Catholic order allows accused child abuser to live by school because of 'locked gate'
By Jonathan Humphries
Liverpool Echo
February 01, 2021
St Francis Xavier's College in Woolton |
The man was later found to have been accessing the grounds of St Francis Xavier's College anyway
A man accused of sexually abusing boys was allowed to live by school grounds because of a "locked gate" - with the knowledge of the Archdiocese of Liverpool, council and police.
The man, a member of French Catholic order the Brothers of Christian Instruction, had been living in accommodation adjoining the grounds of St Francis Xavier's College (SFX) without the knowledge of the head teacher or governors.
The 'safeguarding plan' was only scrapped when it emerged two fellow brothers had been allowing the unnamed man to access school grounds anyway.
The two men, then deputy head teacher, Brother Peter Tracey, and school chaplain, Brother James Hayes, have since departed the school.
The man has never been convicted of a crime, but had been charged with indecent assault against boys at a school some years ago - which ended with a judge staying the indictment "on a technicality due to abuse of process", according to council files.
The Brothers of Christian Instruction, or La Mennais Brothers, founded in 1819 by French priests, have been trustees at SFX since the 1960s and own property adjoining the school on Beaconsfield Road, Woolton.
Documents presented to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) revealed how the Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool contacted Liverpool Council to "draw up a safeguarding plan" allowing the individual to live there.
SFX's board of governors told the ECHO they had not been aware of the plan, and when they found out the man was removed from the site.
Andrew Keeley, chairman of the board of governors, said an independent investigation was also commissioned which resulted in Brother Tracey and Brother Hayes departing the school.
The incident came to light in a witness statement from Steve Reddy, director of Children and Young People's Services at Liverpool Council, to the IICSA, which is investigating how children were let down over decades in British society.
The statement outlined various child safeguarding referrals to the council's Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Ray Said, including the SFX incident which was raised in 2019.
The statement said: "Alleged perpetrator was previously charged with indecent assaults of boys when he was [redacted] at a school in the [redacted] Roman Catholic Diocese.
"This case progressed as far as court hearings but then was stayed due to a technicality around abuse of process.
"Alleged perpetrator moved to [Accommodation on Beaconsfield Road] which is situated next to [SFX]
"The Archdiocese's safeguarding officer, Des Bill, contacted the LADO, Ray Said, to ask for assistance in drawing up a safeguarding plan as whilst alleged perpetrator was not to teach at [SFX] he was to live in accommodation within close proximity.
"The LADO supported and advised the archdiocese in a meeting with Des Bill and Brother A representing the Archdiocese and the [Brothers of Christian Instruction] to construct a safeguarding plan which was shared with Merseyside Police for comment.
"One of the features of the plan was that a gate that, the meeting was told, joined the [accommodation] and the school grounds, would be locked.
"[Redacted] Brother A and [redacted] was to implement the safeguarding plan."
However the statement said in March 2019, an Archdiocese safeguarding officer undertook a site visit and found "the plan was not being adhered to and that alleged perpetrator had in fact accessed the school grounds. He was therefore moved to alternative accommodation out of city."
An investigation took place into allegations that Brother A and Brother B had allowed the man access to the school site.
Brothers of Christian Instruction spokesman, Br. Yannick Houssay, s uperior Provincial for England-France, told the ECHO the order viewed the man as innocent.
He said: "The individual concerned has never been convicted of any offence, and in this country we have a presumption of innocence.
"It is not the case that a stay was granted on a technicality. The judge, having reviewed the evidence, decided that an indefinite stay to the proceedings should be granted.
"After a five year placement in one of our communities in France it was decided to look for another residence in England. After consultation with all the appropriate authorities, the individual moved to our community in Liverpool.
"Following a visit by the safeguarding coordinator of the Archdiocese, it became clear that the property did not comply with the terms of the safeguarding plan so the individual took up residence elsewhere."
A statement from SFX governing body chairman Andrew Keeley said the governors were not involved in the original plan.
He said: "The decision to place a member of the Brothers of Christian Instruction in accommodation which is next to SFX College, was part of a safeguarding plan which was overseen by the brothers, the police, archdiocese and the local authority LADO.
"It did not involve the Governors of the school.
"When the Governors learned of the situation, the person concerned was removed from the site immediately and they commissioned a full independent investigation in accordance with the college’s procedures.
"This ultimately led to the departure of two of the brothers from the college.
"The Governing Body wish to assure parents and all members of our community that our key priority is to ensure we comply with our statutory responsibilities to safeguard all of our students."
A spokeswoman from Liverpool Council said: "The initial involvement of the LADO was not based on a referral but was based on a request to assist the then Archdiocese Safeguarding Officer in assessing risk posed by the alleged perpetrator.
"The decision to allow the alleged perpetrator who had not been convicted of any crime to live on the site was made by the religious order to which he belonged. That order is based in France and does not fall under the authority of the Archdiocese.
"The LADO and Archdiocese Safeguarding Officer had no power in law to prohibit the person in question from living wherever his order chose him to reside.
“The role of the LADO together with the Archdiocese Safeguarding Officer was to advise the Order in writing a safeguarding plan to ensure no contact with children and a physical separation including a locked gate between the Order premises and the school.
“That plan was breached by Brothers A and B who were responsible for implementing and managing the plan. As a result both Brothers were referred to Liverpool LADO and were subject to safeguarding procedures.”
A statement from the Archdiocese of Liverpool said: "The religious order at SFX took decisions regarding a safeguarding plan for a member of their order following consultation with the archdiocese and the local authority representative.
"The plan was also forwarded to Merseyside Police. The plan was overseen by the safeguarding lead for the religious order.
"As soon as the archdiocese became aware that the plan was not being adhered to the matter was reported immediately to the school and the local authority and was subsequently investigated by the school."
A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "The Archdiocese safeguarding officer approached the LADO for assistance in putting together a risk management plan in relation to this individual.
"We were not involved in the formulation of the plan but it was shared with us.
"As no criminal offences were committed the matter as such has been dealt with by the school and the archdiocese and Merseyside Police are reviewing the processes that took place in relation to this matter, recognising the importance we place on working together to safeguard young people."