| Independent Group Applauds Bishop's Appointment to Diocese Finance Council
By Harold McNeil
Buffalo News
June 24, 2019
An independent organization of Buffalo Catholics is applauding the appointments of a new chairman and three lay people to the finance council of the Buffalo Diocese.
Members of the Movement to Restore Trust, which seeks to restore trust in the church in the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal, praised the appointments as a step toward increased "financial transparency."
Malone recently named James J. Beardi, president and CEO of M&T Bank's mortgage banking subsidiary, as chairman of the diocese's finance council. Also appointed to the council were Carrie B. Frank, principal at Frank Executive Solutions; Maureen Ludwig, managing director of state regulatory matters for Deloitte LLP; and Frederick G. Attea, senior counsel with Phillips Lytle.
The finance council is responsible for approving and monitoring the diocesan operating budget and providing input to the bishop regarding the financial affairs of the diocese.