Child Victims Act Extended for an Additional Year, SNAP Applauds Decision
By Zach Hiner
SNAP Network
August 03, 2020
Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo formally extended New York’s Child Victim’s Act for an additional year. We applaud this decision and believe that this will help more victims come forward, bringing to light information that can protect children today and hold enablers of abuse accountable.
This critical reform has already made a major impact in New York and extending the filing deadline through August 14, 2021 will ensure that unforeseen issues like the global COVID pandemic will not stop the flow of justice. Giving survivors of childhood sexual abuse their day in court is not only a key piece of the healing process for survivors, but helps get critical information about abusers and enablers in the public, creating safer and more informed communities. We are grateful that those who were abused in New York will continue to have an opportunity to bring their claims forward.
The success of the Child Victim’s Act in New York, New Jersey, and California is proof positive that these “windows to justice” have a net benefit for society. We believe that every single legislature in every single state should be working across chambers and aisles to pass their own Child Victim’s Act. Survivors in every state deserve a chance for justice.