Catholic, after all, does mean universal. The church is global and there are many issues affecting it — not just McCarrick.
Geography does play a major part, if you’re a journalist, on what you choose to cover. This takes us, as many Vatican-related stories do these days in the United States, back to the McCarrick saga and the revelations put forth by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
To recap, it was last August when Vigano, a former Vatican ambassador to Washington, said he had personally told Pope Francis about penalties imposed on McCarrick, by the pontiff’s predecessor Benedict as far back as 2006. Widely discredited, art first, by many mainstream news outlets, Vigano was hailed a credible whistleblower by Catholic websites on the doctrinal right. The pope has denied these accusations.
Since then, the Vatican has wanted this story to go away — but it just won’t. A recent story by The Washington Post makes that clear. In a fascinating interview (he answered 40 questions via email with journalists at the newspaper), Vigano accused the pope of “blatantly lying” in denying knowledge of the sexual abuse allegations against the now-defrocked cardinal.
“The results of an honest investigation would be disastrous for the current papacy,” Vigano added.
In other words, Vigano doubled down on those initial allegations, and the mainstream press is finally taking notice.
Those damning comments got a lot of pickup on Catholic news sites who find themselves opposed to Francis. Kudos to the Post for going beyond the press conference and speaking getting Vigano, now in hiding, and for reporting out a story that (despite Vatican efforts) continues to have legs.
That story forced Francis to address the issue of nuncios blabbing about him — although he did not name Vigano — during prepared remarks handed to the Vatican ambassadors gathered in Rome for what has become a once every three years meeting between the pontiff and the heads of the Holy See’s diplomatic missions.
Vigano, as a result of his Post interview, sent a letter to LifeSite, a Catholic news website, clarifying why he ever went public with his accusations against his boss.
I trusted that Pope Francis would do things as any pope would have done. I always trusted in him. And then, once I saw that he himself was covering them up, I couldn’t remain quiet.
At around the same time, U.S. Catholic bishops voted on a set of protocols, most notably a national hotline for reporting sexual abuse committed or mishandled by bishops.
We’ve come to expect websites like Crux to do extensive reporting on something like this, but the attention the Post gave to the announcement was another sign the paper has upped its game on the issue of clergy sex abuse on the heels of its Vigano scoop. Its story on the hotline — although it erred in failing to mention McCarrick — did ultimately have a lot to do with “Uncle Ted’s” past misdeeds.
Like in all scandals, the McCarrick-Vigano imbroglio has become a “he said, he said” type of story. Without any real proof — documents or others going on the record to back up the story — it leaves reporters either to do some more digging or place it on the back burner. The aim of good journalism is to trigger change. Even the Catholic church, so immutable over the centuries, has been forced to address this plague. That’s what good journalism can do.
Whenever you have a whistleblower like Vigano, you know you can go back to him and pump him for more information. The well of Vigano information, as seen from this latest interview, may be running a bit dry. It did revive the story for a few days, but new information will need to come out in order for it to return back into the news cycle.
One more thing: Reporters sometimes get bored with a story — my experience is editors feel that way more often — unless it moves the needle significantly. Incremental movement on a story isn’t something that often, as I used to say when I worked as an editor, “deserves a new headline.”
The editor side of my brain, however, doesn’t think we’ve heard the end of the McCarrick-Vigano saga. It is something that has dominated the last year and something that, for better or worse, will follow Francis for the remainder of his papacy.