St. X releases list of brothers the school says were 'credibly accused' of abusing children
July 15, 2019
Fourteen brothers once assigned to St. X were named, dating from the 1930s until the 80s. |
St. X has released a list of brothers the school says were 'credibly accused' of abusing kids.
The list was created with the help of a retired FBI agent, who reviewed records going back decades.
Fourteen brothers once assigned to St. X were named, dating from the 1930s until the 80s. Of those, only the allegations against three happened during their time at the school.
The list is made up of dead or former brothers with a credible or established offense against children. That includes five whose cases couldn't be fully investigated.
St. X says with the information becoming public, some of the brothers are confessing, repenting and asking forgiveness from the survivors of abuse.
The school issued a message to alumni and current attendees about the abuse. In the message, the school says its mission "is to protect students and help them grow to reach their God-given potential." The brothers who've been accused of abuse are also named in the message.
Read the full message below:
Our school’s mission is to protect students and help them grow to reach their God-given potential. As a Xaverian Brothers school, we believe “in harmony, small things grow.” Child abuse stands in direct conflict with everything we stand for and believe.
The crisis of abuse in the Catholic Church requires ongoing response both to protect today’s children and affirm, acknowledge and support past victims. To that end, the Xaverian Brothers have taken recent measures to ensure transparency, protection and healing in the face of this crisis by releasing the names of Xaverian Brothers who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors, dating back to the 1930s. The list was created with the assistance of a retired FBI agent, who conducted a comprehensive review of the order’s records going back decades. They have provided Saint Xavier with the names of Brothers who were assigned to the school, a number of which were previously released by the Xaverian Brothers.
In addition to the details below, you can view the Xaverian Brothers statement and full list. With this release, the Brothers are confessing, repenting and asking forgiveness from the survivors of abuse in
order to begin, hopefully, to heal.
The individuals who were previously assigned to Saint Xavier High School are listed below. The allegations against them did not necessarily occur during their time at St. X. (*Indicates that the allegation is related to his service at Saint Xavier High School.) The years of their assignment at our
school are listed in parenthesis.
Deceased or former Brothers with a credible or established offense against a minor (anyone under the age of 18):
Brother “Ricardo” Albert Kerressey (1938-1942)
Brother “Francis Jerome” William Burns (1939-1940)
Brother “Alois” Donald O’Toole (1940-1941)
Brother “Brennan” John Devoe (1953-1960)
Brother “Bosco” Thomas Harrison (1956-1963)
Brother “Kentigern” William Carbin (1958-1962)*
Brother “Barton” George Gardiner (1959-1964)
Brother “Damian” John McMahon (1965-1974)
Brother “Pierre” James McCormack (1973-1984)*
Deceased or former Xaverian Brothers with an allegation of an offense against a minor (anyone under the age of 18) that could not be fully investigated to determine credibility, but for which there is a reasonable possibility (semblance of truth) that the alleged offense occurred:
Brother “Cosmas” Francis Dailey (1932, 1941)
Brother “Rudolph” Thomas Holihan (1934-1936)
Brother “Jerome” Leroy Lamont (1952-1957)
Brother “Remigius” Francis O’Lone (1952-1955)
Brother “Lucas” Charles Cummings (1967-1977)*
Please know that for many years, we have had in place strict protections for the students in our care, enforced through zero tolerance for any violation. Additionally, any allegation or information is reported immediately to the civil authorities.
If you or someone you know has been abused, or if you have knowledge of any child sexual abuse, please report it to the civil authorities and to the Xaverian Brothers if it involves a member of their community.
As a faith community, we pray for justice and peace for survivors of abuse and continue to work with purpose to eradicate this scourge from the Church.