| Good Morning, Buffalo: Identities of Four Priests Accused in Attorney General's Report Revealed
Buffalo News
December 6, 2020
Warnings from teachers, nuns, even a cop, didn't get Buffalo Diocese to remove priests
Top officials in the Buffalo Diocese failed to heed alarms about clergy misbehaving with minors, even when the warnings came from nuns, Catholic school teachers and other priests.
Diocese officials waited years, and sometimes decades, to separate accused priests from children and discipline them, according to diocese files revealed in a lawsuit filed last week by Attorney General Letitia James.
Such delays happened even when a Buffalo police captain approached diocese officials with concerns about a priest.
The personnel files of the Revs. Dennis A. Fronczak, John P. Hajduk, David W. Bialkowski and Roy K. Ronald were among hundreds of diocese documents subpoenaed by the State Attorney General’s Office in an investigation launched two years ago.
The Attorney General’s report redacted the names of the priests in the lawsuit. The Buffalo News independently verified their identities through other sources.