How a woman from Wells helped expose a paedophile bishop scandal
By Anna Gladwin
Somerset Live
February 02, 2020
Peter Ball was eventually jailed after a scandal that involved a former Archbishop of Canterbury |
Former Bishop of Gloucester Peter Ball |
Neil Todd was one of several victims |
George Carey |
Peter Ball sexually abused teenagers and young men over decades
A woman from Wells was among the individuals who helped expose a dark secret in the Church of England, a television programme has revealed.
A BBC documentary, Exposed: The Church's Darkest Secret, recounted the decades of sexual abuse carried out by former Bishop of Gloucester Peter Ball, who was the subject of a shocking cover up by the Church of England.
Teenager and novice monk Neil Todd was the first victim to tell senior clergy about Peter Ball’s sex crimes.
Among Ball's sickening actions, he would sleep naked with his victims, watch them take cold showers and strip them naked to beat them, the documentary explained.
If they resisted, he made victims feel as though they had let God down and ensured they would never be ordained.
Ball was arrested on December 14, 1992, after Neil came forward but was released on bail.
After the arrest hit the press, six other victims, or their parents, wrote to Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey.
But the letters were deliberately withheld from the police - for over 15 years.
The police also received 28 letters, many from members of the establishment, in support of Ball in an attempt to influence the inquiry.
As the investigation widened, more witnesses came forward supporting Neil’s claims of indecent assault which led to the rearrest of Ball on January 12, 1993.
In March 1993, Gloucestershire Police was advised by the Crown Prosecution Service not to press charges.
Peter Ball was not prosecuted and instead accepted a caution and resigned.
In 1995, just two years after resigning, Ball was granted permission to lead church services again by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The caution did not change his behaviour and he continued to be a manipulative sexual offender.
In 1997, he moved into a property in Wells purchased by Prince Charles and lived there for the next 14 years.
In 2004, Fiona Gardner was appointed as safeguarding officer for the Diocese of Bath and Wells - the first time someone had been put in that post.
She is the Wells woman who managed to finally bring the crimes out into the open.
Gardner said: “The church wanted to be seen to be doing it but didn’t really want to know about safeguarding.
“There was a reluctance to look at anything to do with anything that one might call the shadow side of the church
“I felt like the work I was doing was the grubby little secret that the church was trying to keep at bay."
Gardner was harassed by members of the clergy for her role who even compared her to pharisees who crucified Jesus.
“It was so hostile - I was amazed at how hostile people could be in a church when it was about loving one another,” she said.
It wasn’t until four years into the job that Gardner gained access to Ball’s clergy files.
In 2008, she called for a professional risk assessment and the church started to review hundreds of past allegations of sex abuse.
Gardner said: “I was absolutely horrified and I hadn’t appreciated the level of deception that had been going on in the church until I read the letters from victims in the Lambeth file."
The risk assessment of Peter Ball led the police to launch Operation Dunhill in July 2012.
Just one month later, Neil Todd died following a third suicide attempt.
The police worked closely with church safeguarding officers and spoke to more than 20 people who alleged abuse.
On November 13, 2012, Peter Ball was arrested on multiple offences of indecent assault and attempted gross indecency.
He was de-arrested on medical grounds but the police continued to work on the case and he was finally charged in March 2014 and was jailed for 32 months.
Ball was released from prison in 2016 after 16 months but was banned from ministry for life.
He died in 2019.
Following a damning church report in 2017, George Carey was asked to resign from an honorary role as an Assistant bishop. He is still a member of the House of Lords.
The church told the Independent Inquiry it was “not only sorry but also ashamed” of the abuse by Ball and its “wholly inadequate response”
It says it has made significant improvements to safeguarding.
A statement from Bishop Peter Hancock, Church of England lead safeguarding bishop, was released after the BBC Two documentary.
It said: “The powerful BBC documentary Exposed: the Church’s Darkest Secret is a stark and important reminder of the serious sexual wrongdoing of Peter Ball against many young men, including Neil Todd who took his own life, and the complete failure of the Church to respond appropriately over a period of many years.
"Both the Gibb Report, An Abuse of Faith, commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the 2018 IICSA hearing into the case, highlighted our failings and the bravery of those who were prepared to speak out. The documentary brings home in a graphic way the courage of the survivors who shared their story.
"It is a matter of great shame and regret that the Church did not act to address the behaviour of Peter Ball at the time and that survivors were left to fight tirelessly for justice.
"As a Church we are committed to implementing the recommendations in the Gibb Report and those from the IICSA report. But we are aware that for the survivors, it may feel that this is all too late.
"I know from my meetings with victims and survivors that the effects of abuse are lifelong and we must never forget this. We recognise that there are survivors who have never spoken out and who may still want to come forward; we would urge them to do so.
"There is much that is being written and said about accountability and the culture of deference in the Church and it is clear that change has been too slow. We are committed to making these changes and ensuring that the Church is a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
"I once again offer all survivors a wholehearted apology and applaud their bravery in coming forward which continues to hold us to account.
"Anyone affected should please contact at the National Safeguarding Team.“