In surprise move, Seton Hall Prep headmaster taking over as pastor of Short Hills parish
By Abbott Koloff
North Jersey Record
September 23, 2019
Monsignor Robert Harahan, right, with Father Roberto Ortiz in 2011 at St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Wyckoff. Photo by Hildi Borkowski |
St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church in Short Hills Photo by Julia Martin |
Father John McCrone, left, and Father Bill Harms as Don Bosco High School celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2015. Photo by Jeremy Smith |
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The headmaster of Seton Hall Preparatory School has been tapped to take over as pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in Short Hills, a move that came as a surprise both to the high school's community and to those in the wealthy Catholic parish that has apparently been having some financial struggles.
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, the leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, told officials at the diocesan high school this week about his decision to move Monsignor Robert Harahan, its headmaster, to St. Rose of Lima parish, according to a letter sent to the school's community on Saturday.
"Msgr. Harahan's appointment is a surprise to him and all of us," the letter said. It was signed by Harahan and Seton Hall Prep President Monsignor Michael Kelly. "It was a decision made by the Cardinal out of urgent pastoral concern for the good of the parish."
It was unclear why the move was being made with such apparent urgency, and why Harahan was being moved weeks after the school year already started. A spokeswoman for the Newark Archdiocese did not respond to messages seeking comment.
A recent St. Rose of Lima bulletin shows that the parish had been running a budget deficit of more than $24,000 and that recent donations were down from the same period last year by about 15%.
The parish also has had its share of upheavals after a pastor was removed five years ago following an allegation that he sexually abused a minor.
Parishioners at St. Rose, which serves Millburn Township's Short Hills section, were informed of the change Sunday after Mass by their outgoing pastor, the Rev. John McCrone, who read a letter from Tobin. McCrone said he was stepping down as pastor because he needed to devote more time to his archdiocesan job as director of an office that helps educate priests. Some among the more than 100 people in attendance applauded when he concluded.
Harahan, who was appointed headmaster of Seton Hall Prep in 2014, is scheduled to take over as St. Rose's pastor on Oct. 18. He previously was a pastor at St. Theresa of Avila parish in Summit and St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Wyckoff.
None of the parishioners interviewed at the church on Sunday expressed displeasure with McCrone.
"I think he's fine as a pastor here," said Ed Szurkowski.
However, one woman, who didn't give her name, said of the change, "It seems very positive," declining to elaborate.
The letter to the Seton Hall Prep community said officials at the high school in West Orange are seeking a replacement and were "aware of the importance of maintaining the positive momentum with which the school year has begun." It continued: "The Board of Trustees is recommending to Cardinal Tobin a successor to the position of Headmaster and we await the Cardinal's response."
Harahan said by email that he was not available on Sunday to discuss the matter. McCrone, who has been at St. Rose for several years, declined to say when he was told about the move.
Several St. Rose parishioners said that the parish had been led by pastors who were there for only a short time immediately after Rev. George Trabold was removed as pastor following a sexual abuse allegation in 2014 that dated back to many years before his time at St. Rose. The parish also had been home at various times to four other priests who are on the archdiocese list of credibly-accused clerics.
"There's been a lot of changes in the parish," said Troy Klimek. "It's not a surprise they are shifting people around."
"Hopefully, one will come and stay for a while," Anthony Musyoka said of the prospect of a new pastor. "If you have one pastor, you have time to get to know him."
While McCrone has been parish pastor, he's also worked as director of the Newark Archdiocese office of Continuing Education and Formation of Priests.
That office is responsible for arranging "study days for the clergy to enrich and update their theological studies" along with clerical retreats and mentoring programs for new priests, according to the archdiocesan website.
Trabold, the former pastor, was not on a list of priests credibly accused of sex abuse released this year because his case is pending the result of a church trial, archdiocese officials have said. The allegation stems from the mid-1970s when he served at St. John the Evangelist in Bergenfield. The accuser's attorney has said his client received a monetary settlement in 2016.
Four other priests who served for a time at St. Rose of Lima appeared on the credibly accused list: Michael Fugee, who was defrocked after breaking an agreement with Bergen County law enforcement never to work with children; Kevin Gugliotta and Robert Stauffer, who have been permanently removed from ministry; and Michael O'Brien, who is deceased.