from BishopAccountability.org: This webpage
and related pages present a cached copy of a website
established and originally maintained by counsel for
the class members in the class action lawsuit Doe
v. the Diocese of Covington. That website no longer
exists on the Internet, but much of it has been preserved
by the Internet
Archive. This page reproduces the latest extant
homepage of the original site, as visited by the Internet
Archive on August 28, 2007 and preserved at:
page and the pages to which it links are from late
in the class action, and because the website was designed
to provide current information, these late pages no
longer offer important information that was on the
site in its early days. But much of that information
was preserved by the Internet Archive during its frequent
visits to the site. We have reviewed all
the partial copies of the website as they are preserved
on the Internet Archive, and have gathered their
contents on two pages: a Collected
News Items page, and a Collected
Documents page. Those two pages and the many links
in them are the best way of accessing the documents
and other information once contained on this important
website. See also a June 2009 update
on the status of the class action. In addition to
the resources available on this cached website, see
also our own Articles
on the Covington Class Action Settlement.]
Latest News
August 20, 2007:
The Settlement Master approved Amended Claims
Administration Procedures on August 14, 2007. The
Procedures may be downloaded at this Link.
[The file 070814AmClaimsAdmProc.pdf is not available
on the Internet Archive.]
Posted June 29, 2007:
On June 21, 2007, the Kentucky Supreme Court dismissed
the appeal of Judge Potter, making the decision
of the Kentucky Court of Appeals the final ruling
on confidentiality of class members in this case.
On October 27, 2006, the Kentucky Court of Appeals
granted Class Counsel’s Petition for Relief
from the order of Judge Potter, holding that the
Settlement Master cannot divulge the names and information
of class members. The decision of the Supreme Court
may be downloaded at this Link.
[The file 070621KYSupCtDecision.pdf is not available
on the Internet Archive. The Kentucky Supreme Court
noting the decision are available from http://apps.kycourts.net.]
On June 13, 2006, Judge McGinnis ruled that two
persons who filed late could join the case and one
person who filed late could not join the case. The
Court’s decision may be downloaded at this
[The file 070618OrderreJohnDoes.pdf is not available
on the Internet Archive.]
Posted June 4, 2007:
One major source of delay in claims processing was
eliminated June 1, 2007, when the Boone Circuit
Court filed its decision in the case of Bonar v.
Waite, Schneider, Bayless & Chesley. Attorney
Barbara Bonar, who was originally a Class Counsel
and voluntarily withdrew from this case in January
2004 due to her conflicts of interest, instituted
litigation against Waite, Schneider, Bayless &
Chesley in early 2006 in an effort to obtain a fee
from the class fee awarded by the Court to class
counsel. Class Counsel has been required to file
numerous briefs and attend numerous hearings on
this matter. Responding to voluminous legal documents
filed by this attorney and preparing for trial caused
significant delay in the claims process. Nevertheless,
throughout this separate fee litigation, class counsel
has continued to investigate and complete claims
so that delay occasioned by this dispute has been
kept to a minimum. The trial of the Bonar case began
May 8, 2007 and ended May 11, 2007. The trial resulted
in a finding against Barbara Bonar and in favor
of Waite, Schneider, Bayless & Chesley, holding
that Ms. Bonar was entitled to no attorney fees
from the class. The Court determined that Ms. Bonar
committed numerous serious ethical violations and
that her misconduct was cause for her removal from
this case even if she had not withdrawn. A copy
of the decision can be found at this link.
[The file 070601BonarFindings.pdf is not available
on the Internet Archive.]
A letter updating class members on the claims process
is being sent to each class member.
Posted February 28, 2007:
Class Counsel wish to express their appreciation
to the class members for their patience with the
claims process. Class Counsel are now almost completed
with our work in finalizing claims, and have remaining
only several claims where medical records, school
records, or other documentation has still not been
received or where class members continue to make
modifications their claim form. There are now 401
persons who have filed Confidential Census Forms
in this case. We will be issuing a more detailed
update letter today.
Posted January 5, 2007:
The claims process, which began on June 15, 2006,
will continue into 2007. It is estimated that it
may take several more months to complete. There
are 389 persons who submitted Confidential Census
Forms in this case. Each person's claim is given
thorough individual attention. These claims have
been and are being carefully and deliberately prepared,
reviewed, and investigated by Class Counsel. Each
claim is also carefully reviewed by the Diocese's
attorney and the Special Masters.
