| The Emphatic Statement in Pell's Decision to Don His Clerical Collar
By Debbie Cuthbertson
The Age
June 5, 2019
If clothes maketh the man, or at least provide an insight into his state of mind, then George Pell's decision to wear his clerical collar on the first day of his appeal seemed an emphatic statement.
He was last seen in civvies, sans collar, in a fawn jacket and open-necked shirt, as he was sentenced to six years in prison in March, an event that dramatically impugned the already sullied reputation of the Catholic Church.
George Pell arriving at the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning.
His donning this time of his clerical uniform of a priest's collar with black shirt and black jacket was a declaration in itself, a protestation of his innocence and his intention to reinstate his reputation, so mired in scandal after his conviction of sexually abusing two choirboys in 1996.
It also shows what's at stake. Pell, who turns 78 on Saturday, faces a potential Vatican trial and defrocking after more than half a century as a priest, during which he rose to the posts of priest in Ballarat, Archbishop of Melbourne and Sydney, and latterly a cardinal, one of the global church's most senior figures.
After more than three months in custody at Melbourne Assessment Prison, Pell looked no worse for wear – even healthier than his apparent frailty during his sentencing.
Pell was released on bail to have knee surgery after being found guilty in December, and he used a cane to support himself when he was sentenced in March. But on Wednesday, he seemed to move more easily as he entered the courtroom and sat calmly and attentively as proceedings began.
Back in court on Wednesday morning he was represented by his new lawyer, the mild mannered Sydney silk Bret Walker, in contrast to the pugnacious Melbourne QC Robert Richter, who led his defence.
As Walker outlined the grounds for his appeal, teasing out what he described as discrepancies in the prosecution case, Pell sat with his hands crossed, a yellow notepad and pen in front of him.
He moved his hands almost constantly in the first half hour, crossing and uncrossing them, occasionally taking notes, stroking his chin and his lip, taking his glasses off and putting them back on.
His expression gave nothing away but these gestures, which later settled somewhat, perhaps signalled a nervousness underlying the impassive facade.
Several times, he lowered his eyes ever so fleetingly while Walker described as "bizarrely odd", "atrocious" and "disgraceful" the acts for which Pell had been convicted.
Walker was firm but exceedingly polite to the justices, and employed the occasional clever turn of phrase. At one point he said the complainant's description of Pell having been at the western door of the cathedral, far away from the sacristy, just before one of the assaults was "as good as being across the Tasman".
The public gallery was full, but the appeal had none of the febrile theatre that accompanied Pell's sentencing.
The opening day of the appeal was more procedure than drama, with Walker interrupted by the three justices occasionally asking for clarification on nuances in his argument.
George Pell in court on Wednesday.
Some who attended had come from interstate to support Pell. Jesuit priest Frank Brennan, who previously expressed his "devastation" at Pell's conviction, appeared to be one of few representatives of the church to attend.
Others such as Chrissie Foster, whose two daughters' lives were destroyed by their rape by a Catholic priest, and Peter Fox, the Newcastle detective whose career was destroyed by blowing the whistle on such crimes, were there to represent victims of clergy abuse.
If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or beyondblue 1300 224 636.