Maids Moreton: grooming investigation after aspiring vicar found guilty of murder new
By David Brown And Will Humphries
Times of London
August 9, 2019
St Edmunds Church in Maids Moreton |
The Church of England will order an investigation into fears that entire congregations can be “groomed” by abusers after an aspiring vicar was found guilty of murder.
Church officials had been warned of “serious concerns” about Benjamin Field but after he had murdered Peter Farquhar, 69, a parishioner, he was able to continue targeting a second elderly victim and was five days from possible selection for ordination when he was arrested.
The Church authorities have said that the case shows how vulnerable parishioners can become victims of abuse and whole congregations can be psychologically manipulated.
Field grew up in a deeply religious household. His father, the Rev Ian Field, was minister at Olney Baptist Church in Buckinghamshire. His mother, Beverley, was a parish clerk.