| Dc Mayor Adjusts Covid-19 Limits on Churches after Archdiocese Files Lawsuit
By Mark Zimmermann
Catholic News Service
December 18, 2020
A man prays during an All Saints Day Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington Nov. 1, 2020. (CNS photo/Mihoko Owada, Catholic Standard)
Dec. 18, 2020
Mark Zimmermann
Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON -- District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser, in response to a lawsuit filed by the Archdiocese of Washington, has modified the current pandemic limits on gatherings at houses of worship in the District to 25% of capacity and no more than 250 people.
Bowser took the action in an executive order issued Dec. 16. It became effective at 12:01 a.m. Dec. 17 and will be in place through Dec. 31.
"In order to resolve litigation," it said, "this order repeals the numeric cap of 50 persons on gatherings at houses of worship and allows physically large facilities to accommodate more worshippers based on their overall capacity, up to a maximum of 250 persons."
Bowser's new order replaces a Nov. 23 order that had set a 50-person cap on gatherings in houses of worship in the District of Columbia.
In a Dec. 17 statement, the Archdiocese of Washington said it is "grateful that the new order will allow us to welcome more of the faithful to church during the Christmas season and beyond."
"We are continuing to evaluate the impact of these new rules, and it may still be necessary for the court to weigh in on the proper balance between public safety and the fundamental right to worship," the statement said. "As always, we welcome continued dialogue with the mayor's office to ensure that current and future restrictions are fairly applied and do not unduly burden the free exercise of religion."
The archdiocese filed a lawsuit Dec. 11 petitioning the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to lift the 50-person cap on indoor religious gatherings in the District as laid out in Bowser's Nov. 23 order.
The suit contended that restriction violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause, and the First Amendment's guarantees of freedom of speech, assembly, and association.
It claimed the District's hard cap on religious services singled out religious groups for more restrictive COVID-19 limitations on public gatherings compared to those placed on businesses and other venues in the city.
The suit requested the court "issue temporary, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief prohibiting defendants from enforcing their unlawful policies against plaintiff's religious beliefs and activities."
Father Daniel Carson, the vicar general and moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Washington, said in a Dec. 14 interview with the Catholic Standard, the archdiocesan newspaper, that through the lawsuit the archdiocese was seeking to have the District remove the cap and "implement a percentage (limit), based upon capacity of the worship space of the building."
The priest noted that surrounding Maryland jurisdictions responding to the COVID-19 pandemic have currently implemented limitations on attendance at worship services based on a percentage of the seating capacity of the building, with the limit now being 50% in Southern Maryland and up to 25% in both Prince George's and Montgomery counties.
Also on Dec. 14, the Archdiocese of Washington filed a temporary restraining order seeking to have the District Court remove the 50-person cap on church attendance in the District in advance of Christmas.
Bowser's new order specified that it "is hereby modified to provide that houses of worship may admit no more than 25% of their capacity as specified in their certificate of occupancy for the room or area where worship services will be held, or 250 persons, whichever is fewer. This total limit includes all persons: worshippers, clergy and staff."
The order said houses of worship in the District of Columbia must continue to adhere to guidance from the D.C. Department of Health, including having "a reservation system or some means ensuring that there will not be crowding inside or outside the facility."
The order also noted safety protocols must include mandatory masking, plans for ingress and egress of worshippers, and that household members attending together may sit as a group, and each group must be seated at least 6 feet apart from other individuals or groups.
Those safety protocols have been in effect at Catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Washington since public Masses resumed after Memorial Day. Local Catholic churches have blocked off alternating pews and required masking and social distancing.
Bowser's updated order also addressed concerns raised in the archdiocese's lawsuit that her Nov. 23 order had set much stricter limits on attendance at D.C. houses of worship compared to crowd limits for businesses and other venues.
Her Dec. 16 order said it "ensures parity in terms of capacity limits -- both as a percentage and a cap in attendance -- among more activities," setting that 25% occupancy rate and maximum of 250 people also for "restaurants, fields, gyms and other recreational facilities, guided tours, libraries, real estate and construction, retail food sellers and other essential and nonessential businesses."
It also underscored the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting "the District of Columbia, like the rest of the country, is currently confronting the worst surge of coronavirus cases yet," and pointed out the District's number of COVID-19 cases has "multiplied nearly eight-fold since early July."
"The District's overall number of positive cases totals 25,602, and 720 District residents have lost their lives to the virus already," it said.
During the pandemic, "large gatherings remain discouraged," Bowser said in the order, and she added, "The vast majority of houses of worship have accommodated their congregations' spiritual needs through televised or Web-based services, individual counseling, small sacramental services and online giving. Such practices continue to be encouraged."