Disgraced former priest dies in custody
By Andrew Duffy
Ottawa Citizen
August 19, 2020
Barry McGrory leaves the Elgin Street courthouse Tuesday (May 21, 2019). Photo by Julie Oliver |
Barbara Erlandson was a high school student when she was abused by Barry McGrory, a priest at Holy Cross Parish in the 1970s. |
A former Ottawa priest has died in custody while waiting to be sentenced for the sexual abuse of two teenaged boys in a church rectory.
Barry McGrory had been at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre since December when he was arrested for failing to appear in court.
McGrory, the former pastor at Holy Cross Parish, died in hospital. He was 85.
Last June, Superior Court Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin found McGrory guilty on two counts of gross indecency and two counts of indecent assault for crimes dating to the 1960s. The judge said McGrory used his position in the Catholic church to “exploit vulnerable and naïve young men for his own satisfaction.”
Crown attorney John Semenoff was seeking a six- or seven-year prison term in the case.
But McGrory’s sentencing was repeatedly delayed, first because he failed to appear and then because of the months-long COVID-19 shutdown.
In the interim, his health declined sharply. Last month, a fitness hearing was ordered because McGrory’s dementia had advanced such that it was unclear whether he could understand what happened in court or communicate with his lawyer.
His death closes one of the most disturbing chapters in Ottawa’s clergy sex abuse scandal.
McGrory was convicted of abusing three adolescent boys during his clerical career, and credibly accused by at least five other victims, both male and female.
At least three of those victims complained to senior church officials about McGrory, but their concerns were repeatedly dismissed.
McGrory himself said former archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde was aware of his predilection for adolescents and did nothing.
In an interview with the Citizen in 2016, McGrory said he went to Plourde in the mid-1980s to beg for help with what he considered a mental illness: his powerful attraction to adolescents.
But instead of sending him for treatment or launching an internal investigation, Plourde in 1987 approved McGrory’s transfer to a Toronto organization that served remote Catholic missions.
Four years later, in 1991, McGrory was charged with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old Indigenous boy. He was convicted and issued a suspended sentence.
In that same 2016 Citizen interview, after being presented with evidence to support the allegations, McGrory admitted to abusing three young parishioners at Holy Cross Parish in the 1970s and ’80s. The Citizen asked him how many young people he sexually abused during his career.
“I have no idea,” McGrory said. “I don’t think I’ve … I’m not going to answer that question. I don’t think … it’s not a very nice question to ask.”
Asked what it’s like to live with his history of sexual abuse, McGrory said: “It’s pretty awful. It’s absolutely disgusting, but I believe in a merciful God, and I would not have been able to survive that otherwise.”
McGrory said he was healed of his sex addiction and his attraction to adolescents after surrendering himself to God following his 1991 arrest.
The Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall has settled out of court with two of McGrory’s female victims at Holy Cross Parish.
One of them, Colleen Passard, was paid $300,000 in one of the largest clergy sex-abuse settlements ever negotiated by the diocese. She also launched a determined campaign to have McGrory formally removed from the priesthood. He was finally laicized by the Vatican in September 2018.
Passard called him “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
In an email exchange Tuesday, Passard said it was right that McGrory did not die a priest.
“He violated the sacred covenant of the priesthood in the most hideous and soul-murdering ways,” she said. “The time has come for McGrory’s reckoning.”
Another one of his Holy Cross victims, Barbara Erlandson, has said that she was sexually abused by McGrory as a high school student. Now 62 and a retired Catholic school teacher, Erlandson said the abuse only stopped when she told McGrory she was pregnant.
In 1977, Erlandson said, she met with then-bishop John Beahan, one of the most powerful figures in the archdiocese, to relate her story of abuse. Beahan, however, made Erlandson feel the abuse was her fault, she said, and did nothing about McGrory’s criminality.
Another one of McGrory’s victims — his name is protected by court order — said he went to Plourde with his account of McGrory’s abuse, which took place in a bedroom in the rectory of St. Philip Church. Based on a promise to remove McGrory, the man signed a settlement agreement that included a gag order.
“The lies from the church and the archbishop made me very angry,” the man said in his victim impact statement read in court earlier this year. “The gag order made me feel like I was in jail.”
Ottawa-born and raised, McGrory held degrees in commerce and theology, along with a PhD from Thomas Aquinas University in Rome. Charming and urbane, he contributed to a popular Ottawa radio show, Focus Religion, while also pursuing international peace and social justice activism.