Saddened to see Boston College mishandle clergy sex abuse issue
Letter to the Editor
By Kristen Grieco Elworthy
Boston Globe
April 17, 2012
As a Boston College alumna, I was disgusted to read the front-page story about the Rev. Bradley M. Schaeffer, a member of the school’s board of trustees, who failed to oversee a Chicago priest now imprisoned for child sexual abuse (“For the Jesuits, a long road to accountability,” April 15).
I was a student when the clergy abuse scandal broke, and it affected me deeply as both a young woman and, at the time, a practicing Catholic.
I admired the way BC handled itself in the crisis, seeming to take on a leadership role in righting the wrongs of the church as described in Michael Rezendes’s story.
I am shocked and saddened to see that, even after the despicable actions and consequences of Schaeffer’s poor decision-making have been brought to light by numerous reliable sources, BC has not only neglected to take action, but has praised Schaeffer’s contribution to the university.
It was at BC that I was taught to stand up for what I believed in, and that I have a voice that can contribute to conversation and change. That lesson has shaped my life.
To see BC doing the opposite — shying away from the opportunity to help right a wrong and contributing to the disturbing attitude that the Catholic church has had in dealing with this crisis — is devastating to me.
I have always been proud of my alma mater, but until it takes action on this issue, I will be unable to contribute to the university.
Kristen Grieco Elworthy