Good Counsel's Efforts in Alcohol Awareness

Letter to the Editor
By Constance Mastbrook
President, Good Counsel Student Council, Wheaton
In the Washington Post
November 18, 1991

We, the students of Good Counsel High School, would like to respond to Laura Sessions Stepp's article "Area Parents Lament Dearth of Assistance" [Metro, Nov. 3]. Our school has been deeply offended by Father Jake Powderly's quote that Good Counsel is the "drinking capital of Montgomery County." It troubles us that all the efforts we put into strengthening our school's reputation may be blighted by such an unsubstantiated comment. Father Powderly, despite his position as the substance-abuse officer for the archdiocese, has not visited Good Counsel in more than six years. Thus, we question the validity of his statement.

Good Counsel is active in working with student and parents through a number of alcohol-awareness programs. Students are constantly reminded of the dangers of drinking by Good Counsel's chapter of Students Against Drunk Driving. The Counseling Department has organized the Student Assistance Program, which is mandatory for all freshmen in order to educate them on the dangers of substance abuse. Before the prom, Good Counsel parents are required to attend a meeting in which they are given suggestions on how to protect their children. In order to assist them in this, the telephone directory at Good Counsel designates parents who have pledged to keep parties at their homes alcohol-free. No mention of any of these points is made in the article. It is disheartening that, as students today, the only publicity we receive is negative.


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