| Credibly Accused Priests in the Kansas City, Ks Archdiocese (7/19)
July 18, 2019
The independent and respected website BishopAccountability.org lists 22 publicly accused KC KS archdiocesan clerics: John Brayley, William Bruning, Thomas F. Cawley, Lambert Dannenfelser, William A. Finnerty, James A. Forsythe, Lawrence Ginzkey, William M. Haegelin, Martin Juarez, Scott James Kallal, Steven Lamping, Adrian Lickteig, Finian Meis, Anthony Putti, Barry Richardson, Edward F. Roberts, Christopher Rossman, Frank Shepers, Dennis E. Schmitz, John Henry Wisner, Jr., Norman Charles Wolfe and Camillus Wurtz.
In addition to these names, here are some others on the official KC KS archdiocesan website listed as ‘credibly accused’ abusers: John Fiala, Dave Gottschalk, John J. Harrington, David Imming, Marvin Justi and Donald Redmond.
(To see where they worked, go to the archdiocesan website - archkck.org - and type in “substatiated allegations” into the search box at the top right hand side of the home page.)
The archdiocese claims that abuse allegations against William Haegelin are ‘unsubstantiated.’
--Since January, SNAP has discovered and disclosed these credibly accused abusive priests who were in the KC KS archdiocese but are NOT on the official archdiocesan ‘accused’ list (even though Catholic officials elsewhere have deemed nearly all of them ‘credibly accused’ child molesters). They are: Fr. Gilbert Stack, Fr. Placidus Kieffer, Fr. Thomas S. McShane, Fr. Philip D. Kraus, Fr. Anthony D. Palmese, Fr. Roger A. Sinclair, Fr. Eugene A. Maio, Fr. John C. (Fidelis) Forrester, Fr. Norman J. Rogge and Fr. Gregory Beyer.
--Four others are allegedly predatory Jesuits who were at St. Mary's College in St. Mary's, KS: Fr. Francis W. Callan (from 1942 – 1943), Fr. John A. Coughlin (from 1931 – 1935), Fr. Richard J. Pauson (from 1956 – 1959) and Fr. Patrick J. Conway (from 1931 – 1934). Their names appear on the Jesuits’ credibly accused list released in December.
--In a 2006 church publication (The Leaven), archdiocesan officials made public the names of two clerics who have sexually abused, exploited or harassed adults. (We suspect there are many more.) They are:
--Fr. Anthony Kiplagat, who has reportedly fled back home to Kenya from his parishes in Osage City and Scranton, and
--Fr. George Seuferling, who faces multiple allegations, was suspended more than seven years ago, and now is reportedly being defrocked, a process that involves the Vatican and often takes years.
[link] https://issuu.com/theleaven/docs/leaven_02-26-16/7