| Groups Hope to End the Sexual Abuse of Children in South Dakota in 10 Years
By Jeff Voss
December 11, 2019
RAPID CITY, S.D (KOTA TV) - "Child abuse does not know zip code it does not know economics, it knows pain and hurt. " Jolene Loetscher
Center for Prevention of Child Maltreatment and Jolene's Law has a 10-year plan to end sexual child abuse and maltreatment.
" The goal is to breakdown the styles of work that are happening across the state so we can work together to make a stronger South Dakota." Carrie Sanderson director center prevention child maltreatment
Jolene's law was signed by former Governor Dennis Daugaard in 2014 -- and named after Jolene Loetscher, a survivor of sexual abuse as a child.
"To know that it was a symbol of putting purpose to my pain and it may be my name but it is the story of 4,000 kids every year in this state." Loetscher
Jolene's Law helped put an end to statute of limitations on many rape cases -- and with CPCM the new goal is to end abuse altogether.
" We are going to protect our children and our families and we are going to end child abuse, and this a really big huge statement to make." added, Loetscher
The ten-year plan by CPCM will involve the cooperation of 30 agencies throughout the state coming together as one, for one common goal, and for one survivor, a simple message.
" I never want someone to have that behind their name, I never want another child to say that happened to me." says, Loetscher
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