The Claims Process:
Most of the Claim Forms sent to Class Counsel were
incomplete or required further documentation. For
this reason, Class Counsel requested the Court to
modify the June 15, 2006 deadline for submitting
a completed Claim Form to permit anyone who had
submitted information to Class Counsel by June 15,
2006 to satisfy the deadline. There are still some
class members who have not signed their drafted
Claim Forms. Class Counsel have been obtaining and
summarizing medical records for all class members
(some medical records go back forty years or more);
organizing school and church records, photographs,
yearbooks and handwritten statements; checking sexual
predator websites and criminal records of abusers;
and obtaining details omitted from Claim Forms.
Class Counsel has engaged in literally thousands
of meetings, conferences and correspondence with
the 389 claimants in this case. There have been
difficulties in obtaining medical records in a timely
fashion from certain doctors and institutions. Some
school, church, and orphanage records have been
destroyed and other sources of records had to be
investigated. Many records required a lengthy search
before they were located. In addition, corroborating
witnesses are being interviewed, sworn statements
are being obtained, and other investigation is being
conducted in an effort to resolve the credibility
of claims. This effort is necessary to separate
the non-credible claims from those that have merit.
A significant number of claims have been denied
(this number changes every week). The claimant is
notified immediately when his/her claim is denied.
Some of these claims were made by persons who do
not meet the definition of a class member in this
case, and others were denied for lack of credibility.
While time-consuming, this effort assures that those
who have valid claims will not have the settlement
escrow funds diluted by invalid claims.
After Class Counsel completes its investigation
of a claim, the Claim Form is sent to the Diocese's
attorney, who is seeing the details of the claim
for the first time, together with Class Counsel's
award recommendation. The Diocese's attorney provides
a copy of those claims within the Catholic Mutual
Insurance entities' coverage period to Catholic
Mutual, which is entitled to comment on the claim.
The Diocese and Catholic Mutual has the right to
conduct their own investigation of the claim. The
Diocese's comments and recommendation and any additional
documents are then forwarded to the Special Masters
along with Class Counsel's recommendation. The Special
Masters have found it necessary to further investigate
certain claims and to schedule the interview of
certain claimants. The Special Masters have promptly
decided each claim that has been presented to them,
usually within one week or less, unless an interview
is necessary. Once an award is made, Catholic Mutual
has right to make an objection to the award and
present its comments in the same form as those of
the parties. Once the award is final, a Disbursement
Authorization Form is prepared and signed by both
parties and by both Special Masters. That form is
sent to U.S. Bank, which then issues an interim
disbursement of 25% of the award, minus attorney
fees, from a Minnesota facility for privacy reasons.
The class member receiving the award is notified
promptly, and the check is delivered promptly after
appropriate documentation is signed.
The claims process will not be complete until the
last claim is decided and all appeals are decided.
During this process, all settlement funds are earning
tax-exempt interest. When the process is complete,
distribution of the remaining amount of each class
member's award will be made based on the total money
available in the settlement escrow funds and the
total amount of awards. It is not possible to know
the total amount of all awards until the last claim
has been decided. In accordance with the Court Approved
Settlement Agreement, if there are not sufficient
funds to pay 100% of all awards, each award will
be reduced equally and proportionately. On the other
hand, if there are more than enough funds to pay
all awards, the excess funds will be returned to
the Diocese. After all the Category Awards are paid,
the Special Masters will review the files of those
eligible for the Extraordinary Injury Fund (class
members in Categories 3 and 4) and determine which
class members will receive an award from that fund
and the amount of the award.
Work Performed Outside The Claims Process:
Although the claims process has progressed very
well during the first six months, the following
work has contributed to slowing the process:
1. Numerous legal documents have been drafted, modified,
redrafted and circulated among the parties, the
insurers, the Settlement Master, the Special Masters,
the tax attorneys, and U.S. Bank. These documents
include: the Claims Escrow Agreement, the Catholic
Mutual Escrow Agreement, the Counseling Fund Escrow
Agreement, the Minors' Fund Escrow Agreement, the
Claims Administration Procedures, the Catholic Mutual
Settlement Agreement, the American Insurance Settlement
Agreement, Notices of Denial for each claim denied,
Notices of Award for each award made, Disbursement
Authorization forms for each award made, General
Release forms for each award made, Notices of Receipt
of Appeals for each appeal made, Draw Notices for
transfers from the CM escrow fund to the Doe Escrow
Fund for each claim within the Catholic Mutual insurance
coverage period, Income Tax Opinion Letters for
each award made, Income Tax Returns for each escrow
fund, Income Tax Election forms for each escrow
fund, summaries of monthly investments and payments
for each escrow fund, Settlement Master Reports
to the Court, and other documents.
