The Holy Name of Mary Parish Website
As Modified before the Departure
of Rev. Martin P. O'Loghlen Was Announced

"Tod Tamberg, a spokesman for the archdiocese, said church officials planned to announce the removal of Father O’Loghlen from his current parish in San Dimas on Sunday. Church officials decided to act after being contacted by a reporter about the priest’s history of sexual abuse." — From "Los Angeles Archdiocese to Dismiss Priest Over Admission of Molesting Girl," by Jennifer Medina, New York Times, February 12, 2011.


"About Us" Parish Webpage As Cached by Google on January 28, 2011

We have redacted this page to protect the confidentiality of the woman shown with O'Loghlen in the photograph below. We are not aware of any inappropriate relationships between O'Loghlen and any Holy Name parishioners. We have redacted this image to protect the woman's privacy. O'Loghlen is listed on this page as one of two associate pastors.



"About Us" Parish Webpage As Downloaded
by on February 12, 2011
at 12:16 P.M. Pacific Time

The photograph of O'Loghlen and the woman has been replaced by a photograph of the Sacred Hearts of Mary and Jesus, who are the patrons of O'Loghlen's order. O'Loghlen is no longer listed on the page as associate pastor.













Any original material on these pages is copyright © 2004. Reproduce freely with attribution.