List of Memphis clergy 'credibly accused' of child sex abuse released by Catholic Diocese
By Katherine Burgess
Commercial Appeal
February 28, 2020
Bishop Carroll T. Dozier, of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis, in a file photo from May 21, 1971. Dozier is among the priests named in a new list of clergy credibly accused of child sex abuse. Photo by Richard Gardner |
[with video]
Months after promising survivors to release a list of clergy credibly accused of child abuse, the Catholic Diocese of Memphis has done so.
Its list includes 20 names. The list is predominantly made up of names already included in lists compiled by other dioceses or religious orders along with clergy named publicly by victims.
The two exceptions appear to be James Gilbert and Floyd Brey, who do not appear in ProPublica’s database compiling the lists released by dioceses and religious orders or on, which lists accused clergy.
"We are heartbroken and deeply saddened for the victims of these crimes and we have been scandalized to learn that some of those in authority ignored the cries from victims or minimized the damage," wrote the Most Rev. David Talley, bishop of the Diocese of Memphis, in a letter accompanying the list. "...The evils of the past can only be purged through a vigilant process of examination that is transparent to the public. Our response must demonstrate the highest levels of honesty and scrutiny."
The list from the Catholic Diocese of Memphis comes after 178 other dioceses and orders covering 64.7 million Catholics released their own lists of credibly accused clergy, according to data gathered by ProPublica.
According to the report from the Diocesan Review Board, which compiled the list, the definition of sexual misconduct that they used "is broad" and "derived from Tennessee law and other sources, and generally prohibits ... all sexual contact, solicitation, lewd sexual behavior and conversation involving minors."
"The Board is charged to determine whether it is more likely than not that the accused cleric engaged in sexual misconduct involving a minor," the report reads.
Since the Diocese of Memphis was created out of the Diocese of Nashville in 1970, the Diocesan Review Board did not repeat investigations into clergy ordained into the Diocese of Nashville. It later incardinated into the Diocese of Memphis, Talley wrote, but simply accepted the conclusions of Nashville's investigations.
Nashville released its list of 13 former priests who had been credibly accused in November 2018, which has since been updated.
Talley wrote that the same applied for clergy named on lists by other dioceses or religious orders.
In his letter, Talley said the "most notable" name in this category is that of Carroll T. Dozier, the founding bishop of the Diocese of Memphis.
Dozier was included on a list of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse of a child by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, last year. He was assigned to three parishes there before being appointed the first bishop of the Diocese of Memphis after it separated from the Diocese of Nashville. The allegation of abuse was made after his death, but other details were not given.
Talley wrote that the Diocese of Memphis' files have no evidence of credible allegations made against Dozier in Memphis before his death or inclusion on the list in Richmond.
"While the Diocese of Memphis will investigate all allegations that come forward against Bishop Dozier, such investigations will be essentially incomplete as Bishop Dozier will not have had an opportunity to defend himself," Talley wrote. "We recognize listing Bishop Dozier might be upsetting to some parishioners who remember him as our first Bishop. However, because of the Diocese of Richmond’s findings, placing his name on our list is appropriate.
Here are the names listed by the Catholic Diocese of Memphis
Priests also named by the Diocese of Nashville:
The Rev. Edward James Cleary (deceased)
Born: April 18, 1914
Ordained: May 18, 1940
Incardinated in Diocese of Memphis: January 6, 1971
Died: November 10, 1997
Assignments in West Tennessee: Immaculate Conception Church in Memphis, St. Paul Church
Msgr. William Floyd Davis (deceased)
Born: August 17, 1929
Ordained: May 26, 1956
Incardinated in Diocese of Memphis: June 1, 1971
Died: October 26, 2011
Assignments in West Tennessee: St. William Church in Millington, St. Louis Church, Teacher at Catholic High School for Boys, St. John Church in Memphis, Blessed Sacrament Church, St. Mary’s Church, Savannah and Our Lady of the Lake, Pickwick
The Rev. Walter Emala (deceased)
Born: June 14, 1925
Ordained: May 31, 1952
Incardinated in Diocese of Memphis: January 6, 1971
Died: February 20, 2008
Assignments in West Tennessee: St. Anne Church in Memphis, West Tennessee Area Scout Chaplain, Immaculate Conception Church in Memphis, St. Ann Church in Bartlett
The Paul Frederick Haas (deceased)
Born: December 14, 1933
Ordained: May 23, 1959
Dismissed from priesthood: May 24, 1977
Died: June 7, 1979
Assignments in West Tennessee: St. John Church in Memphis, Teacher at Catholic High School for Boys, Sacred Heart Church in Memphis
The Rev. James A. Kemper (deceased)
Born: February 7, 1915
Ordained: March 21, 1942
Died: November 23, 1993
Assignments in West Tennessee: Holy Rosary Church, St. James Church
