| Investigation into Longtime Newman Center Pastor Confirms Sexual Advances to Students
By Margaret Reist
Lincoln Journal Star
April 30, 2020
Monsignor Leonard Kalin, longtime pastor at the campus Newman Center, speaks in 2004. He died in 2008.
ERIC GREGORY, Journal Star file photo
An investigation into Monsignor Leonard Kalin, longtime pastor at the Newman Center on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, confirmed his use of alcohol and cigarettes, frequent casino visits and “occasional” sexual advances toward students, according to the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln.
In a letter to church members Wednesday, Archbishop George Lucas summarized the results of the investigation into allegations against Kalin, who died in 2008, which focused on his leadership style and the culture he promoted at the Newman Center.
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“We share these results today with our brothers and sisters in Christ to continue to build a culture of vigilance within the diocese," Lucas said in a news release.
Lucas, of Omaha, provided the update to parishoners while Lincoln Bishop James Conley is on a medical leave of absence.
Allegations against Kalin surfaced in August 2018, accusing him of sexual misconduct with seminary students and others.
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The diocese hired an independent private investigator, who reviewed personnel files and conducted more than 35 in-person interviews to reach his conclusions.
“Among other findings, the investigator’s report indicates that Msgr. Kalin’s leadership style was demanding and authoritarian, and his use of alcohol, cigarettes and frequent visits to casinos was confirmed,” the news release said. “The investigation also revealed that Msgr. Kalin did on occasion make sexual advances against some college students and seminarians.”
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A summary of the investigation posted on the diocese website said Kalin was a chain-smoker, drank almost nightly and regularly took late-night trips to out-of-town casinos to gamble. He invited students and seminarians to have a drink with him and to go with him to the casinos, but students interviewed said they were not treated badly if they declined.
He organized trips to Texas, Nevada and Iowa, which included late-night socializing and drinking, but there wasn't evidence that he pressured students to attend or participate in the socializing.
The investigation found the chancery leadership in the Diocese of Lincoln knew about the culture of alcohol and cigarette use at the Newman Center, but did not know of any sexual impropriety prior to 1998.
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When then-Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz learned of a sexual issue involving a seminarian in the summer of 1998, he ordered that two people be with Kalin when assisting him. Months later, he forbid Kalin from being alone with any man under 40 except for priests, close relatives and medical personnel.
Lucas' letter notes that some people interviewed by the investigator had positive experiences and others did not, and thanked those interviewed for their courage and willingness to share their experiences.
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"Despite Msgr. Kalin's many positive contributions to build a faithful community at the Newman Center, the investigation findings regarding his wrong and inappropriate conduct are disturbing and painful," the letter said. "For the harm that has been done, I offer a sincere apology on behalf of the diocese."
The archbishop's letter also identifies steps taken in the last year to refine the diocese’s safe environment policies, including the creation of a ministerial conduct board to investigate claims of inappropriate priest conduct not pertaining to allegations of sexual abuse of minors; a clergy code of conduct; and a new servant ministers program designed to assist priests with personal and professional growth.
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In April 2019, the diocese released names of nine former priests — three of them now dead — facing substantiated allegations that they sexually abused minors. The names were compiled by a four-person task force convened by Conley to conduct an outside review of past abuse.
At the same time, the diocese announced the separate investigation involving Kalin.
The Rev. Nicolas Kipper, director of communications for the diocese, said in a news release that anyone affected by their experience with Kalin and needing assistance should contact the Diocese of Lincoln for assistance.
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This article originally ran on journalstar.com.