four founder Colm O’Gorman said the seven-page summary of the visitation reports offered very little of value and was “almost farcical” in places.

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