The Conspiracy of Catholicism
By Robert Wilford
Alachua Today
February 02, 2020
Dear Most Holy Father:
Thank you for attempting to humanize the office of pope.
The majority of Catholics have blindly viewed pontiffs as God-like and incapable of making mistakes because of being infallible.
Your actions, so far, do give me hope. I pray you will lead us toward renewal (retaining the good stuff), reformation (discarding the bad stuff), and rebirth (uncompromising justice and renewed spirituality).
I first contacted John Paul II in 1993, and again in 2002. I contacted Benedict XVI several times during his papacy.
I challenged them to reform an indifferently corrupt and a conspiracy-driven theocracy for the innumerable crimes the hierarchy had committed for centuries.
Mandated priest celibacy, the murder of Joan of Arc, persecution of Martin Luther, imprisonment of Galileo, unjust inquisitions and crusades and the coddling of clergy sexual predators are examples of the church’s abuse of power.
The current crisis is attributable to the disreputable leadership of John Paul and Benedict for not putting the needs of victims first over predator priests.
John Paul and Benedict shamefully elected to shelter sodomizers and the institution of Catholicism itself above all else.
I urge you to stand on your perch at Saint Peter’s this Ash Wednesday and declare:
“We, the popes, cardinals, bishops and priests of the Roman Catholic Church have been grievously and sinfully wrong since the very beginning of the church’s history in protecting predator priests at the expense of the victims of clergy sexual abuse. Humbly, we openly admit our culpability, and, in professing our shame, ask for forgiveness from God and all humanity for the unspeakable crimes we have committed against victimized children and their families for nearly 2,000 years.”
One critical action you need to take is to stop the canonization process for John Paul which will be the ultimate “Conspiracy of Catholicism.”
There are a number of reasons this unworthy pontiff should not be canonized.
John Paul had numerous opportunities to thwart the church’s sexual abuse scandal. He did virtually nothing to rid the church of sexual predators.
In 1985, there was a major crisis in Lafayette, La. A priest was sentenced to 20 years in prison for molesting dozens of children.
This scandal provided John Paul an excellent platform to become a hero for Catholicism by laicizing predator priests and by setting a “zero tolerance” standard for known sexual predators.
He failed to do so. Instead, he became a co-conspirator with bishops everywhere by harboring clergy sexual abusers who were moved from parish to parish to sodomize other children. Is this action worthy of sainthood?
In the early 1990s, John Paul was given another opportunity to take action. Clergy sexual abuse allegations were surfacing all across America, especially in Massachusetts.
John Paul chose to ignore the severity of an ever-increasing scandal by not calling Cardinal Law to task for sheltering known clergy sexual predators in the Boston archdiocese. Is this action worthy of sainthood?
In 1995, Law’s Secretary for Ministerial Personnel was commissioned a bishop by John Paul.
This egregious action was effectuated despite the pope knowing this monsignor was aware of a number of priests in his archdiocese being sexual predators. In 1998, this bishop was promoted to head his own diocese.
He was probably rewarded for being the proverbial “corporate man” in shielding Law and the Vatican from being fingered as co-conspirators in the rape of innocent children. Is this action worthy of sainthood?
Thousands of allegations were made around the world in 2002 against priests and bishops alleging sexual misconduct.
This crisis was again prevalent in the Archdiocese of Boston. Law was unscrupulously transferred to the Vatican instead of keeping him in Boston to face the music.
This convenient relocation allowed Law to escape possible legal action in America since he maintained dual citizenship status in America and in Vatican City.
Rewarding Law for failing to protect children from harm was the ultimate “Conspiracy of Catholicism” committed by John Paul during his inglorious tenure. Is this action worthy of sainthood?
Allowing Law to run and hide in the Vatican is the clincher in insisting the canonization process for John Paul cease immediately.
A number of saints of the church had checkered pasts prior to becoming truly repentant for their sins and crimes.
Saints Paul and Augustine are wonderful examples of sinners who displayed outward signs of repentance prior to being canonized.
To the contrary, John Paul went to his grave never publicly displaying sorrow for his grievous sin of indifference in allowing children to be raped by clerics and by not laicizing known sexual predators.
Does John Paul’s lack of contrition make him worthy of sainthood?
I implore you to let God be the supreme impartial judge in determining John Paul’s worthiness of being declared a saint.
The church must not perpetuate “The Conspiracy of Catholicism” by canonizing a dubious leader of the world’s Catholics, one who never asked for forgiveness for the heinous crimes he committed against humanity.
I still love my church and its sacred traditions, participate in the sacraments, contribute financially to my parish and other Catholic charities, and proudly “cross” myself in public whenever prayers are said at meetings and other events.
On the other hand, I have very little respect for the church’s hierarchy, notwithstanding my belief in many of the church’s doctrines and beautiful traditions.
Hopefully, you can improve my less than flattering opinion of the Vatican and the bishops of the church.
Taking a bold step into the future by leading a spiritual rebirth of a broken “Christian” church thereby erasing “The Conspiracy of Catholicism” once and for all may just do it.
I pray that you will have the courage to take this step.