OPINION: Diocese of Orange healing and thriving here at 2020
By Timothy Freyer, Ron Lowenberg And Darlyne Pettinicchio
Orange County Register
January 1, 2020
Bishop Kevin W. Vann of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange delivers the homily during the Christ Cathedral Solemn Mass of Dedication on Wednesday July 17, 2019, in Garden Grove. Over 2000 people attended the dedication. Photo by Mark Rightmire |
January 1 represents a new beginning, marked by hope and promise for the year ahead. The new year is a time for goal-setting and resolutions. It is a time for us to reflect upon our past with the spirit of heart and mind to make positive change in our own lives and for the benefit of others. We seek strength and wisdom to fortify us to be better and truer to the best versions of ourselves, and we seek courage to help us overcome our challenges.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange is in the midst of its own resolutions for the year that lies ahead, as it charts its continuous journey in care of the faithful.
As it does so, it gives special attention to those most vulnerable and precious among us – our children. And so, the Diocese of Orange reaffirms its long-standing commitment to promote a safe environment and eradicate sexual abuse of children; to ensure that the dark chapter of the Diocese’s past never recurs; and, to provide a voice to those who previously suffered in silence.
For over 15 years, the Diocese of Orange has taken vast strides that have placed it well on the path to eliminating the scourge of child abuse. At the same time, the Diocese appreciates that it cannot turn the page on the past until it has reconciled with survivors of long ago.
Therefore, the Diocese, unlike other public and private institutions who have yet to confront the tragic issue of abuse, is resolute that it will continue to embrace and give voice to past victims of abuse, irrespective of the dates of abuse, some decades ago. The Diocese’s purposeful urgency around this subject derives from its core tenets, and is not a response to legislative developments, lawsuits or media attention.
As it looks forward to 2020 and beyond, the Diocese of Orange remains firmly committed to the fair resolution of every legitimate abuse claim. Its bold initiative to settle the 2003-2004 time period to settle abuse cases perpetrated by clergy and lay people in a respectful and humble manner, and to institute strict procedures for the protection of children, has become a model for other institutions that seek to atone for the sins of the past and ensure they not recur.
Since 2003, the Diocese’s Oversight Review Board has played a critical and positive role in eradicating abuse, evaluating claims of abuse, and advancing policies and procedures to prevent abuse. The Oversight Review Board is comprised of lay individuals from professions including, a retired judge, a social worker, a physician, as well as former law enforcement and FBI personnel.
Members of the Oversight Review Board have heard victims’ accounts firsthand, and have taken steps to hold perpetrators accountable and support survivors. The Board’s recommendations have resulted in extensive efforts by the Diocese to protect the faithful by investing heavily in programs, processes and tools to provide a safe environment for all. Transparency has been our beacon.
In this regard, the Diocese of Orange was at the forefront of voluntarily releasing the names of priests accused of abuse and misconduct. Any effort to ascribe current guilt to the Diocese of Orange for sins long past or for acts committed within the larger Catholic Church is belied by the facts. Some of the Diocese’s comprehensive approach to extinguish abuse includes:
Holding perpetrators responsible.
A toll-free reporting line (established in 2003) answered by a mandated reporter for those who wish to report abuse or concerning behavior by Diocesan personnel.
Providing extensive education and background check program for all clergy and lay staff. The Diocese has performed background screenings on 99, 235 adults (clergy and lay people) since 2002.
The Diocese maintains that education and awareness are key to preventing child abuse. To that end, it created the Office of Child and Youth Protection to support parishes and schools and promote a safe environment. This includes mandatory Safe Environment Training for all adults, including clergy who work with youth in our parishes and schools.
Furthermore, in 2018-2019, a total of 65,714 children participated in awareness programs that help them to recognize grooming or abusive behavior, to understand that the Diocese firmly rejects such behavior, and to know how to report it. Every member of the clergy and all diocesan employees are required to read and sign the diocesan policy on sexual misconduct and any prospective seminarian must undergo extensive psychological testing.
Statistics reinforce that the Diocese’s efforts to eradicate abuse have been successful, as new incidents of abuse dwindle. Yet despite the existence of a safe environment today, the Diocese has not and will not turn its back on survivors of past abuse, even as to abuse long ago suffered. Consistent with this philosophy, this past year, the Diocese of Orange voluntarily subscribed to the Independent Compensation Program for Victim-Survivors of Sexual Abuse of Minors, allowing victims to seek compensation for their injuries.
Our leader, Bishop Kevin Vann, insists that the goal of healing will not be realized until the voice of every survivor is heard. Bishop Vann has been a trailblazer in promoting progressive change within the church, and he ascribes to the philosophy: “If one of ours has done wrong, let’s make it right, but moreover let’s stop it from happening again.” Bishop Vann long has empathized with survivors, personally meeting with them, hearing their traumatic experiences, and working with them to advance healing and justice.
The leadership of the Diocese of Orange feels strongly that if any survivor has not come forward, he or she should do so now, whether through the Independent Compensation Program or directly to the Diocese’s Victim Assistance Coordinator (1-800-364-3064), but ultimately, through any channels with which they are most comfortable.
The new year us all an opportunity to redress past failures and effect positive change to guide our future. We pray that 2020 allows us all to heal and thrive, and we extend our best wishes for a happy, healthy and hopeful new year.