| Victims" Group Wants Catholic Archdiocese to Update List of Clergy Abuse
By Niraj Warikoo
Detroit Free Press
June 12, 2019
An advocacy group that monitors abuse by Catholic Church leaders called upon the Archdiocese of Detroit on Tuesday to update its list of priests accused of sexual abuse, saying it needs to do more to alert the public about problems with clergy.
Gathering outside the office of the Archdiocese of Detroit, leaders with Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) said that the Archdiocese has not done enough to publicly name priests facing credible abuse allegations.
In March, SNAP held a news conference outside the archdiocesan office in Detroit, saying there were 28 additional Catholic priests that should be on the public list. SNAP said the Archdiocese has not moved quickly enough to add more priests to the list, a claim the Archdiocese denies.
"There are more names that should be on the list," Jeanne Hunton, the new Michigan director for SNAP, told the Free Press. "The longer those people go unnamed, the longer victims will be victimized."
SNAP also called upon state legislators in Michigan to not cut funding for the office of Attorney General Dana Nessel, who is leading investigations into Catholic clergy abuse in Michigan. And SNAP said that drug charges should be filed against a former Catholic priest in Michigan accused of abuse.
SNAP's announcement came as Catholic bishop across the U.S. are gathering this week in Baltimore for the annual meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), where they are expected to discuss ways to improve how bishops respond to allegations of sexual abuse by clergy.
On May 24, Nessel announced that five Catholic priests have been charged in cases involving allegations of sexual abuse.
In response to SNAP's claims, Ned McGrath, director of public affairs for the Archdiocese of Detroit, said: "Our list is continually updated as we receive new information."
McGrath said: "In recent months, the Archdiocese of Detroit was made aware of concerns about names of religious order priests not included on our list of clergy credibly accused of abuse. At that time, we committed to re-examine each name on our list, as well as the information provided by the many religious orders that have worked in our area. This commitment stands."
McGrath said they have to carefully review cases before placing them on the list.
"It is the responsibility of the religious orders to review and substantiate complaints against their priests, whom they oversee," he said. "Adding these names to our list requires communication with each religious order and a careful and thorough review of the information they provide to us. Some of the 30 religious orders currently serving in the archdiocese have made public the names of their priests who have been credibly accused of clerical sexual abuse of a minor; some have not. The archdiocese is actively working with all the religious orders to ensure that the most accurate information is listed and available to the public on our website."
McGrath added they have placed more priests on the list since March, when SNAP first raised its concerns.
"On May 17, 2019, we added deceased priest Father Jan (John) Tyminski to the list, following a posthumous complaint being reported to the archdiocese and deemed credible. In addition, we added the names of Patrick Casey, Neil Kalina, PIME and Lawrence Ventline, all publicly named as subjects of a state investigation" by the office of Nessel.
"The archdiocese appreciates any assistance and updates from members of the community in our efforts to keep our information updated and accurate."
Ventline was never charged with any abuse. In a statement last month, Ventline said a "false claim" was made against him by a "demanding" anonymous person. He said police dismissed the case against him two years ago and notes that he was not charged.
In the case of Kalina, SNAP is also asking for drug charges to be filed against him. According to prosecutors, the priest allegedly plied his victim with cocaine and marijuana.
A report in the Shelby-Utica News said that Kalina had been charged in 1985 with a cocaine charge, for which he was sentenced on a reduced charge to two years of probation with six months in jail.
SNAP also called upon legislators in Michigan to not cut funding for Nessel's office so it can continue to investigate clergy abuse. Republican leaders had proposed slashing $2 million from her budget.
Zach Hiner, Executive Director of SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) (Photo: Zach Hiner)
Nessel spokesperson Kelly Rossman-McKinney said: “We continue to meet with legislators on both sides of the aisle to discuss our budget concerns and the issue of funding our clergy abuse investigation is a high priority. We have already charged five priests and that is only the tip of the iceberg. We know the legislature recognizes the nature of our work is nonpartisan and that we treat all victims the same. In the case of clergy abuse funding, the legislature simply needs to specifically earmark $2 million in revenue that we have already received in settlement monies from other unrelated cases."
Zach Hiner, executive director for SNAP, told the Free Press that the Archdiocese of Detroit needs to "be more aggressive, be more open" in investigating allegations and publicizing the information. "Use your pulpit and power to spread that information. It can benefit the people."
Contact Niraj Warikoo:nwarikoo@freepress.com, 313-223-4792, Twitter @nwarikoo. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
To file a complaint
The Attorney General's tip line is 844-324-3374 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday or send information by email to aginvestigations@michigan.gov or visit mi.gov/clergyabuse to file a complaint or report a tip. You can submit tips anonymously if you want.
Individuals also may contact the Archdiocese of Detroit by visiting protect.aod.org, calling the toll-free, 24/7 victim assistance line at (866) 343-8055 or by emailing vac@aod.org