Diocese of Saginaw releases names of priests accused of abuse
By Austen Burks
July 21, 2019
When leaders of the country's two largest religious groups -- the Catholic Church and Southern Baptist Convention -- hold meetings this week, the separate conferences will have a common agenda: clergy sexual abuse. Photo by Arne Dedert |
The Diocese of Saginaw has named multiple priests from two religious communities who were credibly accused of abuse of a minor.
The Capuchin Order provided names of the following clergy who were involved in ministry in the Diocese of Saginaw. The Capuchins noted that the allegations against the following clergy did not arise in the Diocese of Saginaw. One additional name, John S. Rabideau, OMV (Oblates of the Virgin Mary) was also added to the diocesan website. Rabideau was never assigned to ministry in the Diocese of Saginaw.
Benedict Adams, OFM Cap, deceased
Baldwin Beyer, OFM Cap, deceased
Art Cooney, OFM Cap
James LaRéau, OFM Cap, deceased
John Steven Rabideau, OMV (Oblates of the Virgin Mary)
Austin Schlaefer, OFM Cap, deceased
Ken Stewart, OFM Cap
Elmer Stoffel, OFM Cap, deceased
If you are a victim of clergy abuse or know of someone who is, you are urged to make direct contact with local law enforcement and the Michigan Attorney General’s investigation hotline at 844-324-3374. You are also welcome to contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 989-797-6682 or victim.assistance@dioceseofsaginaw.org. The Victim Assistance Coordinator can assist victims in obtaining counseling services.
If you have cause to suspect a child or young person is being neglected or abused by anyone, immediately contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at its 24/7 hotline number: 855.444.3911. If you are currently witnessing child abuse or neglect, call 911.