Gardai could take criminal action over Mother and Baby Homes report
By John Kierans
January 17, 2021
The site of a mass grave for children who died in the Tuam mother and baby home, Galway Photo by Niall Carson |
The Gardai may take criminal action over the Mother and Baby Report, Dublin Live can reveal today.
A copy of the Final Report was sent to the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris by the Cabinet on October 3 last to see if there are grounds for prosecutions.
It is understood senior officers are looking at a range of offences including allegations of cash for babies, child rape, physical abuse and slave labour.
The Gardai said in a brief statement given to Dublin Live; " Following the final report of the Commission of Investigation into the Mother and Baby Homes being presented to the Gardai, An Garda Siochana will now examine the detailed and extensive final report, and consider if there are grounds for criminal investigation."
A senior Garda source said it could take a few months before a final decision will be made but didn't discount a special investigation unit of detectives being set up.
The report revealed that 9,000 babies died in the 18 homes across the country during a 70 year period, way above the national average.
Over 57,000 babies were born to 56,000 mothers.
Many of the victims who stayed in the homes believe they were victims of crimes.
A Cabinet source told Dublin Live: "The whole Report was sent to the Gardai to see if criminality had taken place.
"Many ministers believe it has.
"The biggest obstacle will be assembling the evidence and persuading the Director of Public Prosecutions to proceed with cases."
The Commission of Enquiry couldn't confirm or deny if babies were sold for adoption to rich childless Catholic families in America and the UK.
But last night Tuam historian Catherine Corless who exposed the shocking scandal revealed she has letters to prove money changed hands.
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"Many of these nuns were great businesswomen and good at covering their tracks, but there is no doubt babies were sold for adoption and it can't be covered up," she said.