More Names Released in Arizona, but not by Church Officials
By Zach Hiner, Tim Lennon
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
June 26, 2019
Today, the names of more abusive clergy who worked and lived in Arizona will be revealed at a press conference. We are grateful to Jeff Anderson and his team for getting this important information out to the public. At the same time, we are disappointed that this transparency did not come from church officials themselves.
Informed communities are safer communities, and the more information about accused clergy that church officials share with parents and parishioners, the more knowledgeable and vigilant they will be. This helps protect children and vulnerable adults. Similarly, when church officials release information about abusers, the communities where those abusers served in will know to look deeper in their midst for survivors who may not have come forward but are still in need of help.
Simply put, transparency is good for everyone.
So we are glad that independent reports continue to be publicized and that this important information gets released. We hope that in the future, church officials will live up to their promise to be “open and honest” regarding cases of clergy sex abuse and will release this kind of information on their own.