The Rev. James William Murphy Jr. (deceased)
Born: September 12, 1922
Ordained: April 3, 1948
Incardinated in Diocese of Memphis: January 6, 1971
Died: October 11, 2016
Assignments in West Tennessee: Sacred Heart Church, St. Thomas Church, Director of the Ladies of Charity for West Tennessee, Immaculate Conception Church in Union City, St. Anthony Church, St. James Church
Joseph L. Reilly
Born: December 16, 1928
Ordained: May 26, 1956
Dismissed from priesthood: 1965
Assignment in West Tennessee: St. Michael Church
The Rev. James Arthur Rudisill (deceased)
Born: May 16, 1926
Ordained: May 19, 1951
Died: February 8, 2008
Assignments in West Tennessee: Sacred Heart Church in Memphis, Youth Director for West Tennessee, Holy Angels Church in Dyersburg
The Rev. Paul Wiley St. Charles (deceased)
Born: June 23, 1939
Ordained: May 21, 1966
Incardinated in Diocese of Memphis: January 6, 1971
Suspended: August 7, 2006
Died: December 27, 2009
Note: Allegations also found credible in a separate investigation by Memphis Review Board
Assignments in West Tennessee: St. John Church, Chaplain for Scouting in the Memphis area, Director of the Catholic Youth Office in the Memphis area, teacher at Catholic High School, Church of the Ascension
The Rev. Anthony G. Stredny (deceased)
Born: October 15, 1928
Ordained: June 15, 1957
Incardinated into the Diocese of Galveston-Houston: 1971
Died: 2018
Assignments in West Tennessee: Our Lady of Sorrows, Holy Rosary Church, Blessed Sacrament Church
The Rev. Edward Albert Walenga (deceased)
Born: November 2, 1926
Ordained: May 30, 1953
Died: November 27, 1983
Assignments in West Tennessee: Little Flower Church, Sacred Heart Church in Humboldt
Priests determined to have engaged in sexual misconduct before the formation of the Memphis Diocesan Review Board:
Daniel Dupree
Born: June 30, 1956
Ordained: July 14, 1984
Suspended: March 3, 1992
Dismissed from clerical state: March 31, 2006
Assignments: Church of the Resurrection, St. Andrew Church in Lexington, St. Regina Church in Parsons, Christian Brothers High School, Associate Director of Jackson Deanery Youth Ministry
James Gilbert
Born: July 11, 1931
Ordained for the Diocese of Natchez (now Jackson): May 25, 1957
Granted dispensations from clerical state: October 10, 1973
Reinstated to clerical state for Diocese of Memphis: July 27, 1978
Suspended: August 13, 1985
Laicised: 2006
Assignments in West Tennessee: Associate Professor of Education at LeMoyne-Owen College, Academic Dean of LeMoyne Owen College, Professor of Education at LeMoyne-Owen College, Teacher at State Technical Institute, Coordinator of Family Life Ministry for the Diocese of Memphis, Adjunct professor at Christian Brothers College, Blessed Sacrament Parish
Juan Carlos Duran (formerly O.P.)
Born: August 3, 1960
Ordained: December 28, 1996 (Dominican Order)
Dismissed from Dominican Order: 2001
Dismissed from clerical state: 2017
Assignments in West Tennessee: St. Peter Church, Church of the Ascension
Priests determined by the Review Board to have credible allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors:
The Rev. William Kantner (deceased)
Born: May 3, 1944
Ordained: January 11, 1975
Died: February 17, 2013
Assignments: St. Paul Church, St. Louis Church, St. Anne Church, Bishop Byrne High School, St. Joseph Church, Holy Cross Church in Paris, St. Mary’s Church in Camden, St. Francis of Assisi Church, Charter Lakeside Hospital (part-time chaplain), Christian Brothers College (in residence), Church of the Incarnation in Collierville; St. Peter Manor and Villa (sacramental minister), St. James Catholic Church
Joseph Thinh Duc Nguyen
Born: December 14, 1961
Ordained: June 25, 1994
Administrative leave: September 2006
Suspended: July 23, 2007
Dismissed from the clerical state: May 29, 2012
Assignments: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Germantown, St. Paul, St. Ann Church in Bartlett, Chaplain at St. Peter Manor and Villa, Sacramental Minister to the Vietnamese Catholic Community
References in the archives deemed credible by the Review Board:
The Rev. Floyd Brey, S.J. (deceased)
Born: March 24, 1904
Ordained: June 23, 1935 (Society of Jesus)
Died: December 14, 1996
Assignment in West Tennessee: St. Mary’s Hospital in Humboldt in 1971
Allegations deemed credible by other review boards:
The Rev. Thomas Joseph Dove, C.S.P. (Paulist Fathers)
Born: March 2, 1934
Ordained: May 1, 1961
Suspended from ministry: November 2014
Assignment in West Tennessee: St. Patrick Church
[Finding of credibility made by Paulist Fathers]
The Most Rev. Carroll T. Dozier (deceased)
Born: August 18, 1911
Ordained a priest: March 19, 1937 (Diocese of Richmond)
Ordained Bishop of Memphis: January 6, 1971
Died: December 7, 1985
Assignment: Bishop of Memphis
[Finding of Credibility made by Diocese of Richmond]
The Rev. Alfred Longley (deceased)
Born: September 17, 1913
Ordained: 1939 Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Removed from Ministry: 1968
Died: 1974
Assignment: Christian Brothers College 1965-1966* (Note this assignment is reported by the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, though neither the Christian Brothers nor the Diocese of Nashville have any record of Fr. Longley ever having served in West Tennessee.)
[Finding of credibility made by the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis]