Ridsdale admits more abuse but lawyer asks for no extra jail time
By Adam Cooper
April 27, 2020
George Pell accompanies Gerald Ridsdale into court in Warrnambool in 1993. |
Gerald Ridsdale giving evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. |
[with video]
Gerald Ridsdale – arguably Australia's most prolific paedophile priest – has admitted abusing more children who were in his care, but his lawyer has argued his jail term should not be increased.
Ten counts of indecent assault and four of buggery against four boys in the 1970s took to 69 the number of Ridsdale's known victims, the County Court heard on Monday, though it is not known exactly how many lives he damaged over 27 years of offending while a parish priest across western Victoria.
Ridsdale, 85, has been in prison since 1994 and a handful of prosecutions since have increased his overall jail term to 34 years. The earliest he will be eligible for parole is April 2022.
Defence counsel Tim Marsh called on Judge Gerard Mullaly not to increase the non-parole term for a man who has spent 26 years behind bars and whose plea of guilty validated victims who had contacted police.
Mr Marsh acknowledged his submission could be viewed as wanting "no sentence" but said Ridsdale's continued imprisonment gave victims closure, and acknowledged the insight shown by an old man in declining health who faced the likelihood of dying in jail.
Incorporating this punishment into his overall sentence was appropriate, Mr Marsh said, as it was hard to imagine Ridsdale would have been jailed for 34 years had all his crimes been dealt with in the 1990s.
"There is no sentence you can impose to address the impact on the victims," Mr Marsh told the judge.
Prosecutor Andrew Moore called for Ridsdale's non-parole term to be lengthened. It was inappropriate not to, he said, given the violent, demeaning crimes and physical pain they caused the boys.
Victims told the court of the lasting emotional trauma they suffered.
Documents show Ridsdale abused four boys in Warrnambool and other towns, including one child who was 12 when plied with beer and attacked on successive nights on a weekend trip away, and another who was sexually assaulted during confession at the family home. The four were aged between seven and 16.
Mr Marsh acknowledged the trust Ridsdale breached in an era when priests were venerated in small communities. Ridsdale told one boy, "Don't you tell anyone anything, they won't believe you over a priest."
One victim said the abuse affected every part of his life, and he now struggled with injuries suffered in falls caused by alcoholism.
In a statement he compiled early one morning at a caravan park, the man wrote: "I am single, alone, broke, depressed, embarrassed, forgetful, unemployed, wondering how I can afford and how I will get through tomorrow. Things would have been different had this individual not been part of my life."
The parents of two brothers who were both abused by Ridsdale spoke of the guilt they endured at learning years later of what their priest did.
"We trusted our innocent, beautiful children with this bastard without question but we should have been more vigilant on their behalf," they said.
"Our boys deserved better than this in their lives", only to be deceived "by a filthy, conniving make-believe priest and paedophile".
Another victim was furious the Catholic Church knew of the crimes and moved Ridsdale around the state to avoid questions, but was thankful to feel "heard" years later and hoped others might "find the courage to report".
Ridsdale had in recent years conceded he should never have been allowed to join the priesthood and Mr Marsh said the former cleric knew at the time he would be moved "if things got too hot".
Asked by Judge Mullaly why Ridsdale never volunteered his crimes, Mr Marsh said the "sheer volume" of names and locations so many years ago made it difficult.
The court heard that Ridsdale, who appeared via video link on Monday, is in declining health, recently had bowel surgery and has heart problems. He needs a walking frame to move.
He will be sentenced on May 14.