Reason for Hope
The Intelligencer
June 16, 2019
Editor, News-Register:
While Catholics lament the behavior of our leadership, I have hope for the future. Profligate spending is difficult to digest. Abusive behavior from leaders cannot be tolerated and victims must receive justice from their church.
We have a right to be angry.
While attending a conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville, we began with discouragement. By the end of the weekend, we left with renewed hope. It was apparent the Catholic Church is thriving at FUS and throughout our country. We met people from dioceses nationwide who shared outstanding things happening in their churches. We concluded the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston is being purified by fire and new growth will rise from the ash heap.
In the early 1200s, God called St. Francis of Assisi to “Rebuild My Church.” In the spirit of St. Francis, consider encouraging one another and the faithful clergy to rebuild once again!
It may take time, but the blood of martyrs over the last 2,000 years and today worldwide creates fertile conditions for fresh growth. Scandals will likely continue as long as people are in charge, but I cannot forget our church’s positive influence on the world: orphanages; hospitals; education systems; the defense of all forms of life; artwork; music; and, the largest charitable organization on the globe.
The foremost reason I could never leave the Catholic Church is the peace I receive in the Eucharist, established by Jesus at the last supper, and offered in mass every hour of every day around the planet.
St. Augustine, bishop in North Africa, said a prayer in the late 300s that was on target: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” There is hope.
John Faini