| Catholic Church Continues to Harbor Sexual Predators
By Karen Cyson
St. Cloud Times
August 14, 2020
"There are rapists in many occupations."
That was the response I got when I forwarded an article from the New York Times to a friend concerning an alleged serial predator in the Twin Cities. She then reminded me of a time when she felt a doctor squeezed her knee inappropriately.
OK. Sure. There are "bad guys" everywhere.
But that is not the same as having a systemic problem with men who assault for decades and do so in a hierarchy of power that enables, covers up and makes excuses for their behavior.
This latest report, a half-page article, concerns a composer of liturgical music, David Haas.Haas, who has received numerous awards for his popular sacred music, was first reported to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis in 1987 for his actions. The archdiocese did not take action.
Haas, composer of "You Are Mine," "We Are Called," "Blest Are They" and many more songs in multiple editions of hymnals,continued to be employed by local Twin Cities Catholic organizations including high schools, colleges and music centers for over 30 years while accusations and allegations were made by girls and young women.
Honestly, I can't think of a single occupation or profession other than men employed by or working for the Catholic Church where thousands of assailants worldwide have sexually preyed on children and adults and had a network of supervisors "address" the problem by denying it was happening, sweeping it under the rug, filing reports without taking any action and pretending it isn't still happening while claiming that they are atoning for past sins and assuring the public that the problem has been dealt with and solved.
Have you heard of thousands of plumbers raping children and the United Association of Plumbers and Gasfitters "addressing the problem" through denial and cover-up? Have you heard of a series of complaints about thousands of dentists assaulting patients and a systemic stonewalling by the American Dental Association? What are these "other occupations" where there is a constant stream of reports of rape and sexual assault by employees and other staff and deliberate obfuscation by those in power?
Even Haas' ex-wife has stated that he forced himself on her when she was 16.And yet. And yet. Haas continued to be employed by numerous Catholic organizations. He ran a music camp for children. He continued to receive accolades. Fame and prizes piled up for Haas. Parishioners sang his songs at daily masses, weddings and funerals.
Haas himself rebuffed accusations as being "false, reckless and offensive."
And he continued to do so until last month when he issued an apology on his website. The complete text can be found at www.davidhaas.us.
It is unconscionable how many damaged lives are left in the wake of the actions of people like Haas.
Despite legal actions, fines, statements of atonement, and, in a few cases, incarceration, abuse continues. There have been policy changes and there have been action plans and there have been reassignments and forced retirements, yet the abuse continues.
A rational person, looking at this pervasive pattern of abuse and insincere promises of change, would deduce that there are thousands of Catholic workers who feel entitled to abuse children and adults and that the powers that be within the church will give lip service to apologies and reform yet have no intention of actually following through on any real change.
They all ought to be ashamed of themselves.
This is the opinion of Karen Cyson, a member of the Times Writers Group.