2. It was necessary for Class Counsel to initiate
litigation in the Kentucky Court of Appeals to obtain
a Writ of Prohibition against the Order issued by
former trial judge John W. Potter, who on his own
initiative ordered that the identity and contact
information for each class member be submitted to
local prosecuting attorneys. Class Counsel researched
and drafted a Brief and a Reply Brief and argued
the case during a lengthy hearing in the Court of
Appeals. The Court of Appeals issued a final order
prohibiting the Settlement Master from releasing
the identity and contact information of any class
member. Judge Potter, whose appointment in this
case ended December 19, 2006, filed a notice of
appeal to the Kentucky Supreme Court. Class Counsel
researched and drafted a Motion to Dismiss the appeal
and a Reply Brief on the grounds that Judge Potter
no longer has any standing in this case. The Supreme
Court has not yet ruled on this motion. (Class Counsel
will cooperate with prosecuting attorneys to provide
information necessary to aid in the prosecution
of abusers, but we will not disclose the identity
or contact information of class members without
their written consent.)
3. An attorney filed a petition to obtain attorneys
fees in this case, despite the fact that she withdrew
from the case in January 2004 due to an admitted
conflict of interest with the class. This petition
generated numerous hearings and the research and
filing of numerous briefs. The current trial judge,
Robert W. McGinnis, removed this dispute from this
case because it was interfering with the claims
process. It is now the subject of a separate case.
The case is presently pending on Class Counsel's
Motion for Summary Judgment.
As you were previously informed, the Court awarded
Class Counsel 22% of each class member's award in
attorney fees. Class Counsel does not receive its
22% fee disbursement until each class member receives
his/her disbursement. Therefore, Class Counsel is
subject to the same time deadlines as are the class
Class Counsel have agreed not to seek or receive
fees or expenses for any work described above which
was performed after December 31, 2005. Thus, no
fees or expenses are paid for the work done during
2006 or thereafter. Therefore, your compensation
will not be affected in any way by the substantial
additional work being performed by Class Counsel.
We remain very pleased with the class settlement
and the progress of the claims process. Had this
case gone to trial, all class members faced the
substantial risk of losing due to the application
of the statute of limitations or for lack of legally
acceptable evidence. In Ohio, the Ohio Supreme Court
has rejected identical claims against the Archdiocese
of Cincinnati on statute of limitations grounds.
Moreover, trials would have been in at least two
stages and entitlement to claim awards would have
to have been determined by the judge or a jury individually
for 389 persons. These trials alone would have taken
years, followed by years of appeal litigation. In
comparison, due in part to the cooperation of the
Diocese of Covington and Bishop Foys, the settlement
process in this case will hopefully be completed
within one year of its beginning on June 15, 2006
or soon thereafter. It is impossible to predict
the exact date on which the process will be complete.
We appreciate your continued patience during the
claims settlement process.
you were the victim of sexual abuse* by anyone affiliated with the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington, Kentucky, you may be able to
participate in the Proposed Settlement of a class action lawsuit.
You Are A Class Member If:
- A
priest, a member of a religious order, or anyone else assigned to or
employed by the Diocese of Covington or any Diocesan parish or
institution subjected you to acts of sexual abuse at any time in the
past; and
- You were a minor at the time
abuse includes a variety of sexual conduct ranging from sexual
comments, stalking, staring at a naked child and fondling to any type
of sexual act.
preserve your rights to participate in the Settlement or any further
proceedings, victims must take immediate action. You must complete the Confidential Census Form and send it to Class Counsel no later than November 10, 2005.
For complete information on the Settlement and your rights, please read the full Notice of Proposed Settlement. You may also contact Class Counsel:
- Stanley M. Chesley and Robert A. Steinberg
Waite, Schneider, Bayless & Chesley Co., L.P.A. 1513 Fourth & Vine Tower
One West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Toll-free 1-888-609-4826
Confidentiality Of Class Members’ Identities
Counsel, the Court, and the Diocese have made a commitment to maintain
the confidentiality of the identity of Class Members. By identifying
yourself to Class Counsel, you will not be identifying yourself to the
Court or to the public.
Court Documents
If you wish to review pertinent court documents, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
To learn more about your legal rights, class action procedures and other important information about this lawsuit, click here.
website is established and maintained by Counsel for the Class Members
(Victims) in the class action lawsuit entitled Doe versus the Roman
Catholic Diocese of Covington, Kentucky, for the purpose of providing
information to Class Members.